Get Your Facts Straight: Man Goes On Trip, Comes Back To Infidelity (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. This is the case of<i> Miller v. Troutman.</i> Thank you, Jerome. You're welcome. Good day, everyone. Mr. Miller, you claim your girlfriend, Miss Troutman, left you for another man. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You say that when she returned, you forgave her and quickly resumed your sexual relationship. Yes. Shortly after, she announced she was pregnant. Now, you claim there's a distinct possibility that you're not the father of her newborn baby, Daja. TONY:<i> No.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Now, Miss Troutman.</i> PATRICE:<i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: You admit to leaving Mr. Miller for another man and to having a two-week affair. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: You claim you left because Mr. Miller wasn't taking care of you or his family responsibilities. You argue you're also fed up with his mother, Mrs. Miller, because she butts into your relationship and has convinced the plaintiff that he is not your baby's father. Yes. Now, Miss Troutman... PATRICE: Yes? did you end up in this situation? Well, I wouldn't have been sleeping around with other men if he was doing his responsibility as a father and taking care of his girls and me also. He wasn't buying diapers, wipes, clothes. His mother was the man of our relationship. She took care of us. She put a roof over our head. She took all of us in. How did you two meet? I was staying with both of my parents, uh, my father's deceased, so I kind of grew up a little bit rough. I grew up with my mother. She was a single parent. But she was not a mother to me, she was more of my friend. I took care of my brother and my sisters and I just got tired of living that life, so I started to run away from home. Well, when I ran away from home, I had met Tony's mother, Cindy. Um, she took me in. She, you know, put clothes, roof over my head, food in my mouth. She was a mother that I never had before. JUDGE LAKE: Mmm-hmm. I love her dearly and I thank her dearly for doing that for me. And well, one day we were sitting outside, I was sitting with her neighbor and a car pulls up. And I'm like, "Well, who is this," you know, "pulling up in front of my mother, Cindy's house?" You know, I look up to her as a mom. And it was her son. Me and him got to talking, knowing each other a little bit and we hit it off, we had sex that night. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Oh, you got to know each other just "a little bit"? Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. We clicked really good, we did click. Yeah. Okay, just one moment, ma'am. Continue. And well, maybe prior to two to three weeks, that's when I was feeling a little bit nauseous, throwing up all the time. So him and his mother suggested that I was pregnant. And come to find out, I was. But after, you know, we found out I was pregnant, everything went good. It was okay. We all had a good relationship. They was there for me. They helped me through my pregnancy. They was there when I gave birth to her. Everything was fine. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Mr. Miller, let me hear your account of this.</i> Well, I fell in love with her. Love at first sight, you know. AUDIENCE: Aw... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I love her. That's lovely to say. TONY: I did. And you had one child together. We had one child together after being with her for a month. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And then you're on to number two.</i> TONY:<i> Yes, yes, we have a second child, Daja.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> And you have doubts about number two?</i> TONY:<i> I do have doubts.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Why?</i> I go out of town and I came home and I seen her with another guy at the Plasma Center. He was holding my firstborn. And I said, "Who's this guy holding my kid?" And she said, "Oh, that's my boyfriend." I'm like, "Really? "You know, I go out of town for a week "and you already have another boyfriend." And I said, "Well..." JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute. Yeah. You go out of town for how long? TONY: I go out of town. For a week. One week. JUDGE LAKE: For a week? And you come back and somebody's holding your first child? Chelsea, yes. When you ask her... TONY: I asked her. ...she says, "It's my boyfriend"? That's not true. TONY: "It's my boyfriend." That's not true. "I'm with him." Well, what happened, Miss Troutman? Well, what happened was, when he went away, we was broken up. We had got into an argument. We were no longer together when I was dating the person that I met at the Plasma Center. We were not together. We were still talking. So when he did come back on his trip, me and my friend, with my daughter, was leaving the Plasma Center and he was walking down the street. So Tony approaches me and he's all happy, he's lovey-dovey, he's like, "What's going on?" I'm like, "Nothing. Me and my friends feelin' to walk "to my mom's house for my daughter's birthday." He's like, "Well, can I talk to you for a moment?" I'm like, "Yeah, we can talk." He's like, "I'm so sorry for us getting into it "and I apologize..." No, no, no. "I really want you back." No, no, no. "Will you please come back home with me?" Then he got to talking about how he was going on some trip or whatever with a friend, he doesn't want to live here no more and Andy or whatever. And I was like, "Okay," you know. I fell for it. I told him that I'd come back home with his daughter. And I did. I did. Later on that night I came back home. Oh, so in just that encounter, he changed your mind and you said I'm gonna come back home. Yeah, I mean, the guy that I was with... I mean, I was upset when me and him got into it. I was lonely. I was looking for some comfort. What, after one fight? And he showed me that comfort. One fight? JUDGE LAKE: And you admit that during... No, it was not just one fight. No. Miss Troutman, you admit that during that time, you were intimate with another man? Yes. And during that time were you intimate with anyone else? PATRICE: No. Well, yes, I was. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I'm sorry. Really? JUDGE LAKE: Get it straight. Get it straight. When me and him got into it and we had broken up, yes, I was with that guy that I was with. The Plasma Center guy? PATRICE: Yes. Yes, but we were separated, we were not together. And was that the only man you were with during that time? No, that is not the only guy I was with. (AUDIENCE JEERING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Continue. PATRICE: Well, um... Me and Tony's relationship has not been A1. There is... It's been so rough and I've just got tired of it. I got tired of the arguments between him and his mom. My kids are hearing all of this to where my own daughter's saying to shut up and all this extra stuff. So I got tired of it. And you were so disgusted by that, you ran out the house, slipped on a banana peel and landed in the bed with somebody else. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) PATRICE: No, that is not what happened. I'm trying to figure out how this evidence leads up to you sleeping with yet another man besides the Plasma Center guy. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. You were so disgusted by that, you ran out the house, slipped on a banana peel and landed in the bed with somebody else. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) No, that is not what happened. I'm trying to figure out how this evidence leads up to you sleeping with yet another man besides the Plasma Center guy. Come on, let's have the truth now. Well, I moved in with my aunty. And, you know, she got to telling me how he's not right for me. How I need to do better for me and my kids. And she was like, you know, she got to tell me about the little chat line or what not have you and I got on it. And I met a guy, I did. He took me out and, yeah, we slept with each other that night that we went out and met each other. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) TONY: I get on the chat line, Your Honor, she doesn't even know that it's me. And she tries to holler at me while I'm on the chat line. That is not true. You do. On the chat line. JUDGE LAKE: So you're playing Dick Tracy and you got on the chat line. I did. And you began to talk to her on the chat line to see if she would respond. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And she took the bait? She did. PATRICE: But my friend already knew who it was. So he didn't catch anything. You were still on the chat line. But I do have the calendar of the... When I did sleep with the men. Okay, so you submitted the issues surrounding the date of conception. Yes. Jerome, can you please hand me that? Thank you. You're welcome. So you have a February calendar laid out so we can understand what all was going on. PATRICE: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: In yellow, we have the dates you were with the chat line guy. Yes, ma'am. The green outlines the dates you were with the guy at the Plasma Center. PATRICE: Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: And the blue, are the dates you were intimate with Mr. Miller. Yes, ma'am. (SCATTERED CHUCKLING) JUDGE LAKE: You look from the date Daja was born, at the end of November, look back. It's clear that three different men could potentially be her father. (AUDIENCE GROANING) Not three, just one. The estimated time of conception is outlined in bold. And included within that is a rainbow of colors. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) So if you say there's only one potential father... PATRICE: Mmm-hmm. ...who is that? There's only one potential father... PATRICE: Mmm-hmm. ...who is that? I'm hoping that it's Tony. I'm hoping that it's him, but, I mean, as me... All three could be the dad. All three could be. And I can see that hurts you to say. (SIGHS) You're very emotional right now. What are you feeling? I'm just hurt 'cause we wouldn't be going through this if he was there. If he was there, it wouldn't be no problems right now, it wouldn't be. But he was not there, he was not there as a father, he was not there to comfort me, he was not there. (INHALES SHARPLY) JUDGE LAKE: When you say "comfort you," you mean in general or is there some particular instance that you felt like he let you down or he wasn't there for you? We had a threesome with one of our friends one time. Okay. TONY: And... (SCATTERED CHUCKLING) And I think I might be the blame for her wanting to cheat on me 'cause of that, 'cause we had a threesome. I mean, I told her, she wanted to do it. It wasn't my idea. It wasn't just a threesome. It was time that I woke up in the morning and seen him doing something to her. There's also been times when I went through his phone and he's got pictures of her in her underwear. In her underwear. There was a time when we were sitting in the car he went through her phone like we didn't know what he was doing to transform... Transfer some of her photos from her phone to his. And I feel like that he got a file in the computer of pictures of her, if you really want me to be honest. Mmm. JUDGE LAKE: So this is an interesting fact. And, Miss Troutman, you fell for what I call the "okie-doke." The short form of that is, don't write a check that later... You can't cash. JUDGE LAKE: can't cash. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) This relationship is now in jeopardy because of choices you both made. Immature choices. We're not just talking about Daja, you have another child together. Yes. Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: So you two are parents, running around here acting like you all are experimenting and enjoying life and... No, you have responsibilities! (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And then unfortunately at the end of the day, Miss Troutman, you're allowing him to do things that you can't handle emotionally. Then, because you feel like he betrayed you, you go out, make a rainbow-colored mess and then come back and blame it on him. (AUDIENCE CHEERING) But I love you. I love her. I still love her. We still get along. She's my best friend. I just hope Daja is mine. That's wonderful. I wanna hear from your mother. Miss Miller, please stand. I've been waiting... You've been waiting for your turn. I've been... You let me up here. I am ready to hear from you. Well, I'm butting in their business, then let them go find their own place to live, by the way. Okay. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Okay, I heard that. I'm buying diapers, they should both be working, doing what they're supposed to do and then I won't butt. But these kids are needing things that they can't provide and I've been helping out. And I seen that guy. Daja looks just like him. I wanted to believe her because she said it was my son's baby, it's my grandbaby. JUDGE LAKE: Which guy did you see? I seen the guy, I went and picked... Tony and I went and picked her up. PATRICE: They both saw the guy. That she was gone two weeks with. Bottom line is you got a glimpse. I know what he looks like. And I seen Daja and I can't help but think, I hope not, but she looks just like the other guy. Which guy? The Plasma guy or the chat line guy? PATRICE: The Plasma guy. The Plasma Center guy. JUDGE LAKE: Plasma guy. <i> You feel like she looks just like him?</i> CINDY:<i> Yes, ma'am. Yes.</i> Prove me wrong. Please. Do you want this young girl to be your grandchild? I love these... I love both little children. Both of them, they're my babies. Show them the picture. Show 'em both of them. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) She sure is acting like a grandparent. I love them dearly. The first one, Chelsea, she's attached to my hips. JUDGE LAKE: They're adorable. Just adorable. And I just love both of them. This is Chelsea, this is Daja. CINDY:<i> It's not gonna matter,</i> <i> I'm gonna love them both anyway.</i> (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: That's wonderful. That's wonderful. Now, Miss Troutman, what are your hopes today? I hope that she's his. I want her to be his. I really do. This is very important to you. (VOICE CRACKING) It is. It is. Because, truly, these people standing over here are your family in more ways than one. PATRICE: They've been there through thick and thin for me. This is the only mother that has done anything for me. And I will tell anybody that any day. And I don't want her to grow up like me. I want her to have both of her parents. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) When I see situations like this where I know a child is loved and accepted, part of me wants to rip up the results, because if we don't know, she'll never know. And then she can receive the love that she deserves. However, I know that the truth in the end is something that is invaluable. That even knowing this information for her, if Mr. Miller, you are not determined to be her biological father, <i> she should know.</i> Jerome, the envelope, please. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Here, Your Honor. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. When it comes to the paternity of eight-month-old Daja Miller, Mr. Miller... Yes, Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: You are not her father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Hey, hey, hey. (SNIFFLING) CINDY: Patrice. Patrice, baby. I love you, baby. I will... Come here. (SOBS) Hey, hey. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, can you please go check on Mr. Miller and Miss Troutman. CINDY: May I say something to you? JUDGE LAKE: Yes, ma'am. This family has been torn over this a lot. And this has helped. And I wanna thank you, for you and your staff, the kindness. JUDGE LAKE: And I thank you. I thank you for coming and being strong enough. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) They're gonna come back in. Thank you for returning to the courtroom. I know this was emotional for both of you. Can you put into words what you're feeling, Miss Troutman? I'm hurt. JUDGE LAKE: You're hurt. I can't blame nobody but myself. I can't blame nobody but myself. (SNIFFLES) You really wanted Mr. Miller to be her father? PATRICE: I did. Yeah, I did. I really, really did. Mr. Miller, how do you feel? In my gut I always kind of knew, but, like I said, I don't care, I love 'em. I do. I'm Dad. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I'm just hurt, you know. I know, without question that you love these children. <i> I know, without question that you love Miss Troutman.</i> You two have acted irresponsibly as it relates to your relationship. But when you become parents, you got to get it together. CINDY: Yes, ma'am. Because it's not Miss Miller's responsibility to buy the diapers and make sure these children are okay while you all are out, running around, having threesomes and acting like you don't have any sense. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) That's well said. I wish you all the best of luck. PATRICE: Thank you. Court is adjourned. Miss Troutman, let me see you for a second. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Listen, you've got a young man that loves you despite those bad decisions with his mother standing by him saying that she still loves your children even though her baby boy is not the father of your little girl. When you have a blessing like that served to you on a platter, feast. (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) Are we clear? Yes, ma'am. I'm gonna be watching you.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 541,851
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: Y52Q9bHAHmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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