Frank Sinatra Performs and Don Rickles Walks On | Carson Tonight Show

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[Applause] I would like to say a few words about my my next guest or my first guest tonight and I'm going to do it now rather than when he's out here because I don't want to sound like a gushing school girl but uh in my opinion he is probably the best singer of popular songs in the last two decades he's been on it for 40 years and those of us who are around when when he first started can remember the the hysteria and the electricity when he would appear any place and it was genuine and it's amazing that 40 years later he still has that kind of adulation and uh professional performance he's a I guess a controversial personality and there are only probably a few people in our business professionally who can walk into a room or walk on a stage and people stop and know that you're in the room I think he's a he's a consummate artist and I'm glad he is here tonight would you welcome Frank Sinatra [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've been alive forever and I sang the very first song I put the words The Melodies and music and I sing the songs I sing the songs make the whole world sing I sing the songs of love and special things I sing the songs that make the young girls cry sing the song sing the song my home is deep within you and I've got my own place in your soul now when I look out through your eyes I am young again [Music] I sing the songs that make the whole world sing I sing the songs of love and pretty things I sing the songs that make some young girls cry I sing the song I sing a song and my music Will Make You Dance get your spirit to take a chance music's from your heart will find way to start it's from me to you it's from alive [Music] I sing the songs that make the whole world I sing the songs of love and special things I sing the songs that make some young girls cry I sing the songs I sing the song [Music] and the whole world sings ugly thing I sing the songs that make the young girls cry I sing the songs I sing the song I am using the song [Music] [Applause] thank you listen there's a lady turtle out on the hall I don't know if dinner is still on thank you am I going to have to put up with this every 14 years you barging in here like this and singing a song God it's great to have you here thank you John I really mean it's so strange sitting here watching you sing over there for what we pay you know I said my God there's Frank Sinatra for 320 dollars how would you like how would you like it Frank large bills dimes dimes two times everything everybody that's an old joke yes how you feeling I couldn't be better I couldn't be happier and I couldn't be younger all right you know if somebody asked you that the other night because you uh were married recently and you said hey all of a sudden everything was coming came together came together yeah yeah I'm really delighted she's a marvelous girl yes she is she's a lovely lady and uh everything's been so wonderful in the past few months we've been on the road a great deal you know doing another one-nighters and concerts and the audiences have been it's hard to explain how truly wonderful they are it's it's almost like a Renaissance that happened years ago I mean and I noticed that when we're working around you get closer obviously to the people and I noticed the age difference is quite interesting I mean there are youngsters in there who are 13 and 14 years old and then they're the older folks who came to the Paramount Theater when they had the short socks you know remember those days pandemonium in the eyes oh yes that's great a few years ago you said you kind of retired then all and all of a sudden now you're back at it I met it I did I really meant I had a great time for two years did you get bored no I didn't get bored no I really didn't I did nothing I wanted to do nothing after 32 or 33 years of working I thought to myself you'd be nice to not have to get up in the morning and do that kind of jazz and so on and so forth but then we got a great deal of pressure not only for my own people but my own family and a lot of mail started coming in and I tell you how how interestingly wise the the public is they said a lot of a couple hundred letters said well why don't you at least make an album I mean there's nobody in the studio except you and the man they said because they thought I wanted to get away from the people and they said well it made sense they said just at least make us an album even if you don't want to come out in public anymore so I said well what the hell I might as well go out and go to work again all right and uh I'm enjoying it eventually I really am I'm glad you I'm glad you came out of retirement a big disappointment [Applause] we got to do a commercial occasionally you know though I understand oh absolutely also to get my fee for that and we'll do this we'll be right back there we are we are back thank you doctor we're talking with Frank we have David Jansen with us tonight Olivia Newton-John Ray Johnson you uh you have a tendency to make the papers uh frequently Frank oh I've been known to get my name in a few periodicals but I I think the in the past six months the biggest thing was when you appeared on the Jerry Lewis's Telethon and walked out with Dean Martin and apparently I don't know how how deep that Feud was but apparently they had not really 20 years ago 20 years and they hadn't really yeah how'd that come about well uh I called her I I dreamed dreamed up the whole thing myself and I called a drunkie one day and his through his interpreter I asked him would he like that would he like to do the Telethon for this for the for the kids you know that Jerry dust and he said sure pal and I I almost fell down because he didn't bat one eyelash he said I'll be there and he showed up and it all turned out very nicely I thought it was time to they they at least spoke you know and I was very disappointed I always wanted later and I saw the Nobel Peace prizes being given out what's wrong with me they didn't give one actually because it's easy to do to get those two idiots together do they do they still communicate now I mean is it is that kind of over I imagine that that they're they're talking to each other anyway so Jerry of course is in New York he's gonna he's gonna do uh Hills Apartment I read in one trades yeah did you ever have a feud going with anybody for that length of time I don't think so yeah no no no My Views last about two minutes you you you're quick to anger but also you're quick to get it out that's true yeah yeah uh oh yeah I guess we're just born that way some guys are some guys aren't you know what I mean and uh there you are well the press occasionally I mean seem to always print the things that make good copy or they think make good copy they very very seldom print and I don't say this because you're here because I don't have to Puff you up at all but they never mentioned the things that entertainers do for charity and I'm raising money for boys clubs in the hospitals and that Saturday but they always do if you're in some kind of a if you happen to brush somebody leaving a bar or something like that well I've never I've never done anything like that or um I think I'm gonna brush anybody he's going to get knocked down I think time you drove over the well Welcome Wagon lady I think I think that should I think that should have been covered I mean that's news you know hey you gotta Now give me an indication of what he does I know Sunday night's a big night at the Century Plaza for you because you're receiving the uh award from the friends of the Hebrew University the scope is award it's a it's a wonderful honor and I'm really I'm really getting the boot out of the idea because last year I was the presenter and the the great Maestro Arthur Rubenstein was the recipient and and a couple of months ago when they called me and said would you consent to accept the award I nearly broke the guy's arm so I didn't get away from me you know and I'm really honored and thrilled about it because they're a great organization they do a lot of good work it's a great school it's a wonderful University those are the kind of honors and awards you to receive the kind of makeup for some of the other stuff that yeah all the other stuff as you said is sensationalism and they they they figured cells copies you know what we really should do in our business is to get a piece of the action every time they do that get two or three percent of the paper for that day right maybe it could be a rich man I would quit again I get out again just give me a piece of this can walk around and collect the money that's all tell me about the uh I've been reading in the uh about the Paul key show the salute to John Wayne that's coming up which you just uh which I understand you uh UMC yeah I was the kind of uh Toastmaster for a Taping that we did last week it was a testimonial to to the big guy the Duke and all of his friends came people with whom he worked in films and so on and they saw the gals and it was really a marvelous night a very touching night I think he was very touched Duke was and uh I had a great deal of fun because I was running from one set to another set because the we did it at the Warners and uh on a sound stage and it so happens that I've run along with me the cast just a few few nobodies have children no buddies were there the other night we had Charlie Brunson John byner Glenn Campbell Sammy Davis Angie Dickinson Marty Hall Bob Hope Ron Howard Lee Marvin mourin O'Hara Dan Rona dick Martin James Stewart Claire Trevor Henry Winkler and me not available [Applause] we are back can I ask you a couple more questions I know you got a recording session tonight what's been the high point in your career uh and everybody in our business have had low points you've had them well I think it's very difficult to pick one particular moment uh I think to think of a couple of them right away would be uh obviously uh winning the Academy Award for eternity From Here to Eternity and then and then being involved being a part of a film called Man with the Golden Arm which I thought was a milestone Milestone picture business in the in the in personal appearances of course working any Saloon is a high point for me I just love to get out of the stage and work in the saloon yeah and see the people I think it's marvelous and this and the saloons I call them saloons but I mean clubs everybody's so close to us all the times and even for instance tonight it was fun coming here because I I I ran into people that I haven't seen because there are so many TV shows being being done at the same time and Mr Fox who's working next door the red the garbage deal they're the junk man he said to me hey baby you want to go to planes next Sunday with me to church he said [Applause] he said because I'm the only colored man I know who don't want to sit in the back of Heaven he's funny oh he's funny when you I grew up with you listen to your music in high school and so forth just occurred to me crazy thought this afternoon when you're in a romantic mood and you're trying to make out whose records do you put on [Applause] I've spent a lot of nice evenings listening to your music and I just wonder I said who Frank listens to oh I play Jerry fail [Laughter] I uh interesting concept yes it is but but I can answer that by telling you that in those lovely moments uh I play daphus and Chloe or the sunken cathedral in golf cartel that kind of classy Jazz fool around with all that other stuff because hey look I know you're going to do another number of the band because I know you got a recording session tonight and uh really yeah right now we'll go see things [Applause] see you look good John now that's it for me why don't you guys get with the band hey Frank it's good to see you uh I I just I just was hanging around in the hall and I said Frank Sinatra's here I've never met him you know and I get the two excuses certainly certainly so was hurt fambino bambazo two bullets in the head Thursday [Applause] now this this you don't believe excuse us Johnny you're from the Midwest you're busy going is the truck loaded Guido says hi he hasn't had a chance to talk to you and from Jersey City your good friend bubani um foreign he started his car with your album on and now he's a highway [Applause] but I tell you I am a Jew and you're an Italian and here we have what it's a great Irishman this is America yes and that's why I just want to say before we go any further for 14 years Johnny Carson kept saying do you really know Frank and I want you to know Frank I worship you and I love you I really mean this because since I'm a kid I used to blow in girls ears and hear you was gone do it my way I need a girl so bad my wife but she's ill who's got married Frank I just can't picture him on the wedding night standing in the room going and I suppose and Barbara Barbara his wife was going Frank when you get a minute hey all the good things this is the most exciting night in the years that I've known Johnny Carson he started me on this show this is the most exciting night and I I so help me it's a great night he was even nervous because he came to me and said you are a Powerhouse and Frank I love you [Laughter] [Applause] right listen can I tell a story about what this man did to me once you may have known or heard about this it was true story this is a long time ago long before Don got married I was eating dinner in a restaurant in New York and uh I was sitting with some friends and he came over to the table and he said Frank do me a favor with you he said I'm sitting with a very pretty girl and uh I'm trying to make out you know and he said I told her I know you and she really doesn't believe me would you stop by the table I said all right I'm just about finished I was down to the expresso and I finally he went back and I walked by the table and I said how are you Don nice to see you he said had to see I'm eating Frank [Applause] got with this girl bothering me you did so I started at Johnny when I started at zyde's jazz land that was the first time I met Sinatra Ed it was it came with Peggy Lee right Frank well the first time actually was in Murray Franklin's in Miami Beach and he came down there and Murphy Franklin's a heck of a guy he's still with a snake guy and the room set about 20 people and I broke the record we had 21 and Roberta Sherwood and Frank uh came over and he sat in the front and I was scared to death as I am tonight as many times I see them I I had never seen him before he killed me that night absolutely put me he should be scared with that act [Applause] do you notice how he keeps moving on stage all the time God bless you look at the violin section why they always look like the union didn't call violin players always look like I gotta get an operation [Laughter] boy the budget's big tonight but you got the boss here that's right and to me Frank Sinatra is the boss because for one reason not because of the word boss but because he stimulates excitement he stimulates our industry and he makes you nervous foreign [Applause] come on Frank come on we're going to walk on the boardwalk come on come back [Applause] [Music] he's insane it seems we stood and talked like this once before we looked at each other I can't remember [Music] the clothes you're wearing are the clothes that I wore smile you're smiling you a smile I can't remember well when some things that happened for the first time to be happy again and so it seems that we have met once before and then we laughed a lot to before [Music] [Music] where where [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before you follow that John God he would never leave [Applause] personally he's up now he really that that was a kick you know what I like you start to that song they have some and they Applause we never get that do you ever knows me go and do a joke these two drunks got on the streetcar and the people don't go yeah you know what's so great in the world and both being the same the world to know that this guy has that great Charisma and to come on this show and have that kind of excitement and for you you've done this show for so many years and I know you were delighted and I am just thrilled to be part of it really it was a lot of fun thanks for being here we have Olivia Newton John David Johnson with us so stay where you are we'll be right back
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 1,194,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson, frank sinatra, don rickles
Id: uVZ6nE1lRTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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