Consecration to St. Joseph—Fr. Donald Calloway

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[Music] [Music] father donald callaway mic is a convert to catholicism and is a member of the marian fathers has been a priest for 17 years authored 14 books and leads pilgrimages to marion shrines around the world his latest book consecration to saint joseph the wonders of our spiritual father is an international bestseller and a website to get that book is on consecration st let's welcome father donald [Applause] thanks brothers uh i know things are a little different this year for sure um but these guys are pulling off a pretty professional job here i'm actually a little nervous because it's all everything's like clockwork here usually at men's conferences it's kind of late everything's always late but not this one so i know we just prayed a rosary but uh please join me in a hail mary as well and asking saint joseph to bless his conference and to bless my talk as well in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen saint joseph guardian of the virgin in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen all right so um definitely good to be back here i was here i think it was four years ago um for those in attendance i know we're also doing the live stream and at that time at the church they were doing the renovations they were scaffolding and we had to kind of climb around it almost but it was a great event so it's good to see that the church is done now it's beautiful and a lot's happened of course since then especially in this crazy year that we're living right now couldn't get much more crazy but i think it's going to um we are living in serious times brothers you know this uh so much so that yesterday when i was flying here there was something that was just was disturbing me because i've been hearing it a lot and i thought to myself i've never done this before but you know just kind of keeping up with the times and the current slogans and language and things like that i don't know i i just got my phone out and i said i'm going to write this down my thoughts on this so i want to read that to you and i'll start to talk talking about consecration of saint joseph with what um i wrote down yesterday on on the flight coming here hopefully you'll know what i'm talking about you probably do um here we go now this probably is the most poetic thing i've ever written but this is what came to me as i'm sitting in my my my chair on the on the plane there's a lot of talk today that uses the slogan build back better dear friends any desire to remake or reset that's another word we're hearing these days the great reset to remake or reset society to something better requires the centrality of the holy trinity and the restoration of the importance and holiness of the family this means acknowledging the divinity and unique revelation of jesus christ the sanctity of human life the truth that marriage is only between a man and a woman understanding motherhood as a gift and acknowledging the authority of fatherhood the united nations and socialist and or commie elite global leaders cannot restore or elevate society because they lack these fundamental moral and theological truths the united nations and other such organizations are not our father and we are not their children they want to usurp this role from god but their attempts to create a better society and reset things is a deception and fundamentally flawed because their vision is worldly the restoration and elevation of society to something truly better requires a good holy and loving father who defends those entrusted to his care does battle with evil and lays down his life for truth a good father is able to restore order and end the chaos within his household because he has the authority and power to do so no true and loving father creates a mess for his children failed fatherhood is largely why we are in the predicament and moral degradation we find ourselves in today this is why god is drawing our attention to saint joseph and telling us that now is the time of saint joseph without saint joseph we are not going to build back better anything until families have sacrificial and virtuous fathers and diocese and parishes have holy and heroic bishops and priests pattern off of the virtuous and sacrificial fatherhood of saint joseph any attempt to build back better will remain bereft of moral authority and orderly theological foundations what the world needs to be restored and elevated is something is to something better is the holy trinity the earthly trinity of jesus mary and joseph and holy families all other attempts to remake or reset society are a deception now why am i saying that and saying it so strongly because we're living in a time brothers you you you see what's going on in society in the world there's something afoot there is an unholy spirit at work that is up to something and we're all being kind of recipients of it at the moment many of you i mean it's one reason why we can't even have you know our normal functioning in a church because secular leaders are telling us what to do when to do it how to do it what to wear and when how many people you can be with oh yeah we have to take precautions to some of these things we're not reckless right but there are some things that are going on that are unprecedented in your lifetime in my lifetime for sure none of us were around when the spanish flu you know was going down we've got this situation right now that's just one of many on the planet those of us here in the united states we've had an election year and it's been crazy nuts what's going on there's so much chaos that right now what's what's one of the main reasons that we're experiencing the chaos that we're experiencing today because there's a ton of reasons for sure one of them as i alluded to in that little segment that i wrote that i put on my phone is a broken wounded fatherhood it's been experienced everywhere i mean look at look at today in marriages did you know that that 52 percent of all marriages today end in divorce that's over half most times not always but most times it's it's it's not the woman who wants to get the divorce most times it's demand because we've been we've been so warped in our understanding of sacrificial manhood when some little cute little thing comes along in the workplace and your wife gravity's got your wife and things go south what do us flawed men sometimes do stupid things we forget our responsibility and we go off and we throw our manhood away our fatherhood away i take no delight in saying this or pleasure in saying this by no means but think about the church the household of god you know as well as i do that within the last 50 60 years or so things have been an absolute mess and what's one of the major reasons for this flawed fatherhood broken wounded fatherhood with the scandals that we've seen it's been everywhere can't deny it ah the media blows it out of proportion of course but it is there it's happened i was ordained a priest in 2003 when all of it happened and i was ordained in massachusetts that's where it all broke loose these times my brothers are serious times and we're seeing now that society and certainly the evil one is taking advantage of this brokenness of this woundedness of the division as a matter of fact today we've we seem to be even living out prophecies which have been on some level you could say approved like our lady of akita her message in 1973 in japan and approved apparition where she talks about bishops being against bishops priests being against priests so that one bishop will say one thing and another will say something the opposite same thing with priests what is that all about that's not normal so we're living in this time of so much confusion and brokenness and woundedness and one of the major reasons is because the devil has been attacking fatherhood in a huge way now i'm not going to ask you to raise your hand you don't want to embarrass yourself but if i did and i said raise your hand if you have uh been affected by the poison more serious than the coronavirus more deadly to your soul of pornography i guarantee you that almost every one of you if not every one of you would raise your hand it will find you today it is a poison a filth a sickness that is plaguing humanity right now destroying the integrity of men their purity their virtue and messing up families even messing up priests it happens it's shameful brothers how do we get out of this how do we go about doing a great reset in a godly way how do we restore and elevate society getting back to common sense the basics in an era in which today people think that it's okay for two men to marry each other or two women to marry each other or you know you can marry a dolphin today not making that up not making that up you can identify as anything that you want where are the men who have said to their family not in my house not in my house see the part of the problem today is that many men are actually scared to say the truth because now on many in many ways government can come in and actually threaten to take away your children you know this just happened was it in australia or england just the other day a mom and a dad god bless them refused to allow one of their children to start taking hormones to you know go the other way no what did the government do they came in and took the child away saying that this was a form of abuse what madness is this this is the crazy times that we're living in how in the world are we going to recover lost ground because we've lost ground guys in a huge way many men don't even know what it means to be a man today they don't they they haven't been given a holy virtuous example and many times it turns into something that is is far from being holy and godly how do we get this back well my friends about four years ago in my priesthood hearing a lot of confessions and talking to a lot of people and going to a lot of men's conferences i had so many people coming up to me saying father what do we do how do we return to these things how do we get back to order within our diocese within our parishes within our families within society how do we get back it's a good question how do we do it do we look to the latest sports figure do we wear his jersey because he's going to be the one to help elevate society no no you don't even know these people you have no idea and half the times they will let you down they will take a knee for things they should not be taking a knee for it's not real manhood so where do we look to the actors to the musicians the singers nope where do we look ima imagine if you were were an engineer or or an architect and you see that there's a bridge or some kind of structure that is collapsing it's falling apart wouldn't you want to go to the blueprint to see how this thing is shored up how it was put together because we've got to we've got to re-go in we've got to reset we've got to to redo some things here so that it doesn't collapse that makes a lot of sense but a lot of people don't do that they go to all the flawed models all the broken bridges let's be like that not gonna work so then where do we go there's a man appointed by god to be the very father the virginal father of jesus christ there is a man who was given a mission to be the most chaste loving sacrificial husband to the most beautiful woman who ever was there is a man who has a title called the terror of demons is the great saint joseph my brothers now is the time of saint joseph we have never needed him more in the world and in the church than right now and unless we bring him in to our diocese parishes families we are not going to reset anything we're going to go down a worse path and that's what part of my fear is today is that what is what so many leaders in world governments are seeking to do but they're doing it the wrong way they're looking at all the flawed models and many of them their intentions are not good no i'm not some anti-vaxxer right but a lot of these people promoting the vaccine right now i don't know buddy you're kind of sketchy and your morality is jacked up and the people that are funding these things so many of them are anti-christian anti-cross anti-wisdom anti-family anti-everything good true and beautiful i don't trust you and as i said i'm not an anti-vaxxer you know i got the polio vaccine when i was a kid another one is to bur whatever it was great praise god you know but some sketchy stuff and yet you can have today like i said a few minutes ago some bishops will say yay take it as soon as it comes out wait a minute and then other bishops say oh no we got to look into what's in it make sure there's no fetal tissue that it's not you know crazy stuff changing your dna you know because we got technology now we can really make you into something else so who do we look to this is this is a crazy time this is why we have got to look to saint joseph to help us to lead us to guide us so that we don't go off because the devil is just waiting just waiting to make things even worse than what they currently are now i don't want to freak you out i don't want to send you in a panic but you're aware of this the times when you watch tv you see what's going on we've got to get back we've got to return to moral order and the only way that we're going to do that because the attacks right now are on the family we've got to go to the head of the holy family you know sister lucia dos santos she was the visionary from fatima who lived like super long i think she might have lived to be like a hundred she only died i think it was in 2005. she said on one occasion this is a visionary saw the blessed virgin saw our lord saw saint joseph even she said that the final battle between good and evil would be fought over marriage and family wow she said that i think in 1925 after the fatima apparitions when she was a nun in spain it's 2020 now this is being played out in country after country and this is why i believe four years ago when i was at prayer and talking to so many people i believe the holy spirit put upon my heart that we need to return to this special man to look to him to know how to get out of this situation but i didn't know fully what that meant okay great so we increase our devotion to saint joseph when we ask his intercession and we you know obviously start to imitate him and and learn to turn away from the filth and the things that are corrupting us but what what else i mean is is there something more that we can do here you know there's got to be some kind of program or something that that men can take up in in men's groups in in the knights of columbus or or on on a huge level and that's when i went to prayer and i was asking the holy spirit i'm feeling this i'm i'm feeling that this is the time because i started to do some some research and i i realized you know the church has never really emphasized in a huge way saint joseph because in a certain sense in a certain sense in ages past we kind of didn't need to on some level don't get me wrong there there were saints who would great ones who would emphasize him in a particular era you know when like saint teresa of avila she wanted to reform the carmelite so she turned to saint joseph and named all of her reformed uh convents after saint joseph and and many others who turned to him but there was never something like on a huge grand scale because certain things back then weren't under attack like they're under attack today like marriage and and babies i mean in the 13th century you know abortion was not really that much of an issue like it is today or marriage 13th century if some some two men came up to a priest and said we want to get married please right but today everything is up for grabs everything everything is being redefined and put into law now is this time when we need this special man who was given a unique mission can you imagine the role that he played to be the we say foster father of the god man to be the husband of the most beautiful woman the holiness the virtue the the sanctity the the depth of the interior life and so as i went to unpack this i went back and and i had my own questions who are you saint joseph i mean i pray to you but i can't say that i really think that i know you and i remembered a a phrase from saint maximilian kobe he said it during his lifetime even after the church had defined marian doctrines and dogmas and there were apparitions and there was you know our lady at the core of christianity saint maximilian kolbe 100 years ago said this who are you oh immaculata who are you oh immaculate conception and he started an apostolate to unpack that the militia immaculata an army of our lady basically to to to spread marian consecration spread the rosary the the miraculous medal and uh you know a printing press and all this other great stuff so i asked myself some a similar question who are you saint joseph who are you because when i see you in artwork you know some of it very old artwork are you really like a 90 year old dude because most images that i've seen to you i don't know too many men who would look at an old man with a lily and say sign me up i want to be like that hmm is that really you i've actually heard on occasion sometimes from even priests and homilies i've heard you were a widow that you were married before you were espoused to the blessed virgin and you haven't had other children from a previous marriage is this true does the church teach that you were an old decrepit man about to die does the catholic church teach that you were a widow with children from a previous marriage i didn't know i was a priest so i said all right who are you so i began this quest to unpack who is saint joseph and i discovered the catholic church has never taught that he was an old man that is not the teaching of the catholic church nope catholic church has never taught that he was a widow and had children from a previous marriage that is not the teaching of the catholic church it doesn't matter who what bishop says so it ain't true never been the teaching of the catholic church fascinating what else don't i know so i went right to the fathers of the church and i started reading stuff and then i realized that the intention for for saying these things about saint joseph was noble and good but many people were just kind of fudging it creating legends about him to protect the virginity of mary okay good yes she's a perpetual virgin we need to protect that to honor that but you don't have to show and make up stories that saint joseph was a 90 year old man when he married her to show that matter of fact it's actually more virtuous for a younger man not that he was necessarily her age he probably was older than her but not like three times older it would be more virtuous for him to have been younger to practice chastity and purity of heart and his eyes his intentions and then i found great quotes from like saint jose maria escriva and venerable fulton sheen who nailed this issue i was like ah brilliant that makes so much sense and especially for a time that we're living in where so many men their hearts are going astray through impurity especially we need this presentation of the great saint joseph to be heroic in in in watching our our passions our motives our intentions our desires because there is flesh out there put in our face every day and we are naturally drawn to it as men we have to be disciplined we have to know what is ours and what is not ours saint joseph is such a model of this such a holy pure man and i discovered so many other things that i gathered so much information about apparitions of saint joseph did you know that there have been apparitions of saint joseph approved apparitions and almost nobody knows about this we always hear about our lady of course and of course our lady is greater than saint joseph we know this she's the immaculate conception mother of god theotokos the god-bearer she's the mediators of all grace saint joseph is not any of those things but at a time when there's such a crisis we now need to bring in to our baptismal consecration to jesus christ which is our primary consecration because he is god we need to bring into our devotional consecrations to our spiritual mother the queen of heaven and earth our lady we need to close the gap and bring in the great saint joseph the head of the holy family now is the time for this turning to him and i believe the holy spirit wants us to we can reset things in the right way we can look to what it means to be a man what it means to be a father what it means to be sacrificial what it means to be loving humble patient silent a good worker you name it and then i discovered that the holy spirit has been doing something anticipating because god is he's the maker of time he knows everything knowing what the 20th century would be and now the 21st century 18 1870 the pope at that time a great pope blessed pope pius ix declared saint joseph in 1870 the patron of the universal church why did it take so long to do this because the holy spirit knew that we were going to need saint joseph in our time more so than any other previous time many saints and mystics have actually even prophesied that there would be a forthcoming era of saint joseph a time of saint joseph when the church and these are ancient prophecies the first one i believe was from a dominican priest in the 16th century father isidor de isolanis who said that the church in the future would be going through a very difficult time unlike any other time but when the church turned to saint joseph and acknowledged his his dignity his roles and his importance we would experience a tremendous victory over the darkness and there were others that are lesser known if you're a theologian many people have heard of father israel but some people have not heard about saint jose manonet in the 19th century in spain a great saint who talked about the same thing that there's an era of saint joseph coming for the church or blessed petra of saint joseph another great holy person in the church also from spain who have talked about this well in 1870 the pope declared saint joseph the patron of the universal church why why because that was the same time in the same pope where we got the dogma of the immaculate conception that's when the family in a particular way began to be attacked it's when contraceptives were created to attack the family in that same time frame synthetic rubber was created to create you name it rubbers really the devil is a strategist a demonic intelligence who knows how to go after things in a certain way tricky deceitful cunning and so our church we we get the dogma of the immaculate conception we get the proclamation of saint joseph as the patron of the universal church the word patron comes from pater which means father no other saint has that saint francis of assisi is not the patron of the universal church saint dominic saving nation saint augustine none of them only saint joseph has this role and after the pope declared that you wouldn't believe the snowball effect that began in the church of emphasizing saint joseph and it's been going down this hill building mass and getting to what it is now let me read to you some of these things these are the things that i discovered that the holy spirit has been doing almost behind the scenes but now we need to know about it and we need to take it into our lives i'm going to read to you a few things that i discovered i'm not going to read them all because we'd be here a while but they're all in this book by the way which i'll talk about a little bit later so in 1870 the pope declares him the patron of the of the universal church in 1871 the josephites are founded a religious community dedicated to saint joseph 1873 the congregation of saint joseph is founded 1878 the oblates of saint joseph were founded religious communities begin to sprout up everywhere 1879 what do we get heaven responds to what the pope did by sending saint joseph in an apparition nine years after the pope made that declaration where was it knock ireland right you know what you probably have heard our lady of knock yes of course our lady always gets priority but saint joseph was there as well no words were said kind of classic saint joseph nobody said anything they didn't need to they were going through a difficult time in ireland there was a famine people were leaving coming to the united states to find work they were seriously suffering the mere presence of saint joseph and our lady and there was a lamb depicting our lord as the lamb of god and saint john the evangelist gave comfort to the people that's a fully approved apparition our lady of nach after that we get the first encyclical on saint joseph by another great pope pope leo the 13th it was written in 1889. what the heck it took 1889 years to get an official document on st joseph yep yep wow that's amazing to think about that after that we get this blessed petra of saint joseph i wish i could tell you more about her she she builds a shrine to saint joseph in spain extraordinary saint john paul ii called her the apostle of saint joseph of the 19th century after her we get saint andre bessette who would be the apostle of saint joseph of the 20th century a brother a man who never became a priest up in canada and began construction on the world's largest church dedicated to saint joseph in montreal the oratory of saint joseph just our northern neighbors have this in canada it's extraordinary i've been there many times and it's amazing place after that we get churches in rome dedicated to saint joseph again what the heck we didn't have churches in rome dedicated to saint joseph until the beginning of the 20th century that's almost embarrassing to think about after that we get the litany of saint joseph approved by the church in 1909 1909 1914 we get the pious union of saint joseph founded and then we get another apparition of saint joseph you know where that one was fatima portugal again we know it as our lady of fatima and rightly so but she's not the only one who came all three visionaries testified that saint joseph was there at the famous apparition the last one october 13th where the sun spun and like 70 000 people saw it gyrating thought the world was going to end it was going to crash into the earth and our lady identified herself as the lady of the rosary all three visionaries said that saint joseph appeared to them in in the sky holding the christ child and simultaneously father and son jesus and joseph blessed the world wow that is that is a huge thing and it's almost a forgotten aspect of the fatima apparitions fatima was telling us about the importance of the family and the authority and the headship of the father see today people are so politically correct they're offended by this language oh the head of the family i don't like that it's because you don't know what it means everybody is so you know triggered today by this kind of language that they're offended by everything it's funny to me though who said this to me recently father mitch pacqua great great priest he said isn't it interesting that the people who are against gun laws they're always the ones getting triggered anyway yeah he's right he's right he's got a lot of guns by the way father mitch pacquiao he's a great guy so and then we get in 1921 blessed be saint joseph put into the divine praises we say those like when we have benediction then we get the first journal dedicated to saint joseph then we get more alleged apparitions of saint joseph these have not been condemned um it's for private devotion but it's called our lady of america but certain bishops earlier this year wrote a document awnings saying they didn't want it promoted publicly which is a little odd to me but nonetheless we obey them but it can be promoted privately and there's some extraordinary things mentioned in these in these alleged apparitions and then we get in the mid-20th century because of the threat of communism who did the church turn to to help overcome the threat of communism saint joseph the pope declared may first the feast of saint joseph the worker because communists wanted to turn their understanding of of of work and and everything society family in their direction so the church changed it and said nope not going to happen and it was shortly after that that we did see on some level the defeat of communism now it's coming back under different names you can call it marxism or socialism it's coming back strong because the young people don't know what the heck they're talking about so many of the institutions today are brainwashing your sons and daughters telling them that these are good things really go to venezuela ask them how that's worked out go to cuba ask them how that's worked out for them socialism oh it looks nice everything will be taken care of you won't own anything but everything will be given to you kind of like a slave huh yeah kind of like a slave but the young people are super into it today yay socialism they say clueless because they're being indoctrinated by these professors you know we talk about you know defunding the police how stupid is that right we should be defunding universities is what we should be doing because these are the places that are brainwashing the generation now i take no delight in saying that but it's the obvious stinking truth and everybody's oh we don't want to say that we'll offend people offend them right somebody needs to say the truth so after that we get the insertion of saint joseph's name into the mass what yep it was until 1962 that joseph's name appeared in the prayers of the mass the greatest of all prayers holy moly again that's kind of embarrassing but he's there now in all four of the eucharistic prayers that we have his name is there now and then we get another document on saint joseph in 1989 by saint john paul the second what's all this doing the holy spirit is practically screaming at us pay attention to joseph you're going to need him in extraordinary ways that i have saved this gift for your times saints of old many of them they had such a great love for saint joseph but it was usually regional you know in spain or or in malta malta's got an extraordinary love or italy of course or you know even certain south american countries like colombia or mexico they they have great love for saint joseph but it's never been on a grand scale here's something extraordinary to think about you know in the history of the church we've had marian years where the church as a whole or a particular diocese will honor our lady through particular uh talks conferences pilgrimages within the diocese indulgences are given and it brings about great renewal and many graces are given we've had year of mercy great year of prayer wonderful year of consecrated life awesome we have never in 2000 years of christianity had a year of saint joseph we've never even had a pope named joseph we've never had pope joseph i'm not talking about joseph ratzinger i'm talk that's you know no i'm talking about their papal name never had one now many people have said well maybe that's out of honor and respect maybe okay god bless them but i think it'd be extraordinary to have something like that i think if we had a pope maybe named joseph it may happen it may not but a pope who declared a year of saint joseph for the entire church this would bring to the attention of every parishioner every man in those pews every priest and every bishop that we need to look to him we need to turn to him right now we need to ask for his intercession and his protection and his guidance and we need to be like him because we have jacked this thing up and unless we do this we're not it's not going to get better you can do every form of so good social work that you want to but it's very important to remember the catholic church is not primarily a social service agency jesus himself said the poor you will always have with you me you will not that doesn't mean that we don't seek to eliminate poverty we do our best there is no organization on the planet on a daily basis more charitable than the catholic church this is a proven fact even our enemies say this but that's not actually what we're all about what are we all about saving souls that's what the catholic church is primarily about i did not become a priest to be a celibate social worker i would be an idiot if i did this i became a priest to save souls in all likelihood i am not going to eliminate poverty the god-man himself walked this planet 2000 years ago and did not eliminate poverty we should strive to do our best but we have not here a lasting kingdom you as men will have souls entrusted to your care that you must help get to heaven your wife that's what your marriage is all about you have to strive to help each other get to heaven your children when they're under your care and under your roof you lay down the rules it doesn't matter what the teacher tells them at school you don't do this in my house where has this gone it's gone out the window lately and this so many fathers have been absent fathers workaholics or off just doing their own thing not good we've got to get back to this we've got to return to order and you are the ones to do it women have their place for sure they are the heart of the home many many saints have talked about you know the church is the mystical body of christ saint paul of course and many others every home has a heart that's the woman that's the mother no body lives without a heart but nobody lives without a head either and that's your role it doesn't mean that you're greater than your wife probably you're not that's not the point men remember the the majority of of people at the foot of the cross were not men they were women women do tend to be more compassionate understanding and on many levels virtuous than us it's just the way that it is for some reason but you have a role to play a headship a mission to fulfill so did saint joseph here's a man whose son not biological son of course we know this whose son jesus christ is god whose wife is the immaculata and yet who led the prayers in the family it wasn't jesus and it wasn't mary it was the husband and the father of that household he was the head of that household and they weren't offended by this jesus didn't say hey what are you doing i'm god i can do it better than you no it is right for you to do it i made you i know how it all works but i submit to your authority given by god which means given by me if you were jesus it's your role mary too surrendered you think she couldn't pray you kidding me she's the spouse of the holy spirit as well but they let him fulfill his role and he did it he didn't cower from it he could have said well my wife is better at it i'll let her do it i'll let her lead the prayers i'll i'll let her take us to you know wake us up in the morning and take us to the synagogue or to walk down to jerusalem she'll remind us on a calendar basis of when this needs to happen [Music] joseph did and the question is what about you is this what you're doing or are you giving the the spiritual religious practices in your family for your wife to do she probably does do it better than you that's not the point you have a role to play and when you fulfill that role like saint joseph did although in the holy family every member is perfect right but when you do this in your family the power of that leadership that sacrificial leadership that servant leadership will be tremendous studies have shown that when it's only left up to the mother or to the wife to be the one who does the practices the religious observance in the family when the children leave from that house i think it's something like three-fourths of them 75 percent will not continue with those practices because it's just what mom did it was just what mom did but when the head of the family does it it goes up exponentially that they will continue to practice the faith this isn't just father callaway saying this sociological studies have been done on this that show it to be the case so you need to be the one doing it if your children see you who have strength chances are god willing you're stronger than your wife nowadays you never know you know but hopefully you can swing and acts better than your wife you know you've got more physical strength in your wife your children know that but when your children can see you and your strength and your manliness caressing their mother with a gentle caress calling her sweet terms of affection when they see you on your knees in prayer that is strength when they see you leading the rosary when they see you waking the family up on sunday to go to church when you're the one having the family go to confession that example is tremendous the power of that can transform family society that's the great reset that's how you build back better you bring back real fatherhood real manhood and that's why we need saint joseph today as i was praying about how to give this to the world you know i i needed something i just couldn't start preaching on everybody turn to joseph and imitate joseph have a nice day what can i give what can i give people so in my prayer i said to myself basically you know it'd be great if we had something comparable analogous to a saint louis de montfort type of consecration but to joseph not a competition mary is greater than joseph and to understand it in the right way because some people might think well wait i've already consecrated myself to mary how could i give myself to joseph well it's actually a no-brainer you're not children of a one-parent spiritual family right imagine jesus in the gospel of luke when they found him in the temple yeah he wasn't lost he knew what he was doing but they lost him right when they found him what does it say he grew in wisdom and stature in his in his manhood and his growth as a in his human nature not his divinity of course he grew in wisdom and stature under the watchful care of mary and joseph not just mary because a boy needs a father even the god boy you know needs him matter of fact this is so profound that when god wants to look like somebody when he takes on human nature he only has the resemblance in his countenance of one person that's our lady jesus probably had similar cheekbones eye sockets or something to our lady just like you look like your mother on some level i look like mine certainly when i'm clean-shaven anyway right it's just how it works biologically it's a no-brainer but joseph jesus doesn't look like joseph because he's not his biological father but when you see jesus you're seeing joseph on some level how because he has the mannerisms of his father he has the accent he spoke like his father he probably walked like his father he swung an axe like his dad because that's the things that a father teaches his son when you have a virtuous father in your life it'll transform you you know the axiom like father like son that's why we have so many jacked up sons today myself included because our fathers have been poor examples spiritual fathers priests and our biological fathers so if we look to saint joseph we can we can unpack things and so i said to people around the world because i know a lot of people i said look i've got this idea i really think it's holy spirit inspired that can really help us to turn things around to you guys in poland or in mexico or the philippines i know you guys are pretty awesome do you guys have a book written by somebody maybe a priest maybe a layman that's like a saint louis de montfort type of consecration but to saint joseph so that we can bring him into this whole crisis that we got going on with families categorically everybody said no father we nobody's written a book like that it doesn't exist but they all said that's a really good idea we could super use that right now so i knew what i had to do so i spent the next three years of my life remember those were four years ago when i got that inspiration doing the research traveling around the world gathering all this stuff to put it into some kind of formula to give to people where you can do a program 33 days st louis de montfort came up with that method in this marion consecration i thought that's great why reinvent the wheel but what's the template what's what's the skeleton that i put all the meat of who saint joseph is on i was praying the litany of saint joseph every day powerful prayer my friends powerful prayer and all of a sudden i'm i'm looking at it and i'm going wait a minute one two three four five six seven eight i'm like there's almost 33 titles perfect i'll have an introduction we'll unpack a title a day as we go through the days and i'll add stuff on to that and then we'll do the consecration this is why i believe that you need this for for for your spiritual life and for your particular role no matter what your vocation is whether you're married single want to get married whatever it is because you're going to learn about titles like this the chaste guardian of the virgin see we know that saint joseph and our lady never engaged in marital relations it was a a a whether what they call a josephine marriage for the sake of the mission well you that's not going to be the case of course if you're married unless it's some special gift from from heaven for you but it's very rare but nonetheless how do you treat your wife you are blessed to be able to engage in marital relations to to to engage in the marital act with your wife praise the lord it's a gift from god but do you do it right or do you abuse your wife's body for your own pleasure do you put things inside her where they should not be see a lot of people today think well i'm married i can do whatever i want i can do whatever i want with my wife's body no you can't you're not an animal you're not a dog nope you have to respect the dignity the sanctity of your wife's body there are things in your body that should not go in certain parts of her body see this men don't like to hear today because men have been watching porn and they think it's okay and they want to try it they want to experiment how do i know i hear confessions i can tell you the content of course i'd lose my priesthood but it's true and you know it's true we need to become chaste even within your marriage you have to be chaste even though you will engage in marital relations with your wife as i said it's a blessing from god it's a wonderful gift it's how babies are born but nonetheless you have to be chaste you are not an animal we learn about titles the zealous defender of christ are you a zealous defender of christ or are you a spiritual pansy so many men are today weak and spiritually impotent why primarily because you're impure satan does not fear the impure man you have no power if you are giving your life over to pornography and sins of the flesh yes we're all weak that's thank god for confession right but if this is who you are and what you do you're going to be weak you're not going to be able to fight against the darkness you're not going to be able to slay dragons you're not even going to want to take up a sword the rosary which we just prayed before this no man slays a dragon without a sword i know i'm cutting to many of your hearts right now and it's good we all need to hear this myself included because i'm a man just like you grown up in a filthy perverse sick twisted deranged time a time of darkness and death and we all need to hear this message all of us joseph the model of workmen he wasn't a workaholic he wasn't there was a time for work and a time not to work a time to be with your wife and children and be with them at the moment in the moment doing things with them can't tell you how many times i meet men who find their identity in their work or their salary or their this that and the other you know it's not there guys you're not going to find it there the best thing that you could have on your your tombstone he was a damn good man a good father a good husband you couldn't ask for a better husband not about your job best trophy you could ever get is to raise up sons and daughters who are holy who are close to jesus christ that's the best thing that you can do is it easy of course not it's extremely hard especially in the times we're living in but it's what god is asking you to do the glory of domestic life wow how many of you this is a challenge and you know even to myself you know if your children were at school and they had a little show and tell let's say and the teacher said all right next week bring in a picture of your dad and describe him to the class how many of your children would go before the class and say my dad is the glory of domestic life they might not even know those words but let's just say right would they or would they say my dad's gone all the time he yells at my mom and basically he just drinks beer all day and watches you know football would they what would they say about you be interesting to know right pillar of families these are all the titles of saint joseph from the litany that you unpack in this book pillar of families a pillar is a foundation guys if you don't have a pillar everything collapses this is why we're seeing the collapse basically of civilization because men have not been pillars they've been abusers of the feminine mystery chasing after money and various other things this is why we got to get back to the fundamentals or and this is my favorite one i think when most men hear it it's their favorite too the mighty terror of demons this is the most unique title of saint joseph it's the money title bring in the big guns it's i commissioned artwork for the book which you'll find in the book and on the website to give us new images of saint joseph that yes show him holding the lily because that represents purity which we all need but to show him as a man that when the devil sees him terrified and why is that we know why the devil is terrified of our lady right she's it's her dainty little feminine foot that crushes his ugly satanic face we know that it's in the book you know it's in the bible but what about saint joseph well think about this there's only two people who can talk to god in this way jesus god if i said this call the bishop i need to go to priest camp i need to be reprogrammed because i've lost my my mind if i said jesus my savior and my son and he ain't my son he's not your son either but he is the son of mary and joseph so when jesus hears those words things change they have no wine our lady says boom you got wine a lot of wine when jesus hears joseph asks something he almost takes it like a paternal command yes father because he's always like our lady is in accord with god's holy will this is what the devil does not want us to know that's why he's terrified of saint joseph and i think on some level that the devil has been happy so to speak that's not the right word but you know what i'm getting at that people have not been turning to saint joseph because once we unleash the big guns on the battlefield it's over he is going to help us restore things in our church as wounded and messed up as it is right now and it is he is going to help restore things in our parishes in our families in our own brokenness look most of you have jacked it up i have too if you know my conversion story you know before i became a catholic man i was i was wicked even now i've been a pre-17 years i am not perfect i fall flat on my face on occasion i got to go practically crawling into confession bless me father i have sinned it was yesterday i'm an idiot but i don't deny the truth the truth is the truth i have to conform to it father forgive me again i i i fell again the same stupid thing brothers we're in this together and we are being given an extraordinary grace that saints of old would have longed to have had a program of learning who we can look to who we can model ourselves after and how we can become better men and become holy men and that's what this whole program is and that's why i simply titled the book i didn't want to come up with some title that was hard to remember i just called it consecration to saint joseph can't get any more basic than that and it leads you through this program this thing only came out in january the timing was perfect i didn't know what was going to happen neither did you all i knew was that in 2020 as a matter of fact in just a couple days december 8th 1870 was when the pope had declared saint joseph the patron of the church 150 years ago exactly on december 8th so i said let's get this puppy out for 2020 and we can you know help transform the world i had no idea that there would be a pandemic that people would lose their jobs but god did and that's why god is elevating right now the patron of workers saint joseph because so many men i talked to they've got families they just lost their job or they're on furlough things are in question they're not sure what their financial security is for the future now is the time of saint joseph on every level and that's why i got bold i got bold i wrote the pope a letter in english asking him to do something and then one of my brother priest said you know what he doesn't know english i said yeah that's true right so he translated it into churchy spanish you know did it up real nice and gave it to the pope begging him to declare a year of saint joseph for the whole church we need to bring this to the attention whether people use my book or not we need to get saint joseph into churches more masculine and younger statues of saint joseph in our churches that's what we need to look to to want to be like a slayer of dragons a defender of beauty the good the true and the beautiful that's what we need have i heard back from the pope no bummer but you know what i did i said all right we'll keep praying about that i wrote every bishop in the united states and begged them to declare a year of saint joseph for their diocese do you know what the response has been 11 dioceses have done it please ask archbishop sample you have one of the best bishops in the country here and i know they're busy and they're doing tons of other things and the the coronavirus kind of messed up everything but please write archbishop sample and ask him i did you know keep asking keep knocking remember even if you got to annoy people keep asking because this will be extraordinary for for the diocese here it can help renew things now it's catching on i'm hearing about other countries where the bishops are interested in doing it there's two dioceses in england have done it i've heard about bishops in india the philippines south africa who are praying about it and having meetings with their their their staff their priest to want to declare a year of saint joseph we need this for our times really and truly we need this as i said at the beginning brothers there is an unholy spirit in the air that is trying to usurp fatherhood and impose their own desire to reset things to build back better it's not the right way we as catholic men we have the truth in its fullness we can do what needs to be done to restore things to bring back that that prayerfulness in families to turn away from all the poison that is out there will this require sacrifice yes it will and it's not easy i'll be the first to say this is not easy to do when you have to maintain custody of your eyes when you have to discipline yourself in your mind not to fantasize go in directions it should not go even your entertainment see today we we we men we don't we don't discipline in our house we allow the children to watch anything and everything how sick and twisted is it today when you can have people who think there's something called cuties have you heard about this how sick and twisted to have little girls dressed up like prostitutes basically you know twerking and tweaking and whatever and nobody people think it's fine i think it's normal and i i hear they're up for an emmy or an oscar what madness is this where are the men where are the men we are the ones who need to be able to to give guidance and direction to to say what is good and what is not good and this will challenge you that means that you are going to have to watch the things that you entertain yourself with because it's easy to watch so many filthy things that are funny i won't deny they're hilarious but they're sick they're twisted i have to remind myself when i'm watching tv and all of a sudden i'm watching a sitcom and it's funny is all get out but it is messed up whether it's your modern families where we normalize the disordered and we laugh at it when your children see you doing this you've lost all moral authority all of it we need to get it back so i'm going to challenge you brothers now because of the situation normally i would ship books into a conference like this but i didn't i because we didn't think anybody was going to be at it i thought i was just going to be standing in front of a camera so there's some of you so i lug 16 copies in my luggage that's all i got boys that's all i got um and i if you don't buy them i'm basically going to leave them in the hallway because i about broke my arm carrying them here in airplanes across america but if you can't get one today get it get it on amazon whatever and do this do this by yourself if you're not married if you are married do it with your wife with your family ask your priest to do it for the parish i know times are tough right now for the parish and so forth but you can still we become masters of zoom meetings and such right we need to do this guys i believe that the holy spirit is offering you a challenge to be like joseph you know joseph means increase that's what the name joseph etymologically means it means increase joseph saint joseph is the increaser he will increase your virtue he will increase your relationship with jesus and mary he will increase your holiness and this is what the church and the world desperately need today so my brothers go to joseph in your spiritual life in your family life and learn how to be a good holy man because this is how we will bring about the greatest reset the reset that god desires this is how we will build back better by bringing in saint joseph and correcting the wrongs of our times god bless you brothers thank you so much for listening to me all right so um start with the first one how can we work to re-enthuse the men in our own parish and community yeah i mean maybe i answered some of that already i think um we've got to do it together guys what the devil wanted wants to do is isolate you and get you away from brotherhood that fellowship and unaccountability so if you have somebody that you can be close to that's a good thing i mean even as a priest i have a priest friend that i'm close to that i go to outside of confession as well i go to him for confession but also just to share my own struggles you know and talk about bro bro i'm totally suffering right now dude i'm like feeling my anthropological manliness in a huge way pray pray for me help me you know help me to you know not fall into sin i think we all need that today i i i think that's a big thing so father callaway i have five kids all grown none are in the church how do we bring them back yes i pray for it every day yeah yeah it's tough my heart goes out to you um as i said i mean you know you can do what you can do but the influences of the world can be super strong trust me i live in steubenville ohio you can't get more catholic and yet you know you'll have homeschool families that on occasion they'll say father we did everything right my son served at the latin mass we you know our family is like you know pretty much the perfect family and i'm like yeah i hear you but then one of the kids goes off and is experimenting with drugs or finds a significant other in san francisco or whatever these are crazy times the pull of the world is so strong so if you're in that situation i would say they're outside of your roof okay but you need to pray fast if you can fasting is prayer squared it's like prayer with a punch know your limits and what you can don't kill yourself but all those things the devotional life you got to keep it up you got to keep it up and you will suffer especially your wife she'll suffer more than you they they're more sensitive than we we just get preoccupied with things and we just our mind goes somewhere else and we're just doing whatever we go fishing or whatever but a wife they carry it hard so you need to also be there for your wife because she's probably bearing a lot more of it in her sensitive heart than we are how can we show how important the mission of masculinity is in protecting the family well i mean if we don't protect the family we're totally screwed i mean this is the building block of civilization if we don't protect this and we're the ones who have the fullness of the truth right the united nations ain't going to protect it no way the world health organization ain't going to protect it you know half of these people that want to promote things for society they're the ones who want to sterilize you know people so that we can have more babies i mean this is what we're up against so we've got to be the ones who take a stand it doesn't mean that you have to be the next mother teresa or fulton sheen you've been given a particular little unit to protect and defend let everybody else worry about their stuff you you do what you need to do for your particular little flock so to speak right don't become preoccupied with other things that are out of your control you do what you have to do for those entrusted to your care what would you say to the man that says i'm a good christian but the church i go is another christian church i'm not catholic that's good enough for me yeah you're going to have a rough go at it and satan is going to kick your butt really seriously because you're not jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you don't have life so it don't matter how great the fellowship is and how great the singing is because ultimately it actually ain't about the fellowship though we need it and it ain't about the music it's about sanctifying grace these are not my words read the book right all who claim to be not catholic but are christian love the bible of course it's our primary source of divine revelation well read what's in it in the gospel of john chapter 6 unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you don't have life isn't it interesting that that's the only book in the new testament that has 66 verses in a sixth chapter basically what i'm saying is 666. do you know what it says in in gospel john chapter 6 verse 66 and not understanding him they walked away when you walk away from the eucharist you've walked away from life really guys i could have me a mega church in texas next weekend and i could be the best life coach you ever heard i could have me some fine cufflinks and a smoking hot wife and a private jet but i wouldn't be preaching the wisdom of the cross i'd be preaching myself it ain't about me it's about jesus christ the ultimate model of manhood who lays down his life and he gave us a church flawed messed up and is filled with crap as it is right now because it is i'll give you an analogy the catholic church is the only boat built by the messiah all the other ones are the attempts of men they ain't going to make it they're not just like the ark of noah remember there was one boat god said you build it everybody in it the animals in it you're alone going to make it a lot of other people probably is it the flood was getting high they probably tried to make their own like holy crap we better make a boat you know but it didn't work if you weren't in that boat you're not going to make it that doesn't mean that when you're in that boat that it's not going to be filled with tons of crap there's tons of animals in it it's deep you're going to step in it it stinks but don't you jump out of that boat who you think you are that's the one boat that's going to get you to the shore in god's time yes it stinks there's filthy animals in it but don't jump stick it out you'll get there see that's what the catholic church is going through right now tons of animals in it the crap is so high it reached the high heaven but it's the only one made by jesus christ all the others are the attempts of men i know that sounds arrogant and rude but it's the truth it's the truth and we shouldn't be ashamed to proclaim it do you have a youtube channel or a way that we could hear your messages on a regular basis i'm like the least tech guy on the planet man bring back the etch-a-sketch you know what i mean i'm just i'm so raw i try these things and i mess it up and i get frustrated i you know throw the selfie stick down um i have a youtube channel i put things up you can check it out i think it's called father donald calloway i don't think it's the most stellar thing to be honest with you um just go to the website that's where all my books are so i've read that we should consecrate ourselves to mary prior to a consecration of saint joseph could you comment on this please yeah i mean i it it really doesn't matter because they're both your spiritual parents but if you had to give priority to one or the other yes it would be our lady because she is greater than saint joseph she's the mother of god i mean she's the new eve the mother of all the living the media issues of all grace she's the immaculate conception so yes if you if you were raw and you hadn't consecrated yourself to either one sure go to our dear lady first at this time of covid isolation how best can we keep a vibrant life moving to defend our families and therefore the world um you know the domestic church in the sense of don't you know you're you're not called to social distance from god right so or or your your religious observance so maybe in your house if you can set up a chapel or or an altar where you have the bible you have crucifix you have some saints you have your rosary and you can make that a special place of prayer for your family to continue these practices because you don't want to just stop and this is what worries me is that now so many people have gotten used to mass on tv and they've actually heard people say well just make a spiritual communion it's not the same right and so we need to do what we can in this time but we need to remember once this time is over we actually do need to go back you know to church how can we enthuse our young adult sons in this time of confusion that's tough because you're one person though the most important one for them in that leadership role but that's what i mean by the power the influence of the world especially the education system is so messed up and the music and the you know the entertainment and all of that is so messed up that if they're not getting it from you they're not going to get it at all and so you you've got to be the one not jamming you down their throats and and please don't take what i've said today anything about is like some super aggressive thing where you've just got to ram it down people's throats no you've got to be compassionate merciful kind and all of that without a doubt without a doubt but you've got to you've got to draw the line and you've got to do it in a way because automatically today they're going to come back at you and say you're a homophobe you're an islamophobe you don't love no son that's not what i'm saying i love you more than my life itself i would die for you but son this is right and this is wrong this is truth and this is false this is light and this is darkness have i always lived up to it no i fall on my face but there's right and wrong son and i love you that's what they need to be told because because if you don't when they go through a crisis in life which they will they'll know they won't know where to turn to where the truth never changes it's just like i meet parents all the time who will say well we don't agree with our son's way of life he's living with a significant other and they're going to get married so you know we don't want to really you know make them think that we don't love them so we're going to go to the wedding wrong wrong you've just shown them that you have no morals whatsoever you don't stand for anything even if they say i hate you i'm not talking to you that will crush your heart especially your wife's heart but you need to stand your ground son i love you i'll give my life for you but i'm not going to this because it's not a marriage and they may not talk to you for many years but when they go through their crisis and they will they would they will know where they can go back where the truth doesn't change because of affection so many people today they they choose a relationship or an affection or they don't want to cause division or anything and so they deny the truth no bueno that's a big part of why we're in the problem we're in today because men cave don't cave what's the role of recreational adventure in spiritual growth and a maturing of a man oh it's huge this is something that we've so gotten away from and there's there's nothing wrong with a man having a desk job or you know that's no of course not but so many have allowed that to come into their wildness right there's a book i recommend it and i don't recommend it because uh he's not a catholic and his wife actually says some really strange things but it's called um into the wild no not into wild at heart pho nominal stuff insights into manhood because we're born for this we're born for for for wildness and for battles and to defend beauty and for brotherhood it's why we gravitate towards sports and all that kind of stuff but the world wants to strip that out of you the world wants to emasculate you wants to take all of that out of you so that you're just soft and effeminate really now i'm not saying that we need to walk around like caveman dragging our knuckles but we do need to be men who often get outside and do things in nature not tree-hugging freaks but it's okay to go fishing and get blood on your hands from a worm and to gut a deer and kill a deer it's a good thing we've gotten away from this guys we've been turned into a bunch of pansies who are so soft that so many men today don't even know how to change a tire really if you're one of those you're probably like crap that's me right well youtube google it you'll find out learn manhood real quick now we've got to get back to these kind of things and and and i mean in the past right in society's culture civilizations they would do these transition passages or write a passage for your son where you'd go out and hunt a buffalo right and then give him a name you know he who hunts buffalo whatever you know we gotta get back to some form of that kind of stuff in our families like for example i remember my biological father when he died right before he died he gave me his gun uh really jacked up old barely even works 22 with the scope that's if i aim here horrible but it was my dad giving me his 22 that i knew he had went you know hunting with and i have it today i'm not going to get rid of that gun right those kind of simple things i think we need to get back to on some level on some level how to help uh guide our family to a consistent prayer life at home um yeah i probably answered that one already in the talk you need to be leading you need to be the one and this will challenge you we don't tend to want to do this because your wife is probably holier than you and it's hard to do this it's i'll be honest with you it can be humiliating because so many people have looked at the rosary like this is for weak little you know pansies no the first person that the rosary was given to was a man saint dominic right so we've got to be the ones to do this for our families this is actually heroic and you won't have in all likelihood a daughter who grows up with daddy issues who's crying out for affirmation who ends up wearing dental floss trying to get the attention of the boys because she knows her dignity and her worth because you were a father to her a good father a loving affectionate protective father not overpowering but showing her basically the old adage although it can be twisted she'll want to marry someone just like dad be like the the man that you would want your daughter to marry and then she'll look for him but if you're not she'll look for a twisted pervert who affirms her but uses her and abuses her not good how can we grow to a appreciate hardship and suffering in our lives that form the men we become how can we teach that by example by example you're going to be refined you're going to be chiseled and that's that's part of the divine process uh and again you know it's not easy and you're gonna mess it up but one of the greatest things that you can do by example when you do mess it up when you say something that you should not have when you are caught doing something that you should not be doing whatever it is and your your your sons or daughters see that you need to be humble and you need to acknowledge you're wrong and you need to go to confession when they see that example you're not only going to correct that example it's going to be elevated god is going to use your brokenness to bring about an even greater good but so many of us were stubborn stiff-necked and we don't humble ourselves and children they they need to see that daddy messed up and you know what i'm sorry honey i said something i should not have said that i am really sorry honey let you know pray for your dad i'm working i want to be a saint honey but i got my own issues you know that that i think will do tremendous good what have you found to be the number one enticement for young men to true masculinity men iron sharpens iron i mean that's where you find it when you see it like when i was growing up even though i was completely jacked up in in in so many things when i saw uh a good man i wanted to be like that even though i i i found it difficult you know because of all the issues that i struggle with and the wounds that i had we want to be like that i mean don't you when you when you watch let's just say like braveheart don't you want to be braveheart yeah sure you do when you watch you know something like that when i was a kid you know when i would see bruce lee kicking butt to save some asian princess i'm like i go outside and practice roundhouse kicks right that's just the way it works so when you see a man and i'm not saying that these are models necessarily manhood but when you see a man who is virtuous holy and all of that that's why we look to the saints that's why we look to the saints that's why me as a priest i mean i look at somebody like fulton sheen and i'm like i want to be like that i may not have the cape and be able to do all the gestures today in these days right or whatever but i want to that's like right how can we share the understanding that holding the respect of a woman is a heroic act of masculinity well i mean without a doubt it is i mean we i think i covered that in the talk i mean we've got to do that we've got to elevate them to to the dignity of who they are they are not goddesses right we're not incensing them there are many women who would like that today but we've we got to show with by our respect and do things for them that past generations they tell me did i didn't grow up in this era but they tell me that when a woman walked in the room men would stand up right i've never known this i've never grown up in this and i think today i mean recovering something like that might be a little difficult unless we did it as a whole group but if one man stood up you'd be like oh okay never mind um but we can open doors for women we can do kind things for women they will love this stuff if you do this stuff for them if you pull out their chair at the at the restaurant are you kidding me she's going to blush her heart is yours we've got to recover this in society doing these simple things some women may not like it at first because i've actually i've opened doors for women at like a walmart they're like well you think i can't open my own door i'm like whatever you know like i didn't do it necessarily for you honey i did it because i want to be a man okay we've so we've got to return to some of these kind of practices i think they would be very good what would you say to those that are afraid to live their life publicly because they are afraid that they might lose a job work opportunity friends colleagues yeah i understand uh it's not easy and it doesn't mean that you've got to go to work tomorrow and be like in the name of the father no okay don't be stupid right but you can do certain things maybe clean up your language at work okay certainly don't take the lord's name in vain if you're doing that stop it okay but maybe you're doing other dropping an f-bomb or a s-word here or there clean that stuff up as well it may take some time but by our example or right if people at work know that you're a married man don't be talking about the backside of the secretary no okay you may you may be tempted to go there but just like no right because that stuff that example they're they're going to look at you and think oh and you're a catholic yeah that's what i thought it's what catholic men do no we can give you know examples and such and um but no yes you give a family you don't want to lose your job unless you're being asked to do something explicitly immoral by your employer or something like that but you can make little steps little strides uh to um to be a good example in the workplace and and come up with creative ways not to lose your job and they will be creative but remember jesus himself said you got to be what is it as as cunning as serpents and as innocent as doves right so he's actually telling us look play the game how big is the need for something like this men's conference today and in our communities oh it's huge because as i said we need each other and the key thing from an event like this is don't let it just be like going to a ball game oh it was awesome yeah it was great this was great follow up you got to follow up because if you just wait for this to come around once a year what are you going to do 364 other days of the year you got to have that brotherhood that fellowship that accountability uh together with other men doesn't mean it has to be a group setting just maybe one or two where you have a real serious um you know a brotherhood there that's really important what virtue is most important for us as men today i mean tons but i would have to say purity really and i say that just because i hear confessions the numeral uno sin among men is impurity whether it's pornography masturbation contraception whatever oh my gracious nothing else even comes close to this among men today we've got to get back to having pure hearts remember you want to see god i do jesus said blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see god if you ain't got a pure heart you're blind and you ain't going to see god therefore we've got to strive for this though we mess it up right thank god for confession but this in my opinion is is the big one today how is speaking the hard truth still an act of love because it's a work of mercy i mean a lot of people talk about the works of mercy you know and feeding the poor and all that and that's good but remember also correcting the ignorant that's a spiritual work of mercy and that's why just the other day i loved this about uh the retired archbishop chaput remember oh he was so great wish he wasn't retired actually but he actually said because you know there are actually people today i'm getting in dangerous territory here but i don't know they've said it there are actually people today who said that they will give holy communion to joe biden this is a man who is not in good standing with the catholic church he is in favor of abortion on every level he himself has officiated at the marriage of two gay men i'm not making this up so the archbishop cephue said yesterday it is not a matter of politics to deny him communion it's a matter of pastoral care a good shepherd doesn't give to the sheep what is ultimately going to be to their ruin which is the body blood soul and divinity of jesus you're in a bad state you're in serious sin to for me to do this to you would be bad for you and me actually because it's known publicly what you support i mean seriously this is why true love is willing to say no a good father says no in a loving way yes with compassion and i'm i guarantee you that the good archbishop would want to meet with him and tell him why not because i'm a hater because you're you're a lost human being no because this is right this is wrong and here's what you have to do to correct it so that you can receive holy communion that's what a good father does right that and that that's what a good father does on every other level whatever issue it would be this is right this is wrong i don't hate you i love you as a matter of fact i'm saying this because i love you remember when when jesus himself some people said again john chapter 6 they said this is a hard saying we're walking away john 666 what did jesus do oh i'm sorry did i offend you come on group hug kumbaya let's everybody just get together and have a little no he let him walk away why because he's mean nasty jesus and he hates them no because he loves them truth doesn't change you'll know when you go through the crisis where you can come back because the one who loved you told you and wasn't afraid to tell you the truth even though you walked away i could go into a lot of that stuff but it's a huge issue today guys a huge issue what is the line between protecting our family with firearms while also laying down our life for our friends as martyrs yep right a lot of people today they're so wanting to get rid of guns and all that kind of stuff you have a right to bear arms okay it doesn't mean you got to be rambo okay but you have a right to do this you have to do it in the right way but let me tell you something if you who are married and have a family wife and children and somebody comes to your house to rob your house and to do horrible things to your wife and your daughter are you going to dialogue with them at the door i don't think so you better leave okay that's your house you have a right to defend your wife and your children if it comes to that doesn't mean you go out on the hunt you know no of course not but you have a right to do this okay so and this is basic teaching this is common sense this is no brainer but everybody today is just so offended politically correct and and thinks that it's just a bunch of a white men who hate everybody else and have firearms kind of craziness is this this is normal this is normal so yes we have to be sacrificial and if it comes to it we should be the ones who are virtuous and strong if the weak and defense defenseless don't need our protection okay we should be able to stand before a firing squad and say viva cristo rey and become martyrs but if you have a wife and child that requires you defense are you going to sit there and watch them while they get raped and beat no way no way you have a right to defend yourself and your wife and your children is it okay to question some of the statements from our president pontiff i am not going to answer that um that's a setup pray for him that's all i can say these are tough times i want to unleash like a fire hydrant right now but i better not pray that should be the answer you need [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Holy League
Views: 162,521
Rating: 4.8981323 out of 5
Id: 2xQ1p9C1Wmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 12sec (5652 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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