Busted up 110cc Dirt Bike, Can We Save It? pt 2 of 2

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hey guys and how's it going hey we're going to continue on this uh chinese pit bike i think it's 110cc honda clone that has definitely seen better days on the last video we kind of went through an assessment and got it running uh had no carburetor on it some stuff was in boxes went through that and were able to get it running and then ran it through the gears still needs a bunch of love the handlebars are bent there's a bunch of hardware missing there's no brakes all the plastics for the seat and the seat itself are trash there's no muffler on it and whatever else we find along the way so we're going to continue on and see if we can get the rest of that stuff fixed and make it a very cheap trail rider for a little money that would make it cheap right when it's done this is another one that came with it should look something like this this one's in a little bit better shape but i figured we'd start with the ratty one first and hopefully not steal any parts off of this one to make that one complete without further ado let's get into it start turning some wrenches alright so we should probably maybe jump on the rear wheel next try putting area in the tire last time it just pissed right through it my guess is it probably drove on a flat so we got to go take that apart anyway to go see what's going on inside there and then we need to go see what's going on with the brakes let's get it up in the air a little bit more maybe we can get this out of the way so the brake pedal can move and we'll just kind of see if uh any brakes will come back possibly with bleeding it let's see if we get anything out of it it looks like there's fluid in it we'll pop that cap off real quick and see there's the little reservoir and i don't know if that's just dirty or if that's filled with fluid we'll get that top off hopefully and we'll try to get some brake fluid in it what's it got for a bleeder it does have a bleeder right here [Music] josh will probably see if it's even complete no well there you go see what i'm seeing here i don't think there's any brake pads in there yeah that's not going to do much yeah all right let's go see if it's if it moves at all no i'm not seeing anything happen all right do some exploring might as well go check the front ones right see if that's got complete i think it's got pads in it at least i wonder if they're the same i rather have rear brakes actually it feels like we have front brakes maybe we can steal some stuff if that's to eyeball that does that look like that maybe i don't think they stole the brake pads out for the other bike because the other is that water i think that was water that's not a good sign to come out of the line uh i don't think they stole the pads out of it for the other bike because the other bikes got drum brakes on the back unless this got all kind of crapped out and maybe they took the front if they match the front they put them on the front because i can see them being worn but gone all together let's see yeah and waters water is pouring out of it that does not make a very good hydraulic fluid well it does for a little while and it freezes up let's go uh eyeball that other front caliper see if it's the same as that that would be a no unless it mounts up to it similar like these two are can be swapped around i wonder if we could swap the the bleeder for that i'm just saying this only looks like it has one load one pin that it rides on it's gonna have another one there are they same width apart i think they're a little different looks like they're a little wider the back one a little wider all right what's that saying brakes are for quitters let's see if we can get these are the adjusters that tension the back wheel so you can back them off and we'll get the bolt out of it i don't know if that is factory this thing looks like it's uh not exactly built for a bike it's like something to bolt your deck together i said deck we go spin that off we'll get this shaft out of there get that tire off of there see what we got for tube i guess the missing rear brake kind of explains why all the plastics are busted up and the handlebars are bent there see a spacers fall out of where that side all kinds of stuff popping out and let me put those in some kind of row bearing fell out of this side so like that you came out of there and that i'll grab that bracket and we'll see all right let's get that wheel out and we got another spacer in the middle remember that was in the middle i'm going to call you later get some tire on tire irons on that this little harbor freight stand for taking the tires off that are tubeless for the most part but the smaller the tire i found the harder it is to deal with i don't think this one's going to be any different see if we can get that one do you think the tube is going to be ripped off the valve stem that's my guess i don't see a bead lock on it anywhere generally a bead lock will be like a a stud or a bolt sticking through the rim that clamps down on it and even if the tire goes low or flat it stops the tire from turning on the rim there's not one here gotta unbolt the uh valve stem got a nut so oh yeah there's your problem not fixing that one i guess you gotta go find another one go look in the stack see we can find we need a uh two and a half by ten where they're close close within two inches and what we got that's a ten isn't it four by ten can we squish that down in there you could try right yeah if you don't find anything else we'll go with that one see something possibly oh it's got a tube in it or not what's that no tube [Applause] a 10 inch tire yeah 350 by 10. one two three i think we might want to pump this one up a little bit and see if she holds there for a minute or two it's kind of questionable especially that one right there she's looking a little scabby say better than the other one it's more like a small car tire let's give her a little see if we get bubbly happening let that sit and uh see if it goes down in size we can get that tire off the rest of that rim oh just make sure there's no protruding hunks of rust or anything like that so go check out our band it just protects the spokes from poking through stabbing the tube just kind of give them a quick squeeze to see if i see anything loose i'll give them a little a little suck down i think we're fine how's our tube doing i think that might be okay too yeah they're close in size should fit no problem gotta make a slight adjustment because that valve stem and that bow stem are two different thicknesses that won't go through the hole [Music] will now hey what's your over under you think i pinched it i will definitely tell you putting a small tire on a rim compared to a large one is much more difficult i'm going to give myself an 80 success rate don't hear any hissing let's go a little more you might have gotten it well judging the fact that water came out the other side i'm not going to give it too much of a success rate but let's get that um master cylinder off of there and you can get the cover open just see what we got to work with maybe a little bit easier to film in the vise let's get the line out of the way first judging by the fact that water came out i'm not going to give it much hope just never know let's actually just have a little plunger like a uh i think something that looks like it it's a a dish a rubber dish and we'll go with that use only dot four don't think water is dark dark top four so that's a little diaphragm i think it's supposed to take up the space the airspace but it is looking like yeah maybe a little bit of that might be brake fluid so that should be the reservoir and this part of it is where that is that the plunger should be in here because that's where let's go give her a couple of let's see what it does yeah it's not even it's stuck so there's that little rubber dish it should be about right here there's a spring behind it and you hit the brakes you compress that pushes fluid up through the line when you let it back down again there's a little hole from the reservoir back in here allows the chamber to fill back up while that's compressed down it is stuck in place it's had not even returning so this is already shot let's get rid of this there's probably a c clip or something and it's a little if you see a little c-clip down there try getting that out of there that should allow all the assembly to come back out it might be a little on the tight side i got my pliers backwards we need to squeeze together some pliers either you get two different sets or they got two different sets of screws it allows it to be in any or an audi clips up now should be able to lift that assembly out of there and down in that rust pile it should be that plunger and it's not looking very good we might be able to get it with uh maybe we can shoot get some compressed air we might be able to push it with let me go get like a actually try with an allen thank you wrench much let me back you up well we're gonna have to backtrack through with that rust let's go give her a little bit of a bit of juice i got a punch that is roughly in diameter now there'll be a metal cap that supports that rubber disc so we're kind of going to be tapping against a a metal cap i'm going to try to do what we don't just in case it decides to go there it goes this is a little different same idea a little different though so that's what it's got there's that little dish i was talking about but this one's on a post it has looks like one on each side actually makes sense i was kind of thinking of like a wheel cylinder because you wouldn't want the fluid to come out where the rod is neither so i think we can clean this up the problem is usually like on a wheel cylinder or a master cylinder you have a little honing tool that gets down inside there we're not going to be able to do that because i have nothing that tiny i mean we get like a little bottle brush or something in there but you definitely want to break up those little ports of rust and give it a shot anyway anyway i think these are for a shotgun barrel that might do it let's hook that up in a drill and we'll spray some oil on that to get it cleaned up brake fluid actually finger over the end tricky bit right now [Applause] probably want to do too much i don't i think the body of this is aluminum so it's going to scratch it pretty easy i flipped it over that's the reservoir side i'm going to go clean that up a little bit too while we're here just do the same thing and put it back to this here we go i do see a bunch of chomps out of the rubber on that side but the the outer lip this is where it's doing all the work right there i don't see any tears across that and this one just does the opposite i took a wire wheel i took this onto where i didn't take them off because i would have damaged them but i quickly just kind of cleaned up any rust that was on that so that should be able to feed down inside there and when it goes in should bounce back for us hopefully that's more like it some of that all right so i'm going to reassemble those pieces back in there on that rod i'll probably take the same do the same thing with the wire wheel i'll clean the crap off of that the boots done and it's not going to keep much weather out of it but uh we'll work what we got right so that's got it we'll put what's left of the rubber boot back down can't hurt right and we should get some squishies good let's go put the reservoir back together put some fluid in it and we can put the line on and i'll blow that out with air first we'll put the line on and i guess we'll cut our fingers over the other end to uh see if we get any pressure yeah see if we get anything should see that level drop down and i'm not probably should have blew out that air passage so there's a little window back there and i see bubbles going into it kind of trying to bleed it by hand it's dropping down it's all going somewhere because it has to fill up this chamber and then that chamber squeezes it up into here to making the right noises gotta fill it back up again all right there we go yeah pressure good let's rinse that through a little bit there's where you go wrong when you suck air kind of like on a car too you want to go too flow too low with you suck air back in because then you have to start all over again let's go do that see all right can i get the air out of it all right so i'm going to go put that top piece back on it again i'll let that be i'm going to go put this toppings together let's go look at the caliper that goes on the wheel and so this side on the other hand has a little piston or cup which is that piece that you see right there and as the fluid enters into this this space grows with fluid and it pushes the piston out and then you can bleed it through there so i'm willing to bet that's probably pretty stuck let's get this we should be able to get this slide this right off there we go i'm going to wash this up a little bit and we'll take the bleeder actually we'll leave the bleeder in and possibly we can shoot air inside and sometimes you get that that go pop the cylinder out too and that'll have the same thing that there'll probably be a seal on this body right here around the same idea and hopefully this cup is not all rusted up and that will tear the that seal up but we'll find out this is good to pop out with air i'm gonna go put something to try to stop its travel a little bit see if it'll work [Music] there it goes it was stuck though and you can see the crud that's on it so we can go clean that off as long as that barrel doesn't look too bad should be fairly polished one side looks pretty good though generally the crud will be on the outside of the lip right there so let me just go work a little bit of that off of there so it doesn't scratch it but as long as you can get that cleaned up should be all right pretty good it's got some pitting on it right there but it's not like we're going on the interstate with it we'll just smack into a tree when the brakes fail i'm going to throw a little bit of brake fluid in there and put my finger over the uh there we go that's mostly for lube she could just go in by hand should it doesn't want to we're going to squeeze it in you got to watch it you don't get it racked too sometimes you're putting an it's going in on an angle i'm gonna go take a little bit more time and clean up that edge right there i think that's what's holding this up i should squirt should be happy there we are like and if we hook that line back up and squeeze that that should go back together for us now we're missing pads i am hoping that the ones in the front will fit on the rear if not oh well see we got nothing with that socket that has dual little pistons on it so they are not going to be the same so we know all we gotta do is order brake pads for the front not for the back rather you should probably order some for the front too look at how far the pistons are out kind of giving it a tell how much uh material's been used up all right we tried so i did a little google search and just kind of typed in pit bike brake pads and i think that's kind of what they're supposed to look like i was like hey what about the front of the other bike what would they have in them what they're going to look and somebody stole them out of that one too there's nothing there [Laughter] hello so i guess we'll be waiting on pads to come for that issue six bucks down the drain well it's not like we don't have any brakes we might have front brakes tires holding there that's a good sign i'm gonna go through all that back together and uh when we get pads it's it's two bolts to pull out and throw the pads and not that big of a deal the problem is just everything just takes forever to get right now i ordered stuff it showed up 30 days later when it said it was gonna be there in three you know so work what we got that noises is just rubbing on the plastic tensioner alright look so i'm just gonna go leave this assembly off for now because i'm just gonna be tempted to hit the brake pedal that doesn't exist and then i'll just be squishing it and having fluid go everywhere so we'll just leave that right off until we get the parts that we want to do next i guess since we're doing wheels let's go get the front one out of the truck anyway we'll see if the front brakes work and at least bleed them and get whatever crappy fluid is out and get some new stuff in there and if not we may have to use more of the same as far as freeing stuff up let's go find out they got tied down differently too we get what is it running into the lift the front rotor bent [Applause] put the front wrong i don't think so it's two bolts let's go to where it's free hit the brakes [Applause] and hitting the brakes no wrong lever hold on false alarm all right front brakes work but it's hitting something let's go find out what we're hitting and fix it so what do you think that is i know what it is one bolt had a lock washer on and one did not and i bet you they were the other way around the bolt is in a little further and the bolt is touching on the tooth right there i get them out of there and see if i can uh yeah lower one i didn't see it fall out maybe i did maybe i lost one all right let me go get that bolt out of there put a lock washer on it that should take care of that one of the two different lengths let's go get take one out so that one's not it that one's it [Applause] so i lost the lock washer for that be my guest i don't seem to remember doing that before that works yeah let's hit the brakes all right we got front it's good enough for now let's go see what's in this little master cylinder it should be like a rubber boot or seal on top and hopefully it's nice and clean we could just run some fluid through it purge all the crap out of it that's not a good time let's go get a little chisel or something and give it a little tappy tap see if that round punch will work for us what's it catching on the lip there you go not much of anything in it i'm surprised that it works but there must be just enough fluid in it yeah that's just bone dry so there must be just enough fluid in it to work the caliper in the front good thing we looked in there right [Applause] and we're gonna go open the bleeder on the bottom and try to make it go pee through and hopefully it'll crack loose yeah i guess all right let's go pump up some pressure so you should go i wouldn't exactly say that was full of it actually kind of looks like water too didn't it good thing i got the bucket under it i think that's water good thing we're purging that the other problem too is this wasn't going back all the way yeah that's water all right well i'm gonna keep going until we get some nice fresh i'm gonna fill it back up again nice fresh fluid through there there i am this is not coming out with like a bunch of crap on it you know so i'm gonna go finish bleeding that up a couple more times we'll i'll purge out that cylinder i'll fill that up maybe three times and i'll run that through anything that's in the lines as far as water hopefully be out i'm guessing that's water it just just kind of moves around like it doesn't it going to taste it you first yeah so if you can see it the handlebar on the left is definitely bent up quite a bit more than on the right so the little hike took a slight tumble and what he did it looks like he broke the bottom half of that right out of there and that's why they you went with this to try to hold it together i would definitely say that was a fairly ingenious of them but let's try to get something i don't think i have a mount but what we could probably do is do like a nut and a bolt or try to find a bolt that's around that diameter usually there's a they're a shoulder bolt like that hole will be larger than the threaded hole so let's see we can come up with for that so that's a good shoulder bolt and something like that where it's got the two different sizes on it maybe you can find something a little shorter doing this in my mind i picture a set of those brake shoes somewhere in the package i said what am i going to go do with these i think i stashed them somewhere that might be more along the lines huh let's go try that and this is gonna be standard thread not metric so we're gonna have to make it actually there's no not on the bottom anyway right it doesn't matter i wonder if i'm envisioning these no they're not gonna does it work in there okay barely it doesn't go all the way through is there a bushing in there or something maybe just beat up on the bottom right so let's try to get that work for us you do that how much play is up top yeah it's got quite a bit i wouldn't mind if we find something that's snug on there and then we just drill that out to whatever the other side is let me go look a little bit more so the next one up drops right in takes care of all that play i don't have anyone shorter than that will that thread go into there i actually wonder if i could tap you know what i'll do is i'll thread that i'll thread that into there and i'll still put a nut on the bottom of it it will make the the pivot part instead of that i think that was supposed to be the pivot we'll make this spin inside there but we're going to have to go shim that up to about right there so i'm going to try to find some washers or something to take up that gap a little bit nothing's too good for my builds you got brass and then this is a jam nut so as you go to tighten that up it's going to lock up on the threads and not want to back off so let's go through all that together see how it works i think you're gonna have enough yeah that protrudes a little bit and that's gonna run up to there let's go see how much play it has because this will be bolted solid to that maybe a little bit of play won't hurt it'll be whatever that is and on that note i might have to drill it up just to see if we can thread it right in i wouldn't mind that you know we'll give it better yeah i think that worked we'll still put the nut on the bottom to help support it but see how much play it is when it bottoms out we got to go for something a little more yeah maybe one more washer huh maybe we'll try to get like a um a lock washer have a little bit of spring to it and we can adjust the gap at least now it's threaded yeah a little bit more not hokey one bit looks like it's got it though it's pretty stable so it's threaded into there there's clearance up there and then this is like a jam nut against here so it's a little bit of a adjustment on it let's see how that works out for us and the nut actually kind of rests against where it broke off so as you pull on it it's not trying to tweak on the whole thing it's hitting the body down here that ain't hackery i don't know what is let's see next we get that handlebar try to bend back into some kind of something let's see get the grip off a lot of times you shoot air in one side pop it out the other depends sometimes the handlebars have holes in when they run cables now yeah let me fall off the bench there we go let me go grab a piece of pipe either put in or over that i'll put some straps on it and give her a little tweak got a uh jack hand let's see if that'll go over it that's really good your job is to tell me when it's straight all right think stop a little more rather undershoot it than overshoot it how's your eyeballs i gotta go with the angle of the bike yet too uh just a little bit more yeah probably just hop up there and feel how it is all right looks again the bike's leaning on an angle so i think that can't get you back far enough does it look like that one has to go like that a little a little huh close i can sit on both hands and see how it does that's also kind of screwing me up as the fender is all kitty wompus in the front so you can't look down at the front wheel use that for judgment i think that thing's all goobered up right i don't that's the way the brake line went how it's supposed to go and over time we just kind of pushed on the fender i'm looking at right there why it's like that okay it needs a little bit of that over the front wheels they can it can kind of rotate inside these clamps here and and give a little bit of a a tweak to how you're looking down the front tire how how it lines up and see your wreck again i think we'll leave it like that for now if i finally want to tweak it a little bit more we will i don't want to overshoot it yeah it's not really it's not on it very hard you know maybe it's just was the way it was stored if you see a clip if you can see it right down there we're supposed to be kind of grabbed by let's see if we can go put that back in and at least crunch it down maybe will vice grips if it's got any any life left to it that'll help you could we can steer it you know i wonder if it's supposed to be like that because there's space right there i don't know throw a tie wrap or something on it to hold it out of the way maybe we'll put a little bit of heat put a little bit of heat on see if that'll come out of it let's see if he is our friend [Applause] let's go give her give her everything she's got i think we got a high speed too don't we there we go [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] i think i'm just going to hold that kind of in that position and let it cool off see how it does almost stay in there right now as it is but when it cools off it's going to want to roll that looks better more of a straight line i think that stuff kind of has a memory to heat it up it wants to go back to however it was injected molded back into its shape so we got left to do the plastic gas tank sheet and i guess plastic rear fan i think that was pretty busted up too wasn't it and i'll throw find a couple of screws if they're not broken off yeah throw a couple screws inside the heat shield keep that wagging its tongue think that's we're getting pretty close i guess oh we could do something with the muffler too so what that's what we'll do i'll get those bolts in there we'll set the seat and the rear plastic on we'll see that where that lines up we're supposed to ride see if we can find some kind of junk muffler or something that we can weld onto the end of that here's that assembly that goes on there looks like actually no looks like it just kind of clips over it so we're missing one on the other side all together it's not even there that cover and the back looks like it's missing two screws missing one here i'm gonna try to find some i don't know maybe like a sheetrock screw or a sheet metal screw rather that'll dig down into side there get a couple of them on there just to help support that stuff and lay it on and the seat oh boy is that other one the same seat i don't want to steal any parts from it but what's your thoughts do that look like the same diameter huh is that almost the hole actually the whole thing you don't wanna you wanna just take that whole kind of the same deal right i mean we'll do that don't take the muffler or anything but we'll take i didn't really want to rob from that one i don't know duct tape that's a lot of duct tape what do you think for screws i'm thinking like that i'd like a little bit longer though because that's going in a catch break a thread or two we have those in a longer these are all from a yard sale stash of course i'll hunt around and they're all looking like sure these those looks like that might be too long though be stabbing you in the ass when you're trying to hurt trying to ride i think i might have found a winner but there's not many of them do we only need three hopefully that's not even the same size that was a little shorter two and a half i say we go for one of the long ones up here go for short and long in the back put the long one in first to hold it that's where i'm afraid if it's going to stab me 70 yes [Applause] yeah that's the problem too short i'm not going to do anything go see if no they didn't come through [Laughter] i don't know about pretty busted up off of there anyway huh no this whole assembly is kind of ratty just set that gas tank on there let's see what looks like why is that flapping did i miss another one oh no that's the one that has the latch we could probably run a screw through that though that seems kind of what holds in place the frame maybe yeah that kind of sucks though doesn't it you see yeah that's kind of crappy we're gonna go throw a screw in there let's go hunting for a muffler of some sort see if i have anything that is round in tubular that will fit in that space looks like it's sitting let's go look on the other bike how the how the muffler goes like you would think like that would be more centered here can we bend it is it just sitting there yeah it's just sitting there all right let's go see if we can find some kind of muffler let's see how that one goes in is it offset no it's right in the middle of it all right these are gonna be all too big i need something like off a moped or something i'm gonna go with them nope i think those are like valkyrie or something i had a couple there might be upstairs in this stash i thought i had a couple of little teeny what's that wait wait ouch yeah that's all i was thinking of that wait we got more there's a hundred pounds we're gonna lay on all this that i'm gonna say no to that one that might be a tad two-piece shooter-ish that's just a tail pipe yes just tail pipe and i think this is probably moped and it's gonna be two more we'll grab that i think that's probably gonna be our best bet yeah we'll see if that gets anywhere close to what we need and see if you're even in the right window so we do what i cut that probably right about there it's gonna be a tad long and we could probably do i wonder if we clean that up if that'll we can kind of slip into that a little bit because if you flip it the very first thing you're going to hit is the muffler right yeah let's try that so we'll cut that off actually we can cut some of the tip off too right i'll grind that back and i'm sure there's going to be a tad bit of a difference between the size two sizes see right through that puppy i'm about to look at those japanese cars i forgot what they call those things got the big lips sticking out of the front in the back they got the exhaust shooting straight up out of the side of the car unless we hack yeah it's kind of tiny too though huh we'll go with that one we're gonna go check upstairs real quick before we commit to that one maybe we could find something that's more than keeping i think this is all honda 70 stuff he has no muffler in there i'll bring it back if i find anything how about a beetle tail pipe i have one of them i might do it i don't want to ruin that set for screwing around with that though i don't see one i cut the end off and there's the old weld left over now it's got a lot of a lot of play so i think i'm just gonna go grind that weld enough so where i can get this to slip over a little bit and we'll use that for uh our welding point let's go set that back on there and roughly that's gonna be there huh you go throw a pipe on that we'll kind of bend that up because that's just going to burn right there right throw a piece of pipe on there we'll give you a little bit of a yeaf up a little higher try to get it to at least be in this pocket somewhere and then uh we'll have to make a bracket to support him it will come off of that right there okay see when rips right out of the head and breaks the studs off which i'm afraid of good that do anything a little bit of heat probably wouldn't hurt huh i just gotta come in that's better it's more in the middle of it anyway all right what we can do is when we get it welded on we'll we'll weld the tab on we can kind of draw that in just a little bit more because it's going to be against that actually that's not even in its place i don't want to screw in that i don't like that flopping around like that i cleaned up the edge on that ground it down so that we can get a little bit of a snug fit that should be pretty good let's see right about there we'll throw a tack on it if we need to tweak its position a little it should be good right there they'll throw attack on if you need to kind of move it around a little bit i will lay the cover on then we'll make a bracket from there to there just kind of helps to support this whole thing it's not out there like a diving board iron hole [Music] you have to support it i'm gonna wiggle her around a little bit it's already smoking yeah i see we're gonna have to go come right about i know there's where we need to be even in that front looks like it's gonna be right on it maybe it's about the best we're gonna get so i think we can weld it up it's all flexing the pipe right yeah i'll i'll give it a little tweak in the upward inward position put another attack on the other side and the rest will just grab with the bracket what if that seat can kind of looks like it should roll a little bit that way doesn't it i think it's just so messed up party time all right so i think maybe a fender washer or something we can go and bolt through here and we'll kind of ground the bottom of the washer off or something along there i want to get it right about there should do us anything if we cut the bottom of that off on an angle give us about three quarters of an inch to weld to as long as this doesn't interfere with anything that would just beat it with a hammer just knock that edge over let's get a bolt in it actually instead of cutting when we just bend it over it'll give us more area to weld to being a flat surface you know okay we can lay that on the muffler now let's get a bolt set up before we do that though i say something like that let's try to get it right about there get attack on it the mop is going to be real thin so the hull all right i'm gonna buzz that up and take my time because this is super thin right here and crappy and rusty so [Music] i feel it i think so [Music] kind of one of those things the more you mess with it sometimes it works you make it let's go beat the top of that with a hammer over a little bit something like that fixed you had a horrible view of that didn't you sorry just buttoning up all the hardware for the gas tank and the covers and all there's still two screws back here that need to be done oh look it's got no heat shield on this side i'm just looking it's uh cooked in there hopefully that's not old skin burnt in there i don't know if i'm going to deal with anything for that for now i'll wait till i burn myself and then i'll deal with it all right what's we got i got too much screws to put in the back the seat fuel line and air cleaners looking at air cleaners what was in the pile i thought we were going to be all set i'm sure when i saw that one went on that one that's a tad bit of an issue that's when i think that was on there and that's got a tad bit of an issue and then it was this one that was sticking in there too i was like well i'll just throw that on there because it was in the box and it must go with it right but that's about yo much too much can we take well the guts of that one that's still too sloppy nice try though come up with something like i said i still have those uh two screws to put in there kick that over here but the space seems pretty good all the way around it it's got at least at least a half inch that melts it melts more stash hunting i was hoping to find a filter that would fit i did not find that but i did find a box of a box of rubbers i wonder if we can cut that off if that's enough to take up the gap between the the two of them yeah well here's maybe that too we'll take that with us anymore looks like there's a bunch of these what's that nope keep all the stuff in your memory for the future we're working on something else you see remember up there those would work pretty good all right we'll take that in that see if we can work with it i actually cut the that first ring that's had that little thin shoulder on it and that's the one i was going to use but after putting it on the carburetor seems like because it expands i think that'll be the one that we go with we'll find a hostname for that one we'll we'll call that a win i think once at a point we just run a little piece of fuel line from that stub where it's missing where is it somewhere there's a stubby on there it's got to go out and then down to the curb heater fire it up it's got gas in it whether it's on or not that pet doesn't look like it fits on there very well does it hold on fighting with my glasses like this should be cut away or tuck it behind it all right now it's on reserve right yeah no so off can run does that be reserved it only has a little in it so we should see fuel coming out of there i don't see any fuel there to you oh i can make a mess it's probably clear and it's going to run all over the place yep what are you doing let me run for a second let it run all right that's where we got to point upward i know there's no hose clamps on there all right upward i think it's filling it up like some gas in here to you i'm gonna go with that and you're gonna go blow some of that excess off of there so all right let's give her a couple kicks here she does i do not know which way choke is i'm gonna go with that being off so it does off first [Applause] i hear how it sounds too this kickstarter sucks [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] [Music] that's just the idle speed the air fuel mix needs to be adjusted that's why it's hunting all over better run a minute i got it over filled with oil i don't have that breather hose on it [Music] [Music] [Music] see what it does that's about right big fight goes maybe a little lower doesn't sound any quieter how low we go [Music] think kill switch works [Music] no oh yeah awesome yeah i got too much oil in it but again we if you watched the first video the dipstick was broken off so we weren't quite sure where it was i kind of went on the favor the fuller the lesser side and there's a supposed to be a breather hose on there right there needs a piece of hose added to it that directs it to piss down good what do we need helmet we need duct tape that's what we need for the seat for now and what kind of self-respecting shop all that crap of tape up there doesn't have any black duct tape that's sandpaper or non-skid yeah that'd be good for the seat i got nothing before we ride it i don't know what kind of shape the fork seals are in judging by the fact that the cap on that one's lifting up right so we just kind of knock off some of that rust because that's what's going to travel over that now if the seal's not bad it will be after that so make your own jokes i'm actually going to come back with a wire wheel and kind of knock it down a little bit more it's looking pretty rough i don't know how much it travels it probably travels probably to about right there anyway so we'll take care of that lube it's your friend just avoid the warranty [Music] ah [Music] smooth it's been about an hour hour and a half too after we needed that fender looks like it's holding up pretty good i'm not rolling back if anything it's a little back the other way and five short days later we've got brake pads whether they fit or not there's another add-on these oh no actually that would be the longer one wouldn't it that would be that one would go up there and we gotta slide it apart a little one a little boat how did that go we'll figure it out i think we got the right deal though yeah we'll get it well it's close to fitting it gives the general shape she's a tad she's a tad fat and we'll hit her on the grinder so you can get her knocked down to fit inside there that's where it's supposed to sit nothing's too good for my ride we go with the fresh duct tape perfect yeah upholstery is one of my other specialties call me if you need a quote i am booked up for a while perfect come on even left the badging [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] rip the trail down [Music] [Music] you're running out of gas [Music] that's a fun little ride actually screws along pretty good i'm surprised handles my weight fairly decent i thought i was gonna be constantly bottoming out but i've screwed along really good it's almost out of gas that's why it's starting to cut out i didn't put much in it and it's on reserve and it's pushed out whatever left of that oil that i overfilled out of the overflow it'll find its high it'll part its own level all right guys with that the greater for six bucks we'll call it a win for there uh i'll probably chase the seat down i just wanted to make sure she was good before i did that major investment of 40 bucks you know i took the hard one first because that's always the way it goes that if you you start with the easy one you'll never get the hard one the harder one to fix done that's why i wouldn't chase this one first all right guys with that i'm gonna go put some more gas and go putter around a little bit a little bit more fun but i think we're gonna do a call for the win on this one thank you all for hanging out with me have a little bit of wrenching fun and we'll do it again soon sometime till then later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh there you go [Music] you're the gear [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] out of control [Music] [Music] oh you're next my little friend i think he got off easy so before you had choppers you had bobbers and before you had bobbers you had cut downs and there's some custom bikes of the era so this is a cut down it's got a lowered frame similar to that type of bike over there makes it real lightweight low to the ground nice and nimble but this bike was built by lynn andres he was i don't know if at this point in his life he was but later in life he was the modesto california harley-davidson dealer and he built this bike for the 1935 gypsy tour which was a like a bike rally from back in the day and so what he did is he wanted a lightweight little cruiser to run around this thing at and he didn't want to have a v-twin for whatever reason so he made himself a 500cc single one thing they don't tell you about harley's is they actually make really good single cylinder motorcycles basically a harley's just a two cylinder radial so blanking off the back cylinder on these things not so hard to do so this was a two cam 1924 i think yep so this was a two-cam harley-davidson 1000 ccv twin that he's blanked off the back cylinder for and made into a single cylinder 500cc lightweight little cruiser let's see if it wants to fire up today so what i'm going to do to start this thing choke it gas is on i'm going to give it three kicks to prime [Applause] now i'm going to take the choke off we'll do our ignition on set our timing and give it a kick maybe two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] little custom bike cruiser for back in the day pretty cool little bike to put together so a lot of people ask us which year this bike is and i'd probably ask you which part yeah but he built a heck of a cool custom back in the mid 30s out of all these sort of 20s parts right here but if y'all have any questions about this bike any other bike being here please let us know
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 288,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, dirt bike videos, dirt bike, pit bike, dirt bike riding, dirt bike crashes and fails, dirt bike channel, pit bike racing, mustie1 new, pit bike build
Id: w02gkuerGVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 37sec (4777 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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