Explaining the Faith - Statues, Medals, Images, Scapulars. Are Sacramentals Grace or Idolatry?

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well hello and welcome everybody again i think we are on our 56th episode of taking you back to seminary we are so glad you have joined us i went back again to my seminary notes and we are helping to educate you to be a fuller understanding of your catholic faith and why we catholics do what we do because often we are told what we do is wrong it's not biblical and today we have a great example for you how many times as catholics have we heard we worship statues um you know what is the use of scapulars metals um crucifixes rosaries these are all things we call sacramentals and you saw that on the title slide and we're going to give you what you need to know and to be able to answer those questions so god bless all of you today we'll be talking are these sacramentals idolatry superstition or are they grace let us begin in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen heavenly father we actually send the holy spirit down upon us and through the sacraments that we are prepared in our hearts by the way of the sacramentals we ask for your blessing and we ask this through christ our lord amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen well we're grateful again now i want to start with some words i found from psy kellet and sean and mcafee that i thought did a really good job of taking this and giving us ways to defend sacramentals not as superstition not as magic now what are sacramentals all right they are blessings exorcisms and objects of devotion now let's take a look at our first slide what is a sacramental all right there you see a rosary a miraculous metal a scapular a holy water fought we're going to be talking about all of those today now people in the church for the first 1500 years were primarily illiterate so how did the church teach its faith you couldn't hand a bible to people for the most part a thousand years ago and say read this we did it because the church knew most people were illiterate so they brought our faith through icons images all kinds of other what we call sacramentals now they can be beautiful but what is most important is what it represents we don't worship the statues or the images we have to be careful these sacramentals are blessed items when an item is blessed it becomes a sacramental and so this is what we need to do now relics on the other hand i did a talk on that before in my saints talks they are already holy based on the life of the saint and so we have to see that this is biblical well father what do you mean sacramentals are biblical that's just a catholic thing no abraham was blessed by who melchizedek and he received a blessing they're abundant in the bible so are exorcisms right exorcisms are also sacramentals now here's something that's cool people think that the ultimate in the catholic faith is an exorcist in an exorcism that that's the highest form of fighting the devil do you know that an exorcism is a sacramental which means the sacrament of confession is greater the sacrament of confession by the fact that it's a sacrament is greater than an exorcism that's incredible people don't know this and so we don't have we really don't need to have exorcisms before jesus came and gives gave the authority to the apostles that means he gave us the priests the authority all right preparing people what's the purpose of a sacramental to prepare you for the sacraments this is what we're going to talk about today it's an object of devotion remember the woman in the bible that said if i could just touch the hem of his garment she was cured now it was through jesus of course handkerchief of paul people were cured through paul's handkerchief which resulted in a healing acts chapter 19. now even something like holy water which people non-catholics just totally criticize is in the bible the book of chronicles it says peace priests should or will sweep up the dust from the floor and put it in the water and bless it [Music] make it holy to heal the people this isn't the book of all right protestants they drive around with that little fish on their uh on their bumpers right you see that you know the little fish that has the the tail and the uh like a figure almost a complete figure eight and that's the symbol of christianity so these protestants drive around with this little fish on the back of their car but yet they criticize us for sacramentals all right protestants you're not supposed to be having graven images we're going to talk a lot about that they say that that's it but good did god tell this that we can't have grain images or worship them in fact god commanded that we have images such as carved angels on the ark the cherubim the bronze serpent on the pole of moses we'll get to it now the thought is that sacramentals can forgive sins no they don't it prepares us for grace so here's the only technical i'm going to give you today let's look at our next slide what is a sacramental this is right from the catechism or sanctum concilium they signify effects particularly of a spiritual nature which are obtained by the intercession of the church and by them we are disposed to receive the chief effect of the sacraments which is sanctifying grace all right bottom line everybody you want to go to heaven so do i you got to have sanctifying grace where does that come from the sacraments but does everybody who walks up this aisle and you all seen them if you haven't been one yourself [Music] or that's your reverence are you receiving the fullness of the grace of that sacrament when you're not properly disposed no so sacramental is our way to predispose us to receive the sacraments now i've already done talks on all the sacraments but we would be remiss if we didn't say now how do we open our hearts to make sure we get all the grace in the sacraments and sacramentals can help all right now with the sacramentals they point us to the promises of the sacraments we do not guarantee that they will work it is faith they help us learn and they help us in our faith so that god can then work miracles remember the bible said even jesus couldn't work miracles because of the lack of the faith of the people so it's because of jesus's merits on the cross yes it's not the sacramental itself no these are authorized by the church because the church has the authority the church was given that by jesus now let's take a look at one other slide with a definition this is catechism 1669. now who can bless this is one of the most common questions we got when the pandemic started we did a um seal the door posts and we said everybody hang the image of divine mercy on your door let's read who can bless it it says sacramentals derive from the baptismal priesthood that means you you're baptized every baptized person is called to be a blessing and to bless i bet you didn't know that you can bless but hence lay people may preside at certain blessings the more a blessing concerns however ecclesial and sacramental life the more is is its administration reserved to the priests deacon's bishops the ordained ministry all right what are we saying here when the pandemic hit and you couldn't get to a priest when the pandemic hit the churches were close crazy that's a whole other topic should never close bishops as reagan said tear down that wall bishops open up those churches and so what happened was people were writing saying father i can't bless this image i don't have access to a priest in this case you could have blessed that image yourself by virtue of your baptism you are priest prophet and king and as by virtue of your baptismal priesthood you can bless certain items in the name of the father son and the holy spirit now when it's larger items significant items like a blessing of holy water solemn blessing and exercise salt you can't but certain ones like an image you can and so that's why we were trying to teach people to do during the pandemic now any priest can impart blessings but there are some blessings only the pope or bishops can do so on other items a deacon can but he can't make up his own blessing you ever have a priest bless something he's just like uh yeah mother mary we ask you intercede uh come down through the intercession of the saints father son holy spirit a priest can do that hopefully he means it reverently but a deacon has to follow the prescribed written of the blessing itself now no one can perform exorcisms however upon a possessed person not even a priest unless he has permission of the bishop but you could do minor exorcisms prayers of deliverance prayers of unbinding and we'll talk about that all right next let's look at the next slide there's some icons images these are classic this is the one that we get beat up all the time as catholics now because we have statues in our churches or images like you see on your screen icons some say we are violating god's commandment exodus 20 verse 4 and 5 father says you should not have graven images you gotta keep reading for the purpose of worshiping them calling catholics idolaters is not accurate it's a misunderstanding just because we have images of christ or saints doesn't mean we worship them now you all know that god forbade the worship of them but he did not forbid the use of them people like what father yeah he actually commanded we talked about this he commanded that cherubim be carved angels on the ark of the covenant in exodus 25. do you know david who built the temple it wasn't david it was his son solomon but david had a plan for the temple that included statues of angels similar ezekiel 41. listen to this described graven images carved in the temple he was shown in a vision quote on the walls of the inner room and on the nave were carved likeness of cherubim angels now what about using these all right during a plague of serpents back in the desert of the exodus with moses a plague of serpents was sent to punish the israelites and god told moses to act let's look at our next slide see what moses is doing there he's holding up an image of a bronze serpent now moses made the serpent and set it on a pole so that if the serpent bit anybody he would look at the bronze serpent and live and foreshadowed the cross this was numbers 21. now here's what's fascinating god told moses that the people had to look at the bronze statue not just be in its presence look at it to look at the serpent to be healed this shows the statues were used ritually they were used in ritual not merely as decorations god didn't tell moses you know just put it in the corner there and let the people continue milling around like we do in the church in fact we use statues less and images less than the israelites in this capacity now this is fascinating to me catholics use statues paintings artistic devices to obviously recall what has depicted god now it's like looking at a photograph to recall your mother who passed away you look at the picture of your mother and it recalls to you who she was stories it's what we do with the saints and in the early church statues were useful because as i said people were illiterate most protestants have pictures of jesus right and other bible pictures they use on sunday school and we commemorate things that they do too you know if a protestant has a nativity scene right here every year and christmas we put the statues of mary joseph the baby jesus the wise men so do the protestants and so they do when people begin to adore a statue as god then you have a problem but having it as a reminder is not a worship you guys know this but one person wrote to me and says but father where you draw the line is were you catholics bow and kneel and i read that letter and i went hmm so i called one of our theologians and i said you know that's a good point we catholics do bow and kneel so wait a minute now i can kind of see where that would look like we're worshiping because it'd be one thing just to say hey isn't that a great statue as you're looking at it see yeah that reminds me of jesus but when you bow and kneel to it all of a sudden uh oh are you now worshiping it and here's what i was told i think this is fascinating some people quote deuteronomy 5 9 that says you shall not bow down to them 99 of us catholics don't know how to answer that if deuteronomy 5 9 says we are not to bow down for statues what is going on here again god means in worship but bowing can be used as a posture not only in worship but other things this is what the theologian told me though bowing is used in worship not all bowing is worship and he used the case of japan when i worked in the u.s auto industry in detroit we used to have japanese engineers and businessmen come and we would meet with them the first thing they did to me you have your business card and please when you take a business card from a japanese you just don't toss it aside it's very honorable to them so when you would meet a japanese businessman they came before you and they bowed that was not worship they weren't worshipping me for crying out loud they didn't even know me and they weren't certainly going to tell you they were worshiping me probably they thought who's this ridiculous young american kid he's not going to know anything but they still bowed bowing doesn't necessarily mean worship all right a person could kneel before a king you kneel before a king without worshiping him as a god that's the thing a catholic kneeling isn't worshiping the statue or even praying to it surprisingly any more than a protestant who kneels with a bible in his hand is worshiping the bible or praying to the bible i have seen protestants with bibles in their hands on their knees holding the bible are they worshiping that bible no are they praying to that bible no so this was a great answer to me about bowing all right what about the second commandment boy we hear this one all the time you catholics eliminated the second commandment the second commandment the first commandment is you should have no god other than the lord our god and the second commandment is you should have no graven images you catholics violate this man when i went to seminary for the first time that was one of the first questions i asked when i got to seminary how do we answer that professor we're all the time accused of being told that we eliminated the second commandment the first being there's only one god you worship him and second is you do not have graven images catholics took it out nah here's what i learned in seminary for us the first commandment yes is listed as you shall have no other gods before me that's exodus 20 verse 3. and the second is you shall not take the lord your god's name in vain exodus 20 verse 7. that's our first two commandments no other gods but god do not use his name in vain now non-catholics say you deleted that so that you can have idolatry you purposely your popes took it out so that you could justify idolatry to justify its use of no this is false catholics simply group the commandments differently than protestants in exodus 20 chapter 20 verse 2 through 17 we talk about the ten commandments do you know that god never called in the ten commandments do you know how many there are there's actually fourteen what yeah god didn't call in the ten commandments the jews did the jews the number 10 was the basis so god gave 14 prohibitions or 14 imperatives not prohibitions but 14 imperatives and the jews took those 14 and made them into 10. now here's what's fascinating to arrive at 10 some statements were grouped together and there's different ways of doing this now the ancient world in the ancient world listen this this is fascinating to me polytheism meaning many gods and idolatry were united the jewish numbering of the ten commandments always group together the imperatives you shall have no other gods before me and you shall not make for yourself a graven images the jews brought them together because to the jews polytheism was the same as idolatry so they took the first commandment that the protestants have have no other gods and the second commandment no graven images and the jews put them together so we are actually following the tradition of the jews since there were 14 imperatives how you put them into 10 which is what they wanted is up to you in a certain sense as long as all prohibitions or imperatives are captured so how do we capture graven images it's in the first commandment by having no other gods means you're not going to carve an image and worship it as soon as you carve another image and worship it you have another god you violated the first commandment this is fascinating to me and yet no catholics know this we sit there with our eyes it's like huh i don't know oh we do we did take out worship statues boy you know i don't think i should be catholic anymore we got to know our faith this is what's important so the historic catholic numbering follows the jewish numbering on this point so do the lutherans i wonder if you knew that jews and christians abbreviate the commandments so they could be numbered remembered using 10. again there's 14. so jews and christians did that for example jews catholics and protestants summarize the sabbath as remember the sabbath and keep it holy do you know in the bible there's actually four verses on that one there's four imperatives regarding keeping the holy the sabbath day but we made it one so we took graven images and the second commandment to the protestants and made it one in ours so the jews catholics and lutherans abbreviate it you shall have no other gods basically we follow augustine the protestants follow the greek fathers who's right augustine did it one way the greek fathers did it another way we catholics foul augustine the protestants follow the greek fathers who's to say who's right as long as they are all encompassed and we encompass it in the first commandment to me that's how we have to explain it so this if we explain this to our kids who are being told at school by their protestant friends i can't believe you're catholic the bible doesn't support you they're like mom i don't want to be catholic anymore mom dad i'm not going to be catholic anymore but mom and dad are like well gee i don't know how to answer that now you know because you're going back to seminary with us all right how about this one some anti-catholics say deuteronomy 4 15-18 prohibits even making the image of god if you read that passage it does but early on why was this early on israel was forbidden to make any depictions of god why because he had not yet revealed himself to them that prohibition in deuteronomy is before god revealed himself through moses so what the risk was the pagan culture that surrounded the jews would mean that the jews probably would put him as an animal or some kind of object like the sun so god said you are not allowed to depict me yet to depict me yet because he hadn't yet revealed himself to the jews if they would have they probably would have made him some animal or the son or something like that but later god did reveal himself in daniel 7 9 even in the old testament and the holy spirit has since revealed himself at the baptism of jesus tongues of fire at pentecost as a dove the protestants use these images when drawing pictures teaching their kids at the incarnation god showed mankind an icon of who he was a baby that grew up to be jesus well that was jesus that's the image of god paul said quote he is the image in greek that means icon i-k-o-n that's the greek word icon we use i-c-o-n meaning image of the invisible god the firstborn of all creation so paul's basically saying jesus is an icon this is why let's look at our next slide we have the icon of divine mercy [Music] this is why this icon has it all christ is the tangible divine icon of the unseen infinite god misery cordial voltus the face of the father's mercy if you could somehow capture the essence of god the father and capture it and show it it would be the face of divine mercy jesus christ we see this since god has revealed himself in images it's not wrong for us to use images to deepen our love for him all right the catholic church is always condemned idolatry there is a distinction between thinking a piece of stone or plaster is a god and desiring to visually remember christ and the saints by gazing upon them saint therese used to say she took a picture of jesus into the chapel that was how she prayed she just stared at the picture of jesus saint therese said and she's a saint that without the picture her mind was wandering all over the place you ever wander in in in in prayer take a picture take the divine mercy image the making and use of religious icons and statues is biblical know your bible all right let's get into holy water let's look at our next slide holy water oh that's another crazy catholic thing all right monsignor charles pope said the greatest weapons against the devil are the sacraments saint michael the blessed mother and bless holy water and salt hear that again said the best weapons against the devil the sacraments saint michael the blessed virgin mary and holy water and blessed salt he said to make sure that your water is blessed with the traditional blessing since regular holy water is not as effective because its blessing is not preceded by an exorcism i bet you didn't know that holy water that we buy may not be exercised first just a simple blessing he's saying hey [Music] go back to the traditional blessing but there's no official church teaching saying that one holy water is better than another this is just tradition all right there is no official teaching on that however solemnly blessed your holy water this is what you can get in our shrine here what does that mean solemnly blessed father just versus a traditional blessing solemnly blessed means that there was salt and the salt was exercised then it was blessed then there is water the water is exercised then the water is blessed then they are put together and another prayer of blessing is done upon the combination you're talking about the demons running for the door when you do all that solemnly blessed means the exorcism of the salt blessing of the salt exorcism of water blessing of the water and then you put them together and say another prayer all right some theologians like thomas aquinas said that you want exorcisms before blessings especially baptism because it improves the fruitfulness why because it gets the demons out of there first they can't mess with the blessing exorcism or not holy water is still blessed yes but the fruitfulness may be increased since the demons who might seek to interfere with it some of the fruits of the blessing have been sent away i know some of you gonna i'm gonna get the letters father you are so crazy superstitious you are crazy i get those letters all the time i welcome them because that means at least people are listening and this is the tradition of the church this is not crazy this is not insanity this is not psychological this is spiritual it's a spiritual warfare theological opinion yes official church teaching no on the blessed water but holy water for baptism included salt and chrism why because there's exorcism in the baptism and it was blessed using a very thorough wording you ever hear epiphany water if you ever get a chance get epiphany water sow in your local catholic bookstore ask if they have epiphany water i didn't even know what that was before i went to seminary epiphany water is considered the most potent of holy water why because it is blessed once a year on the epiphany with the holy right that drives out the demons exorcism over the water was lengthy it was more potent so wherever the right is used or whichever right is used old or new salt or no salt make sure they use the full right whether it's solemn or not use the full right the right restricts the blessing of holy water outside of mass however to just priests and deacons earlier said as a baptized catholic you can bless certain things not this this is a priest or deacon all right what about lord's water some people some of you have gone to lords blessings to you lords is approved lord's water is not liturgically blessed what father i thought it was the most powerful it is not liturgically blessed holy water it is although it can definitely be blessed if you get lord's water you can definitely have it blessed the healing properties of the spring are supernatural so there's something powerful there it's not the minerals or the water or anything in the water that causes the cures and the miracles it's the act of faith and mary through her intercession we believe has given special healing powers to that water not because it comes from the water because it comes from not from mary but from god the act of faith using the water of lords drinking it bathing in it seems to coincide with god allowing miracles when there is faith remember jesus couldn't even work the miracles as i said before in the town when there was no faith when there's faith we have miracles wow father i didn't know this about holy water well it's in the bible really yeah leviticus leviticus prescribed using water to remove uncleanliness coming into contact with maybe a dead person menstruation menstruating for women child birth leaving leprosy a person also purified themselves with water before entering the temple you wonder why we have holy water fonts in churches because the jews before they entered into the temple would clean themselves with holy water or blessed water before you enter the church people just file right past the holy water font don't do that you're coming into the temple the jews would scrub themselves purify themselves with the water at least we can dip our finger in and give ourselves a blessing in fact the sign of the cross is also a sacramental you know what you're doing in the sign of the cross [Music] pay attention in the sign of the cross you know what you're doing you're branding yourself i always laugh to have any cowboys because what does a cowboy do he brands his cattle they belong to me that cattle has my brand on it so that when we die at the end of the world when when the sheep and the goats are separated and all of mankind the wheat is separated from the chaff god the angel will come to pick up those who belong to god and when you do the sign of the cross you're branding yourself you're branding your soul i belong to god the father the son and the holy spirit think about what it means this is powerful stuff in our faith so outside the temple was something they called a laver a bronze basin filled with water for priests to purify so holy water fonts in churches correspond to that we purify before entering we come we can also use holy water on the way out well father if it's only to purify going into church i don't need it on the way out yeah we use it on the way out too to remind us of our baptism calling to go live the gospel out in the world and so before you go out of the church also use the holy water font to purify yourself before going out into the world it's really wow the world is a world is a really rough place you know you might be in peace and you're having no problems in the temple but go out of the world you're gonna need that holy water even more was it um back in the days i used to watch tv there was a show called cheers and norm came into the bar one day and he says it's a dog-eat-dog world out there and i'm wearing milk bone underwear [Laughter] and that's true we have to be prepared so we bless with water three reasons one a sign of repentance cleansing of sin like your baptism second a protection from evil when you take holy water and you put it on yourself you are branding yourself to god putting a laying of holy water over you you are protecting yourself from evil the demons flee at water why do the demons hate water because water is life baptism is life that's why you find the demons in tombs remember in the new testament it says the demoniac came out of the tombs the reason demons are at the tombs is because it's death there's no water it's death water is life also why did the church fathers go out to the deserts you ever hear the desert fathers why did the church fathers go into the desert they wanted to take on satan on his home turf satan's turf is the desert why there's no water water is life satan's about death so when you take holy water these are the reasons why the desert and the tombs is where the demons were found in the new testament when you take holy water and you sprinkle on somebody ah if there's a demon they can't stand it and so outside we gotta go out we gotta fight this battle so the second reason is purification from evil and the third is a reminder of our baptism john the baptist he called all the conversion using a ritual washing he just didn't throw the water on you john the baptist used a ritual cleansing with water to signify repentance of sin so do we compare catholic catholicism to protestants and see who follows more the tradition since god's beginning of mankind all right we incorporate these into the mass in the potential right what does the priest do sometimes we come down within a spirit and we do what we sprinkle holy water on you that's part of the right we're cleansing penitential right which is the blessing and sprinkling with holy water what makes holy water holy is that it's blessed this is what we need it's not superstitious and using sacramentals is not superstitious we're following the examples of jesus how father by being baptized what did jesus do he blessed the water jesus didn't need baptism why did he baptize if jesus didn't need to be baptized why did he have john baptism and john even said i shouldn't be baptizing you you should be baptizing me and jesus says no do it why because jesus been being baptized blessed the waters he blessed the waters for all of our baptisms to come and he used material things to bless the people we talked about the woman in the hem of the garment that was hemorrhaging she wasn't cured till she touched the garment john chapter 9 6 jesus mixed saliva with dirt and put it over the eyes of the blind man and told him to go and wash why didn't jesus just go you're healed he gave us form and matter what the sacraments are material and he used healing through that let's look at our next slide this is an interesting statement from old testament numbers 517. listen to this and the priests shall take holy water it says this in the bible in an earthen vessel and take some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it into the water this is biblical all right we're cruising right along emptying or covering holy water fonts during lent does your church do that more of a modern innovation it's a modern innervation water is always kept in the holy water fonts but some churches will take it out after the mass on holy thursday and empty it then they will refill it with water blessed at the earth easter vigil here's the thing you can still replace it with the water of the easter vigil but you don't have to keep them empty lent is a time we need the spiritual benefits of holy water and the protection of evil they shouldn't be emptied does adding you know and a lot of people don't get that they think well wait a minute we're switching water yeah but you don't have to keep them empty or fill sand that's not right if your church is doing that you might want to respectfully mention that all right what about okay here's another one you're running out of holy water and you want more can you just add water can you just like add water to the holy water to make more holy water all right here's the rule on that does adding water to already bless water make the added water holy yes as long as the amount of water added it does not equal the amount of half of the holy water in other words as long as the water added to the holy water does not amount to half of the amount of the holy water so you can add some and if adding holy water to a bucket of regular water it has to be more than 50 of the combined water so it doesn't take long just have the priest bless it all right let's talk about candles this is a catholic favorite let's look at our next slide votive candles y'all see that picture you all seen this at your churches the row of candles we have him here at our shrine all right i'm going to steal from father william saunders who did a really good report on this he said in judaism perpetual light was burning in the temple to show the presence of god that's why we have a burning candle always next to a tabernacle that has the blessed sacrament because it shows the presence of god we're following jewish tradition we have a lit candle near the tabernacle the torah and other writings in sacred scripture where they were stored would have a light to show the presence of the word of god so christians adapted the use of lit candles for liturgical things masses funerals why jesus said i am the light of the world he didn't say i'm the wind of the world that's the holy spirit jesus is the light of the world no follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness so light is a symbol of faith truth wisdom virtue grace divine life charity prayer sacred penance all of that comes from jesus sacred presence not penance sacred presence this all comes from god all right we should then recognize the the good thing of votive candles now here's interesting father why did the catholics just make this up the early christians from the earliest times would light a candle before a saint or sacred image there is evidence that lit candles were burned at the tombs of the saints especially martyrs centuries ago to the time of christ there's also lit candles before sacred images and relics saint jerome tells us this so we're too good for what the early church did we can't do nah do not worship the statue of the image we know this we worship what it represents you guys all know that with the light of faith we petition our lord in prayer or a saint to pray for us beeswax why do we have beeswax beeswax symbolizes purity beeswax means it's pure wax there's no impurities in it why do our candles need to be beeswax i did a whole other talk before on the three days of darkness candle i can't do that now but you can see it up on my end times talk the beeswax is pure it represents the purity of christ what does the wick represent the human soul of jesus that's what was lit on fire lit the light is his divinity mixed with the wick his humanity so you have the wick all right so the beeswax candle represents purity the wick in the candle represents jesus humanity then the flame in the late enlighted or is that a word enlighted lit that human soul of jesus with his divinity you have the the the the incarnation in that candle the wick is the human soul of jesus the flame the light is his divinity put them together they're inseparable the light burns around that wick this trust me the church knows what she's doing she's not going to give you some pagan piece of thing to worship another god but this is what we're told so let's look at this these are some powerful things all right the symbolism reminds us that in prayer we are coming into the light of christ allowing our souls to be filled like his with light so when we come before the kindle we're asking god to do the same thing to us lord i'm just this wicked wick i just thought of that but we are a wicked wick enlighten me and flame me with the fire of your divine love and letting that light burn in our souls even though we may have to go back out into this dog-eat-dog world what about the crucifix well father every christian believes the crucifixion no no no no protestants believe in crosses but my jesus ain't on that cross no more why do you crazy catholics still have jesus on that cross my jesus is risen you ever hear that i hear it all the time i don't know if brother mark is able to show our image of our crucifix here in the shrine but you could see in every catholic church okay i don't think he can but in every catholic church you see a crucifix now what is the difference between a cross and a crucifix i think he's showing the other one that's fine yeah up here by the altar or over here but every catholic church has a crucifix the difference is a cross is without the corpus without the body of christ a crucifix has the body of christ why you crazy catholics do that my jesus is risen and a woman in walmart say gee i sure am glad my jesus ain't on that cross no more well the fact that this world is still suffering and still in pain and you have any agony jesus is still suffering now it's not in the sense that he isn't resurrected and he's not in heaven anymore but he is united with us in his humanity that's what makes him as the second person trinity unique and so he's mirrored to our human suffering he went through it and so when you go to mass what's the and you've heard me say this what's the reason jesus died on the cross because the penalty for sin is death jesus had to die so on the cross we are showing him paying the penalty for our sin well father it's done no god is outside a time when you come to mass you are actually present at calvary while jesus is paying your penalty death for sin but we're sitting in the back of the church smacking our gum looking at our watch wondering when it's going to be over you are there at calvary as jesus is paying your penalty for sin which is death you are there this is not a re recreation you're there god is in sacred time we are in historical time at the mass the two come together pope benedict said in spirit of the liturgy the roof of the church opens up that angels and the saints ascend and decent heaven and earth are united like no other time like no other place at the mass this is why people say i don't need a church yeah if you want to receive the full benefits that you are given in your baptism for eternal salvation you need the church because it is in the church that this roof opens up heaven and earth are united you are present at calvary why in the church because the sacrifice that was given to the priests to be able to step in as in persona christi to sacrifice that gift of god the son back to god the father through the power of the holy spirit you are part of and on that cross jesus is paying your penalty for sin that's why we catholics show him on the cross that is our faith but the crucifix all right what do we do with it then father all right it should be the first thing placed in your new home before any furnishings god is the head of your household this is what you should do it's a sacramental which recalls the victory of christ over sin the sacred season of lenten easter is a great time we turn our gaze and our prayer onto the holy cross the face of god it's fitting to add the crucifixes in our home into every room i'll bet most of you maybe have one or two crucifixes actually the church says it's best to have them in every room now it doesn't have to be a big elaborate cross crucifix from italy hand carved marble it can be just a simple little tiny crucifix god's presence is there we should have them in every room if possible it doesn't even have to be predominantly on the wall it can be just on the desk can be in the closet this is what is is powerful make sure that the crosses in our house are blessed by a priest you want that there is one time when we are most in need of the blessing and that's when we're going to die do you know that there is even a plenary indulgence given for those who hold a cross at the end of their life so trust me if you didn't get along with aunt emma and you really didn't know how to say to her or what words to say to her but you feel obligated to go to the hospital slip a crucifix onto her hand seeing an emma i know we didn't always see eye to eye and you don't even have to look at me but look at that crucifix put it into aunt emma's hands even if she's not conscious she doesn't even have to know the very fact that you put it in her hand god will give her the conscious ability to accept or reject it when he comes to her diary 1486 of saint faustina diary 1698 jesus tells us this is what happens at the moment of death so even if you think your loved one is gone put a crucifix in their hand there's an indulgence for this we cover the our crucifixes with purple claws and lent why do we do that to give us a new appreciation of the crucifix when it is uncovered all right what about scapulars i want to finish with scapulars all right scapula let's look at our next i'm sorry i missed our slide on the crucifix um brother mark if you didn't show uh there's a slide of a typical crucifix let's go on to our next slide okay do you ever see a religious walking around let's say they have a full white habit but then they got this brown strip going right down the middle all the way to the ground like the carmelite sisters i don't know if you can see it you can see it on my screen put it up brother mark if he's got it up he's showing there is an example of a carmelite they're wearing a white habit but down the middle is a brown strip that's a scapular now the word scapula means arm shoulder and back so that's what a scapular lays on the arms shoulder and back of the religious a scapular is consisted of two that we wear as laity or i wear as a non um a non uh habited religious we wear clericals here at the marian fathers so i wear a brown scapular this i don't know if it's probably too far away to see but this is the brown scapular that lays over your back with two strips and lays over onto your chest and you put it under the clothing and we're gonna talk about that in a minute now it was worn over the habit of the monks or nuns but then in the middle ages the scapular was modified by use for laypeople so you laity then began to wear it as an outward sign of their participation in the spiritual life of a particular religious order like the carmelites now many times such association is called a confraternity we have a confraternity of the immaculate conception here at the marian fathers so this confraternity is one way it's a sign that you belong and you are in spiritual union with a particular religious order so if you feel really connected to the marian fathers you belong to the association of marian helpers or the confraternity of the immaculate conception now a priest from that order would then invest you into the confraternity or the association now at first people wore a scapular as i said over their clothing however over time showing piety became more important by discreetly putting it under their clothing more in humility not walking around like the pharisees with fallacies uh phylacter the things that they used to wear on their forehead announcing that they were these holy men of god now wearing the scapular doesn't just mean you physically put it on and everything's fine it means wearing it as a way of life it is putting on the new man this is what we have to do when we fill our lives with these sacramentals all right we're getting close here now i want to quote from the directory on popular piety and the liturgy the brown scapular and other scapulars it's a pious practice the council said to by the magisterium to wear scapulars the scapular is imposed by a special rite of the church which describes it as quote a reminder in the that in baptism we have been clothed in christ with the assistance of the blessed virgin mary that we may come to our heavenly home wearing our nuptial garb isn't that interesting you want to know what you wear in heaven i always was told father or asked father what clothes do we have in heaven are we going to be walking around naked you're going to be in your nuptial garb and your nuptial means marriage garb includes the scapular that's powerful now let's look at our next slide here's a picture of the brown scapular that i just showed you that i'm wearing the brown scapular has been reduced it's a reduced form of the carmelite full scapular that you see nuns or priests wear instead of the full length wool they take a little piece of the cloth as i said they take a little piece of the cloth as you see on your screen and it's made of wool and it's cut into a little triangle or a rectangle and so we have this brown scapula that represents the habit of caramelize they why do we do this because the caramelites entrust themselves to mary's protection and to have recourse to her intercession it's not some salvific lucky charm all right it's this is what people accuse us catholics the church teaches that the carmelites agree to this that one cannot just wear this and live any kind of decrepit life they want you know i saw these gangsters there was a thing on youtube about these um gangsters in la they were now all wearing rosaries around their neck hey that's a start right but they were wearing rosaries and going out onto drug uh uh fights and and everything because shooting each other because they thought well okay maybe this would be some power in this rosary that maybe i won't go to hell well you're living the life of a drug runner you're doing everything that is against church teaching you're probably not going to church you're probably not going to confession but you think you're going to put that around your neck and go to heaven be a little careful there i'm not saying that you shouldn't honor the rosary or what it represents but what i'm saying is it's not a magic wand it's not a rabbit's fault we have to look at what we have to live so the church says and the carmelites agree that one must persevere to the end to be saved and that all salvation comes from jesus christ not through the scapular through his church but the church has the authority to say this sacramental will open you up to receive the grace of the sacraments so in other words this is the key to your heart this little thing here laid over the heart is like a key in order to fill your heart with god you got to open the door now the scapular isn't the grace that's going to get you to heaven but it's a key that you could open your heart and then that heart can be filled with the grace of god that's the power of it not that it's some superstitious paganistic relic of some kind of pagan god it's a key now wearing the scapular faithfully is meant as a reminder to aid this cause so the church came out with a right for the blessing and enrollment of the scapular approved by the holy see in 1996 and it says that any priest or deacon that has faculties for blessing can bless the scapular they don't have to be a carmelite now it is necessary to be able to have the priest do it but do you have to be part of their confraternity no you can get the scapular it would be good if you were part but you don't have to be now those who wear the scapular out of devotion practice spirituality such as that as the carmelites but have no association with their uh with the carmelite order or their confraternity still can open up their heart to grace so what do the carmelites teach all right the carmelites teach that the scapular often offers a rich tradition that honors mary and they are pointing to her as the first disciple so the first disciple being mary she gives the example let's look at our next slide now where did this all begin it started with mary's promise to an early carmelite named saint stalman simon stock that anyone who remains faithful to the vocation like the carmelites until death will be granted the grace of final perseverance that means heaven now the carmelite order was anxious to share this protection with those who are devoted to mary and they extended it this their habit this is the cloth habit or the scapular of the carmelites to the whole church they wanted to share this remember oh a father this is just private revelation yeah but remember private revelation does not add or detract from the deposit of faith so if private revelation is approved by the church it supports the deposit of the faith so here's the thing the brown scapular of our lady mount carmel the reason i'm doing this talk is because our lady of monk carmel's next friday july 16th is it now this echoes the promise of divine revelation the one who holds out to the end is the one who will see salvation matthew 24 13. and remain faithful unto death i will give you the crown of life revelation 2 10. so it's not a magic wand it's not a rabbit's foot there is no salvation for anyone other than christ this is why all of you god bless you who wrote to me and said how dare you do that talk my point of the talk on islam was to bring people to christ not some false ecumenism it's to bring people to jesus the sacraments mediate this saving grace because christ instituted the sacraments the sacramentals including the scapular they help get you prepared for the sacraments they do not mediate like the sacraments but prepare us to receive the grace to cooperate with the sacraments all right we're wrapping up here simply wearing this brown scapular does not guarantee salvation that i can just go live the life i want to live no one who wears a scapular should be certain to reflect on the teachings of the gospel even the carmelite order you know there's three carmelites that are doctors teresa of avila therese of the zoo and john of the cross they're good all right so here's the basic thing that carmelites tell us carmelite spirituality if somebody says well father if i want to wear the scapular and i want to join with carmelite spirituality what is it it's very simple listen to this frequent participation at mass reception of holy communion frequent reading of and meditating on the gospels praying for at least part of the liturgy of the hours if you can imitation and devotion to mary the practice of the virtues chastity and charity especially and obedience to the will of god we should all be doing that anyway you want to be united to the monk carmel and the scapular do those things but you should be doing them anyway there's no surprises there all right next slide what is the official status of the sabbatine privilege father what's the sabbatine privilege all right tradition says if you die we're in the scapula on the first saturday after your death mary's intercession will release you from purgatory into heaven now that's the picture that you see on your screen that is the seventeen privilege however in 1613 the holy see wrote a decree saying that the sabbatine privilege didn't have historical evidence but the church did continue to say mary can aid us through intercession especially on saturdays that's her day now the tradition of the church has approved this vision as an acceptable cult but that does not authenticate it as historical because remember the blessed virgin mary no longer lives in historical time she lives in eternity since her dormition mary is beyond the realm of history so the point is yeah some people question the authenticity or the historical proof of simon stock and this vision and the scapular in fact i was kind of surprised father richard copsey of the carmelites actually have written against it now here's the thing there are very few surviving documents from the third century that record the history of the carmelites so just because it doesn't exist doesn't mean it isn't true we simply do not know enough about the three simons people will call people will say well there were three st simon so we don't know who it was well you know what no one seems to know about the vision yes this is true until the 14th century which was after it happened but again that doesn't mean it didn't happen some argue that the stories were passed down verbally and then written down that's what i believe i believe personally that it was pressed on verbally and then written now so this is important all this does not mean that they aren't without meaning the belief is protection of mary over the years the popes have been encouraging to wear the brown scapular well but father that doesn't they didn't say it infallibly true papal and fail ability pertains to faith doctrine and morals it does not pertain to historical events or science true once enrolled though there's a lot of grace and if it is once enrolled it's for life you don't have to keep getting re-enrolled if your scapular goes bad or you lose it or it gets dirty you can simply get a new one blessed and put it on you don't have to be re-enrolled and so this is this is important now one does not have to be a member of the con fraternity as i said to wear it any member of the faithful can wear it many miracles have been reported now i want to wrap up here by saying a few couple things first of all does it have to be made a wool all right it did it one time it no longer has to be because the caramelite religious don't even wear pure wool now um and their habits because expenses and impractical and heat and stuff and so oh sister hello this is a beautiful sister that joins us every once in a while god bless you sister thank you for coming i just had to say hello the most authentic form of the scapular is two pieces of brown wool and you know what most of them have a mark on them or a picture of our lady but they don't have to actually the most authentic ones are just plain brown cloth or maybe just a cross on them the scapular is either with nothing or just a very small cross now let's look at our next slide what about a scapular metal is that allowed it is now the metal can be worn in place of the cloth if you have like allergies to your skin or abrasions for good reason you can wear it it's not preferred but it does work now i recommend that you get enrolled with the wool and then if you can't wear the wool then replace it with the metal later now i'm going to finish with a couple other scapulas and then we're done let's talk about the next one on our screen the blue scapular the blue scapular is fascinating because it's from us marian fathers now i don't want to get into a whole talk on it now because it's its own topic so i'm just going to lightly touch on it but i'm going to come back later and do a talk on the blue scapular because that's united to us marian fathers now we got that permission to promote it through the theater fathers and the marians recognize that we are obligated to spread the immaculate conception so this meaning is what it is in the blue scapular so you know what the blue scapular is mary's mantle it is believed that mary wore a blue mantle she appears in visions with a blue mantle the blue scapular is a piece of that mantle of mary like this is a piece of the carmelite habit the blue scapular is a piece of the mantle of mary in fact that's the one to me that should be worn so that we can be like mary mystically it is possible to consider the scapula as a piece of her veil received from her hands and ensuring her protection to those who wear it and desire to be like her so again i'm going to talk to you about that in another talk okay i want to give you the next one look at your screen i call this the father dan cambra scapular it's the five-fold scapular look on your screen it looks like a deck of cards the blue scapula i'm sorry what makes up the five uh five-fold scapular is the red scapular of the passion the blue scapular the immaculate conception that i just told you about the brown scapular that we've been talking about of our lady mount carmel the black scapular of the passion and the white scapular of the most holy trinity you want it all get the fivefold scapular you can get it all of these on our websites on our i'll show you in a minute but you can get them online and then finally last one is the green scapular let's take a look at the green scapular on your screen father casel was here a couple days ago from minnesota and i laughed because he's the priest i told you about that does the hit and run with the green scapular all right now here's this green scapular it's the scapular for everyone now i want to tell you about this in an apparition of sister justine biscuiboro the daughter of charity in the early 1840s in paris on september the 8th our lady's feast day or a birthday mary appeared holding in her hand her immaculate heart mounted in flames and holding in her other hand a scapular now i want to tell you about this the scapular consisted of a piece of green cloth at that time hanging from a green string notice there's only one now here's what's important on one side is the image of mary dressed in a long white gown which is reached to her bare feet i know brother mark has it up on if you can put it back on the screen i know it's small but if you can see it on the one side is mary's image where she is dressed in a long garment a long white gown which is reaches her bare feet on the other side she wears she has her mantellon but she wears no veil now not on this particular one they're different let's go back to the other one she has no veil instead her hair is flowing down and in her hands she holds her heart that's two different versions and i'm sorry i jumped onto the other one this one then has a flip side the scapular shows on the other side a pierced immaculate heart this heart is pierced with a sword and then encircled by an inscription in the form of an oval topped by a golden cross okay so if brother mark can put that back on i know it's really small you might not be able to see it but this cross on top now the words immaculate heart of mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death now why is this important all right mary said that this scapular is not like others now father casel takes the ones without a cloth there are some green scapulars that are just the triangle they're not connected to a string they just look like like a triangle of or i'm saying triangle a rectangle and mary said this scapular is different than every other and so father casel takes them without the string and he just passes around these little tiny rectangular claws and hands them to people and people are intrigued now why does mary say that it's like no others because it's not based on a religious habit or her veil there's no special formula required to bless it and there's no enrollment of someone into a confraternity it's just a simple beautiful scapular it suffices that it be blessed by a priest though and worn by one whom desires to benefit from it now here's what's fascinating if the person is unable to receive it or pray the prayer because maybe they're not catholic maybe they don't believe yet the scapular may be kept near them mary's prayer is put it near an unbeliever and the graces will reach them so i had ladies writing to me that they put it under their husband's mattress isn't that awesome so take it now don't cause family divorce here but you could take just the little rectangle and mary says place it nearby so put it under the chair if he sits on the chair to watch the game put it under the mattress that he sleeps on and then when it comes to flip the mattress someday just make sure you pull it out before or maybe let him see it but this is the beautiful thing of this it's used for anyone anywhere and the graces are abundant if the person who is intended to receive the graces does not say the prayer you can say it for them this is intercession this is beautiful all right last page miraculous changes have been reported through this especially in public places like work environments that one short prayer if you say it once a day this is what mary promises that you want graces for your loved one that refuses to wear it refuses to get near a church or anything you place the scapular somewhere near them even if they don't know and you say that prayer once a day what is the prayer it's on the scapular immaculate heart of mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death notice us not me you're talking about your loved one that short prayer said once a day as often as you can is encouraged and those who were on the verge for instance of suicide were reported that they were given the wisdom to understand why they were so miserable and the strength to make the changes necessary to bring true happiness and hope back into their lives that's powerful so get a green scapular very good stuff people involved in dangerous relationships have been reported as saying that they saw changes in their significant other or the relationship ended so let's look at another slide actually you know what before this i want to show the video now we're going to wrap up it's only a minute and 50 seconds that basically summarizes everything i've talked to about here today but it also talks about how to dispose of sacramentals father what my rosary breaks what if my scapula is now dirty and sweaty and i want to replace it how do you dispose of sacramentals properly let's watch this quick little video a scapular is a sacramental which covers things that we can see like crucifixes rosaries holy water holy oil ashes and also things like blessings and the sign of the cross the use of sacramentals better prepares us to receive the graces available to us through the sacraments what sacramentals are not are magic talismans that will protect us from the possibility of physical harm or force god to do our will it's a physical touchable doable thing that reminds us that through the grace of the sacraments we can bend our will to gods so the brown scapular isn't magic but it is a really good reminder before you put on a brown scapular for the first time you should be invested by a priest any priest can do it but a carmelite priest would be especially happy to do it for you has dane to join you to the confraternity of the blessed virgin mary of mount carmel amen [Music] welcome to the family congratulations once you're invested you can replace the scapular yourself as needed but that begs the question of what to do with the old one canon law tells us that once an object is blessed as is often the case with crucifixes rosaries and scapulars you must be given sold or donated carefully or returned to god either by being buried or burned and then the ashes buried we keep a drawer of broken blessed items and every so often the kids will get to burn and or bury them which is a very popular [Music] chore okay so in that video we saw how you dispose of sacramentals there's only two ways you properly burn them and if there are ashes left you should bury those ashes i know most people knows that it's proper to bury burn them but almost nobody knows that if there's significant ashes left you are supposed to bury the ashes and secondly you can just bury it directly that is the proper way to dispose of sacramentals people think well that doesn't sound right burning them yes reverently to properly dispose now i got a few minutes left so i figure out quick jump on the last two miraculous metal and the saint benedict cross two powerful sacramentals let's take a look you know what before that though i want to mention how you can get all these resources uh brother mark if we could show our slide shopmercy.org saturday you can get all of these the green scapular the blue scapular the brown scapular you can get the things i've talked about crucifixes you could talk about our lady mount carmel we have it on there you can get our books things like that but shopmercy.org saturday or call us at 800 for marion m-a-r-i-a-n now let's finish with the miraculous medal and the same benedict medal all right take a look at your screen the famous miraculous medal mary on one side the m and the cross on the other all right this happened from an apparition to saint catherine la beret in france she was a nun in the 1830s so what happened was saint catherine saw mother mary now i'm gonna have brother mark hold this slide up for the entire description so it's just gonna you're not gonna see me you're gonna see this slide the entire description saying catherine saw mary standing on a half globe with a serpent crush beneath her feet so you can see that look at your metal and her hands with rings holding a small globe with a cross on it now before what you see on the image is after she does something you don't see the globe yet or the globe is not shown on that on the on on the metal but that's what she saw she saw this globe bright light shone from the jewels that were on mary's fingers and suddenly the globe disappeared from mary's hands and she opened up her hands outward and the light from the jewels extended out from her hands and a semi-circle frame appeared around and over her with the inscription in gold o mary conceive without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee this refers the immaculate conception conceived without sin so what you see is mary's hands now open the vision then rotated and on the other side was the letter m so you see it on your screen with a cross on the m over the m and 12 stars the cross stood on a horizontal bar so you see the horizontal bar between the m and the cross is on top of it under the m were two hearts you can see that are engulfed in flames one in thorns the other pierced by a sword this is jesus and mary then mary told catherine have a metal struck of this model and those who wear it will receive great graces especially when they wear it around the neck now meaning that mary is queen of heaven and earth so what's the meaning of all this she crushes satan under her feet that's genesis 3 15. her arms are open her hands are open and the many rays of light are graces that she obtains for those who request them so you see the grace is coming out of mary's hands sometimes we call this our lady of grace now the dark jewels the ones that are not full of light represent the graces that are available that people don't ask for we should never let mary's graces go unwasted while grace is of god through the hands of mary because we don't ask for them on the back of the medal the 12 stars represent the 12 apostles who represent the church and it surrounds mary as you can see and the m obviously is for mary the cross is the cross of christ the symbol is our redemption the horizontal bar on the m represents the earth and the placement of the cross on that bar in the letter m shows that mary's participation in the cross of christ to help salvation she's a co-redemptrix and her involvement in our world the two hearts are those of jesus and mary burning with love for us that's the beautiful miraculous medal so thank you brother mark for showing that many miracles have been reported through the medal that's why they call it the miraculous medal many miracles so wearing it is discreet it's simple and effective to show your devotion to mary and it disposes us to receive god's grace that's what a sacramental does so that's what we do saint maximilian kolbe he had especially active involvement with the miraculous medal the mission immaculata he formed all right now finally we're gonna wrap up with the saint benedict medal one of the most powerful sacramentals in the church because it involves an exorcism don't just have your benedict medal and it could be in a cross it's either a metal by itself or it's in a cross placed in the center but you just don't do a regular blessing a priest does an exorcism now let's put it up brother mark if we can put it up and i'm going to have him leave it up this is a powerful medal originally was a cross dedicated and devotion in honor of saint benedict on one side so let's look at this on one side of the metal it bears an image of saint benedict holding a cross in the right hand and his holy rule of life in the left on the one side of the image is a cup and the other a raven you remember the story they tried to poison them and the raven came with the bread and the raven came and took the bread away and then the cup with the poison tried to um it shattered and above the cup the raven is the inscribed words now what you see on that is latin so those latin means cross of the holy father benedict now around the margin of the medal stands the legend also in latin may we at our death be fortified by his presence okay that's the front of the metal now let's look at the back the back of the metal bears across with the initials of the words now these are just initials for the latin the holy cross be my light we talked about light written downward on the perpendicular bar the initials to the letters of the latin let not the dragon be my guide now on the horizontal bar and around the margin stand other letters be gone satan do not suggest to me thy vanities evil are the things thou profess drink thy own poison because remember he was going to be poisoned at the top of the cross is usually the word pox p-a-x which means peace or sometimes i-h-s which are the first three letters of jesus in greek so during i want to finish with this they had a witchcraft trial back in 1647 at nautenberg near the abbey of metten in bavaria and the accused witch basically testified that she had no power over the monastery that was under the protection of this benedict cross and so this is powerful now this blessing or this cross requires a special exorcism blessing so it's one of the most powerful sacramentals you can get now people are probably saying father you didn't really talk about icons and images i ran out of time so please join us in the future as i take you back to seminary that we're going to talk about why these things in our catholic faith are not superstition they're not idolatry they are given to us by god and we talked about associations and confraternities brother mark if we can show it please join us become a marian helper it takes less than 10 seconds doesn't cost anything just enter in mic prayers dot org and join us being part of our marian family and you too can share in the graces of our rosaries prayers penances everything god bless you all and keep those sacramentals to open your heart to then receive the grace of the sacraments that's the point and may almighty god bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen why be a marian helper because we mary and father celebrate a mass for you and all our members each and every day you can share in all the prayers good works and merits of all the mary and priests and brothers around the world and now you can share the graces just as if you were a marian priest or brother every all souls day we see a mass for all the deceased members of the association of marian helpers again there's no way that after we die we can help ourselves but we have to rely on the prayers of those here on earth and we members of the marian fathers will be praying for you as a deceased member of our association you can share in the graces of the perpetual novena to the divine mercy remember jesus told saint faustina that the chaplet of divine mercy is one of the most powerful prayers we can make and every day here at the shrine of divine mercy we pray it and you can share in those graces so if you have any questions or you want to learn more how to be a marian helper please visit micprayers.com or call 1-800-462-7426 and let me personally pray for you and your loved ones thank you and may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen you
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Keywords: Divine Mercy, Mercy, Jesus, Christ, Marian, priest, grace, pray, prays, praying, chris alar, alar, fr. Chris, fr. alar, Catholic, Church, God, fr. chris alar, blessed virgin, Mary, Immaculate Heart, john paul II, sacramentals, rosaries, rosary, crucifixes, holy water, images, statues, idolatry, second commandment, scapular, medals, medal, miraculous medal, benedict cross, blessing, brown scapular, blue scapular, green scapular, carmelites, our lady of mount carmel, our lady of mt. carmel, worship
Id: 06mgry1cPf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 42sec (5382 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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