Fr. Chris Alar, MIC: The Eucharist: God's Gift of Mercy

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our next presenter is father chris aylar father aylar is the director of the association of marian helpers in stockbridge massachusetts he's a best-selling author and frequent host and guest on ewtn he's also the host of divine mercy matters at hi i'm father chris aylar one of the marian fathers of the immaculate conception coming to you from here at the national shrine of the divine mercy in stockbridge massachusetts and it is an honor for me to once again be part of the ignited by truth series the wonderful work and evangelization that they do and to be part of so many great speakers in this year's conference that uh we are very very glad you could join us and today we are keeping with the theme if you are who you should be you will set the world ablaze and i want to do that through the power of the eucharist and how when we are united with god through the eucharist we are all we can be then setting the world ablaze so let us begin with a prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen heavenly father we ask you send the holy spirit down upon us all who are part of the ignited by truth faith series that gives us an opportunity to give you thanks and praise and most of all to receive your mercy for us to help set the world ablaze and we ask all this through christ our lord amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen okay so i you could see from the title slide i'm going to do this talk i've modified some mini talks in the past i've taken bits and pieces and added some new things and so we're gonna be talking today as you saw on the eucharist the real presence and this is an opportunity for us to see exactly how god's grace works in us now saint thomas aquinas talks about there being two perfections in us as people the very fact that we are a person that we exist that we we we are is a perfection but the second and greater perfection is when we become what we were created to be so for instance when an acorn becomes an oak tree it's achieved its second perfection of becoming what it is meant to be so if this theme is if you are who you should be you'll set the world ablaze that's really what we're talking about here we want to become who we were created to be now why were we created and for what purpose well all we have to do is go back to our baltimore catechism the reason we were created is to know god to love him and serve him and to be happy with him forever in this world and in the next and how we do that is the eucharist the true presence of our lord it gives us not only the grace on this earth but it's the food for the journey to enter into eternal life and then we've acquired or we've become what we were supposed to be and that is to be united with god and how are we through the eucharist on this earth and that's just a foretaste or a foreshadowing of our communion with him in heaven so let's get into this because it's such a beautiful topic all right you've heard me say that our bodies need a bath hopefully all of us have taken showers in the last few days right and so does our soul and that's why we have confession because our bodies need cleansing so do our souls we have confession now our bodies need food so we eat well also so does our soul so our whole our soul needs to eat that's food for the soul in holy communion this is the food for the journey this is the eucharist now let's look at our first slide because one of the most powerful places in or i should say passages in the bible my favorite is john 6. in john 6 we see this whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise them up on the last day for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink this is the basis of our faith the source in summit of our faith what helps us to become who we were meant to be now a lot of people will say well father and these are mainly you know non-catholics that don't understand our are teaching on on the real presence father he's speaking symbolically or maybe this is just an expression well here's what we got to remember jesus spoke aramaic and in the aramaic now the bible was written in greek with what we have the copies are written in greek but the language christ would have spoken would have been mainly aramaic to his apostles now in the aramaic language to say to eat the flesh or drink the blood of someone meant to persecute them or to assault them this isn't the way to eternal life so we're pretty sure that jesus was not speaking as an expression now what about symbolically well let's look at that for a minute because you could you can see the literal essence here the literal meaning because go to first corinthians chapter 1 verse 27 and 29 paul talks about to receive this bread unworthily brings condemnation okay if this bread was just symbolic if it was really just a piece of bread eating it unworthily wouldn't bring you condemnation you should see how i eat a piece of pizza running off to my next meeting or right racing into the car it's not worthy it's i i i eat it quickly hurriedly because it's just a piece of bread if it's not just a piece of bread then we must be eating it worthily and that's what paul tells us so it's not just symbolic jesus if he was speaking symbolically the disciples would not have walked away in john 6. this is powerful this is in fact i just mentioned that the scripture was written in greek in the greek language the written scripture here uses the word trigon which means to chew to literally chew or gnaw with your teeth now this is literally eating again powerful so when christ established in the upper room on holy thursday both the eucharist and the priesthood and how do we know this because he established the priesthood he ordained the first priests it could be seen in many examples all the way to washing of their feet which was done in old testament times when the aaronic priesthood the ordination of those to the aaronic priesthood um but mainly because our lord is giving them telling them do this in memory of me make this present this um ammonies make it present to the whole world for all time and also the eucharist because he says do this as i said in in it take this eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you for this is my blood which has been shed for you and for many and so this is what our lord is instituting in the upper room at the last supper he is instituting the eucharist and the priesthood powerful stuff now i want to show a brief video uh that kind of gives you a summary of what the um what the eucharist is and how we can in a short span of time get a bigger picture of it of things you might not have known and then i'm going to come back and explain further so let's watch this video it's only about three minutes want truth welcome to theo matters who what when where and why is the holy eucharist who the holy eucharist is jesus christ jesus is fully present body blood soul and divinity in every particle of the consecrated host and in every drop of the consecrated wine this is why it is recommended that you receive the consecrated host on your tongue rather than in your hands so as to avoid disrespect what the holy eucharist is both a sacrament and a sacrifice it is the same sacrifice as the sacrifice on the cross because the victim jesus is the same and the principal priest jesus is the same however the eucharist is an unbloody sacrifice while the sacrifice on the cross was very bloody when did christ institute the holy eucharist the holy eucharist was instituted at the last supper by christ on holy thursday the day before he died when does it happen the change between ordinary bread and wine into jesus takes place at the consecration during mass the consecration is the moment when the priest in the place of jesus lifts up the host and says this is my body the host is no longer bread but jesus the same happens for the wine the priest in place of jesus lifts up the chalice and says this is my blood the wine is no longer wine but is now jesus this change is called transubstantiation which basically means across substances transubstantiation means that at the moment of the consecration the substance of the bread and wine is changed to jesus while retaining the accidents of bread and wine so jesus and the eucharist still looks taste feels smells and sounds like bread but it is truly jesus where jesus gives himself to us in the whole eucharist at mass around the world why jesus gives us the eucharist as a sacrifice to forever commemorate and renew the sacrifice of the cross to be received by the faithful and holy communion and to remain with us on our altars as proof of his love for us and to be worshipped by us [Music] okay that was just a good summary of what we are going to be talking about today one thing i do want to point out though however that video was made pre-coronavirus and we know a lot of the churches and the bishops have instigated or implemented rules regarding receiving in the hand and that pointed out about receiving on the tongue we do have the indulge here in the u.s to receive in the hand so you are not sinning by receiving in the hand fact please follow your bishop whatever your local bishop instructs you to do on that matter so very good all right now i wanted to talk about something that was a story that happened to me back when i was in north carolina and you know it was funny because scott hahn is one of the speakers today or a part of this conference i should say and this was before i ever heard of his talk called the lamb supper but it's interesting because i actually kind of had my own story regarding the last supper not as great as scott hans but similar and i wanted to share that with you when i was in north carolina back before becoming a priest i had my own business north of charlotte and i was working with a client that i was trying to sign a contract and he wanted to get to know me better understandably and he was a very good christian he was pentecostal and he wanted to get to know me more so he invited me one wednesday night down to his parish in charlotte and of course i accepted to hopefully grow our relationship and um he knew i was catholic i think he was trying to show me his faith and that's great but i walked in and uh as we walked into the to the large meeting gathering place it was their place of worship and i happened to notice that you know it was kind of cold there was no beautiful statues or paintings or altar or place of worship it seemed it seemed to be kind of an open barren area and as i walked in god bless this man he meant well but he said hello hey everybody this is chris and chris is catholic and everybody race to me laying hands on me praying over me to release me from this catholicism thing and and uh so anyway i then he introduced me to the pastor pastor jim i think it was and pastor jim said chris welcome to our church he said you know here we don't have all their them their rituals we're not like that here we don't have all them statues and altars that's all no good and he says here all we have is each other and the good lord jesus christ okay there's some truth to that okay but what was interesting was what happened that night after some fellowship and whatnot they were studying the book of revelation and again i had not seen scott hahn's lamb supper talk yet i wish i had because i would have been better prepared and they were starting to talk about the book of revelation it was interesting because they went right into the antichrist and the rapture now the first thing we've got to point in mind is is the antichrist and the rapture in the book of revelation is that what it's about no actually the antichrist is not mentioned in the book of revelation and the rapture was formulated by a girl in in the united kingdom sometime in the 1800s it it's uh and darby i think was part of that but there was this was the focus and as they were reading the book of revelation and i'm hearing them talking about it and praise god scott hahn later really explained it but some of the things were going through my mind because i was now practicing my faith struck out at me first of all as they were reading the book of revelation and again scott hahn points this out they talk about the priesthood this is chapter 20 verse 6. they talk about the celibacy of the priest uniquely catholic right right now in christian religions this is chapter 14 verse 4. uh they talked about the high priest this is our lord jesus christ in the image of divine mercy entering coming from the holy of holies talked about robes this is what the priests wear candles this is all in chapter 1 verse 13. it talks in the book of revelation about the altar like we have at our catholic mass the sensor what's a sensor as this guy said we don't have one of those swingy things well that swingy thing is called a sensor and it's where the incense rises up like prayers of the saints that's why we have it in our catholic mass that is like revelation chapter 8 verse 3 and 4. all right the eucharist is mentioned because it talks about the manna the bread from heaven this is chapter 2 verse 17. what about our mass in our mass we sing holy holy holy that is chapter 4 verse 8. we talk we sing the alleluia that's chapter 19 verse 1. we sing the gloria that's chapter 15 verse 3. i think you see my point here everything that we're talking about is in the mass is in the book of revelation it goes farther it actually has like a penitential right in it we talk about we are called to repent the book of revelation it talks about the lamb of god 28 times this is powerful it talks about altars and books and chalices and white robes and saints and the sacrifice of the lamb remember in the old testament sacrificed lambs had to be eaten or the sacrifice was invalid just like we now consume the true sacrificed lamb that of jesus whose real presence is in the eucharist now scott hahn continues to explain this connection and this i didn't know until later when i heard his talk on the lamb's supper and he puts it beautifully he talks about in verse chapters of revelation 1 through 11 this is like the liturgy of the word because in the liturgy of the word what happens like the book of revelation it says the priest emerges at the altar and goes to the book to reveal its content this is like our book that we reveal from at mass that we read the lectionary then he says chapters 13 to 22 the second half of the book of revelation is like the liturgy of the eucharist why because the people are fed the manna and listen to this the wine in the chalices is turned to blood where do you see that the catholic mass as scott on says the mass is on every page if you miss them sorry if you make it to mass you make it to heaven now i want to add to that because a lot of times people will ask us father if i miss mass what's the next best thing well if it's a sunday mass next best thing is go to confession but since we just talked about the masses liturgy of the word and liturgy of the eucharist the best thing to do is get to mass receive the sacraments but if you can't you're quarantined or your church is closed pray the rosary you know that's like liturgy of the word it's meditation on scripture the mysteries of christ's life and pray the chaplet of divine mercy that's like the second part of the mass the the liturgy of the eucharist why because it's an offering of sacrifice eternal father i offer you the body blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world that's like john talking about an atonement for the sins of the world and it's also the chaplet is like that second part of the mass the liturgy of the eucharist why because we offer sacrifice well father i'm not a priest yes you are by virtue of your baptism you share in the offices of christ priests prophet king and what does the priest do a priest offers sacrifice and so this is powerful stuff now christ is present here and now both in heaven and on earth and the mass links the two so this is why it is so powerful pope benedict said in spirit of the liturgy when you come to mass it's like the roof of the church opens up and heaven and earth unite because the angels and the saints ascend and descend and we here are united with them at the mass we are at calvary we are here present as jesus is paying our debt for sin the wage of sin is death paul tells us but we are here at the masses paul is paying or excuse me jesus is paying that debt so this is what we have and i was at this reading this book of revelation and my mind was churning here in charlotte with these pentecostals and i'm like my gosh this is the mass we're talking about the mass and that's why the lamb supper i recommend it strongly because it points out all these beautiful connections of where the mass is in the book of revelation it's all about the mass it's on every page all right let's go on to our next slide which is the mass here we have the mass now we see the crucifix of christ he is dying as we said to pay our debt but what's going on on the right hand side is the mass because i just said when we are at mass we are at calvary as we said this is the sacrifice of the son to the father through the power of the holy spirit what's going on there that priest right there on the right side he's in persona christie as you know he is in the person of christ so the mass in many ways is god offering god to god the god the holy spirit offering god the son even though he offers himself to to god the father in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world this is what the mass is it's god offering god to god this is the nuptial relationship that you've heard me talk about christ giving himself to us is the bride in the church who are we the bride we are the church who is the church us and this marriage is in holy communion again revelation 19 9. as i've heard said before you are the bride coming up in your when you receive holy communion that's your wedding march who's waiting for you at the altar the groom jesus and the groom enters into the bride it's consummated he literally enters into you this is how the church father saw the book of revelation not the rapture not the antichrist the mass is the only perfect form of prayer because it's the prayer of the son to the father through the power of the holy spirit as it has been said the mass has more scripture than any protestant sunday worship service period we're always told that we're not scriptural the entire mass is scriptural i have a uh a talk out there on youtube a walkthrough of the mass where we start from the very beginning procession to the ending procession recession and this is recessional him as it's being played and we walk out of the mass every step in between is scriptural this is beautiful you know remember john unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you this is again the sacrifice of the lamb the true lamb remember he had to be eaten or the firstborn child died this was it the sacrifice of the lamb at passover and the sacrifice of the mass are the same the church and in heaven and the church is on earth remember the mass links the two powerful stuff so and i think this is powerful the heavenly glory all right is unveiled in the liturgy in fact i learned in seminary that's the meaning of apocalypse the meaning of apocalypse isn't a bunch of earthquakes and fires this is the common perception it is an unveiling it is the heavenly glory unveiled in the earthly liturgy this is what i learned in seminary that's the meaning of apocalypse so communion is the divine activity of love that eternally takes place within the trinity it's not just jesus yes christ is the only one sacramentally present in the eucharist because he's the only one incarnate he's the only one that has flesh and blood the holy spirit and the god the father do not have flesh and blood they were not incarnated jesus does so yes christ is the only one present sacramentally under the appearance of bread and wine but the father and the holy spirit are also present with christ because of the perfect union of the trinity circumcession concomitants these are things that show that the the the trinity as a whole is present now in this grace of the sacrament we receive it to the full this is not a symbol this is not just symbolically saying oh have some bread and grape juice it's a symbol of our communion no the eucharist the real presence makes it an actual grace remember your definition of a sacrament i say this all the time what is a sacrament it's an efficacious sign meaning it does something it's not just a symbol an efficacious sign of god's grace instituted by christ and entrusted to the church by which divine life is instilled in us this is amazing and so this is what we have it's not just a ritual in fact although rituals are throughout the bible human history is full of them full of rituals and so is the bible humans are spiritual and corporal we're body and soul so we learn through the senses so when we worship we involve all of our body the eyes and the the voice and the hearing we stand we sit we kneel we cross ourselves these are part of being a huge part of being fully engaged in worship of god so the bible has always had external ceremonies for spiritual things they are the basis of our sacraments external signs that guarantee an eternal grace and so the effect of the sacrament is guaranteed as long as you're disposed to receive it even if the priest isn't ex-operate operato by the very fact that you the sacrament is administered regardless of the holiness of the priest you get the grace if you are properly disposed so this is what separates us from all other religions the sacraments their actual grace and this is why we could either go symbolically to another service or to holy communion and receive the true presence of christ body blood soul and divinity incredible that's what transubstantiation is it means the change trans substantiation of substance now the change of the whole substance not part all of the bread and the wine the bread turns into flesh it isn't with the flesh the bread becomes flesh the wine it doesn't stay there and christ sits next to it the wine becomes the precious blood and so this is in these two species the accidents remain in other words it looks like bread it looks like wine it tastes like bread it tastes like wine the accidents remain but the substance has been changed now what's so powerful about this is scripture in cana this foreshadowed the precious blood because of the wine jesus is turning it into wine then he will turn it into his blood so we have the cana and then the multiplication of the loaves we have a foreshadowing of the eucharist he broke the bread blessed it gave it to his disciples and then told them to give it this is powerful jesus gave thanks said thank you and he said the blessing broke the bread and distributed through his apostles this is the mass prayer this is the mass first jesus provided the wine of canaan now he's providing the bread now what is god doing as usual he takes ordinary things in our lives and transforms them into his honor he transforms ordinary bread and wine transforms them into his body and blood you too ordinary person in the pew can be transformed and sanctified to share in the divine life of god that is becoming who you were supposed to be that's the theme of this conference who becoming who you should be this is who you should be when you're transformed by the power of the eucharist now jesus gave it to the disciples notice this at the feeding of the five thousand and he told the disciples to give it to the crowd they were the first priests this shows that god in many ways it was god's will that the heavenly food be distributed through the church he gave it to the apostles the first priests he didn't distribute himself he distributed through the church this is the power of the eucharist this is the power of what we believe the source and summit of our faith people like i don't believe it i don't believe it if i had scientific proof i would believe it well okay sometimes god gives that to us too let's take a look at our next slide eucharistic miracles and scientific proof you want it jesus delivers it all right you know the church fathers for the first 1500 years of our church wrote about more than anything mary and the eucharist for 1500 years and there were many miracles eucharistic miracles that god revealed these eucharistic miracles such as the blood being human blood being human heart tissue um all these things we're going to talk about basically our lord is leaving his body and the blood in the form of a host to remain with us because remember what did he say before he ascended to the father he said remain with us i will remain with you until the end of time so how does he remain with us if he ascended to the father he does by the eucharist he can always be present to us you know that eucharist is jesus i i want to share with you a really interesting story that saint faustina wrote about in her diary i love it it's diary number 44. and i love this passage and i want to share it with you this is faustina talking about an experience with jesus in the real presence of the eucharist you've probably not heard this story but it's one of my favorites this is saint faustina talking one day jesus said to me i am going to leave this house he was talking about the convent of sisters and nuns probably because they were gossiping or you know not loving one another he said because there are things here which displease me and she said saint faustina said and the host came out of the tabernacle and came to rest in my hands and i with joy placed it back in the tabernacle can you imagine our lord comes out of the tabernacle into faustina's hand says i'm leaving and she puts him right back in this was repeated a second time she said and i did the same thing despite this faustina wrote it happened a third time but this host but the host was then transformed into the living lord jesus so the host became the living christ in front of her this means it's truly jesus and he said i will stay here no longer at this a powerful love for jesus rose up in my soul and i answered and i i will not let you leave this house jesus can you imagine this is why i love saint faustina she's talking back to jesus like like he's a family member and again jesus disappeared while the host remained in my hands he went back to being the host once again i put it back into the saborium and closed it up in the tabernacle and jesus stayed with us isn't that amazing saint faustina stood up and said you're not leaving jesus we need you here and he listened i undertook i undertook it to make three days of adoration by way of reparation because of this powerful stuff and so this to me is very very powerful of the presence in the real presence of the eucharist you know i had one of my own kind of stories i'll briefly tell right after i was ordained a priest the very next day i got on a plane and i flew up to canada and then took a bus to where the road ran out and then we took a car on a logging road way up to northern canada to see indian first nations up there and i went to a reservation that hadn't had mass for four years and it was corpus christi that sunday and a lot of the people had been losing their faith and i said wow this is something that i need to bring back so we did mass and we did a procession after corpus christi and a lot of people had doubted the presence real presence of jesus a lot of people didn't even come to the mass can you imagine after four years of not having the mass they had lost their faith but there was a large group of indian women and children that stayed with me and they were behind me and i'm processing through this indian reservation with the monstrance and as i'm processing blessing the houses with the real eucharist two younger indian men probably in their early 30s came down to block me told me to get out of there said get this thing out of here talking about the eucharist is a thing and they're like get this and they were swearing and and get this blank blank thing out of here and um i was scared because i'm thinking gee lord i was ordained one day and i'm already going to be a martyr because this indian had a big knife on his side and i was afraid but i'm holding the monstrance and i'm not going to turn around so i'm holding the monstrance praying and all of a sudden this one indian got very frustrated and he went up to grab the eucharist and the whole monstrous i knew what he was going to do he was going to throw it down and slam it to the ground and desecrate it but something different happened um as i'm holding on to it he reached up to grab the shaft of the monstrance and his hand was thrown off and he started screaming in his native language and later they told me he was yelling my hand because it burned his hand and so this to me was such a powerful statement that you were not going to do this at that moment to the eucharist and the real presence is that powerful and so to me here right first thing in my ordination and these people have been losing their faith remember miracles are sometimes given for those who are doubting in faith many who have strong faith don't need miracles but god will give them and that's what i wanted to talk about a little bit more here today and these eucharistic miracles all right now let's take a look at our next slide i want to focus just on one i don't have time to go into a lot this is buenos aires in argentina in 1996. look at this bleeding host here this is a great story and i want to say a little bit about it all right first of all we need to keep in mind that a true eucharistic miracle happens every mass when the priest utters the words of consecration there is a eucharistic miracle at every mass it becomes the body and blood of christ sometimes god makes it more visible that's what we're going to talk about here today this was a story of archbishop bergoglio when he was still down in argentina in 1996. there was a priest at a parish that was told that a consecrated host had been desecrated and was on a candle holder in the back of the church so they were not able to consume this host so this priest went and put in a glass of water which is the proper way so it dissolves and he placed it in the tabernacle and this is what you normally did in such a case anyway they left it in the tabernacle to dissolve so eight days later interesting eight days he opened up the tabernacle and saw the host had been transformed he was now a piece of bloody tissue that was much larger than the original host now he informed archbishop bergoglio who asked him to have it photographed that's what you just saw and it was decided to keep the host in the tabernacle without publicizing it without anything so it was removed it was there in the tabernacle placed in some kind of a vessel and it was not publicized but it was left in the tabernacle now after three years this bloody tissue had not decomposed which is extraordinarily and virtually impossible to explain particularly because no special attempt was made to preserve it it was just placed maybe in a ciborium or something so this is interesting now one of our good friends of our marrying community let's look at our next slide is dr ricardo castanon gomez and we did a story on him as you can see that picture there he's speaking at our shrine right here where i am in front of you here he is and this was an article a matter of faith a matter of fact and this is a world renowned expert on eucharistic miracles he has a scientific background and dr ricardo castane gomez got involved as a scientist he investigates these now he took a sample of the bloody fragment and he sent it to new york city now what's interesting is he didn't want there to be any prejudice from the scientific community and the committee that would be looking at it and who would be examining the tissue in new york so he didn't tell them the source he didn't reveal from where the source came now here's what happened a team of five scientists was assembled including the famous cardiologist and forensic pathologist dr frederick zugaby he authored many many books on forensic pathology because they were finding something interesting after the original test results came back they assembled a team of scientists because the findings were very surprising here's what this dr frederick zugaby wrote these are his own testified words he said the material now remember this is the host but dr castano did not tell the scientists what the source was its origin but we know and he said the material is a fragment of human heart muscle found in the wall of the left ventricle the muscle is responsible for the contraction of the heart the left cardiac ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body it's the life giver and this is what the sample was the heart muscle is in an inflammatory condition so he already determined that this tissue was heart muscle and it was inflammatory and contains many white blood cells here's why this is important this he said indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken and it baffled the scientists because white blood cells only exist in the living organism he said it's my contention that the heart was alive because white blood cells die outside a living organism that's incredible he said the white blood cells had penetrated the tissue which indicates that the heart had been under severe stress as if the owner had been beaten severely about the chest think about how our lord was treated now this gets even more interesting the study went on and basically here's what is written about it says this feature eliminates the possibility of fraud which a critic might propose and this is dr casting on what his words were for it cannot be thought that the officials in the church in argentina would authorize the torture and death of a male with a b blood this seems to be the blood common in all eucharistic miracles i can't remember i'm sorry if it's a b positive or a b but this is the blood type the same as was in the shroud of turin in the face cloth at oviedo but it seems unlikely impossible that church officials would take a man torture him open his chest while he's still alive and remove the tissue from his beating heart that just didn't happen so how did we get this sample then how did this specific piece of tissue make it into the tabernacle this is the question that dr castingyon got involved in so solid medical evaluation shows that the sample had not decomposed and cannot be obtained from a deceased subject such as a cadaver because then it wouldn't have white blood cells so dr castingon gave us a retreat here and it was relayed to me by several brothers i did not get to see the whole retreat so i apologize if i don't get the facts exactly right but this is what several brothers told me he had said during the retreat which i find it fascinating is he basically showed on the screen a picture and he told the story of when he was with the scientists and when it they came together there was a scientific meeting of several of these medical professionals and he told the story that he put up three pictures of a piece of bread a prayer and a priest and he said you give me these three things a piece of bread this particular prayer and a priest i'll give you human heart tissue and these scientists are like who is this crackpot get him out of here we don't we don't have time for this nonsense and so hold on hold on he said let me explain he said and there were several doctors present that he took this tissue that was the piece of bread that had that prayer set over it by a priest and he said to few of the doctors present to one doctor he looked at because several of these doctors ran labs and he sent these samples to multiple labs and he pointed these doctors out and he said to the first doctor doctor i sent it to your lab they looked at the second doctor doctor i sent it to your lab looked at a third doctor doctor i sent it to your lab i have proof and we have pictures that we sent you a piece of bread that had a prayer set over it by a catholic priest and every one of your labs came back and said it was human heart tissue you could have heard a pin drop he said i would have loved to been there so this is the power of the real presence sometimes god lets those who are struggling with their faith believe because like thomas i'm going to show you thomas you're not believing but blessed are those who believe without seeing but for those who don't i am going to sometimes do this and god has allowed this so i want to finish by saying what are some of the cons excuse me common scientific findings these are blood the blood that is present in all these eucharistic findings uh you miracles has hemoglobin and dna of human origin studies have been conducted by these forensic experts have shown that the substance originates from the interior excluding the hypothesis that someone could have placed blood from the exterior what does this mean it means that there's no way somebody could have cut themselves or had some blood then took that blood from the exterior and placed it on the host because all the properties of the blood exist as if it was interiorly interior blood with white blood cells that would die within minutes outside of the living organism so the blood type is always a b like the universal receiver people always say universal donor it's a universal receiver it's christ saying all nations come come to me through my church this is it it's similar to the one to the blood found in lunciano and the holy shroud it's always this a b again nf a b positive or a b but that's the universal receiver all these miracles have that same blood type human blood now throughout all these eucharistic miracles and there's over a hundred affirmed by the vatican studies reveal that the tissue found corresponds to the muscle of the heart the myocardium and the fact that the outer part of the blood has been coagulated for years while the inner part of the blood is fresh indicates that the tissue continues to effuse fresh blood this is unexplainable furthermore the blood contains proteins indicating elevated metabolism in the person from which it came like found during trauma it means our lord is ongoing in his experience of the passion this is why he's on the crucifix still in a way when we still suffer yes he's resurrected of course but this is shown to be what we experience and he did through his passion this is the true blood of what he shed the blood also contains as i said white blood cells indicating the tissue is still living or removed from the body when it was still alive incredible and finally you know the blood has been studied to only have the x chromosome this also is impossible because remember your biology classes the the the mother supplies the x chromosome always and the father supplies either an x or a y chromosome if the father supplies an x with the mother's ex it's a girl if the father supplies a y with the mother's x it's a boy so jesus should have had an x and y chromosome there is only the x chromosome in this blood which means no earthly father can you get any more incredible than this so this is it so i want to finish you know i only talked about this one miracle but you know i wanted to show another one let's go to one more um let's take a look at the slide up on your screen this is a eucharistic mural on christmas of 2013 in poland uh confirmed by the bishop and by the vatican and it said the final medical statement by the department of forensic medicine found that quote in the histopal pathological image the fragments of the host were found containing the fragmented parts of the cross-steriated muscle it is most similar to the heart muscle tests also determined the tissue to be of human origin and found that it bore signs of distress wow i tell you this is the beautiful gift that we have in our faith and in fact actually that does lead me to one last slide because i want to show us here in the eucharist let's put up that last side and i'm sorry i do have two slides i'm sorry but in the blessed sacrament you will find romance glory honor fidelity and the true way of all your loves upon earth in other words it is the fulfillment of all desires it is the way to unite with god to become who you are supposed to be when you are united with god and you enter in this is a foretaste on earth in the mass of what we will experience in eternity and when we do that we become who we should be and we will set the world ablaze if everybody went out and lived a eucharistic life centered on the eucharist we wouldn't have the problems we have we would be centered on christ through the eucharist setting the world of fire being all we can be this is what our faith is about this is god's mercy god's divine mercy is seen in many ways but most of all through his passion death and resurrection and from that we have the body and blood that was given for us and we receive in most holy communion god bless all of you because by watching this you are responding to god's grace the very fact that you are with us means god's grace is working in your heart and god's mercy and the power of the eucharist i cannot say enough of in fact i'd like to to show you one last thing on the slide here in my finished book i just finished it's um called understanding divine mercy although we can never fathom god's mercy in his essence jesus said if you want to know me know me through my attributes and his greatest attribute is mercy so understanding divine mercy you can get it right now for any donation you want to give me a dollar that's fine you want to send a million to keep our ministry going that's fine too but you can get this book for any donation right now just visit udm for understanding divine mercy or call us at 800-462-7426 that's 1-800-4 marian and get a copy of that book i talk all about the eucharist as the source and summit of our faith and most of all allowing us to be perfected and becoming who we should be so that we can set the world ablaze thank you for joining us in this awesome conference there's so many great speakers here and we hope and pray that god's blessings upon you will be abundant and may almighty god bless you the father and the son and the holy spirit amen
Channel: Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference
Views: 17,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic Conference, Eucharist, Mercy
Id: LfrX6-xqSP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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