Real Canadian Gold Mining With @ANDYTHRAXX

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hey guys my name is Jason with Mount Baker  Mining and metals and I am standing on   millions of dollars worth of gold right now and  on today's video we're gonna go get some we're   up on Vancouver Island right now I'm here with  Andy Drax Mining and we are working his claims   he's got a big excavator we're feeding the trommel  it's washing down through the sluice and we're   catching all that good fine nuggety gold he's  got up here so in today's video he's gonna let   me in the machine I'm gonna run it a little bit  I am so excited and be sure to check out Andy's   Channel I'll leave a link in the description  below and also leave a link at the end screen   so you can check him out he's doing some really  really cool stuff here and getting a lot of gold what we got here is your main feed Hopper and this  is a shaking deck there's uh offset weights in   there and then you feed the material into the top  and the spray bars are rinsing it and washing it   and breaking it up and then as it comes across the  Grizzlies you know your main two inch minus goes   through into the hopper the big Cobble comes off  and it comes off dirty sometimes but it it seems   to kind of clean itself while it gets sprayed and  then you just carefully pick up the big boulders and then so after that then all of your two inch  minus comes into the trommel where it just gets   ground up and chewed up and uh it's actually  really impressive how well this trommel scrubs   because like most traumos actually have a angle  to them to help convey The material through but   this is a flat trommel oh yeah and uh it relies on  it once the volume of gravel inside it builds up   it just naturally forces it out and that's kind  of why we got these flipper paddles just to get   the last two feet discharging all the time okay  so they screw out that's right any kind of auger   and throw the gravel a little ways away which is  nice um but that the fact that it's flat allows   the gravel to really grind and chew and that's  like really good for getting it off clean it then everything drops through into this under  Basin here and this is the the money part   that's right these are where all the magic  happens yeah yeah so it all collects there   and then it's discharged into this loose  this is 32 inch wide Loose by 10 feet long   and uh we're running 500 gallons per minute  through the plant 500 gallons a minute and   that comes out of these two pumps across the pond  that's right we need two three inch gas pumps to   supply that water and with that volume we can  process 30 yards an hour quite comfortably wow   okay so we're gonna put the material through this  yeah even if we run 60 yards today it should only   take two hours wow so we're gonna move a lot of  a lot of dirt yeah for sure you call it muck in   the plaster Hard Rock I always call it dirt  okay but it's totally not dirt yeah material   material yeah in hard rock we call it mock but  I guess you don't call it mock here it's called yeah yeah cool have a lot of sand and  finer material in the top gravels and   then but still gold and and it's quite gray  and almost even a blue hue to the sand you   can kind of tell it's like it's very rinsed  no Organics it's very clean and then as you   go down it just starts to get more and more  mineralized you'll get rusty red very deep   red and blacks it appears to be about half  gram a yard I think anything more than 15   dollars a yard we are doing really well for  profitability here uh with about a half gram   of cubic yard when I we were washing to between  30 and 50 yards a day I'm getting a half ounce   a day big gold mine standards that's probably  peanuts but for us and with the prices of gold   right now that's about thirteen fourteen hundred  dollars a day that is just fabulous it only cost   me 100 to 120 bucks each day to get that okay  there's Jason's first scoop going in like a pro what an epic day such a good day it's so tricky dump it right up on your  uh eccentric there yeah I know right you got perfect placement  right now that is perfect [Music] Jason from Mount Baker Mining and Metal   my new worker for the day I only  hire extremely experienced people he's running the plant it is such  a pleasure I love having help   I never get to walk around and check on  everything he's doing a real good job we've been sluicing for about an hour now  and I think we got an hour or more left digging into some really  nice birds and ground there   all right so we're mine in a way I think we're at  about an hour and a half Jason is doing fantastic   it is just so cool to be here with other people  mining it's so fun uh I think one of my favorite   Parts about Jason is that he's a candy guy like me  so he's literally got uh Milk Duds in his pocket   while he's loose and you see him chewing away  on them and getting he's just eating caramel   chocolates and saluting like I respect the hell  out of that we've been running about two and   a half hours we're just finishing up I think  we're getting really close to the clay layer   down there because we're starting to get water  in the bottom of our hole and Andy says that   once you start you've seen water you're getting  real close to that clay layer so we're gonna shut   down here in a little bit clean up our sleuth box  probably just do the first map see what we can get   well we've had a little bit of a breakdown here  the excavator is out of commission unfortunately   we're not sure what's wrong with it either might  be a fuel filter air filter or something it's it's   done the same thing before yeah stuttering and  yeah it won't fire up now so well let me show   you the hole and where where we ended up and then  we'll get this stuff cleaned up all right Andy   here's our whole what so how much do you think we  moved here today uh it looks like we've only maybe   you know we didn't get that much did we maybe 20  yards or something 30 yards there 20 30 yards okay   it's kind of hard to tell but it really Buffs  out as you dig it up um yeah but you can really   see the Virgin stuff that we're into and we were  just really getting down to that good cream down   there right down here yeah the very bottom you  can see it it gets a little grayer a little more   I don't know what's in it that makes it gray  like that yeah it almost looks more Gravelly   down maybe that's just the water but yeah the  water is kind of washing it a bit yeah and you   think you were getting close to bedrock  because this water in the hole here I   think so like the water trickles in around  the bottom two feet or so so we're getting   close we should have seen clay if we were  down to the Bedrock but we haven't yet so   that's all we can do we'll clean out and see  what we got for gold that's where we're at cool   sounds good I've got our first Peak here and  I think we see some gold right there is that   what we're looking at yeah is that gold and  in there too a bunch of little pieces oh nice that is a nice little chunk right there   is that considered a picker I I mean yeah yeah  nice piece really Jagged and not super Jagged   but nice and asteroidy I remember seeing that one  go in I think that was my piece oh yeah that was   on the tip of this the scoop yeah yeah I saw it  before it dropped in nice that's a nice piece   all the flakes coming out right there and stuff  oh yeah because of time we're gonna just grab   the first mat you think yeah let's just pan  out the high grade and see what we found and   yeah I'll do a full cleanup uh later and I'll  send you the results and show you everything   and I'll film it also you can get a final weight  yeah you know what we what do you mind you know   yeah that's right yeah and then you can just  mail it to me when you're ready [Laughter]   awesome that was so fun man there was just  awesome watching you feed the plants and   it was oh it was so much fun thank you so  much for letting me do it that was amazing   it was fantastic yeah it was Flawless you didn't  miss a beat you didn't hit nothing bump nothing   drop a rock in the wrong place or anything so  that's impressive I'm I'm an expert now yeah right yeah no and that's a nice machine like you  were saying other than it's not working right now   but I think it's a fuel pump fuel filter so we did  routine maintenance for just a little too long I   think it's been telling me to do the filters for a  while like all miners do so that's how miners work   I lie every day by ignoring a couple things yeah  and they all add up at the end of the year and   then yeah and then yeah they just but man it's  a it's a beautiful little plant I mean perfect   for one guy one operator single operator thank  you so much it's an incredibly uh gratifying to   see it run and to feed it like because it could  have been the biggest you know mess up of my life   building it and Engineering myself it's like for  the most part other than subtle alterations it   hasn't missed a beat for the whole season that's  nice it's really a good feeling to to just see it   happen and how long have you been working like  on this this specific project with this machine   we were totally uh soaked out during the winter  I was hoping to go through the winter and get a   real good head start but it was just too wet so  I couldn't actually get here till about just the   end of April so okay basically all a May June July  so three months three and a half months okay solid   and I was getting it that was you so you built  this over the winter this machine got last year   okay or over the summer of last year while trying  to get a new excavator or a good excavator and   then we were able to get up here uh as late as  October okay this year and we started stripping   but the the rain heavy rain and the snow came and  I just couldn't move the soil around anymore it   was just I was surrounded in puddles and water and  it was like I was sitting on a little Peninsula   just surrounded in water it's just too dangerous  and no good for the environment so we just put   it away for two months there December January  and February and March I guess dude I had to   take a real good break that I could have been  getting a head start but that's been a part of   the struggle is I couldn't get back out until mid  mid April third week April or so yeah okay but   then we really started hammering it and we've been  we've been pulling out some really good gold and   the thing I tell everybody is like for years now  I've been talking about gold weight in grams and   it's a really satisfying thing to be able to start  talking about it in ounces uh-huh how much you've   recovered this summer and yeah ounces and ounces  instead of grams talk about it in ounces yeah   that's a nice badge on the you know on the  shoulder for being a minor because I I I really   am novice at learning the ropes and taking the  lichens along the way so well you're farther along   than 99 of the other guys you know that are trying  so I wouldn't call you a novice this isn't novice   stuff man look at it look at a thousand miles  an hour out here you just learn face first yeah   yeah right face first yeah teeth first yeah but  the man it was an utter pleasure having you yeah   no I appreciate the invite dude around here just  your expertise oh yeah everybody's got an opinion   right it's it's as valuable as what it cost you  so it's everybody's got some value to offer and   it's all insight and perspective is great it's  fantastic [Music] this is it this is our top mat   I'm getting it washed down washing  all the stuff down into that tub look at that old lead lead shot wow  that'll be from some of the surface   stuff yeah found lots of lead here  like this top two feet is just full   of lead like like they were like there was a  bullet maker living here or something really nice stuff very cool yes love it here we go this is our  sluice cons we're gonna start panning it out here   see what we get well there's kind  of our first reveal of our first pan sure I'll come help you but I'll try  to put everything away first here's   our Snuffer bottle this is everything from  that first mat Andy and I pan this out we've   got three more mats but I just don't  have enough time to get them all clean so let's see what we got here look at that always  nice to see gold in the pan so what do you think   there is that how much would you estimate that  is and and I was telling everybody this is just   the first mat we've got three more to clean  out it is looking I know that's probably five   grams maybe seven grams or something like that  okay maybe not quite well if it's five grams   at uh what is it Canadian 75 bucks a gram 82  bucks a gram right now okay that's 400 worth   yep not bad when we only really you know we we  weren't feeding like Full Tilt we were messing   around with the machine and it was doing some  things and you had a new operator new operator   and just like yeah uh film in and getting the  shots you know we probably didn't put that much   through yeah so uh definitely really nice to see  that and you know and we didn't make it to bedrock   either that's right we were just kind of getting  we were just getting going started yeah and then   we we didn't quite uh we we lost our machine there  and then that's actually the the Nugget trap as   well which we could have added into that but yeah  that could get added in so another what kind of   point two point three grams there yeah so nice not  a bad little day and I don't know what we got left   in those other mats that'll be interesting to see  if you clean them up separate well that's it for   us today we had a great day I had a lot of fun  here with Andy running his excavator feeding his   wash Plant we got some really nice gold I'm gonna  let Andy clean up the rest of the stuff and he's   gonna send me some film and some footage with the  final amounts from our our day one of of cleaning   here it goes this is just what's out of  the first mat that we cleaned up there there it is 5.6 grams all right there's the rest  of the concentrates from Jason's day with me at   the mine and we're gonna wash it in this little  wash Plant this is my miniature cleanup trommel   and it's super cool because it runs off one single  motor which runs the water pump which turns a gear   reducer which rotates the trommel and drives this  drive shaft which jigs the sluice side to side so   you can use lower water volumes as well as that  drive shaft comes down here to a tailings auger   so you can dewater your auger so then you  can keep that reservoir of water in there   and just fire it up every time you need it so  I'm able to just come home from the mine set the   clean out the mats set the tub down in front of  it here and then it takes about 10 to 15 minutes   to wash one batch of concentrates and then see  your motor is going and then this is the clutch jigging sluice Works incredible  for just keeping any bigger rocks   just toppling so that they move on out foreign now we just shut her down like so and you can look in here   for any nuggets I haven't found any yet you always  usually see them in the big sluice box on the mine   site but this is your last place to double check  for nuggets this and the tailings auger and the   that's all concentrate your concentrate from the  main sluice that's what we sent Jason home with   that and the concentrate out of my little teeny  cleanups loose yeah all right I fed it all through okay there's what's left that's what got past  the first mat that Jason and I pan together   on the mine I'll weigh it up after  it's dry it's nice though it goes to   show that first mat really does catch  a lot this is the gold that got passed so 0.4 and we'll add that to the point  or 5.66 that he got brings us up to six   grams just over six grams exactly and  we you know all in all barely mined   any ground at all it was just a good fun day  I think we were running for around two hours   I can't remember but we had a lot of messing  around to do and it was kind of slow digging   so there it is Jason thanks so much for coming out  we mined six grams together and I had a ton of fun   is going to be part one of a two-part series and  he's gonna give me some of his concentrates that   he's cleaned up in the past but there there  still might be some gold in them and so I'm   going to take that stuff back to my shop run  it through my shaker table and see if I can   recover any more fine gold from Andy I just want  to thank Jason so much for coming man thank you   uh it was just the funnest day ever just feeding  the plant with you and showing you some of the   gold that we're getting here and uh welcome back  anytime man awesome cool thank you I had a blast   it's really fun to see a plaster operation I  don't get to spend a lot of time on plaster   grounds so this was super super cool thank you  for having us out and be sure viewers to check   out Andy's Channel I'll leave a link down below  uh and an end screen here so you can check it out   but be sure to check out his stuff because he's  got a lot more videos finding a lot more gold   and running his wash Plant so thanks everybody  for watching and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 221,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc
Id: _015wUsfAqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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