The Very BEST Moments From Season 12! | Gold Rush

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almost halfway through the season Tony beats the king of the Klondike he's struggling to recover from a major blow dropping more than 5 million dollars on new equipment to open his Indian River Flames only to be denied a license now he's swinging Wild and the 80 puppy cut is days away from being mined up Tony desperately moves another quick hit to fill the Congress Heidi pop is not going to last forever now this time you know check out these spots that a guy keeps an eye on for you just can't get there there we are digging some hole last season Tony pulled 2 000 ounces I believe the last section would be the most rich in the truck whoa hey look at all the money wow talking about the up there now that's all running into her cut Tony believes the site is a kind of glory hole where an ancient river once flowed that could contain millions in gold find out the painter in this flooded hole could be the start of this fightback so it'll be nice to do a little sample and see as to what we're going to get out of so we got enough roll out of it at rewarded that'd be easy copy hey could you come over there with a couple of pills and a shovel please I want to lose some of this to the little plant and then plant it and see what we're gonna get out of it [Music] that's good enough let's throw it in the truck you want me to grab one you got it yeah foreign I'd be very disappointed if it wasn't okay you think positive right that looks pretty good ladies hi I feel like there's even a little Nike in there there's plenty of gold down there to make it work while digging it up that's only offered two cows beautiful stuff when you hit a glory hole as old Fred used to say then that's what the glory hole looks like Kevin Kevin Gavin do you Gabby yeah get over there with your place because we got to make a plan so I want to get started in that glory hole Yeah [Music] I don't know how much material they sit in there but it is significant oh yeah do you want to do Calvin dig a little slot through there then we'll just throw the pipe over yes the pipe don't give a all right glory hole is covered with one million gallons of water and surrounded by an 80-foot Bank on one side and the mined out Mega cut on the other it's too far to pump the water across the cut instead Tony will attempt to pump it over the high Bank into a ditch [Music] so what I'm doing right now is taking a little bit of tits I'm gonna pump the water out so if we pump within the tits so he's been putting in a couple on the feeder pipe this way you can just free flow off the hill good enough next Mike beats must drag a 100 foot heavy duty pipe to the top of the slope we're using the pipe because the pipe won't break plus it actually works nicer to the hose because we can set it over the bank and it'll Step better than trying to deal with the hose because the hose will have issues going up you got nothing to play with but you don't always watch people coming keep on coming Lisa okay put it in there the crew connects the pipe to the pump with flexible hose good Okay Kevin fly the thing up Pump That wallet out let's go sounds good watch your fight that's pretty cool huh [Music] those things are awesome aren't they dead when they work they work amazing well [Music] so I'm kind of hoping that we could be solution in a couple days the 80 pup cut has been averaging 180 ounces a week oh five ten twenty twenty five Thirty thirty-five 40. 45 50. d 61.48 that's it that's for three days that's depressing with the 80 pup Cuts diminishing returns Tony needs the two days of Pay Dirt to deliver at least a hundred ounces to get back into contention anyway let's go to this let's do the other one okay sounds good five ten Thirty 40. 50 60. 80 90 100 1 10 120 130 140. one 148.42 anyway that's quite a bit better than the 80 pup stuff but it leaves Tony with no more good ground open and ready to mine what what's our total this week 209.9 so what's our season total now I mean we're kind of have it uh through the season so far that hasn't been the greatest no but like I say we'll take whatever we can get out well yeah for now let's just stick to what we're doing here on the hill take whatever we can get yep and we'll see where we'll end up yeah on Indian River 26 year old mine boss Parker Schnabel is pitting the success of his season on a deep piece of ground rumored to have upwards of 8 000 ounces of gold we've been on the new cut for quite some time now it's been maybe two weeks but getting to the pay layer has been an expensive slog with Parker spending more than seven hundred thousand dollars already with no gold coming in Parker rests his whole business come on can you get on a green plant boss and two rookie Rock truck drivers Evan Kurtz and Justin Fraser the only gold I've ever mined for is the one up my nose I'll show you both the break it's a lot like a Driving School here these guys hardly know how to drive a pickup and the main thing is we don't want anyone getting hurt and the second most important thing is we don't want the equipment getting hurt make sure to take your loader on a reverse oh yeah I'll just be over here but you're doing good it's one of the reasons I wanted to come down here was just to learn how to operate like all these machines it down oh it's just kind of confusing right now I just don't anything up how they doing Tyson well do you have some learning to do yeah well I think I think we can get him there though with time well you got to remember these guys last job they were both flipping burgers so you know so Evan just one more little Notch up and then that'll be the ideal height to keep your floor flat okay so I want you jumping in and out until you figure out where a level is they look like they're doing good and you're definitely uh you know you've got them coming into the pile nice and flat and you know I haven't seen them spinning the tires too bad either which we've all been down that road yeah I definitely gave them the gears on the tires good deal [Music] Tyson now needs these rookie operators to build a pad for wash plants Lucifer before he can start mining the airstrip yeah so right now I'm just sort of scouting out the spot where s Lucifer is going to be sitting loosing the airstrip cut I think I have a spot we're gonna lay the green horn belt with the plan here and then we'll get to her First Step a pad for the wash Plant to sit on you guys can try pulling up just one tire with further away that would be great thank you Tyson operates a 480 excavator to load Evan and Justin's Rock trucks with coarse tailings which need to be stacked and leveled before the plant can come in oh this is my first time setting up a sluice plant or anything like it so Fallen direction if Tyson's definitely important or else I'll be sitting the chicken like his head cut off [Music] this one also can go to the waste site there there's just this mud here and I don't want that going into our plant pot yeah they got us green horns building this pad for sluice fur but uh there's no doubt in my mind these green horns are gonna be gold horns I think it's a recipe for success for sure it's uh going really good so far it's just really bumpy foreign are you doing Justin you didn't hit me the boss is probably gonna be fast because I don't know if you can fix it or not hey Justin and Evan going on over there you guys got to take it easy you know we can't afford any screw-ups at this time [Music] you're doing it hey Tyson what's up man I want you I just finishing up to clean up at the Gold Room it's time for the Schnabel Cruise first gold way of the season what up what up hey Mitch how's it going man what'd you get out of yourself pretty good thanks I hope there's more than that yeah there is this is just the last of it gotcha hi hey how's it going not bad how are you good well I think you did a good job you know down there working with a bunch of green horns and yeah new crew you know everything's all focused on Mud Mountain that I'm surprised you got that all set up as quick as you did you did a good job thanks doomit good job guys well it's nice that we finally have a wash plan up and running I mean we've been moving a lot of material definitely spending a lot of money finally got something put on the scale yeah we do we got 70 and a half hours on this cleanup yup yes sir 70. 70 and a half and now it usually gets us 180 sometimes 200 ounces so if you want we can throw it on a scale and in the suspense to match Lucifer's average on the airstrip cut last season Tyson will need to show at least 90 ounces of gold for his 70 hours of run time here we go 10 20. 30 40 50. 60 70 84.4 that's it worth over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars but off the pace for slucifer in the airstrip well we've been fighting a lot of frost in there and hopefully all the good stuff is still frozen and still in there because we've run pretty much High gravel High bedrock and ditching and that's all we've run through the plant so cool I trust you guys judgment totally I'm not worried and the gold will come you obviously haven't lost your touch it looks very good thank you just wish there was more of it but we'll go out there and keep looking at it yeah how long did it take you like when you first started doing this Doom it was it like a lot of black sand well I started I first started doing this what six years ago yeah we were just drunk the whole time yeah you guys joining me for dinner oh yeah that was it hey [Music] weirdo what was he doing just dozing around looking for something to eat with the amount of material we went through this week we were expecting to see anywhere from 150 to 200 ounces and you know to have 84 that's uh it's not how you want to start the season off we've been spending gentlemen what's happening I think the best thing that's happening right now is fuel prices really low and gold prices up that's a good thing because we're trying to buy a piece of ground in Alaska now you guys need to make us some money so that we can pay for it we need a war chest get a wash Plant running and hopefully you can find something in Alaska that'd be nice yeah it would be sweet what up to build his War chest Parker let's do this turns to the last cut the richest ground they've ever mined here we go Cole Foreman Mitch blaschke and Brennan rule fire up big red good cow good to go yay four miles west on the 2000 acre Promised Land Parker takes a big risk with his Premier wash Plant sleucifer where's all this water coming from see holy crap Tyson a turret of 3 300 gallons of water a minute holy is undermining the pad threatening to crash the 45-ton wash Plant into the pond I'm just going to throw some rock in there and hopefully it'll it'll keep her short up here Parker's solution use coarse tailings to strengthen the pad well hopefully I don't know if it doesn't care I really think it'll be all right an hour later his fix seems to hold do you think it helped oh yeah oh yeah your problem right on 10-4 you come on Union was coming yeah [Music] we got two planets side by side you know we got a Phil Parker's old war chest up with all this gold here so we can put it towards this new ground that we need just five weeks to the end of the season Parker's crew still has more than half of the airstrip left to mind Hey Crank It Up when his trusted right-hand man Mitch blaschke receives a call from home can you see the fire from the house it's really Smoky which way is the wind going grab what you can and get out of there hey Parker you got a minute yeah there's some really bad wildfires down there and they're getting close to us holy cow so my wife's down there trying to pack up everything she can in the back of her car and when it comes to your home being threatened by some fires it's obviously a lot more important than whatever we've got going on here I don't want you to even consider not going after the conversation we've had with Mitch making an emergency departure to give you a hug brother hey Karen drive safe Colt Foreman Brennan rule must step up and run the day-to-day operations there's a lot of extra pressure on my shoulders at the end of the day I have one job to do is just to find as much gold as we possibly can I shouldn't have to walk your floor what's up buddy I thought everybody knew how to dig pay but there are Round Rock everywhere like I shouldn't have to walk the floor and find my yard to draw I have hardly dug any of this I don't care you're in charge or are you not in charge well Mitch was in charge I'm gonna take here yeah well there's quite a bit missed whoever took the last strip in the back I don't give them who it is but it needs to get cleaned up I don't know if guys are in a rush to go home or whatever but if anybody wants to go home they can go home that's not a reason to rush through any Cuts or do anything sloppy or whatever is going on we've done this racket for eight years now I shouldn't have to walk our floors there's no need to come here and be about it go pack me leave right now I don't give a about any of these after some cooling off time Brennan returns to the cut okay angry still this is the first time he's been miserable like that there's no need for it and that's what I'm getting tired of howdy um I wanted to explain a little more my little blow up in the cut [Music] I apologize because I shouldn't do it that way friends since you've shown up here like you've come so far and you've been doing a great job honestly you have all right and that's I know you've got on a lot on your plate but we still have to make sure that we are following the basics and that's where I'm coming from right does that make sense yep Fair thank you appreciate it no sweat thanks Brandon yeah no worries for sure thanks a lot I would definitely just take it back a little bit with Parker I do really respect him coming to apologize in a sincere way you know Parker now needs Brennan to mine out the airstrip before winter shuts them down I want to try and Conquer this season for Parker and hopefully he put some money in the bank for some new ground for him get into that thing point right at it this season Parker has run his wash plants and his crew hard to build a war chest and find new ground in Alaska this is what you're looking for right there wait Chris where are we at right before these numbers right now we're at 6988 ounces so we've had a hell of a good season the most we ever got in a year was seven thousand four hundred to top his best season ever he needs just over 400 ounces we're gonna weigh UPS Lucifer first Tyson here we go 20 exclusifer's rookie wash Plant boss Tyson delivers 290 ounces good job you guys Brennan this is red well Brennan and big red bring in a further 226. you guys you just broke another record a record is 7 400 and for the season we have 7 500 and 4.9 ounces [Applause] [Music] now but let's see what the numbers say and then we'll just take us from there another you get them over there when I was an hour I'd be a happy camper everybody ready the cut must produce at least 20 ounces to be worth running .92 worth 17 000 way less than Tony hoped for now old diamonds left out cut for no reason we cannot afford to run any dirt with no gold in it Tony's Fallen at the first hurdle unless he finds new gold Rich ground he could be facing another failed season well some other places won't have a peek at do some drilling see what we can find there's got to be something around if you don't take a chance you'll never win we got about six weeks or so left in the season screen deck is dead we ran out of the Old Timers tailings Mike's is the only plan going right now the end of the season is in sight but Klondike legend Tony beats is still 400 ounces short of his goal I would really like to hit 3000 ounces this year hopefully we don't have any pups and we should be able to reach that goal and he's running out of Pay Dirt in the 18 acre Mega cup [Music] we're getting close to finishing of the mega cut but it would sure like to finish that one off before winter hits [Music] [Music] we had a wall in between and the faders so we went a little bit too far in the wall that's all running into a cut Tony has taken one scoop too many punching a hole in the wall between the cut and a two million gallon tailings pond but I guess that's what happens when you arrively a little bit greedy just to get the last two buckets full now you're gonna get the ball early that ain't gonna stop for a while firewoods yes that is just about the end of the season okay so if we're done in the mega cut where are we going to get paid for the rest of the season I don't know unless Tony can find new ground his season will be dead in the water we get no control so there you go so right now I'm pioneering around in that now we're going to be successful with that yes or no with just weeks left of the Season Tony's flooded the last corner of the mega cut his only source of gold he can't find new ground fast his season is over I think we're going to go in there I think we're going to call it the uppercut we're gonna have to get Mike up there with the dozers and everything so we can get up on the top a virgin ground between the mega cut and an old cut he knows had good gold okay okay it's all up to you Mike because we can't have that trauma stuff that almost stops we have no gold we want this roll your mother won't be happy so let's get the program and when the the idea is to clear off a whole section down to tape it's a pain in the ass to deal with when it rains it's almost impossible to deal with and unfortunately it rained just before we're going to be dealing with it here it's a soupy mess it's like a skating rink it's hard to turn the tire that just slides sucks [Music] Kevin you got a copy calling a sinkhole here copy that we'll get the cable hook it up pull it out not a problem [Music] we're good to go [Music] come on oh whoa [Music] that's not good well yeah that's in two pieces I've never seen a rock truck pull apart yet I've seen other breaks I've seen frame breaks but I've not seen one pulling two that's a new one for me we're gonna go throw the thing out of that so that we can start taking all that payout [Music] let's go let's make this happening go go foreign after three days stripping Tony's down to pay dirt in the uppercut now we'll run some dirt through the plan and we should be right back on track but with winter just around the corner he's in a Race Against Time to hit his season goal hopefully we can get our 3 000 ounces just shove it through as much as we can fingers crossed hey guys we're ready for the final deal after five months racing to cash in on record high gold prices the Beats gather for their final gold way of the season ready to weigh up the travel now let's see what we got to hit their 3 000 ounce gold they still need 321 ounces 290 300 50. 351.36 that's pretty good worth over 660 thousand dollars so Mom was there season total 3030.26 [Music] [Applause] is better than 2020. shortest season ever the Beats of Mind 5.6 million dollars worth of gold there is the goal look how lucky we got but checking out the multimatellites I mean they left about 600 Grand laying that on the ground we're looking over the rest of the world is I'd say we did very well Fired Up by hitting his Target Tony's already thinking big for next season for next year where the opportunities we have in the Indian if we do get a water license I don't think we should have any trouble tripling it next year when I have a little side bed here buddy for nine thousand ounces yes I will if I win I get a new truck red one yeah you win you'll get three SUVs done we're under some pressure in the Yukon and scrambling a little bit to find ground right now the main target is on John Reeves's ground we're spending a lot of money doing drilling so we need inclusive results to keep his gold mining Empire afloat 27 year old mine boss pakist Schnabel wants to expand his operation into Alaska [Music] he's gumbled 180 thousand dollars to secure a claim still doesn't know if it contains the gold he needs [Music] Parker and master driller Liam Ferguson meet with landowner John Reeves and his son-in-law Drew Langley to investigate a potential lead at Cleary Creek where it seems a dredge could have left behind virgin ground this is as they were making that this is the corner perfect so this is your treasure map this is the treasure map this really gives us a lot of information it is pretty clear the dredge was on gold here 39 took out over 30 000 ounces 30 000 ounces in dredge three in 1939. that's right along here that's this Edge 39 was leading up to this year yeah 30 000 ounces right here it looks like they actually pre-stripped the ground so they were intending to to go back in there at some point they left a lot of good ground up Fairbanks Creek some rich up there when the Fairbanks exploration company shut down dredge number three in 1957 over 2 million ounces of gold had been produced worth almost four billion dollars today but in 1940 for some reason the dredge stopped turned a corner and left 22 Acres of stripped land on mind if the pastry continues on this virgin ground it could be 15 times richer and Parker's Indian River claims there's a lot of things as map and drill reports tell us got seven was pretty good but marginal cut eight nine and ten which is right on the end before they turned went very good there was a lot of gold in it so that's encouraging for what we're looking at mining over here but it still doesn't help us much with explaining why the dredge turned around you know World War II happening at simultaneous 1940. well they launched a lot of workers through the war effort as well and uh I mean there's a lot of different factors that are more than just the gold playing apart the Cleary Creek claim is 20 miles outside Fairbanks so I think from about here we have about half a million square feet of verge and ground I think I can get along that stripping pile and put a line in now that's where we'll start [Music] Parker's plan is to start where the dredge turned and drill a series of test holes across the stripped grounded left behind to find out if the old-timers turned their bugs on a massive payday [Music] for the past three days drill operator Kyle Jacobs has been sinking a series of 100 foot deep holes searching for gold Rich virgin ground at dredge corner the ground to pay off he needs at least 150 milligrams of gold in each hole but so far he's found just 30 milligrams [Music] [Music] that's weird [Music] at 60 feet far sooner than expected the drill hits Bedrock the old timers definitely could have been better off and that's why they skipped around judge Carter and then they obtained this shallower ground could explain why the dredge turned back ER and Liam take the drill sample back to the Gold Room to assess it further all right so this is the bottom of the hole and we drilled there's no pay layer in the sample there's nothing in there we're going broke I don't think this is bedrock it's too shallow Parker stuns to lose thousands of dollars drilling worthless ground remember finding 10 15 feet of ground below this rock because you don't have to travel below Bedrock so it's kind of weird to uh drill what's up dude just hanging out with the does man did you find you any gold no it's not a very good gold seeking dog well we've been finding some pretty interesting stuff here too oh yeah yeah it's um at first we thought we were drilling we drilled through a big boulder that was just floating and then we started seeing it again on another hole getting we realized it wasn't actually just a rock because there's actually a full speed bad rock with gravel below it how would that happen um it's probably Slide Rock coming down off the hill thousands of years ago a seam of rocks slid off the hillside covering what could be a layer of goldridge pay over the years dirt was deposited above it when the old-timers stripped this ground they may have believed the slide rock was bedrock and abandoned it I mean it's a good thing that these guys know what they're doing because like hitting that slide rock a lot of people would be like oh we're on Bedrock but it looks like there's some gravel underneath it there's there's more gravel than we previously thought so that's good gravel doesn't make any money though it needs to be grapple with gold in it all right Parker this is one of those holes that I was talking about that had a stump for a while but turns out there's a layer of false Bedrock that's coming off the hill and bearing the the gravel so we're kind of hoping that maybe the old timers just hit that first layer and stopped well I'm surprised that you guys found that really it took it pretty easy to just like hit bedrock and yeah so we um oh Bedrock cool move on is there any gold in any of this parka needs at least 150 milligrams of gold per hole to make the ground viable [Music] we hit in one hole 26. 30 and then it's just pretty consistently seemed to hit 135 hit virgin 187. 187. oh yeah oh yeah look at that cool that one's not bad yeah it's about 200 overall at 200 milligrams per hole dredge corner is potentially 10 times richer than Parker's claims at River look at that nug dude you hit a nug it's better than all the other projects that you've done with me there's more gold in this ground it makes it easy
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 1,843,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, gold rush, gold rush season 12, gold rush season 12 highlights, gold rush full episodes, gold rush tony beets, tony beets, gold rush 2022, best of gold rush, gold rush livestream, gold rush mining, gold mining, yukon gold, gold rush yukon gold, gold rush parker, parker and tony beets, parker schnabel, schnabel crew, best of gold rush season 12
Id: tttncl3hJ8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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