Freestyle Tournament with PROS ONLY in Rocket League

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they haven't been able to do one yet oh he's got control though oh is gonna catch you did not nine out of ten doctors agree that freestyling in rocky league is the best way to attract babes and since you guys were super into my last freestyling videos it's time to take it to the max can some of the best rocker league players in the world freestyle i took a group of rlcs pros and made a freestyle tournament to see what they're capable of the winner gets the title best rocket league player in the world forever and i'd buy them 20 big macs for the tournament i broke it into three rounds a freestyle mechanics challenge where two pros will be eliminated a game of horse with the top three and finally a freestyle 1v1 to decide the ultimate champion let's do this but not before mentioning our sponsor for today's video the rocky link tracker app have you ever gone on a massive win streak or if you like me lost streak in rocket league and thought to yourself why did that happen now you can analyze all of your gameplay with the rocket league tracker app to find out what went wrong or right rocket league tractor is analyzing every single match in addition to providing tons of other cool information like the stats of your teammates or opponents in game i'd like to use it to track my playstyle to see what was working and what i'm bad at it works in every game mode casual competitive and extra modes all you have to do is play and it keeps track so give it a download using my link in the description below it's totally free so you might as well just check it out for round one every pro has to hit the shot that i call out they have two lives each until two pros are eliminated right here's how that's gonna work up first we actually have andy he's gonna be going first and the first shot he has to hit is a air dribble no bounce of course all right this is uh easy mode it's gonna get easy and then hard as we go on so uh you can go ahead and start when you're ready oh my god all the pressure there's there's a lot of pressure here a lot of a lot of spectators it's trucks sorry bro all right so what you can do is grab the ball yeah and you want to dribble it in the net so if you mess up once you're fine you just can't mess up twice all right here we go two lives per salt or two lives in total total let's go nice guys let's go let's go it's easy except and we did it oh you got the wave dash looking good oh yes oh that's so clean nice nice let's get it i'm actually shaking what rocking the retired cloud nine decades it's more intense than rlcs i've already yeah yeah honestly this looks more intense than oral cs oh oh okay a little two-touch action though that wasn't beautiful but that's okay all right then we're on to a slightly harder shot it's the pink it's the pink you do have 108 ping yeah all right here we go all right oh oh then take off he's got a little bit of boost dude okay everyone pass to the very very first shot that's dude that's good okay next shot is a double tap and we're gonna do the same order so we have andy going first just any double tap and no bounce let's see what you're made of was rlcs worth it oh oh clean clean got the reset too i like it no bounce i'm not used to setting up normal double top yeah they just don't happen yeah let's do it let's do them trust me these are going to get way harder so you guys just breathe right now oh oh oh okay bro that was clean but that was close i'm used to like coming off the ceiling or something this not just normal double taps yeah we'll see all right let's get it i'm gonna be the first one yes sir there we go that's easy oh that's so easy it's free dude it's literally free we're killing we're chilling all right bilbo let's go let's go double tap skis did you just change your car yes oh seriously yeah wait that's straps yeah it was cloud nine last right okay i didn't know that i think that's just because he was on blue team ah that's what it was yeah yeah okay double tap oh did it touch wait i can't uh i'm going photo finish i'm not on standard size i know it hit the crossbar but i couldn't see i think it bounced it did yeah all right that's a life gone for bilbo i think i think i'm messing this up all right jack let's get it let's get it all right all right here we go clean it's free it's free let's go the next shot is a musty flick with andy okay like like off the ground just a basic musty flick obviously it can't bounce we're not having bounces all right here we go this is this might be chocked here we go yeah i haven't practiced in ages i only do these in the air bro oh oh it shoots hey it's impossible yes that one's harder though isn't it yeah it kind of depends on whatever's easier it's just up to you for me like looking down is easier but you know that's the flex that's that's clean that's clean i'll say keeping all your lives is going to give you an advantage for round two so i would be shooting for that i mean that's getting into round two all right don't worry i will all right a little musty action all right bilbo musty flick bilbo you are out my guy all right we have our first elim next person to get eliminated is done so jack we hit the you guys should be able to handle pressure just fine oh that was clean let's go uh next shot will be a flip reset no bounce all right oh god that's free we're going to get weakness all right here it is it is yeah yeah there it is oh no that's my foot [Music] so with andy and bilbo gone it's time for round two also if you're enjoying the video take one moment and subscribe most of you are not subscribed and that helps me out a bunch so we're playing course nollie will be up first but you only have two lives so i guess that makes it ho so that's fun so you pick whatever shot that you want and then everyone else has to do that same shot i think you gotta say where is bro yeah you do have to call it out oh oh i thought oh i i think we'll just agree that that was a flip reset nollie didn't know all right any flipper set doesn't have to be pretty just make it happen does it have to be with a bounce without bounce yeah his was without a bounce so we're gonna make it without a balance here we go here we go easy dude that's so clean very very nice very nice all right rapid redemption right this is my moment this is your moment i believe easy flip reset rapid reset here we go [Music] that's okay you still have one life left don't you worry okay i'm gonna go from the corner yeah and then i'll lick ceiling shots into the goal okay ceiling shot from the corner let's see it nice double tap so you don't have to do the double don't worry but that was super clean wait shouldn't he have to call no bounce because he didn't call him a bounce i thought i thought no bounce is obvious i mean i like to think that there should always be no bounce but i mean yeah if you're if you're worried about your mechanics like i get it but no dude all right let's see it jack clean easy peasy all right rapid one of those represent in a well right here yeah i did i got this really good here we go i'm kind of confused no dude it's free confidence bang yep yes let's go let's keep it simple and clean um double touch yeah air dribble double touch okay clean that did bounce um that to bounce i don't think we're going to count that i think we're in a no bounce world so let's actually have um jack set up a shot now i'm going to go for a door yes this is your time to shine yes yes yes just make the shot come on wait you got to call and wait stop stop what shot is it oh don't worry oh we're doing double reset okay all right all right here we go like reset air triple yeah got it let's see it make it happen yeah very simple very simple like one or two touches all right jack let's see it nice let's go i really thought you were dropping that i didn't think i even got the flip you are boys do you find me oh clean clean that was so close na is not looking good today but dang rapid is out that is it that is the end of round two and just like that we're on to our finals with a freestyle 1v1 these pros have probably never been under more pressure all right let's get it let's do this the finals each of you has seven shots just show me your best free style so jack is gonna start us off all right he's got the little turtle reset action i like it this is looking good jack with the setup oh oh oh oh we couldn't keep it up dang that was super stuff i totally thought you you were gonna catch it but you didn't that's tough all right uh nollie this is your first of seven shots whatever you want to do okay we do all right he's doing a turtle or dribble does he catch yeah he does dang looks like that is not going in a tough round one for you all right jack what do we got this is your second shot yeah you know all right reset oh close on the musty dude really close what do we do what can we do nice get up there oh with the flip cancel two looking clean all right third shot for jack okay he matched nollie right now this is a tie game but that was jack's third shot so let's see let's see what now i can do 100 bucks on the line gotta add the pressure yeah yep come on double tap it oh that's pretty dope dude that was that was pretty good uh nali's in the lead with his third shot let's move on to jack's fourth okay come on chuck let's do it do you talk to yourself when you play like come on man of course yeah double come on yes dude that was super clean with with the dribble too that was actually super clean i'm gonna say that that matches at least the the shot that nollie just hit all right we got a turtleneck dribble action they haven't been able to do one yet oh he's got control though oh is it to catch you did not dude oh my gosh all right molly is clearly in the lead right now that's going to take some serious work but i have faith in jack right here you know i've never actually pulled a triple fifth so in my life all right here it is yep one two oh so that's unfortunate all right now put him away here is this uh i think fifth shot yes i think it is ground punch oh close jack this is your chance to come back with your six shot here okay oh you know i'm going to go for again get it let's go yep one two come on no a double reset's not bad if not only misses his next shot that might can put you back in so not bad at all but that is your sixth shot this is now nali's sixth what can he do he could buy like 10 big macs if he can do this actually it's more than that hey this is your chance to come back right here let's go last shot really take your time you're in no rush promise there is yeah okay think about it plan it out call your mom i've never i'm gonna have to go for it because i'm not beating that shot without with anything else whatever you think yep one oh i've completely invested damn nolly let's show off for your final shot here i couldn't i mean i can't even do double flipping sets so i mean hey it's whatever you want to do the more creative the better if you can do a pogo like i don't know whatever you're thinking oh tough all right another turtle air dribble here yep the musty are you kidding me oh my god goodness dang i think we have a very clear winner although honestly that was a really good match between you guys nollie is just um actually goated on the sticks it looks like so it's official nollie is the most insane mechanical pro of all time also north america has got to step it up come on guys [Music] you
Channel: Striped
Views: 639,339
Rating: 4.9341903 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, freestyle, pro, pro freestyle, pulse, pulse clan, best freestyle, clips, montage, best moments, rocket league freestyle, freestyle challenge, highlights, rocket league highlights, best players in rocket league, supersonic legend, top 100, best freestyles, flip reset, double tap, arsenal, musty flick, air dribble, ceiling shot, pogo, breezi, double flip reset
Id: s69dtMY9Z0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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