Encounter with Holy 🕊 Spirit // Encounter (Part 1)

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hi there this is pastor vlad and before we go into this week's content i would like to invite you to become a part of what god is doing at hungry generation today this year we've seen a great blessing of the lord and anointing of god god's healings and salvations and deliverances and in 2019 i know that god wants to take us further and many of you who are watching this video right now and watching this message you've been receiving from hungary gen you've been growing your world has been changing and we give to God all the glory but we would like you in 2018 to become a part of what God is doing and you can do that by sowing your best gift into this ministry or maybe doing something monthly like a partnership a reoccurring gift this will help us to go further in 2019 and bring more of what we're bringing to you to many many more people mean my wife we do that every single year our church does that every single year were once a year we'll give a special offering to God and then we also become partners of this ministry by our monthly contributions and I give you that opportunity today to become our partner and to become somebody who contributes to what God is doing today below is a link where you can make that happen so why don't you ask God what would God have you give this year to this ministry to help us go further in God and now let's go into this message we are delighted to what God wants to do today in this service and what God wants to do in your life in Jesus name as we are approaching 2019 I know that 2018 has been a great year for many people and we thank God for all the salvations all the healings the internship that we have had the CDs that will release the conference's that we have had the many trips that Pastor Vlad took and and you guys went with me there in the spirit they met amen all the people that we made an impact on thousands of people through online community that God has used this to made an impact on but 2019 is going to be better it's gonna be our best year yet can somebody say Amen it's gonna be our best year yet today we are starting a new series that will be called encounter because I believe that God's goal for us is to encounter him it's to encounter the Holy Spirit we love the Holy Spirit as a church amen and when we encounter the Holy Spirit our life becomes different the goal of this series I'm just gonna give you my secrets out from the beginning my goal in this series is to encourage you challenge you to live a life of prayer fasting and giving in 2019 that if you looked at the life of prayer fasting and giving as that's not for me that's for them that in 2019 you rethink that amen and not just occasionally but to do it regularly and as a lifestyle to make prayer fasting and giving like breakfast lunch and dinner part of your life amen one of the things that we're going to do is at the end of January we're going to do on January 27th we are going to do a sacrifice Sunday now sacrifice and I know what sacrifice is a negative word for some of you and it doesn't mean we're gonna do something bad or kill something we're going to bring to God our best gift that we've ever brought something that may be beyond our convenience and our comfort zone as it relates to our finances and we will create it's gonna be a habit that we're gonna do every single year once a year but specially next year we have some financial needs as a church one of them is that we had a school that rented our facility for over 15 years and the school paid generously but they covered pretty much a lot of our bills and as you have seen the school has been replaced with our kids zone our kids zone now occupies that place and the school is here no more they didn't get accepted for one more year of funding from the government and but it came exactly at the right moment for us as a church because we were so tight we couldn't fit the kids in when they said that they're moving out the moment the kidzone got remodeled we moved in our kids attendance doubled in the first Sunday but as our kids ministry is growing our finances one down so this is where the Lord is using me and you know for the next year instead of the government to begin to take care of the things of the church are you with me now it's got silent but I believe that next year that our church is not going to be dependent on some big millionaire it's not going to be dependent on the government it's gonna depend on the sacrifices of all of us we're gonna make that happen can somebody say Amen I believe God has grown our church now to the place where we don't need an outside help what we from this house can support this house are you with me and so in January 27 I asked you that you asked God what would God have you brain for those of you watching us on livestream from Germany Saudi Arabia Mexico Canada Ukraine Russia India other car parts of the world people who write us every day that this house is like their church we would like you and January 27th not to skip the live stream but to participate also in the same thing and become a partner with hungry generation Church I have to remind you that the first time the Lord provider God the provider was mentioned in the Bible it was mentioned when God revealed himself as Jehovah Jireh to Abraham Abraham did not have a financial problem Abraham was wealthy financially and Abraham was asked by God to bring a sacrifice and when he was bringing a sacrifice God stopped him and God provided a sacrifice that was God's gift to Abraham now I understand when I read the story sometimes I'm like God why did you bring a sacrifice so Abram can give it back to you I could just take it yourself but God tests us many times and I would like you to ask God next month to give you a sacrifice you might say I don't have anything as God to provide you a sacrifice I heard businessmen one time in Louisiana who was working on this contract and real hard bonky came to church and he told God if at the end of the year I get a bonus for $1,000,000 it never got anything closed before he says god I will give 1 million dollars to sponsor the whole crusade over a heart bonky his CEO flies to another country comes in and out of all the thousands of employees picks him and for some weird reason gives them a million dollars so he asked God and God gave a sacrifice and He blessed him the next year he prayed for 2 Millions and for two Crusades and God provided 2 millions in exactly the same way for a crusade then you might say that this is kind of weird stuff I'm not sure I like what I'm hearing in the New Testament it says God gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater see most of us in here we know God as somebody who gives us bread meaning he meets our needs helps us to pay our bills but see some of you the next year you will discover God as someone who gives the seed not just bread to hold a child the one who gives a sacrifice how about somebody hallelujah so next coming here I challenge you as your pastor and I challenge you as the preacher in this house that I want us to grow and stretch yourself in the area of giving I learned the hard way about the importance of stretching two weeks ago me and my wife we go work out she's more consistent I'm just more of I work out for the same way most people go to church just for the check mark not you but I'm saying most people outside of our church I just go there just with a check mark this particular time we decided to make it a marriage thing so to work out together and so we're doing squats and you know girls they do squats pretty much every day and so I just quads once in six months and stuff so I decided to do squats with her on the Smith machine where you know it goes kind of all together that the bar goes together and I was so focused on under lip not to hit the little hinges on that that I did not focus on the proper posture because when you disqualifier and if do you know pull the weight from you're back into your into your squads so anyways that was wrongly postured little did I know is that I felt something in my back it wasn't the Holy Spirit it was something sharp and hot but it wasn't God and as felt my back went out and because I couldn't walk after that without excruciating pain couldn't sit down without holding myself and couldn't get up and the reason why that happened is because I don't stretch before I work out they told me before a week ago and lady who does massages came to my house last Friday last week and the moment she came in before even she start doing a massage she says I want you to bend and I could not being honest with you I couldn't go even more than than what I'm doing right now without sharp pain I just couldn't and so she says well you don't have a problem with your muscles as much as you blown out your back and you you need to see a chiropractor but you know it's Christmas time so all the offices are closed and so last Sunday when I preached about healing of God most of you don't realize I was in excruciating pain I couldn't get up from that view without Ivan helping me he was holding my back like this and helped me to get up so some of you maybe it's not like what's going on with pastor Vlad and Ivan I just needed help okay that's all Ivan actually knows that the moment I blew out my back I right away drove to his house and I said hey pray for me and stuff and you know he's like what for and I was a brain surgeon never up put it on their own brains and like I prayed for healing for other people but I need now people to pray for me even when I met with Jeremy you know and ask Jeremy rightness in the parking lot of Starbucks and say he pray for my back I'm like I need as much prayer as I can get so that I can minister to others and by God's grace this week you know honestly without the help of of the professionals because they were all closed God just restored my back and completely have no pain whatsoever praise be to God but this is what I've learned if you don't stretch you can become stiff and some of you the area of giving for you is a very stiff area in fact me talking about it gives you pain perhaps your back is out perhaps there is a man man that is lodged perhaps you to attach two things perhaps the issue is not the church and money per issue it's not that you have a lot of money as the money have a hold on you and God wants you to stretch and God wants to heal that area so that when you hear giving a word comes out of your mouth say please preacher do you ah it's again that church again I knew it I should have not went to that church and all after money pastor just wants my money because see your back might be out and God wants you to stretch in this area so there is no pain in that area so that you not stiff you're not stacking it but that you are flexible in your relationship with God somebody say man you know when it comes to fasting giving and prayer I found out that in my life one thing that keeps some people away from being generous living a life of prayer and fasting is this is they say this thing I don't have a prompting you know a lot that's good for you you're giving 10% to the church to their church where you go it's good for you you fast and pray but God is not leading me to some people they're only motivated by problems others are only motivated by promptings but I believe in the New Testament Apostle Paul says to the Corinthian church he says whatever you purposed in your heart give to God that means there will be many occasions where God will not prompt you you're gonna have to purpose meaning your purpose in your own heart that I will do that did God tell you he doesn't have to tell me to brush my teeth I don't feel prompted to brush my teeth I purpose in my heart to brush my teeth and all the people around me are thankful for that there are things in your life they see God promised Abraham give your son but Solomon never prompted but have been prompted by God he purposed in his heart I will give God a thousand bulls see God prompted a rich ruler give everything you have but a Mary was never prompted to give a whole whole income and poured it at the feet of Jesus she purposed in her own heart some of your thinking oh but God is not going to be pleased if he doesn't pull me into it no God will think you're much sure if you can now purpose things in your own heart he doesn't have to brush you about it and somebody say Amen a mama and a daddy will never look at their child and say I am so disappointed in you you're the biggest disappointment in my life why because you have grown of age we're now on your own you make your own sandwiches and you put your own dishes and you clean your own dishes I didn't tell you to do that why didn't you wait for me to tell you how many parents will be disappointed in their children no you would be happy you said finally you grew up you make their own sandwiches you clean up after yourself now I don't have to tell you why because your much sure if you live only by God promptings or by people's problems that's the only thing that pushes you to work on and drives you toward God the Lord wants in 2019 too much show you that you can purpose in your heart and go into that can somebody say Amen see some of us I want to give you one more one more nugget is that sometimes our routines create a revival but if we keep them too long they'll put us into a rut see sometimes what happens is that when we are just only prompted we develop certain new routines when we walk with God and what happens with these routines at first they stretch you and they they pull you into a revival see for some of you to be here on Sunday morning is revival but in a year from now you will be in a rut by coming to Sunday morning why because God the very routines they brought revival yesterday if you keep them for too long they lead you into a rut so the question is that who uh oh that's good passive that I knew I had to stop coming to church in 2019 thank you for confirming that the devil is a liar that's not what I was saying what I was saying is that you have to learn to change things with your routines in 2019 to stay in the revival I'll give you a workout example since all of you are interested in there a few months ago I was working out and again I am NOT a some fitness guru and fitness is not necessarily my biggest passion I just do it for the check mark and for maintenance so I was doing a bench press and I don't lift a lot on a bench press but I decided to you know put a plate you know if you're a man you have to lift the plate and so um and so I lifted few times I look you know I think I could do it and so I saw Jordan there Jordan he comes to our church and so Jordan you know he's buff guy big guy and so I asked him I said hey could you support me and I didn't ask him to support me because I was afraid that it will drop me in to kill me I asked him to support me because I knew that I could not do the plate three times you know and ten wraps there was no way I could do that but if somebody is watching me I'll do a lot just not just to save myself from embarrassment you know that because if there's a pressure you know like somebody's watching you you're little you do the unthinkable and so I'm thinking like Jordan is gonna stand there you know and I'm gonna I'm gonna push the through a little blood will come out of me but I will push that through and so and there he was you know he's standing and he doesn't know that I've never done three sets of 10 with the plate and so he spotted me no I did three sets of ten and after that literally I felt like I'm an Iron Man I am the minister universe and Jordan looks at me and he says he said to the house so easy for you he said next time just just like I had more weight and I didn't want to ruin this my might the fact that you know I feel all macho didn't want to tell him I've never done this in my life but you know Jordan was right Jordan wasn't trying to kill me Jordan wasn't trying to you know ruin my little little celebration when he was in fact challenging me is that now at this time which I still do a plate and I was planning to do a plate for the rest of my life but I know that I have in the area of benchpress I have plateaued and the only way to get out of that is not to say I'm not going to the gym no it's to add a little bit more to the plate not another plate because then you won't have a pastor preaching pastor next Sunday I will die but add a little bit more next time and create a new routine for next year how many of you in this room things that you benched before in your relationship with God that a year ago it was revival but now it has become an old routine in fact so old you don't even see a thrill a passion you're not growing in it you're not getting closer to the Holy Spirit it doesn't stretch you there's no sense of resistance and the goal is not to say well I'm gonna quit Church all together to get my passion back nobody does their with the gym but nobody should do them with their faith which is you need to do next year probably is to see which routines require minor adjustments maybe as the church goes into fasting something you've never made that part of your regular Christian life to make fasting your regular Christian life next year perhaps you've been fasting for this year and you say you know what this whole fasting thing is not doing anything to me what if during fasting you turn off your phone the one that you run right now on Instagram and turn it off for three days and what if you give up not only food but you also give up caffeine oh Jesus have mercy did you say caffeine that's like another plate on my plate what if then this coming year the prayer life that you don't always do on your way to work as you're also doing makeup and checking your phone that that's called your prayer life what if this coming here on Friday morning from 6:00 to 7:00 you will make it your routine to come here for prayer who some of you maybe that's been your routine and the Lord has challenged you to go either deeper or to go more but I challenge you Church revival it's not a magic it's not God's just randomly giving people revival it's people choosing to grow in the routine so that they can walk in revival somebody say man [Music] maybe same thing we need to do with giving they start sewing you know and I will speak billable well more vulnerable with myself I saw the same thing a certain rut that came with fasting and I saw the change for me was to begin to not just fast but disconnect completely from fasting during fasting disconnect completely so that I could receive more there were a few months where I you know did instead of three day fasting to go way longer in that same thing in prayer when my prayer gets in the rod one of the things that I started to do again is to take a day during a week one day and spend that whole day in prayer now I understand that's not something you may do that's something that your work might not allow you to do it's part of my job but at the same time what it does as he started to stretch and I started to feel the sense of resistance with the flesh a sense of feeding of the Spirit and sense of closeness to God a sense of revival that starts bubbling inside of my spirit and same thing can happen to you but you gotta find your routine that's been your revival but now it has gotten you into a rut perhaps you like Elijah are you sitting by the brook and the Raven stopped coming and the water stopped flowing but two years ago this routine brought you revival and now this routine is keeping you in the rod the Lord is bringing his shift in 2019 prayer fasting and giving his regard wants to take us in 2019 can somebody say Amen and I'm not saying this to make it oh there's a soul painful this is so hard make it as a part of your habit and grow in it for God there are people here today your challenge in 2019 is honestly to start tithing to start putting God in your finances and I'm speaking to Christians people who call this church their home to do in this area to grow and some of you up to now you may excuse this you're like well I come on Sunday morning that's my tithing maybe you said you know what but I serve I hold the camera I take pictures I'm on the worship team I flip slides you know I work at the Kids Zone you know throughout the whole the whole summer when it was being remodeled you know I speak here I do so many things that's my tithing that is you're giving my friend that is your serving and that is so important and so appreciate it and from the depths of my heart I say thank you but that's not tithing the Bible says in Malachi to bring your tithes to the Lord a God's house it's interesting it does not say give your tithe why because tithing is not giving it's returning to God what is his let me give you an example it's like me giving you a car for a week and saying hey could you keep my car for a week and I come back a week from now and then you come to me and I said lad I have a gift for you and you give me my car and you say I just felt generous just felt like just felt prompted to give you a car what am I gonna say back to say no you didn't give me a car you returned my car see that's what the tithing is called tithing is not called giving it's called returning that's why people could untied according to Malachi God called them thieves for the same reason if you would keep my car after that I came back and you would say oh that's mine now I wouldn't call you say oh yeah that is yours no that's called stealing you don't call me a thief if I didn't bring you a Christmas gift you might call me greedy you might call me stingy but you would never call me a thief why because I never took something that's yours God that doesn't call people who don't I just greedy he just says that sometimes what happens it's stealing that strong words and I did not write them and that's why I want to challenge you 2019 God wants you to trust God wants to trust you with resources in 2019 but there's one thing you have to remember God don't trust thieves oh how dare he not the same way you don't if you know a family relative who tell who comes to your house and takes things that is not theirs when they come into your house what's gonna happen you can be extra careful will you stop loving them will you denounce them no you're probably not even gonna block them on Instagram you're gonna still keep them close but this is what you're not gonna do you're never gonna trust them you're gonna love them but never trust them you have to understand one thing is that you may say why does God trust people who don't tithe for this reason they don't trust him why should God trust us who are humans if we don't trust him who is good we should do an altar call right here right now so I just won the challenge and I understand they're theologians sitting here and pastor glad this is all good but it's the Old Testament in Malachi the verse about tithing two three verses before God said this I am the Lord don't change that for all those people who think that's the Old Testament and that changes God on purpose put the thing I don't change literally cut every single excuse from through me and stuff and we have the freedom to do whatever we want I want in 2018 to say God I trust you please trust me trust me with greater anointing trust me with greater opportunities trust me with open doors why because my heart is in the right place and I want to bring my tithe to God's house one more correction and I'm going to get off of this and touch more on this series and that's this Bible says that the tithe belongs to God's house I need to correct this because last few weeks I've been meeting with different people a lot of our people ask me questions many times and there's a lot of misconceptions and it's completely fine what people do with their finances is none of my business but we should know what the Scripture teaches giving tipping the barista giving the person on the street help blessing your mom with a Christmas gift blessing your wife with a new watch buying your husband a new Apple iPhone is not a tithe it's generosity it's charity it's giving and every one of us should do more of that but that's not a tight tight belongs to God's house it doesn't belong to a televangelist it doesn't belong to an awesome ministry that you listen to and it doesn't belong as your mom's Christmas gift it belongs to the house that you come and you call your home Church that's according to the Bible amen now that I said things that will make many of you love me Matthew chapter 2 verse 1 and verse 2 now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King behold wise men from the east came to Jerusalem saying where is he who had been born the king of the Jews for we had seen his star in the east and have come to worship Him for those of you who were here last Sunday you experienced more like an Easter service so today is gonna be a little bit more there is just few moments about like a Christmas story though this is not a Christmas story because the wise men came probably two years after Jesus was born because Jesus was no longer an infant and he was no longer in the manger he was now in the house the wise men they studied these they were mad guys they were like the scientists they studied the astrologist they studied the Stars and they saw a particular star and they were led by this star and the first place that came to is to Jerusalem to get some more information on this king of the Jews that they suspect who was born and as they came to Jerusalem we see that the Herod he got really really nervous and the whole Jerusalem was troubled with him he gathered the people who knew the stuff about the king of the Jews the scribes and the priests and the Pharisees and the Sadducees all of those people he gathered him up and says hey tell me more about this king of the Jews and from the back of their heads without searching the internet they said oh yeah and they quoted the prophets saying this is where he will be born this is everything about almost like gave him a whole folder of the profile of the king of the Jews and what they did after that is went back to the normal life the Wiseman took that information and ran with that information and they saw Jesus they worshipped Jesus and again they opened their treasures and gave Jesus the baby Jesus most precious gifts gold silver and now that they gave him precious gifts and they went back to sleep and the Lord instructed them not go back the same way to hear it I wonder sometimes what would I have done 2,000 years ago if Jesus would have been born when that would be alive would I be a Herod who gets threatened by Jesus would I be a Pharisee who has all the information about Jesus or would I be a wise man who is not threatened who is not satisfied with the information but who wants to see Jesus face-to-face as I pondered on this question I think I have an answer on what I would do with Jesus and the answer I have also for you I know what you would do with Jesus if he would have been born today do you know what you would do with Jesus if you'd be born today exactly the same thing that you do with Holy Spirit right now which is for most of us absolutely nothing the second greatest event on this earth is not Jesus being born that was the first greatest event and most people were completely indifferent to it they were satisfied with knowing about Jesus and very few were interested to chase him to find him to experience him to worship Him and then disciples to give him their life but today there is another event that is happening right in front of your nose and this is the event where Jesus said another like me just like me but another one is coming in fact he is my father the reason why Holy Spirit is here's his father's because the Bible says that Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit the meaning he is even going to be greater than me the reason why is because he will be in many places at the same time he will not be lodged in Jerusalem he will not stay in Israel he can be closer to you than ever before and my friends I news for you he is here right now [Applause] another one is coming and he has came my question to you today and this question I present to me as well am I like a pharisee Pentecostal because he we Pentecostals we charismatic we have this feeling like Holy Spirit belongs to us like Holy Spirit has special connection with our denomination because we got the tongues figured out we sometimes feel like Pharisees we have all the information about the Holy Spirit and sometimes you find the Pentecostal Christians they speak in tongues and they have the information they walk around saying he is ours the way Jewish rabbis were saying Messiah our King but have no power have no signs no wonders and no deliverances have no healings nothing supernatural is happening with Pentecostals except the fact they have more information and they speak in tongues and why is that because the Holy Spirit does not belong to Pentecostals he belongs to people who are hungry and who are willing to get up and seek an encounter with him whether they're Baptist whether they are Catholics whether they're Presbyterian we'll say God I want to see you I am hungry for you [Music] [Applause] holy spirit wants to be sought pursued I want us as the church an encounter with Holy Spirit is this is that what I read in the prophets in the scriptures I see in my life the Pharisees read it Wiseman side and read the Gospels and every few verses I see jesus healed cast out demons he jesus healed I don't want to be a Pharisee who creates a doctrine for why this is not happening I want to be a wise man and take this as a challenge to my status quo and say god one more step closer see more healings one more step closer to seeing deliverance but if demons manifest people will run maybe those people have demons and they need to run that's fine I'm a lot after that I am NOT after pleasing or impressive people I want to not be a Pharisee who reads about and never sees that see Jesus was not planted in some planet Mars he was within their reach Holy Spirit is not somewhere in some other country he is within your reach he is here right now and your hunger and your desperation will push you out you're out of your face a fair scientism into any county with God laughs 2019 be a year of the holy spirit let this be a year of warning no Holy Spirit not just knowing about the Holy Spirit but knowing him personally knowing him intimately and knowing him passionately come on somebody so any encounter is God wants us to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit God wants us to meet the Holy Spirit and God wants us to walk with the Holy Spirit God wants there to be signs that you know the Holy Spirit God wants there to be results that you walk with Holy Spirit and I'm not talking about only that you can speak in tongues 300 miles per hour that is great that is awesome but it does not mean that you know him you walk with Him and the you are with him come on somebody in the conclusion I want to give you just practical three tips and having an encounter with Holy Spirit principle number one before we have an encounter with the Holy Spirit we have to have a right information what Wiseman did is they not only they saw the star and they decided to go and see it they first went to Jerusalem to see that they have the right information of what the king is supposed to be born and encounter with the Holy Spirit happens number one we need to first be scripturally grounded not every spirituality is scriptural today there is a wave of Christianity the cause of Christianity or spiritualism called New Age and some of you here today you read their books books like secret books like president now books like horses and miracles books like the power of now and you read that new lock wow this is like the Bible just have has less verses its new age and it's not the Bible it's a cult and I know where it was born from because the church was busy learning how to explain God instead of seeking to experience him but most of the people in the church said that doesn't cut it for me I'm not an idiot I'm not a theologian but I'm not idiot this Bible is marked with stuff you can't explain it can have more degrees than a thermometer you still can't explain it I want to experience it and people became so hungry to experience God that they looked at the people who preached this and they pushed this aside to experience angels to experience miracles and that's where that stuff was born but listen just because it's spiritual and supernatural it doesn't make it scriptural that's why it's wise for you and I before we run after the baby Jesus check with Jerusalem under the right direction so where he's born otherwise you'll find a king but not the king you want to find you find the spirit you will find an angel you will find stuff going through your spine you'll find energy going through your spine and at the same time losing marriage losing children and at the same time growing into away from God because not every spirituality is scriptural my dog knows that too he's so desperate and thirsty sometimes for water and he doesn't see the difference between the little place what he's supposed to drink from he runs to the toilet and drinks the water like there is no tomorrow now I am NOT my dog but so many of you here today you're hungry for Supernatural you don't even care what you lick the water from not everything that looks like water is water that's why you need the Bible not to have a manual for your life but a map what an encounter many of you here today you stopped reading the Bible for one reason you've reduced this to a manual and you read it you look lad I've read it read it twice 483 times there's nothing new there and from what I hear they don't they don't create updates for it there is no revisions for it so you know what I already have read it I've studied I know what it says and it doesn't relate to how I should live my life because life is so different it doesn't talk about things that I battle with right now I feel like it's not relevant to you to my life see you reduce the Bible to m2 a manual that's what Pharisees did they studied and studied but didn't realize the Bible held directions to an encounter the Bible held directions to mede got to face-to-face yes it has principles but his goal is to lead you to a person whose name is the Holy Spirit [Music] what do I take from that is if I want to have an encounter I have to fall in love with the Bible so it can teach me the Holy Spirit I've read the Bible over over 20 probably times from beginning to end I tried to read it once and sometimes twice a year I don't read it to get a sermon but this year I have changed my perspective on reading the Bible I don't read now to get a revelation or to get an insight I say Holy Spirit I want to find you here and I want you to give me directions and I want to read the Bible freshly and this year I challenge you pick up your Bible read your Bible more than you read your other books visit books but live in this book because only this holds the right directions to what the Holy Spirit is and who the Holy Spirit is books will inspire you this will give you an encounter books will give you knowledge this will give you a meeting face to face with God books that they will update your thinking and they will challenge your status quo in many areas and that is good there is nothing wrong with that we need to read books but this is different this is a brand of life this is the sword of the Holy Spirit this is the hammer this is the fire this is the sheep this is the oil this is the water this is leads to an encounter with God [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's why atheists Thun cite other books they've cite this book that's why communists did not cite any other book they fight this book why because there's something dangerous about this book it can change the way you live it gets sheds the way you spend your time it can change the way you are this book you will never see the books of a new age being banned from other countries because they're not a threat to demonic Kingdom this one is the second principle of an encounter with God is not only I have right information which comes from the Word of God but I have also proper inspiration proper inspiration speaks of the wise man who had a star and they let were led by this star the star speaks of God elevating things people ministries miracles in our life for us to like bring confirmation inspiration and encouragement in our pursuit of the holy spirit if you will watch your life carefully you will find out pretty much most of the encounters with God that you had were sparked by something you've read some sermon that you have listened a book that maybe you went through a conference that you went through and they planted a small seed of saying I want that I'm hungry for that books and Holy Spirit many times conferences like the things that even happen here a man of God came prophesied a man of God came and then God moved and something within you connected and say God I want that I am hungry for that see God brings ministries miracles and men of God in our life and many of you you have him on your phone you have him on your YouTube channel you you listen to them or watch them on TV you have some of their books and it's the star elevate is so high sometimes we get discouraged by those stars because we look we're like man there is no a lot of a ladder on this earth that can get me get me there and you listen today like man how can I get there but I want to correct that notion to say that our goal is not to get there our goal is to get there our goal is not to grab a ladder to climb to see the star our goal is to let it lead us into an encounter that made a mass star to bring a change in our own life and the ruinous for normal and set us up to be people that God called us to be God is not looking for another Billy Graham God is not wanting to see another Benny Hinn he doesn't want another shun bolts Todd white he wants you and he wants me and you can become the next if you have an encounter with God that's why they all so different you look at some of these men one has a hair up to this size the other one has no hair at all you see one person dresses this way the other person dresses differently because God is not looking to make copies of them God says when you encounter me the way they encountered me you will be different but you will be powerful you will be annoying this you will be a challenge to your generation you will be walking with my power you'll be walking with my anointing you will be walking in your gifts and in your colleagues you need an encounter you need an encounter and to have an encounter with God I must have a right information meaning I have to look at the scripture not just as a manual but a map I have to have right inspiration and for those of you in here who's like I just don't need anybody except the Bible yeah unsubscribe from your Netflix as well don't listen to anybody and I think as are all of them they want my money Hulu wants your money too yeah HBO subscription that you got what do you think they're after to bless your life of course not and so so don't don't fool yourself I'm not listening to any I don't get I don't need any extra exploration yeah because you got a lot of poison coming into your life and so we need positive inspiration the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 12 is that before we can run the race meaning before we pursue God we have to be surrounded with a cloud of witnesses and if you gotta have a right inspiration you gotta have right examples you gotta have right models sometimes you gotta be surrounded with the crowd and with the cloud can somebody say Amen and so we have information we have inspiration and then but what makes Weisman different from the Pharisees as they had desperation is they were willing to take the information and walk with it to an encounter instead of taking the information memorize it get a degree learn in other languages and never make a move they moved they went forward they were not perfect but they moved they progressed they pursued their encounter wasn't big the in camera was with the baby like I'm thinking it would be pretty disappointing if you want to see a king and found the toddler like you're looking at your gifts looking on I'll take him back to my kids never mind you're thinking about taking a picture like how's that gonna King what am I gonna bow to a baby it this encounter did not look like the encounter that Moses had or the mountain was full of flame and Moses came his face was shining and the two tablets this encounter was not like other men who had where the fire of chariots showed up this encounter was not such work there was voices and thunderings this encounter was was was unique because it was so small but wise men encountered someone bigger than any other men ever encountered in their life though it was smaller it was bigger and so what I want to encourage you right now is that when you begin to seek God for an encounter you will have it but never be disappointed if it comes in small size if it comes as something that you felt the Holy Spirit and people described it you look well my mind was was like this but I was real but it was it was like this I just I felt the fire of God I felt this sense of that he is real he is with me I did it didn't it wasn't anything like super it was it was small the reason why God gives you a small encounter because he doesn't want it to be the only one he wants it to be the first he hopes to stir up an appetite that you come for more unfortunate this is where us and Wiseman have to part ways right now because Wiseman got one small encounter they gave all they had they worshipped Jesus they were instructed by a dream and they never came back for another one they never came back to visit Jesus when he was 12 they never came back to visit Jesus when he was 30 and the lack of Dolf came upon him they never came back to visit him at 31 when he walked on water and when he multiplied bread they never came to visit him at 33 when the veil was torn apart and the dead man became alive and Jesus rose from the dead they only had one encounter but I believe it's hunk regeneration if we have an encounter with God it will change us but if we have encounters with God it will change our world and I'm ready for any encounters with God I want to go from glory to glory what about you I want this year not to be a year where you only remember what God did at 16 where you only remember what God did at 24 who were God did few years ago when you got baptized in water but Baptists in the Holy Spirit I want the thousand 19 to be your best year with God best year with Holy Spirit your best prayer life to be in 2019 your best fasting life to be in 2019 your best giving to be in 2019 your best year with God to be in 2018 is somebody say man I want you to rise to your feet [Music] let this year be the best year in your encounter with the holy spirit you know what Jesus called Pharisees people who didn't have curiosity about him when he was young became the critics of him when he became mature if you have no curiosity for the Holy Spirit in the matter of five six years you'll be the biggest critic of what he's gonna do it's the curious that stay sane it's the curious people who are fascinated not familiar people who are not just happy that they can explain it but they're not contempt until they can experience it people who don't just say wave it I said this is written but say also this is written and I see how I know how it works in my life I want us to be those people in this coming year Jesus rebuked the Pharisees when he was on this earth he called them tombs see tombs tombs are places where life used to be it's the places that have people that used to have life I don't want us to be tombs in 2019 we'll remember good old days we remember the miracles of the past when we remember God's experiences with the past I want us in 2018 to be temples we don't hold we don't hide that which used to be alive we host someone who is a life the Holy Spirit dear Holy Spirit we want an encounter with you [Music] as the offerings will go by we're going to do what Wiseman did as they worship they gave give your best see today your best gift your tide or your offering and as they go by I want you to release your heart to the whole experience the Lord 2018 I want an encounter with you an encounter even if we will come as a size of the baby but it will not be the only one it will be more and more father I pray for your people right now pray for the offerings I pray for the tithes but most importantly I pray for our hearts we want to encounter you we want to know you we want to be known for you we want to be like the wise men we want to not settle for what we hear I want to experience we want your word to become alive and we want to God be inspired by the things you placed in our life instead of be discouraged God and we want to see Jesus we want to see the Holy Spirit and we want to be used by him in Jesus name Amen as we give let's wash [Music] you [Music] [Music] you deserve all the me give it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you for watching this content I know this was a blessing to you we would like to ask you to subscribe to our Channel and click on the Bell on our channel so that each time we upload something you can be notified don't forget to share this content with your friends and family and on social media we're so thankful to you better is not good enough the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 21,039
Rating: 4.8950438 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances, encounter, fasting, giving, crazy russian preacher, prayer
Id: Bkp5F67EWUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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