4 Things Demons Use - Pastor Vlad

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devil can use and demons can use four main things the first one is places places especially there are dedicated to devil or places where demonic activity conspired or places were especially hideous acts were done like somebody was murdered somebody committed suicide for example there are places they call them haunted houses they make movies about them and these are not exaggerations a lot of the movies that are based on hounded houses are actually based on true stories compiled from exorcist catholic priests who did exorcisms in on places because one of the things that if you if you were in catholicism and you know that one of the things that catholic priests many times will do or people who are on the staff in the catholic church who do exorcism is they actually cast out evil spirits from places from from people who have places that have evil spirits and this is not an act as some some bizarre weird Catholic thing if you see that in the Bible there were places God occupied he occupied the Temple of Solomon he occupied the Ark he occupied the tent of meeting where God's presence was was there they were stuff happening there and so now that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit but we also know that like for example in our church we pray all the time that this will be the place of freedom so when you come in a lot of you you come in to places like these you probably have felt it man I feel lighter I feel I feel something different about this I feel a sense of peace what is that it's God's presence that's in this place but there are places you can go to and you realize there's like man I feel like some semi truck loaded on my shoulders because there are spiritual forces in certain places that are predominant especially if people gave access to the devil by doing something hideous is something horrible like when you move in into a new home give that home to God even if you are renting blessed at home take some virgin oil and just annoyed that home like not too much so that your landlord doesn't kick you out I remember one young man was trying to get his mom saved and so he took a bucket of oil and he poured it on the driveway and poor guy she slipped and broke her back yes I'm not talking about that kind of a thing okay because if people are gonna get hurt but I'm talking about something will you just pray over your house you and your family you don't need to invite a pastor or a priest you can just simply come with your family together and anoint the doorpost of the house say Lord we dedicate this house to you if there was some bad stuff happen here if people got divorced here or people got murdered and people died did we cancel every assignment of the devil devil we're paying the bills get out and if some sneaky demon comes at night starts to move chairs in your house and doors and everything you tell the devil I paid the light bill I paid the utility I paid the mortgage so get out you're not paying for this I'm paying for this so it's my place you get out and your place belongs to God the second thing that the enemy can use an attack is through people so places is and second is people there are people who are so full of the devil you come in contact with them I can't like emotional vampires they suck life out of you you like everything is going great until you meet with the person they have a problem for every solution it's like literally you put them in heaven and they'll find a problem there with God it's like these people that they're just it's not it's so and some people they just their personality is wire like they about some people they got Devils and what makes them dangerous listen to me very carefully now theoretically or legally speaking we are full of God and God is more powerful than the devil we shouldn't be afraid of anybody 100% but if these people are so deep into their demons and deeper in their demons then you are in the Holy Spirit meeting them they will affect you instead of you affecting them God is powerful more powerful than the devil 100% the question is you are not more powerful they can be deeper in the less lesser power than you are and they could affect you and sometimes you can feel that but have you met people that you were down discouraged and you met some people and they're literally like just full of the Holy Ghost like life just comes out of theirs even their spit their eyes are full of fire they're just who looks and you've been five minutes with them you left the meeting yeah it's gonna be right we got this the option to my to my knees right here everything is gonna be all right why because they're so deep in God they pull you out but if people are deeper in their sin and then Satan they'll pull you down Satan can use people to attack you if you're not believing me Jesus was going to the cross and Satan used a person it was Peter and he looked at Jesus and said Jesus don't go to the cross and Jesus knew this person is now being used by the devil and Jesus of course Jesus is hashtag boss and so he looked at Peter he says dude knock it off get behind me devil like if you have those people in your life don't tell him get behind me Satan because it might not work really well only that's why Jesus was hashtag boss that's why he could do that but the rest of us we just need to isolate sometimes from those people walk away and let the Lord take care of them and get deeper in God number three that the enemy can use objects objects through which power can flow you have to understand the spiritual world can operate through material world for example in the Bible you see that the staff of Moses is just a shepherd staff staff Moses drops it picks it up and from that point on the scripture says the staff of the Lord the rod of God it doesn't say the rod of Moses because that became an object that God used to do miracles in fact some miracles God told Moses take the staff he didn't say you speak he says that staff hit him with the staff stretch the staff do this with the staff touch it with the staff because it was an object God used to revealed his power you with me we see that in the New Testament that Jesus had garments you know long garments and they were not like ours right now so they kind of like we're long and so and the streets were not as clean as ours and so they had dirt and these like the bottom of the garment collected a lot of dirt and the woman had a physical problem for 12 years she touches the dirtiest part of his clothes and the scripture says that the bleeding immediately stopped and Jesus felt power leave power can flow through clothes the Bible says they took belts and things that Paul wiped his face with and they placed and demon-possessed people and demons would leave people will get healed that tells me that objects is a channel that's why as Christians we pray with the anointing oil you know you use it to make pancakes but in church to get rid of sickness there's no power in oil but power can flow through oil our hands but they can be used as an object of God's power the same thing can happen with demonic is their charms voodo dolls horoscopes dream catchers Ouija boards stuff that many people look at their luck world I'm just curious about that and this is a problem with our generation we're so open-minded our brains are falling out I am shocked with how my generation we are just courious we just want to try everything out we'll put a snake in your driver's seat and see and see how much your open mind this will affect if the snake will stop being poisonous because you're open-minded I learned this the hard way when I was in Ukraine I shared the story many times but for those of you coming for the first time it'll come in as first time as like first time you hear I had my teacher who was helping me with math I had a hard time with math and so this teacher was helping with math she was a doctor and she had a German Shepherd and he was not a Christian German Shepherd he had to be on the leash because he attacked people and so he was a scary German Shepherd but because I knew that he was on the leash and I knew that he couldn't attack me and I knew how far the leash went and so me being kid you know what I like to do and I like to provoke him because I knew he could only bark not not bite because I didn't step on his territory that's how devil is he can't attack you he can only tempt you but not torment you as long as you stay away out of his territory until one day I didn't see the German Shepherd and I saw this house like these dogs they had these houses or pretty big and so I thought that they took the dog away out of curiosity please understand curiosity sheer curiosity I went in to his terriory and I stuck my head inside of the house little did I know is that he was sleeping behind the house so me stuck in my head there woke him up he's behind so next thing I know it's like your womb so he jumps over it and there I am with my butt to his face in my head inside of his house now he did not understand that I was curious I didn't want to get bit I had a life right here I still have a scar I won't show it to you so don't scar your life he goes for the pound of flesh and tears a flesh out I see blood started spilling if it wouldn't be for the doctor to pull me pull me out and stitch me up I probably wouldn't be here today all because I was curious see you can take ouija boards horoscopes and you say I'm just curious devil doesn't care you curious stay away from his territory as far as possible even if you're not a follower of Jesus and you're sitting you're like man Vlad I'm not sure I believe in all this stuff for your own safety devil has nothing it's like literally going and patting a hyena you're not gonna I'm just curious how I would just take a selfie no there are certain things you just don't touch in your life and same thing applies to demonic objects demonic books you run from that like crazy because the spiritual force is flow through that some of you you got that stuff in your house and that's the problem that you have you need to get rid of that house not the house the stuff keep the house burn those things out the Bible says in the New Testament if in Church of Ephesus Paul came in and they burned occultic books the value in today's money was half a million dollars five hundred thousand dollars worth of books there were occult books that people burned I didn't sell them on eBay because I found out sometimes people like oh man I could sell this Ouija board it's like really it's like why would you want to give your demon to someone else get rid of that thing completely in Jesus name and the last the last part that that evil spirits can flow through is objects we mentioned objects places and people and the last one is and this comes as a shocker to a lot of people is animals animals can be used by spiritual world we see God using a donkey to speak to a prophet we see God using a whale to swallow a man teach him a lesson and vomit him out I mean that whale was putting hungry you could have easily digested him but God touched that whale we see also Ravens who if you study Ravens you find out that the Ravens are so stingy and greedy they don't even share food with their children and Ravens were used to feed the Prophet with steak that's a miracle right there we see the donkey that nobody ever used and we read the flippantly like oh nobody used the donkey praise God this was like brand-new car no it's like a horse nobody ever sat on you don't want to sit on that because especially a horse that was never broken a horse that was never ridden on that's not a horse you want to take for a spin not in front of everybody so Jesus riding a donkey nobody ever said on is actually dangerous and that donkey didn't flip him because the power of God touched that donkey so that means that animals can receive the power and power could flow through animals now you say what about the demons can demons occupy animals I think most of the cats are demon possessed all right I've just slept paying trying to see if you're paying attention and I just wanted to see how many cat lovers I have in here because I saw right away but do you remember when Jesus cast out the legion of demons you know what the demons went to and what happened with those pigs they committed suicide they self-destruct they did things that the pigs would never really do animals they don't go for danger they don't destroy themselves but the Bible says that the pigs ran from the cliff and they kill themselves that means that the evil spirits can enter animals so what does that mean for us pray for your pets yeah bless your animals there's nothing wrong with I mean I'm not saying lead them to salvation that is a little bit too far the Bible doesn't say that but you can bless them you can pray for them you can dedicate them to God say hey this is dog just to guard my house not to bite anybody you know this cat is to listen and you just bless because everything we have belongs to Jesus amen can somebody say Amen
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 51,002
Rating: 4.9521699 out of 5
Keywords: vladimir savchuk, hungry generation, vlad savchuk, good news church, pastor vlad, tri-cities wa pasco, sermons by vlad, messages by pastor vlad, deliverance, healing, supernatural, sermon on fire, messages, sermons, demons, things satan uses, accursed places
Id: jBwLFdCpugM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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