Fr Chris Alar, Teaching of the Mass, Part 2

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[Music] now we enter into the Liturgy of the Eucharist okay the first part of the liturgy the Eucharist is called the offertory and why is it called the offertory because gifts are brought to the altar now again this is scriptural Matthew five 23 so if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there okay so this is scriptural gifts on behalf of the people are given to the priest so who brings the gifts forward the people now the priest is going to do something to those gifts and give them back to you and a much newer and improved version because they will be transformed alright now what else do we bring forward besides the bread and the wine the tithes as Catholics are you required to tithe yes are you required to tithe 10% no you are required to tithe what God has put on your conscience you are to tithe so a widowed mother of children with eight children that can't even keep her electric bill on okay she is not going to be required to tithe that the same amount as somebody that has a couple extra million dollars laying around even as a percentage even as a percentage because somebody who has a billion dollars ten percent to them a hundred million they still got 900 million laying around okay and so tithing of ten percent is not Catholic doctrine what's tithing is what God puts on your heart you are too tied what God puts on your conscience but we are to tithe almsgiving very important okay now God supplies everything to us but only ask for a portion of it back this is what is going on so the preparation of the gifts has two purposes the gifts are what the bread and the wine now the bread and the wine to be offered are to prepare to become the body and blood of Christ this is huge but guess what else you bring yourself in an offering and you will be transformed and we're gonna talk about in a minute there's actually two epiclesis there's two epiclesis not one nobody knows this nobody even priests don't know this and so we're going to talk about that all right this is the time to put everything into that offering you're you as I said earlier put on that pattern with your guardian angels your joys your sorrows your hopes your dreams like the gifts of bread and wine God will transform those things you give to him it's not just the bread the wine that comes forth to be transformed but everything you put on your pattern to bring to your guardian angel to bring forward to be placed on this altar will be transformed and we're going to talk about that all right now the procession of gifts go back ancient time centuries ago when people brought bread and wine from their homes so people brought bread and wine from their homes and the priest takes it up right so from the back where these called Truett's so in the back is the water and the wine and they come forward with the bread right now this is just a piece of bread it is a certain piece of bread though unleavened particular consistency very important now what happens is the priests at the offertory while you're singing basically says blessed are You Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you fruit of the earth and work of human hands that would become for us the bread of life what's happening here he's blessing the bread do you know that we have this documented as an ancient form of Jewish meal prayer Jesus would have said that exact prayer that exact prayer when he ate with the apostles it's a blessing of the bread and so then he takes that right and he takes the wine now remember the priest I should back up here because I didn't prepare the altar so the preparation of the altar the priest or the deacon comes what's this called corporal was the purpose of the Corporal because there could be particles of Christ that literally fall so that what they are done is folded up at the end of Mass and captured inside the Corporal so that they're properly taken care of this is why when the host is dropped on the floor we Marian's ie I have to eat it right off the floor because there and the best we could do is get purification to wipe around the area if there's no purification literally on the floor I will lick the floor because there's to be no particles of Christ left behind so this is important so the Corporal captures those particles and that's why the priest folds it unfolds it at the end of mass or the beginning of the liturgy and the the verge of the Eucharist and then at the end now he just blessed the bread this was not to touch the altar until it is blessed so this is why deacons please or altar service just don't go up here and place it there for the priest it's not supposed to touch the altar until the priest blesses it then it goes onto the Corporal right then he pours the wine right and then he pours the water and he does one drop of water right now this is important why does he do one drop of water because this wine symbolizes the divinity of Christ and a drop of water his humanity and also symbolizes God and His Church what's happening is they are mixed Christ Humanity is put into his Definity divinity and you can never separate them again once you mix water with wine can you separate it no you can never separate it so this is what's very very important ok so the priest is blessed are you this is very important the drop symbolizes Christ's humanity and the cup of wine his divinity now as he's pouring it the priest makes this prayer what is that prayer by the mystery this water and wine may we come to share in the of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity this is what's going on and he mixes this you don't even hear that right so then he offers it up for a blessing blessed are You Lord God of all creation for through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you fruit of the vine and work of human hands it will become for us our spiritual drink and you say blessed be God forever so he places it on here now what is this not a patent it's not a corporal Paul what's the point of the Paul believe it or not to keep the bugs out this is a liturgical purpose now I've been at masses before where the priests don't put out the pall and until I visited some bro to Minnesota I didn't care now I care I was in some bro to Minnesota celebrating a mass with father kazar one of my best friends I'm the main celebrant he's the Consul of RAM we have no Paul I pour the wine bless it and then consecrate it the wine is officially consecrated during the Eucharistic prayer the largest horsefly you have ever seen in your life they breed them in Minnesota this gigantic horse fly buzzing around and I'm doing the Eucharistic prayer on Ron's position not like this aras position and sure enough right into the precious blood am I allowed to pull them out No so I'm looking at this fly we get to the point where it is time to consume I'm there with father castle I look over him and I whispered to him this is your parish he looks back at me and he says you're the main celebrant I look at that I pause and down it went I will never celebrate a mass without a pall because that's what helps the pall is for the priest places the ball to keep that exact thing from happening because I can't pull that bug out he's got precious blood so down it goes I still grieve when I think of that so this is the purification ater will be used to cleanse the vessels and to wipe the chalice right after people receive the precious blood is the precious blood required to be given out at the mass no two species they're called species is not required the Eucharist is required one species but you can do the precious blood all right now after this the priest mixes it now as I said now that you mix the water in the wine the humanity can never be separated from his divinity so anyway the priest blesses the wine and puts it down and then he steps back he boughs and you don't ever hear this prayer but he says with humble spirit and contrite heart may we not me we be accepted by you O Lord and may our sacrifice be acceptable in your sight this day and so this is very important now the priest then does what after he vows what does he do next washes his hands now you probably don't pay any attention to this it's very important why does the priest wash his hands in the ancient times gifts brought up included fruits and vegetables and many times let's just say they had fertilizer up so the priest washes his hands and tradition of that this is true but that's not the main reason what's the main reason the priest washes his hands okay that priest just like you heaven forbid may be guilty of sin if it is venial sin was wiped away in the penitential right what about if it's mortal what if there's about if it's grave sin he's got to go to confession does he have confession time between the penitential right and the offertory no sometimes he may be in a big problem where he wants to go to confession but he couldn't maybe he did something the night before which was wrong and has to have 7:00 a.m. mass the washing of the hands suspends the sins of the priest so that he can confess the Eucharist you should never touch the Eucharist with sin on your hands now if you are not a priest you can't wash your hands in the back what if you have grave sin you don't receive it if you knowingly have grave sin on your soul and have not had a chance to get to confession that's why you don't receive the priest doesn't have that choice he must receive so hence the washing of the hands his hands are cleansed and his sin is suspended now does that mean that he doesn't have to go to confession after Mass no he still has to go to confession after Mass is still very important it's not a free ticket trust me the priest will be hold more accountable and this is very much why the priests need to be prayed for all right very important now as he does that he says wash me O Lord from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin all right this is very important all right now he washes his hands and he says also true you know there could be things like charcoal on it and things like that but it's a much very much a symbolic spiritual cleansing all right now after the priest washes his hands he turns back around and he says what to the congregation pray brethren that my sacrificing yours may be acceptable to God the Almighty father and you say may the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands this is the congregation giving their approval may the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands your are stamping approval onto what is about to happen on this cross and altar now the priests after he does this he reads the prayer over the offerings or prayer over the gifts today's was look with favor we pray O Lord upon the sacrificial gifts offered here here this is other sacrificial gifts offered here celebrating them in mystery the passion of your son we may honor it with loving devotion through Christ our Lord amen and so this is what's going on now after this comes what oh come on not the Eucharistic prayer yet the Lord be with you and with your spirits where does that come from the Lord be with you Ruth - for the Lord be with you and you see with your spirit this is agin 2nd Timothy 4 the Lord be with your spirit then I say lift up your hearts where does this come from lamentations 3 verse 41 let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven it's all Scripture and you say we lift them up to the Lord and I say let us give thanks to the Lord our God that comes from Colossians 1 3 we always should give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ now you say what it is right and just this also is scriptural proverbs 21 3 to do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord all right what comes next what's the prayer called the preface while you are all sleeping thinking what is for dinner thinking what the score of the hockey game is what we should be doing is listening to the preface what is happening in the preface it is applicable to the specific season or time of year or the saint the preface is Thanksgiving why it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks father most holy why why is this so important because you're thanking God for the gift of his son which is now being going to be nailed to the cross in five minutes not that we're redoing it but you're going to be there at Calvary when it happens you're giving thanks to him because this is now about to happen and so this is very important it is Thanksgiving in the preface it's a public announcement by the priest in the name of you God's people that thinks and praises God the Father for the gift of his son does that sound like anything unimportant Jesus told the leper the one leper out of the ten who came back came back and thank God he said where the other nine don't be one of those lepers that doesn't come back and say things it's the same with after Holy Communion don't run out the door go back to your P Weaver for a few minutes and say thanks to God for what he just did for you all right so what are you then after we finish let's finish the the preface and so with the angels and saints we declare your glory as with one voice we acclaim holy holy holy Lord why is this important this is from Isaiah Isaiah six holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of your glory scriptural this holy holy holy is from the Song of the Angels in this vision of Isaiah and also the cheers that people gave on Palm Sunday right hosanna in the highest this is what the people cheered now we begin the Eucharistic prayer I'm gonna just do because we don't have time Eucharistic prayer - all right Eucharistic prayer - starts the priest raises his arms you are indeed holy O Lord the fount of all holiness where does that come from second Maccabees 14 this is Old Testament and New Testament Oh Holy One Lord of all holiness keep undefiled forever this house that has been so recently purified are you kidding me did you hear that Oh Holy One Lord of all holiness we just prayed that keep on defiled forever this house this church that was just recently purified when was it purified in the penitential rites and so all of this is coming full circle this is Old Testament we are bringing this in together now then the priest lifts the paw he places his hands and he says make holy therefore these gifts we pray by sending down your spirit upon them like the dewfall that they may become for us the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ do you have any idea what just happened here the priests in Persona Christi is calling down the Holy Spirit he's asking God the Father to send down the Holy Spirit this is epiclesis which means to call down the priest is calling down the Holy Spirit from God the Father to sanctify these gifts to turn them into the body and blood of Christ and we will talk about that in a moment this is an epiclesis this is very important what does that mean it's an invocation of the Holy Spirit the priest asked the father to spend the send the spirit down to change this blood excuse me wine and bread into the body and blood of Christ we're gonna get to what happens here in a moment then he says make holy therefore these gifts we pray I'm sorry I've just said that that also is scriptural now where is that John 651 make holy therefore these gifts by sending down your spirit like to do fall so that they may become for us the body and blood of Jesus Christ that comes from John 652 why unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you so basically the priest is preparing this to become something that gives you life if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you that's scriptural that's not me talking that's not even the church talking that is Christ talking and so then now the church is giving away since Christ died 2,000 years ago for the priests in Persona Christi to do what Jesus did by his own command when later he says do this in memory of me it doesn't mean to recall it as a past memory means make it present that's how the Jews used it forever we'll get to that now did you notice that I did this and I did this important these are the two ways of blessings and both are done here because it's so important one busing is the laying on of hands you ever been to an ordination after the priest is ordained he lays his hands on you but you also come to Mass at the end of the mass the priest blesses you by giving you the sign of the Cross here both are done the priest lays his hands and he blesses this is very important so it's done in both ways now during the Eucharistic prayer both are done so the priest asked the Holy Spirit to come down transform these gifts and later I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit to come down and transform you in the second epiclesis if you are not ready and properly prepared nothing's going to happen if you are ready and properly prepared miracles can happen this is what it's all about all right now the priest goes on at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into passion where does that come well how about this at the time he was betrayed that's from Luke 22 three Judas would you betray the Son of man with a kiss at the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his passion that's from John 10 17 for this reason the Father loves me because I lay down my life willingly it's right here this is what's going on at the mass now we get into the consecration now he took bread and giving thanks broke it and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and remind you I do not have the intention to consecrate this host I may say the words I'm holding the bread but this will not be consecrated because the priest has to have the intention to consecrate the host I have no intention to consecrate this host so that's why you're going to see me move it all around and I am NOT consecrating the sauce but I'm seeing the words of concentration so the priest who looks at this and he says take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you and he elevates what happens at that moment you know when I was a kid my father who was not a really religious man but he took me to church every Sunday and I remember from the earliest time of 5 years old and when the priest would raise this host my dad would say he'd whisper over to me and he planted a seed for ever in my life he said now is the moment when Jesus enters into the host god blessed my dad but he's wrong this bread does not exist and Jesus comes and attaches himself to it this bread becomes the body and blood of Christ it is transformed hence the word trans which means to change substantiation substance this bread the substance of bread has changed in its substance to the bread to the body and blood of Christ now Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas talk about something called accidents accidents mean that what it looks like feels like if I was to put this under a microscope would I see bread and wine excuse me what I see bread or would I see flesh and blood well don't be so fast Eucharistic miracles you ever hear of these and they're going on right now when the most amazing ones they ever saw was in 2013 in Poland the hosts were so full of blood and you know we had a when the most advanced scientists in the United there know in the world dr. Kim Catherine come to give a retreat for the Marian Fathers and he's been studying 16 Eucharistic miracles he's identified 9 as authentic already because in every Eucharistic miracle they're always the same what they find is blood they tested the blood the blood is human the blood is always the a B universal receiver not donor universal receiver this is why Christ takes everybody into his heart it is always found without the y-chromosome which means that it had no or this whoever's human blood this what had no earthly father right because you can't have blood that doesn't have both chromosomes this blood does this blood has no chromosome from the father has no earthly father it also is found to have living white blood cells what's what's what's miraculous about is living white blood cells cease to exist after the blood is removed from the human body in 30 to 60 minutes these living white blood cells have been documented to remain years after the Eucharistic miracle what is so amazing about these Eucharistic miracles is is dumbfounding dr. khazzan yan castro nan i think his name is he came and gave us a retreat this man is amazing you can find him on youtube he said that he collected the data from these Eucharistic miracles and he was brought in to speak to a convention of doctors and some of these doctors ran their own labs and so he went as a speaker and he unknowingly to the doctors sent these bleeding hosts to their lab to be investment investigated inspected I don't know what your word you would use examined they were all found to have human heart tissue so anyway the labs had no idea the source of where these things came from but all of them reported human heart tissue and all the other conditions that I just pointed out to you the AAV blood universal receiver human heart tissue were living white blood cells well anyway he goes to this kin gathering of advanced doctors and he puts a slide on and on the slide he says give me this and he had a picture of a priest and he said and give me this and he put up a slide of the words of consecration and he said I will give you this and he put up human heart tissue one of the doctors they all scoffed at him and one of the doctors turned around to the organizers and says is this a joke get this guy out of here and doctor casting yon said hold on let me finish these were pieces of bread that a priest consecrated and they were bleeding and turned in to labs and the labs came back and said it was human heart tissue and you know what labs those were mr. Jackson it was your lab mr. Spencer it was your lab mrs. Jenkins it was your lab and here's the documentation he said you could have heard a pin drop their own labs reported that this was human heart tissue which they documented came from a consecrated host you could have heard a pin drop amongst these doctors this is the miracle of the Eucharist so when I say if you put this under a microscope what will you find you might find bread because the accidents are still there but the substance has changed to the blood and body and blood of Christ and this is why Jesus said unless you eat my body and drink my blood you have no life in you this is what you are receiving in the Eucharist this is what's going on and so listen to this then he takes the chalice and the priest elevates the chalice they says take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of My Blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me and he elevates the chest I got a question why does he say do this or is poured out for many who's it not poured out for those who reject it those in hell those in heaven we write he would not pour it out for those in heaven no it was poured out for all of those every living human being who has ever walked the face of this earth have they been redeemed yeah will every human being be saved no every human being who's ever walked this earth or will walk this earth was redeemed by Christ on this cross one drop of his blood could have redeemed the whole world he shed much blood every human being who ever lived or walked this earth or ever will walk this earth has been redeemed but will every human being be saved No so let's go back to this prayer who was poured out for many we'll wait a minute every human being was redeemed by the pouring out of the blood of cross corrupted by the cross who is not included in that prayer is that the souls in hell no the blood was poured out for them they just rejected it is it the souls in heaven I bet it was because they were the ones that were deemed to get to heaven so who is not included in the many only one person Jesus himself Satan is not a person and it looks re it's not a human being Christ died for every human being will ever live but he did not have to redeem himself so when we say it is poured out for many it's a little tricky but people always ask that must mean the church thinks it is only for Catholics this is why I bring it up I've had people tell me that they hear that prayer in the mass that'll be poured out for many you Catholics are so sick you think Jesus only died for you no we don't it says it in your prayer it should be poured out for many you think it's just you Catholics no it's not well then is it just the souls in hell no because they were redeemed - everybody was this bullet was poured out for the only person not included the many as Christ Himself the only reason I've mentioned that is because it confuses people before the translation of 2011 the change it said for all I actually think that's more accurate but the point is in Matthew it says that our market says this then listen this is the word I base we read as they were eating he took bread blessed and broke it and gave it to them and said take this is my body and he took a cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drink of it and he said to them this is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many so this words are now almost the words of the gospel this is mark 14 verse 22 now listen to Corinthians 11 and when it had been given when he had given thanks he broke it and said to them this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way also the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me this also confuses many Catholics if you're doing it in memory of him your reenacting it didn't I just tell you we are not reenacting Calvary you are there you're not reenacting the Upper Room you are there you're in the Upper Room as Christ is bringing and instituting the Eucharist we are there so how do you explain this okay the word remembrance is a manesis as Christ uses it it does not mean to remember the past and I'm copying and reading here right from the church fathers our remembrance of Christ's passion death and rection resurrection death and resurrection is used just as the Jewish people use it when celebrating Passover it is not simply remembering and celebrating the past but actually entails making the event real and present now so that we can enter into it and share in the Paschal mystery of our salvation for all eternity you are in the Upper Room this is what's going on so this word for many in the earth strict prayer it's important in the consecration through Jesus's own words we have changed this bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ do we have any idea what is going on here if we did we wouldn't be bored at the mass so then at the elevation what happens what normally goes on at the elevation as I'm holding it the bells now is that required no the bells come from back in the extraordinary form of the mass if the priest was facing away from you and he's at the altar and he doesn't elevate it high enough you are not going to know when the when the moment of elevation is the bells were simply a way to identify to the congregation that now is the consecration very important so when I raise it at the shrine of divine mercy they ring the bells now god bless I just love visiting the Carmelite assisted living center in Pittsfield and god bless those people and mili is one of my favorites I think she's 99 and and I'm doing Mass there for him they're all gathered in the wheelchairs and then their beds is just beautiful and I elevate the host and brother Jason rings the bells and mili yells well somebody get that she thought it was the telephone god bless her do you not think Jesus loves that Wow Jesus just loves that and so please if you have family and assisted living centers or nursing homes I get asked all the time about euthanasia assist assisted suicide oh my gosh don't go there these people sometimes they understand it sometimes they don't you're suffering if you are suffering is more powerful than an atomic bomb as Reagan said the suffering that you are offing up Millie is greater than anything anybody else can do she's like well I'm a burden on my family I'm a drain on their finances I'm like are you kidding me you may be offering and helping with their salvation and nothing is more valuable than that no $1,200 a week or whatever the cost is nothing is worth more than that her suffering offered up is united and is redemptive this is huge alright now let's go into the Memorial acclamation after I elevate the host right and the kneel what is the priest after he kneels gets up and he sings what what does he say the mystery of faith this is the Memorial acclamation it's called a mystery because God revealed this to us now there's many different options I'll just pick one when we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim your death O Lord until you come again hey that sounds pretty catchy well that's first Corinthians 11 26 for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes again it's almost verbatim what comes out of Scripture this is what's going on at the mass then the priest says therefore as we celebrate he then finishes and now he comes to the concluding part of the Eucharistic prayer therefore as we celebrate the memorial of his death and resurrection we offer you Lord the bread of life and the chalice of salvation where does that come from back to John 651 I am The Living bread which comes down from heaven and if you eat this bread you will live forever and drink this cup this is the bread of life and the chalice of salvation then the priest says giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you as you yawn at this part think what is going on here listen to this giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you where does this come from this comes from matthew 4:11 then the devil left him and behold the angels came and ministered to him wait a minute father it says we this is the miracle remember the angels were created above us then we were created and before we were redeemed by Christ on the blood he went through the agony and garden we weren't worthy to minister to him the angels were the angels came in the garden and ministered to Christ in the agony of the garden now after the resurrection passion death and resurrection we've been elevated above the Angels now we can minister to him in this mass we have now taken a greater role than the Angels even the Angels can't share in the divine life of God have you ever heard of Agustin say oh happy fault you know what that means it means we had a pretty good here we had the preternatural guess we didn't suffer we didn't get sick but then we sinned and after we sinned God is so merciful he now allows us to share in the divine life of the Trinity something we didn't even happen before the fall something we didn't have before the fall are you kidding me God is so merciful that we had this nice setup called the preternatural gifts we never got sick we never got you know we never fought there was no kinds of all this and that and now now we sin and we bring all this mess in and God says okay I'm gonna take you broken little creature and I'm gonna elevate you up to share in my divine life this is why Agustin said oh happy fault we're actually given the inner life of the Trinity then not even the Angels have do you know Jesus told Saint Faustina that if the angels were capable of envy they would only Envy man for two reasons what are the two reasons the Angels would Envy man one that we can suffer they don't suffer their spirit only when we suffer we join with Christ on the cross second that we can receive Holy Communion the Angels don't receive Holy Communion their spirit only we're body and soul spirit and body and spirit composite so we can receive Holy Communion so jesus said that the angels that they were capable of and they would only Envy man for one which no Catholic wants anything to do with suffering and two would only 25% of Catholics believe in the Eucharist are you kidding these are the things the Angels would envy us for and most know Catholics want anything to do with and to most Catholics don't believe in talk about crazy this is what God has just got to be shaking his head but yet he still loves us and still has mercy on us all right now let's keep going humbly we pray that partaking of the body and blood of Christ we may be gathered into one this comes from 1st Corinthians 10 this cup of blessing which we bless is it not a participation in the blood of Christ the bread which we break isn't our participation in the body of Christ because we who are many are one body Wow alright a couple pages to go remember Lord your church spread throughout the world and bring her to the fullness of charity this comes from first Corinthians 13 I'm not going to read it I'm running out of time remember our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection who have died in your mercy where does this come from first Corinthians 15:20 but in fact Christ has been raised from the dead the resurrection the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep we just said remember our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep it's right here in prayer now for us but as by a man came death also by a man comes the resurrection of the Dead right in our Eucharistic prayer all Eucharistic prayers includes some prayers for the dead then I pray welcome them into the light of your face where does that come from Psalm 31 let thy face shine on thy servant O Lord and then we go on have mercy on us all we pray that with the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God where does that come from Mary visiting Elizabeth how is it that the mother of my lord Mother of God that comes from Luke 142 then we say we may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life and may praise and glorify you where does that come from Romans 8:16 we are the children of God and if children we are heirs heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ it just says here were co-heirs with Christ and the Bible says were fellow heirs with Christ that we suffer that we may also be glorified with him the prayer said and we praise and glorify you through your son Jesus Christ just in the Eucharistic prayer can you ask for anything more and now comes the high point father I thought the high point was the consecration actually this is the high point it's called the concluding doxology what is the concluding doxology through him and with him and in him O God Almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit of glory and honor is yours for ever and ever it has just been consummated all came from God we were created all creationists here at the mass we were broken and we were redeemed Christ on the pail very has just redeemed us and paid our debt for sin now the Holy Spirit through him and with him and in him is taking us back to God the Father for all eternity don't worry this is not a consecrated host for all eternity it is now consummated it is brought back to God the Father through the sacrifice of the son by the power of the Holy Spirit this is the concluding doxology his father might be because at the supercharged moment of the mass this is what it is all completes but it doesn't happen without the consecration that's why some people call the consecration the high point but it doesn't isn't realized until you receive Holy Communion that's why Maximilian Kolbe called communion the high point of the mass but I father might give me many others church fathers called this the high point of the mass because we're completing what the whole purpose of our creation is for to be brought back to God the Father once broken now repaired because Christ has redeemed us now he's taking us back through the power of the Holy Spirit where does this come from Elevens Oh Romans 11:36 for from him and through him and in him are all things to him be glory forever man and we have people look and say I get nothing out of the mass how can you not get anything out of this this is everything I can't believe that I'm worthy that these hands that have sinned so much can actually elevate this to bring this sheep in the flock back to God the Father I just am in amazement that's how merciful God is now this supercharged of the man at moment of the mass then goes into the our Father we pray the Our Father now I can't get into that whole thing I'm sorry I'm running out of time but that comes from Matthew 6 verse 9 and the priest prays how this was asked earlier the iran's position do you do this no it's a priestly position it's called the iran's position now does that mean you're gonna go to church prison if you do this no but it's just a good way to focus i'm doing the proper form the proper matter we have the form the matter property we give to God what he has so mercifully done for us we pray the Our Father now I'm not gonna get into the our Father because I'm running out of time but then the priest ends with deliver us O Lord we pray from every evil and graciously grant us peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the Blessed hope and the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ very important where does this come from Titus 2:13 awaiting our bus at hope and the appearing of the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alright then the priest says Lord Jesus Christ who said to your apostles does anybody catch what's really critically important about that part that's the only part of the mass addressed to Jesus every other part of the mass is addressed to the father this is the one part that we're saying Jesus were with your brother because you're going back to the Father and we want to go with you this is why we address Lord Jesus you've said to your apostles peace I leave you my peace I give you now this is important why because when Jesus came into the apostles on John 20 verse 19 and so Jesus came and stood among them and said to them peace be with you this is important and you say and with your spirit I say the peace of the Lord be with you or eternal and jumped ahead Lord Jesus Christ you said to your apostles I leave you peace my peace I give you that comes from John 14 verse 27 peace I leave with you my peace I give you that's John 14:27 again one of the few prayers addressed to Jesus now then then I say peace of the Lord be with you always and you say and with your spirit let us offer each other the sign of peace again that comes from Jesus came and stood among them and said to them peace be with you John 20:19 and you say and with your spirit and I say let us each out for the size of peace does the priest have to do that no that's optional then the kiss of peace happens at the discretion of the priest this is the first word Jesus spoke to the Apostles when he rose from the dead was peace it's to take away your fear and anxiety this is very important so when he approached Holy Communion we need to shed our fears and our anxiety now the priests enters in we're almost done here we're entering into the fraction right and uh he I'm actually on time all right so the priests enters into the fraction right and he says what this priest here now as we go here breaks the host and you start singing what Lamb of God all right now I break the host right in a small piece is broken off and placed into the chalice now what's going on here this is the fraction right now this is because they are showing the uniting of Christ's body and blood when I pray this I say may this mingling of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ being eternal life to us who receive it this is important because some explain this is a sign of Christ's resurrection a body without blood is dead and now we have the body we have the blood and we have just Union reunited them because he is risen so we've just reunited the body and the blood to be United now meanwhile we say Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us where does this come from John 1:29 the next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world so this is going on there's other prayers the priest says but I'm running out of time then the priest Elevation says behold the lamb of God behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb that comes from Revelation believe it or not 99 blessed are they who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb did I not just tell you that the revelation is not about the rapture of the Antichrist it's about the mass and we just said blessed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb revelation 99 blessed are they who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb this is what's happening here and then you say what lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed where does that come from this century in Matthew eight eight Lord I'm not worthy to have you enter my roof but only say the word and my servant will be healed this is the prayer the Centurion when the mass switch to this my dad was like yeah that's not as cool as the other prayer it used to be these are more accurate these are scriptural now the priest says quietly may the body and blood of Christ keep me safe for eternal life right and he consumes last page last page now Holy Communion holy community how do you receive Holy Communion now let me start by saying how you do not receive holy do not come forward and go that drives me crazy it happens all the time are you supposed to receive in the hand or the mouth now before I speak up I've better be careful because I can only speak for the USCCB I'm actually not sure what it is in Canada it is both okay then I can speak as this now the proper way according to the germ what is it germ gir am yup the general instruction of the Roman Missal okay you are to come forward hands folded when you are to receive Holy Communion as the person in front of you is receiving don't wait please sometimes we have 500 people to serve don't wait till you get in front of me and then do this 10-minute bow please I'm not trying to be irreverent we have to be we have to be respectful to an Reverend you make the bow as the person ahead you was receiving and then you come forward with a slight bow as I said if you're at your waist and you either extend your hand left hand with the right hand underneath it and you receive in the hand please don't come up chewing gum or gloves on and a woman at Divine Mercy Sunday that was mad because I would not put the host in her knit gloves the particles are gonna get caught in that you take your hands then you receive step us one step over you receive and then you exit around don't walk our out don't grab it with your finger and start walking away at one woman at the shrine she puts it in her pocket and and I chased her down and I was like I watched everybody was receive I watch as they walk away in the corner of my eye she starts walking away I see her go like this in her pocket so I'm like ma'am excuse me and she wouldn't pay any touch to me I was like ma'am I literally ran down the aisle and I gosh this what I'm gonna eat it outside I said no no no no no no and she says well I'm not gonna eat it now I said well then hand it back to me you know hand it back because no that's not what we do you know there's all kinds of things about these black masses going on right they take these consecrated hosts you think this is funny joking no it isn't this is very serious and so we have to protect the Eucharist now while the norm is to receive on the tongue around the world you go to the Vatican you go to Europe the norm is to receive on the tongue but in the United States and I guess Canada to an end alt was given by the USCCB and I assume the same in Canada to receive in the hand now does that mean then that you shouldn't receive on the tongue no you can I think it's most proper but there's a lot of debate over receiving in the hand now you are not committing a sin by receiving in the hand because the indent was given by the bishops but does anybody here ever heard of Maria Simha Maria Simha is a mystic you know what she said I probably shouldn't say this but what the heck Maria Simha said that regarding receiving in the hands the bishops who pushed hard for that rule to receive in the hand will remain in purgatory until the rule is changed so am I saying that you shouldn't receive the hand no you have every right now a priest cannot deny you Holy Communion if you go to receive in the hand likewise some liberal priests want you to receive man cannot deny you if you wish to receive on the tongue now what if you kneel okay this is interesting the germ 1/60 says the norm is to receive standing but what if you kneel yes you can the german says you may kneel if you so choose so a priest cannot deny you if you kneel although the German 160 says the norm is to receive standing bow to come forward either hands or hands folded on the tongue so very important okay now the priest then comes back he purifies the vessel he says what has passed our lips is food O Lord we possess in purity of heart now after communion the prayer he comes up and he says let us pray right and he reads from the concluding prayer which today oops today was well if there's a communion song that's good that there could be antiphon right the priest prays that nourished by the sacred gift Oh Lord we give you thanks and beseech your mercy that by the pouring forth of your spirit the grace of integrity may endure in those your heavenly power has entered through Christ our Lord and at that it's very important because either the announcements will come after that or before that so if there's any announcements about the prayer community or whatever or the parish community or whatever then he finishes with a blessing now as he finishes with the blessing he says what the Lord be with you getting a sense of a theme here and you see him with your spirit and he says may Almighty God bless you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit where does that come from Matthew 28:19 go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in this the blessing a means that we're giving you divine life through this Eucharist it is meant to transform you to transform you this is your epiclesis you've been transformed now like this bread and wine your heart has to be the proper material if this is Wonder Bread and grape juice it ain't going to be changed in the body and blood of Christ it's not the proper material likewise if your heart is made of stone it's not going to be transformed it's not the right material you lighten up your heart you ask God to transform you and it will be transformed in the mass and so what's very important here then I give you the blessing and you say Amen and then the priest says go in peace which is from Luke 7:15 your faith has saved you go in peace you say thanks be to God that is segment Corinthians 9 thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift that is right in the scripture then as we finish this is the Latin eat a miss a s which means go she the church is being sent that's what mass means mass comes from the word dismissal which comes from where we get the word you're being sent the parable of talents says Jesus said who much is given much is expected you've just been given a ton of grace in this mass go out and share it you have received an abundance of grace go out and save it and with that I finish and do you know the word goodbye means God be with you amen hallelujah woo thank you thank you everybody [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: St Francis Studio Multimedia Studio
Views: 14,693
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Id: nmycW5HrH_Y
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Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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