Mary and Divine Mercy and Fatima April 22 2017 - Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

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[Music] well anyway again my name is father Chris it's a joy to be here I'm stationed right here at the shrine of divine mercy father Don is one of my Marian priests brothers he's out in Steubenville father might gate lease another one you may know I'll be talking about some of his stuff today and he's out actually on the road today in in all fairness we have such a special gift given by our Lord in the sacraments the precious blood the body blood soul and divinity of father Don just just read to us in the prayers of the of the of the angel right at Fatima and it's with the ultimate reverence and we'll finish this talk as I said explaining how you receive that grace of divine mercy Sunday and includes receiving Holy Communion okay so we're going to talk about that but let's get started now on to other gifts that are related of course but what we call now the two spiritual weapons the two greatest gifts that we've been given by the church by God to counteract this craziness that we got going on in the world today what are those two spiritual weapons right here divine mercy and our Blessed Mother this is our answer to all this craziness in the world today all right you know everybody looks at the at the thing and they say Oh what's going on in the world today how do you how do you explain this what is going on well the world is sick right now and I don't mean just gross we are ihling from the inside divorce and murders and abortions and poverty and all these ills that affect society and you know I've said it before that the answer the penicillin is divine mercy administered by our mother Mary the nurse okay that's what the answer is right now when we need to do is take this penicillin given by the greatest nurse in the world penicillin divine mercy the nurses Mary Mother mother Mary and you know I told the story at the shrine the first time I've told it I told a couple weeks go you know my mother god bless her I use her she's gives me some great homily material my mom but my mom when she was a little girl she was about five years old my mom came so close to dying and she had what they call a mastoid in her brain and she took her to the dock my mom's mom my grandmother took my mom to the doctor to try to have this thing fixed and you know back in the 1940s there's not real advanced medical equipment well anyway the doctor then sent her to a specialist for the times at that time and at the hospital and they determined that my mom had this mastoid in her brain and there was only one option that they would have to literally do brain surgery but how they did it back then was literally a drill a drill that goes into your your head to real chin and to try to relieve the pressure to pop it this abscess or this this mastoid and my little mom god bless her she's only I think five or five years old and they basically told my mom's mom that she had about a 10% chance at best to survive and they said the little girl's skull is still too soft you see they're not completely formed like an adult right and this this girl was not being formed as not been formed yet and my mother probably wouldn't survive having the drill and the surgery done into her brain what happened then as they were getting ready to do the surgery the doctor came to my grandmother and said you know she's my grandmother's is there any other option he said no there isn't except right before the surgery the doctor came and said to my grandmother actually there's one crazy option are you interested in hearing about it and my grandmother said of course he says this is a doctor we've been hearing about something that I just received today they only sent it out to a very handful of doctors around the country and I received it today it's called a miracle drug he says the problem is if we wait and don't do the surgery to see if the drug works your daughter could die in the meantime if we don't wait for the drug to work we have to operate and your mother could or your daughter could die my mother or grandmother said what is this drug and he said penicillin my mother they believe was the first patient ever to receive penicillin not in testing but in the actual application in the in the in in in out in the public my mother in the 1940s they believed was the first one ever to receive it so my mom received this penicillin oh it's my Caitlin should I play with out here all right let me go ah hung up hung up all right well twin tease him later so you know I did that to him the other day when he called me I was given a talk and he goes father Chris it goes Chris Chris I said hold on father Mike somebody wants to say hello and like 500 people hey father Mike he's like aha so anyway my grandmother made the choice to have the penicillin and they were going to take the risk and have it tried the penicillin and not the surgery and what ended up happening is my mom went to bed that evening and they had a window of about 24 hours she was going to die and she went to bed that night if the penicillin didn't work that night she would have died and she was sleeping my my grandma with his with her at 3 o'clock in the morning my mother said she was laying there crying from the pain the the pressure in the head and all of a sudden there was an explosion she said like a gunshot and everything came out my mom's ear everything it filled the bed blood plus all this craziness and instantly my mom was healed instantly instantly it's like the woman in the gospel remember when Peters mother-in-law now that's funny because Peters like of all people mother-in-law Jesus of all people and and she immediately got up and what does it say she started serving them right well my mom jumped up well anyway my mom jumped up she basically was it was an instant healing and my grandmother grabbed my mom and my mom says that this date is the first time she ever heard the word see of God and my grandmother lifted up my mom almost like in the moment of consecration and thank the Blessed Mother and gave thanks to the mercy of God and just think this is what we're talking about now the time of this world is ill it's sick it needs penicillin it needs the penicillin administered by the best nurse and doctor the doctors Jesus the nurse is Mary and what is the penicillin divine mercy this grace that we're going to see and receive tomorrow and that's what we're going to finish with tonight but let's start with this now Fatima then before I start moving on now Fatima is it is it mandatory in the church that you believe that Mary appeared to three children at Fatima in 1970 is that mandatory that you have to believe it it's accepted but it's not mandatory private revelation is not mandatory you do not have to believe it right but why do we why do we first of all you should listen to what Mary said at Fatima her message ears congruent with the gospel all right now here's what's I think is really important most people did I knock this down all right all right most people would agree that Fatima is about what private revelation and prophecy but yet others are skeptical I was on the radio show I do a lot of shows on relevant radio and we were talking about and one guy called Denny says you know father and this was live on the air he says you guys get way too carried away with this stuff the scripture tells us we don't know the day we don't know the hour therefore drop all this stuff and I asked him I said including Fatima he said yes don't you read the scriptures well he wasn't Catholic and that's okay that's okay but he said you know drop all this stuff scripture tells us not to worry about today or yesterday or tomorrow only about today you guys are worried about tomorrow you're not doing what the Bible tells us that's the problem with you Catholics now what I responded with bunch of love is is the following first of all we go to Thomas Aquinas all right so Thomas Aquinas he gave us some of the answers one of the greatest Saints in the history of the church right now he said private revelation private revelation offers a deeper understanding of revealed truth this is very important now he gives this he says he gives us a deeper understanding of a real truth all right and it gives guidance to leaders of the church on what courses of action they should take for the present time do you think that the teachings are not different from the Year 300 than they are today the teachings are the same but the applications are different in the year 300 they didn't have to deal with 10 year old boys viewing internet pornography all right in the year 300 they didn't have to worry about legalized abortions in court cases saying that this craziness that that marriage is between two men and two women so there's an application that has to be adjusted to the present time and this is what Thomas Aquinas said he then talked about prophecy and he said prophecy is needed for the proper worship of God all right now it gets better st. Peter himself says no prophecy ever came through human will but rather human beings moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God our own scriptures say there is a purpose of prophecy it is not saying you put all your ducks in that row but you try to discern through the church teaching what's being told to you by God as father Seraphim says yes proba revelation ended with the death of the last apostle but private revelation is how God keeps us going in the present day all right now Karl Rahner and believe it or not I had to go through a thousand images before I found one in him and a caller partial caller right but he says something good here private revelation answers the question as to what is most urgently to be done here and now in accordance with the general principles of the faith this is very very important all right now one that is not necessarily private revelation but more something we call pious tradition is this personally I think this is the greatest Pope in the history of the church now I'm John Paul absolutely in his own way he brought us divine mercy but if I could do a whole talk and I have on Leo the 13th this to me is the greatest Pope they're all great but but Pope Leo the 13th was very special now in something that we call pious tradition you may have heard the story where he overheard the conversation right between Christ and Satan Pope the Leo the 13th the tradition says in the 1884 overheard a conversation between Jesus and Satan now again this is not accepted private revelation this is pious tradition and in it supposedly at the end of saying Mass pope leo xiii heard this conversation where Satan approached Christ and he said I can bring down your church and Jesus said you do you think so you believe so he said yes but I need more time and I need more power and Jesus said how much power do you need he said I need enough power to sway those lukewarm like a cinder like the centers in the chaplet those who are on the fence to come over to my side I need that power and Jesus said granted then he said I need more time and Jesus said how much time he said about a hundred years and Jesus said granted now why would Jesus allow that why would Jesus allow Satan more power and more time scripture tells us we must be tested all right we must be tested this is something that separates us from the Angels I always thought the Angels got the bad end of the deal right because they were given one chance were they not they were given one chance the angels were and how many chances are we given as many as you want to go to confession you have to keep trying you have to keep trying but the angels were given one chance the reason is they could see the effect of their decision we can't yet we were somewhat clouded that there's a veil between us and God yet that will be removed at the end of time and you know the Angels please look to them for inspiration because the good angels that hung on you know how many bet how many angels fell from the sky does revelation tell us a third why a third why not two thirds why not a half why did a third fall from the sky tradition holds that a third of the angels were dedicated to adoring the father a third were dedicated to adoring the son and a third were dedicated to adoring the holy spirit guess what third fell the son why because it was announced he would become a man and you see by nature man's below the Angels angels are higher than man in many ways by nature they have superior intellect they're not constrained by space and time so when God announced his plan that an angel was going to become the son was going to become a man those angels said no way no way man no way now what happened after the grace of the Incarnation man has been elevated above the Angels so by nature the angels are higher than man but by grace man has been elevated above the angels and this is so powerful this is one thing that we don't always realize right and I tell you it's it we are tested every day you know one of the most common sins I hear in the confessional I've only been a priest for three years but is sexual sins either with ourselves with another whatever they might be and there's a great quote from a saint that I read that stuck with me long ago and the Saint said you know to resist one strong sexual temptation is to pass a greater test than even that faced by Lucifer and the demons at the time of the fall that's powerful is it not that's powerful so anyway Satan said to Jesus that I need more time and power Jesus gave it to him now people debate on when that hundred years began you have all kinds of speculation remember this is all speculative theology it's not doctrine it's not dogmatic but it is speculative it's okay if you follow it but you can't put all your eggs in basket but there's message to learn in it okay now here's what we think some people like father Apostoli said it began in 1884 the minute that he heard this talk all right Pope Leo now what did Pope Leo do immediately after that mass what prayer did he write after he heard this conversation st. Michael prayer right now father parsley and others claim that in 1884 this hundred year reign began for Satan all right and then it ended exactly 100 years later what happened in 1984 John Paul consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart right okay some people hold that view others believe that it started in 1917 right now why 1917 well before we get to Fatima let's look at what's going on in 1917 all right first of all there was a lot of ills going on right we talked about the ills right world war ones going on right at the same time for the first time in world history the Judeo Mason bankers took their first country Russia Russia that was the first country that these Judeo Masonic bankers took their first nation was Russia as the fall of Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution now those are bad things but you know there's more going on behind the scenes in 1917 you know it also happened in 1917 you ever heard a Margaret Sanger who's Margaret Sanger all right the queen of abortion right now you know what she was doing in 1917 she released the film called birth control he was so scandalous she actually spent 30 days in jail alright 30 days in jail now before that in 1916 she actually opened the world's first birth control clinic in New York the exact day the angel appeared to the children at Fatima in 1916 the exact day so then you got all these ills going on so Margaret Sanger opens up this birth control clip right now what happened well God answers all these ills all right now what did he do well doggone it I'm keep going the wrong direction all right 19:17 what did the Lord give us to counteract this worked sin abounds my grace abounds the more so the first gift he gave us was Our Lady of Fatima that's what we're going to talk about today but don't forget he also gave us four days after the miracle the son Maximilian Kolbe began the mission Immaculata which is what father might Gately is molded the Marian missionaries after is st. Maximilian Colby's mission Immaculata absolutely incredible we're going to talk about that more in a minute now what's so important that we have to remember about this God started to work now he did a couple other things in 1917 you know who this guy is Pius the 12th he got us through World War two did he not do you know when he was installed in consecrated as a bishop anybody May 13 1969 the day Mary appeared in Fatima what about this guy who was Pope Benedict the 15th he was the Pope at the time and guess what he did in 1917 after seeing all the war in the heartache guess what he did he began in novena what's a novena nine days of Prayer based on what tradition Pentecost Mary and the Apostles in the upper room the nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost right and he began a nine-day novena - who yes Mary the Mother of mercy and on the eighth day the same as divine mercy son de God answered his prayer on the eighth day of Pope Benedict's novena May 13th 1917 the Pope's plea for peace was finally answered yet the response came not from a prime minister president or King but rather from a queen the Queen of Peace herself and she responded in a way that's typical of her humility by that I mean she traveled neither to the offices of heads of state nor to the papal apartments of the Vatican in Rome rather she showed up in an obscure everybody here up one that was as far away from the horrors of the war as possible specifically she appeared at the far western end of the Iberian Peninsula and Fatima Portugal where she met not with diplomats or politicians but with three simple Shepherd children who are tending their flocks at a place called the Cova diría ten-year-old lucia dos santos and her two younger cousins nine-year-old francisco and seven-year-old Jacinta mark toe to them the beautiful lady appeared and then asked them to pray the rosary daily for peace and to do penance for sinners who had no one to pray for them and who were going to hell in such great numbers then she asked them to return to the cove on the 13th of each month the heart of Mary's message was not just for the children but for everyone specifically it's a call to repentance and reparation for the many sins being committed in the modern world now while Mary appeared to the children six times between May and October two apparitions were particularly important the one in July and the one in October all right so now we see Mary being sent by God to answer the ills of the world this is the penicillin but first he sent the nurse he first sent the nurse coming behind her will be the penicillin divine mercy now oops man I guess I should have practiced this thing this is current day the Fatima area this is not the Cova da area but it's as close this is where mary did appear in one of the talks our excuse me one of her apparitions now Fatima is about 70 miles north Elizabeth right and it's a place that Mary appeared now Pope Pius a 12 did declare these apparitions approved by the church in 1940 so we're free to follow them right now what all began though is our Lord set the stage before Mary came this is the angel that father Dom was talking about this is the angel that came and appeared to the three Shepherd children in 1916 to do what to prepare the children all right this is what she was ready to do now what happened next was Mary then followed when it was the first apparition May 13 1917 the eighth day of the novena and the children said a lady more brilliant than the Sun appeared to us who Lucy Lucia Jacinta and Francisco now she was 10 Francisco was 8 and Jacinta was 7 at this time so God picks those types of people to work through now what did she ask she asked soups sorry too far here she asks that we stop offending God this is what she said to the children to stop offending God anymore all right she says mankind must abandon himself and turn to God's love and mercy she used that term love and mercy Mary said pray the rosary every day for what peace and an end to the war right now she tells them to come back on the thirteenth of every month right this is what she did all right now the children started doing that Mary began to reveal what three secrets right now what were the secrets basically going to talk about those real quick the first two were basically about hell devotion to the Immaculate Heart war and Russia this is what it was about now that first secret about Hell was a wake-up call this is what she told the children so gnosis Nora nan Tina prompted Parana solve our process asked Remo head meadow [Music] Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form lie transparent burning embers all blackened or burnished bronze floating about in the consecration now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire without weight or equilibrium and any tricks and groans of pain and despair which or a fight us and made us tremble with fear the demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent lightness to brightful and the known animals all black and transparent this vision lasted but an instant how can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly mother who have already prepared us by promising in the first apparition to take us to heaven otherwise I think we would have died of fear and terror okay that's your feel-good moment of the day but very important because our Lord is telling us through Mary to wake up right it's a wake-up call now what happened then is Mary went on and she told the children you have seen how where the souls of poor sinners go to save them God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart if what I say to you is done many souls will be saved and there will be peace the war is going to end but if people do not cease offending God a worse one will break out during the pontificate of pius xi now why not Pius 1/12 when world war ii was really began is because world war 2 actually began before the German invasion of Poland ok all right now Mary continued to prevent this I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturday's which father Don talked about okay if my requests are heated Russia will be converted and there will be peace if not she will spread her errors throughout the world causing Wars and persecutions of the church the good will be martyred sounds like today the Holy Father will have much to suffer sounds like today various nations will be annihilated sounds like today but in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph who has that happened yet we'll talk about it the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she shall be converted in a period of peace will be granted to the world now as Russia been consecrated and has it been converted we're going to talk about that finally Mary then appeared to the children and gave a third secret at the Cova da area and this third secret was the one that wasn't revealed in full until the year 2000 what did Mary say here can you see the image right Lucia said the Holy Father passed through a big city right here in ruins and half trembling with a halting step what does halting step mean kind of struggling to walk did you know Pope John Paul had Parkinson's he had a halting step okay afflicted with pain and sorrow he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way having reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him and in the same way there died one after another the other bishops priests men and women religious and various laypeople of different ranks and positions how could this be John Paul when he didn't die because prophecy and this is the biggest mistake Catholics make people when they read prophecy a private revolution revolución revelation they think that it's definitively written in stone and it has to happen that way no that is not the point of prophecy prophecy is to tell us what will happen if we don't change what will happen if we don't do something about it now in a way we messed up at Fatima afterwards we didn't do some things but we did do some other things and Mary intercede it because this is what happened now she continued to appear to the children and she promised that on October 13th 1917 she would do a great miracle to get everybody to believe in her now on that day 70,000 Souls gathered to see the miracle of the Sun and this is the last video you know I once told my dad the story of Our Lady of Fatima at the time he didn't have a very strong faith he was totally captivated in fact he was so captivated that after I finished the story he said Mike if people heard that they'd believe now all the prophetic aspects of the message of Fatima are certainly impressive but particularly struck him was the great solar miracle that's the part he thought would really get people believing so let's go to October 13 1917 and what's known as the miracle of the Sun of course any miracle is impressive but I personally think that the miracle of the Sun was one of the most awesome and dramatic public miracles in the whole history of the church during the July 13th apparition our lady had told Lucia that she would perform a miracle in October for all to see and believe well Lucia shared that information with others and the word quickly spread in fact even the secular anti-catholic newspaper o Sekulow it helped get the word out although it did so only to mock the children and the people who believed them well all morning long on October 13th 1917 the day of the promised miracle a steady rain saturated the Cova diría but despite that tens of thousands of people still came then at midday our lady appeared and the children knelt in the mud at the front of the crowds looking very sad our lady said do not offend the Lord or God any more because he's already so much offended after speaking those words Mary opened her hands the reflection of her own glorious light was reflected on the Sun as she disappeared into the distance at that point the children began to experience a series of visions Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus Our Lady robed in white with a blue mantle and then our lady again first appearing as Our Lady of Sorrows and then as Our Lady of Mount Carmel now while the children beheld those visions the people who had gathered saw something very different [Music] as we approach the hillside upon which the appearances were supposed to have taken place I saw a sea of people it was a day of incessant drizzle it was absolutely full of people but for my part I felt devoid of any religious feeling a few moments before the miracle it stopped raining suddenly the rain seized the cloud separated and I saw a large Sun brighter than the Sun outside the people were shouting and weeping and pointing to the Sun one could see the immense multitude turned toward the Sun which appeared free from clouds and in its Zenit when Lucia called out look at the Sun the whole multitude repeated attention to the Sun look at the Sun I can hardly find words to describe what follow it it looked like a plague of dull silver it might have been an eclipse which was taking place then the Sun started spinning and shooting streams of light which changed it to all colors of the rainbow at the same time it started getting bigger and bigger in the sky as though it were falling on the earth before the astonished eyes of the crowd the Sun trembled made sudden incredible movements outside of all cosmic laws the Sun danced according to the typical expression of the people everyone was frightened we all thought it was the end of the world mirrors was an unbeliever we had spent the morning looking at the simpletons who had gone off to Fatima just to see an ordinary girl announcing to be paralysed his eyes fixed on the Sun suddenly the Sun stopped spinning and returned to its place in the sky everyone started shouting miracle this is a miracle just then I noticed that both the ground and my clothes were bone-dry people then began to ask each other what they had seen the great majority admitted to have seen the trembling and the dancing of the Sun there was a man standing with his face turn to the Sun he recited the Creed in a loud voice I believe in one God the Father Almighty I believe in one God the Father Almighty so as we can see in that last video we're going to show today the effect of what Mary's miracle did imagine being Quagmire din mud and wet and all sudden boom you're instantly dry you're instantly cleaning all this other miracle which you can see on that video now this is what's so important now all the things that people talk about was walki if this is what happened all's good now right Mary came in she did her miracle God had mercy the world in 1917 and all was good after that right nowwe the sufferings continued right what happened do you know even Jacinta and Francisco they died shortly afterwards did they not and you know we might not know this you know the suffering Jacinta went through do you know on her last days that her lungs in flames so back as they had the Spanish flu her lungs inflamed so bad that they had to remove two of her little ribs without anesthesia could you even imagine without anesthesia and so this is what those little guys went through now she died in the hospital bed offering all of her pain for the conversion of sinners this is the message at Fatima right ok and for peace as well and the Holy Father but this was still a mess the war still ok it came to an end but then we had a greater war right World War two then what happened Mary's predictions of hunger persecution of the church destruction of the nation's great suffering of the Holy Father they were all fulfilled why because we didn't do what she asked this is what we're going to finish with today let's take a little progression to get to where we are today let's go past Fatima 1925 Jesus appears to st. to sister Lucia right and what does he tell her in 1925 he said that Mary's heart is wounded this is little child Jesus and why is it wounded because of the blasphemies against Mary and father Don talked about this so I won't go into great detail he covered this really really good so then what are the blasphemies the blasphemies his father Don mentioned are the against Immaculate Conception against a perpetual virginity her divine maternity instilling hate in children against her and those who revile her secret images now in response Mary brought us the five first Saturday's this is important and I'm going to come back to it so keep this one in your mind but very important then 1929 Mary asked for the consecration of Russia she asked it for the Pope from the Pope with the bishops of the world it didn't happen all right 1931 the Lord says he was unhappy that Russia was not consecrated now we're into the 1930s this was 1917 when it first came now here's what Jesus said quote and I think this is fascinating he probably never heard this jesus said in 1931 they did not heed my request like the king of France put that in your memory bank they will repent and do it but it will be late Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world provoking Wars persecutions against the church and the Holy Father will have much to suffer what did Jesus mean by light the King of France all right in 1689 Jesus appeared to a little nun named Sartre Margaret Mary Alacoque all right now in 1689 he did what he manifested and said that I want the King of France to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart just like we heard in Fatima did they do it no guess what happened 100 years later to the day in 1789 the French Revolution the modern day destruction of the church as we knew it in Europe or at least attempt to destroy it and then this is what we call the Enlightenment I remember in my French class in high school that teaches to talk how great the Enlightenment is you know the Enlightenment is just means that man is God and there is no God that's what the Enlightenment basically is so this is the problems of what happened to the king of France so basically King Louie the sixteenth and one hundred years later to the day was stripped of all his legislative authority and we had the French Revolution now we continue on this was what Jesus was saying consecrate Russia right so finally we get to May 13 1981 the 64th anniversary of Fatima has Russia been consecrated at this point no what happens John Paul gets shot in st. Peter's on the exact day of the apparition of Fatima 64 years later now why is this because after he was shot John Paul - asked for two things when he was in his hospital bed coalescing coalesce coalescing you see why I'm not a doctor what two things did john paul - asked for one the printed out message of the third Third Secret of fátima anybody know what else he asked for the diary of st. Faustina in Polish this is from my desk this is the Polish edition of the diary of st. Faustina this is the two things john paul ii asked for after he was shot now he saw in his shooting the fulfillment of the shooting of the bishop and white remember that picture I showed with them climbing up the hill he believed he was that bishop in white but he also believed that he was saved by the hands of Mary because he said one hand fired the gun but one other hand guided the bullet now after reading the theat third secret John Paul - that said this Mary is - no longer remain in the background Mary is no longer to be relegated to the background this is what he said after reading the third secret his he then attempted to consecrate Russia the first time was it successful no why because he did it privately he did a private devotion and consecrated Russia the very first time it was not valid because he did it by himself now in the one-year anniversary on May 13th of 1982 he did another attempt to consecrate Russia and he went there and what did he place in the crown the bullet right now this is the bullet where he was with what he was shot he placed in the crown made a second attempt for the consecration and it was not done why because he sent a letter to the bishops and they arrived too late the bishops were notified too late to join him in the consecration of Russia so it did not happen at that time / the Don what I'm giving you by the way is not the personal view of father Kris please be wary of the priests that are giving you the personal views I am 100% giving you the words that have been given by the Magisterium of the church and I'll show you this in a minute so whether you agree with me or not it's not me you're agreeing with or not it's the church because what I'm telling you is exactly from the words of the Magisterium all right now the second attempt was it didn't reach the bishops in time now but good came out of it good came out of it God can bring a greater good out of any evil what greater good came out of the evil of Adam and Eve messing up in the garden by the way this seventh grader told me he said father did you know the story about Adam and Eve walking past the garden or excuse me was just Adam with Cain and Abel and I said no tell me he says you see Adam was walking with Cain and Abel outside the Garden of Eden and they said dad did we really use to live there and and and Adam said yes we did son he said man it looks pretty awesome in there it looks great look at it it's a paradise that we're out here struggling toting bales lifting barges cutting weeds cutting wood dad what happened he said your mother ate us out of house and home that's from a seventh grader right so so what's the good that came out of that what good came out of Adam and Eve the promise of a savior jesus christ and the gift of a mother that's the greater gift god bring a greater good out of even the worst evil what greater good came now out of john paul missing these consecration attempts here's what greater good came he began to make the explicit connection between Fatima and divine mercy this is what happened and this is where you don't hear about this father Mike Gatling does a great job showing it father Don does a great job in his book talking about the message through the Rosary and this is what we're going to pull together right now only got a few minutes left you see the angel when they first appeared to the kids said these words the hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you all right then sister Lucia is last vision in the 1930s included the words grace and mercy so you see the book ends our grace and mercy our excuse they are divine mercy in the beginning of fat in the end now in 1982 john paul ii made this connection even clearer the connection between Fatima and Divine Mercy he said that he finds hope in a love more powerful than evil that no sin can overcome this love he identifies as merciful love this is father Mike gate Lee's book where he explains all this you see no sin is outside the mercy of God no matter what you have done any abortion murder stealing lying cheating no sin is outside the mercy of God none except one what is the only unforgivable sin the sin against the Holy Spirit in essence what is it putting yourself outside the mercy of God I don't need God's mercy I don't want God's mercy I'm fine I didn't kill anybody yeah if you're comparing yourself to Hitler you're fine but we all need God's mercy don't fall into that trap or oh you know God can't forgive me on to wicked really there's no way you know the high school seniors they did a big poll for the first time in the history of our country high school seniors believe that Satan's power is equal to God's in the opposite direction then the evil is just as powerful as good in the opposite direction it is not and this is the problem with what our kids are being taught in schools and what they're learning no sin is unforgivable God can forgive you there's no sin unforgivable when you go to that priest and he says i absolve you from your sins and even the Father Son Holy Spirit you are guaranteed forgiveness or Jesus is a liar because Jesus in the upper room Matthew 18:18 John 20:21 says who sins you forgive are forgiven so this is what we have this is the merciful love of God all right now he says Mary is the one who brings us to the source of that love and here is what father might Gately did in the first book of consecration to married John Paul to quote the message of Fatima is more urgent than ever it invites us to approach anew the fountain of Mercy by an act of consecration to Mary this is what it's all about Mary wishes us to draw near to this fountain you see when I was looking to become a priest I wasn't sure where order or diocese or whatever I wasn't sure what I was going to do you know there's diocesan priests and there's religious priests you know we in a religious community called religious priests it's funny god bless my mom but I told my mom when I announced at the dinner table you know you see these kids today god bless his young men becoming priests we see some of our good seminarians along the wall here the days of the 50s are over when guys became priests for the glory of it right there's none of that anymore you know we were fighting off tax left and right well when I announced to my family that I was going to become a priest at the Easter dinner my mom cried for three days my dad said I'd never make it as a priest and my 82 year old aunt said I thought you like girls [Laughter] that's how I was met with my family but when I decided on a religious on an order to become a priest I said guess what mom I decided and I was debating between diocesan and religious life I said mom I'm going to become a religious priest and my mom said aren't all priests opposed to be religious no mom I'm entering into a religious community and it's called the Marian's of the Immaculate Conception because there's this thing called Divine Mercy there's this one day of the year that we can be freed of all of our sins and Punishment wiped clean from everything like a new baptism and is done through the work of mercy and in the work of Mary people who was wondering why did not the fathers of Mercy be given the fuzzum bursaries are great guys father Wade and father Bill Casey but they laugh all the time I see him they're like we get calls all the time I want to come to the shrine of divine mercy they said you got to call those guys in Stockbridge their names are the Marian's the Immaculate Conception and then that people get confused Marian's why the meereen's of the Immaculate Conception this is divine mercy you can't separate them God's greatest act of mercy ever bestowed upon a creature is the Immaculate Conception that's our connection to Jesus's divine mercy through Mary and when you consecrate yourself to her you're basically his father might gave you says you're putting yourself in Mary's hands and you're letting her do the work all you're doing is sitting there laying there saying Mary you do it that's consecration to Mary now you got to do your part father John Chyzyk said you must work excuse me you must pray as if it all depends on God but you must work like it all depends on you all right but you put your hands in and put yourself in the hands of Mary she will take you to that fountain of mercy this is the connection and the Marian father's have it if you are a Marian helper you are supporting the religious community that has been entrusted by the church they all I'm not seeing we're more important you know every different group has their thing you know the Dominicans are the brainiacs you know the Jesuits protect the Pope but the Marian fathers are sent here to teach and show the world the answer to the ills are Mary and divine mercy the Marian's of the Immaculate Conception through divine mercy that if you are a Marian helper and if you're not join a Susanne's in the back with the 13th of the Month Club father Don's the the spiritual director you can learn all about this this is why I'm here I mean I gave up a house on the lake I had a business down in North Carolina had my home on one side of the lake business on the other I drove my boat to work I was engaged to be married and I gave it all up now I have nothing they give us 50 bucks a month but I've never been happier I have nothing but I've never been happier yeah and so this is what Jesus is doing he's telling us to go to him through his mother she is the one who brings us to the source of merciful love this is what john paul ii says now the Pope goes on to explain that consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means returning to the cross because you will suffer with her does that mean we want suffering bring it on Lord no like Jesus you say God take this cup let this cup pass me by but if it be your will please help me to accept it you're struggling with cancer you're struggling with whatever you're struggling with this or that pray to God to take it away but if he doesn't then ask to unite it to the cross of Christ now it means bringing the world and its problems to the pierced heart of the Savior back to the very source of redemption this is John Paul twos words it means bringing the world through Mary to divine mercy this is the message of Fatima This Is It this is what Fatima is all about she knows it better than anyone because she lived it so let's finish real quick I don't know what did I do all right this is what father Don talks about if you haven't gotten his book the the champions of the Rosary this is what it's about this is so important now to finish here because I'm running out of time the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart john paul ii said is when we allow her to wash us in the fountain of divine mercy this is the triumph of the Immaculate Heart not all this wing yangyang e things you were reading from all these crazy people that have all these philosophies and prophecies this is what the Immaculate Heart is when she is free to work with you is when you consecrate to her that's what it's all about so John Paul decided to do it on March 25th 1984 exactly 100 years to the day that Satan told God Jesus I will bring down your church one hundred years to the day in union with the bishops he consecrated the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the world now before you say I'm wrong hear me out however some disagree they said the Pope did not explicitly say Russia in his public prayer did he no no but he clearly intended it as did the bishops here's why do you know that at the end of that prayer later in the day he was thanked for consecrating the world and you know what John Paul said and Russia and Russia he didn't say it in the public prayer but he said it afterwards which meant he totally intended all right now sister Lucia said this he made the consecration now I'm this L not my words these are sister Lucia he made the consecration in the way which the Blessed Mother had wished that it should be made afterward people asked me if it was made in the way our lady wanted and I replied yes from that time on it is made all right now those are her words not mine then in 1989 she wrote a letter to st. Mary of Bethlehem on my parents 25th anniversary August 29th 1989 I remember that day vividly I remember that day sitting in our backyard in Monroe Michigan overlooking the river and I saw a light I saw a light I was I had no idea what the church was I had no idea this was going on I mean I was I mean I knew what the church was but it was exactly that day August 29th 1989 that I saw this and I never knew what happened on that day that was from my mom and dad's 25th wedding anniversary I believe it was this so now here's what happened later in 1991 what happened the Soviet Union crumbled right now in that time Fransisco an agenda sent up where I'd were beatified do you know that Lucy was at their beatification right now here's where I want to finish if you're not sure what to believe turn to the church in the congregation of the doctrine of the face document called the message of Fatima and I am only reading the Magisterium here this is not my viewpoint this is the Magisterium on June 26 2008 it sister Lucia personally confirmed that this solemn and universal act of consecration correspondent to what our lady wished yes it has been done just as our lady asked on March 25th 1984 hence any further discussion or request is without basis now okay hold on stay with me here then why then haven't we seen the triumph of the Immaculate Heart why then is there still not peace Russia has not been consecrated No there's two parts to this there's the consecration of Russia but then there's the conversion here listen most have been faithful to her request the Pope as for the consecration but have you been faithful to this request for the first Saturdays this is part of the deal it is not just the Holy Father consecrating Russia to bring about peace and conversion in the world it's about oscillate faithful doing or you lay faithful and me ministerial priest doing these devotions that Mary asked this is why father Don said this is so important because we're only halfway through the project the Russia has been consecrated but it was late jesus said that like the pull up the King of France I'm not happy it's late and Russia has spread her errors through the world because of it but we haven't done our part the second part is we got to do these acts of devotions to bring about the consecration of Russia I've only got two minutes to finish now most of us haven't done that and there's still another problem as I said the consecration was late now listen to this Joseph Corolla who's good friends the father my Gately and I have to finish this in five min two minutes experts from the world apostolate of Fatima father David Carrillo is excellent he said if Russia has been consecrated excuse me if Russia had been consecrated as our lady had to ask back in 1917 then communism would have been nipped in the bud and World War two would never have happened instead because of the consecrations long delay World War two did happen and Russia did spread her errors of atheism and communism throughout the world therefore by 1984 not just Russia but the whole world needed to be concentrated that's why John Paul consecrated the world as well as nations this is his words that particularly need to be thus entrusted in consecrated that's where he meant Russia which would include nations such as Russia China in North Korea that certainly need to be consecrated it has taken a long time for the consecration and that's why it's taking so long for the conversion because we got to start doing our part this is what is missing and this is what we have to do so Mary this is how we finish here Mary then said excuse me Jesus said that Mary Mary said Jesus said they did not heed my request like the king of France they will repent and do it but it will be late Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world provoking Wars and persecutions against the church and the Holy Father have much to suffer this is why we're facing this because the consecration was late and we're not doing our part in the devotion you must do those first five Saturdays as part of that devotion this is what we're not doing right now so Mary and the Pope want to bring us from the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the Immaculate Heart into the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Ellen I'm almost done I'm almost done I got one more minute one more minute okay I know they're getting upset I got to finish here okay now the Heart of Jesus this is the goal but she get through through Mary to Jesus through Mary all right this is what Jesus wants this is the lesson of Fatima this is why Jesus told Lucia that the world he excuse me that he would not convert Russia without the consecration he's been waiting for the consecration now he's got it now he wants to convert but we got to do our part we've got to pray the rosary we've got to do the first Saturday devotions we have to do our part so Jesus had hoped to show that the church in the world the importance of the Immaculate Heart to a great victory through the end of World War one converting Russian preventing World War two no more communism but it didn't happen because the consecration was made late so this is a loving God who gave us another way he gave us the second greatest story ever told it didn't work out the first way not because god he had the plan done as father Mike Gately says it's like a plan B but it's not a plan B meaning God had to step down it's a greater plan God will bring a greater good on less evil what is that second plan right here Faustina and John Paul - this is the greater plan this is the way that Fatima is fulfilled right here through these two starting with Saint Faustina and completed by John Paul this is what God says or what John Paul - says john paul ii gives the voice he said i give the voice the powerful connection between Mary and divine mercy he said the John Paul it was said of him he fulfills the Lord's desire by placing the Immaculate Heart of Mary alongside the Sacred Heart and uniting those two in plaguing them - the heart of God's merciful love called divine mercy this is so powerful he says that her heart will reveal the power of God's merciful love and the light of hope what is the power of merciful love and the light of hope the Rays of Mercy coming from the image that's what it is we didn't listen we didn't avoid it but God will bring her greater good out of it so we go finish back to this through the blood of the martyrs these are all the martyrs of the 20th century there was more martyrs in the 20th century than any time in human history through the blood of the martyrs john paul ii said through the hundred years of people living the message or pope francis living the message of Fatima a time of mercy has been granted to the church and to the world because of those martyrs in the prophecy of Fatima this time of Mercy has been granted to the church but Pope Francis said the time of Mercy the mercy of God is infinite but the time of Mercy is not this is very important he went like this he said the mercy of God is infinite but the time of Mercy is not we have one moment and this is it st. Lucia then the final message he said and oh god I'll just cut right to the chase here all right so as we wait and pray with Mary for the conversion of Russia and the world in this time of Mercy we can call down from heaven and ocean of mercy through Divine Mercy Sunday tomorrow this final message the way we can prepare the world for the lord's final coming is the way laid out by Jesus through the prophets John Paul and Saint Faustina the message of divine mercy st. Lucia even expressed the thing if you're all caught up in these miracles she said you're all caught up in these the message that you have to understand here is the ten commandments stop offending God do what his will is this is the message Mary this is the time of Mercy through Mary she's given us in Pope Francis then dedicated his papacy to Our Lady of Fatima you see in it we have everything and tomorrow is your day tomorrow is your day you call down the mercy of the joy and the grace from heaven and this is where I'll finish Ellen tomorrow or tonight when you go to Mass you can go to any mass you can go to your parish mass you can go here at the shrine any mass after four o'clock tonight or any mass tomorrow it doesn't have to be at three o'clock you go and you receive Holy Communion hopefully you've been to confession if you haven't go there are tents right now that you can go get holy go receive confession Jesus says for the soul that has been to confession and receives Holy Communion I make an extraordinary promise the promise of the complete forgiveness of all sins and punishment you go to confession between now and tomorrow if you haven't already if you have been you're fine as long as you're in a state of grace you receive Holy Communion you come back to your pew you kneel down and you say Lord Jesus Christ son of the Living God you told st. Faustina that the soul that has been to confession I have in the soul that receives Holy Communion I just did will receive the complete forgiveness of all sin and all punishment in other words your soul is wiped clean like never before father Don calls it a spiritual diaper change father Seraphin says your soul will never be clean or other than it is at the moment of your original baptism so when you do that tomorrow go beat a confession if you've already haven't gone go if you haven't go now then go receive Holy Communion and say Jesus you promised you told st. Faustina I trust in you god bless you thank you very very much
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 51,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fatima, Divine Mercy, Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, Fr Chris Alar MIC
Id: WDOSGhf-h1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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