God Will Make a Way // While in Quarantine (Part 1)

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Jesus good morning Richard your feet as we enter into worship tonight is our start of our third service we are excited to see you tonight but most of all you should be excited to be here in the presence of God come on it's not just the morning now now we get to give a praise all day long come on let's get our hands together great glorious sing our God is great in Gloria's we put our trust in your name Jesus as we do able to say oh we put a hump in your name Jesus the blessing and on raises your come on that the people have got crazy you know and think of the Lord that's pretty our God's mighty and marvel we put a trust in your name Jesus we put our hope in your name Jesus together we believe that God is in control steadfast unmovable nothing possible Oh God humans forever Oh come on let's raise a hallelujah up in this house come on we all know that the city needs it come on we know our friends need it our families need it and there's only one name only one name if we lift him up all we have to do is I'll raise a hallelujah yes in the presence of my enemies in our yeah louder than your police louder baby yes I will always my weapon my wish my ability I will always a Harley is heaven yeah to fight for me I guess it does who's ready to raise a million tonight come on we will take don't hold anything back with everything we be inside of me king of kings the darkness the mystery I will yes I will come on - your hold on me while we believe the king is alive yes he is risen he's risen we have also risen with him come on help me sing it how safe while they haven't here you I'll see survive for me is true not so that words can come out and fall to the ground but that we can speak life just as he breathed life and to us we are images of him and we breathe life into the situation we're in life where there is poverty we breathe into that otherwise we speak into that and speaking opposite of that that there is blessing that there was more than enough beneath where there is sickness come every single strike that was on his back he took our critter our transgressions with him come on he was nailed to the cross he is from our transgressions by his stripes we are here so we take that healing in Jesus name we speak it into existence in every single area of our lives that's where we sing a little bit louder in the presence of our enemies and he will make our enemies our footstool that's what the Word of God says and so that's what we choose to believe tonight come on we will raise and lift him up because he's a good guy see you little louder see I will see little doubter single sorry see little I'll sing mr. Wong the presence for me from she's alive we thank you because you are alive yesterday today and forever and everything my husband representing death and our lives is now coming back to life every single dry bone every dead bone is coming to life right now because our victory rests in Jesus Christ we worship you lowly the heart we surrender to you you see the battles already were all the fights already were you hold the world your enemies crash to Betty's as we were eyes up like wants to as we cry out I was she's you know instead she's no one Monsoor you know you want well we bless your name tonight you are so close your body you're great you're beautiful and right now we take this moment father to lift up your great Jesus to recognize what you have done for us Holy Spirit to take your hand and for you to guide us we give you go you are the you are the great there's no one like you there's no one like you Oh see the hammer spell at your feet for you news a thousand angels see you are awful to all the snow you're one - every hand lifted in this place the presence of God is in this place let's just me get your welcome his presence but seeing a course one more time every hand lifted in this place he's here from the Omega he's the beginning in the end each to curly Father we thank you God for your presence we think you got for your spirit that is in this place we thank you that your word that says where two or three that are gathered in my name there you will be we thank you where you are at Holy Spirit there is freedom there is salvation there is healing there is deliverance we worship You Jesus we thank you for your spirit that is in this place ready to move I want us to begin to pray a prayer as many as beginning to know that there's a there's a virus going around and in our nation and around Washington and around our world there's many is the coronaviruses many you guys have known and a married couple statistics there has been about 100,000 cases confirmed worldwide about three and a half thousand deaths worldwide confirmed and in our nation alone we've had 19 deaths total and in our state Washington alone we've had 16 of those deaths so this is a very whether it's social media is is blowing up more than it should be or not there's people that know are dying from this and the social media is bringing a lot of fear and a lot of fear into homes and then to a lot of that the stores are being bought out with toilet paper and water and just people are going to the extreme and and we're leaving right now the people are living in a state of mine of fear but we know the Bible second Timothy 1:7 it says he didn't give us a spirit of fear but of power of love and a sound mind Amen Church and we're gonna begin to Assam give me that spirit give me that spirit of love power of sound mind that this this virus will not touch me and my family amen and we're gonna begin to come against this virus church together as a family when we have the power of life and death at the tip heart under right now we're gonna begin to speak and a end to this virus amen we can just speak and enter the fear that is spreading among our nation and the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray so let's begin to open up our lips Church and let's begin to pray against this virus let's begin to pray us stop to it and begin to pray us up to the fear that is roaming around our nation or roaming around our social media Jesus my team let's begin to open up our lips let's begin to pray against it and Jesus mighty name we pray before you in we just give you our bodies father God we give you who we are in our food system water God that you will put your blood upon our body that you will wash escape in your father that every single virus every sickness in the name of Jesus I come in then Jesus wine save church I want to tell you something when we come again something when we come against a sickness when we come against a fear in our nation and week when we come a cancer with the name Jesus I want to let you know the power that that name Jesus holds what Jesus was on the boat with the disciples and the wind and the waves were bashing on the boat and as storm was beginning to happen and all the disciples were scared exactly what's happening in our world right now fear is spreading a state of fear a state of emergency is beginning to happen same thing that happened on the boat and what happened is they called Jesus out they said Jesus the wind in the waves there and they're just too much and what did Jesus do he didn't come they're afraid what he did is he looked at the the wind in the waves and he commanded him to salt and they soft and the disciple looked at him and said who is this man that even the wind in the waves obey in amen and that name is Jesus that name is a Jeter named a wheel that we live by the name that we hold authority in it when we come against it the spread has to song Amen Church and I want to pray that right now for the people that have been affected in it there's been death but the people that already affected I want us to pray right now that the blood of Jesus just begins to cover them and begin to wash them well every single sickness that whatever it may be they have that sickness right now but the power of God the healing power of God will begin to manifest in their bodies and begin to supernaturally remove those sicknesses their mentors how many guys believe it that the name Jesus had the power to remove it let's begin to pray Church yes in Jesus mighty name when the enemy comes like a blood father you lift up a standard in the mighty name of Jesus we come against every coronavirus in Jesus mighty name out of our city out of our state out of our country Jesus buddy the pilot the people's body Jesus fighting we come against that virus thing that steals kills your knees rise all precious Holy Spirit right now as a church being connected with you God here we come again to every single person that is effective God we speak that virus out of that body and the mighty name of Jesus leave that body he's spirit of destruction Jesus money-they father lift up a standard lift up we were at least we release our Flay father God let there be healing in that body let me be healing in that body like they have huge system come alive in Jesus fighting every virus that is not if you be guarding she's just my today amen amen in the church shouted amen god is good church and all the time amen amen give your neighbor high-five as we will get ahead back to our seats and Jesus name everybody this is buddy t-shirt the CEO at soles for Souls and for the month of March we are so excited to be partnering with all of you to help provide shoes to people in need March 15th is national shoe the world day shoes mattered to everybody around the world and for every 10 seconds this month you will provide one pair of shoes to the personally so we look forward to working with you in March it's always great to be a part of this campaign and know that every 10 check-ins provides a one pair of shoes and you are making a real difference thanks for your help good evening hungry Jenna how we're all doing turn to your neighbor time I'm happy to see you here what I want us to do as you have listened to this video that we partnered up with a company called Cosley that for every 10 chickens there's gonna be a pair of shoes donated on our behalf to those who are in need so take out your phone take a picture selfie with your neighbor or with somebody that's next to you or just check into a hungry Jen on Facebook and this way we're able to provide those who are in need so take that time right now just check in let everybody know that you are in the house of God this evening come out somebody we want to make a few announcements before we go into offering that every Sunday 11:30 we did we have thing called grow track so what grows track is all about is getting to know hungry Jen and how we can get involved and become part of the team we have a vision of Lee reaching thousands locally millions globally and we cannot do it by ourselves we need you we need me we need everybody to be able to be part of this vision of reaching families reaching marriages and those who are Anita meant church so when you get to know about hungry Jen there's many ministries and we as we say here that it's not on the talent a one but sacrifices of many Amen Church you and I we have a part of this vision where we can serve where we can preach where we can help to see that vision come to pass amen Church we also want to let you know that as you're coming to this place and it fits your time you never been here you never filled out this connect card we want to get to know you we want to talk with you we wanna if you want to meet the majority in the worship team we have a thing called VIP lounge so it's right in the back of Malica if you can wave your hand back there it's right behind Malachi and if it's your first time we want to see you after service meet with you and we have a gift for you you'll be able to fill out one of these connect cards and on behalf of you we can donate $20 to an organization of a choice that is on this card so we want to see you there right after service before we go into offering I want to read scripture to you that comes first from 1st chronicles 4 verse 10 and this is a scripture where jay-bez calls unto the God and he says this and Jamis called on the God of Israel saying oh that she would bless me indeed somebody say bless me indeed he says and enlarge my territory somebody says enlarge my territory that your hand will be with me and that you would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain and listen to this and says so God granted him what he requested it is the will of God for you to be a blessing to somebody that doesn't need God does not find pleasure of us living from paycheck to paycheck living from hand to mouth not have enough that is not the will of God God's will is for us to be prosperous that we will be a blessing to this generation a man church now when we come to somebody that is in need we say you know it God has blessed me so much that I can bless you but the way that happens is when we partner up with God through our giving when we say God will you bless me with this job you bless me with this education you bless me with these finances and I want to honor you and as you honor God you become the tool that God says I'll use this finances to bless those who are in need we are the hands we are the feet we are the eyes we are the mouth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and he's looking for those who are available and as we become available through our finances God will begin to expand it territory and he's gonna bless you in Jesus mighty name Amen Church there's three ways to give you can give through the envelopes that's behind your pew you can also give online if you go to hungry Jenna calm /give or you can give through our text you can just text any amount to eight four three two one and you can participate in the act of giving through that I just want to right now to pray for each one of us as we're going to give if you can take your phone your wallets cash whatever you're gonna get we're gonna pray right now that God will same prayer that Jada presents prayed we're gonna say god bless me indeed enlarge my territory that I will become a blessing to those who I need I don't want to just be just live for myself I want to live a lifestyle that I am a blessing to those who are around me do what those who are needy men church let's begin to pray father we thank you for this grace to give father we thank you that you have blessed us Lord you've given us so much Lord we ask you that we become a blessing to our generation as we partner up with you through giving as we honor you with our finances that our finances will go more and beyond further than us Lord it will go through the gospel or it'll go to those who are in need we'd go to those who do not have enough Lord and through our finances will be Kingdom builders in Jesus mighty name we pray and everybody said amen that's the baskets we'll go around you can put your offering in there and let us watch a video God did not created you for deliverance he created you for Dominion in the beginning when God blessed Adam and Eve he's blessed them and he didn't give them delivered as he says have Romanian through the gifts for righteousness and the abundance of grace the Bible doesn't say so we get delivered it's so that we reign in life has been and still is Dominion business I give you authority to trample upon snakes I give you power to rise I give you anointing to have victory Jesus crushed the head of the serpent on the cross and when Jesus came back he says I have the power in heaven and God created you for Dominion amen let's put our hands together for Jesus hallelujah Wow welcome you guys to our very first 6 p.m. service hallelujah amen this service is a testimony in and of itself you know we have come so far as a church and so just to see everybody here on this evening service it's amazing so we want to welcome all of you guys me if this is your first time you're like oh there's not that many people here we did that on purpose because we made room for you amen and for all of the people who were you know work during the day and not able to come to service this service is for you guys we're so glad that you could be here today to celebrate with us and we celebrate you in Jesus name so we're gonna move into a time of testimonies as well can you guys please help me welcome this lovely couple who are gonna share with you today about what God has done in their lives you know the evidence of Jesus Christ is lives being changed and we have this wonderful couple here today who want to share with you about what God has been doing in their lives so first can you tell us your names and where you're from I'm Alexandria ledesma and I am from Pasco and I'm Abraham Ledesma also from Pasco so you guys can you tell us how you first came to hungry generation and what your life was like before you gave your life to Jesus Christ and how things have been different since then our first time coming was during a Christmas special the sauce December but February 2nd we started coming regularly and multiple times a week before hunger generation I was a very lonely depressed person to where I would cry all day stay in bed doing nothing I could be surrounded by family friends people who said that they loved me and wanted me there but I would still feel so alone and just in my own on my own shell and then five and a half years ago I gave birth to my daughter and my hips popped out of place to where it made it difficult to stand to sit do anything for a long period of time but on February 2nd I came up front and I received healing they put their hands on my hips they prayed I felt the vibration through my body and I no more felt pain I was able to move my joints and I felt good I felt really good amen let's put our hands together for Jesus hallelujah wow what an amazing thing come to church pretty much for your first time in God heals you right there on the spot Alexandria can you tell us a little bit more what happened to you that day after that happened getting physical healing I wanted more of an emotional and spiritual healing so I decided to give my heart and soul to God and since then I no longer feel depressed I am happy I just feel joy and I know I'm not alone I know he's always there and I love it's a great feeling to have amen hallelujah let's give it up for Jesus amen let's I'll have you switch places with Abraham so Abraham tell us a little bit just like Alexandria what your life was like before you gave your life to Jesus Christ and how things have been different for you since then before I started coming here I was just a very as well lonely I was a cold just stubborn person I had a very like a stubborn cold hard didn't want to let nobody in like my really shows people weren't good at all my family and my friends and on the day that I received healing physical healing God also touched my heart and from that day on forward I've just like felt a different outlook on life my heart is no longer made out of stone it's literally been touched by God amen let's put our hands together for Jesus Abraham you mentioned that you had received a healing on that same day can you tell us what the Lord healed you from I had a severe ankle injury where I twisted my ankle and down that day I actually was limping on the way to church and on the day that I was healed they put hands on my leg and I thought vibration throughout my whole entire leg and later on that damn were running not here at church but running outside of church and I was just so happy that I was just smiling and running people are fiery but I didn't care just happy that I was healed Amen hallelujah you know when Jesus Christ touches you he heals you you give your life to Jesus your whole life is completely transformed we've seen that here today with Abraham and Alexandria and the way that the Lord touched them not only did they receive salvation that day but God touched them and healed their bodies as well and God wants to do the same for every single person here in this room so can you guys tell me what is your advice that you have for people who might be here today in this room or watching us online how can you encourage their faith today yeah it's just a be bold and be courageous God already brought you here you've already made the first step by coming here now you just got to come up front and confront God and send her surrender everything to him amen and we'll ask the same to you Alexandria what would you say to encourage people here in the room today don't wait God is already here with you like Abraham said he brought you this far all you need to do is look up and say God take me he has his hound his he has his hand reached down to you all you have to do is grab it and he will take everything from there all your burdens your pain your depression your fear your loneliness he replaces it with happiness with love with with fulfill 'no sand something that you don't want to pass up i would just say just give it a shot it's something you won't regret ever amen hallelujah thank you guys so much for sharing your testimony with us today hallelujah hallelujah we're so grateful for what God is doing here in our community and our church that's what God has been doing locally but we were going to fix our eyes on the screen right now to see what God has been doing around the globe through our ministry as pastor Vlad went to the Philippines this past week life is like tennis those who serve well seldomly lose as long as there is some rest inside of you and your heartbeat and you have opportunity to serve sure you have opportunity to love love you have opportunity to kill kill you have opportunity to forgive forgive if there is an evangelism happening you better be there why because the best way to get out of health situation is to serving not crying not complaining not self pity not me not selfishness but serving somebody say Amen if you didn't write your notes I want you to write this down the gifts of the Holy Spirit comes from three things desperation importation and association but they are released through only one thing service we thank you God as disciples they shook their world they flipped their cities upside down I thank you God that this is our time we were born for this hour and Lord no we don't have what they had but we have you a little more sweetness on the best friend I would think it could be I think if he got it in fest free so favorite were let's let's be continued specific and you pain in my chest and everything it's not coronavirus I see I see your mask over there some just wondering how do you feel enough and it's like Jesus name God bless you amen don't watch I was recently four days ago I was recently that I need a certain level of my spine so my doctor said I should have avoided paying heavy weights and whenever I want I sometimes experience dragging my left foot and even hard to lift my left hand or arm so yeah what happened today today I experienced he was asleep whatever expertise gunshot gunshot gunshot you got shot imagine why I mean with robbery oh I'm so sorry but then I can have my operation there is I honed my lungs but literally I come back to my doctor and he said there is a scar in your lungs and he is that if there's nothing because your body so I felt the pain every time I'm I believe I did great there's a living in my lungs but right now I pray to God be the glory amen but everything that he's done you know I'm looking at this room my heart is full of joy there was a time our biggest service was you know less than this this was considered a miracle and today you know we see three services I know it's not about the numbers but but every person matters to God amen and so I just want to say you're a part of something amazing there's gonna be a day we're gonna remember this when we have five services excuse me one service in a in the larger facility we really believe the Lord's gonna give us a big facility we believe that we're gonna be a church of 10,000 members we believe we're gonna be a church of thousands of cell group leaders or live group leaders we believe the Lord is going to what we see on our conferences where you know thousands of people come to the Lord and come to receive prayer we're gonna see that every single weekend here it's gonna be like a raised to deliver every weekend and revival bubbling growing and amazing awesome things that will take place amen I believe that we will see healings that would be that will mind-blowing things that will be proven by science by medical community of the Lord Healing people who are lame people who are born with incurable diseases and so God still heals amen we probably believe an amazing God we have a great faith and we pray both prayers can somebody say Amen are you with me I have a I had a sermon in the morning but in the evening I have a message what is the difference between the sermon and the message a sermon you prepare for a message you don't message just comes to you and so so yes it's gonna be slightly different and I'm just gonna title it the fear of a funeral it's just we were worshiping and this just just came and so I had Danny print some notes that I wrote down if you have a Bible and I'm just gonna share with you I believe this is for somebody and if it's not for somebody it will be just for me for all of us Amen or somebody may be watching a live stream will be watching it very soon Exodus chapter 14 and verse 12 is this not the word that we told you in Egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians for it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians then that we should die in the wilderness and Moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace fear is natural yet demonic the Bible says in 2nd Timothy and Zachk quoted chapter 1 verse 7 for God has not given us a spirit of fear that tells us that fear is not only an emotion fear can start as an emotion and can turn into a spirit you can start first being afraid of something you have logical explanation and then when fear moves from an emotion and it begins to control your reaction changes your confession and paralyzes you in your current situation and it blocks the promises of God in the future you can know one thing you're not dealing with an emotion you're dealing with the spirit and this spirit is to hold you back from your future and hold you connected to your past fear is not only a spirit but it can be an emotion it can be an emotion but it's also a spirit fear also changes our focus because what fear does is it magnifies the past and it shuts down the future what fear does is that fear glorifies the problem and it minimizes the promise what fear does is it makes us have an amnesia when we forget what God did and we only remember what God hasn't done what fear causes us to do is we lose focus Israel is there they just experienced the great miracle of Exodus God did an amazing work and there they are saying that it would have been better to be slaves completely forgot the perspective that slavery wasn't fun it wasn't good and they said it would have been better that we died as slaves that we died as people in the wilderness fear will mess with your focus it's a focus problem fear messes with your perspective you don't see things in the right perspective you see things blurred and twisted fear not only messes with our perspective and it changes our focus but fear also it paralyzes and changes our confession if we begin to speak things that are not in line with our faith we begin to speak things that are in line with our feelings we begin to say things like I am sick instead of saying I am healthy fighting sickness we begin to identify ourselves no longer with Jesus we identify ourselves with our symptoms we no longer say I am righteous fighting sin we say I am a sinner trying to get righteous our confession begins to change and confession is very important because whatever constantly comes out of your mouth will dictate the direction of your life if we confess things that are negative constant I'm not saying that you have a bad day once in a while and you can't you know set stuff and you know you had a difficult day and you you let somebody have it and you vomited your feelings there's nothing wrong with that we all have that as part of being a human the problem is if that day has become your lifestyle if only once in a while positive things come out but the moment somebody cuts you open you bleed negativity you bleed pessimism you bleed the reality your confession who reflects your circumstances instead of reflecting the promises of God when David faced Goliath David did not look at Goliath in panic and fear he looked at him with faith and he says today is gonna be your funeral and I'm so sorry you should have warned your mom this is your last day you're dead bro you're gone I mean this faith wasn't that a woman had a bleeding problem and she says as I touched the hem of His garment I will be healed confession in her heart directed her toward her miracle when you have fear you begin to say things like I'm going to die why is bad things happening to me fear it affects your speech it affects your confession it makes you complain more praise less it makes you ask more worship less because fear dictates your confession fear see faith moves mountains fear creates them faith will move mountains fear will build them faith will overthrow the Giants and fear will make them permanent and make them concrete faith is is the thing of the Holy Spirit it's inside of our spirit and faith is as real faith is seeing things that are not there as though they are there now our five senses everybody here has five senses hopefully they all work function really well but a lot of our five senses they rely on other senses for example my mind relies my ears my ears my mouth my nose and my touch will rely a lot on my eyes if my eyes see something my ears don't have to hear it I believe it because my eyes just told me if my ears hear something my eyes don't have to see like my eyes don't see music my ears hear it and my eyes believe it to be true the rest of my senses submit to one sense and we have to understand same thing happens with our faith your faith is the last is one more sense it's called your spiritual sense where you trust the Word of God you believe that to be true and you act as though it's true and your reality and your senses they submit to that truth that you will be healed that you will have a breakthrough that you will see your family coming to know the Lord that as long as there's a breath in your nostrils that God is working out an answer and a solution for you that God is in the business working for you now this verse Israel came out of Egypt they just experienced the great miracle from God the lamb was slain the blood was spilled the Death Angel passed over a great picture of redemption they came out rejoicing full of happiness their dream finally is true the only problem is that happiness did not last very long three days later Pharaoh woke up and realized he lost a bunch of slaves he mustered up his army and the Bible says he went after them to bring them back to Egypt and when Israel saw that this is where the complaining came in fear kicked in we knew this is not gonna work we thought we told you Moses and now this is true and Moses says the following words to them he says don't be afraid stand still you will see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you will see again no more forever only stand still and God will fight for you if you taking notes I want you to write this down this one thought if God brought me to this he intends to get me through it God did not bring them to red sea to kill them God did not bring them to red sea to drown them God did not do all of those works so he can drop them right in front of the red sea I believe sometimes same thing happens in our lives we experience certain works of God we experienced the miracles of God we experienced the salvation we experienced answered prayers and then we can come to a place where the future looks dim the past looks bright we come to a point where we see that the future looks completely dark and the past looks very attractive the future looks impossible it seems like there is no way I will ever be able to get through this this is the end of my life this is the end of my future this is done and then your remembering what God has done you're like why did if God intended to end my life here why did he do the ten plagues and I want us to use a little bit of common sense to realize that God is not planning to drown us at the Red Sea the Red Sea if God brought you to it he intends to get you through it if you're facing a financial problem right now and maybe it seems impossible and you have explored every possibility and you cannot get it through I want to encourage you today to let you know do not be afraid of the Red Sea maybe you don't have a solution maybe you don't have a boat maybe you don't have swimming skills to get through it but God has a way to get you through God has a way to get you out when we got this building our pastor he had the vision and the vision was to see a church that will be filled with people in tri-cities who are going to come to know Jesus he had a desire and a vision and then he decided to get a building he got a building the only problem is there was no money for the building we were very small Church we were not registered by the government we had no finances to speak ofwe could not afford this building but see one thing is that if God gave that dream inside of him God doesn't play games with us and our pastor believed that God brought me to this and this impossible situation he will get me through it and then God gave us the building we got a rental people who started to rent the facility they paid for the mortgage for about 15 to 16 years and then last year when they moved out the building was paid off and today we own it free and clear my pastor he had a vision to reach out to the english-speaking community there was one big red sea and that red sea is nobody spoke English he did not speak English the little children that he had and nephews they did not speak English and so but you must understand when God gives you a promise he will present you to a problem where he will test your faith but he will test your faith why because he wants to purify your faith red sea is important because there are things the red sea will kill in you no other place will see a red sea was necessary because the red sea drowned Pharaoh while Israel thought that they will die in the red sea but God was actually planning to cleanse them through the red sea and drown Pharaoh and that's why I want to thank God for every sea in my life because while I thought I will die in the red sea in reality my pride died in the red sea my laziness died in the Red Sea my self dependence died in the red sea my fear died in the red sea sickness died in the red sea demons died in the red sea my value died in the red sea give God some praise somebody give God some praise Oh Red Sea is important to us I know we're terrified of it but that is the only place the enemy cannot follow you there are certain furnaces Shadrach Meshach and Abednigo that you have to go through and they won't burn you they'll burn the ropes the enemy placed on you see that's why sometimes some furnaces are necessary because they bring cleansing you come out of it without ego you come out of it and pride is squashed you come out of it and there is a sense of purity that exists a sense of passion and said God builds a backbone inside of you see before you had a wishbone but you went through that stuff where you're like man I can take hell and high water if I got through that with God listen nothing nothing nothing is impossible to God sometimes you go through a red sea and it's not because the Lord wants to drown you it's because the Lord is cleansing you He's cleansing your from unbelief He's cleansing you from emotional drama that little emotional rollercoaster I don't feel like God is with me God will cleanse that out so you will say like Job I know my redeemer lives you will say like Paul I know in whom I have believed do I feel him no do I see him no but I know he is alive be still and know the Lord is God why God will cleanse that emotionalism in us God will take us through the Red Sea he will cleanse us from generational curses that are attached to us and we feel like man I'm gonna die in this I'm not gonna make through this but see God will revive your fervor and your passion for his presence like never before you know when we started to before we saw the the movement of the Lord in our church before we start seeing people coming to know Jesus on a regular basis you know we faced an impossible wall I remember personally when I was already a youth pastor you know and the assignment was on our life to see breakthrough we've done everything we could we felt like and if I like man this thing is impossible we can't get through it 50 kids and one Wednesday night and Thursday night and there was everything that we did we couldn't push through and it seems like this is it but I'm like if God gave us a building it wasn't so we died here if God gave us a miracle if God would do that if you would plan to shut our church down God would be that good with ten plagues if he intended to have my funeral at the bottom of the rivers of the sea there's something that is I would say no there has to be a way out but I don't see it but I worship Him did a song a while ago it says waymaker my Bible tells me Jesus is the way see when there seems to be no way I just want to encourage you have this resolution inside of your spirit God did not bring me to this to drown me here and if I have to go through the water it's because God is gonna give me a bath I will make it through this water Pharaoh will not see you will not my sickness will not fail you will not rob will be burned Pharaoh will die come on somebody give God some praise right now some of you you are in the bath right now some of you you are in the furnace fact that God is cleansing you you think he's burning you got it purify you God is purifying you it's beautifying your family is purifying your life malleable Sitaram Ania Jesus Jesus I didn't bring myself here Moses said it wasn't my idea to get to the Red Sea I wouldn't even be able to get it to the Red Sea if he brought me to this I don't know how I've never there has never been any solution through the Red Sea there is no Titanic there is no cruise ship there there is no tools humanly possible but the Bible says stand and see God is accomplishing salvation meaning God is working as I'm trusting and some choosing not to fear and some looking at this see and I declare it with my mouth I will live and not die I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living for I know the thoughts that I have for you says the Lord thoughts of good and out of evil as I stand and declare the godless your way will be prosperous and you will have good success as I stand and declare God says you will be like a tree planted by the rivers of living water whose leave will not wither and whose fruit will be born all the time I believe I'm standing in front of a miracle I don't know how it will happen but I know one thing God's promise to me will be true the promise he gave to my family will be true the promise he gave to Abraham will be true if Pharaoh couldn't stop it more will receive stop it if God conquered Pharaoh he will conquer the Red Sea that is the dream that's inside of our church we will see thousands locally amelia's globally there is a dream that's inside of my spirit inside of my pastor spirit inside of your spirit we will see blind eyes see deaf ears open we will see labor work we will see a mega church with the mega impact and the mega bishop milk and honey milk and honey was what he promised them but Nations is what you promised us if he crushed the Pharaoh if he crushed and brought the ten plagues in Egypt he will bring me a breakthrough in the Red Sea this next thing that we believe in for right now that God will give us a new facility maybe you're believing for your child to come home maybe you're believing to have children maybe you're believing for your parents to come to know Christ and you may say but it's been so long I feel like I am dying in this my friend God is purifying you through this God is pure you will come out better stronger more purified and goal I know it hurts and it feels like the dream is dying the dream is never connected to used connected to the Lord it's safe in him I just want to encourage you if he brought you to this he will bring you through it I want to encourage you God did not bring you here to drown but to drown the enemy you will get through it but God will purify you never never go through the Red Sea with the same baggage you came into it never come out of it with the same demons you came into it if you went if you're going through something very very difficult right now can I encourage you keep going and let the rivers in the waters of Red Sea purify in faith purify your passion so you become as pure as gold and what I see here is God will provide a boat he did that with disciples when they were in the storm he provided a fish for Jonah he helped Jesus to walk on water but for Israel he split it he made a way where there is no way for some people he will make them walk on water others he will give them a boat there are some of us he will give you the strength to swim through but there are people in this room God will not send the whale he will not send a boat and he's not gonna give you two part to walk on it he will make away what there was no way he will make away when the doctor says that is impossible he will make away well your bank loan officer said that is impossible he will make away well your past will say that is impossible but it see if you break what impossible it says I'm possible the impossible simply means God says it's a recipe for a miracle for them he made a way where there is no way I want to believe this evening for miracles that there is no way that could happen there is no way that could happen that is impossible I want us to pray both prayers I know we prayed comfortable players Lord bless the hands of the doctor that is good that is nothing wrong with that you can ask God to give you a boat to get through the sea nothing wrong with that I know someone's prayed lord help that this medicine will kick in that it will help me with that there is nothing wrong with asking the whale to get you through the other side nothing wrong with that maybe somebody say God give me the strength to just get through it nothing wrong with asking to walk on the water but the miracle I am referring to that Accord accomplished for Israel as I believe the Lord wants to do there are some people in this room today he wants to make away what there is no way I am the truth the way in life I can make a way where there is no way where it's impossible there is no way that could happen to you he is a way maker miracle maker he can produce it it comes naturally to him the way I preached comes naturally to me he makes a way whether he comes in the brother says I'll do drugs I'll never serve God God says watching me comes at night brother comes a service guy waymaker and lady who had cancer who came from Seattle in and there was no way that that could have been gone she was on the last stage and God came and touches her she goes to the doctor and happens to be Muslim examines her body and finds no trace of cancer waymaker this is no way wait he creates away what that is no way I'm not against Wales I'm not against boats and I'm not against walking or swimming through but there is a way his name is Jesus and I cannot trust he can make away with there is no way I know there are areas in my life where only God can make away I don't have the strength to swim through it I don't have the ingenuity to build a boat against it and there is no whale that is willing to carry me across and that's where I stand on the other side and say Lord I will not fear this I will not feel what's coming behind me and that I'm not afraid of what's standing in front of me because I remember what you did there I remember the promise you gave me there and I don't believe God call me crazy I don't believe you brought me here to drown me if you choose to beautify me God I remove my clothes wash me purify me but I want to see a miracle I want to see your breakthrough I want to see your way let's stand to our feet hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Katara Bo Satya Jesus Jesus Lord we thank you I thank you for everything you did in the past I thank you for your promises lord I thank you that fear is just a name I thank you that sickness is just a name I thank you that your name is greater your way is better you make away but there is no way you are waymaker you are a miracle worker God you do the impossible that Jesus never let us lift those cancer we're just going to sing their songs then our God is a promise Jesus hallelujah make it a star that's who you my god an ascetic authority of an every spirit of fear that is hurting right now paralyzing you in the name of Jesus the fear of funeral the fear of death the fear of that virus the fear of things can always be like that the fear that if this Red Sea is going to become the end of you I want you to rise against that whew right now in the name of Jesus thus says the Lord I have not given you a spirit of fear I've given you a spirit of power I given you a spirit of blood have given you a spirit of a sound mind say this with me say thank you Jesus for your spirit spirit of power spirit of love as spirit of sound mind I take a stand against every spirit fear the fear I come against you I break your grid over my life over my future in the name of Jesus you excited sleeplessness depression nightmares suicidal tendencies a sense of a sense of Ed for you to get to share push that away right now in the mighty name of Jesus Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name we come against every sphere of fear we come against every sphere of anxiety we come against every tormented spirit at night every demonic spirit of whispers into our ear right now we break your crib we break your power we disconnect you from ourselves in Jesus mighty name every generational curses of fear of anxiety of sleepless nights right now be broken every possibility right now being removed in Jesus mighty name we come against you not with the sword now with the shield where we come against you by the Spirit of the Almighty God we come against you with the fire articles right now every spirit be removed if Jesus mighty name be moved in Jesus name we destroy your power in this place in Jesus mighty name I want to right now to a green for those people specifically that you don't have a boat you don't have a fish you can't swim and you can't walk through that which is in front of you there is no way if you're in that situation right now there is no way that's pretty much describes the situation if you could be kind I want you to come we want to agree right now I want to pray both prayers with you right now you can come which is gonna pray for you don't be afraid anything can happen right now it's true but also a miracle can happen and so we're just gonna agree right now that what there is no way that God will make a way some of these kids got is the gun is touching them right now because Jesus is making a way where there seems to be no way and so just come and just stand or kneel whatever it whatever you decide to do we just want to agree we want to pray Paul tries we're not gonna ask God for strength we're gonna ask God for impossible we're gonna ask God for that which is not possible for that which man can I do will for that which you cannot do which I cannot do we're gonna say God we're believing you right now for the impossible we believe in you enough for Supernatural cancellation of debts we believe you let that was supernatural turnaround of circumstances we're believing for those sibling sisters and brothers there is no way Lord let there be a way where there is no way come on let us come an agreement Church those of you for visiting us for the first time to stand in faith right now with these precious folks you're coming the team disagree what now delicious come on Lord Jesus there are marriages that are dead that there is no way only God can make away that a children that are so far gone there is no way only God can make away then a case is where there is no way only God can make away there are sicknesses that are beyond the cure beyond the power of the medical science there is no way only God can make a way let's begin to just finish the rest other we come right now emotion from this mountain Jesus mighty name Lord we know that you have given us the power from the over every situation order we stand and believe and your promises Lord that you go before us brother that you fight the fight for us but we bring up every single situation in this place every possible case Lord every sickness the doctor said there's no end good every kind of problem that the therapist said that you won't recovered every father situation in the marriage that says that it's dead everything the family said that's forgotten though we pray to the god of the impossible we believe Lord for your power to come on but we believe that your mercy your grace will reach or whatever that the our Lord that depression will go that suicidal tendencies we go that cancer will go that's sickness and disease will go that divorce will be broken that hatred that all forgiveness that addiction of many years will be broken that ain't a rickets our marriage will be restored in Jesus mighty name we leave for your power with the impossible Jesus things yeah the yes Lord yes Lord in the name of Jesus come on lift those hands one more time to say waymaker miracle workers promise keeper yes sir thank you Father we declare that over our congregation we declare that over our church we declare that over our lives my god thank you Father we speak healing right now with our sickness I command that sickness that pain to go right now in the name of Jesus I rebuke asthma in Jesus mighty name the Kothari right now over every breathing problem over every proud the problem with breathing and we commend that fever to go we commend right now in the name of Jesus Christ for that ear infection to leave right now in the name of Jesus Christ the problem with the choice the problem in the knees be healed in Jesus mighty name injury in the sports in the lower back pain the Lord is touching that Lord bring your healing right now precious Holy Spirit I commend the healings in the wrists in the name of Jesus Christ won't release your way worth let there be way with there is no way in the name of Jesus Lord we pray for family members to come to know you God we pray for our siblings to come to know you God we pray father that you will do what is not possible to us but it's completely possible to you God in Jesus name in the name of Jesus glorified fear and we receive the truth in fighting for us I want you to listen what the Word of God says it says that the Lord will fight for you I want you to receive that word God is gonna fight for me God is gonna fight for me God will accomplish the salvation and he will fight for me if nobody's fighting for you you just have a fighter on your side his name is Jehovah his name is Jesus his name is God amen I'm gonna ask everyone to buy your head and close your eyes I know that I didn't plan for this like I told you that from the beginning I had a sermon this happened to be a message God give us more of those messages amen but if you are in this room today and maybe you don't have a relationship with the Lord perhaps you're not what you're supposed to be with God maybe you you haven't even got out of Egypt yet meaning you haven't fully surrendered to the Lord your life is religious you're a good person but you're not a forgiving person good people don't go to heaven forgiven people go to heaven people that have been washed by Jesus's blood go place their trust in the gospel in the truth and if you're saying I am the person why'd I need the Lord in my life something is missing someone is missing I would like to give my life to Jesus today maybe you used to serve God stuff happened College happened life happened drama drama other stuff happened and you've drifted away you've seen bad stuff in church maybe or in other people and you went away from the Lord and today whether you come in for the first time second time or third time are you saying you know what it's my time I need to give my life to God I need to surrender my life to Jesus when I'm going to count to three I'm gonna ask you that if you need to get right with the Lord today they just say hey Vlad count me in that prayer that you just raised your hand so I can pray with you one two three ass ways that happen and I'm gonna pray with you thank you thank you thank you I see you having to even put it down thank you God wants to touch you I'm gonna ask you to do something bold inside Sunday night so it's a bowl night and so if you raise your hand could could I ask you to just kind of come and you join me just forget I just want to pray with you right here let's come this come right here you can come with a friend you can come come right here it's finders people ready here is find this car we're gonna prove it if there's anybody else this is the best decision you can make is when you give your life to the work it's gonna wait for just few more seconds if you here say I know that there's a small amount of us here today compared to Sunday morning but if you would like to join us in that prayer just join if you're watching us on livestream you can just comment below so hey I would like to get my life to the Lord and the moderators will get with you I'll just pray the church can we pray with them right now together I want to say this out loud witness want to say Lord Jesus I surrender my whole life to you I give you my heart give you my sin my selfishness my good works and bad ones give me your gift of forgiveness and salvation change my heart change my life come and live in me make me yours in Jesus name and and Glenn is gonna just destructive for a little bit just pray with you a little bit more can you give the one autumn applause let's just follow him ha does anybody have a problem with the lower back joints especially like that this joints or knees problem with the joints knees promote the lower back or public hearing if it one of those 4s can you raise your hand which is going to pray for you okay if you just keep your hand up let's ask Webber stand nested there let us pray right now for them so there's two people in the back could we send few of their interests and so Brian is right here - Brian do you have a problem Jones okay so Jacobs gonna pray with you right now let us pray with Noah for them I want you to apply the blood let's begin to apply the blood right now misc applied the blood and to speak healing apply the blood of Jesus God's healing power is gonna put there's a couple over there with the child if we can have few folks to go yeah go ahead Anna there's a couple there in the back we speak of feeling right now we speak your mercy right now they speak of miracle right now manifestos at any moment during prayer you can ask them how they feel at any moment during trip we're not just praying prayers were expecting what expecting God to do what only God can do let those ears open right now commander lower back paid to ghost that risk paid to go detained in the joints the leave right now and never to come back never to come back all my time thank you I think you did through the healer either restore the Jesus name for those of you who received prayer can you touch your body right now whatever you had at the tension and pain just just test the body and test that thing that you when you worried about you had pain if you had a problem with with hearing just begin to test just put your hand in and then and out how you feel right right how you how you feel better all right all right you feel like it's good the pressure is gone okay okay how do you how do you feel you're praying for shoulder housing how's it going now two out of ten okay missus going down and how you feel you're praying for lower back well come on come on come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how you feel Sam how you feel it's the same Jesus is only the same bro that signals gonna go in Jesus name we give the glory to God we give them glory to Jesus amen Church god is good and all the time amen amen if you brought a first-time guest our first oral team will be in the in the VIP lounge pastor Martin Ilya and others we would love to meet with you next Sunday Gianna Ramirez is gonna be with us for all three services including Sunday night so you do not want to miss the bring your friends and family share it online let everybody know because next Sunday is gonna be a place to be amen Church better is not good enough the best is yet to come amen amen and God bless you
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 13,934
Rating: 4.9423866 out of 5
Keywords: preacher, empowerment, self help, people, trusting, #grace
Id: S1gB6gMzGNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 57sec (6117 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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