What Happened to My Eyes πŸ‘€ | Pastor Vlad

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so I come from a Christian background the oldest of five during the birth my mom had a difficulty in complication which one of the reasons why you can see one of my eyelids is a little bit smaller than the other one my family emigrated to the United States at the age of 13 so I didn't speak any English I didn't have any friends and on top of that this is when all the insecurities that I thought that started to surface I remember skipping a keyboarding class as a freshman in high school because I was so embarrassed to stand in front of a group of 25 students so I come from a Christian family I mean we've read the Bible I went to church right Ukraine yeah I had we had no television and no telephone it's how Christian we were I mean very devoted soccer team soccer was the only thing that we were permitted once a week to play but it was very very devout and so I grew up learning about God and everything and there in the United States here at the age of 13 insecurities because of my physical appearance and on the top of that because my optical nerve was damaged I had migraine headaches every time my head get exposed to the Sun I knew that committing suicide is gonna land me in a bad place and so I started to develop these chronic chronic insecurities suicidal tendencies where I begged God to create an accident what I will die and so I escaped through accidents without a scratch and my parents now they know that but at that time they did not know that my parents are the best parents in the world I had a great family I had a friend I had a church but these insecurities because of my physical appearance and that's before the social media creeped in and and I remember you know I prayed with you many times during those days where you would ask people to place their hands and TV my television black-and-white television was so greasy because my hands were going there all the time I prayed for God to heal my eyes it wasn't because I have a problem with the vision out of four siblings and both parents I'm the only guy without glasses so I have really good vision I don't have a problem with the vision it was my self-esteem that was connected to my physical appearance a problem with and so after many many attempts of prayer for healing I started to lock myself in the room and read the word and God started to change something in me and he said this he said Adam felt ashamed of his body not because he gained weight he didn't felt ashamed because somebody else showed up who was better-looking than Adam Adam felt ashamed is because of what he ate and God says you've been eating from the fruit of your self-image instead of my image I said Lord but I read your word he says you're reading my word you're not eating my word and at the age of 14 I started to lock myself in the room for 40 - 30 minutes every day and not read the Bible but eat the Bible and the Lord convicted me and he said stop looking in the mirror in the bathroom to find who you are he said what you see in that bathroom is a skin stretch - what a skeleton he said what you see in this mirror is your true identity a crazy pastor Benny the crazy part today I still have the same body yeah but none of you are distracted with my eyes and the reason why is because I'm not distracted people don't ask me today you know what what happened to you did you have you been through an accident you know what happened - did you have a surgery is something people no longer asked me of that was before that was the only question every person asked they didn't ask me my name and when you're 13 and 14 and you're aware of something is wrong with you and people ask you about it like that just that just hurts today nobody does I'm still the same guy well on the outside on the inside I'm a completely different person and the Holy Spirit as a teenager at the age of 13 at the age of 15 at the age of 16 17 18 19 I started to go into my room lock myself and eat this word and then I started to experience become aware and not of my physical appearance but of his spiritual presence and I really want to just encourage every single young person there is something better than taking your life it's laying it down Vladimir thank you I mean you can go to your seat and and and listen listen God has a call on you go for it okay Claudia making me say why don't you pray for him if you're watching us right now and you're in a similar situation maybe you already have something loaded you have a gun loaded you got pills maybe that you're taking or cutting yourself because you don't know who you are maybe you've been abandoned moved from foster home to a foster home or maybe your own parents disowned you and called you with name maybe your victim of molestation or rape and somebody messed with you sexually or perhaps you look at yourself in the mirror every single day and you call yourself fat ugly worthless and that you have no purpose and you have no meaning there's a reason why my eyes are still the same I believe God wants to use what he did with me to encourage you it doesn't mean that you're gonna be a preacher but you will live a life of meaning and you will live a life of purpose but you don't find purpose in the university you don't find purpose in a degree you find purpose in God's presence and when you find his presence you find meaning to your life you can be the wisest and the richest person like Solomon and he still said life is vanity and vanity because without God's presence you don't find your purpose and when you find your purpose listen you find you begin to appreciate yourself not because you love yourself but because you love Jesus and so I'm just gonna pray right now for anybody there who are maybe your kids just need to watch this I need to share this and need to tell your kids to just watch this part and the whole of us I believe that God is going to encounter some of you I believe some of you are gonna stop eating from the forbidden tree of your physical appearance and the comparison you get on social media and the comments you get from people who are bullying you you're gonna stop eating from that because that's making you sick and that's making you aware of your nakedness which makes you feel ashamed of yourself when in reality all you need is to eat from the tree of life which tells you who you are in Jesus and then you will be aware of the presence of God in your life who's always there in your life and he was calling to you right now and says Adam Lucy where he says John where he says come to me where you are at I want to talk to you I want to be with you let's just stretch your hand so the father in the name of Jesus I pray for every single young person right now god that the enemy is bringing the thoughts of death and suicide and tells them that their life has no meaning and their life is worthless and if I pray for those who contemplated suicide already I come against that spirit of death I come against that spirit of destruction I come against you Pharaoh in Jesus mighty name and I command you to loose that young person loose their mind loose their sleep loose their thought pattern in Jesus mighty name devil your time has expired in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the son of the Living God who came to bring life and more abundantly I command you to loose your grip out of that young man out of that young woman out of that young kid in Jesus mighty name and I prophesy into their life right now and they will live their life will have a meaning they will not die and they will not blow their brains up and they will not take their life they will not waste their life they will not ruin their life but they lay it down and Jesus will pick it up and use it for his glory in the name of Jesus Christ
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 405,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, vladimir savchuk, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, Insecurity
Id: 58YLveEbLaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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