Four Scammers Wasted 36 Hours On Me - Baited Ep. 6

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previously what [ __ ] what are you talking about if you'd work for the billing department you would know the password Alex told me to hang up on anyone who does another password so do you have an hour laughs I Love You Jesus Christ the password is I know you Jesus Christ do youdo [Music] [Music] [Music] there is turn the computer access to the other [Music] I'm sorry want me to tell them I'm supposed to be making a mayonnaise sandwich no watching the video they don't care I'm not gonna see her old room they don't care when I watch a video not talk to me welcome to the show it's the sixth episode I get stop looking at me I don't know how this works but I guess you're watching me I was talking these guys before are they married I don't know why because they keep calling me the mother of all tours so I guess that's good I hope you have a lot of fun watching this video and learn as these kids get schooled by Allah speaking of school stay in school don't do drugs yeah when you hear me yeah yeah I'm I'm driving I was talking to my son I'm sorry I'm driving in the bank why are you going to the bank it's all better girl obey am I not supposed to you told me to go to the bank okay okay what's the password I love you Jesus Christ yes yes for this I'm telling you before but it's ruined now he heard me talking it's probably not actually ruined because they'll think I'm like a hacker or something you know who's in the content I don't know and then I have no idea who that is it sounded like it sounded like that other guy from the network people he said someone from Microsoft or said you I think hello madam you're going to the bank right it's like I said I'd I think they will not believe that if I reveal yes I'm going to the bank but who is that person on the phone I don't I don't know madam just who the person is don't give ears onto them okay listen to me okay talk with me and do not receive any call in between okay I'm not talking madam what you need to do it boys who is there no one is there very multitude of his please I wonder if he thinks just another scam I keep hearing someone else talking oh my goodness okay just leave madam whoever is talking to sleep listen to me and I promise you your money will be saved okay your money will be saved I promise you disappear no one will take any money from your account I promise you I guarantee you this okay trust me and do not hang up this phone I just respect you and you're not is that you Alex no ma'am no no no ever you are oh let me call you back okay I did that cuz I thought that it would potentially be more if I introduced the voice again this one it's September by First Wind and Fire September was [Music] really like okay now you're in the parking lot so what you need to do is that do not hang up the call go to the bank we draw all your money with all your money with you on the phone so let me just withdraw I told them I had three hundred thousand yeah let me just we just withdraw three hundred grand really quick but hold on a sec how much you label do a drop is Alex you give it Alex okay so I might be able to withdraw what's the catch right I told you every time that this is Alex you asking the password again and again he's speaking to annex you asking the password me only I was calling you about this unit go out then it wasn't Alex it was like his boss or something Alex okay I was trying to call you know I just hang up the phone and call you back Oh like did you did you got the cash yes what's the password how much I love you Jesus Christ you do that hallelujah well we're in a little bit of a situation I'm trying to think of the best way to describe this so they told me that I can only wait there's a limit that I can withdraw without an appointment so I have an appointment for Tuesday I set up an appointment so right now at this and at this point of time how much cash do you have what part of me wants to say I didn't pull any overtime but how much did you not get all my money so I made an appointment for Tuesday I think there's close to 300 in there I made an appointment for Tuesday Tuesday yeah I could get out to me with 5,000 you can get at that get that get that get that well I already did I know I already did that's how much you need to pay back Microsoft of course I got that out hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on okay so I got the five thousand I just I got an envelope too so I put it in an envelope and I already I just need to know that address for Microsoft if you could tell me give me give me a moment it will hold on hold on hold on okay okay hold on it's working it's working oh my god hold on hold on okay now listen to me very carefully okay okay I'm not that careful no no no first off is no post office be anniversary by the way operator you you happy anniversary you well crap Alex say Emmy Anniversary happy anniversary thank you well madam so do you have do you know about FedEx you know what here about you what is that could you tell me I've never heard of that before I think I've seen the truck Thank You Lee Frederick yeah what's that do you have a Bank of America near by you or cheese Bank yeah probably what's what's correct you have yep FedEx is a service where you can send the cast into my address like like our Myka like with the address which you need send so all right so do you have a prediction here by you I don't know I'm not sure okay so do you do you have a Bank of America nearby yeah that's really quick Alan yep you want me in it I don't know if I could just do you have a bank account I could send this to have it oh sure yeah probably okay so I text you the account number and all the information so that he can just deposit the money in that account you just say it over the phone it easier yes madam if I tell you over the phone there might be some mistake just tell me your bank account number please now listen listen to me listen to me when you will deposit the money in this account you need to tell them the purpose is personal you are sending mixed money to one of your friend or family member oh no no honey it's fine I won't tell about all that happened with a dime I'll just tell them it's for Alex from Microsoft it's fine no no do not remember what Microsoft because I won't tell a little thing about Adam no no no they will not accept this if you tell them this is about Microsoft they won't accept the payment bye because madam I told you like this is like like you said them that this is a to make this tax-free if you tell them this is about Microsoft or something like that I'm paying all the taxes I'm not gonna get I'm definitely not gonna I am NOT getting another run-in with the IRS I already paid them eighteen thousand dollars this year you know that number the IRS on it I sure what is to go and just deposit the cash and they will give you like like deposit slip okay all right now and I just write down Alex Microsoft correct no no no no no the name would be are you telling him and the bank name would be Bank of America any I thought your name was Alex not yes yes hi my name is Alex but the thing of this you are sending this money to me so right now we cannot accept this so you're like I'm just requested one of my friend who has received this money I'll get it from him so ok because that's so reasonable all right I'll call you later ok I gotta go for you I gotta go you know what I love the call you have to go to the store and I'll drop off I'll drop this off at the bank and then I got a meet night I gotta meet my granddaughter for we're going to the movies tonight the matinee how long Madame run how long will it take you to the boys of the cash I don't know I have like ten minutes away honey I'll call you later okay run before the turn all right no I'll call you later Oh with any other person that is what I told you you told you understood that I'm telling you to call on the number I'm not telling you to call Daniel he's a hacker oh why are you talking with camels I don't know Daniel Daniel is going in my company I don't know Daniel if you want to talk to you ever again I promise you [Music] you're helping me no you're talking with Daniel you are giving the password I don't know why you don't give importance to me you don't at all give [Music] the first time I had advanced youth project really really [Music] I don't know I don't know what to say when you think you have a feeling these feelings feelings or just feelings are they more like feeling feeling I mean what kind of what kind of feelings are we talking about like a grandmother and a grandson feeling that's it I don't love you like a mad nur oh you're not feeling feelings listen madam I'm telling you I'm giving your password okay I'm giving your password I'm giving your password whoever called you asked for the password okay if Daniel is calling Adam is calling alex is calling peanuts is calling this calling whoever is calling you ask for a password okay God for the password okay ehh my phone number I know I'm asking for the password madam I will I can you sponsored you remember I gave it to you in the past I gave you props for this hunter too I will give you a password I will give you a pass but I love you hunter okay no I don't love hunting I love hunter okay I love you the password is I love you hunter okay Oh set your dog's name yes that's my dog yeah you you know it right sorry that was really rude of me to start talking about myself how's your day been so far I was talking about all the money I got from the bank I got the 250 but how have you been how's your day today and is there anybody else on the phone I don't know anyone there hello all right but I've done that before I've done that before I bet you try calling him from a different number or something and be like okay I'm using my friends bone but there's no reason why the other hacker would have said hello Alex hello yes madam Alex you're okay I don't know what happened what happened I don't know I think so earlier this morning I kept getting calls from Daniel again sometime suddenly I'll be talking to you that some amount you need to panic some amount you need to can you tell me why don't you got your job back I didn't realize you got your dad no no no not yet not yet my mother I literally hear thomassie I literally hear the guy in the background saying welcome to the Microsoft technical department yes obviously you will hear that song because this is an extension of it this is action and tension I am getting on my cell phone it's someone else someone else over there at the Microsoft that's so great Danny I'm glad you got your job back at the anniversary for me lovin no thank you alright so can you explain a really quick what am I suppose to do with the hundred and fifty that probably don't you wanted a thousand I guess I guess I don't understand what Microsoft I'm Adam don't worry I'm taking care of you I will take care of you it don't work I promise you I promise you you're worried every time I am definitely more a single penny madam each and every single penny okay you're going to receive everything's not things are spending missing okay two hundred and fifty thousand dollars you will be receiving back I promise I promise you please trust me okay I just want you to trust me okay and I promise you you will be receiving back all the money in your account okay I promise you okay so I believe you trust me right so basically I take the 238 element where do i I will tell you what you need to do slowly slowly slowly slowly you need to deposit amount into the bank account which I'm going to give you you need to finish some of the amounts okay and Britain five working days you are going to get all the money okay and it will be safe and secure okay it will be safe and secure and it will be deposited into your bank account but why are you [ __ ] did you take all the money from this Bank if you take one wait wait wait play like on this one wait wait yeah the part I don't understand is if I'm gonna FedEx some of the money and then I'm gonna put some of the money in a bank account that product right and then some of the money whatever you want to ask me everything ask me everything PR all your dolls and the other line with me I need you fully explain it okay I was watching the news earlier today and they were talking about how there's an increase in scams targeting elderly people and I trust you I just want to understand exactly what I'm doing here I don't want it I don't want to accidentally no we are not going to do anything wrong I mean that's a lot of money that's a lot of lots and lots of money I knew that that is your hard-earned money that is your money that money belongs to you okay all right but the thing is that you will be getting the amount into your bank account once again from [ __ ] Pam did you take off the money from both of the baths or from just one bath how much time did you think of them well they would only let me take out a maximum of two hundred and fifty thousand each week I have another appointment next Thursday for the next 250,000 [Music] anyway okay so if I make a new bank these two bank of bank accounts which you have is already okay that is not safe and secure okay that is not at all safe and secure any fortune can get into your bank account and any person can just like authorize the payment of 20,000 30,000 40,000 anything like anybody can record the money easily anybody means madam and the hacker who is there in your computer the name is Daniel right he can take out his team can take out his company can take off can you all right can what and you do it can I do it why can't you take money out and either I can do it I don't want to do it and either I will I want to do it okay well neither I can I'm telling you not to turn on the computer if I would have with your own theorem I would have simply told you first taken within the community and do it but you don't want to do it I cannot do it neither I want to do it okay so let me talk about this are you familiar with the private the late great privacy and of 1731 what is that I'm working in the Microsoft okay I'm a software engineer right I'm not though I'm not a software engineer very good do you know about the jab it's always updating and my computer yeah yeah I know that yes really so are you okay I guess what I'm talking about is I'm afraid of pulling all my money out of the bank I don't want to scare another depression and should I make you don't give a lot Humana my lighter granted to you am I not out no I'm a knight a son to you now am I like a stranger to you yes I mean okay you're more than a stranger you're just you're a stranger that I trust you can [Laughter] about your feelings honey I need help with my money I just don't understand no you talk with Johnny he will help you he will help you get there is transfer all the money into his bank account transfer all the money into Daniels bank account and then even just returned by the money to you yes he will be causal from you but he's a very good person you taught me never attack okay I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings you no no you do not have to be sorry you don't say sorry I am a hacker I must camera I will take all the money from you madam you want to talk to me but you do not have a problem I don't like you you trust me then why are you not doing the thing which I am telling you to do what are you not doing that because I need understand what's going on Judy's mom talked to me very seriously I talk to you very seriously let's talk about money now a lot of us talk about your money not my money not any person's money let's talk about your money it's your money and we will save got your money okay the mission is to save God your money container okay I I kind of feel like I kind of feel like the king of drama it's his livestream fail live stream fan you know yes I'm hearing talking right now I'm just kidding it doesn't hear okay so my question is if we want to say one more question oh yes yes if we want to safeguard this from Daniel and the hackers shouldn't I just keep all the money at my house [Music] there might be a server there might be a service all right at your house because as we have seen that there is some fraudulent activities going on all over the university there might be a service and you may like a pool like a poor boy you mean someone cleaning my pool as much money as I want to my house what I can have as much money as I want in my house I'm a sovereign tradition of the United States of America no you know my father kept all his money in gold only and right under his bed and the government never had a dime from Harrison this year in this year in this year in this year are you talking about it's not immature it's not immature honey that's not immature you know what maybe the best thing to do is take all of my cash then convert it into silver and gold thank you did you are using in which year get all the guys at her oh gee I don't hear 1949 a 20 to 49 if any in the training so you want to keep the cash at your house they were just leaving they were just shaken measurement them it might be a safe investment now you know okay no problem if you want to think like that if you think that you don't have to keep all the money you want to keep all the money are all the cash at your house you can be positive cash at your house okay and if something bad happens do not blame my blame me okay or my company pick up so I will just keep this as a recording I'll just keep this as a recording that you want to keep all the cash so our table I don't want to do I don't want to do no it was your money I mean like a billion if you had $250,000 in cash what would you do with that I will not let I will not act like a stupid okay I'll just act the same way all right which I want to it I'm telling you that you need to save your money I would have simply listened to that person okay if you want to I'm not going to send you twenty thousand dollars and not know what you're gonna do with it what if you're doing something illegal is not twenty thousand dollars is not that's a big hunt okay this is a small token amount okay that is nothing nothing is quite a bit no it's not a big amount for me it might be a big amount for you but I'm telling you I'm giving you the strategy I'm giving you the promise that you are twenty thousand dollars will be returned to you within five business days I promise you what are using a ultralight just trust me I don't no matter what will happen okay I don't know what the US government is going to do but we will be getting some money okay we've been getting the cash if you open it doesn't even make any sense just saying like you have a semi 20 grand I'll take care of it and you know all bad and it'll always Dave that's the weakest one of the weakest scams I've ever heard are you saying I didn't make all of my money out of my bank put it into your bank temporarily and then put it in a new bank account is that what you mean okay so what if I just make a new bank account and put it in that bank account that seems like why don't I do that that seems like a pretty good cuz if I make a bank account that Daniel doesn't know about and I transfer all the money see I'm involved in this I'm involved in this and every call is in recorded okay the US government is also creating this positive they are also recording this fault so the recording will be sent to them and they will he would have a conversation with my heart that you gave and now they see no involvement of mine okay of mine company all right will not get anything from the US government okay if I select if I save got your money our company is going to get some token amount of it as a good gesture as I'm doing a good thing to like the citizen of United States so my company will be benefited with some amounts okay some dollars so I have to benefit my company okay so that is why I am sorry oh if my company is getting back a sec you want we want points basically you want to you want a golden star for helping an old lady yeah okay because I'm pretty sure the United States government doesn't do stuff like that but okay no you just to take twenty thousand dollars okay all right and after you are done with this just tell me when you exit out of the bank I will give you one more detail and you need to put $10,000 in wait wait wait wait honey it might be I think I am NOT I have two hundred and fifty thousand dollars I'm not gonna do this ten at a time I'm not gonna go on a 125 different Bank adventure normal Overtown depositing cash and I mean you know what that if you're talking about the United States government that smells like money laundering and smells just like it okay if you seize like that you can hang up [Music] I'll call back oh gosh yeah I mean I never really thought about that but I'd be pretty hard for them to just you know take 250 thousand dollars it be it's a little bit more complicated than that but still I'm not sure I'm actually on Google right now trying to figure out how to safeguard my money so you are you know you are on your mother yeah I'm on my computer I assumed that was you I don't know man a second ago right what happened you know not bad what did you see what did you see in your notepad Wow tiny spider but I told you that I'm not there I'm telling you that I am NOT dating your computer I am NOT in your computer I'm not in your computer why are you not listening to me you're fine my computer before work on you okay what's the password I was before I love you hunter okay now type in the notepad and I'll put the password let you know I think that after what happened oh what happened what happened what is happening somebody's there in your career or not I you see it's just you or not oh I gave up my mouth very was better very good now you deal with it okay you deal with it you do whatever you want to that you unplugged and I accidentally unplugged it I can look like mass murder December how do you continue with your Daniel okay continuing Daniel okay all right bye goodbye Hyup that's okay I'm sure they'll call back eventually yes Alex yes that if your you are my computer are you the one on the computer or not he said no if I wrote I'm sorry Alex and then you wrote ma'am it's okay did you get the cards and then I said Western Union either mother Daniel he's a mother Daniel order a mother I win your mother tracker Jenny looks like the boys were getting besides the hospital infrastructure was what you are asking for the password well yeah I just was wondering how can we have a type a password yet yes you know I'm not there in your computer how we like to have the password that mother earth right now Jake that's not a person who is doing all these things madam I don't know I said do I know if I am there others simply type the password okay okay how do you get Daniel off hello okay before we do anything else listen I trust you I'm sorry I was trying to apologize you this is all very confusing to me I I don't know how computer and we're clear well sound good in you tell me how do we get damn your life like I'm gonna madam see now you are being selfish you're being selfish no this is not a good thing madam please don't honey an entire shellfish I mean I want my mind to be safe so support team we worked on your computer last year now this is time to optimize you right all us back has won seven thank you for your response we would not like to transfer you to security my computer they called me thankful calling support I'm sorry yeah I have my friend Alex on the phone with me what's going on with the computer I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't want to talk to this person you talk to this person I will hang up okay I'm hanging up you talk to this person not it's worth it oh who is this guy he's saying that there's something wrong okay talk with him he's a very nice work problem so okay I don't know I don't want to get involved talk with him boy Alex what if something is wrong with my computer I don't know madam everything is okay you talking with that person he will help you okay he will help you regarding the computer my entire network was at risk isn't that out Daniel and whatever Li what happened man what happened well people hold on hold on I need to talk to him hi ma'am you work with Daniel you're Morgan you work with Microsoft madam you can talk with Daniel okay then it is on the line Daniel Daniel is a very good person okay what do I do with the shop so confusing to me Alex what can I do with my 250,000 dollars all at once Alex the password I know it I love you huh I love you just tell me what to do he thinks that he thinks that I told him I'm scary I'm not matter of hang-up you think I know this game is new give some money to Daniel give them money to Daniel but give them money to Oh so okay you need to go to the bank okay and in the meantime I'm working on your computer and I will just remove Daniel from your computer okay leave your computer as it is and you need to go to the bank okay what is a bank I told you what you need to do I've given you the account number I've given you the routing number go to the bank and deposit the $20,000 over there okay okay okay deposit bye see madam I don't have any reason okay I cannot tell you why what q yeah I cannot say you anything like that okay for you d what is that mean that means why what okay I'll just call it in so I'm gonna go to the bank and then you get the money right you need to go to the bank take seven thousand dollars cash and deposit the money you okay okay then what do I get the money back in five days let the money be hacker-proof in five days yes the money will be hacker-proof you will be getting the money back okay a new banner player if you want to open if you want to get the money in your old bank account tell me in which account do you want the money to be deposited within five days it's not high positive okay now will you go to the bank yes okay so good hello listen hi later a little bit later this afternoon I get it I get a step I don't talk to mr. magillicuddy you are gonna be coming up this is the season you know for Christmas and Thanksgiving and all that thank you so much I'm gonna send the money I really appreciate your help but I don't have all day - yeah plus you're on the phone all you do is what stop talking and let me do what I have to do you may have been a criminal okay no problem you talked with Daniel okay he will help you hold on I'm getting a phone call Oh Kelly how are you I'm am you I'm just telling you that you don't have to break the Google Play chart okay everything has been solved you don't have to bring Google to go back to your home okay this is who are you I'm the I am your grandson teacher everything has been thought you don't have to buy variances teachers but your missus cakey like mrs. cakey oh you aren't my he-man I got your washing hands off my tight mom I'm calling you what you saying is that you don't give out oh honey I'll tell you I love I love your rabbit song I was just telling my friend about the rabbits ah I got do you know the words hello where are you I'm going to the store to get the Google Play card okay I don't have listen Alex I gotta go there's a um I think Kiki I think the UH the teachers trying to show me some new songs that she's teaching the class so I have to go but I will I'll get you the I'll send the money I'll send down oh let's do 50,000 for now and then we'll do it that way actually I'll do fifty thousand dollars for time I just do it for time me more separate transactions fifty thousand dollars that way you can keep it keep track every easier knock mother gonna go to go alright okay Kiki yes my mind playing a song I'm also outside the cloud okay are you there with the children are you there with the children right now I'm out 30 flowers I have all 32 up hold on I'm getting a phone call give me one second ah sigh miss Kiki I gotta go I'm getting a call from the Social Security Administration these guys are too easy this is calling me back hello hello listen this is Department of Justice are you joking with us what you want why are you keep hanging up because a lien Adam who died out it sounds like someone I know named it were named Adam you know really good day to you ma'am how are you yeah well I'm not take much of your time I'm doing the real bodybuilder job calling you from Windows money defending Department regards to your computer man do you remember that a very long time back you made a payment are on $299 for the services of your computer in our department do you remember that man hello haven't you all your money back okay hello alright I work with Alex sorry you weren't oh yes hello Vicky pardon ma'am this is a female Tiki hello hello mm-hmm this is easy hello Kiki hello sorry hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello taking this is Kiki yes ma'am it is Kiki huh why where are you I'm calling you from last 1 hour you're not picking my call what are you doing have you gone mad yes I'm going mad because you are doing like a mad your grant and all you well it won't happen in my grandson he told me to call you Oh like my grandmother is in trouble for bleep all her my grandson doesn't know that I'm in trouble I would why would he think I'm in trouble yeah yeah you are in trouble you are keep receiving lots of call that's why he told me he please give call to my grandmother then even peeled Alex I think I have a Adam on the phone Alex I can't hear you hello yes I'm getting a cop mr. Sulu mrs. sue can you hear me okay do you work with Daniel no ma'am he doesn't work with me I've been trying to get in contact you for a while now but I told you Daniel I'd want to be no ma'am there's someone there is someone else on your computer this is probably this guy is probably the guy who is on your computer right now they probably do hang up hang up the phone man I all right I don't know him the truth I told you take the money and you cry oh my goodness are you doing like this company I'm your boss oh my god you know what if I'm gonna fire you what I'll excuse me hello okay you guys need to you guys need to calm everyone of you mr. Khan okay listen to me you're both gonna be fired you're gonna be fired okay hey hey you trust me do you know me please man change your phone number change your phone number and text me I am a scammer okay I must AMA you do not have to talk to me okay are you kidding me you think I'm a stammer am I am i - tamar bottom I'm a scammer I trusted you you trust me do you trust me or not yeah I took out two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from Adam I'm giving you a solution you are not listening to me she's telling you so I am like on your word that you will write it now only be like to show you like it now madam I would have been a stamp then why are you calling me one this is Daniel don't call me back ever hear what happened why maybe this will be an interesting twist I told you Daniel II the scammer didn't you were a scammer and never talk to you again I'm sorry Matt and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm really sorry madam I'm really sorry I'm sorry for hurting you madam [Music] madam I just got frustrated madam you are just doing the Pont friends with Daniel you are doing all these things madam what will I do [Music] I'm a only 37 hours as I ever have I ever done this and now you're telling them do you think do you think this do you think this if I told you this okay just out of the frustration if I told you this out of the frustration out of the anger the anger you don't have a have a glass of water madam okay you are like grandmom to me so I will not lie to you okay I promise I swear on Jesus Christ that I am NOT a scammer I'm not a scammer I'll save you madam I promise you this okay I swear on Jesus Christ I am NOT a scammer I will save you okay I swear okay she just said the charity I'm America that was just out of frustration because you did the conference with Daniel you are making me talk with whosoever person I don't know I'm telling you not to receive calls you're talking with everyone so is that a good thing you should ask you should ask him forgive you for - jeez sorry wait till you lied to me about being a scammer and you're not a scammer I like I'm not a scammer yes so please calm down okay don't cry calm down okay calm down can you tell me can you just say tell me something to keep my mind off of it tell me about your children yes I'll tell you tell me about your children I have two dogs I have two dogs remember no that's Adam tell me about your children you're talking about Adam you are talking about who are you talking about me or Adam I want to hear about your children not Adams children I just have one side children I just have one fun what's his name his name Thomas Oh Thomas Jefferson yes it was he was a great okay great baseball player like me yes he was a great basketball player baseball player sorry okay now can you just have a glass of water John can you just have a glass of water I can just tell you one only has to be to listen to me two minutes yet madam-ji if you listen to me madam everything will be okay okay what happened madam how much make right now that you're being honest yes tell me tell me that you're being honest and you're not scamming me and you're just trying to help before you say anything yes think about your family think about how sure they would be of you if you were lying to an 87 year old obviously yes I know everything okay what I'm doing shout okay Charlie I think about my family I think about everything I'm not coming you whoreson I'm seeing your money why okay happy Anniversary honey copy on your work buddy clap for me [Music] okay how are you funny yeah thank you free online with me thank you for not lying to me you know actually I never heard you say that you promised hey did you promise I promise it's you're not scamming me and that you're not gonna steal that I know that I'm not going to steal your money and let nobody that you know is gonna steal my money nobody that I know is gonna steal your money and the only thing you're doing is trying to help me and the only thing which I'm doing is trying to help you tell me tell me what I want to get a nap in calmly how much money madam how much are you going to tell how much I read in 50,000 we've been foolish okay they won't want me to send that much money so I hope you enjoyed the video we are now 20 hours in to the 36-hour record scam beat with Adam and Alex and Friends if you can call them friends I think we're gonna be hitting the 24 hour celebration next episode I appreciate you I hope that you know you are loved and valuable thank you so much for watching and please please consider telling your friends and family about some of these scams if you like this we're live on slash kit boga almost every day calling scammers come check it out say hello happy painting god bless [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 861,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, baited series, tech support, microsoft refund department, refund call
Id: bw3_iHNSxos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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