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the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art dominum bless the food I'm Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now the hour that come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful kinder within us the fiery divine love send forth your spirit and they shall be created that is pray O God instruct the hearts of your faithful by light Holy Spirit granted by the same spirit may be truly wise never choice his consolation to the same Christ our Lord lady Guadalupe st. Joseph voluntary all God's ancient Saints the Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I lack in green pastures you let me graze to safe waters you leave me you restore my strength you guide me along the right paths for the sake of your name even when they walk through our dark Valley I fear no harm for you're at my side the rod your staff give me courage we've set a table before me as my enemies watch you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life ouch well in the house the Lord for years to come happy new year after that I don't say the gossip of the Lord because it is not the gospel of the Lord right okay you're gonna see that that passage is related to the topic elected to to expound upon we have arrived at number 183 should be finished by the year 2050 at my pace right if we're still around and I really have to compliment Mary in that beautiful picture Wow it's our Lady of the Eucharist with the Child Jesus perfect timing because we're celebrating Christmas but the child is lifted up as well as the host above the chalice couldn't be better than that and that's very much related to the number 183 as well as the liturgical season in which we find ourselves the next but the next ten days the Christmas season so one morning after Holy Communion I heard this voice I desire that you accompany me when they go to the sick I answer that I was quite willing but after a moment of reflection started wondering how I was going to do so the sisters of the second quarter do not accompany the Blessed Sacrament it is always the sister directorís is who go so I thought to myself Jesus will find a way shortly afterwards mother Raphael sent for me and said sister you'll accompany the Lord Jesus when the priest goes to visit the sick and all through the time of my probation and I carry the light accompany the Lord and as a night of Jesus I always tried to guard myself with an iron belt for it would be for it would for it would not be proper to accompany the king in every day dress and I offered this modification to the sick then during her holy hour she tried to meditate on the Lord's passion when my soul was filled with joy and suddenly saw the child Jesus but his majesty penetrated me to such an extent that I said Jesus you were so little you know I know that you are my Creator and lord jesus answered me I am and I keep company with you as a child to teach you humility and simplicity I gathered all my sufferings and difficulties into a bouquet for Jesus for the day of our perpetual betrothal nothing was difficult for me when I remembered it was for my betrothed has proof of my love for him okay well I could develop is this a very it's a very Eucharistic number or numbers so when I was making my holy hour and reflecting upon this look in the flood of ideas came to me on what happens to you when you receive Holy Communion I think that's a good it's a good theological question as well as worthy of a holy hour what happens what happens in your soul when you receive Holy Communion so let's say let's develop that theme tonight because really that's the most important encounter you have in your life when you encounter the Eucharistic Lord there's no more important encounter than that I think anything compare it compared to that is light-years less and I use a concept that the use in science a light in your light year is a light years less any other any other encounter so if we want to grow in holiness our prayers our efforts our mortifications are important but the the reception the Eucharist is going to be when there's a billion times more grace so I think it's really the shortcut okay I mentioned there several times and I'll repeat it now it's and you're gonna hear me repeating this probably once every two months but it really has to sink in it's called the theological concept of this positive grace you have to understand that you have to understand that and this is what it is the Eucharist is God do you believe that if you don't you're not a Catholic okay the Eucharist is God but the grace is that flow from that are in direct proportion or commensurate with the disposition of your heart I'm gonna give you I love to I love to preach by by giving images all of you are gonna remember this okay if you're okay I might as well throw this out right now if you're in the state of mortal sin you're eating the body of Christ your own condemnation you know that right so if you're in mortal sin and you receive the Eucharist is not for your salvation but it's for your condemnation and the best biblical passage for that is 1 Corinthians 11 okay 1 Corinthians 11 is st. Paul has gone to the community of Corinth and there there's a poor and the rich and the rich people come and they're eating and drinking and they're getting drunk and the poor people are being neglected and st. Paul says don't you have your home was to eat and he says examine yourself before you communicate with the body and blood of Christ because some of you are sleeping and some of you are dying that's 1 Corinthians 11 where Paul is pointing out that these people they were receiving the meal of the lordís of the Eucharist drunk and despising the poor I mean you got mortal sins there you get purposely drunk and you're you know you're dissing your disparaging despising the poor that's serious and they're going to receive the Eucharist that's not not in the laughing matter it's serious so I think I'll just throw that out first that if if if you do receive the Eucharist willingly and knowingly that you know the state of mortal sin you know you're eating and drinking your own condemnation that's why a Scott Hahn says the Eucharist is like fire fire can warm you can burn you when I was about 10 or 11 I for the first time I slept out as a boy scout and it was really cold in the end of November in New York and me and my brother we we made a fire okay it was like a primitive fire that boys guys learned how to make and he had already purchased a sleeping bag and this is not California it's in New York but I didn't have it I didn't have a sleeping bag you know you could get 20 degrees even colder in New York so what happened was my best one of my best friends lent me his sleeping bag so we're getting so cold at night that I was keep creeping closer to the fire about two o'clock in the morning he smelled a fire it was a sleeping bag was on fire because I was drunk so close to it and about 2:30 I smelled a fire again okay so what happened was it was so cold I was creeping closer he got so close that the fire burnt the sleeping back half about five times during the night so at the end of the night when they returned the sleeping bag to a Billy Talbott were no longer friends anymore his name was Bill Talbot if one that was named so if I maintain a certain distance it would warm me but if there's too close I actually burned the sleeping bag that's kind of a homey analogy give for the Eucharist either okay it can warm us or we can end up by burning our sleeping back okay okay okay here's the other image I give the Eucharist is this if if you if you don't receive abundant Grace's for the Eucharist the fault is not in the sacrament but in the recipient of the sacrament okay I'll repeat that the fault is not in the sacrament but in the recipient of the sacrament okay you got imagine you've got this nice fresh water you got a pail one pail has got holes in it the other pail does holes in it nothing wrong with the water there's something wrong with the bucket where is human bucket in some timbre hole we got holes in it yeah we universal call to holiness father okay I got okay okay we can be a a holy bucket okay well we can be a whole bucket that's it's really well built so the Grace's can be you can receive from the Eucharist a drop or imagine the Blessed Mother receiving Communion from st. John can be a drop or can be an ocean is there a difference how many drops in the ocean trillions and trillions right in that that's even that's even a limited image because the ocean does have limits but God has no limits God is infinite he's eternal so that could be a New Year's proposal for you people to try to upgrade your communions hello good idea it would be a really good New Year's proposal most of you here I see our daily communicates but let's up let's upgrade these communions okay let me tell you something very simple but if you're not you don't have impending Imperius Laboral obligations or family obligations I think most of us could come five minutes early and there's a huge difference between coming five minutes earlier five minutes late hello because you come five minutes like you're distracted the whole mass and we're coming in you're trying to get maybe trying to get a place there's a person there that's glaring at you mm-hmm okay you know you know you try to get in India trip over the the kneeling bench and then all the people are looking at you know so you know you're distracted during the match you distract other people too now if you come late because of work purposes that's under that's understandable but just arriving five minutes earlier when you can place your intentions on the altar the difference is going to be almost abysmal it's going to be a huge difference there's still five minutes now if you can come even even earlier so much the better so this is called the the concept of this positive grace the grace you received are in direct proportion or commensurate with the disposition of your heart one thing that the devil does is this how many parents here have more than one child okay has ever happened maybe some of your children are older would ever happen when they're younger you notice when you're going from your house to church on Sunday that's where all hell breaks loose it's kind of funny no it's only 10 15 minutes drive all of a sudden you're just driving and all hell breaks loose there's a fight in the back seat you're fighting with your husband there you know with somebody cuts you off and you curse that person uh and then the your your daughter says mom did you say that you're about to go to Mass yes so what happens you're out of sort when you go to when you go to Mass and your question should they even receive Communion and that's the devil I have a remedy okay I tell you maybe a fifteen twenty minutes on the way to church pray the rosary amen it's resolved huh you'll like my common sense I don't think we have a very firm grasp a grasp on common sense no good read more chest written right the apostle of common sense so that that's a work of the devil get get the family riled up yelling at each other and then you're coming to Mass and they sign a piece I don't even greet your your son or your daughter one happy family yeah so you know the spiritual left he's kind of like a labyrinth you know there's kind of like a minefield yeah you're zigzagging this circuitous path and you're able to go here that's why I believe after walk with Jesus Mary and Joseph amen she's a Mary Joseph and a couple ages in the back huh a couple ages in the back okay now the effects of communion were any of you last night reading the Council of Trent okay maybe most of you have not read the Council of Trent but I would suggest that eventually you know in your list of todos readings wouldn't be a bad idea to read the Council of Trent catechism the Council of Trent and with that to read also the Catechism the Catholic Church here the Catechism the Catechism of the Council of Trent I believe is much easier to read and understand than the Catechism the Catholic Church it's kind of like the Baltimore Catechism we have question and answer for example baptism who instituted the sacrament of baptism Jesus Christ answer to the sacrament of baptism could you give us a biblical reference yes when jesus at baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist Mark chapter 1 we have Jesus being baptized and that's the foundation for the baptism of all other people he sanctified the waters okay what is the matter inform about this okay the matter of baptism has to be water what is the form the form of baptism is a Trinitarian formula i baptize you in the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit who is the minister of baptism the minister of baptism ordinarily is the bishop to breathe the priest or the deacon in case of an emergency anyone can baptize if he has the matter the form the intention of the church what are the effects of baptism one of the effects is it washes away original sin and the person transformed into a living temple of the Blessed Trinity how about that is a walking catechism huh but I'm basically telling you I'm giving you a chapter of the Council of Trent okay very clear into the point so in the Council of Trent on the Eucharist they Catechism speaks about one of the effects of the Eucharist it is our daily antidote it's a nice medical word right antidote what is antidote me okay the basic antidote for our spirits of our daily infirmities I really like that what it means is they're venial sins so you commit being yo sins okay you can't make it to the confessional because the line is too long you don't have a priest you commit a venial sin or sins what do you do you go to Mass when the priests introduce is the penitential right you know when that is have any of you ever been to my masters do I give you a little bit of time are you angry at me because they do that guess what I'm doing when during that time of silence I'm examining my old life I've never told anyone this but then what I do usual is this is I bring my misery to God and I always go to the Blessed Mother I offer marries merits they offer Mary's prayers that you'll help me to overcome that major defect and I also asked two other st. st. st. Joseph's and st. John the Evangelist so on those thirty seconds examine it I bring my misery because we're all sinners right I bring it to the immaculate one I offer God her merits and he asked her Mary pray fervently for me they say Mary give me the grace to love God with with your heart all my heart mind soul and well st. joseph´s and st. John the Evangelist help me what do you think about that I think I'm gonna receive the Eucharist well with that trick tricks of the trade huh what would happen if you did that you think of your communities are going to be upgraded try it I mean I've never told anyone that that's a personal prayer that a but I'm trying to get as many graces of the mass as I can and there's a priest I'm learning we're all learners right so the graces are infinite and we have to tap it's like this the atomic spiritual nuclear energy that's present in every host and we have to detonate it I'm trying to detonate it tonight though detonate no that means I got to get a few so it explodes no the infinite grace is right so with that when I pray with you the penitential act which I like the Augustinian one is called the confetti er that's my favorite there are other options no I confess so then after you pray that with me then I give you absolution some we are saying what do you have you turned into a Protestant pastor now what do you mean by that no I give you absolution when they say may Almighty God have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life that is absolution for European yo sins so for that reason there's no reason why anyone in the world should abstain from Communion if you have evil sense a many do maybe I heard loves a belief there's no political Moog up again let me come free saber and mace Co yes sir for Quinta meant to break hell I mean I hear that no let me confess a burn mayor's table cake nobody can we go I can't receive communion because I haven't gone to confession for a month well have you committed a mortal sin no oh go to confession as soon as you can but don't deprive yourself of all the communion so so then once you receive communion with that penitential act your soul is cleansed and communion is like a fireball that burns away the dross like a fireball it burns away the dross burns away so that's one of the effects one of the effects is the the purification of our our daily infirmities is the Council Trent another another fact that this is this is not always the case but often it is later on to the dire we're going to encounter Faustina's in the infirmary and or her health is declining she gonna die at 33 years of age in 1938 but she had pulmonary problems tuberculosis TB same thing is a little flower no so she was in the infirmary and they neglected her so she prayed and the angel came and gave her Holy Communion I pad huh and her her lungs were really bad you ever drive on the freeway and all of a sudden it's almost if your your your ears are unclog your hairs go because someone go to another muffler never happen no usually some cholo or something no and it's almost as if your hair go up like this well her her lungs were kind of like a muffler she received a Communion and she felt the power of the healing grace just by receiving the Eucharist like this current of electricity was just was just passing through all the veins now that doesn't always happen but there are cases where let me ask you has ever happened to you you go to Mass the 6:15 you're tired you receive the Eucharist and you feel stronger after work pillow something to that why because your receipt you receive the body blood soul and divinity of Christ no physiologically as we get older we start to fall apart right my dad would say one piece at a time right any of you older than 40 here do you feel it you get up in the morning your creaking no you look in the mirror there's another wrinkle or another white hair right well we see it right we're feeling well what about what about the the the physically the physical or not anatomy anatomy of Christ was it weak or strong was there some defect in his physical makeup who ever see Jesus and Mary in bed with a fever or flu or coffin-like father bromas didn't have original sin so theologically and physically you know Jesus had a perfect body his lungs were perfect his mind was perfect his heart was perfect his blood was perfect perfect and it always was so it's not it's not a a mere theological concoction in my part that if you do receive the body of Christ there there could be physical strengthening that we experience because we got a body and blood of the of the the physical body that was strongest in the history of the world he could allow and the Lord could allow it not maybe not to have and then you know receive the Eucharist and you still have some limitation but that's another effect there in effect is this the Eucharist is that the body blood saw the vini of Christ you also receive the mind of Christ the mind of Christ never happened you forget something not yet well you have the mind of Christ st. Paul says put on the mind of Christ and he says you have the mind of Christ so if you want to clear an brilliant intellect as Thomas Aquinas asked Augustine as JP to ask Bosco right ask Teresa of ávila the alive every keen intellects right but why not ask Jesus we're trying to pass the bar exam or the MCAT whatever it might be well well who's what st. should I pray to well we pray to Thomas Aquinas and Joseph cope retaining you know get that that the biggies know why not go to the Eucharist father I never thought about that well now you will think about it here's another effect of the Eucharist whatever your quest is a heart transplant I've used this before it's a heart transplant okay don't say it publicly now but what is your moral your your major moral struggle now we all have our struggles right what is your major moral struggle now is a gluttony or a lust or avarice or or a sloth or anger or jealousy or pride father I've got all those okay I heard you well when when you receive the Eucharist you have maybe within you maybe have certain gluttonous tendencies you got Jesus Christ who spent 40 days in the desert fasting right maybe got lustful tendencies blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God maybe tend to be avaricious avaricious where did Jesus live the last three years of his life Hollywood Greenwich Village where do you live he did not have a permanent home foxes have their holes the birds of the air have their nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head he would tend to see but they're to be lazy was our Lord lazy never he was energetic he was hard-working right disciplined methodical can you imagine a one day in the carpenter's shop with Joseph and Jesus you would see them working you probably at the end of the day you would be exhaust and they'd be coming home whistling huh they worked so well so hard so systematically or so much love for God the Father and for the people they serve you tend to be jealous over the past year I've been thinking what is what is one of the best ways overcome jealousy we all have a tool limited degree I say two things admiration you admire the gifts that God has given another person to admire that person whatever gift it might be but also gratitude how can you how can you possibly be dominated by envy or jealousy if you're always thanking God they're diametrically opposed diametrically opposed maybe we become angry and impatient have you ever become impatient in your life not yet God yet don't know what that word means know Jesus carrying the cross what patience huh falling and getting up falling and getting up falling and getting up how about pride I'm meek and humble of heart so every one of these bad tendencies these are called the capital sins Jesus practiced the opposite virtue to the highest degree to the zenith okay to the highest degree so for us to change and be better people you can grit your teeth if you like you can clench your fists I'm going to be better called Pelagianism huh Pelagianism and we have to do our own we all have we out we all have to work in it but we have to rely in God - we got to do our part we have to rely upon God because our help is the name of the Lord who made heaven in the earth amen our help has a name of the Lord who made heaven and earth so that's another fact another fact of the Eucharist is transformation our our hearts are being transformed they're being transformed from a a hardened thorny impure heart the heart of flesh filled us love because you'll receive you receive as I said many times the Sacred Heart of Jesus receive it every time we receive the Eucharist what's another effect of the Eucharist is this when you receive the Eucharist it's like you have a shield not going to say exactly a bulletproof shield but a shield which protects you against the fiery darts of the enemy because the devil is out there and he's a sharpshooter you like the image of st. Peter he says the devil is like a roaring lion like that image he's like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour resist him solid in the faith the Eucharist is a shield it's a shield it's a protection the Eucharist also one another factor yo Chris Thomas Aquinas compares the Eucharist on a human level what what food good food does to the natural body the Eucharist does to the soul and Aquinas got about four different qualities so food nourishes us right and nourishes us and it strengthens us do you remember the Old Testament if any of ever read The Book of Kings we ever hear the vocal Kings Baca came to encounter a prophet his name is Elijah Chariots of Fire taking up to heaven huh Elijah was escaping from King Ahaz and Jezebel you know why is because a has had had given into idolatry and had all these bowel prophets they're false prophets and Elijah challenged them and what happened was he wins the challenge and he had sent by slitting their throats quite a few of them hundreds so a has an especially Jezebel they were not happy campers so Jezebel makes a vow I will not rest and eat until the same thing happened to this guy guess what he did pay for the hills so he's escaping heading toward Mount Carmel where he's going to encounter God and he's walking a day and after day he's he's exhausted and he's falling into a profound desolation he wants to give up kind of like job you know kind of like Jonah Jonah job Elijah they were the only trans desolation like us but as he's he's he's walking he just decides is gonna give up he you feel someone grabbing him and shaking him he opens up his eyes it's his it's his angel he says you got a long way to go and the angel gave him a little piece of bread he ate the piece of bread went back to sleep so who grabs him again and wakes him up lies you wake up hey wake up - wakes up and there's he gives him another piece of bread and after he eats those two little pieces of bread he walks 40 days and 40 nights and he arrives at the holy mountain the walking the forty days and forty nights is symbolic of we as Wayfarers were all journeying to the holy mountain that holy mountain is not Mount Carmel but it is heaven and for us to arrive at that holy mountain which is called to heaven we must nourish ourselves he did not eat that piece of bread once but more than once you can't receive the Eucharist just once but many times and make it to the holy mountain so the Eucharist yokas gives us strength to walk the walk and derive at the holy mountain going to Aquinas once again I think we all like a good meal don't we you have a good meal and Thanksgiving yeah how about Christmas told people um you want me to come to your house to cook a nice meal I can do it but just two days Ash Wednesday and Good Friday you asked me to cook Ash Wednesday Good Friday I'm the best cook in the world no I can toast for you and I can boil water that's about it I can't kill much beyond that okay but Aquinas also says this say for example you come into the church and you're in desolation we all have it okay you're there in mass and then your desolation you go up and receive Communion and you go back to your place you close your eyes you start to the look you talk to Lord and you experience consolation and comfort ever happen you come in you're definitely simply bothering you know something bothering you but after we see the Eucharist it's almost as if it evaporates it dissipates and that problem maybe seem to be a monumental problem you know you're here come to me all of you or weary and I'll give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am making humble heart if you'll find rest for your souls comfort rest solace huh peace tranquility you'll find rest for your souls why because my yoke is easy and my burden is light once I been going back to Aquinas the Eucharist is an infinite source of consolation in creative this is a this is a perseverance cool we're talking about Palestine but we're always talking about Ignatius maybe next time you talk with your direct ease your your spiritual director talk about desolation well maybe next time in desolation when you receive the Eucharist ask the Lord to take it away probably maybe if maybe father Tim can write a whole book on that one well maybe I can that's worthy reflection see the Eucharist the Lord you got the Lord you got the Lord you got the look you got everything so the Eucharist is a source of consolation another effect of the Eucharist is this is this over the past forty four or five years what I hear constantly is this parents is say my children no longer go to church once they had used to be eighteen now it's younger and I think there are people here they know what I'm talking about my children no longer go to church what he gonna do Protestant and Protestant and Moslems pray to our your Catholics are not offer offer your communion for your son or daughter making the Vino explicit now I'm sorry yeah explicit this communion for the next nine days is from my son who has not gone to church for five years take one more step all from Mass to offer your communion offer your Mass how was st. Augustine converted through the prayers tears sacrifices masses and communions of st. Monica read confessions he was converted they came about through the intermediator ship of his will of his mother st. Monica and this has to be said of all the qualities all the grace that flow from the yoga's maybe this is this is maybe the most important try to make a connection between 1 Kings 18 with Elijah and John chapter 6 there's a real parallel there Elijah was walking to the holy mountain was his symbolic of heaven John chapter 6 Jesus says I am the bread of life where we eats my body and drinks my blood will have everlasting life and I will raise him up on the last day there's no reason why all of you could not beg for the grace to have the Atacama V Attica means it made food for the Wayfarers food for the pilgrims food for those who are on a journey no reason why all of us cannot beg the Lord for the grace that our last meal will be the Eucharist amen beg for that grace I said this when I was teaching conformation I asked the boys what would you like your last meal to be hamburger taco Chuck your cheese someone the class said I like my last meal to be Holy Communion that was me amen yeah that was me hey father I want that to be my last meal don't you yeah and if that is your last meal you wake up before the God the Father and he says I see the beautiful image of my son reflected in you welcome home welcome home so the Eucharist this could be our new year's proposal that we really appreciate the Eucharist we love the Eucharist and this image that Mary is place is Our Lady of the Eucharist so Lady of the Eucharist receiving a little child jesus for the chalice and the host last thought is this 15:31 Our Lady Guadalupe 1858 our Lady of Lourdes 1917 a Lady of fátima she a lady is she in these three apparition the most famous the messages were about were different but there's one common thread of these three Marian apparitions and it was looping and LuAnn in Guadeloupe she wanted a church in Lourdes she wanted a church in Fatima she wanted a church why so that Jesus could be born in the hands of the priests in the hearts of all the people that come so that she is being born in their hearts when they die they'll be born in heaven for all eternity amen hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for our sinners although I'd be with you may Almighty God bless you the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Channel: Fr. Ed Broom, OMV
Views: 2,238
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Id: abfx5HslRVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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