The Best Salmon Croquettes Recipes - Easy And Delicious!

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be sure to cook hi today we're going to be making salmon croquettes we're going to be making the canned salmon croquettes you got fresh and you got canned i will be making fresh later on but right now we're going to be making canned salmon croquettes showing you how to make a good croquette so let's get started first to make a good croquette you need a good crust to fry it so i have some corn meal batter that i have made i am straining my corn meal batter and you need to do this every time you make and you can you can make this ahead of time and you need to strain this every time you make any type of fish this is nothing but fish products that go in here and whenever you cook and you finish doing it you want to take a strainer and you wanted to strain that and if anything's in the end of it you all you'll get is the pieces that were left you discard those but when you strain it everything goes into the pan then you mean that means that it is good now let's show you how to make this corn smell bad you use cornmeal it could be yellow cornmeal or it could be white cornmeal in this cornmeal batter you want to add pepper seasoned salt you want to add um i add mrs dash blend i like mrs dash blend because that goes on everything and you want to mix it up and you want to keep adding until you know it's to your likings now something extra that i use after i use put that inside my cornmeal batter once again it is salt a little seasoned salt black pepper i like to use crushed black pepper or you can use whatever kind of black pepper you want and uh mrs mrs dash blend mrs dash blend is is there's a lot of seasons in it and it's got a little bit of everything i love this essentially so let me show you these things that i'm talking about i use a cracked black pepper i use a seasoned salt but it could be any seasoning salt lloyd season salt uh i got this dollar season salt it's pretty well good and mrs dash blend that's got so many seasons it doesn't have a lot of salt in it so i don't use that much salt i put a little salt in it which you know the season salt does have salt i don't put a lot because i don't happen to like salt then i also get a bag of andy's fish fry it looks like this it's really good and i mix this with my own so it gives it enough flavor because this already has a lot of flavor and stuff in here so or you could just use this by itself but i like to mix it because i think sometimes this is too salty for me so i like to mix mine with with thirst and blend it together all right so i'm gonna take my andy season and i'm gonna take my cooking scissors open it up and i'm gonna pour this inside my [Applause] bow with the rest of my mix and i'm going to mix it up i'm going to mix it up well blend it so you can get it coated pretty well so every seasoning in the seasonings that i made on my own plus their seasonings mixing here good so now it's not their brain anymore it's like your brand because it's a little bit of them and it's a little bit of you you know so you're making your own so what i do is i mix a big stain of this up and i put it into a container where i can always use and hold on the shelf and so when i'm cooking any type of seafood i'm ready to go and then another thing that you can do you know this red tent that it's got in here if you want to put a little bit more you can also use some uh um paprika paprika in here if you want to i don't not gonna give you the measurements to this because it depends on you kind of gotta eyeball it eyeball it means you gotta kind of figure out how you want it because i don't want to tell you to put so many ounces of salt or so much pepper because you might have high blood pressure maybe you can't have salt so don't use it or maybe you can have uh what is that or seasoned salt because maybe you can't have salt or maybe you're allergic to some of the stuff that's in the the blend that i showed you so if you can't have any of these ingredients then that's fine then you know maybe uh just use some cornmeal maybe some salt maybe some black pepper you know regular salt but you know there's different types of ingredients they put in stuff that maybe people are allergic to so i really don't tell you when it comes to making the batter mix how much of what to put in because you might can't have some of this stuff so you know kind of do it the way you want to do it okay so now this is mixed up very well you know another thing that i also do that you might want to do you know everything that you put on your food people need to taste to make sure it tastes great to you now a lot of people might not want to do this but i always get a little bit and put it in my mouth and see how it tastes because if it tastes nasty it doesn't have enough salt or anything like that in it then that's going on your food so if the batter you know i know you might not want to do the cornmeal or taste the cornmeal raw cornmeal corn is corn and i do because if it tastes good to you it's gonna taste good on your food if it tastes nasty to you it's gonna taste like that when you cook it so anyway i put it in a little container i put a little top on here and i just store it when i need it i get it down and remember every time you use this and you you know batter your fish or batter your any kind of seafood that you're going to fry this in make sure you always strain it to get all the leftover crumbs that's in back of this and get rid of it discard that that's and then you got fresh corn remember that i have rinsed thoroughly my vegetables and i'm going to be working with a green pepper a white yellow onion or a sweet onion whatever they call that it's just a white onion to me and i usually work with these two but today my husband said you know what i want something a little bit jazzier and i'm gonna use a red bell pepper so a green bell pepper a red bell pepper and a white onion okay so i'm going to cut the red and green bell pepper make sure you discard the seeds if it's any and i always do i'm going to dice these up in a little chunks and we're gonna dice and i'm gonna show you a trick how to do a onion i watch a lot of different people cook even on you know different television shows and stuff and i just hate the way they do their onion because everybody takes their onion they always cut it right in the middle straight down and i hate that because just think you want a a sandwich or something well nobody gets chopped onions for a sandwich they want round onions you know sliced onions so i'm gonna show you all a trick how to do onions okay so now i'm cutting the green pepper into strips very way easy this is how i do it but i mean you can do it anyway you feel like you can get it diced up in there i need to sharpen my knife a little bit i don't really like really sharp knives me personally i don't know i'm just kind of scared but i mean it's a sharp sharp enough for me okay so what i'm going to do is i just did these julienne stuff and i'm gonna show you how to do it so i'm just gonna cut these like so and it chunks i know they're big but i put these to the side and i'm gonna dice these down let me show you this onion that i was telling you all about okay here's the onion i cut it off on one end i cut it off on the other end and then i peeled it rinsed it really good i'm gonna cut it like i am slicing for hamburger sandwiches you know you can do it anyway and i'm gonna show you a nice little trick because this one you can put up and you can always use if i score it going down this way going across this way cutting it i'm gonna have that score through my onion i don't want that so a nice little way is i take the onion like this i cut it in half i turn it all around and i just dice this by turning slowly and guess what guys i've got little bite-sized pieces that i'm going to chop up anyway just like look at that it's diced and then i didn't have to score my whole onion i hate that and i always do this and i get a lot out of it i don't like the way that one looks and i'll get if i need more just slice to me that's bad i mean it's the same time as me scoring this onion the time i went down one end and down the other i just cut this in half do like this done got it done they're blocks they're diced and i got a lot of them bam done very easy now what i do is i dice all those onions those peppers and i want it a little smaller so what i do is i just dice all of this and just keep dice it into everything is about the same size okay these look about like they're nice bite size great just well like so now i'm gonna get these in my strainer and i'm gonna give them a good rinse all right i am wiping off my can of salmon i wash my can see you see the water on there that i've been washing off the can and i'm gonna take a dry paper towel and i'm gonna wipe it off and these are cans of pink alaska salmon just any old pink alaska salmon that you prefer i always get the ones that's on sale okay so i'm just going to open up this can of pink salmon and as you notice oh i have a strainer i got to watch out because you can always cut your hand it's got water juice that's already in it that they cook because actually steamed i'm just going to pour this can and put it into my strainer saving the juice because i need all of that juice and i need all the little droppings that come out of this can because as you see they got all kind of like little stuff inside the can fish i pay a lot of money for this time because salmon is not cheap and i'ma tell you something you need every little drop you need to get out of this can okay the good thing about salmon is it comes like this in a you see like a little i think you want to get it because these salmon it's just straight up fish and what i'm looking for is the bones so i want to discard any bones that the salmon might have here's a couple of them but i know exactly where they're at because i've been cooking it for a long time but you have to actually tear this apart to find your bones some people just put the bones right on in there i don't like the bones and i just discard them but some people like the bones here here is what i mean by the bow that is a bone but check that out you can actually put this in there because these bones are so soft look at my hand look they just dissolve in your hand so but i just hate to get a salmon croquette and crunch on one of these little bitty bones i hate it because somebody didn't mix it up really good so what i did and the bones in here are so soft you could they just actually melt so i'm not saying nothing's wrong with it i just happen not to like it i just happen to take it out so what i'm doing is i'm looking for a big line of bones and here they are this is why you got one big line or sometimes i think it's two big line of bones and that's what i was looking for here it is and i'll put this all on my hand i discard them but everybody else some people just put the whole can in there and just mix it up and you can do that because these suckers are so soft and i take the rest of the fish and drop it in so that's how i start off with my salmon okay i have my salmon already in a bowl another thing that i did earlier i cooked a rustic potato that i've already had cooked and cooled and it's a whole potato i'm going to be using this potato and i just chopped it up and i cooked it until it was fork tender let me show you before tender you take it and you if you can take it you can put your fork in it very easily and it breaks apart or you can take your hand when it cools and it breaks apart then it is done if you know how to do and it's just a rustic potato that i have peeled cutting quarters in bowl set it to the side let it cool down let it cool down before you put this in here now i did two cans of salmon and i deboned them the way i like them and now i'm going to add i'm going to have two eggs whole eggs so with the yolk in all two whole eggs that i'm gonna beat okay [Music] so after i crack the eggs i only crack the eggs in this bowl here because you want to make sure your eggs look good and i want to just beat these up now the thing about it is before i start cooking any time the first thing i do is i make dishwasher that is the first thing you make dish water you wash your hands and you use that dishwasher to cook and clean as you go so that is your cooking dishwasher so i got dishwater and i constantly wash my hands i have ocd so i have to constantly wash my hands because i just feel like they're dirty all the time and i don't know if that's a good thing i know it's like a little sickness they say ocd is different things what people do and me i constantly wash my hands so that's just something that i do okay so i got these eggs beating and i've got my simon croquettes i'm gonna add some this wonderful mrs dash season in here i say maybe i don't know what to tell you to add in there i'm not a type of person that goes by recipes so i say for two cans i would use a teaspoon but i use my grandson's baby spoon which measure out is a teaspoon or a half of a half of a teaspoon so i use about that for that and then the salt take i don't use that much i just sprinkle two however you want it remember i told you the first time i don't tell people what to put on their their croquettes or any kind of food because you never know what they might you know want to have or what they can't have salt is very dangerous especially if you do have high blood pressure so i don't recommend salt like other cooks i know that you see on television the big cooks they use too much salt so i think so but it depends on whose taste the pepper to your liking that's why i'm using the crack because you you stir as much as you want now the main thing about this is when i do this you gotta get in here you gotta use your hands and you gotta take this and you gotta squeeze i like squeezing some people like big chunks of fish in there but i like to put the seasons in there and i like to mix it up really fine in there and squeeze it up real good and the only reason why i do this squeezing because if i do slip a bone that i did not see in there i don't want to taste it i don't want to you know bite down on it that's just me so i just crumble this up really good and squeeze it because i don't like to it pisses me off to taste one of those crunchy bones but when you squeeze it they're so soft they'll just go straight you know through but i just don't like to crunch into it so i i i did that so now that me washed my hands really quick again okay those two beating eggs i am going to add into the mixture i'm sorry i'm a very greedy person i don't like wasting anything so i got my old spatula here i'm gonna get all these eggs everybody say oh my gosh especially when i i i make desserts my daughter always says oh mama wow you've taken it all no cake batter left or nothing you know so then i'm gonna take the onions that i had and i'm just gonna put some of them in there and uh there you go i might have diced up too much so i want to make sure it's colorful then these remember those potatoes that i boiled these is a clean i'm gonna take some of these and i'm gonna dice these put that in there next because this would makes this croquette taste good i mean i think so i'm gonna dice this the board was still kind of damp from where i washed it a few minutes ago but i like and you could put this in here as fine as you want even if you don't have a potato and say that you have uh i mean i use all kind i mean i like the potato in there because it gives it a nice little bite and it oh it is just so delicious if you try this recipe if you happen to like protects or fish i'm gonna do maybe a couple more make sure i'm just doing three three more chunks of potatoes and you can get your smallest smallest potato that's in your you know bag or if you get a big one you probably don't want to use a whole big one but you might want to use half of that potato but a smaller one out of you know the little bag that you get that'll be fine okay so i'm just gonna dump that in there okay so now once again all that's in there and let's just go mixing this up with your hands mixing it up getting all those vegetables together and that egg has to be incorporated really well make sure that egg is incorporated yeah and then and only reason why i like the potato better is because it's better some people use crackers i don't happen to like crackers it makes it dry but this egg just lightens it up but everybody puts an egg in this so i see that it looks great and you mix it up and say if it's not then another thing that i do to make sure here's some of that salmon juice i say i'm just gonna add a little bit put a little bit maybe a teaspoon or a tablespoon not a teaspoon maybe a tablespoon of that and i'm gonna mix that up because i always put a tablespoon or so and i've been cooking for so long i've been cooking ever since i've been six years old all right so i'm incorporating this really good and this is the mix right here and it's good it's got potatoes little bite size of potatoes and it's got the vegetables and season mix and now we're just going to fry these babies up i washed and cleaned the board and i'm drying it off with a nice clean paper towel let's get to frying those croquettes okay now i've cleaned my board i've got a plate down my cornmeal that i was we made earlier and the salmon that we made now what i'm gonna do is you gotta get a little salmon and you can like make them any size you want i like to make them like hamburger buns or some i mean like hamburgers not or hamburger buns some people like to make them shaped like ovals like this some people like to make them like hamburger buns like me which i find nothing is wrong with the the hamburger buns or hamburgers is what i'm saying i don't know why i keep saying hamburgers so i'm gonna make about four and you can make them any size you want but i like to make them like that that's the way they look and i'm just gonna make them i'm gonna do about four of these maybe these are smaller so usually i make them like real big hamburgers but okay and then i want to make sure i make them nice size i've been cooking for years i kind of could eyeball well i could feel the pounds i don't know you know if somebody's saying i'm gonna make like uh two ounces or something like that well i'm at the point where i know how to do that two ounces to get them the exact same size that's weird but that's why so now i'm gonna wash my hands again okay so i have my oil i have it on low have my oil and i got about i have about a cup and a half of oil and it's been hot and it is about ready to go those salmon patties that i have made i'm gonna take these salmon patties and i'm gonna take my cornbread i mean my cornmeal flower sorry about that and i'm gonna cover over by flipping and covering flip it and cover make sure when you cover you get you know all the edges everywhere around the edges and you want all this submerged in you know your cornrow and then you want to take it flip it back and forth like this like this flip it back and forth make sure it's covered good make sure your hands are dry when you're doing this and you want to stick it into your hot oil repeating the same thing over now you're going to get cornmeal on your hands because your salmon mixture is a little wet from the a little the salmon juice and the egg but you want to just keep on filling up like you know you're building a sand castle or something you know just think of that when you're cooking and you want to make sure you get on the edges and everything because this is going to be a great crust then you want to make sure all that crust is off of there and you want to take it you want to lay that in your oil and keep completing these until they're all getting in the pan okay i got those in the pan and i'm only cooking four at a time because i wanted to have room to cook and i got this like on it about a medium and i'm going to let those fry up and turn a nice golden brown and get real hot cooked inside okay turning these over crust on here and you can see it right around the edges you'll see the crust forms nice brown crust sometimes it's kind of hard to turn these and i don't want to break those so i'm gonna have my oil go to the side i'm gonna flip that over like that yeah okay so i'm gonna put that one up there and i'm gonna put this over here put this over here and i'm gonna do the same thing whoa there we go and we're gonna let those cook for about maybe about nine or ten minutes on each side and with this meal i'm making uh cream peas but i didn't show you all how to do that and it's easy you take a can of regular peas and you put your sugar in it you know and then you put milk in it and then you stick it with a corn starch and milk taking your corn starch putting about a teaspoon or a tablespoon in there and adding about uh two tablespoons of regular whole milk or skim milk or whatever and putting that inside of your peas mix it up let it get thick as it gets hot and thick enough and there you have your teeth we're not making a regular old macaroni and cheese it's just a box kind of day usually i make it homemade but i always tweak my box and it'll get thick and it'll be a cream beef and it's got sugar in it so i put sugar so there you go there you have it a cream pea then i'm making a box macaroni and cheese but i always it's just quicker for me to do the box but when i'm doing that i always just use the box of macaroni and in there but i always add my own cheeses to it so this is a real expensive cheese that i use that i actually shred up in there and inside here it's just a regular uh i just got a little milk in here some cheese that i had bought and i love that cheese this cheese goes good on everything and it's just macaroni i fall out of a box i'm also going to use the cheeses in there i make macaroni and cheese guys you can use any type of cheese i don't care which kind of cheese is but this is a parmesan cheese that i got that i'm just gonna i'm gonna use in a little bit of it and it's so hard to scrub this oh i wish i had i like doing it whole like this because it's a better cheek you know when it sits around and it just you know get it off the thing i just smell it and then what i do is i just use their cheese pack and put it with my cheeses and mix it up okay these are the croquettes they have been fried we have made the mix we have cornmeal them and we fried them in any kind of vegetable oil canola oil whatever you like using we fry these about 10 minutes on one side 10 minutes on the next side to a nice golden brown hot and great in the middle and here they are and i just can't wait for you all guys to taste these these are good tonight we're having the macaroni and cheese and the cream peas with those so i hope you all tune in again and you know come see us uh we're gonna be making more different dishes and it is so great to have you all to join us tonight i thank you and god bless before we go guys i would like for you all to like and subscribe to our youtube channel but right now i want to show you the mix that i was talking to you all earlier about okay you see me fry the croquettes in them now i'm taking a strainer and i am straining the leftover i mean the rest of the mix here and the good stuff's going here and the bad stuff will catch at the end and disregard any of the little pieces of salmon or fish mongers or whatever you got in there that has anything to do with seafood okay put it back and use it for another time once again please subscribe to our channel thank you be sure to cook
Channel: besuretocook
Views: 9,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: +salmon +croquettes, +salmon +croquettes +recipes, How To Make Salmon Croquettes, Salmon Croquettes, Salmon Patties Recipe, canned salmon croquettes recipes easy recipe, canned salmon recipes, make salmon croquettes, recipe for salmon patties, salmon cakes recipe, salmon croquettes, salmon croquettes easy recipe, salmon croquettes recipes easy, salmon rissoles, salmon recipe, salmon croquettes recipe, salmon croquettes with canned salmon, btc&x%
Id: __mXaug9Lbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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