Best Salmon Cakes Baked in the Oven

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chef buck here and today we're gonna cook up one of my favorite ingredients canned salmon I love having the stuff in the kitchen it's very versatile convenient ingredient to have in the cabinet first things first we're just gonna open the can and if you've never used any kind of canned fish product before be mentally prepared it's kind of scary and this is already cooked they'll op up the fish and they put it in the skin and then they they cook it in the can so there's a lot of juice in here which is the natural fish juices but we're gonna go ahead and drain that off first and get rid of our liquid cuz we're gonna make some salmon patties today but we're going to do that in the oven kind of make a healthier version of salmon patties because I've been eating a lot of bacon lately you know I've been fry up a lot of stuff in the skillet so I need to take a break from that and have some less fatty ingredients now I'm gonna go ahead and crumble it up now this is just a chunk of fish you know it includes the skin the bones everything but the bones are soft and you can eat those let's rummage around in here and find some because a lot of times you know you'll find a piece of the spine in here that's intact I usually take the time to brush up each one of those individually otherwise the texture can be a little distracting you can see how crumbly these bones are you know they're extremely edible just going ahead and crushing the vertebrae like that will make the the dish a little more palatable but we're gonna eat all the bones all the skin and all the flesh in this dish to our salmon we want to add one egg now one thing I like to do with salmon when I bake it in the oven like a lot of times I'll make like some salmon balls like some salmon nuggets I'll kind of overcook them in the oven to make some very firm balls that I can use in a variety of dishes and when I do that I use two eggs but for this dish I'm using one egg because I want my patties to be as soft as they can be and still hold together now since I'm baking them instead of frying them it's gonna take longer for the patties to solidify like if I was just throwing them in a hot skillet that's what it sounds like it sort of holds together you know a lot easier when you fry it on one side but because we're baking it it's not gonna hold together that well so I've got my ingredients chopped up pretty finely and you don't have to use all of these ingredients but I would use some because these fresh ingredients are going to add moisture to the patties because they'll dry out a little bit in the oven if you don't add something like this to them so I got a little bit of onion I got some bell pepper and then I got a little bit of garlic and then I'm also gonna add some seasoning in here as well but you don't have to do this you know you could just use these natural ingredients and have the natural fish flavor I got a little bit of salt not a whole lot because there's already salt in the can I got some garlic powder and a little bit of paprika now we're gonna go ahead and get everything mixed together give it a squishy squish and get that egg and all those ingredients kind of mix thoroughly throughout your fish you're actually gonna have a lot of fun doing this and there's all different kinds of ways you can do the squishy squish like this or you can do the punching punch like this here or you can even do the massage I know camera girl she's a big fan of the pokey poke but I really I mean that's basically a waste of time you know I definitely go with the squishy squish but you can determine which is your favorite so we got all these ingredients mixed together well and I generally get around four patties out of a can so I'm gonna go ahead split it in half and then I'll split each half in half and so we'll end up with four patties if you make three patties out of a can you know those are good sandwich sizes you know if you want to use these for salmon burgers and you want a nice hefty salmon burger but we're gonna make four patties today so I got me a baking pan just a little bit of foil and I'm gonna lightly spray it with some oil so we're gonna take our salmon balls and then we're gonna just shape them into quick patty shapes just like little hamburgers and as you can see I don't have any large ingredients in here you know I chopped everything up nice and fun because when you're baking it in the oven you know like I said if you got large pieces in here it's gonna have a hard time holding together because we want it to be nice and compact so there's one two three four patties all right so we're gonna slide our patties into our oven preheated at 400 degrees we're gonna let them bake away for a little bit and then give them a flip all righty so it's been about 15 minutes and they're looking pretty bueno let's go ahead and give them a flippy flip you see they're holding together very well but we don't want them to get too dark on one side that's why we're giving them a turn but like I said this is already cooked in the can so you can't you know under cook this we're just we're just getting it to come together and get a nice color on there so we'll slide them back in and maybe give them another 5 minutes and that'll be it boom so that's it Oh almost lost it sorry my life well that's it they're all finito and we can use these any which way we like you know we can just burn our fingers oh you can put them on a sandwich or we could just put them on a plate with some other things leftovers need them up like that Wow remember the pan is still hot you can make like a quick kind of mustard sauce this is really good with a mustard sauce sometimes I'll just take like a creamy salad dressing and put it on a plate like we ranch dressing or top it a little bit with some dressing and then eat it with whatever leftovers I have any fridge it's great for us sandwich you know if you got a bun they're kind of heavy and dense you know you can use it as a doorstop you can use them as earmuffs and though you might have a cat come and hump your head we made these with very little oil just lightly spread the foil kind of a healthy way to eat salmon out of a can which is a very healthy ingredient still too hot to handle but I'm handling it look at that steaming away there's lots of flavor in here you can see the little bell pepper flecks in there putting the onion and bell pepper and stuff in here is really a good idea because without those ingredients these cakes will dry out alrighty we'll do a little taste test this is the next day you can see I've had a lot of trauma in my life since yesterday but these make great leftovers this is the little chilaquiles sauce kind of a pepper sauce inspired from our travels in Mexico I got a little you go right there just throw a little sauce on a plate and dump a salmon cake on there you know pair it up with some leftovers whatever you got in the fridge there you have it it's a complete little meal you know if you want to print this one and take a look at some other canned salmon recipes go over to you can print all our recipes over there thanks for giving it a thumbs up and subscribing and we'll see in the future
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 212,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canned salmon recipes, how to use canned salmon, salmon cakes recipe, how to make salmon cakes, how to cook salmon cakes, best salmon cake recipe, best salmon cakes, how to make a salmon cake, salmon patties, fish cakes, how to fry fish cakes, how to make fish cakes, fish cake recipe, salmon fish cakes, canned fish recipes, canned fish recipe, chef buck, my food channel
Id: QH-nQtXtg98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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