Andrea Bocelli & CeCe Winans: An Easter Music Special from Lakewood Church with Joel Osteen | TBN

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we're excited to have you join us tonight for a special music presentation from lakewood church here in houston texas if you're ever in the area please stop by and be a part of one of our services we'll make you feel right at home now get ready to enjoy a night of beautiful music from the very talented andrea bocelli and cc wineries hey everyone welcome to lakewood tonight very honored to have you here and how about having andrea bocelli in the house tonight isn't that pretty awesome i tell you this night came about a good friend of mine is tom newman you'll meet in just a moment i've known him since i was a teenager he has a great production company we did productions together but he called me in may he said joel how about having andrea bocelli come to your church i said i would love that he said well i'm sitting here with them and they would love to come to do something to help children all over the world so tom helped make this all happen but i appreciate you coming tonight and beautiful wife veronica's here and his little daughter of virginia cece wine it's going to be a great night but we're going to turn it over to tom in just a moment but we just speak blessings over you and your family very honored to have you all here yes we're so honored to have you here it's going to be a beautiful evening for so many reasons one because we have andrea bocelli two because you're here and we are so glad about that even if you're watching online we want to thank you for joining us as well let's just speak a blessing over this evening father we thank you for a time to gather together to not only be enriched and inspired but father to do good so thank you father for letting us be here thank you that we're going to have an amazing evening bless the bucellis father i thank you that that anointing of ease will just flow out of him father and his beautiful daughter virginia we thank you for what this evening holds and we give it all to you in the name of jesus and everyone said amen [Applause] [Music] hold your hand [Music] and don't be afraid of the [Music] dark at the end of the storm is [Music] oh your dreams [Music] hope in your heart [Music] foreign [Music] so please [Music] through the wind [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i've seen the brighter days and i've brought breasts to heaven from my lover's place and i have held your blessings god you give and take away no matter what i have your graces eat now no matter where i am i'm standing in your love on the mountain mountainside about my life to the one who set me there in the valley i will lift my guise to the one who sees me there when i'm standing on the mountain [Music] is i've watched my dreams get broken in you i hope again no matter what i know i'm safe inside your hands on the mountains [Music] [Music] every [Music] to the [Music] [Music] didn't get there on my [Music] [Music] hey [Music] and i [Music] am night [Music] [Applause] [Applause] have you ever seen kids at an easter egg hunt it's pretty entertaining and a little intimidating they're a hundred percent zoned in willing to seek high and low to find those hidden eggs nothing's going to stand between them and their treasure matthew 6 jesus gives us this reminder seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you what are you seeking what are your highest priorities so many people go through life in search of wrong things seeking after something newer bigger but notice the key in the verse seek first the kingdom in other words don't seek the blessing seek the one who blesses don't be consumed by things don't chase after just money fame fortune instead chase after god if you'll seek him first then his blessings will be added to you not a few of them not a half of them but god is a goddess of abundance he said all things when you keep him first place you won't be able to contain the good things he'll bring across your path joy peace victory he'll fail you to overflowing he'll give you things that money can't buy you can work 24 7 but you can't buy health can't buy strength you can't buy a good night's rest what i've seen in my own life is when i'm doing my best to please god to obey what he says i find that out of the blue a good break unexpected favor comes across my path i don't have to manipulate things i don't have to struggle to make it happen i don't have to fight others for the blessing no when we put god first place he makes things happen that we can't make happen one day i'll hear [Music] our life is very short but at the same time is a mirror [Music] oh [Music] i decided to make this guernino because nature is the biggest miracle [Music] people have called the time that we're living in right now the age of fear and so what better weapon to keep our hearts fixed on the peace of god than music [Music] [Applause] we just showed you just a little clip from the journey back in december andrea and veronica gave me a phone call and they said tom we had this idea about riding across tuscany all the way across starting in rome and riding all the way to our home in liatica i said okay uh 200 miles or so by horseback so that is what's called the journey so for 23 days over 200 miles on horseback they did this journey and and not just andrea rode that horse 200 miles but this lady right here veronica also rode that horse 200. what was one of your favorite moments on the trail it's difficult to say because it has been really an incredible journey also because i love very much my the horses in general my horses but of course in saint peter's square and from to the front of the pope and then in my tuscany we we discovered many beautiful places that where i've never been before i was never been before difficult to say and in let me say that it has been also a great moment to arrive at home after so many kilometers veronica what was one of your favorite moments um let me just start saying that it's so incredible to see so many people together again and praying together so we're not used to this we're not used to this and and it's incredible i knew and i learned a lot about all of you but let's say that it's amazing to be here so i have to thanks for the idea and for the invitation first of all and then it's a tough question what was the best moment because i will say that looking at what has happened i will say the arrival because it means that you were there you know you did it but now that i watch back i wish i was able to enjoy it a lot more because we were so worried as i would be able to reach and to really arrive at the end maybe i didn't have enough faith i should have said somebody else's helping and it shouldn't be yes since the beginning but now i learned the lesson what was it like doing these concerts along the way with these amazing people well honestly musically has been very beautiful and uh but but to seeing in in this place for me it was a little bit strange you know because for i'm used to to sing in theater or in venue like this or uh sometime i we we we sang in in small village the fields it was strange [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] uh the first day i remember my uh my horse had a terrible accident and we were alone in in a park telephones no cars of course nothing alone no the only thing i'm serious the only thing we could do it was to pray and i did it and for the kind of of accident that horse had to be dead but now my horse is in his box and is very well great shave well guys i know you want to hear some more singing tonight let's continue and thank you ah forgive me i honestly i play this instrument very rarely i probably i did it when i was young on the beach and i'm not very good but i i will do my best okay and [Applause] [Music] and i'm very happy to share the stage with my little daughter virginia virginia hi hi are you ready yeah sure yeah okay here we go [Music] david played an episode where you don't really care for music do you well it goes like this the fourth the fifth the [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i did my best it wasn't much i couldn't feel so i've tried to touch i've tore the truth i didn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] with nothing on but [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] after jesus crucifixion they put him in the tomb on friday thinking that it was over but on sunday morning it was a different story the grave couldn't hold jesus in he came bursting out said i am he that lives i was dead and i'm alive forevermore by the way i have one more thing i have the keys to death and hell the battle of the ages had taken place right verse wrong light verse darkness jesus for satan it was no match jesus came out victorious we have a reason to celebrate every day because we serve a god who is alive and filled with resurrection power not only did he resurrect jesus from the dead but he wants to extend his resurrection power to every area of your life he came out with all power and then he turned right around said in the book of luke i give you power over all the power of the enemy the same power he had he gave to us it's a power so strong that death couldn't keep him in the grave a power so strong that all the forces of darkness could not stop it here's the key the only way to activate the power is to believe you can't go through life thinking this situation is impossible never accomplished my dreams i've been through too much that will keep you from your destiny when you gave your life to christ god put a power in you greater than any power that you'll ever face we're not supposed to go through life backing down fear intimidated like we're at a disadvantage making the problems so big no the same power that raised christ from the dead lives on the inside of you have a new perspective you're not weak you're full of resurrection power you may have had some bad breaks you're not a victim you're a victor you're not supposed to back down from things in life run from difficulties run from things that are hard no stand strong and fight the good fight of faith well joel i don't feel very powerful i don't feel very strong you can't go by what you feel you have to go by what you know your feelings may change every other hour what you're up against may look bigger stronger more influential that's okay the bigger they are the harder they're going to fall if death couldn't keep christ in the grave that bad break can't hold you back that sickness can't stop you that addiction cannot defeat you there is a power in you greater than any power that comes against you the scripture says at the name of jesus everything has to bow we don't have anything to be afraid of we don't have to fear the past some people say i've made so many mistakes joel i've got all these skeletons in my closet now when you gave your life to christ he cleaned out your closet your sins have already been forgiven we don't have to fear the future we're joel prices are so high we got the war going on i'm kind of nervous about what's all happening in the news no god has you in the palm of his hand nothing can snatch you away we don't even have to fear the future death has no claim on us the scripture says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord because of jesus death and resurrection when it comes your time to go you'll breathe one final breath and that's not the end your next breath you'll be more alive than ever breathing heavenly air at a place where there is no pain no sickness no sorrow my challenge to us today hold your head up high you are not weak intimidated at a disadvantage the same power that raised christ from the dead lives on the inside of you tonight we celebrate the power of the resurrection and the resurrected one if you'll rise up and tap into this power i believe and declare because he lives you will live to an abundant overcoming faith-filled victorious life praise the lord everybody how many are we serving god we can count on amen how many know he is who he says he is hallelujah no matter what you're going through we serve a god who specializes in the impossible anybody ready to believe for a miracle [Music] [Music] they say this mountain can't be moved they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never change [Music] they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name so much power in your name [Music] [Music] impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] we know that hope is never lost [Music] god we believe no matter what there is power in your name so much power in break the unbreakable god we believe that god we believe god we believe [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] it doesn't matter what it looks like [Music] god i'm standing on your foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me [Applause] [Music] i pray you'll be our eyes and watch us where we in times when we don't know let this be our prayer [Music] when we lose lead us to our place give us [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] lead us to a place guide us with your grace give us [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] let just like every child [Music] needs to find a place to guide us with your grace give us [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] a few days before jesus went to the cross he was at a pharisee's house when a woman who didn't have a good reputation came in and poured a jar of expensive perfume on his feet she then began to wash his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair the religious leaders were shocked that jesus would allow this quote sinner to touch him but even though she had made a mess of her life she loved and longed to please jesus when she took that step toward god he showed her mercy and love he told her your sins are forgiven that's the god we serve maybe you've made a mess you think god will never help me he could never love me like with this lady when you call out to god you're going to see his favor his restoration his mercy when it's springtime and the flowers are blooming everything feels new again the sweet aroma in the air tells you that the flowers are fresh and alive god wants to make your life like that you may have been through a dark winter but spring is coming the season is changing don't get stuck in your past your mistakes your regrets take a step toward god he'll say to you what he said to that woman your sins are forgiven [Music] as she made her way to jesus she stumbled through the tears that made her blind she felt such pain some spoke in anger her folks whispered there's no place here for her kind still long she came through the shame that flushed her face until her last she nailed before his fear and though she spoke no words everything she said was her as she poured her love for the master from her box of alabaster so i've come to fall my praise on him like oil from mary's alabaster pass so don't be angry if i wash his feet with my tears and i dry them with my hair cause you weren't there [Applause] the night he found me you did not feel what i felt when he wrapped his loving arms around me and you don't know the cost not of this oil in my alabaster but no one knows what you've been through i can't forget the way life used to be cause i was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound and i spent my days i poured my life without measure into a little treasure box i thought [Music] the day when jesus came to me and healed my soul with the wonder of his now i'm giving back to him all the praise he's worthy of i've been forgiven and that's a why that's my praise on him like [Music] so don't be angry if i wash his feet with my tears [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when he wrapped his jesus was there [Music] in my pasta [Music] [Applause] [Music] one day i'll hear the love [Music] one day i'll see [Music] sharing birthday [Music] stand up and feel the holy spirit find the power of yours [Music] yes i [Applause] [Music] will make [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i believe in the [Music] peace i believe [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe [Music] [Applause] god's grace is available to you today i'd like to give you an opportunity to make jesus the lord of your life would you pray this with me just say lord jesus i repent of my sins come into my heart i make you my lord and savior if you prayed that simple prayer we believe you got born again i encourage you to get into a good bible-based church keep god first place we're going to be praying for you you're going to see his goodness and mercy in new ways [Applause] amazing grace [Music] like me i once was lost [Music] i see [Music] it was [Music] to fear and praise my fears [Music] up they are i first yes [Music] fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of joy and peace [Music] in grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] was [Music] was blind [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he my blind but now lies [Music] me thank you at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you [Music]
Channel: TBN
Views: 550,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrea bocelli, andrea bocelli time to say goodbye, andrea bocelli con te partiro, andrea bocelli quizas quizas, cece winans believe for it, cece winans never lost, cece winans generations, cece winans goodness of god lyrics, cece winans waging war, cece winans albums, easter, easter sunday, good friday, easter sermon, he is risen, empty tomb, easter music, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: JlFh05jTBFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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