Reality of Hell - Hell is not a Joke | Pastor Vlad

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the reason for this season is not trees it's not  even presence under the tree it's the present that   died on the tree the reason for this season is not  reindeer it's not hot chocolate it's not Christmas   decoration Jesus did not come to give us a holiday  he came to give us a holy life he came to give us   give us a new life he came to give us brand new  life in fact I'm to read to you what the angel   told mary he said in Matthew chapter 1 verse  21 he says she will give birth to a son and   you will name him a savior for he is destined to  give his life to save his people from their sins   if you're celebrating this holiday I want  to let you know that today it's being   monetized it's being commercialized today it's  it's a huge money-making machine and god bless   all the people working in the USPS FedEx  and ups I just want to say quick prayer lord   bless them and their families because  you do know that we ordered more than   we probably should have on amazon this season  but this season has become really about sales   family and everything the first birth of  Jesus was never about that Jesus came on   this earth not so that you can celebrate his  birth is so that heaven can celebrate yours it's so that heaven can celebrate your second  birth amen if you're celebrating his birth   but heaven has not celebrated your second  birth you're missing the whole point now   still enjoy the music still enjoy the the  holiday spirit still enjoy the chocolate   still do all of that stuff but I want to  let you know you missed the whole point I've never trembled as much as I tremble  today about what I'm about to preach   i don't remember the last time that i was this  scared to preach what i'm about to preach from   five o'clock in the morning until now my heart is  racing three-four times faster and I preached at   least maybe a thousand times that's recorded on my  phone and so um I had a different message planned   and my team knows by Thursday i already have my  notes and this morning as I woke up to pray for   the service i really felt a shift in my heart  to preach something different not necessarily   just for the people that are here or watching  but for the people that will be re-watching   I want to speak about today a message  that would be titled hell has no exits i might ruin your christmas appetite   but that's why the Christmas music did a good  job and there will be Christmas photos afterward   and so just hang in there for those of you  who came like man shoot a wrong Sunday to   come to church or maybe you brought  a friend and don't apologize to them yet if it's true that Jesus came to die for our  sins not to make our life easier but to give   us a new life I believe this is the message  we need to be reminded of especially today I am tired of testimonies of salvation that go  like this I was lonely Jesus made me feel better I was depressed Jesus lifted my spirit up you  know god didn't send his son to be your advil pill if God wanted to lifted your mood he would have  given us drugs he would have given us medicine   Jesus did not come to make your mental state  slightly better Jesus came to save his people   not from their emotional drama but from their  sins the purpose of Jesus's coming on this earth   is that we were facing hopeless irreversible  christless eternity there was no other way   this wasn't because God was trying to  make our life better though it is true   having jesus makes you better at life and  most likely it will make your life better   it is true but for hundreds of years and millions  of Christians having Jesus in their life actually   complicates and makes their life worse for my  great grandpa who sat in jail for years and then   was dragged around the villagers and was killed  not stoned because he got high stoned physically   and died three days later from a brain damage  he did not accept Jesus Christ to make his life   better he accepted Jesus christ  because there was eternity at stake   he was willing to forfeit the pleasures of this  life he was willing to forfeit the comforts of   this world because he knew this life is just a  vapor it's just a crash it's just a fleeing thing   there is three straight three stages  in our life the first stage is the one in the   womb somebody say the womb all of us were there  you don't remember that stage it lasted about   nine months some of us got out earlier some of us  stayed there slightly longer when you were in the   womb you didn't see your mother but she existed  it would be foolish to be an atheist in the womb   who looks to your twin brother and say I don't  believe my mother exists why I don't see her if   I don't see her I don't believe in her and  hopefully your twin brother will say idiot   the reason why you don't see her is because she's  scaring you no until i see i won't believe that's   how a lot of people say well I don't believe  in god why I don't see god the bible says   in him we live we move and we have our being  if there will be no god there will be no you   so there's that stage and when you graduate from  the womb when you graduate from the womb there's   a lot of crying you crying mama crying everybody  crying some crying for tears some crying because   it's so painful and some crying because  it's so beautiful but there's a lot of tears   and then you come into a bigger space  it's called the earth somebody say earth   it's a bigger space you learn  how to walk you learn how to   live you learn the alphabet you go to school  you graduate you have degrees you get married   you have children of your own and then you get  retirement and this earth is a bigger womb but   it's still a womb because when you graduate  from this womb there is also a lot of crying people crying on this side of eternity  because they lost the loved one and people   crying on the other side of eternity because  they're so glad they're done with the earth   everybody who had a visit to heaven they never  wanted to come back to see their family in   even though they loved their family because it was  so precious out there and so when we graduate the   womb of the earth we go into this thing that  has no end it's called the womb of eternity   if you're taking notes i  will give you just because   I prepared at five o'clock in the morning it  doesn't mean I don't have points the first   thing I want you to write down is that everyone  will exist eternally whether in hell or heaven   Ecclesiastes 3: 11 it says this also he has  put eternity in the hearts eternity is not   something you enter into when you die  eternity is something you were born with   the moment you were born eternal  you were born one that will never cease to exist   you were born as such that even if you tap out of  life and you take your life to end it you only end   the womb of the earth you step into an eternity  there will never be a time that you   will not exist you will always exist eternity he  has put into their hearts Jesus christ in daniel   chapter 12 verse 2 it says many who sleep in the  dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting   life some to shame and everlasting contempt john 3  16 is the famous verse that says for God so loved   the world that he gave his only begotten son so  that you will have a religion go to church pay   your tithe hopefully recover and one die and  one day have a priest read your eulogy on your   funeral that's not what it says for God so loved  the world that he gave his only begotten son that   whoever believes in him shall not perish but have  what not better life not happier life not more   my problems are fixed life not better husband  not better children not better retirement not   better job but have everlasting life meaning  the reason why Jesus came on this dirty earth   the reason why he clothed himself with the human  flesh the reason why he who made legs learned to   walk he could create his speech learned to  speak he who is the living water was thirsty   for water the reason why he who never sleeps or  slumbers was tired and fall asleep on the boat   and the reason why he let humanity mock pluck  his peers spit in his face and say prophecy to us   if you're the son of God come down from the cross  the reason he put up with all of that is because   for god so loved the world that he gave him up for  what please hear me I know we're in America and   I know we use Christianity as more of like it's  gonna make my life better and it's true but the   reason why he came is not for that is to give you  eternal life you already have eternal existence   but christ comes to give you eternal life you've  seen this illustration multiple of times and   this is your life right  here is when your mama conceived you   nine months later once you came out birth  certificate said that over here that's when   you were born and then there was this  period of time when you went to school   then you graduated you decided what you were doing  for two years then you decided to go to college   then you graduated from college you  got a girlfriend you got married   you decided to come back to church and then you were working this time so that  you can enjoy this time you really were working   safe for your retirement and then quickly  you got retired and you have about next   15 to 20 years left to enjoy and that is  really your life this is where the headaches   heartaches hang-ups hurts pains disappointments  dealing with challenges having questions just   broken dreams this is where it's at and then when  you die at your funeral is where first 70 years 700 years a thousand years a million years  another million another billion another billion   but this is just about 200 feet unfortunately the  robe of your eternity it never reaches the end   billion we're not talking about 70 years we're  not talking about seven years we're not talking   about we're talking about billions it means your  mind and my mind cannot comprehend because it's   it's too small to comprehend eternity we have it  in us we just can't understand it and then it goes   more and more and more and more and more only  now I understand why people would forfeit the   pleasures of life in here to focus on where  they're gonna spend and what they're gonna do   in here it is foolish to focus on  here and ignore the rest of the robe   it is a gamble it is foolish to think that that's  all for life there is and be worried about this   part that's why everything in about you will not  understand Jesus Christianity and the scriptures   if your whole world is wrapped in this  you will never understand fasting tithing   sacrificing loving your neighbors forgiving going  on the missions inviting your neighbors waking up   early to serve god giving up those bad habits that  will never make sense why thousands of Christians   got slaughtered this month in Nigeria beheaded  for the cause of Christ-like why would anybody   endure that because they don't see this they also  see that and they see total end it's why Jesus   came not to make this better but to change the  direction of the rest of this rope and if this   is somehow bad if somehow you go through  bankruptcy heartbreak sickness disease if   somehow this life in here is yellow do not be  concerned as long as the rest of it is white   if this is sickness don't sweat over  it as long as the rest of it is health   if this is poverty do not concern yourself with it  because as long as the rest of it is in a mansion   if this is challenging and this is  difficult as long as the rest of it   I will wipe every tear from their eye and there  will be no pain and there will be no sorrow   as long as the rest of it is better my  friend don't live your best life now   the only people who live their best  life now are those who headed to hell   your best life is coming your best life is  still coming don't put all of your best life   here and now your best life is awaiting you and  everything that's nowhere is just an appetizer   it's just a preview of what is coming can somebody  say amen you don't decide if you will live forever   you decide only where you will live forever say  this with me say I don't decide if I will live   forever I decide where I will live forever  the second truth I want you to write down is   everyone has only one life in which to determine  their eternity there is no reincarnation you're not   coming back as a dog you're not coming  back as a tree you're not coming back   as a millionaire or you're not coming back as  a clergy you only have one life the scripture   says in Hebrews 9 27 it is appointed for man  to die once but after this is the judgment christ gives us a second chance but life does not  give us a do-overs christ gives us a second chance   but life does not give us do-overs this is  scary and it's one of the reasons I'm trembling   it's because you really have only one chance to get it right Jesus made it simple and he said  there are many ways to hell only one way to   heaven and he said I am that way you can't afford  to be wrong there's many things in life you can't   afford for example let's just say that you took a  12th or 11th grade you can go back and retake it   you took a test most of the tests you can retake  it if you're writing something on the document you   can delete it and retype it if they made a wrong  drink for you in the starbucks they can remake it   nowadays if you marry the wrong person people  don't work out they just find a different one   there's a lot of things in  life you can get a do-over on   except this one when it deals with your eternity  people take risks I'm a risk taker I think you   should be a risk-taker but never with eternity  when I would have a conversation with somebody   who is agnostic or an atheist and I usually would  tell them things I said I said the deal is this is   you're such a you're taking such a huge hem cam  gamble if this is wrong if there is no eternity   i didn't miss anything except  a lot of sin a lot of headaches   I lived better life because of Jesus he made  me better at life but if this is not a joke   which i don't believe it is because jesus  wouldn't come on this earth for a joke   this is not a prank I said you have just  lost the biggest gamble in your life   and we're not talking about for 70 years where  you can suffer in the maximum prison and then   seven years later you come out we're not talking  about a million years we're not talking about   two billion years we're not talking about  three trillion years there's a clock you   can set it and you can endure the suffering and  then at the end you come out if it has no end I will even if I wouldn't believe it I would still  do it why because I don't like to gamble that imagine you are at the crossings and i think that  a lot of us had those thoughts i studied uh that   during the railroad crossings there's a lot of  accidents that happen and mainly because of pride   and this is the pride that  happens I can get through this   these little low bars these little flashing lights  they're not for me they're for everybody else I have enough time because I watched it in the  movies to get through it there is no do-overs   for that there is no do-overs for that my friend  this is not as bad as getting hit on by the train   of eternity and I really want to encourage  you the flashing light is here today   God has put you to a stop don't  go into the next day of your life   without surrendering your life to  Jesus Christ can somebody say amen number three Jesus spoke more about  hell than anyone else in the scriptures   this may shock you that hell is mentioned 162  times in the new testament and Jesus preached   on hell 70 times in a three and a half year span  period that tells me that no other author in the   bible has taught more on hell eternal damnation  than Jesus christ you would think when we think   of Jesus most of us think of Christmas we think  of gifts and that's why even maybe some of you   are listening to this right now you're like  man this is not a holiday spirit this Jesus   did not get sent on this earth and  oh he just only talked about love   once a month you would come to Jesus's meeting  and he would talk about this uncomfortable message   on hell now in 2011 is the first time at  HungryGen we started to do prayer line   prayer line we did it with the anointing water not  the holy water that's what catholics do anointing   water slightly different we would pray for people  people would manifest and get delivered a year   after that 2012 is when we had our famous revival  with the wise man harry at the track conference   so that is about nine years ago is when we started  to do monthly deliverance services if you've been   in our church any time more than few months you  know one thing our church has this weird Sunday   where most of you like I don't want to bring my  non-christian friends there well I just never know   and then you bring your crazy friends on that  and that service why because you're like they'll   understand like they'll understand that's for them  what is that it's called our deliverance Sunday   next Sunday is going to be that Sunday it's  when we pray for deliverance demons come out   deliverance is very controversial in Christian  circles not very controversial in hollywood   but just in Christian circles deliverance is  messy deliverance is dirty deliverance is   uh you know it threw me under the bus in some  Christian circles when we start practicing   deliverance I stopped getting invited in some  circles I start being called with a certain name   in fact even our church has a label in a lot  of circles that's the demon church   why because once a month without fail for nine  years last Sunday of the month we out out out   now Jesus once a month without fail  for three years ahead hell hell hell if you would hang out around Jesus once a month   you would hear a message on hell what deliverance  is the HungryGen the topic of hell was to Jesus if you think that Jesus only  talked about love your neighbor   hit another cheek pick up the lord just  forgive just I want to tell you something study   your bible because not one author in the bible  has talked more about hell than Jesus christ and in fact he didn't talk about a generic  just like a just a bad place he didn't use   it as a cuss word he talked about in a vivid  detail because he was involved in his design he used four different words for hell first  one is shawl which is a Hebrew word simply   talking about the grave or death for in death  there is no remembrance of you in the grave   who will give you thanks psalm 6 5 that speaks  about hell hades is the second term it's a greek   term that usually refers to hell and being in  torments in hades he lifted up his eyes and saw   Abraham and of Lazarus in his bosom luke chapter  16 verse 24 and hades refers to a waiting period   of the torment for the ungodly and the place of  paradise for the righteous and Jesus when he went   to when he died he went to hades and took the  believers in Abraham's bosom up to heaven we   believe that now the third is the third definition  of what hell is gehenna it's a greek term borrowed   from a little dumping burning dump in the valley  south of Jerusalem that always refers to hell this   garbage dump had felt dead animals dead criminals  fires constantly burned in it worms worked really   hard and dog gnashed their teeth when they were  eating raw flesh so that's one of the reasons   why a lot of the description for hell is actually  comes from a cosmic garbage dump behind Jerusalem   where pretty much they didn't have waste  management like we do or based on disposal where   they pick up our garbage what you would do is  there was this dump you came and you would throw   anything that was unfit to live in your house food  or rotten things people would throw dead animals   somebody died in the prison nobody came to take  their body they would just dump it there and so   worms would eat the body dogs would come and growl  at night and gnashed their teeth over things and   then people would come and set the fire so that  the contamination and the viruses won't spread   so they would burn those things that's why the  terminology was used from that place fires will   never die worms will never die and there will be  gnashing of teeth and the last reference of hell   is the lake of fire it's the final abode of all  unbelievers after they've been resurrected then   hades and death were cast into the lake of fire  this is the second death revelation 20 19. I want   to let you know that hell is not for really bad  people it's the default destination of all humans let me say that again hell is not   for super bad people it's the default  destination of every human being by default you don't go to heaven  by default in Adam we are headed   right there most of us think of hell as a maximum  sentence prison it's where all the jack the reaper   the all these murderers serial killers like  Hitler Osama bin laden Joseph Stalin and then   there's me you know like if you, we all sometimes  make mistakes drive over the speed limit you   don't go to maximum prison for that sometimes  you know miss the number on your taxes   or you exaggerate something it's not a big deal  and so when we think of ourselves that's how many   people think of heaven and they're like well of  course I'm a good person and I'm going to heaven   of course I'm a good person I will not go to hell  because that is not for me I mean I gave to a guy   at the red cross off of Walmart and Safeway a  few days ago like I didn't do anything terrible   i'm not a bad guy i'm a good person i want  to tell you something jesus came to save   his people from their sins that tells me every  human being has fallen short of the glory of god   and a default destination of every human being  is not heaven it's hell makes sense why he came   to change the default destination number four  hell is a real place of conscious torment   beyond description four things I want you to know  about hell number one we will be able to see there   and being in torments in hades he lifted his eyes  and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom   there is no phone reception  there there's no internet   but you will have your side number two is you  will be able to speak there the scripture says   and Lazarus cried out and said father Abraham have  mercy on me send Lazarus so that he may dip the   tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue  for I am tormented in his flame in its flame   number three we will be able to feel there the  bible says and cast the unprofitable servant   into utter darkness and there will be weeping and  gnashing of teeth it's talking about an emotions   weeping there's two reasons we would gnash  our teeth in anger or regret and both   are going to be the emotions that are going to  be felt in hell the bible says outer darkness   not nobody in this room has ever experienced  outer darkness the darkness we experience at   night is not outer darkness because we have a  moon and stars depression that you feel is not   outer darkness because there's another human being  and there's always the next day there's medicine   there's therapists there's doctors there's people  who can help you no matter how in despair you fall   on this earth there's always a better day coming  when it comes to eternity the darkness in eternity   is so hopeless it's full of loneliness and total  despair and the worst part is it never gets better   and you feel that darkness two months  from now a new friend of mine uh bill   who had 23 minutes of visit in hell will be a  guest speaker at hungry jet on February 21st i   heard his testimony read his book honestly shook  me to the core about he's a Christian believer   and then he had an experience his whole life  was changed after that and he quit his job now   he travels and tells everybody about this place  that everybody should avoid and not only will be   able to see will be able to hear will be able  to feel but the last one is we will be able to   taste the bible says they were both cast into the  fire into a lake of fire burning with brimstone   brimstone is burning sulfur not only you and i  will be subject to eternal damnation if we're not   Christians in an exchangeable flames but it also  smells like rotten eggs the worst part about hell   as well is it smell people who went to hell many  times will tell you it smells like rotten eggs it's a real place and from that place  which is our default destination son of god   became a son of man to save us from he didn't come  to create a holiday he came to create holy people   he came to give us eternal life and the last thing  I want to share with you and we're going to pray   hell was made by God for the devil Matthew 25 41  it says this then he will also say to those on the   left depart from me you cursed into everlasting  fire prepared for the devil and his angels little reminder or to summarize everything hell is  a real place it's not a joke you know listening to   something like this right now some of you may  say well that's great but you know   it's not like you're exaggerating that's exactly  what people were thinking when Noah was building   the ark come on bro we never seen the rain come  on relax no it's fine until it's not raining   that's exactly what it sounded like when lot  came into his relatives hey guys uh the fire   is gonna fall like from heaven and burn our  cities down and his relatives looked at him   they're like why the fire come on Noah are  you okay do you need to see a therapist   until this fire starts coming down and the crazy  part jesus compared the last days to these two   people noah and lot because the message of  eternity will sound like a joke to a lot of people   another quick reminder is that  hell is horrible it's not a party   contrary to popular opinion satan doesn't rule  hell god does for those people who are like well   if the devil is going to be there that means  I'm going to have all the sex all the beer   I'm going to have a lot of fun if you want to have  a party you should go to heaven hell is not where   you go to party hell is a place where you go to  get punished hell was never created for a human   being it was created for satan when god designed  hell he did not plan for human beings to be there   let me just give an example when they design  cars they don't design cars to be driven by dogs if you see a dog driving a car something is  wrong with that picture why because cars were   not designed to be driven by dogs or cats  cars were designed to be driven by human beings   that's exactly the same thing with eternal  hell is the hell was never designed to be   inhabited by humans it was designed to be  inhabited by satan and by demons and that's   why god wants to do everything in his power to  stop us from that hell is eternal and it has no   exits during worship I was counting how many exits  this building has and I think we have 12 exits in   fact in this building it's required by the law  that you see the exits in case the lights go off   you can right now see there's one there is two  there is three there's also a sign that it's not   lit up it's just a paper sign it says exit and  you're probably sure there's one over there on   the on the exit that is over there and so there's  exits in every building so you don't feel trapped   the shocking part about hell is it has  no windows no attics and it has no exits   it's a trap it's an eternal trap and the last thing is that hell is avoidable it's avoidable there's three responses today to this  message one is I'm so grateful for Jesus   and I'm gonna tell my friends about it  second one is holy cow I need to get saved and third one dude chill all this is a  joke and a religious way to try to manipulate   an emotional response to a religious message may  I remind you I want to speak to the third group or   maybe people today who you're not right with god  if jesus is to come today if you were to die today   you don't know where you would spend eternity and  maybe you have this wall because you went to   a university and you heard a doctor a professor  perhaps you can't reconcile the scientific things   in the bible maybe you're one of those people you  got hurt by the church you've seen the hypocrisy   a pastor has done something bad to your family  member or maybe you've been in a place where   Christians mistreated you or perhaps your  father left you never hugged you never was   there for you now you're bitter at god and  everything and so and now you're mad and   you're saying no i'm not going to accept all  of this and i don't believe god exists and   and everything the real reason people would reject  Jesus Christ and his offer it's not because there   is not enough evidence scientifically it's because  there is abundance of pride internally the real   reason why people will go to health is the same  reason satan got kicked out of heaven it's pride   satan did not get kicked out from heaven because  he smoked weed he did not get kicked out of heaven   because he was sleeping with the secretary and  because he was cheating on taxes or even because   of murder the reason why satan got thrown down  from heaven and will be thrown down into hell   is because of pride and today in my generation  pride masks itself under scientific things i   cannot reconcile the hypocrisy in the church but  this you know the church is not really speaking   about the social stuff and all of that you  can say oh you know you guys are not wearing   masks and everything you can hide pride behind  anything you want but I can tell you one thing   is pride will do to you what it did  to satan it will condemn you to hell   because they condemned him to hell if you have  what satan has you'll go where satan is going it's only pride that will keep a sane person  from rejecting the truth of Jesus the offer   of Jesus he came to save you from sin you are  a criminal you are the one that offended god   you are the one that deserved to burn in hell  because of you were born in sin it's argued   it's a humanity to turn their back on God we  were the ones that ignored the flashlights we   were the ones that ignored and said no we're  going to do our own way and god comes on this   earth and he becomes a man he tries to tell  us of the truth takes our penalty upon himself   and puts all of these road spikes on our path and  says stop there is an eternity I placed inside of   your life doesn't end when you die I came to  rescue you, I came to save you I came and there is   an evidence to all of that and they will say no i  don't really believe in that and it's not because   we don't believe in that it's easier  to be your own god that to fall from your throne   get on your knee and strip yourself of your pride  and humble yourself because to need a savior you   need to abandon pride to need a savior you need to  stop acting like your own savior you need to stop   acting like your own god that's why the chief sin  that we all battle with is not the sin of smoking   drinking it's the sin of idolatry and it will keep  us away from christ can forgive any sin   but he will never forgive pride because  pride doesn't even ask for forgiveness   and this person who will say no to christ because  of pride will be difficult to live with a proud   spouse is difficult to live with it's difficult  to work with because they're never wrong   it's everybody's always everybody's fault except  their own and I want to encourage you today that   if you are here today and you are not do not  know what you will face where you will spend   eternity if today you're listening and you heard  about the message of jesus christ maybe you went   to mass as a child maybe you heard about the  lord from this and from that from your friends   you are here today christ has a meeting  with you he interrupted my message just for   you I'm going to tell you one thing it will be  worth ruining your Christmas for your eternity I really felt during worship today God says I am  going to save so many people through this message   in the years down the earth in the years down  God wants to save you he wants to rescue you   but you do have to do this one thing you have to  humble yourself and you have to come and say Jesus   I need help you have to come off of your horse  and get on your knees before christ and say Jesus   save me from my sin from my unrighteousness I need  your gift of salvation gives me eternal life that   eternal life will give you abundant life it will  give you joyful life it will give you every other   thing but the most important thing is eternal life  I'm not a Christian because Christians are nice   I'm not a Christian because people around me  aren't hypocrites I'm not a Christian because   the world is nice I'm a Christian because I'm  a rich sinner who is going to face a holy god   and his justice and I will fail I will flunk  that judgment and I do not want to take a chance   and he already told me that I'm not good enough in  myself and therefore I join Jesus i go into christ   I receive his abundant love and his forgiveness he  restores my dignity and my value he gives me a new   name he doesn't make me a slave he makes me a son  he adopts me he makes me his own and when I die   the last time my eyes see this world will be the  first time my eyes see him and that world I will   not be escorted by demons crouching pulling  me into hades I will be escorted by heavens   escort services angels will take me into  heaven my friend let me ask you what about you   have you made Jesus the lord of your life  have you asked him to come into your heart   or are you hiding behind pride are you hiding  behind drama or are you hiding behind sin   imagine that person going through the railroad  who's saying oh the reason why I'm going to   ignore the flashlights and I'm going to go  through why because my mama beat me today   are you crazy people have been mean to me  so I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore the   flashing lights my friend no matter how people  have treated you it's never worth to throw your   eternity over that you need to accept Jesus  christ today I plead with you I beseech you   by the mercies of god get right with god get  right with Jesus today repent of your sin give   your life entirely to him you will say does that  mean that I'm gonna lose my fun some of it yes   but what's fun today will become pain tomorrow  christ will deliver you he will restore you, he   will give you new hope maybe you're here today  and you say but I've done so many bad things   perhaps you've had an abortion maybe you've  done things that you feel guilty about I'm   going to remind you one thing about christ he's  way better at saving you than you are at sinning   he will forgive you he died a brutal death to  give you a radical salvation he will restore   you, he will forgive you of all of your sins and  you will love him deeply and you will treasure   him intimately today he is ready to do that he is  ready to give you a new heart and this can be the   Christmas where not only you celebrated his birth  heaven celebrated yours I want us to rise totally if you're watching us on Livestream or you're here as the team is going to sing   if you're not right with God if you don't know  Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior   today I'm not gonna make it easy as they're gonna  sing I'm gonna ask you to come out of your seat   and to meet me right here i tremble preaching  this message you're gonna tremble responding it Jesus died publicly the least we can do is to  acknowledge him publicly to humble us because   there are some of you you got pride and you  gotta shake that off and I'm not talking about   responding to some scary message I'm talking  about responding to the truth and saying Jesus   today you were born so that I will be born again  I rejoice at your birth so that heaven can rejoice   at my second birth if the lord is pounding on  your heart right now and you say i need to get   right with God I'm gonna ask you quickly come out  of your seat come and stand with me right now I'm   gonna pray with you that Jesus will come into your  heart if you brought a friend with you right now   as the worship team sings you can  bring him with you we're going to pray   we're going to pray that the lord is going to  come into their heart if you're watching us   on live stream right now begin to comment  below I would like to get right with God   I'm not there where I supposed to be with God  I'm repenting right now I'm asking Jesus to   come into my heart and we're going to have our  moderators we'll pray with you in just a moment   grace wonderful grace wonderful grace  wonderful grace the cross all of my seats your grace and no matter no matter how I you take me as I am you call me just gonna ask  you to do something a little evangelistic tool   turn to your neighbor say do you need  to get right with god if they say yes   I want you to bring him to the front friends don't  let other friends go to eternity without Jesus   right now just take a moment if you have a friend  you say hey if they're not right with the lord   just come with them don't drag  don't manipulate don't push but come with them   if they need to get right with the lord just bring  them with you we're going to pray in just a moment   those of you on live stream on zoom I want you  to get ready right now because in just a moment   we're going to pray this prayer we're going to  ask the holy spirit to give us a brand new heart   and give us a brand new life for those of you  that will be watching already listening to this   God is about to touch your life in Jesus name  let's pray this prayer together right now say   this out loud with me say Lord Jesus I'm a sinner  I'm a rebel I'm a proud person unrighteous person   I am in need of your salvation take this  heart of mine and give me a new heart   save my soul today write my name in your book of  life change me from the inside out transform me   I need your mercy wash me with your blood i  surrender everything I am give me a new life   and from this day forward i choose to  follow you as you help me in jesus name amen
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 14,082
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, pastor vlad, faith not fear, fear of god, not afraid live, fear of death, fear not, not afraid, do not fear, do not be afraid, jokes, pastor vladimir savchuk, pastor vlad sermons, reality of hell, hell, sermon on hell, hell sermon, hell is real, eternal life, message about hell, eternity, going to hell, online church, church online, online church service live, church online platform, preacher
Id: tgrtxoVitKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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