Martin Luther vs. St. Therese: Debunking the Myths of Reformation vs. Revolt - Explaining the Faith

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well thank you everybody for joining us here at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy it's a beautiful day the Turning of the leaves here if you're able to visit is quite amazing and we're coming to you live from the Shrine of Divine Mercy and today is a very important topic um one of the most significant in human history and the salvation of billions of souls at risk or stake or in the balance this talk today is on Martin Luther now we're not here to condemn anybody we're here to give pure factual teaching anything I say here you can easily reference I just went through a bunch of my notes working with our theologians and compiled so that you don't have to spend weeks doing research but can listen to this talk and get an idea of what who Martin Luther was and what his teachings were and how that differs from the church and especially if you saw the slide versus Saint Therese it's actually quite fascinating so let's begin with a prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen Heavenly Father we ask you son the Holy Spirit down upon us and through the intercession of Saint Therese to be able to open our minds and hearts and to keep the souls to the truth of your church and we ask all this through Christ Our Lord amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen well let's begin right away with our first slide if brother Market put on the screen who's this obviously Martin Luther King Jr now what most people don't know is that's not his real name his real name was Michael and he was named by his mother after the Archangel Saint Michael so the screen you're looking at there is Michael King now his dad when he was young traveled to Germany and fell in love with the message of Martin Luther and renamed himself and his son Martin Luther so this is Martin Luther King Jr so he was named after him and it wasn't even his real name so I thought that's interesting to start with that fact because what it shows is that Martin Luther has influenced millions of people now we're going to talk about how all right let's look at our next slide here's Martin Luther he was born uh is it peasant in Germany in 1483 okay his father was a minor like my great-grandfather was um was a minor from Croatia up in the Minnesota mines and he was actually murdered my grandfather grew up an orphan because he was trying to form labor unions and what this father did of Martin Luther was wanted his son to pursue a career in law specifically canon law but it never happened you want to know why a severe thunder so he was all set he was studying law canon law and a thunderstorm hit and he was so terrified him that shows the fragile nature that he was this storm so terrified him to such a degree that he vowed to God that if he survived the storm he'd become a monk I mean I think we've all done that at one time or another Lord just get me through this calculus test and I promise I'll become a priest you know so no that I mean we've all done it but that's not a true calling so the very origin of his calling is questionable is because of a thunderstorm so that's the first thing that we have to call into question now in 1505 then he joined the augustinians this is one of the original monaster monastic communities in the church for a life of Prayer study and fasting and he did become a priest but here's where it started to get messy all right he came to believe that he had to earned his salvation by his own efforts and this is what Protestants still accuse us Catholics of his misunderstanding has pervert what do you call it the purge um persevered to the present day pradured I think is the word all the way to the present day this misunderstanding this is not what US Catholics teach yes there's a rule of good works but we're going to explain that now the more he tried through prayer fasting and good works the more unacceptable to God he felt himself to be why because he failed this is scrupulosity though be careful you know how many times I have failed on a winter morning wanting to get into a cold shower and I turned the shower on cold and it's freezing and I'm like okay I can't do it and I turn the hot water on don't let that because you fail in great penances think that God doesn't accept you that was this whole issue it's a shame that the whole church shattered because of a misunderstanding now there's more to it and we'll start talking about that now his um own personal study of Saint Paul however he was looking for a way out of this trap and so we started studying Saint Paul and he read Saint Paul this is the danger of your own interpretation this is why we need a magisterium because he began to interpret Paul in his own way and he began to believe that the righteousness of God which Paul wrote about especially in Romans 1 17 referred to the righteousness by which the sinner is graciously justified by faith alone not by works even though the Book of James says faith without works is dead okay so we're going to talk about that now this understanding or misunderstanding transformed his life he now found peace saying now I can not worry about Sin I mean in one sense you can understand that he found peace with God through just saying it's only faith now the medieval commentators actually really didn't disagree with this see this is the this is the interesting thing the Catholic view is not that different so what are we talking about here okay we are all saved not by our own efforts the Catholic Church agrees to that but there's a difference where Martin Luther says faith alone which the Bible doesn't say that he Martin Luther added the word alone we'll talk about that Catholics believe we are saved by grace and how do we get Grace the Bible tells us the sacraments all right now we're all saved by grace by God's by God's righteousness not ours God's righteousness does not condemn us wants to save us we Catholics we are saved by grace we are not saved by faith alone or Bible alone that's not in the Bible the Bible does not say you are saved by faithful father Christian yes it does Romans 3 28 you are saved by faith alone and not by works that's not what Romans 3 28 says even though every time I'm challenged by it I'm told that's what it says it doesn't the original language of Romans 3 28 says you are saved by faith it does not say the word alone Martin Luther added it and not by works of the law you kind of forget that little part Martin Luther Kind of forgot that little part works of the law we Catholics believe that so when you're challenged on Romans 3 28 you are not you are excuse me you are saved by faith alone and not by works we shudder we put our head in the sand like an ostrich your answer has to be well first of all that's not what Romans 3 28 says firstly Romans 3 28 says you are saved by faith and not by works of the law we believe that all right now Catholics all right saving faith for us has to be a living faith like it was for the Jews belief in God to the Jews wasn't just I believe in God and professing it with your lips it was living it in your actions so a saving faith has to be a living faith and a living faith is shown by your good works by your good works not of the law works of love see it's I can't get over the fact that this whole splintering and shattering of the church in the perhaps loss of billions of souls all came from something so close that was misunderstood by this gentleman it's amazing Grace causes good works the grace of God if it's active in us we will do we will love our neighbor doesn't say the Bible the two great commands what love God and love your neighbor but I don't believe in good works well then what is love your neighbor love your neighbor is good works Jesus commanded it love God love your neighbor well I don't believe in good works well then how do you love your neighbor just saying I love you saying is empty promises I could tell you all day long that I love you but when you call on me or you you you come to me and I'm not there for you does that really show love it shows in our will our words are just words our actions are our will love is an act of the will you've heard me say this before so Grace causes the good works simple as just loving your neighbor good works doesn't cause the grace causes the good works this is the whole you want to know the whole difference between Protestants and Catholics and God bless them to accuse us Catholics all the time you think you're going to earn your way into heaven you think your works are going to get you into heaven it's all because they think we think our works are going to get God's grace what we really believe is the opposite God's grace gives us the ability to do God's will through good works so it's flipped what we really believe is not what they think we believe and so what we believe is it is God's grace that allows us to do good works and good works is needed because Jesus Paul says if you do not love your neighbor you're a liar okay this is fascinating stuff okay so here's the point we can't manage saving faith on our own we can't just profess it it comes through baptism faith hope and charity that's why the Bible says you to get to heaven you must be baptized of the spirit that's how you get Faith it's not just proclaimed in your words faith is a Grace given that your baptism faith hope and love we need those those are Supernatural theology theological virtues now we need the aid of Grace but then we must cooperate do you think any baptized people go to hell certainly why I thought you just said father that was the grace to get to heaven it is if you cooperate with it do you think anybody who says I profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior has never committed a mortal sin didn't repent and may be lost of course they are and so Martin Luther insisted that human beings contributed nothing to their own justification that's not biblical you must cooperate with the grace God gives you Paul says right in the scriptures licentiousness Envy lust these people will not inherit the kingdom of God we just read it in the mass a couple days ago it's right from Saint Paul so I want to share with you something fascinating I told you before that I I scour the internet I scour my notes I speak with theologians each talk I do I prepare tons for it so that you don't have to do all the work yourself we're doing it for you and I want to share with you one of the best ones I have found actually Chris Sparks our Theologian found it it's by Luke Lancaster and he did a comparison listen to this article he wrote the Scruples of Martin Luther and Saint Therese they both had scrupulosity they both feared God only one of these two famous figures overcame scrupulosity and a crippling fear of God in a healthy way Martin Luther Saint Therese let's look at this all right so here's the next picture so I put brother Marco put on the screen there's Saint Therese one of the great Saints and she faced the exact same issue as Martin Luther let's talk about this the scruple sorry in the church's long history this is all coming from Luke Lancaster two figures stand out that have affected the church maybe more than any other than Christ Mary Joseph themselves and that is Saint Therese and Martin Luther not I'm not saying in a good way but but but affected both were obsessed with their sins Martin Luther was obsessed with the sins and so was Saint Therese terrified of divine Justice all right they were doubtful that they could ever earn God's love both of them were the same the exact same but their paths diverged greatly once they learned about church teaching all right one through the church into turmoil and brought Devastation to the whole world while the other attained eternal glory as a great saint these are the words of Luke Lancaster what led Luther to promote that Faith to the exclusion of human works is what saves it seems to be found in Luther's life and personality this is why he took it what led Luther to believe that faith alone is all that's needed he said seems to be found in Luther's personal life and his personality he was a monk in a monastery ridden with anxiety trying to gain Peace by living a Catholic lifestyle and he wasn't finding it how many of our all of you out there are facing anxiety or depression like I just can't stop sinning I give up I quit I'm going to go to the New Hope Church down the street in a very close personal friend of mine in high school she was meant the world to me I haven't talked to her in years found out that she left the Catholic faith she's now at some New Hope Church and it's devastating because she was the strongest Catholic never miss Mass whenever there's an internal turmoil we want to run because we hang our head and say I just can't do it so I'm gonna go find someplace that doesn't make me feel guilty no this is a classic misconception of church teaching and Catholicism it's not Catholic guilt all of you've heard the term well then father how do you break out of this then what do I do if it's not Catholic guilt I'm supposed to hang my head in Penance no let's talk about what Saint Therese did fascinating now Martin Luther before we get to Tres he wasn't at peace he thought every action was sinful and he could not obtain God's favor sound like some of us he would go to confession every day sometimes even for hours please don't do that to the person behind you in the confessional line please don't do that scrupulocity okay he said as a monk I thought salvation impossible when I felt the concupiscence of the flesh that is any evil movement meaning action or thought whether it be lust anger or envy against another person he believed that just having Temptation was sinful I hear that all the time in the confession father these thoughts they come in my mind I had to come to confession today because the stock came in mind I said okay what did you do with that thought well I rejected it well then you didn't sin the devil has access to your intellect I just said this in a homily the other day Wednesday third Friday yesterday I guess the devil has access to your intellect he doesn't have access to your will the devil cannot make you do it therefore things that come into your mind are not sinful unless you draw men or indulge in them because then it goes to the heart that's when it gets in that's what Jesus said the heart not the head Jesus never said the head condemned you he said the heart does if you bring it into the head and you let it stay there and you dwell on it and you let it go into the heart yeah you're in trouble or for the good I know I need to help somebody I'm going to let it go into my heart now you're doing good acts of Love acts of works so she believed just that or Martin Luther believed just the temptation was condemning him to Hell Jesus faced temptation it's not it's not that would mean Jesus sinned all right this anxiety is what's called scrupulosity and it's what psychologists call obsessive compulsive disorder obsessive compulsive disorder we all know it right it's understandable that salvation by faith alone would appeal to Martin Luther or any Christian crippled with guilt over every action but this is not what the church teaches what does the church teach we're going to tell you through Saint Therese Luther thought he could find passages in scripture to back him up so what did he do he went right to the book of Paul the writings of Paul and he said Romans 1 17 the righteous shall live by faith well yeah we agree to that then he went to Romans 3 28 we just said this a man is justified by faith alone and not by works no it's not what it says it's by faith and not by works of the law we believe that what about Galatians 2 16 he pulled that one out a man is not justified by works of the law but again you have to add the law we believe that too we don't believe you're justified by being circumcised that's works of the law or washing your hands seven times but through faith in Jesus that's Galatians 2 16 we believe that that doesn't go against Church teaching it's misinterpreted notice that these are works of the law in the Bible never says or condemns good works Paul says you need good works James says Works without faith without works is dead so this is the difference what we're comparing here is Catholics we see works as works of love when we're accused of focusing on Works we're we're they read it in the Bible it's works of the law you will never hear me say you got to wash your hands seven times to get to heaven you won't hear me say that all right by Luther's interpretation faith and faith alone was the way to return to achieve heaven all right therefore he did not need to continue with good works this is a grave mistake and we're talking about works not just of the law works of love and yes some sacrifices fasting and penancings penances are good too all right let's look at our next slide so what about faith alone that's what the slide says Sola fide is that true no it's not Jesus never taught it the scriptures contradicted and this article says Luther LED countless Souls astray by promoting it if only he could have found Saint Therese first let's look at this she was also living in the religious life just like Martin Luther and she too was crippled crippled she was anxious about her sins what a great connection this guy's making one of the best I've seen he said in Saint Therese is the story of a soul which I led as a novice but I didn't pick this up she at first struggled a lot with fear of God just like Martin Luther however she conquered her Scruples and lived believing in God's love and obeying the church Therese initially had a strong obsession with sin fearing every little thing she did was offensive to God we all know the type if you're not one yourself all right his Justice terrified her and was always on her mind but she prayerfully discerned with the help of her sisters and her spiritual director that she didn't need to earn God's love but worries Catholics are accused of saying this or teaching this she knew God loved her already she figured this out Martin Luther didn't from this Therese developed her spirituality and I've done a talk on this a strategy of loving God in a little way not through great penances but little acts of love while Luther as a monk had been trying to impose severe penances on himself and failed and then despaired including long fast sleeping without a blanket Therese reconcile recognized that she was too little for these things right she could only choose to make small little acts but she said I will do them with great love that's the whole key that's what Martin Luther missed good works were good to her not to be condemned but only if they were done with great love this is again what Martin Luther missed even the little things even like picking up a pen I explained the other day I couldn't figure that out in the vision I was picking up a pen an act of great love and then it occurred to me that God's universe is so out of disorder because of sin that everything's out of order and if you pick up a pen and put it back in its drawer in the smallest tiniest of way you're putting order back into God's Universe you see that you think what you do if you order your life based on virtue way better than a pen but she did it as small as a little pen putting into a drawer fascinating now both Martin Luther and Saint Therese would say that the efficacy of Works depends on the grace of God they agreed to that both of them Therese never said her Works got her to heaven she knew God's grace did but loser went further and said that those acts that she was talking about meant nothing they meant nothing Therese said there are some called to do great acts but not her she said they're beyond me Mighty Works only have value in the fact that God gives you the grace but Luther said you will never do meritorious works now Therese then cast off her Terror of God's justice fled from it and she said what sweet joy it is to think that God is just that is he takes into account our weakness that's why God's Mercy is his Justice did you ever wonder that did you ever hear that God's Mercy is his Justice when I came to the Miriam I was like Father seraphim you got to help me with this one how in the heck is God's mercy is his Justice and father serve him explain to me beautifully he says okay you got two soldiers on the battlefield one broke a fingernail the other is hemorrhaging to death who has the right to the medic I said the one hemorrhaging to death he said exactly the mercy to heal those two guys resulted in the Justice that the guy more hurt gets the medic that's just it's not just that the guy with the hurt fingernail got the medic that's not just just is that the guy dying got the medic but it was based on the mercy that there should be a medic you see that fascinating so she says it takes into account God's justice takes into account our weakness he knows perfectly the fragility of our nature what should I be afraid of amazing amazing and so all of this is so powerful although she knew that God and you know I want to interrupt here by saying please when I'm talking about today when I say Protestants I'm not talking about all Protestants I always get condemned for this I'm talking about in general the split from the Catholic Church what I lump into processors 40 000 different denominations now the teaching what I'm saying here does not apply somebody will write me the the the the New Hope of The Twilight Zone of this community of this church does not believe that father Chris okay I get that I'm not trying to say that but in general this is the the concepts okay so all those Saint Therese knew that God took sin seriously all right it's not a freedom to sin like Martin Luther wanted to try to justify she did not let that blind her from his Mercy God is just but I'm not going to run away because he's also Mercy for when she offended God you know how she reacted she didn't run and hide she didn't leave the church saying I can't do it when she failed in her Penance so she didn't say I give up like Martin Luther you know what she did she imagined herself as a little child this is why we call it the little way with tears running down her cheeks that ran to God's arms in the confessional whoa Luther on the other hand went to confession Frozen terrified ultimately dissatisfied with God's forgiveness and left the church interesting now this is not to say that God excuses all sin on account of people's weaknesses that's not what Therese said she knew that God is just she said if a man doesn't repent of his sins then he will get God's justice Luther however obsessed over God's justice he didn't let God's mercy in feeling as if none of Good Works would ever be sufficient hmm Therese knew that God was merciful and pleased with just her desire to love him you know what if you got nothing else if you got nothing else you fail every time you get next to your co-worker you lose your patience every time you get in that traffic jam if you fall in Chastity every struggle you have even if you've got nothing say to God at least I desire to please you even if I fail over and over and over and over just the desire you know there's a funny story and I don't know theologically if this is correct so please take this with a grain of salt there was a story of a priest and we are not allowed to give Absolution in the confessionals this only happened to me one time as a priest if somebody refuses to try to change try to change so story was this priest was in the confessional this young teenager or young adult came in and confessed his sins and the priest said okay then you know are you going to try to change he said father I can't I know I'm gonna do it again and the priest said hmm well we don't always succeed but will you at least try and the guy said father I'm not going to lie to you I'm only here because my mom's pushing me in the confessional here I can't give up my girlfriend I can't do it I've tried I'm too weak I I I I'm sorry I I can't even try I'm too weak and the priest went hmm and I can't really give you Absolution if you can't even try and a guy says no and he says are you sorry that you did this and he says well not really because I enjoy it so much and the priest is now really scratching his head and he says okay are you at least sorry that you're not sorry and the boy said yeah that I definitely am now I'm not saying this is theologically correct but she get the point the point is that God even sees our desire if I'm in that confessional every day because I keep falling but I have the desire Lord I don't want to offend you anymore I'm trying I'm trying you don't think God sees that that's the beauty of it okay so let's keep finishing Saint Therese just a beautiful example sorry I get so worked over this but it's just it is so much in my heart this this example and what's happening in our world today turning away from our faith it's it's unreal all right now she knew that God was just and she knew so trez a manager okay here's what it is she desired to love God even imperfectly through her prayers her confessions and her fasts little good works let's look at our next slide her good works the little way I did a whole talk on this if you missed it there it is there's a picture of it Saint Therese of the zoo follow the little way to talk I did I think it was last year and you can find it on YouTube God says that her little Works would make God smile more tenderly at her to see her as his little daughter wow her work stemmed not from Fear but from a heart overflowing with love that's the Catholic way all right she represents the true Catholic teaching on salvation which Luther never understood that's why he left you know Protestant Theologian RC Spruill this is a Protestant now recounted this after studying Martin Luther quote he had such a fear of the wrath of God that early in his ministry somebody put this question to him Brother Martin do you love God you know what he said love God you ask me if I love God sometimes I hate God I see Christ as a consuming judge who is simply looking at me to evaluate me and put Affliction upon me is that the Catholic teaching of God it's what we told it is but no it's not what a stark difference between Therese and Luther Luther was dominated by fear and he left the faith Therese Wanted only to please her loving father God the father and this got her to Heaven as a saint you know our Temptations as I said a minute ago are by themselves are not sinful this point is often misunderstood and it's a major difference between Catholic and Protestant theology all right let's get our next slide what is this oh that's mogul's on a ski course father actually that snow-covered dung snow-covered dung Hills this is how Martin Luther described mankind whereas the Catholics believe through confession and Grace we can be transformed Martin Luther says we're never transformed we're always a pile of crap sorry for the language pilot dung God just sprinkles snow over it that's not what the Bible teaches let's look at this we are not a snow-covered dung hail most Protestants again not all not all consider concupiscence what is concupiscence that's our tendency to sin since the original sin our our tendency to be lazy to be selfish to be lustful to be gluttonous to be greedy that's concupis it's our tendency many Protestants not all believe that that itself is sinful because of Martin Luther Martin Luther was tormented for many years by his inability to overcome his Fallen nature he found peace only in the thought that man is a depraved being and cannot avoid sin the gospel tells us go and sin no more why would Jesus tell us something now are we going to fall yes but we have to see what God has commanded us to do and the more we strive for it the less we will sin so Martin Luther and other reformers were convinced that even our good works are nothing but sin themselves how could good works be sin well I guess if you have a personal like you're doing good works because you want your picture in the paper Doctrine is known as total depravity and it's accepted as I said by many Protestants in this view man's Only Hope for salvation is confessing his faith and believing in God and Jesus is his personal Lord and Savior it's a start but it's far from the finish line Faith he said covers over filth of whatever sins may have corrupted my soul I'm a pile of dung and that dung will never change I'm always going to be dung and God just sprinkles a little snow over it no we believe in the sacraments that they can actually transform us well father my husband goes to the sacraments that he's certainly not transformed you gotta cooperate with the grace this is the key this is a far cry from the Catholic understanding of forgiveness the snow-covered dung Hill in which Jesus we believe wipes the sin completely away through the sacraments especially confession we are transformed hmm Luther's teachings skewed this understanding of the relationship between faith and works listen to a couple quotes this is from Luther Luther's Works volume 29 page 126 it does not matter what people do really it does not matter what people do well sorry but that's not what it says in the Bible it only matters what they believe no that's not in the Bible not everybody who says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of God Matthew 25 says you did not care for my the least of my brethren you did not care for me away with you into the Eternal fight this is not scriptural let's look at our next slide listen to this one this one blows me away be a sinner and sin boldly what this is a quote Martin Luther be a sinner and sin boldly now he does follow up by saying but have stronger faith and rejoice in Jesus Christ who is the victor of sin death in the world Do Not For a Moment imagine that this life is the Abiding Place of Justice uh yeah it is sin must be committed what sin must be committed sin cannot tear you away from him yes that's true if you cooperate with the grace to come back to him and repent sin cannot tear you away from him even though you commit adultery a hundred times a day hmm and commit as many murders this is from a letter from Luther in 1521. whoa it's kind of interesting Luther's words we just read They're shocking they're shocking to us Catholics and they undermine our understanding of free will and this is why the calvinist behind the Lutheran movement rejected free will they said you're predestined for heaven or hell you can't do anything about it that's not Catholic teaching all right if the way we Act is not within our control then what the heck are we doing then what the heck's the purpose of the Bible if the way you act is not in your control then what is the purpose of the Bible that is telling us to be good and avoid evil Thomas St Thomas More considers Luther's denial of free will to be quote the very worst and most mischievous heresy that was ever thought upon and also the most maddening wow the danger of once saved always saved having this belief is that it causes a disconnect between how one lives and what One Believes they got to be together that's what the Jews taught if it is impossible for me to overcome sin and I don't have the ability to control my decisions and through my faith I'm assured of salvation then what keeps me from living a completely duplicitous life that Jesus warned against don't be duplicitous like the Pharisees they say one thing and they do another wait a minute this is exactly the message of Christ the Pharisees said one thing they did another what did Jesus rail against the Pharisees Jesus railed it not against the weakened sinner who hung his head down and said I'm sorry Jesus railed against the Pharisees who said one thing and did another he said woe to you who put burdens on people but don't lift a finger to help them we must use our free will to choose what is good and holy and to avoid what is evil you know what even some Protestants agree with this in 1999 The Joint Declaration of the doctrine of justification signed by both the Roman Catholic church and the worldwide Lutheran Federation and by the Methodist Church in 2006 said this let's look at our next slide we Roman Catholics and Protestants of the Lutheran Church believe and confess that by grace alone in faith in Christ saving works and not because of Any Merit on our part we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit who then renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to do good works even some Protestants see that truth fascinating quote all right there was another article I want to talk about this is from William most and this was talking about Lutheranism now he said to Luther that this discovery of justification by faith alone meant a ton to him personally because he wanted to justify living in sin and by 1985 Another Joint Commission of Lutheran and Catholic theologians admitted and let's read their quote next slide the major function of justification by faith or faith alone was rather to console anxious consciences purified by the inability to do enough to earn or Merit salvation the starting point for Luther was his inability to find peace with God he was terrified in his own conscience that was quoted by lutherans wow maybe there is hope for us to come together this is why Luther left the church everybody says Luther left the church because they were selling indulgences we'll get to that in a moment no Martin Luther didn't leave because we were selling indulgences and we'll talk about that he said that he couldn't belong to a religion that said he was going to hell because he couldn't confess every sin he ever committed okay I can't either I can't belong to religion that toll would tell me that if I don't confess right now every single sin I've ever committed I'm going to hell I agree with Martin Luther the problem is that's not what the Catholic Church teaches what does the Catholic Church teach about forgotten sins now don't have selective memory you just kind of want to forget about us in no if it's there confess it but the church teaches if you honestly do a good examination of conscience and that's a requirement just don't be gabbing in the confession line listening reading your cell phone and then quick run in and confess your sins you got to do a good examination of conscience if you really do reflect on your days and your in your life and you you think of your sins and you confess every grave sin you can remember you are forgiven even if you don't remember them all Martin Luther never knew this what a shame that he left the Catholic church for a misunderstanding he thought he was the church taught he was condemned to hell because he couldn't remember every sin to confess it that's not what the church teaches all right this is not Church teaching he was scrupulous that he was constantly in mortal sin justification by faith for him meant it made no difference if he sinned mortally all the time or not so it was his way out he thought I constantly living in mortal sin and you know what don't be scrupulous I in the confession I I've said this before but I'm pretty good at picking when somebody confesses I always ask them now if you confess to sin before uh yes Father have you committed it since 10 years ago when you did it uh no father you don't confess it again you don't need to if you do you're showing you don't trust that God is forgiving you trust that God is forgiven you powerful so justification by faith alone meant for him now it doesn't matter if I sin or not mortally because I'm covered with snow my dong no we gotta be transformed this is the difference if he would take just take Christ as his personal Lord and Savior then the merits of Christ would be thrown on him like a light cloak he believed like a snow dung Hill as I keep saying that's all he believed you had to do it's not true he could not be lost he believed he was saved no matter how much he would sin now of course not like apostasy or something but this is the the this is uh oh did I miss one um number 10. um let me see here number ten no that's it I got number ten the major okay so let's look at our next slide number 11. so look at this quote Martin Luther's quote sin greatly but believe more greatly uh if you believe greatly you're not going to say I want to sing greatly I mean we may have the desire to but we use our will in other words Christians can sin as much as they want and get away with it this is not correct this is justification you know how ironic the word justification when he says justification he's talking about the Lord justifying us to get to heaven I'm calling it rationalization all right so we are just snow-covered dung now did Paul mean this not really let's look at what Paul said he spoke of Christians as a new creation not a snow-covered dunghill but in completely New Creation in second Corinthians 5 Galatians 6 they are made over from scratch they are not at all merely the same old corruption we're renewed what did Jesus say in the movie The Passion that's come from the scripture I make all things new he didn't say I sprinkle the old dung and it's still done I make it new I transform it he says that the Paul says we are a temple of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit lives in us this is First Corinthians 3 and 6 and second Corinthians 6. can we imagine the Holy Spirit living in us if we were nothing but done that's why we when we're not out in a state of grace the holy spirit's not in US when we're guilty of mortal sin the Holy Spirit leaves us that's not by his choice we force him out but confession brings the Holy Spirit back as long as we're sorry we confess all grave sins that we can remember and we do we have some form of contrition we're sorry you have those three things so he says well I don't need some church really this is what God tells us in scripture the Book of James after talking about the priests book of James says confess your sins to one another Matthew 16 19 Matthew 18 18 John 20 23 who sins you forgive are forgiven who sins you retain are retained who is he talking to the priests all right so if we remained a dung Hill full of mortal sin no the holy spirit's not in US we've got to go back to confession be transformed and then the Holy Spirit comes back to find out what Paul really meant when he talked about faith read it read where he does okay first Thessalonians 2 13. second Corinthians 5 7 Galatians 5 5 Romans 5 1 Romans 1 5 6 16 Galatians 5 6. how does Paul talk about faith read he uses Faith as a mix of belief confidence love and obedience Far Cry from what non-catholics believe so does James James says the same thing what he thought was a great discovery was actually just a great mistake and his whole system stands or falls on this error he himself admitted this the problem is it's not based on the Bible the Bible is clear Faith itself includes obedience to God's commands Paul says it and obedience is a good work so good works are important yes not because they earn your way into heaven but because God's grace that comes to you through the sacraments results in you doing good works you see that all right let's go on Sola scriptura next slide this is this is a favorite one this is another pillar of Luther's position scripture alone how could it be both faith alone and scripture alone he has two alones that's another problem we Catholics believe in scripture but not alone we believe in faith but not alone but Martin Luther says faith alone so they feed a and he believes in scripture alone so the scriptura wait a minute which one is it all right this is not in the Bible Sola scriptura it left him with a real problem why is Sola scriptura a problem for Martin Luther because then he had to ask which books are inspired by the Holy Spirit and thus should be in scriptures because you know in the first centuries they had all kinds hundreds of of Gospels floating around we have the Gospel Matthew Mark Luke and John that's it do you know there's a Gospel of Thomas the gospel of Peter Gospel of Mary that doesn't mean Thomas Peter and Mary wrote them uh it just means it's what their name attached and so how could Luther know which one of those Bibles uh gospels are inspired by the Holy Spirit if you put them all in you wouldn't have you wouldn't be able to fit them in a book so who determined Matthew Mark Luke and John were the ones that were inspired and the others are not guess what the Catholic Church all right his answer well if a book preaches justification by faith alone then it's inspired otherwise it's not well the problem is none of them did none of our Bible books teach us this okay if Martin Luther is correct that any book that preaches faith alone is inspired in the Holy Spirit it should be in the Bible guess what I'll write one tonight I'll write a gospel tonight saying faith alone and according to Martin Luther that's got to be in the Bible come on there's no logical reasoning to that any book that has faith alone is inspired by the Holy Spirit and should be in the Bible again I'll write one tonight I'd like to have a book in the Bible The Gospel According to Father Chris come on that's ridiculous all right so as a national um okay this is interesting at the National Baptist convention in 1910 Gerald Bernie Smith reviewed every way he could think of to determine which books should belong in the Bible out of the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and he found every attempt insufficient you know the conclusion he finally came to he said there's only one way you have to have a divinely protected teaching Authority to determine what books with the Bible guess what that's called the Catholic Church is called the magisterium and it has been choosing the books of the Bible since its Inception of of of Christ and since the time of the scriptures were written the churches determined what ones are are are uh inspired now let's get into the biggest reason the biggest problem Martin Luther had at all indulgences he had a problem it was the sale of indulgences in his diocese that really began his protest and you know what rightfully so I'm not going to see them try to justify it but I want to explain it okay what happened was the bishop hit allowed indulgences to be preached in his diocese in exchange for us some of the money of the revenue raised that money was supposed to go to rebuild Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome now how was it that something spiritual like indulgences what are an indulgences indulgences is the complete remission of the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven because when we're forgiven of sin we're not completely off the hook our sins have consequences when you come out of that confessional your sin is Forgiven but what about the punishment now the punishment Eternal punishment AKA hell that's gone but the temporal Punishment Due to sin AKA Purgatory or purification or breaking of attachments because I could confess gluttony but and I'm forgiven when I come out of that confessional but if I'm still attached to it all right then yeah I gotta break that attachment and sometimes it's not even sinful right now is the kickoff of Michigan football versus Penn State they're both undefeated now I could go into the confessional confess father I've really maybe wasted some time this week I watched that Michigan football game but when I come out of it yeah I'm sorry but I'm probably gonna watch another game it doesn't even have to be sinful it could be just an attachment I'm working on it the one time you know we try to bargain with God when Ohio State played Michigan last year I said Lord I will not watch this game my expectation was then he would let Michigan win that's not how it works so when we come out of that confessional we may still have some attachments even non-sinful all right and so how did something spiritual like indulgences the Forgiveness of not only the sin and confession but the consequences of the sin the punishment we are due after the forgiveness is kind of like the boy you've heard me say who breaks the window and then his dad says you're forgiven but then he grounds him right because there's consequences when the father told him not to do it God tells us not to do it we do it we're forgiven but then there's consequences now that's called temporal punishment now an Indulgence wipes that away too confession wipes away the guilt of the sin and the Indulgence wipes away the punishment afterwards it's a beautiful gift it's not I had somebody after I did my Indulgence talk once say father that's the problem with the Catholic church it's a bunch of rules and regulations it's not rules you know what indulgences are they're a gift they're a gift of extra credit of Grace amazing but how did they come to be sold that was the problem the problem wasn't that indulgences exist from Martin Luther the fact is that they were sold he was right I'm not going to argue with him but here's how it came to be I'm not justifying it but I am going to try to explain it since the Bible says that alms giving and that's giving donations was necessary charity the theory was that donations could count as a form of penance because the donor truly gave sacrificially from his heart this is almsgiving so if it's a true Penance and the and the and the The Sinner gives out of his heart sacrificially and gives that money as a donation in charity it is an act of penance and therefore the church said you should be able to get an Indulgence so the church didn't say um that Indulgence will cost you ten dollars and fifty cents the church said if you did alms giving and you gave to any charity not just the church any charity it was an act of penance so you see where it got twisted so an act of almsgiving which is giving a donation to a needy the Bible says is needed charity we have to do it so the church said if the Bible says giving a donation to an act of Charity is it alms giving and that means it's an act of penance and therefore it should be able to be an Indulgence that was twisted to say that the church was charging for Indulgence is it was not you know what ended up happening now the church does not allow indulgences with donations which I think is wrong because it got so twisted it got so twisted so they believed it could count as a form of penance because the donor truly gave sacrificially from his heart that's the whole purpose of an Indulgence unfortunately the practices became understood to be buying remittance for punishment buying your way into heaven how many times as Catholics have we heard this it's misunderstanding now I'm not saying it wasn't abused if a priest did and I heard there were two in history that they know of that says this Indulgence cost you this much money handed over then yeah but if any donation to any charity of any Act of of alms giving is acceptable for the Indulgence there's nothing wrong with that the Bible tells us to do that does this make sense does this make sense all right since donating to obtain an Indulgence could be penitential it was concluded that one could donate to obtain an Indulgence on behalf of a soul in purgatory I think that's amazing in the popular mind however you were buying an Indulgence and you were told if you didn't give money to the church you wouldn't get to heaven Miss conception such a petition was not supposed to be that way it was not supposed to be automatically and even today the church doesn't teach just because I go through the actions of an Indulgence does it mean I automatically get waived of all sin and Punishment I have to have the right heart I have to be in a state of grace I have to have no attachment to sin even this was the good intention of the church that was misapplied imprudent but well-intentioned but the black eye we have gone from this I could do an entire series on it we are guaranteed infallibility in the church regarding faith and morals but we are not guaranteed impeccability we are not promised that we won't have priests and Bishops make mistakes that's not part of inflatability and failability is the teaching chair of the magisterium that is protected by the holy spirit so Luther was right to be concerned about this but totally Mis got the intention all right Luther was right to be concerned but they were this was not Church teaching Church teaching was not to hand me money and then your soul gets to Heaven no indulgences do not ensure one's salvation all right performing the external work of an Indulgence like contributing money in this case does not automatically free a soul from purgatory nor do Indulgence his free one from the guilt of sin that happens in the confessional it frees you from the punishment God's intention or intervention through indulgences involves the church he made it this way God gave us the church as a tool of Grace in regulating the spiritual lives of the faithful how do we know this Matthew 16 18. this is powerful all right last little bit here God gave us the church to get to heaven let's watch a quick video on Martin Luther okay let's watch it and I'm sorry you know what I did again I did it again I have a video and this is not watching the video my mistake see my video on this topic it's sorry brother Mark uh the the slide that should be up is the plenary indulgences this is a video that I did a talk that I did explaining everything about plenary indulgences if you want to go deeper it's on our YouTube and Facebook pages so sorry see this video I'm not playing it my mistake all right so basically Luther protested this misuse rightfully so but at what cost at what cost that's a big price to pay risking the salvation of billions of souls because of a misunderstanding on selling versus donating in 1517 then he published the 95 Theses in protest but soon he went Way Beyond just those simple protests he quickly mixed his position with unjustified doctrinal Innovations and what's been described as bullheadedness my way you have to accept he said he attacked the papacy and called it the Antichrist and he envisioned himself as the head Authority can we sense a little pride here this isn't all bad because God sometimes uses heresy to Define doctrine this was a major heresy and boy the counter-reformation that happened after the Reformation really defined Doctrine we Define purgatory we Define all kinds of stuff but many of the German princes you know what really happened with the Reformation many of the German princes saw a chance everybody looks for opportunities to strike at the Catholic emperor in that at that time period and the Italian dominated papacy which the Germans hated and so they transformed a religious debate into a political one this is why they was turning against the pope Luther actually didn't agree with this but he had little Choice he had to support those who had supported him kind of sound like a Democrat or a Republican the dividing of Christendom into these warring theological and political factions now began and the life of the world has never been the same what a shame now Carl Keating the founder of Catholic answers one of my favorite places to go when I do research Catholic answers is outstanding um let's look at our next slide Martin Luther father of the Reformation now Carl Keating asks should we have celebrated the Protestant Reformation on its fifth 500th anniversary back on Halloween 2017. Halloween 2017. it was the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and the founder of Catholic answers asked the question should we have celebrated it his answer no it was the greatest disaster the West has ever suffered over the last millennium it brought theological confusion political turmoil and Decades of War the religious wars of the 16th and 17th century killed the same percentage of people as World War II but worse than the loss of physical life is the Eternal loss of Souls the greatest tragedy of all so he said why do we celebrate that well nobody's denying much was wrong with the Catholic Church there was but remember the Catholic church is both human and divine in her divine nature she will not fail you're protected by the teachings of the Holy Spirit but the church is also human in our human nature she will fail but remember you don't leave Jesus because of Judas you've heard me say that now much was wrong with the Catholic Church during Martin Luther's time in the 15th and 16th centuries personal morality was Lacks corruption was widespread nobody's denying that and there were some bad popes during Luther's era but guess what it was way worse in the 10th century nobody knows this there was way more corruption way more bad popes in the 10th Century than Martin Luther's time in the 15th and 16th century and you know what the Church of the 10th Century needed reform not Revolution and it happened and from that period all the way to the Reformation was unprecedented pure Christian Catholic virtuous living now the high Middle Ages was the era in which the Catholic principles most effectively but not perfectly developed Western society and that's what we're losing today we're losing Western Society by the turn of the 1500s we were in trouble again this lasted about 500 years you notice the pattern every 500 years 10th Century we were a mess we fixed it there was reform not Revolution 500 years was good then we gotten a mess again then in the in the uh 16 to 100s they didn't have a reform they had a revolution that's the Protestant even though the name is Reformation it was a revolution we only needed a reform we didn't need a revolution we got a revolution this time maybe God allowed it because we didn't learn from the first time we didn't learn from the 10th Century so by the 1500s in Martin Luther Christendom was in trouble again but there was not Carl Keating set in Need for a Revolt there was only a need for reform there was a need for reform and the Reformation he said despite its name was not a reform it was a revolt a denial of everything of Christ's Church it did not make church more of what it should have been one in United as Paul tells us it made the church fracture into a forty thousand pieces is it better to shatter something into a hundred thousand pieces or to glue it back together into one nice piece instead of gluing it together together in one nice piece which Paul talks about the church is one it was thrown on the floor and shattered into forty thousand pieces how can this be better well that's what happened all right so we're getting close to the end hanging in there guys false principles LED to false principles protestantism was grounded on these wrong principles most of all your own interpretation of scripture just the Bible tells you whatever you want it to say I've had people tell me well I interpret the Bible that I can kill somebody well that doesn't go too far once you accept the principle that there is no human connected authority to which you must be following in mind and action and aka the magisterium divinely protected you're free to use personal rep interpretation at will you can make it say whatever you want and and that's not scripture and in fact you could take this concept Beyond scripture it extends to the whole of religion there's no end to reinterpreting my own way you know this is interesting teaching keeps changing there is no objective moral truth anymore there's 40 000 different Christian religions that all believe something different or they'd be the same religion you know the Anglican Church that broke off from the Catholic Church then you know the Methodist Church that broke off from the Anglican Church you know the Holiness churches those broke off from the Methodist churches and you know those churches broke off into thousands of more splintering isn't the answer John 17 21 says they all may be one and should be one instead it's they've all become many and they all disagree one man's private interpretation gets reinterpreted by another man and then that perpetation gets entired uh reinterpreted by another remember that commercial from the 80s and so on and so on and so on this is what we're doing the problem is there's no more objective moral truth to be the foundation well I interpret it this way then somebody comes in reads my writing and says well I interpret it this way then somebody comes in and reads their writing and says well I interpret it this way pretty soon you have 40 000 of them how can this be good it's not all right one man's interpretation is reinterpreted and then another and this you know what the uh the theologians say this is interesting it was this and not paganism that led to today's secularism everything kept changing I interpret it this way I interpret it this way I interpret it this way pretty soon you interpret it all the way to marriage can be redefined life can be taken in the womb you see how that happened little by little pretty soon okay yeah marriage is only between men and a woman ordained by God then it become marriages only between a man and woman but it's not ordained by God then all of a sudden its marriage could be defined how we want it to be now all of a sudden it's marriage between two men and two women now it's going to be marriage between animals and people that secularism is a result of this it's not from paganism that this all started it started because of this fracturing in the Reformation that's fascinating you know they say dark clouds have Silver Linings actually Silver Linings have dark clouds many good and holy Protestants I've known in my life I'm telling you they'll get to heaven before me I've talked about my Baptist secretary Peter my assistant God bless them these guys love Jesus guys and girls love Jesus they know that I have absolutely nothing but the highest admiration for them but we as Catholics have to also not hide our head in the sand when we're challenged by non-catholics we have to understand that Christ established One Church Matthew 16 18 and there was only one church for 1500 years until Martin Luther there was only one Church of Christ for 1500 years I guess you could say the Schism at 10 54 perhaps but there was only Catholicism or Orthodoxy together they believed in the sacraments and whatnot until Martin Luther now does anybody really believe that Jesus would say you know I'm going to come to Earth to start a church which he did but I'm gonna get it wrong for 1500 years until Martin Luther gets it right not sure you want to follow that did Christ really get it wrong until Martin Luther got it right last page [Applause] I don't know how to explain that necessarily in the best way but I could tell you the answer is no the current Canon of scripture was developed at the Council of Rome in 382 A.D under Pope Damascus and then damasus and then was codified that included all 73 books of the Catholics of the Bible today Catholic or non-catholic um or I should say the Catholic Bible then this Canon was repeated at the councils of Carthage in hippo and 393 and 397 A.D but then Luther removes seven books maccabee's wisdom Judith Tobit he removed them and considered them that were had always be considered canonical inspired by the Holy Spirit since the beginning of church history 1500 years later he simply removes them really he rejected Hebrews he rejected the Book of Revelation is this the guy that really Millions hundreds of millions of people want to follow I just raised the question I'm not saying you didn't have some good points the abuses and things like that absolutely but now when you get into the theology you got to be really careful he called the Epistle of James an Epistle of straw because James 2 14-26 conflicted with his personal theology on Good Works really you're gonna go with a guy in the 1500s or you're going to go with 1500 years of church teaching through the magisterium established by Christ he also added the word as we said alone in Romans 3 28 he also added the word only in Romans 3 20. and in Romans 4 15 he also inserted the word alone now I'm running out of time so I can't show the video I it's it's a longer video it's several minutes so I'm running out of time I can't show but I'll try to get that up at another time it is a great video about some of the mistakes you know they found 1400 errors in Martin Luther's translation of the Bible into German fourteen hundred he didn't know Greek he had limited knowledge of Hebrew and he's translating the Bible now I'm not condemning him I think his heart was in the right place but we got to go and ask ourselves is this who we want to follow okay 1400 errors saying that you can't dispute me this I'm just summarizing the video the video basically has quotes of him saying I've said it that's the way it is I change scripture that's the way it is you're going to have to deal with it e now he was particularly damning of the Jews saying that the Jews had betrayed and murdered Jesus and he advocated brutal violence against them now that doesn't fly today due to these violent anti-jewish beliefs many historians now have made the links between his work and the anti-Semitism of the Nazi party of the Third Reich I bet you've never heard this the Luther's damn knee um okay here's what's interesting even though Luther's damnation to the Jews came on religious grounds the Nazis condemned the Jews on racial grounds his intrinsic position in Germany's intellectual history he was German allowed members of the Nazi party to use him as a reference point to support their anti-semitic policies but you've never heard that now let's look at our next slide you know he left the church and married a nun here she is there's her picture he smuggled her out of the Convent in a fish Barrel now what about her vocation what about her vows he smuggled her out in a fish Barrel and ran away and married a nun again not condemning him I don't know his Reasons I'm not judging him but I'm asking his actions are is that the person we want to follow you know we secretly arranged for the second marriage as somebody who was already married so he endorsed polygamy this is all you can look this up this is all proven and do you know he said women are made for only two things being wives or being prostitutes the only two things women are made for being wives or being prostitutes so again we have to ask ourselves is this really The Chosen man that God said I'm going to get the Bible wrong for 1500 Years and we're going to send this Prophet to get it right we got a lot of questions here so I finished with the 95 thesis the famous example on Halloween of 1517 it's celebrated as the birth of the Protestant Reformation because Martin Luther nailed 15 thesis to the doors of the church Castle in Wittenberg in Germany well we have no proof of that but people if you read the YouTube comments and I know I'm going to get a bunch of them on this talk how dare I speak ill of the man who tried to fix all the corruption of the Catholic church I'm not arguing we shouldn't corrupt fix the corruption in the Catholic church the church is human and divine but you don't change the Divine part you want to fix the human part go right ahead hats off to you but you don't fix the Divine part he rewrote it that's the issue not condemning Martin Luther for trying to clean up abuses just saying you don't rewrite Church teaching that we're not what he nailed to the door was not a Manifesto of the Reformation but just simply propositions for public debate they did not deal with any of the doctrines that came to be what we know as Protestant Theology and this is the 95 thesis take a look at brother Mark's going to put on the screen this is Martin Luther nailing the 95 thesis to the door but again we have no historical proof of this okay we don't know if it really happened but what he nailed didn't make any reference to justification by faith alone or Sola scriptura it's kind of weird Luther's main concern was the church's penitential system indulgences again I just explained to you the misunderstanding of indulgences is that a reason to risk your soul because there's a misunderstanding of a few churches that allowed you to donate and you took it to mean charging I mean that's called talk about cutting off your nose despite your face whoa I mean that's like going to 25 years of prison for eating the last piece of pizza that you thought was yours and ended up being your co-workers Mia Copa I won't do that again but to go to prison for 25 years for misunderstanding whoa the church's response was in the papal bull of 1520 by Pope Leo the 10th exergie Domini even when we recognize the need for reform this does not mean that we should separate from the communion of the Catholic Church as John told us setting up our own version of the church I can't say it enough we don't leave Jesus because of Judas not all the 95 thesises were bad however people don't think this either people think that these are just the top 95 evils of the Catholic Church they weren't it comes a surprise to many but many of them agreed with church teaching they were just points of public discussion the church rejected some of them and others they didn't so there is this split today that even Martin Luther didn't intend for instance his position and this is where I truly will finish Mary in the Eucharist how about this quote I always like to read this quote and say who said this who said this we are all children of Mary Mary is the mother of Jesus and the mother of us all if Christ Is Ours his mother is also our she the lady above heaven and earth here passes the woman who is raised far above all women indeed above the whole human race no woman is like unto thee Thou Art more than an empress or a queen blessed above all nobility wisdom and saintliness this is about Mary we are children of Mary who said that Martin Luther now the Protestants today reject Mary Martin Luther did not reject Mary let's look at our next slide look at this quote one should honor Mary as she herself wished and she expressed it in The Magnificat how then can we praise her the true honor of Mary is the honor of God the praise of God's grace Mary does not wish that we come to her but through her to God that's Catholic teaching so when anybody says today oh I'll be a Protestant I reject Mary well say Martin Luther didn't Martin Luther said to honor her you know it's rumored that he prayed the rosary to the end of his life I know some people will dispute that but that's that's what said and he believed in the Eucharist in that video I couldn't show it talked about how he believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist not a symbol it is rumored that Martin Luther even said it is easier to live as a Protestant but it is better to die as a Catholic how about that one but we don't know for sure but it makes a lot of sense you know Benedict XVI said don't just see what divides us see what we have in common we just listed a bunch I know I was a little rough here pointing out a lot of faults in Martin Luther a lot of Miss teachings but you know what he honored Mary he believed in the Eucharist and he believed in Scripture let's focus on that basis of commonality and not all the division let's understand the division that's why I gave the talk I did here today and why we're Catholic trying to defend our Catholic faith but we bear most of all the common thing is we bear the witness to Christ God bless you I had some other slides I want to show I I guess I will show one please become a Marian helper visit and receive all The Graces of our masses prayers rosaries penances just like you were a Marian priesthood brother and lastly if you're in the South Carolina area I know that this this video will be timed but for the next couple weeks if you watch it I'll be in South Carolina and Greenville on October 28th and 29th I'm speaking on the 29th which is two weeks from Saturday today please join us if you would like the information there on your screen me conference SC dot net or email peterjames you got all that praise be to God praise be to God and through our beautiful Church May many Graces be upon you the Lord be with you May almighty God bless you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen go in peace the talk has ended thanks be to God thank you everybody
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 203,502
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Keywords: Martin Luther, St. Therese, Debunking the Myths, Myths of the Reformation, Father of the Protestant Reformation, Catholic teaching on the Reformation, Reformation or Revolt, Catholic teaching on Martin Luther, St. Therese of Lisieux, who was Martin Luther, who was, Was Martin Luther a hero, Explaining the faith, fr Chris Alar, Alar, Catholic teaching, Catholic, Catholic View of the reformation, Catholic View of the protestant reformation
Id: vvA_lKAh7_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 25sec (5545 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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