THE WAR HAS BEGUN - Kenshi: Ep. #9 - Nathan's Story

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hello everyone my name is Nathan and today it's time for another episode of Kenji in between the episodes I took Nathan and I explored a little bit towards the east now I discovered a couple of ruins I'm actually interested in especially these three ruins but also I discovered a new city which I also already visited it wasn't very friendly for us there but we did get a new companion let me show you the newest member to our pack because he is actually a robot so now we have our first robot in the joint I actually love it we still need to give him a weapon so let me quickly have a look into the cabinet I want to make him a melee guy and I'm seriously thinking about giving him the no Duchy the cutting damage and blood loss is just incredible so I'm really intrigued to give him that and just let him train as a Malay guy everyone I have right here I actually want to take on a little expedition so only rusty ekeus Lars and devil are going to remain here packy actually - they're going to defend the base while the rest is out exploring another thing I installed is actually the shop counter right here so this is the beginning of our shop I'm gonna set up a couple more things in the meantime we are selling some food here I also set the main base to be public however this store is closed and private and you can already see we have a bunch of people just hanging out here patrolling around not sure why they do that but yeah let's hope our shop is working oh we have a bunch of groups hanging around I wonder what they want anyway so let's go ahead and start walking we want to walk towards this ruin first I think so maybe let's try to get into this valley and see if the pathfinding can manage we're actually full on the copper mine this is incredible let's go ahead and sell that stuff again you can also see I installed another mod this is called minimal UI very good suggestion makes the game overall look much better oh we have a couple of guys in our shop and they can't afford stuff I could also talk to him let said take one I think that's our main guy and you also let me know that I can actually open up the door just by clicking on it that was a pretty good tip so none of these guys could actually afford anything and I've seen a mod in the workshop that is supposed to fix that so yeah you have zero money no wonder you cannot afford anything we have two hundred and eighteen thousand cash at the moment I don't think I've ever sold this much copper in one go let's see what it gives us there we go we got two hundred and eighty three thousand cats in our pockets not bad I would say not bad in the meantime my group has gotten stuck here in the rock not sure what they doing you can just go down here I assume oh no I forgot something I forgot to take food with me I think we have to go to bad teeth now we should have done that from the beginning this way was way more complicated Wow check this out what a big pack we don't have time for this guy's donut I also forgot to take the freaking sleeping bags with me so many mistakes already now okay this should be enough for our journey now we just need to hope we find some sleeping bags here too yeah it doesn't look like they have an adventurous shop so we might have to do this without sleeping bags I'm not too fond of the idea oh well guys we're gonna do it without sleeping bags let's just hope we find some sleeping bags in the ruins or so time to continue our journey alright we actually arrived in the next bomb here the last time I was here it was raining constantly and it was actually acid rain so it's not something I really liked I also noticed that there were enemies at this ruin which is why I'm taking my entire group with me and I'm expecting there to be enemies as well in the other locations maybe I should have actually taken ekeus with me in order to negotiate but I don't think that was an option anyways ah there we go okay the acid rain already started and Miki for instance has 20% protection because I gave him this thing right 20 percent against dust storm and acid but they are gradually going to take damage as long as we are not below cover yeah that already three points of our maximum health just gone like that okay okay here it gets interesting unfortunately it is still night time and we'll have to light up the footage for you guys but you can see there's something flying in the air I cannot really select it so maybe it's not really an enemy but we got a warehouse down there and if I'm not mistaken they are still gonna be some enemies there's an iron spider and it looks as though it's alive do we have to fight it Nathan you already go ahead a little bit I want to see if I can knock out the other guys we'll just have to go full-on in we need to shelter right now okay so what do we have here I don't see oh there is an enemy and I only have 68% chance to knock them down that is not a lot not a lot so I think we're just gonna go in because right now we're already down to 88 points it's time to attack let's get out of sneak and you all come down here and then we just go fallin in try our best oh wait wait wait I didn't see that there are way more guys than I anticipated look at that there's one two three four five six seven oh man I can't do that we're gonna lose if I pick this fight I wonder if I should send my squad to the black desert city just this freaking darn acid brain yeah man they have all the stats at 35 this is not good for us and look at their weapons they're all carrying like a really big one let's see maybe I can be seen by someone oh oh okay oh there's someone I didn't even see let's lure this guy back to the group and just see how strong they are is he not coming it's not coming I don't think martial arts is gonna help a lot again but look at these moves Nathan I do you gotta get out of here get out of here Nathan Jesus Christ this guy is healing himself yeah did you see that I fear we came here too soon we will have to target practice unbanned it's all a bit more I did not know there were that many skeletons I wonder at which point we can take them on actually Nathan is gonna be unconscious in just a second can you maybe first-aid yourself Nathan you don't have a met kit of course I'm wearing the wrong backpack there you go okay you know I just wonder where the heck else can we get those engineering books I really need them for the research should we just venture out into the desert this is such a big freakin island this is insanity well we're finally out of the acid rain now it's time to beat up a couple of things maybe we're just gonna go for the poles again right because they delivered us a really nice fight right now my guys could take a little bit more of a beating before we recover in bat teeth or so so four balls and one cup I think we can do that wait hold on why is the order messed up that's not the order I set you what how did they rearrange themselves rusty you should be up here then sleep tronic you should be up here and then we have Marco and night as our tanks we need the other pack animal then we have eat cows Alex large super maniac as DPS and our ranged guys why did that change well anyways let's attack let's a freakin attack yeah that's what I'm talking about training training training guys and now I'm also pretty sure we're not just gonna die well actually we did a good job we are definitely a little bit hurt you can see Nathan is helping but that's exactly what I wanted we need to be able to take on the places such as before and right now you saw Nathan didn't even stand remotely and chanced in one-on-one so I don't assume we stood a chance against nine of them okay I actually decided to make my way back home in order to heal up a little bit but I think what I have to focus on right now is to gear up my guys the biggest problem is that we have crappy gear we can't really do anything about it but what I'm also not happy about is that of course when doing martial arts we have less possibilities to parry it seems so our dodge skill is much more important and even though my dodge is pretty high I noticed Nathan gets hit a lot instead of dodging but yeah I fear we have no other possibility then to focus on cross ding and that's the conundrum I'm in because I do need plate Armour crafting you can see we need an engineering research times one maybe we're just gonna do a whole bunch of drifters leather pants they are nineteen seventeen and fifty I mean drifters boots and pants they are easily crafted the only medium armor class thing I can do is the mercenary leather armor this gives 16 24 and 70 protection against this one which is 820 and nothing this also only covers 50% of the chest so the leather jacket would definitely be better so we would need approximately ten of those which means ninety hours of crafting that's just a couple of days I think I can do that I've already done that with the turtlenecks and they take thirty three hours of peace so mercenary leather armor ten pieces let's also quickly check what we already have in the Jess we have a couple of turtlenecks that's perfect I wanted to give them to my workers I think zero you can actually grab the first one here so that's all yours now congratulations bounty also got a crappy shirt you can take that then we got goose you can take that and then we have to wait for one two three more or actually just one two more because Hudson already got one and two more is exactly what we're crafting so that's perfect let's select the game run a little bit and I guess in the meantime I'm gonna do a little bit more training with the guys that needed for instance ekeus is completely new he's got like almost negative points so I'm gonna be right back once I've done some training and especially the armor crafting and maybe after that we can go on another adventure spree and hopefully be a little bit more successful alright guys we are back and I've made substantial progress in the armour department first and foremost I equipped all of the workers with the same outfit so we have the samurai cloth pants we also have the leather turtleneck we have a spiked club for everyone the Ratan hat we have a sleeveless long coat and also drifters boots we have this outfit for all of my guys including the turret farmers so that's pretty awesome the copper mine guys they still don't really have an outfit but I'm gonna fix that in between the episodes probably as for my warriors what I did is most of them I gave the drifters leather pants I'm also currently making and the drifters leather jackets for the people that don't have anything at all or have something worse but with the crossbow effect and the melide offense bonus they are especially useful to my ranged guys for Knight and Marco our two tanks I made the mercenary leather armor so I did not make ten of these just for my tanks because they have substantial diminishing effects on certain skills so yeah currently we are not the best of the best still but what we can do is we can fight against bandit hordes in order to level up slightly so let's actually unpause the game and what we're gonna do is we're gonna have a look in this valley and maybe around here hopefully we're gonna find some people to beat up Oh actually I just remembered something I talked to the holy nation without having the book in my inventory and now they're kind of pissed off so I'm wondering if I should wait for this attack it could be that this is like the start of the war against the holy nation I think I'm actually gonna do that let's just wait for these six hours though maybe we could you know beat these guys up on the way I think I'm gonna do that so the trip wasn't all for nothing I would say Mickey and sexy lover this is way too far for you I'm gonna enjoy this this is actually pretty fun training we also need even more guys and ekeus is actually now in the combat he's still doing pretty badly probably Nathan should also have two corresponding healing kits the repair kits for the robots oh no no no they are attacking my skeleton okay this is intriguing of course usually I would have to hide a cos should we start the war guys I'm not sure how this is gonna work out because we're totally in holy nation territory maybe we can kill these guys without anyone noticing Dave is actually also chipping in here this hilarious well okay we got ourselves into a fight with the holy nation what a lovely frickin day and Nathan is wearing the wrong backpack for that action you need your stealth backpack there we go yes look at that rusty just kicked them over I love it okay we are not actually standing a chance and at least against these types of soldiers okay we got some more attacks Wow look at that I hit 450 and I also don't seem to take damage from hitting steel which you usually do oh that was a good hit okay what are you guys doing what a freaking mess hmm probably right about now would be a good time to start building cages so why don't we actually take this area here and do just that I need the cages to be outside yeah there we go we could just start piling them up right here why the heck not so that would be five catches for now should hopefully be enough now we are probably still doing some medic stuff who is medic there we go I'm just taking a whole bunch of materials with me that should be more than enough and Nathan you need to build these cages immediately zero is actually almost dying but you need to loot maybe well that's not a really good weapon but I guess we still need to strip them naked you can actually heal yourself a little bit and Nathan is building the cage good good good I don't want them to wake up but they're just gonna be unconscious for another 60 seconds and this guy just woke up let's see Knights ekeus Alec and Lars come here and take this guy actually you all just just take him apart again we don't want her to get away yeah yeah yeah get him get him and he's down now we need to be careful some of them might be bleeding out let's actually try to Oh blood loss ko maybe we can get him back I'm not sure if that's possible after a blood loss we got one cage ready come on Marco save them oh no Siro became unconscious oh that's not good where are you where are you right here sleep tronic pick her up oh man and what about the rate it's still going on right they are gonna come for me we're not ready so sleep tronic you need to grab a couple of first-aid kits and you're now also gonna be a medic go ahead and heal up zero zero is like the most important worker right there we go heal up oh my gosh look at this guy I just don't believe what I'm seeing here super maniac and pick this guy up then they put him into the cage we got to clean this mess up zero you have to sleep a little bit good night sleep tronic go ahead and heal more people Oh guys the holy nation assault has just begun I don't know what to do I'm still recovering somewhat we just started the war I don't believe it oh dear Lord Oh guys we're not ready for this not after what happened and this was an accident it was a cos it's all a COS fault you guys are gonna need a lot more cages at least it's getting daytime a nice morning battle and I guess these guys were just gonna leave be for the time being so let's close our base to the public I think now it's not the time for visitors oh man why did I miss prayer day I didn't know it was so devastating but that means everyone please come in side of the base that's what you have to do now oh no attack they're coming for us guys they're coming for us come on come on because it's not the time to move we have to come inside here no no no night wait wait wait stop trying to go outside there we go wait wait wait close the door that's what I'm talking about okay we're all safe and sound inside hopefully people are still healing up okay what is the holy nation doing they are still not attacking you promised me a fight I wanted to name this episode giving up but I guess it's gonna be starting a war nothing happens do I have to open you a gate or so you were puzzled - you were puzzled there we go I got you divided okay now this is less good you see do well it's a bad bad time let's open up this door and see what happens okay these guys are coming in that that is maybe good maybe I can send hops to talk with them he usually does the negotiation now they are entering this house and my training house but there's no real use to do that what if we open up this guy ok ok ok now you can shoot guys shoot are you shooting Andrey ah ok ok they're starting to shoot oh no the other guys are also incoming wait are you serious ok we officially started a war not good we need to do as much damage with the harpoons as possible Saint Conor are you shooting even you know as long as they don't attack at the gate it's not gonna be an issue because we're just gonna down them with the harpoons they don't even save their friends here in the cages ok let's make them get close to the gates again it's still too many good close close ok and you get some more shots in I wonder why they don't attack the gate the AI is just not up to par I don't think so sucks to be you now should I just rinse and repeat this forever now our prunes seem to go quite far from the looks of it I mean we can still shoot people over here I think it's a good thing we closed the base maybe let's go ahead and trap these guys the corpses are starting to pile up literally you better run oh well slowly but surely we diminish their numbers enough so that we can start to fight but I don't feel quite comfortable yet so let's open up the gate one more time I'm gonna wait little bit longer but no no my guys shouldn't cross that's what I'm talking about you you guys don't get away good practice target for my guys we want to level up our harpoon skills okay now they are actually starting a real assault or something no they're trying to heal their bodies which is a really really bad idea are those yeah those are three bodies oh no this is really bad I'm so sorry I think they are now really pissed at us faction holy nation oh okay that didn't do that much maybe let's have a look into the crafting and I think it's time for where's it's basic medical workbench we need at quite a few basic first-aid kits yeah buddy I'm not proud of it don't just stand there idiot run huh good I think we are ready to clean this up let's open this gate and we're just gonna finish the job I guess hellooo rusty do some confused stuff that's what I'm talking about 82 damaged that's my cleanup crew I'm proud of you guys because they're still getting beaten up quite a bit also rusty is already unconscious again but yeah guys this has been pretty exciting after you say now we just have quite a few troubles with the holy nation I would assume but that's what we wanted essentially eventually I just feared that we won't be able to take shelter in their cities anymore or even sell oh no bully it's got quite some blood loss actually substantial blood loss bully I need to first aid you immediately even in combat kids look at that people are going back to training already and it's just a mess to clean up but I think I'm gonna leave that for another time thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed it have a great time and see you soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nathan's Sandbox
Views: 30,262
Rating: 4.9509954 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi playthrough, kenshi first look, kenshi review, kenshi episode 1, kenshi lets play, kenshi guide, kenshi combat, kenshi base building, kenshi base, kenshi how to, kenshi making money, kenshi level up, kenshi training, kenshi war, kenshi release, kenshi slave, kenshi bandits, kenshi locations, kenshi exploration, kenshi adventure
Id: qKQbxJi8na8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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