Holy Eucharist ~ Fr Ripperger

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the name of the Father the Son the Holy Ghost hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus queen of martyrs name the Father Son Holy Ghost amen come to the talk on the Holy Eucharist and the Eucharist is the sacrament in which Christ under the forms of bread and wine is truly present with his body and blood in order to offer himself in an unbloody manner to the Heavenly Father to give himself to the faithful as nourishment for their souls this definition contains all of the essential elements of this sacrament the sac the Eucharist is the body blood soul and divinity of Christ that is the whole of Christ who is really truly and substantially present while the Eucharist is God that is Christ the accidents that is the appearance of the bread and wine remained the sacrament is also called the song T Simon which means the most holy and the Blessed Sacrament and the sacred host the term Eucharist in Greek means to thank or Thanksgiving in modern theological circles the term Eucharist is almost exclusively used so as to detract from the sacrificial aspects of the sacrament however the historical use of the term does not exclude that contains the sacrificial understanding and in many cases is the predominant understanding of the term it is by the light of faith and formed by the teachings of the church which has passed on the teachings of Christ on the sacrament that gives on the assurance of the presence of Christ the form of the sacrament is by nature sacrificial insofar as the form indicates the sacrificing of his body and blood in the expiation for sins the Eucharist is sacrificial insofar as is by the Eucharist that the Holy Sacrifice of the mass is in fact a true sacrifice there are two levels of sacrifice in the in the mass the first is what we call the sacramental sacrifice in the seconds that we call the ritualistic sacrifice the sacramental sacrifice occurs when the priest consecrates the body of Christ and then the blood as if poured out at Calvary is split sacramental the consecration of the wine into the blood of Christ so that important fact sacramentally we say this the Christ's body and blood are split just as they were on Calvary so sacramentally then the sacrifice occurs but in the ritual which realistic sacrifice always includes three things that is an awfully you have to offer the victim to God the second you have to slay the victim this occurs at the consecration and then the third is you have to consume the victim this is the pattern which God set up in the Old Testament and so something is an original istic sacrifice unless it contains all three elements it's for this reason for example if the priest consecrates the body and wine or body and blood and then keels over the another priest has to come in to finish up to consume the victim in order for the be a ritualistic sacrifice and this stems back all the way to the Old Testament since the Eucharist is God worship is due to Christ as present in the Eucharist this sacrament is very important since the teaches man that things of a census are there for us to come to knowledge of spiritual realities when we see the accidents of the bread by the supernatural virtue of faith we know that God is present this helps man to direct his life or the census to God by looking beyond the life of the census to something deeper on another level God knows that man has a natural desire for physical closeness to things which he loves and this is due to the nature of his body soul composite this is why it is not enough for someone to merely hear the beloved's voice but he actually wants to see and to touch the beloved one can physically go to the local presence of the species of bread and wine now what does this mean if I take the host and I move it from one location to another have I moved Christ's body they say yes the answer is no I haven't moved Christ's body what I've done is I've moved the accents of the bread Christ's body is in heaven he is present substantially not locally so that means I can point to and say that's God but you don't say that he's present locally so when I move him I'm actually moving this species of the bread wine and so that week but we can go to where the species of bread and wine are and experience a kind of closeness with Christ because of the fact that he know he's substantially present and we know that which is contained in the appearance of bread and wine is God as a result there's a certain fulfillment in man in knowing that God is physically present in this respect it is easier for men to direct his faculties to worshiping God whom he knows the substantially present to him God's presence is of four kinds and this is quite important that people get this straight because there's always some theological who comes along and says I suggest as president gave me your crest as he is or in that word as he is in the Eucharist well it's just silly the first is what we call causal presence since there is a principle called causal presence which states that the cause is always present to the effect that is anytime in the process of begetting a thing it's always present the effect when it's causing it in this respect God is everywhere as cause present to the effect however God is not in a place whether the effects that is creation that come from God are in a place and he is present causally they're not locally in this respect God has no accidents by accidents we mean part of it is being in a place maybe having physical bodies it's in a place you don't say God is in a place because that implies that he's circumspect it or that he's finite but he's infinite so he's never in a place but at facts that he causes unfold in certain places the second is that God is present spiritually as when we say we're two or more gathered in his name he is there in their midst as we reading Matthew 8 20 by spiritually is meant that God listens to our prayers and his operative in the order of grace so in other words he's there helping us out listening to us the third is that God is present by means of sanctifying grace this is his presence by analogy and by participation in his divine nature so anytime somebody is in this state of sanctifying grace God is present by participation in them because the sanctifying grace of course is the indwelling of the Holy Trinity in the soul and so the Trinity is there by participation incidentally if it's all mystifying don't worry about it the theologians are still working on it all right the last is substantial presence in the Eucharist these are the forms in which God is present in some way as opposed to God being present in mine only for example when we say that God is present in the scriptures this is merely an implicit our mental presence as we read the words even though he is causally the origin of the writings were by means of inspiration in the modern context due to a lack of metaphysics these various modes of presence have been blurred and often equated they say the same however such a blur is now they're Catholic nor helpful but actually harmful to people's faith and proper intellectual understanding I've always asked some guys do you believe Christ is present in the word as he is in the Eucharist yet then go eat the book in effect modern blurring of these presences is psychologically harmful to me because it leaves them in confusion the substantial president of Christ in the Eucharist can bring great consolation to the soul frequently during our Lord either exposed in adoration or merely present the chapel can greatly aid us in spiritually his present in Eucharist is a sign that God is providing for man both because the Blessed Sacrament comes into presence at the mass during the consecration since the mass participates in the Calvary sacrifice from which all grace and blessings flow but it is also a form of Providence in the form of holy communion holy communion of course is the reception of the sacrament and the chief fruit of the Eucharist is an intrinsic union of the recipient with Christ in other words we become one with him in some way Christ that is God Himself becomes food for the soul preserves and increases our spiritual or natural supernatural life therefore this sacrament provides for us spiritually and so man can be assured that God's providence for him is not wanting just by gazing upon the sacred species that is the sacred hose which receives a Holy Communion it provides principally by means of an increase in sanctifying grace which increases the infused virtues and the gifts of the Holy Ghost as well as actual Grace's so every time we receive the Holy Eucharist there's an increase of sanctifying grace and it was a result God infuses in the soul more of theological virtues and the and the and the other infused virtues and he also increases the gifts of the Holy Ghost that we're more easily moved by him this sacrament therefore has its own sacramental Grace's that it begets so it's like confession well in one sense it is the reception of substantial grace that's the term which we call God himself grace is something that makes you pleasing well God just looks at himself and I'm just pleased with myself he says us on the other hand we can't do that too much because there's not much to be pleased with so we have to look at God and say that's pleasing so God is substantial grace it also begets accidental grace in the soul so he's grace itself in his instance he's grace itself and then we participate in his nature and then we participate accidentally we have accidental grace on the soul hence there is an increase in sanctifying grace which makes later acts that we perform more meritorious so we receive Holy Communion you know people say well my prayers aren't very efficacious my prayers are very efficacious and always tongue will go to communion if you go to communion you increase the amount of grace you have and as a result you actions merit more one of the reasons why the Saints you know they why is it the saint stays a hell marrying all the sudden boom it comes about in a night labor and labor on labor well it's probably the state of your soul we're encouraged receive Holy Communion daily if possible to increase the amount of sanctifying grace in our souls so that all of the works which we do are more efficacious and more likely to be granted by the frequent attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the mass and the frequent reception of Holy Communion one can grow in holiness and the infused virtues and gives the Holy Spirit will never will ever more dominate his life so if you're trying to overcome in factions and things of this sort that you receive Communion and the more often you receive it the more grace that you get for it and therefore the more God infuses the virtues and so the easier the more life becomes this also means that by reception of Holy Communion we can offer the merit of the reception for others and therefore merit the grades that they need and this is of course very consoling for parents whose children very often are mongrels Christ also pledged another effect of Holy Communion and that is heavenly bliss and the future resurrection of the body since man is ordered towards perfect beatitude this sacrament becomes the means to that be attitude in two ways one it is the reception of the sacrament in Holy Communion so in that sense you're receiving the very thing that causes one to be happy the second is by virtue the fact that only God saves the sacrum is God therefore only this sacrament can save of course I'm sure you've heard that you know the the Protestants who don't have valid Holy Orders we always say that they have the real absence not the real presence all right this also reveals itself by virtue of the fact that this sacrum is at once God who alone can bring men to perfect beatitude since it is beyond man's capacities but that this sacrifice is this sacrament is the sacrifice by which the means to return the attitude namely grace are restored so when Christ hung upon the cross in which the mass is the representation of that the sacramental species are split and so we represent the sacrifice upon cross in which the ability for us to reach heaven has been restored by means of that since grace is the means to turn will be attitude this sacrament alone is that which can provide eternal life since God entrusted to the Catholic Church alone the protection and administration of the sacraments and since this sacrament is the means of salvation being a Catholic provides one with the greatest means of salvation being Catholic therefore also provides one with the greatest means of grace since by being a Catholic one may receive Holy Communion according to the intention of God which provides the greatest means to increase grace upon which the supernatural curing of our problems or spiritual difficulties is brought about and so as a result being a Catholic is very efficacious for us because it's the God had intended that all people have the normal means of sanctification one of the normal means of sanctification is Holy Communion people who receive Holy Communion outside the church knowing that it's contrary the will of God sinned gravely by doing so even if they don't know it God doesn't God isn't pleased with it because objectively it doesn't want the sacraments outside of the church st. Thomas Aquinas asks the question and this is something which always leave people with open though I'm still going to be going on her he says that he asked the question if I do something objectively sinful but I think it's good do I receive grace for it in other words do i Maron anything and he says no he says you have to actually be doing something that's truly good to actually merit something in the eyes of God it's not just that you think it is it has to truly be good and if the Protestants are in fact offending God by receiving Communion outside of the communion of the church it means that when every time they receive Communion even if there's no sin on their part they merit nothing in the process in order to receive Holy Communion worthily one must be baptized in the state of grace and Catholic and of course you have to meet the fasting requirements of the church if one cannot receive Holy Communion either because he is in the state of mortal sin or because he is physically or morally unable he should try and make spiritual communions and this is particularly important for guys who work who can't get to Mass every day they should try and make the spiritual communion sometime during the day now you don't receive the same amount of graces for spiritual communions but you do receive the graces you do receive an increase in grace by spiritual communion which helps your prayers to be more efficacious reception the state of mortal sin is considered the worst kind of sacrilege priests and others who have encouraged the faithful to receive holy community in the state of mortal sin aside from their spiritual reality of offending God have seriously affected the spiritual well-being of the faithful by telling them to do so it's one of those strange things I always tell people look it there are two kinds of effects of sin those which flow from the subjective of those from which flow from the subjective element in the sin and those which flow from the objective element well what's that mean it means this you know if someone's going to commit fornication and your talent will look don't tell him and then that way they won't suffer the effects of the cent well she could still get pregnant she could still to have bad habits there's different things that happen to people when they do these and these are the natural effects of sin so you suffer them whether you like it or not so this is one of the reasons why you don't leave people in their sin even if subjectively they haven't committed any sin which has its own set of disorders they still become disorder because it has its objective effects well it's the same thing here when people receive the receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin they themselves minami suffer the subjective effects but they do objectively offend God and therefore when they realize that then somebody's got I said before clean up the mass which means because they're the one involved it's really uncommon upon them to clean up the mass it's also one of those things that one time I found this rather interesting I was at Ave Maria law school for a set of series of lectures listening to a series of lectures and the the one of the guys from the Heritage Foundation got up and he said he said well the very problem in the church is the mass I said hey I wasn't the one who said it don't everybody look at me I was a person so fortunately nobody knew of most people don't know who I was so I could remain covert but all the people who are standing around just kind of look at me like it's a but he says he says no it's the mass he says people are coming to confess to Communion repeatedly at in large numbers receiving in the state of mortal sin and offensive to God and everyone just stood there stunned in silence and that's the whole point even if there is no subjective effects to the sin objectively God eventually gets tired of it and so they've started suffering the objective effects of these things so it's very important for people to realize that being in the state of grace is absolutely necessary the sacred heart in the Eucharist now this is something that's very important because Christ gives us his sacred heart in the Eucharist because the whole Christ is there now the Sacred Heart is actually in fact Christ's human will and that is what is rendered to us in there now is the human will by which our salvation was brought about because it was through his sacrificing of his will to God that's why he says you know I have my own accord lay down my life for take it up it's his voluntarily laying down of his life that he in fact is that's by which we are saved and so in every time we received the Eucharist we're receiving his voluntary ablation upon the cross but we're also receiving the very heart which brought this about it's kind of interesting I don't know if you've heard this but the Eucharistic miracles usually have heart matter is the substance when they check it now one of the things I usually tell people of course this always blows people's minds but I just tell them I always ask people is that the body of Christ when they're talking about when they see the Eucharistic miracles when they turn into flesh and then people say yes no it's not and if the reason is is this is that Christ's body is glorified in heaven the matter that sitting in that is not glorified so the theologians say basically that it's not actually the flesh of Christ in the sense that as part of his his body that's in heaven rather what we say is is that it has some type of probably DNA genetic identity to that so that when it's changed that way it now becomes something which is analogous to like if if skin falls off your hand or something it's kind of in that sense so it is his in the sense that it's genetically here's but it's not in the sense that it's part of his body because his body is glorified in heaven it is a sign the fact that Christ gives us his heart in the Eucharist it is a sign of the close connection between Christ's love in his human will and his desire for union with us st. Thomas says that love desires union says that's one of the principal effects of love the desires union and Christ when he loves us you know that line and the litany of the sacred heart the burning furnace of charity that is as hard just burns for us he desires Union and that's one of the reasons why he gave us the Holy Eucharist his Providence is also a sign of his Providence for us and his sacrificing of his human nature for us which this sacrament represents the heart of Christ was pierced during the sacrifice it is that very heart that one receives when one receives the whole Christ accidents and all others received the whole Christ not just you know his divinity or part of his body or whatever gets everything the point being is is that we receive all of his accidents all of his accidents that means the color of his eyes everything is received now it's not received according to the same mode as if you committed cannibalism of course because it's what what happens is as soon as the accidents of the bread corrupt interiorly anew then it reverts back to the matter that corresponds to that the apostles when they received Christ at the Last Supper were the only ones in history to ever receive Christ in his non resurrected body everyone else received it only in his resurrected body there's what they call the Holy Saturday theology which always makes me nervous when people start talking about it because it was always the modernist heretics that got involved in that discussion even though it's a legitimate discussion and they asked the question if I receive the precious blood or the or the body of Christ on Holy Saturday what I have received the body blood soul and divinity in all of it and the answer is actually yes you would have some say well no you don't receive the body that's not true because as st. Thomas says that when Christ died the divinity still remained in union to the body what happened was is that the body and the soul just simply split but the divinity stayed in union with the soul and when union with the body and then when he resurrected the two were put back together so if I receive his body and a Holy Saturday I would have received all of Christ still but it's interesting to think of those that the apostles were the only ones to ever receive his body in a non resurrected form we received Christ's body which is resurrected this is again why it is a pledge of future glory because as we say you become what you eat in a certain sense in this case it's analogical of course but it means that if Christ is giving us his resurrected body it means he wants to turn us into it one day a resurrected body that is to have a resurrected body so that we can glorify Him for all eternity therefore I would encourage you to meditate on the whole relationship that the Sacred Heart actually has to the Eucharist which i think is quite profound so whenever time you say the litany of Sacred Heart each line you can think about that that's what you're receiving when you receive Holy Communion you know the burning fires of charity the abyss of all the virtues you know you can go down the whole litany that's what you're receiving so meditate on it frequently and if you're having a hard time meditating upon the Eucharist just take a look at the litany and that will provide ample material you'll kneel I'll give you a blessing Benedict Co de omnipotentis Patri said fili it spirits engine superval set money at semper
Channel: Sensus Fidelium
Views: 61,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Christianity, God, Jesus Christ, holiness, exorcism, Eucharist, sacrament, devotion, Real Presence, religion, hope, faith, virtue, grace, glory, lord, lamb, prayer, bible, gospel, salvation, ewtn, sermon, sunday, history, eternal, bread, theology, corpus christi
Id: wvJdXAebh30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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