Our Lady of Hope (Pontmain) and Our Lady of Eternal Aid (Querrien) - Explaining the Faith

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well thank you everybody for joining us here live around the world I'm father Chris we're grateful that you're with us for a first Saturday this is a special day because not only is it a first Saturday this is the month of May dedicated to our lady so Mary or the month of May first Saturday he can't get better and today we're going to talk about two apparitions you probably haven't heard about and our job is to bring you the knowledge and understanding of these apparitions that have been lost to history and for us to see what did our lady say what did Heaven say and so this is our goal today so let us begin with a prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen mother Mary we ask that you wrap your mantle around us that we can all gather together as the body of Christ to have you lead us to your son yes Jesus is the only way to the father but we ask you be our way to the son and Mother Mary open our hearts to receive these words you gave us at potman and carrion and we ask this through Christ Our Lord name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit's amen so again everybody our goal now I I said last night we did First Fridays and I said at that time on First Fridays that we are looking at a situation in our world were First Fridays and first Saturdays we Marions have been doing them now for quite a while over two years I explained last night it has never been more important than what we are doing right now I said last night on the first Friday that our job First Fridays and first Saturdays is what to make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that's our first Friday and now on first Saturday to make reparations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the wounds and the blasphemies against her the blasphemies against her Divine maternity against her Perpetual virginity blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception blasphemies of those who teach children to revile her and finally blasphemies in her images and statues this is not a worship it's asking Mary to take us to Jesus and right now the world is in such a mess that this and again saying what I said last night First Fridays and first Saturdays I really believe last night I did some numbers and they just came to me and actually I confirmed them mathematically they make sense and I was amazed last night when I actually put a calculator to it that wow I was hoping I wasn't misspoken no there are 300 about 350 million Catholics sorry million people in the United States right now we are praying especially for the United States of America and I said last night that about every one of you watching if we get 20 000 views that means god is assigning to you about fifteen thousand Souls to bring to him that means each one of you that is here at this Shrine each one of you that is watching has been chosen by God to bring to him this is the whole message of marrying apparitions bring to Jesus to Jesus Through Mary but I just threw that number out last night I actually put the number on the calculator and it makes perfect sense if each one of you watching was to think about it we are given about 15 000 souls to bring to God you personally they start with your family your friends your neighbors your relatives your co-workers all those who don't know God you have been entrusted with them that is why you're here to make reparation not only for your own sin but their sins to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for not only their ingratitude but our own and then I threw out a number I said you know Abraham said before the Lord Lord if I find 50 righteous people and what's so interesting is he said if I find 50 will you spear the city this is going to be Sodom and Gomorrah who our Lord was going to destroy for the sins of the flesh and the Lord said yes I will Spirit if I find 50 righteous people then he said if I find 40 yes I will spear it if I find 30 yes I will spirit and he says yes if I spirit will you if I find 20 people will you spear it yes and you know what's fascinating I said 20 righteous people if we can find 20 righteous people he said Abraham God would spare the city well guess what I put the calculator to it there's about seven to eight billion people in the world at a thousand times that number means there was about seven to eight million in the world at the time of Abraham and that's exactly what science estimates so basically if we can find 20 000 righteous people I believe because Abraham needed 20. and I'm this is the engineer in me but if Abraham could find 20 righteous people to save the world and the world is now one thousand times bigger he went from seven to eight million to seven to eight billion the world is about a thousand times bigger that means we need about a thousand more righteous people and we've got them right here we've got them on this Marian family we can honestly make a difference if I didn't believe every ounce of what I was telling you I wouldn't be up here I wouldn't have given up wife and family and home and Business I would not have given all that up if I didn't believe every single word I was telling you If Abraham could find 20 righteous people for a world of 78 million and now we're in a world of seven to eight billion we can find twenty thousand righteous people and if you are watching you're one of them even if you're not living that perfect life God has chosen you to intercede for our loved ones our families our friends our co-workers our neighbors please listen to this message of God and he is speaking to us through our lady this is what first Saturday is about just like last night was on the Sacred Heart you can find that this is our goal and now our lady spoke to us at two places one is potman France and I've been saying all along if you look at the prophecies the Lord is going to do something to redo Europe with either I believe England France or Ireland England because that's the Dowry of our Lady France because she's the first daughter of the church in Ireland because she saved Western Civilization she saved the church and now she's falling away but we're going to pray that she comes back and saves it again it is going to be Europe is going to be saved from one of those three countries and today we're talking about France Our Lady of potman was France and guess what it's called Our Lady of Hope and then we talk about Our Lady of Kieran also in France I think is Brittany and there is called Our Lady of Eternal Aid to perfect apparitions for the mess we're in right now so let us begin Our Lady of pontman this is the last of my Vatican approved apparitions okay the church to have an approved Apparition can be either proved by the Bishops local bishop or by the Vatican itself now just because it's not approved by the Vatican does not mean that it's not fully approved by the Bishops today we're talking about potman France which is the last of the ones I've spoken about approved by the Vatican there's only 16 of them there's only 16 they include our lady Guadalupe Fatima Lords this is powerful stuff and potman France is one of them this is one of the 16 approved by the Vatican this is powerful now then we'll cover the locally approved by the Bishops Kieran in France but let's start now remember when an apparition is investigated and proved it is the local Bishop who is most important it can be approved by the bishop without Vatican recognition okay Trent councilor Trent said the local Bishop is the first in Maine Authority in the judgments of the authority authenticity of an apparition so Vatican approved which potman is is powerful but it's not required to be considered authentic the bishop can say it's authentic so after the bishop approval the Vatican May officially approve it too release a statement that's what it did with potman all right or it could even give Less Direct forms of approval like the pope visiting crowning the icon that is associated with The Apparition the approval of a basilica to be built there the establishment of a feast day canonization of The Visionaries yes the Vatican can be involved or not today we're talking about one the Vatican is so remember too that if a bishop approves or disproves something it can later be changed by a subsequent Bishop so if one Bishop has a negative judgment we're seeing this in medjugori and and it's interesting because if there's a positive or negative judgment that's not been approved by the Holy See a following Bishop can actually change that all right as long as it's not recognized by the Vatican once it's recognized by the Vatican that's it all right so let's look at our next slide and if you're following us here this is absolutely amazing look at those places of the Marian apparitions it is it looks like a shotgun blast there are so many Marian apparitions that's a map of these Marian apparitions and if a mirroring Apparition is approved by the bishop it means that the message is not contrary to the faith and morals of the church and Mary can be venerated there in a special way all right this is important because belief remember in private Revelation is not required by the church but once it's approved the church says it's okay to believe it now let's get into potman potman France happened in 1871. we call this Our Lady of Hope boy do we need that now Lord's fat Fatima they're all famous we know those those ones we know Guadalupe we know Lords we know Fatima but how many of you heard of potman let's look at our next slide this is the apparitions of Mary at potman Our Lady seems to totally have a soft spot for France two we're going to be talking about today because that's her first daughter and children both these apparitions today involve children what happened right in 1870 the King of Prussia now what is Prussia Prussia is really kind of the Germanic the german-speaking regions of Europe at the time right it's not Russia Prussia Prussia is more German they waged war against the Eastern parts of France they wanted to unite all german-speaking regions their Chancellor you've heard of them Otto von Bismarck so Bismarck attacks France to unite the german-speaking countries they had many victories they marched into Paris so they're in Paris in 1871. then after taking Paris they turned to the Western provinces of Normandy and Brittany Now by mid-January 1871 this Prussian Army was a few miles away from potman now this was popman was right inside the French lines that was their last hope so the citizens feared for their lives and this priest this father gearen who had been the parish priest for 35 years asked for prayers and you know what he did he does what I do all the time ask for the prayers of little children I very rarely go around asking all these adults all around please pray for me please pray for it but I see a little child I see somebody even an adult who is maybe handicapped or special special needs like down syndrome I always ask for their prayers because they're specially chosen by God they are a special gift of God so when you see little children I bet you don't think to ask him to pray for you very powerful when you see someone with Down Syndrome or ALS did you ask him to pray for you very powerful very powerful I see we have a great guest here Chris Chris is one of our Marion family I ask him all the time Chris please pray for me he's got spina bifida but this guy's heart is the size of a lion Chris the lionhearted and so we asked him to pray for us to the Blessed Mother for protection now things look totally bleak right well many different factors yes contributed to the end of the war most believed that it was one thing a vision of the Blessed Mother that protected this French town and all of France from being destroyed all right on January 17 1871 here's what happened near the small village of potman France Cesar barbadet had two sons Joseph and Eugene they were finishing their chores on the farm something else we're losing good old-fashioned hard work in our families Eugene was only 12. and he looked out the barn at the window of the barn and saw a miraculous light now Joseph the little brother was 10. and he saw our lady as well this light but the father did not so then the two younger neighbor Girls came over and they saw the light in our lady eventually six children came sound similar this is the same story we've heard over and over at Marion apparitions right and so then these six children saw our lady so let's look at our next slide if you got your phone with you we're on Facebook page is divine mercy official and our YouTube channel is divine mercy but here's a picture of our Lady now she was luminous she appeared in the sky she had a dark blue robe with bright stars on it that's what you're looking at right there the religious sisters then from a nearby Convent were called over along with the parish priest I just mentioned father gearen all of a sudden let's look at our next slide more Villages villagers started coming over to witness this amazing site and there's our lady floating above the church okay amazing now it was just like knock what did our lady what was her message in Knock Ireland nothing she didn't talk so our lady in a similar way here didn't really speak but the crowd began to pray the rosary and as they were praying the rosary a banner unfurled beneath her feet our lady's feet and it said please pray my children now yes we could take my children to literally mean all of us we're all Mary's children but I really believe the key is to get our children to pray how many children I am meeting not here at the shrine but out in the world don't know how to pray are we teaching them as parents and she says pray my children God will soon hear your prayers my son is waiting for you now here's the powerful thing she said God allows himself to be moved by one thing what's the one thing that God allows himself to be moved by compassion and mercy compassion and mercy if you have compassion on your neighbor and beg the mercy of God he will hear so they've begun to sing the song Mother of Hope asking our lady to protect their country notice we need to protect it if you have your cell phone off you can turn the sound down but notice the whole message here is she was praying the children and the adults praying for their country this is what we are called to do right now pray for our country now Mary first appeared sad she appeared with a red cross but then after they started singing and praying for their country she started to smile she laughed and she joined their singing this Apparition lasted for about three hours till about 9 pm can you imagine singing and dancing with our lady singing and dancing with our lady now this whole time this is going on here comes the Prussian Army the Prussian Army at that exact moment was marching into the town they were just a few miles away and so the soldiers these Prussian soldiers all of a sudden were stopped in their tracks they saw the vision they saw how about that so the General von Schmidt called back his troops and all of a sudden they headed in the opposite direction and the general Schmidt Von Schmidt said we cannot go farther there is a Madonna blocking the way how awesome is that so whether or not how much this influence the result of the war many think it did because the conflict ended 10 days later it ended later on January the 28th 1871 they even left Paris and an armist was signed there was peace so let's look at our next slide The Apparition of this Virgin Mary potman became known as Our Lady of Hope hope in the face of Destruction of a Nation now our our our fear for our country and really no matter where you're watching from basically the whole free world the Philippines and Canada and Australia the United States England Ireland France Spain Italy the whole free world we need to worry but not worry in the sense that we don't trust remember Jesus told consolata blessed Consulado Bertoni you worry only about loving me and I will take care of everything else to the smallest detail so basically we're not to worry in fear but pray pray for the safety of our world and our nation whether the destruction is from China and Russia militarily or if it's economically like they're trying to destroy the dollar we will pray all right this is why we need hope Our Lady of Hope who said pray for your nation what better time and so look at our next slide and the French Bishops quickly found this to be a bona fide appearance of our Lady under the title of Our Lady of pompman January the 17th is her Feast Day Our Lady of Hope then Rome followed through in 1932 Pope Pius XI approved it it shows that prayers of the humble especially little children do have an effect to stop even bloodshed if we believe this if we trust this and we have all 20 000 of you bringing your 15 000 entrusted Souls even if you don't know them personally God has given them to you to pray for we can do this you know our lady of apartment is like Our Lady of Victory she appeared during war time we are in a war right now it was the Frank oppression War things were not going good for France things are not going good for the United States in the western world but after her appearance The Village was speared peace was restored and God had mercy we've got to do the same thing this is why we're here for the first Saturday we are to do today exactly what those people did at potman what did they do they gathered together ask for mercy of God and prayed the rosary what are we going to do today we gather together we ask for the mercy of God and we pray the rosary we are doing the exact same thing that potman did to save their country we're asking for God to save us in our Western World we're under attack in the whole world for that matter so after this point France was not under crushing oppression more importantly potman and the whole country were spared now did France learn from this not totally that might be why World War II happened because they didn't turn back to God but again France was speared will they learn this time I don't know now they're talking about joining bricks joining with China and Russia to destroy the United States so throw in some prayers from France while we're here important and so to finish let's look at our next slide like other shrines potman draws hundreds of thousands of pilgrims each year and look how beautiful our lady is there now we're only going to watch one video today it's just a two-minute video father Joe Roche our Superior General as he's there at potman and we recorded him saying a couple special sentences it's not long it's very short let's watch father Joe nights before the apparitions the priest had brought the people into the Chapel to pray and he had asked him to sing the song Our Lady of Hope and the people loved that song but they weren't able to pray or sing that night because they were so Forsaken and so downcast and they said God does not hear and answer our prayers anymore now when our lady came Our Lady of Punt name came she did not say anything she was silent the whole time she was smiling at them she was encouraging them with her gestures but she never said a word but there was a kind of a scroll that came out and it unfolded word by word and what our lady said to them was but you must pray because God will hear your prayers and Jesus his son will allow himself to be touched by these prayers and so there were some question when people saw these words but how can you start something with but but it's it's obvious that what our lady is doing is she's responding to the question of the people in the church God doesn't hear our prayers anymore is it worth praying and our lady is saying but you must pray because God will hear your prayers and he does answer these prayers later on during the apparitions our lady became more serious a crucifix appeared on her a red crucifix and it said the words Jesus Christ over it and the red I think is a symbol of the blood of the war the violence the difficulties that were going on at that time there were also four candles at times there were many different aspects of the apparitions that were very symbolic and reminded the people of their church and finally over the course of the three hours finally the lady disappeared and it only was that one Apparition that one night the people had their hope restored after that they had prayed together they had felt joy and at one point they even said even if the prussians are at our gate we will not lose hope and so our lady had revived the faith of the people there 11 days later the Prussian Army had withdrawn and an Armistice was signed so it seems the prayers were answered and Our Lady of Peace had triumphed peace returned to that area and the faith it's still an ongoing battle but the faith is still being restored so it's an important message that we we need to have peace in our hearts we need to have hope and we need to pray because God's very attentive to us and he's close two nights before okay so that was father Joe God bless him he's our new Superior general of the whole marians worldwide and there he was at popman telling this important story this message now this was one Apparition in one night peace and Faith were restored we too in one afternoon can bring peace you know as we offer our rosary which we're going to do together here shortly each day not just today but each day but especially today seeking the maternal care of our Blessed Mother we must always be mindful of what she did she stood at the foot of the cross filled with what sorrow true and next week or next month I'm gonna be talking about Our Lady of Sorrows but what does she have that was greater than sorrow hope hope for the Forgiveness of sins and the Redemption of the world and the resurrection of the life life Everlasting so this affords us hope as we journey through life if we turn to her to help us to get to Jesus all right so let's now start our second this is a quicker Apparition called Kieran q-u-e let's put up on the screen actually let's look at our next slide q-u-e-r-r-i-e-n Kirin and this is in France in Brittany now this is the first of the bishop approved apparitions I'm going to be speaking on this goes back to 1652 and they call it our lady of Eternal Aid or do we need that it's also called Our Lady of all good I like that title Our Lady of all good all right now this first happened awesome on August the 15th 1652 the Feast of what the assumption now the last Apparition was only five days later on August the 20th also 1652. so unlike potman where there was only one Apparition on one night there was 15 apparitions but only over five days now let's took a look at our next slide on August 15 1652 you guessed it a little Shepherd child boy if I could be anything right now I think it'd be a little Shepherd child because that's who really gets seemed to be picked by our lady but this one was special Gene Cortel she was deaf and mute we never hear about that we always hear about Helen Keller have we ever heard about the little Shepherd girl Jean cartel deaf and mute at age 12. wow this is a double powerful prayer a child with handicap you know I tell that story often when I was celebrating Mass there was a woman here the second row and she had her son with him with her and as I was processing up the aisle he was screaming so loud that I didn't know if we would be able to you know people would be able to hear the math but it's okay we we go through it absolutely and he was frailing and just slamming his arms and hitting the Pew and foam coming down from his mouth and his mother just held him with the most loving embrace you ever saw and he's yelling and he's screaming and I come up and I begin the mass in the name of the father and to the son into the Holy Spirit and he completely completely went silent and just got this big smile and just stared at the top of the shrine here the entire Mass the entire Mass and soon as I gave the final blessing he went right back to screaming and flailing and his mom's holding on to him so I go outside and they follow out they went down the elevator and I saw her and I said I introduced myself and I said wow he was amazing during the mass I said he was at such peace and she says oh well father he sees angels the entire Mass he just watches the angels he was unable to talk but he would point out to her where the Angels were the Angels were during the mass and she said the only word he could speak was Angel and I knew then whoa the reward will be so great in heaven and so here we have a little child deaf and mute yet God doesn't forget right so this little jean-cortel she's age 12 she was tending her father's flock when our lady appeared to her with Jesus in one arm and lilies in the other what does lilies mean Purity like Saint Joseph right so this little girl was immediately healed of her afflictions on the spot and so she later recounted the conversation that she had with this woman our lady so this this dialogue with this little deaf mute girl now happens and the girl knew how to talk so Mary comes this is kind of cute so the first thing Mary says to her isn't consoling her isn't babying her she says Charming shepherdists give me one of your sheep and so this little girl being so beautiful and responsible she says I would love to ma'am but these sheep are not mine they're my fathers wow what responsibility she says Mary said to her go back to your parents and ask for a lamb for me and the little girl says but who will guard my flock and Mary says I myself will keep your sheep I wish I could say that about my employees Mary let me go on a 30-day Retreat will you watch over my flock and you know I gotta trust because she will she does say that about your family so this little girl went to her parents and everyone was stunned her whole life she couldn't hear or speak and she could not function and now she could hear and speak now this is interesting because this is one of the rare times the parents believed like it found him on others lost to let others the parents didn't believe him but here the parents believed they accepted the story so here's what was the conversation the little girl said my father a lady came to see me today and she asked me for one of your Lambs and you know what the father said my dad would say well you're going to get a good price for it that would be totally my dad how much are you going to get for it see if you can get above market value no this is what her father said ah my daughter if this lady has given you speech we will give her our entire flock now this is something else I said yesterday the thing we have comes from God everything you've got was given by God can we not give back I use the example and again I did them just randomly picked the number in my head I thought I did my math right luckily I did there's 168 hours in the week 168 hours and I used the example yesterday that if somebody came to you and gave you 168 dollars and said here you go I know if I went to Chris and gave Chris 168 dollars and said but you know what can I ask will you give me one dollar back I gave you the 168 dollars you receive that 168 dollars and I say could you please give me one dollar back you gave it to me who here wouldn't give at least one dollar back that's all our Lord is asking for I gave you 168 hours in the week can't you give me one back to go to Sunday mass can't you give me one back hopefully you can give them at least two back and go to adoration that's what all these beautiful people are doing here today in fact they're giving three back because they're hearing me and then an hour of adoration first Saturdays and then an hour of mass beautiful you're still way ahead God still gave you way more money than you're ever going to give them back and so her father says yes if this lady has given you speech we will give her our whole flock then the little girl said she also said that it was necessary to search the pond and find an image buried in there that was lost centuries ago so the peers are like huh and this little girl is insistent this is what the lady told her to go to the pond nearby and find this image we'll get to that in a minute and then the father said what else did she ask of you and the little girl she says she said that she is the Virgin Mary this little girl just like Lords didn't even know what virgin or Immaculate Conception met and thus a chapel must be built for her in the middle of the village so that pilgrims can come and honor God with her help that's the purpose of a Marian Shrine that's the purpose of the Shrine of Divine Mercy and the father said instead of saying stop talking nonsense the father said if you are telling the truth we will ask the bishop to allow us to build a sanctuary all right last last couple paragraphs here then in the following days our lady appeared several more times 15 in total and Mary said to her to prove that the message comes from heaven I'm telling you to you will discover a few steps from the Fountain of Saint Gaul g-a-l-l that's a great Saint from Ireland Ireland I'm going to show you how Ireland England and France all tie together right now this saint Gaul had an image of our lady that he carved that was honored in ancient times now who was the Saint god let's look at our next slide look at our next slide okay this is Saint Gaul g-a-l-l now this is amazing because a thousand years earlier in the year 610 this saint Gaul came to this part of France he sculpted a statue of the Blessed Virgin then on August the 20th five days after she first appeared 1652 the statue was found in that pond it had been it it was in excellent condition although it had been submerged for centuries it was immaculate now the saint Gall is interesting here because he was born in Ireland in 550 he was right after St Patrick died in 645 spent some time in Switzerland his Feast Day October 16th same day Pope John Paul was elected Pope but anyway he was an Irish Monk and he helped spread Irish influence and introduced Christianity to all of Western Europe again this is who we need help to save the Western world from our sin and our immoral activity our abortion redefining marriage so he is considered the representative of Irish monasticism powerful powerful so the legend goes that this saint Gaul was there in the woods in that area and a bear came charging at him now it's funny because when I was in Alaska I'll have to show this video sometime I wanted to see grizzly bears so we were up there doing a mission in in Black Eagle um and so we were up in Alaska and I was I was bugging them I only got one day off in two weeks or half a day I want to go see grizzly bears so one of the parishioners new spot we went by boat and I'm all talk I'm all talk oh yeah yeah I want to go see the Bears I want to go see the Bears so he's like well we got to stay at a distance we got to stay at our distance and I got this on video so I'll I'll have to show this at a future Saturday talk so he finally gets we hike up this place and he knows where the salmon run is and the Bears gather together for the salmon run in the river and all of a sudden we see two relatively good sized Grizzlies and they're eating salmon Gorge or salmon all over and I'm not even thinking I wanted to get them on video so I start walking this guy had been warning me like don't get too close to these guys because they get protective of their food they it's when it's mating season and eating season and so I'm filming and I'm enthralled by these grizzly bears and I'm going forward and I'm walking forward I'm walking forward and I'm like oh my gosh this is incredible and all of a sudden the two bears look up at me and I turn around to ask the guy what to do and he's gone he wasn't there and I'm sitting there and both these Grizzlies are staring at me and these are wild Grizzlies I'm literally in Alaska at the wild Grizzlies and I got this phone I'm like oh my gosh and so they always tell you don't act scared don't like look small but you're supposed to like raise your arms and like look big I'm like I can't look big no matter what I do so I'm sitting there and I'm just praying oh my well I didn't think I kept thinking in my mind what saint to pray to I had no idea what patrons saying of bears it's single it's Saint gall Saint Gaul this bear rushed at him now think the Lord he protected me I just slowly backed up and the Bears went back to their salmon so nothing happened but boy did that guy give me a chastisement he's he gave me one of these he said I told you I'm never bringing you out here again you didn't listen and I was like oh my gosh I'm sorry my mind just went haywire and so the legend was that this bear uh charged at Saint Gaul and he rebuked him and rebuked him just like the wolf of Saint Francis right the wolf was eating the townspeople and Francis scolded him and said you will not touch any of these people ever again if you want to live and the Wolf behaved and became a pet of the townspeople and so Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals I guess I should have thought him but he rebuked this bear and then the bear looked at him and went out and gathered firewood and and in in Saint gold built this fire to keep warm and this beard became his pet there's documentation everywhere of wherever the saint went the bear followed him and there's a picture let's look at our next slide of Saint Gaul with the bear and so this guy is quite amazing so educated this saint Gaul in a monastery in Bangor which is now North down District in Northern Ireland which I can't wait to come back to Ireland at Visit to Ireland changed my life so I'm coming back in the fall um this Gall became a disciple of Saint Columban it's amazing saint and he joined him on a mission to France well then later Colombian went down to Italy but Gaul remained there with these mostly Pagan Germanic people living in Gaul not g-a-l-l but g-a-u-l and what friend what nation I just gave it what nation is that France France so this is amazing and so in 612 he founded this Hermitage on the site of France and Switzerland and let's look at the next slide I want to go there because I still my favorite those Einstein where Jesus came down and they said the mass I did that talk last year we are by the way please check our website I'm going to be announcing it I am leading a pilgrimage to einseldon it's only pilgrimage in about three years I'll be able to do so I hope that you'll join us and sign up and come with us uh to einsel den in Switzerland but anyway this is the Abbey of Saint Gaul which was founded in 720 on the site of Saint gaul's Hermitage it's called Saint gallon g-a-l-l-e-n now here's what's fascinating this Apparition and I know I'm out of time happened in 1652 this was the same exact time I bet none of you have heard of this it's that maybe some of you in Ireland that the settlement of Ireland happened this was our lady's response the settlement of Ireland outlawed Catholicism it's basically what we're facing today an outlawed in the that was outlawed in the hope that it would eventually disappear little did they know the Catholic church is not going to disappear because Jesus Promised so under the statutes dating all the way back to Elizabeth the one who just passed away Elizabeth II right now who was Elizabeth Elizabeth the first she was the daughter of Henry VIII now she was half-sisters with who Mary who they call Bloody Mary the Catholic we're going to say something about that right now but this elizabethian times Catholics were forbidden for taking part in public life and Priests were imprisoned exiled or executed and a lot of this is still present in England I think my England law a Catholic can never Ascend to the throne if I'm correct but our faith will never be squashed now here's what's interesting look at our next slide the myth of Bloody Mary now ironically Bloody Mary the Catholic is the one history says killed all the people and slaughtered all the people but you know Henry the eighth her father and Elizabeth the First the Protestant half-sister killed more people than Mary both of them so we have a real misunderstanding and so this settlement of Ireland comes back as an offshoot from that elizabethian times to Outlaw Catholicism stamp it out why because people don't want to hear the truth they want to live their own life this is what's happening today it's happening in our country it's happening especially in Canada I hear it's happening in Australia we know it's going crazy in Europe so we have to pray this will be history is just turning right around and doing itself all over again this is why when they stop teaching history in schools we're doing a disservice because the point is you're supposed to learn from your mistakes we didn't learn so to finish a month after these apparitions in 1652 the local Bishop came and did his investigation and he formally recognized that it was valid and the apparitions were real and so they blessed the first stone that was laid as the foundation for the chapel and it was completed four years later now this little girl she lived to age 63 she died in 1703 and she's entombed in the shrine let's take a look at it there's a picture in 1779 this Chapel had to be enlarged because the crowds of pilgrims were growing they were coming to visit pray for us brother Mark and I are working diligently and we ask for your prayers if God puts on your heart your support we've outgrown our Shrine you can see right here we got standing room only in the back and we are working and praying to be able to build a new Shrine here we're not going to remove this Shrine the shrine will always stay but to build a new Monastery and a new shrine it's the same exact thing and so the crowds were getting bigger and bigger and our final slide look at this beautiful picture in 1950 20 000 pilgrims notice twenty thousand twenty thousand this is the number we need for all of you to be praying for the world twenty thousand pilgrims attended a coronation of the statue see the statue of Mary guess what statue that was the one they pulled out of the pond that was there for a thousand years unbelievable amen Alleluia well God bless everybody we're now going to get into what's most important that is first Saturdays this is a chance for us to ask our lady to do for us what she did at potman to do for us what she did at Karen this is the time that we have to say we are sorry Blessed Mother for the sins against your Immaculate Heart and Lord Jesus please accept our Penance our prayers and our reparation and then we ask our lady to bring us to her son this is the message that we need to convey to the world today and that's why these two apparitions when I went through and I was like this this is perfect for right now and so God bless all of you and we're gonna brother Mark's gonna power down this video give us about three minutes I'm gonna vest we're gonna get ready we're going to expose the Blessed Sacrament and we're going to lead you through the first Saturday devotions
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 60,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pontmain, Querrien, Our Lady of Hope, Our Lady of Eternal Aid, France, Mary, Marian apparitions, Vatican approved, Cesar Barbadette, Jeanne Courtel, St. Gall, Saint Gall, Ireland, Fr. Chris Alar, Marian Fathers, Marians of the Immaculate Conception, National Shrine of Divine Mercy
Id: 9urfagrqK9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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