Ann-Margret's Unforgettable Performance | Carson Tonight Show

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if you're welcome a very exciting young lady and Margaret [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's that's the longest introduction I've ever given anybody on this show I know thank you very much how are you have you been I feel great you remember the first time we met and worked together I do I don't really remembered or not uh the inauguration absolutely it was the inauguration of President Johnson yes down there I guess at the Armory that night and you were you did a recitation or something you read something I remember I was one of the MCS that were four right how long ago was that that was 1964 5 is that 1960 three and we have a great historically uh oriented staff here it was in the 60s yeah and you were just becoming fairly well known at that time right I just started yeah yeah Sweden is and Margaret Olson that's the name of the special tomorrow name foreign [Music] yeah how do you feel today how do you feel today did you speak any English or what how old were you when you first came here I was about seven or eight years old when I came here and I didn't speak a word of English no I find it very difficult and added to my mother I find that very difficult to believe you spoke no English at all no huh I just had to um to watch and learn and I used to win spending business I know I just lost it my mother has a very thick one but um I just lost a summer now or did you immediately go to English school over here how about Roger your husband when he when he when he got married you went back to Sweden to meet your folks August and my brothers don't speak a word of English and Roger doesn't speak a word of Swedish but there was a lot of smiling and a lot of nodding of the head and a lot of eating we had moose meatballs they really are oh you're putting me on now no moose meatballs meatballs made out of mousse meat well I figured how do you make a meatball I mean you get a motorcycle thing is that a delicas is it considered a delicacy well see I'm away I'm from Way Way North near the Arctic Circle and the next state up is Lapland that's about the northernmost part to the Arctic Circle isn't it yes I didn't know that and what's the name of the the name of the little village is 150 people including cows and horses yeah yeah now how did you manage you how did your folks decide to come here well my father uh had been here before and then he came back to Sweden and met my mother and I came along and then he left when I was one year old and I did not see him again until I was about seven in fact my mother had to point him out because I didn't know when we arrived on the boat on the grip's home in New York uh she had to say that's your daddy they did I think it was on 60 Minutes last a couple of weeks ago did they not do a special on on Sweden or a segment of it was most interesting it seemed like one of the happiest countries they said the people over there uh don't seem to have too many problems they said they the suicide rate was the lowest I think practically no really no it's not it's the highest it's one of the highest everything inside no no maybe they're not so happy no no obviously they're not what program are you watching uh no I was watching um 60 Minutes the Mike Wallace show and they did this um what you got from the program was that they were happy and the suicide rate was low yes and that's not true well yes we're happy but when we're sad we keep everything inside and it starts to Fester but we never see like I get mad once a year because I got it wrong what oh you're so sure remember Steve Landsberg balls that's what I was thinking of well I didn't understand that I'm trying to quote from what I heard you have a National Health Service over there right he said that everybody has and that they take care of their citizens in that country yes yes but you still say that they get depressed well doesn't everyone but uh we just keep it all inside I get mad once a year and then I start throwing things do you violent yeah that's good you're supposed to do things like that to get it out right you could do it very good breaking things yeah but no you're special tomorrow night I read a couple things about in the paper today you do a tribute or uh you do a takeoff in some of the great ladies of the screen like Betty Grable yes Betty Grable way to Hayworth and Esther Williams well you do the swimming there is that the clip we're gonna see we have a small film clip don't wait for them it's just kind of a montage of different things on the show yes it begins with uh me in bed with 18 men when you get depressed he's like they really are so you start the show in bed with 18 men yes and they have their pajama bottoms on and I have the whole black satin pajama thing on then it goes into the Betty Grable thing the Rita Hayworth what are you laughing at I'm just nothing okay it's intrigued for this opening the Esther Williams um the you see the Osmonds you see Tina Turner uh Pinball Wizard and that's about it did we can we run this small clip you have to watch the monitors here in the studio and this will give you a small preview of what you'll see tomorrow night [Music] you've got everything in there but the 17-year locus coming in and eating the clothes off of the cast that's got to cost a fortune to put on a show like that production values you didn't know you couldn't do that all in one day what'd you do the swimming scenes now London University and uh they were so nice they wanted to get the water really nice and warm but the night before they were trying to get it up to 100 degrees they blew all the heaters so that when we did shoot it on Sunday it was like 50 degrees you're too young to remember the old Esther Williams pictures though did you see some of them though pretend I was s joins when no one was looking and that's Entertainment and that's Entertainment that they're playing around now they have some scenes in there and you forget the incredible things that they used to do in those in those pictures and I can really appreciate how hard she works because I was exhausted after that are you Athletics like that what you swim ski oh sure I do 10 laps in the pool every morning you do every day yes yes when I'm home yeah we will take a short pause here we will be right back after a word from one of our beer spots well as if that wasn't enough of a preview for your show tomorrow honest again you're going to do a little something uh for us tonight right yes Cruise version Where Angels through the turret uh we're going to do a thing that I've never done before I'm I'm going to do it for the first time Sunday night right in front of that but this will be the very first time our stage is yours you're alrighty [Applause] [Music] ain't got no trouble in my life I'll foolish dream to make me cry I'll never stop working [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today [Music] like The Music In Me [Music] [Applause] [Music] must be losing [Music] them thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you're taking me I got music I got music [Music] I got the music [Music] and me [Music] [Applause] ah all right would you all turn to page 186 in your hymnals gotta be those moose meatballs [Applause] I should take some I thought that'll do it for me that's that's quite a number my poor old grandmother uh I wish you were alive that would have killed her [Laughter] I don't mean that that she had a band why she would have not sure she had a gun she had to go on like a frozen carp right there excellent well we got a first on our show in a second I think uh why don't we pause here uh Violet take our collection we have you went to the same high school I understand as uh and I may be wrong it isn't probably him uh that's Bruce Dern yes I just found out before we didn't know that neutral High School kind of an old high school reunion here tonight yes used to be a cheerleader there I sure did maybe you could lead us in a chair so we're going to take a pause for this commercial message we're going to be right back [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 6,366,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson, ann margret, ann-margret
Id: Gzm4PZowN-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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