Abel - The Most Raw Scammer Meltdown Ever (Full 12hr Call)

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thank you for calling mcafee you're speaking with abel how may i help you uh yeah hello yeah how's yeah hi this is uh this is linda fairbaum i'm calling about an email that i received earlier today uh may i know uh what a taster uh yeah uh it says um due february 2nd 298.99 uh mcgaffey incorporated powered by quickbooks we have received your order and it's your orders being order renewed but uh i don't want this i ignored this i think there's been some kind of mistake i think there's a mistake am i speaking with lynn it's doctor linda dr linda fairbottom we're speaking with miss fabwa yes i forget that this phone number has like lynn on it or something because occasionally scammers say that but i guess that works linda there must be an invoice that would be a invoice number would you give me that piece uh yeah on the on the email it says 325 963 please give me a moment i'm gonna check it okay okay thank you wait a second i thought is he clean or able is he able because i thought i didn't know i didn't know abel was still around i can see over here that it's an order for mcafee total protection renewal it's a renewal of your previous year's order that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying uh are you are you not using the software anymore um no no i i haven't even like i i i don't even know what mick fa is i'm not even sure what this is the antivirus software or the computer oh oh for the computer yeah that's something i'm not really uh you know what i'm not really interested in that i i didn't i didn't order it so that's why i'm calling that's why i'm calling i i didn't place this water so there's some sort of a some sort of issue going on it's not an order it's a renewable like you you had you have been subscribed to this for like two years really you paid 2.98 you paid 298 last year you paid 298 days year before yesterday oh my god no no no i no no no that's not right that's i this is some kind of mistake because i don't want i can can you cancel it then is there any way that you can cancel that i know it's it you charged me a day before yesterday or whatever you says but uh you know i don't use this service i don't want this service it's very expensive 298 is not worth it uh for whatever this whatever this is so in order for me to do that i have to go ahead and make sure that the software is no longer running on the computer so i need to share your screen i will open a cancellation form for you you have to fill it up and this will be cancelled are you in front of your computer right now uh uh yeah i i am i was just finishing up some you know finishing up some stuff what's what's wrong anyway i need you to close any kind of no i have to i will just make sure that the software is no longer running on the computer oh all right or it's uninstalled all right and i will uninstall it then i will open a cancellation form for you and then that's how it's gonna be okay you won't be charged okay so i'm uh please follow my instruction uh on open up a web browser okay hold on all right now i'm gonna give you a website link open this up okay okay let's let's start typing www dot all right a as in apple um all right a is an apple yep and as in nancy all right why isn't yankees okay sorry this is right into the book into the internet like did you want me to type this address bar yes on the address bar on the top of the address bar okay all right uh go ahead so a and number budget a-n-y all right okay d as in david e as in edward as in sam all right as in kite yep it's anydesk.com right i don't know you tell me i mean you're telling me what to type so after any desk after any desk you have to put a dot-com all right dot c-o-m okay that's not cool all right now hit enter on the keyboard okay oh sorry create now monitor now access now this is crazy this is this doesn't look like a gift this doesn't look like mccafe this is something else this is a client this is a client application so that i can go ahead and share oh because i can make sure yeah okay so just on the middle of the screen there is a download now click on download now all right once you click on download now at the left bottom corner you will see a file is downloaded it says any desk.exe you see that all right yeah i'm downloading something right now yeah so this file will be downloaded you just have to open it now okay once you will open it you will see on the screen in the middle it says your address you see that uh yes it's a nine digit code right uh well it's i it says do you want to run this um hold on click on run click on run okay all right uh hold on it's starting up right now give me one give me one minute um okay um it is it's got some numbers on there yes you have to give me the numbers okay what are the numbers nine digit code it is one one nine right top corner you will see there are four lines four bars you see them uh okay extreme right top yeah there's four bars i see that yes click on them then click on set password [Music] okay set password once you click on set password a new window will open up on the screen okay yeah it's exciting for my password yeah can you give me one second i'm so sorry sir i i didn't know this was gonna take so long it's okay i said i need you to take out the trash seriously it is really piling up and you keep ignoring it please thank you okay uh what what's the password uh you have to click on set password yep okay now what do you see on the screen it just says password set password and confirm password yes so just type over there support one okay support one two three and then retype it then click on apply okay give me one second uh let me just type it in there everything in small letters okay okay like little baby letters you're saying i call i call them baby letters yeah adult that is i find that more realistic you know because they can all grow up and realize their full potential all right and then i click apply yes i assume now where do you see can you hold on one second sorry i'm getting a call i'm getting a call on my work line just one sec i'll tell them to call me back yeah dr linda yes yes cheryl we did receive it they were very nice gift baskets they were very nice we distributed them to the whole office thank you yeah i know yeah i will be coming to your son's bar mitzvah yeah of course i wouldn't be anywhere else okay all right nice talking to you uh okay are you still are you still with me yes all right thank you um hello yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so i i i think i did the password like you said i think i did the password like you said okay another position okay now what is it what do you see on the screen what do you what do you see on the screen uh maslow's hierarchy of needs i guess sorry it's a pyramid it's it's what do you no no like like you open some file that file not opened up right now yeah i have a file a pdf i opened up a pdf on my computer why what are you no you the any desk window that was opened up you don't see it anymore oh i might have accidentally here's the numbers again the same numbers as before yep correct okay that's right i'm gonna try to connect to it please wait oh it says mcafee desk that's right that's right you can see me i'm moving the cursor on the screen you see that no way that's pretty oh my that is pretty cool today do you see oh did they just invent that i'm gonna open up i'm sorry i bet you that is radisco that is red is cool like improvements from what it used to be that's crazy is it is it okay if i go ahead and is it okay if i go ahead and minimize this window can i minimize this uh the the hierarchy of needs yeah that's fine um well i can get it off to the side okay it's just something i'm working on i'll just minimize i'm working on my next okay all right i'll just minimize that linda is higher it's going to be called okay linda's need linda's needs hierarchy is what i'm thinking of calling it because i don't think i can call it you know it's it's going to be very radical in the in the industry i think oh so okay all right are you a doctor you're a doctor right well yes and no i mean technically speaking in in in the technically speaking in most states i'm not licensed uh i i i just have a theoretical degree in physics oh i understand but uh i do so technically i'm not allowed to call them patients but i do you know my my clients do call me dr linda um i'm a i'm a relationship counselor i i also give uh life advice um all kinds of all kinds of stuff as the valentine's is coming you might might be pretty busy then [Laughter] we are very busy we are very busy uh you know funny enough this is actually my busiest this is the i also sell life insurance on the side and it's this is the busiest time of year for me i get i make more money selling life insurance pandemic that is oh my mother used to my mother used to be you know one of uh life insurance agents as well so i know how how it gets you know post via ib we're just you know entering a post pandemic era so um you people are pretty conscious about their uh you know money and life and everything so that you might you might be having a pretty you might be looking forward to a pretty good you know year i would say well for us it's uh you know a lot of people on valentine's day they're thinking about you know bringing some kids into the world and they're thinking maybe we should kill everyone they think that their spouse or loved one might murder them or poison them it's crazy i know it's crazy but that's the type of crazy you know people people are watching too much netflix these days i know oh don't get me started i understand i understand they call it netflix like should kill the netflix you know that's what i i think i understand them not necessarily if someone from that i'm going ahead and opening up a cancellation form for you just fill that up okay it kills you it kills your brain cells is what i'm saying well yeah if someone is gonna you know go ahead and you know keep on pointing out the negative side of the society then this you know the society becomes too negative right you have to show a brighter brighter picture in order for people to hope for a better world right but if you'll keep on where you know pointing out those all the bad elements of the society then people are going to keep on thinking everyone that's bad you know that's how i tell you you are you are speaking truth right now you are you are speaking some truth um that is serious that's how i know that's how that is serious look people if you'll see bad then all the time your head is gonna you know keep on processing bad things so if you'll show something good then that's how you know the morality comes out because if everyone's bad around you then some somehow makes you bad if you see a good person around you you know that inspires you to be a good person too right interesting interesting that's what i feel like so have you you've read the it sounds like you've read kant then i'm sorry no okay well aristotle aristotle actually tells a story i'm not much of a reader swamp monster and it's this this kind of yeah you know called a fairy tale called a myth call it an actual thing that happens literally every day the story goes something like this uh one day there were three birds and they they were they were trying to build a nest and the three of them couldn't decide whether they should build another twigs or hay or rocks and of course you know they start fighting because the one part says we should build it on rocks because they're strong i can't break it with my pink my beak and then the other the other bird says well i like hay because it's soft and flexible and then the other one says what about what if we meet somewhere in the middle let me do sticks and then three little piggies come down the road right and they say okay if you don't look if you don't give us if you don't give us uh let us into your nest we're gonna we're gonna break it and okay these birds have worked for weeks putting their nests together they decide to disguise themselves sorry i'm skipping ahead here a little bit i realize you're probably this is like a 40 40 minute read so i'm skipping some of the boring parts but they the pigs are coming you know they're coming to take the nest and the birds decide to put aside their differences you know who cares about stones sticks or hay or about to get eaten by wild boars and they disguise themselves as swamp monsters they use the they use the hay for the hair the pebbles for armor and the sticks for claws and they put slop like mud on them and when the pigs come they're terrified they're absolutely terrified but they became stuck these birds became swamp monsters they couldn't get out because they spent so much time doing evil things that they become that which they once swore to protect themselves from you catch yeah do you understand what i'm saying because they because they were they were 24 hours constantly shown that part of the you know world that side of a psyche so that's how you know that's how people that's how people control like a lot of people are not bad themselves but they are they have been in a place which you can say in a bad place so that's how you know when even if they let's say someone is uh you know portrayed in such a way that you know there's no way for that person to you know be who he is because he's always around bad people his personal instinct has reached on to a level you know that he that's the only way he can deal with people right right so plato actually did a rebuttal to uh aristotle's swamp monster and he said the way out of the the swamp is to rise above right like this is both figures above it yeah don't go don't go inside it right yeah don't keep on getting deeper into it right you you take a deeper you take a deep breath and you and you rise up and this is what we do in my with my clients actually i i say take a deep breath and rise up right and then and you get out of the mud and and then you unfriend everyone on facebook you unfriend everyone on instagram you delete you know delete snapchat you know all that stuff and and it's kind of like a death and rebirth cycle thing it's like a phoenix basically i tell my clients uh pretty much just move across the country don't talk to anybody that you ever knew and you know pull yourself up pull yourself up by your bootstraps that whole thing but somewhere down the line uh even if i feel like ghosting is not the right way how you could be you know dealing with your life i feel so well like uh no no no not with doctor i'm like i'm talking like you know the way you're saying like uh just cut off with everyone um i feel like everything from people keep tinder you know tinder or you know whatever it is you use whatever the kids use these days right now i feel like that that's escaping that i feel like that's escaping don't you think so that's escaping from your reality in order for you to really accept like in order for me to really move on you have to you know you have to absorb the truth i feel like that and because if i if i really want to run away from a situation right the best way to deal with it is to face it rather than like you know running away from it right there is absolutely correct so you didn't know this but i was actually putting you through a little bit of a test that i do with a lot of my first time clients a lot of my clients when i say delete tinder well not tinder you know delete everything they literally they pull out their phone and they start deleting stuff and you know what i do i throw over i throw a rock at him and i say don't you run it's time to fight and you pan you passed the test you know you're you're uh you're smart you're a smart cookie you're a good kid like i can tell that you think a lot about uh you know your place in the world and how you interact with it and i i think that's that's very important you know that's wow i'm very i've been up i've been there you know when i've i've tried to i've tried to run away from a lot of uh you know like uh i thought like um you know i i deserve a lot better yeah so i i have ran and i've realized running away you can you can run away from the reality your whole life and you know it's still gonna find you so if you really wanna you know change your reality you have to first accept what you are and then build out a better one if not except what i am i will not never be able to build out a better reality i have to first accept what my reality is then only i have to you know work on you making it better i feel like that's that's the best way but i mean it's like it feels like you're probably making the world a better place you know if that's the way you think i've been oh no no i wish i wish i would i can't even make mine a better place till now i'm not i don't know but yeah i'm trying to i'm still trying to but i will i will one day because it's all about manifestation you have to manifest good and that's how things work out for you if you'll have a positive mind that's how you know you're well that's good so you got to be careful you've got to be careful because it's kind of going back to the swamp monster you know story right if you manifest swamp thoughts you you might get stuck as a swamp monster right so if you're spending all your time for example let's let me let me think of an example um so the the life insurance right you know people need life insurance but if if i want to i can get a little bit of i can get a little bit slimy right i could tell them hey you know i looked at your medical records looks like you're gonna die tomorrow you better get life insurance all right but there's not yeah that's not very good you know what i mean like that's not that's not good yeah that's not good that's not good i mean like yeah you should be if if you're gonna die tomorrow you should be no you're spending that day you know you should be enjoying that day just to be clear because i'm running for medical insurance i don't think you understand what i was saying i i was in that example i would have been lying to the to them and right yeah i understand i understand you just you're just trying to you're giving a hypothetical situation right and you know i could do that because i could i could tell myself hey you know my situation's bad i need the money if i get the money you know if i make some sales you know but like things will work out for me but really that's really short-sighted you know that's not that's not how life works right so you got to be careful but yeah these are these are uh big thoughts you're you're a smart kid i like that hey listen uh i i don't want to be rude listen i love this stuff this is my dog this is my job but i don't mind to talk to you about it but is there any way we can sort of talk about it while i get my money back is it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes so i have opened up a form for you on your screen just fill this out form okay you see a cancellation form there yeah uh let me start filling out hey let me ask you something how's your relationship with your mother oh it's okay it's rough but it's okay yeah do you want to talk about that or no yeah no no no no that's something i wouldn't i wouldn't talk on this call like i'm not much of a sharer i'm not i'm so sorry but i'm not much of a sharer but it's just that i like i like to i i talk to a lot of different kind of people not charging just saying you know this is the first the first call is free i'm not charging you any money or nothing like that so no that would be that would totally fine because uh the call is recorded to be honest so i know i understand that all right i'm sorry about any of the information that i'm sharing cannot be monetized in any way please do not take any of the things that i say and you know put it into something no no no no no no no no all these materials on my own i am not licensed to practice in any state i technically am not a medical doctor but i am licensed uh to sell life insurance and i also hold a degree in theoretical physics okay legally i have to say all that um since it's recorded anyway you did you did a good job there that that's pretty good thank you okay so once you're done with this let me know yeah what about your uh what about your father when's the last time you made your father proud i don't know last week maybe oh tell me about that what did you what did you do um i called him oh okay so you called him and and and he and he was proud of that yeah i shared some news yeah he's mostly proud of things i do what kind of news that sounds great that's terrific for something uh yeah i do that can i do that was it for something i would not i'm so sorry but i'm like i don't want to really want to open up too much sorry to be honest like um yeah forget about that yeah i'm sorry you already said that i i didn't mean that um well let me let me ask you a little bit different question what do you what do you see yourself in five years you know what are you going to be doing five years from now um what do you think i don't know i i i think that i'll be five times better person than what i am today that's why oh i like that five times better in five years that's great but i look back and fight you know if i look if i if like in five years if i look back myself in five years i would say okay i'm better now so that's uh you know that that's what i mean is that not the way to say it is that not all we can do is kind of compare ourselves you know to who we were a year ago or who yeah i don't want to compare right yeah yes i don't want to compare i don't want to be compared to be any you know to anyone else i i'll i'll compare myself to you know how i was last year if i'm doing better i'll say like i did a good job if not i'll try to make you know i'll try a little bit harder for the next year that's how life is uh you ever thought about 10xing that instead of 5x because i have a actually have a book and a course called 16 easy steps on how to become the person that your father always said that he was going to be and um i don't know it's something that you might be interested oh no yeah sure i'll look for it but i feel like uh you know technically it can't be sold in gift stores gifts you know book stores or gift stores it was there was a lawsuit you know they said that there was some things in there that might have misconstrued something but you know if if you i don't know if you're familiar with the internet at all but there's a way to they call it like a viper a vaipayan or something you can change your if you change your country to like something outside of the united states let's say uh and you go to amazon uh and you it's like a dollar you know it's like a dollar outside of the united states um or i can mail it to you um because we have an office in canada where you know i could but anyway just something to think about 289.99 okay i mean it's under for under a dollar think about that 10x your life 16 steps you know just something to think about uh select the account type so i will what is a crypto what's a crypto wallet that sounds fancy oh that's that is uh that is uh you know cryptocurrency that is like uh bitcoins and stuff if you if you like yeah i've i remember those i've been thinking about getting back into that because 10 10 years ago 10 years ago i i got i picked some of that up and then and then i you know i was like i kind of forgot about it because i i figure you know that things is it's pretty much like worthless right it's fake money right that's not fake money uh do you know how much it cost now one bitcoin i don't know when i bought it it was like 10 bucks or something and it was cheap i think i bought like a hundred of them yeah now it's like now it's like a hundred twenty thousand dollars shut up no this don't lie to me like this yes yes that's true okay yeah whatever are you serious or are you joking about that no i'm serious i'm serious i'm i'm i'm laughing because you're not believing me i mean i i i'm pretty confident i have like hold on a second i don't really pay any attention to that stuff what is it how do you how do you find out how much it's worth like how do you check that i don't know if my kraken spoof will work right now because i haven't used it in a long time but i had a cracking one bitcoin in usd i'm sorry if it's value came down right now it's like 33 000 usd 36 000 usd oh my god are you messing with me right now are you messing with me right now are you are you trying to putting a prank on me right now a prank about what i i oh my god i bought this forever how many you have i bought this forever ago is this really how many you bought is this sorry wait wait are you saying that this is a prank this this search is a prank or what are you no no no no i hit a a client years ago a client he gave me it's like a gift for helping him and his family i swear he gave me like 10 maybe 10 20. are you kidding me are you gonna hear me are you gonna share with me one are you okay with me i tell you what if i if i got 10 20 bitcoin i i ought to give you something right i just gotta how do i know where it is like how do i get it how do i how do i is it in my are you seriously kidding with me right now are you are you are you really seriously kidding with me i don't know how this works i i i don't even know if you're being serious with me i i i don't understand how this works he gave me he traded me coins this was years ago as for like a for like a christmas thing like he wanted to say thank you i i i coached him and his family through a really rough time he said this currency is like the next where did you receive those really gonna pop off honestly i said thank you but it seemed like it was worthless you know what what am i supposed to oh thanks for thanks for nothing where did you receive it oh where did you receive it i'd have to look through my emails i don't know i didn't have to look at you can you take it the emails wouldn't even be on this computer i'll i'll check it while we uh listen why don't we do the refund and and cancel everything and then i'll uh i'll let me look at my besides didn't you say this is a recorded call i mean i don't want anybody to know about this if this is real right i mean this is a lot of money no that's okay i'm just helping you get helping you with your stuff that's okay that's fine okay uh let me yeah if you have if you have these many ma'am you are you uh your life would change you you know if you have the your life would change i know that well it's okay good thing ah that's [ __ ] talk about rising up out of the swamp you know what i mean oh geez what do i type for comments i understand that just put full refund a full refund did you say yup yup okay full refund i mean i already make a pretty decent amount of money but uh you know that that would be let's see dr linda might not have to uh you know worry about the legal fees anymore if you know what i'm saying maybe i could actually be your doctor we'll see um okay give me a moment i'm going ahead and okay i'm going ahead and sending a request to you a refund request i'm just sending forwarding this to my billing team they will go ahead and put a request for you okay hold on okay all right thank you very much all right just give me a moment i'm going ahead and transferring your call oh wait i can't talk to you anymore no just wait uh i have to like first make sure i go ahead and process this refund correctly okay okay i just want to make sure i can get that all right no problem i'm right here with you okay okay i'm gonna put your call on a brief hold right now please be on the line ma'am okay okay all right thank you so i checked and unfortunately my kraken spoof is not currently working they must have changed uh the the website a little bit uh because i at one point made it so i could log in oh wait no no that's not what i did i actually i actually okay maybe it does work i forgot i didn't spoof the login i actually made the account and then i spoofed the account after i logged in so maybe it is let me let me see hold on i just had like i didn't verify any information or anything so it's like a hopefully the account still exists um let me see it's possible that it's changed a bunch um i love that are you kidding me you're definitely gonna give me money though right oh okay we see you're logging in from a new device okay uh i don't know what he's doing thank you so much for staying online ma'am you're there yeah yeah i'm here hello alrighty so i have processed a single dollar refund back to the check-in account uh is there a way for you to check it if you receive it so that i can go ahead and send the rest of the amount uh i i think so like like online you go ahead and take a vlog you're saying just like log in uh to my bank instead yes you can log in if you want to yes you can check it you can check it that way too yup okay i mean cuz i could check on my my phone or i can check on my uh my bank or whatever just give me a moment i'm gonna i'm gonna enable your privacy mode so that you can check it safely please wait okay oh okay what's uh what's a private scene what does that mean i guess uh a privacy mode helps you uh browse your internet safely on a remote section okay just give me a moment i'm gonna go ahead and do that he's not actually on my computer right now i had to disconnect them so one second okay why i appreciate it um so you sent a dollar and then that what do we do from there sorry i just have to confirm it's there because i'm i need to make sure i'm sending to the same account right i'm not sending it to a wrong account you just have to make sure of that okay just give me a moment i'm trying to connect i believe i got disconnected what do you see on your screen right now uh any desk is on there right now uh and and uh the bitcoin price okay please wait hey while i wait i have a question for you let's say you like parties you ever go to parties yeah ma'am every every weekend i guess that's what i do for five years five or seven years wow okay you ever have pizza at the party i had what pizza like are these pizza parties uh no uh i don't do pizza parties uh no uh there's like a bit of a booze at our party people hardly eat oh those kind of parties yeah oh okay cuz i well let me give you a hypothetical scenario just do you like pizza like you like pizza at all no yeah i love pizza yeah yeah i love it what's your favorite kind of toppings on there mozzarella oh yeah mars mars a nice mars pizza um okay imagine you go to a party right let's say there's like 20 30 people at the party you hear a knock on the door right knock knock knock okay your friend says okay hey can you get the door you open it up a guy delivers like two boxes of you know two pizzas you know these are like all right maybe 12 slices max you know they're not that big and uh you know you pay for the pizza yes well you know your friend pays for the pizza and you set it down on the table and you open it up and there it is your favorite mozzarella pizzas yeah and you're the first one you know first one online he says hey go ahead you know eat his eat as much as you want how many how many slices of mozzarella you know you're taking like uh eat likes you're talking about yeah like how many slices would you put on your plate that's what i meant what am i saying well usually i would put one only you know that's how it should be so you're why is that you're a one slicer why why is that it's okay i like there are other people as well good man that's a good man right there you know you can you can tell about it you can tell a lot about a person based on how they answer that question you know i myself the last time i was at a pizza party did put three slices of pizza on my plate but it was because they accidentally doubled the order okay they had way too much pizza all right my neighbors accidentally i'm not making this they had so they had pizza for days okay i could have had my own pizza myself and there still would have been pizza left over there were literally like five people at the party but but yes the correct answer i believe is to take one slice right because you got to make sure everyone gets their slice first right yeah that or or if i'm too hungry i'll put pick up two oh okay there you go secret two slicer then you're not exactly a one yeah you can um yeah i would i would i would take two it's okay i'm hungry there it is so you're good i mean your your needs matter first right if you're hungry forget about everybody else that's what i no no not everybody not everybody not everybody it's only because i'm i'm not not mostly hungry i'm like all righty so i have opened up your privilege no no no no no no i would never do that i would never do that just take one of the pizzas and bring it into the back room before anyone notices you know what i mean [Music] that that's pretty funny man so okay all right i've been there probably gone ahead and it believe me i've been there right i mean the perfect pizza for me is a nice you know i'm talking i'm talking like a nice pie it's got uh some pepperoni on there some anchovies gotta get the pineapple in there honestly i my craving call me crazy i don't think cheese belongs on pizza that's just me that's just me i don't even want the cheese so i remember this one time now this was like 10 years ago right i've changed i've changed i've grown since then i was invited over to a dinner party for one of my ex-colleagues at the hospital i was working at before that i got fought well i i left it was mutual well not mutual technically but i got it expunged you know the legal proceedings are hidden from the record so anyway i i got invited to the christmas party well i showed up to the christmas party even though i was uninvited and i i snuck in because they left the back door unlocked and there was pizza and i grabbed one of them and i went i went downstairs to the basement where the kids were they were playing video games and i i took the cheese off and you know i gave it to the kids to keep them quiet i just sat down there and ate i ate the whole pizza true story but but that was that was a big turning point in my life you know i knew that i had to i didn't want to be a swamp well a pizza monster you know i didn't want to be a pizza monster and so now i'm trying to help the world the best like you like the thin crust you like the thin crust pizza without the cheese right yes i got it i got you interests are our things our thing people love them you know that is a that is the exquisite uh you know exquisite side of a pizza that's more like um you know something that uh you would have on a beach something like that yeah it's upscale is that what you mean like only only like rich that's correct you know young bullet like hip hip millennials eat thin crush yeah yeah kind of an elite thing something elite somewhere you know it's a one percent kind of thing you know only people with a lot of money yeah yeah yeah it's gonna charge you twice than a normal you know cheese pizza because uh you know when you're when someone there's a chef who would be you know making that a thin crust one for you so they're gonna charge your double for that for sure for you i mean that's why i'm saying that's why i'm saying that i'm once again asking you for your support to fight against the 1 everybody should have their fair share of the thin crushed pizza am i right then crush pizza then crush absolutely that's what i'm saying there's hope we have been you know we have been having a pretty good conversation but uh i need to go ahead and say confirmation after this okay it's more than pretty good [Laughter] i would i would i would i would love to go out with your mom on some day definitely you know because i was having a pretty rough day myself so it's okay it's good to have someone not speak with someone it's often it's pretty good so um i'm sorry i have gone ahead and did you just drop the s word on me did you just no no i didn't did you just say i don't know i might be yes you think yeah you might you feel you feel like so feel like so i mean that's not something to mess around with i mean in my relationship course i you know one of the things that i talk to people about is you know you know if you feel like you've met your soul mate you have to you have to take action on that and that you know i don't take that lightly i mean i don't know if we just became best friends or or not but that's that's no i like i like to i like to speak with people who have an intellect okay and hardly i find much people around who have really have an intellect people can talk about an intellect but you know it's really hard to find you know a sense of intellect that a person could have and i i can see like you have you must have uh you know seen a lot of people met a lot of people so you know how uh you know people are you know how to you know um upstairs you know i have a couple i know one thing yeah i understand that's a good thing that's a good thing ma'am that's a pretty good thing and you know i'm pretty i'm pretty shocked i was pretty shocked when you told me like you got bitcoin and you don't you knew how much you know uh one word because i'm telling you that means you're pretty you're pretty busy on your own world you have a own world that you're pretty involved with it so that's that's that you know you're pretty pretty much disconnected from the outer world so that is also pretty good i i i really appreciate that people should have our own uh you know life because if if you are if you don't have your own life then you're just living like the rest of the world you know they're not living their own life they are just living a life with someone has told them to live right so that's how it is either the world tells you how to live or you tell the world how to live how you're going to live right so that's how that's two basic things about anyone yeah well you know i i take a lot of inspiration from uh who's the guy that kept rolling something that he was like rolling something up a hill and i kept falling back down i take a lot of inspiration from that story myself and i i i i kind of choose to live under a rock you know i think it was monkey ball i think okay i'm not familiar about that and i i just i've chosen to live under a rock and focus on the things that matter most uh anyway sorry i gotta you know like i tell you what we might not i appreciate that um yeah but everything like that i have a thing like that the people come up and they talk to me i don't know they say like it's pretty easy to talk to me because i don't know why it is that's that's that's pretty that's pretty weird for me though but yeah it's yeah well hey i mean oh yeah okay what was i supposed to be doing god i forgot you need to check jesus you receive that charge or not it's okay it's all right i'm sorry i'm so sorry for keeping you for this long listen my work is over my my everyone already left it's just me here well just you and me okay all right so you need to go ahead and check whether you need to check whether you received it yep hold on a minute um let me just see if i can get this to load here how are you i'm 37 okay there's an equation somewhere i forgot how i forgot how the math checks out are you married uh no ma'am divorce oh i'm sorry to hear that oh no don't i'm i'm pleased okay i was hoping you wouldn't say you were married you know but this anyway oh god let me hold on give me two seconds not because i don't want you to be happy or anything you know that was that's pretty selfish of me that was a three slice move i apologize no that's okay that's totally fine that's totally fine that's totally fine um oh god i gotta remember uh normally it just logs right into my phone you know what i mean so okay never mind i got i got it what is it half your age plus seven i learned it on how i met your mother i just forgot how it works i i i don't i don't remember the exact equation so how i met your mother yeah you ever seen that show how i met your mother yeah that that's that's pretty that's pretty uh you know ironical kind of show that's pretty ironic isn't it it's kind of a weird fantasy that they show i mean like must be someone whoever wrote that particular show uh you know but the number of women that guy dates in that entire show is like the thanks to that troll troll he says okay please check if you receive it that's true i never thought about that uh okay where would i where would i look uh you need to go ahead and check it over there on the car hello yeah i'm just looking uh i'll check your account over there if you see a transaction okay i'm looking i mean i don't see i don't see it i i don't see like a one cent if you if you gave me like a one dollar single single dollar single dollar charge map it would be a single dollar charge yeah i don't see that um uh please wait please wait i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and escalate this to my billing team please wait i'm gonna escalate all right i'm going to put your call on a brief hold in the meantime till i escalated is that okay uh yeah that's that's fine with me honey right thank you and uh please don't uh please don't go ahead and move anything you're connected on the server so please don't open any kind of a personal document over there okay okay all right thank you uh should my computer be should my computer be totally blank right now hello beg your pardon yes ma'am i can't hello i can't see anything on the uh yes ma'am because i've paused the session i've gone ahead and paused this session once i'm gonna resume it you will see okay oh okay geez wait sorry sorry i pressed the wrong button there uh i don't have the transparency on right now uh let me see what i can do hold on so this is the part of the scan where they like edit the html and they and they like this is the the climax this is the big moment where they like transfer money between your account and and they make it look like uh something like they made a mistake and give me one i'll see if i can try to give you a little glimpse that's what my screen looks like right now hold on i had to cut the network okay so this is what he's looking at right now um he's gonna transfer money from actually please give me a moment ma'am i'm still getting a response from them okay trying to do zell that's that's not a problem that's no problem all right because uh i believe it's like the later part of the day so uh the others might be you know busy on a different call so i'm just waiting for it okay right i know you had a long day i'm so sorry you must be working yeah yeah i was working and now i'm just you know here in the office but that's okay it's okay it's been nice talking to you that that that that's pretty pretty good i mean like i i had a pretty rough day myself you know with a lot of calls coming in coming out and uh you know at the end day when you get uh when most of the times we get customers you know who are basically telling us to get something done and we are not able to do it that's very weird so uh i'm trying to get this done i'm i again lost the connection here sometimes the internet's pretty spotty in the office um we could go back to my i could go back to my house but that you know it takes me uh it takes me some time give me give me a moment i have to go ahead and check it okay if it comes back give me two minutes here okay oh i never reconnected my internet dang whoops okay now i should be able to reconnect you know i think you i think you inspired me to write a uh i think you inspired me to write another chapter in my book i've been working on a new book and uh what is it about well it's it's called dating in a world where everyone unironically is the worst and um um there's a chapter i titled running it down mid did i that i think that i think what what you and i have been talking about tonight might be pretty good for you know this isn't actually this isn't actually sold yet uh but it's something i've been thinking about okay like uh oh what what would be my name doing like what kind of how do i inspire you to do this just the things that you were saying about life and and how you mhm your mindset right your soul i feel like i got a glimpse into your soul tonight and bro really yeah i mean like when you really say it so i mean okay and what does it what does it tell you about me well if i if i could can i can i speak openly like i mean you said this is a recorded course i i i don't know know that that's totally fine that's totally fine i'm like i'm working on your case we are waiting for uh you know the response of the supervisor so we can talk that's totally fine go ahead so you're saying like it's okay to get personal on the line though i mean like you are just trying to tell me something we are waiting for our representative to you know go ahead and address our concerns so that's totally fine go ahead when i look at you i i think it would be better if i explain it like this have you ever heard the story of the the cricket in the frog pond no really uh okay so there's a frog there's a definitely what is it uh there's a frog that lives on a log in the bottom of a and occasionally he has to come up for air and one day he comes up and he notices that there's a cricket that lives on a log that the frog also lives on [Music] at the bottom of the pond and and you know a couple days go by he comes up for air sorry a couple hours he realizes that there's a there's not just the cricket but there's a bump on the log that the cricket and the frog live on at the bottom of the pond and as he keeps okay uh is he keeps doing this and he keeps expanding above sorry not above um beyond himself he realizes that there's a there's a bigger world you know than just than just himself if i'm completely honest with you i i'm sorry i think i just spent i think i just been you know so focused on myself lately that you know i you've inspired i think i'm in my i might be able to find love again you know i think i've been so i've been focused on the the the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea and and there's a lot of fish in the scene and i oh god i'm sorry i shouldn't you know what it is you attack you attack life like an ant at a picnic you know what i mean you're like an army a little critters taking whatever you want and i feel like sometimes i just i i spend all this time with my nose in books so i can you know take parts i like and put them in my own books and i i'm talking to the clients and then you know i'm ignoring my mother's phone calls and i i forget to just maybe maybe i shouldn't be a one slicer you know maybe you're my second slice if i could say that maybe i should have said that we're good how old are you ma'am how old are you don't mind me asking well who's ex who's action is it a doctor or is it i mean no i'm just asking like a normal person how old are you i'm 51. that's totally fine that's that's that's that's so good i mean like you there are so many people you must meet every day well yeah i just met i i just met you today didn't i oh well you definitely did but that i'm not sure like uh you know when you steal me when you'll see me you might not like me i might be a pretty ugly guy oh you got a face for radio huh you know i might sound i might sound pretty uh you know like uh you know charming but i might not be as charming when you see me i'm on to be honest hey you know what my father used to say i i i fell out of a tree i fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch along the way so no no worries no worries there do you do you uh you like music at all yeah i'm um i love music i i'm i'm a little bit of magician myself you know think of myself so i i think myself wow what kind of i'm into uh rock music and you know hip-hop music something like that oh oh wow what kind of uh what was your favorite um what was your favorite uh like favorite uh band yeah a singer i'm a nirvana fan man nirvana fan i love nirvana oh okay like nirvana all right so i'm i'm that in that kind of music wow me i'm into uh i'm i'm in the more romantic type stuff myself but okay you know like flavor flav and uh oh yeah yeah yeah i understand yeah i understand that that that's pretty pretty pretty good all right in the meantime uh i am still not getting any kind of a response uh from your uh from my billing team right now it could be a possibility that they are busy um also i need to go ahead and validate you i've already put a hold on to this transaction so you will not be charged okay is it okay if i assign a call back for you for tomorrow so that i can go ahead and process this uh entire refund tomorrow that would be okay i can go ahead i i'm so sorry about that but um i can go ahead and dial you from my personal extension is that okay uh well of course i mean why would i say no to that oh no that that that's that's okay it's just my extension because i i i do work from home as well okay so it's okay i can also do work from home thought i thought you said it's okay okay i thought you meant your personal phone number all right that kind of thing yeah i can i can i will go ahead and call you from my personal extension because i i'm doing work from home tomorrow so i'll be working from home so i can dial you from there okay okay all righty alrighty so uh give me a moment i'll you can go ahead and close your bank your bank is open yeah uh let me let me close out of that and okay all right so i'm assigning a call back for you to miss linda all right and my name is abel all right abel that's correct all right so i'll be going ahead and assigning a call back what would be the best time to reach you ma'am um do you hear do you happen to have a uh a number i can reach you in or um ma'am i can i cannot go ahead and hear that number with you right now but i will go ahead and definitely go ahead and share it with you tomorrow okay because i'll be going ahead and assigning a call back i'll be getting you my personal extension so you can always reach me out on my personal exchange okay all right all right tomorrow i'm sorry you have to wait yeah no i haven't opened that appointments in the morning but if you call me later uh you know in the like in the afternoon or something uh yeah if you want i can call you i can call you like the same time you know and you're like you won't be working ah we can do that uh tomorrow night i actually have a i have a party i know that sounds crazy but i got my friend cheryl's bar mitzvah her son's bar mitzvah i'm told there's going to be pizza so it has to be tomorrow during the day unfortunately then then then yeah sure sure so that that would be that'll be okay i'll call you during the daytime that'd be okay uh okay yeah that's fine all right okay all right just give me one quick moment all right thank you thank you so much really appreciate it it was nice oh that's fine just talking just bear with me for two more minutes okay oh oh okay just have to wait for me for two minutes okay all right all right might have to stream tomorrow i have to do a short little stream this i feel like this guy is he's this is this is we haven't seen much of the scam yet but he like uh um he's showing signs of being a bigger fish and that he's like talking and he's nice and personable and very you know if if someone's grandma like it it's funny my friend i was talking to my friend earlier today and he mentioned that sometimes it's uh it's easy to forget that like this guy's a criminal sometimes right like like we're just i'm goofing around and like putting him in stupid situations and all that but sometimes i forget like wait if he was talking to some like my grandma he's a pretty smooth talker you know and uh yeah so i i like to keep these sorts of scammers on the phone sometimes because i'd rather them talk to me than someone's someone's grandma so uh he's yeah i must i might be a little bit enchanted by him okay i just couldn't but so i forgot about this part of why i i don't i used to stream like at night time uh but i i slowly over the years stopped because like they this is pretty common where this time of night uh like the refund scams they in his mind i mean he saw like a hundred something thousand dollars in my fake bank account he wants me to go to my bank and wire him all that money right he wants as much as he possibly can take right now the only thing i could do is go to the store and buy him two thousand dollars worth of gift cards so in his mind uh he he wants to wait until tomorrow all right i'm so sorry for the extended delay all right so um i'm just uh i was just i just got a response from a supervisor he's telling me to hold on they're saying that they will do it right now oh if that's okay with you yeah i mean that's i got a few more minutes can i can i go to the bathroom at least can i can i can i call you back yeah sure sure sure can you call me okay i can hold on the line i can okay i can hold on the line if that's okay all right all right okay okay yeah yeah let me just you know freshen up you know let me let me give me two minutes okay all right yeah i'll be right back okay maybe i was wrong maybe they do want to still try to scam me tonight oh yeah he just hid my he hit the screen i think i'm probably gonna shut off my network while i go to the bathroom because it might have too much time to himself to to figure out what's going on that computer zone sorry i was migrant uh what were you saying about bitcoin what was that uh do you do you remember using uh having a coinbase account by any chance um god no not coinbase i don't know what that is okay all right oh my screen is blank again so yes ma'am because the session right now i'm not able to connect you to them right give it a moment all right i'm gonna connect you back to it besides one of my kids said and i quote may i have your email id please what's your email you look pretty different with that sweater it's so unique um so what was it what do you need what's your email id ma'am what's your email id oh it's yeah the one i use for like personal stuff is have the best goats at gmail.com uh it's because i was working on a workshop um apparently the kids these days used the term goat for greatest of all time and so i was working on putting putting a uh a seminar together called i have the best goats and that every single one of you under my instruction can be the goat be the goat you know be the best goat that you can be and i i've been starting to promote that a little bit um yeah so i'm looking for um i'm just confirming one thing i'm just i'm just confirming uh one thing like uh i'm trying to send the refund up if your bank of america card starts with four four two seven oh you know off the top of my head i don't know um can you take it i don't know if i have it in my op at the office here it might be at my house but let me see let me look at my price why why is is it not working is something not working what's wrong we just want to make sure we just want to make sure we are sending it to the correct card from which it's deducted oh yeah i don't know about that um i'm sorry i know my checking account ends in 8418 but i don't know i don't know anything else my guy's just trying to figure out how to sign into coinbase in my gmail account while the screen's hidden i don't know what his angle is right now to be to be honest i'm not sure what he's i don't know what he's trying to do if you if you can check it let me know mom you can also check it on your bank of america like uh you can log into your bank of america and you can check it okay if you have the same card or not okay you want me to you want to log into my bank again you're saying or yes ma'am i need you to check if you are using the same uh if that is the same card or not okay oh please wait please wait it's working very very slow what's what's working slow everything okay yes ma'am i'm right here i'm right here give me a moment uh your system keeps kicking me out so i'm waiting for it to give me the access okay so i can like unblank yourself and i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that's all right i told my supervisor if i can like uh you know i can extend it you know i can like uh put a call back till tomorrow but he said like we have like 10 more minutes if we are not able to resolve it in 10 minutes then i will get it done tomorrow okay okay yeah yeah i mean listen if it whatever whatever helps you with you know your boss and everything i feel like the least i could do is you know make make sure things go well with their boss you've done a lot for me you've you've done it thank you more than you even know so oh don't say that you've done more than i could okay put in the words if i'm honest like you the amount that you've done for me tonight is i can't speak of it i just spoke to you i did nothing i just spoke to you literally it's you're being modest you're being modest oh i'm just being honest all right it says security warning another person would like to access your device is it yeah that's me that's me give me a moment okay dare i say that you've restored my faith in humanity is it am i going too far to say that no no but really what made you say that what made you say that well i mean it's just it's just refreshing you know it's just really refreshing just to say the least i just want to ask you have you ever been married well no actually i i have not why is that um god that's a you know that's sort of a little bit of a complicated question i i just want to ask you i mean like i just wanna i just wanna ask you that because uh you know i've been married you know and i i never right uh you know like uh i didn't know like why i did that but it felt like something to do at that point of time yeah i mean i just want to know if yeah i think part of it for me i think part of it is um honestly i'm very intimidating you know i'm pretty intimidating and uh i think that's difficult for a lot of you know people and uh there's a lot of there's a lot of pressure like there's a lot of pressure and it like it just it kind of drips drips okay while we talk while we while we while we talk let's also do the work so i need you to take your take your bank of america okay so uh i know you're working i'm so sorry don't work uh please uh minimize this for the time being and check if you can check your bank of america yeah oh that's so sweet that's so sweet what what is this the heart the heart oh you can see my oh yes i can see that i can see that that's why i said yeah i was thinking so this is a hierarchy of needs and sort of the idea is uh as different levels of that your needs are better that that makes sense that makes sense to the other higher levels but i think you know tonight i i think you helped me get to i think i think you may have helped me get here and i'm starting to feel like there might be another level that that you know yeah i understand that i understand that this is so sweet this is just something i'm thinking about you know i wanted to make note of this i do notice this and i really really i really love it okay anyway what were you doing what are we i'm going ahead and uh you need to yes yes i was uh i don't know i for a moment i forgot what i was doing um give me a moment uh yeah yeah so i i would really appreciate if you can check your bank of america okay hold on and if you uh yeah sure thank you oh i actually logged in a minute ago you guys you asked me a minute ago and uh no i i don't i don't see you know god it just maybe maybe there's some problems with the internet or something it doesn't look like it's gonna be possible does it take what like maybe it's not possible to do it tonight because because of the internet problems at the office i don't know i mean i'm willing to wait i got a few minutes i don't know one of my colleagues just messaged me and said that uh they forgot something in the office so if i could keep it you know if i could unlock the door for them in a little bit then can you give me can you can you give me like 10 minutes if it doesn't work in 10 minutes then i will go ahead and put it for tomorrow okay can you give me 10 minutes all right thank you so much i'm like i'm speaking with my supervisor over here and uh you know you're just amazing just give me your amazing okay wait please you're amazing too sorry i was uh [Music] messaging someone i i i this guy definitely seems baited i think that we've landed ourselves a decent fish and i've been having fun i don't think that i i don't think that he's gonna go through and do the whole uh whole scam if that makes sense we'll see oh there goes my screen again is that good is that is that is that a good thing yes ma'am i'm processing the refund for you please wait okay okay all right please stay with me on the line all right what did your boss say what did you did your boss say uh he said that he said that this is the last call for the day so just finish it off and you know don't pile work for tomorrow so i'm just trying to work on that but i'm not sure if this is uh you know i the kind of uh you know conversation i had with you is like uh you know i'll say it's like it's pretty pretty uh you know amazing for me as well so that's what i would say well listen uh i don't have to read the terms and conditions to know that i accept you all right [Laughter] wow that's that's that's were you thinking about it were you thinking about this whole time i've been processing my feelings if that's what you're saying this whole time i've been thinking a lot okay so okay just i just want to ask you when was the last time you were in a relationship what do you mean by relationship uh i mean like there was like you were you were like you were committed to another i was in a bowling league for a while and every every friday i would go down there and i would order a plate of nachos like a plate not a personal size like a whole plate of nachos and you know one day he says he says ma'am i got your nachos i got your nachos for you right and so and we were going i think things were we were going pretty steady for a while because every week when i when i got to the bowling barely he'd have a whole plate for me and uh you know one day one day he says mama i noticed that no one else has eaten those nachos it's just you and that's that's the point where i broke things off you know because i could tell he was trying to come after my nachos you know he was stepping up to you know what i mean so i would say that's probably the last time i was in a serious relationship all right so you believe in monogamy or not you know i believe in god is that is that what the baptists believe that means one is that you're asking if there's just one god is that what you're asking me mono is it ma magnogonomy monogamy is that does that mean there's one god but or what are you what do you mean what is that oh oh god sorry i'm yes monogamy yeah oh god i can't believe my mind was in another place there uh yeah i have a lot of people who come in and they ask that very question to me they say doctor doctor tell me the news and um you know some people think it's okay to you know sleep around this is that what you're talking about is that what you're asking me i'm like do you believe we are destined to be with one person all our life let me tell you a story uh that a good close friend of mine once told me uh about popcorn in life there are there are going to be all sorts of different popcorns uh some butter flavored popcorn some caramel uh oh my god oh my god uh uh and this friend of mine said to me occasionally i like to take an extra of popcorn but at the end of the day you know what it does it makes the original popcorn not taste as good and and and both the popcorns hello are a little bit less flavorful does that make sense any popcorn off the street and you know i mean imagine you know you're talking about marriage you're talking about a commitment would you just go to a movie theater and reach into a trash can you know would you just take would you just take something and is that what you would give to your partner right you understand what i'm saying does this make sense hello oh someone's typing no hello hello yes ma'am it's me it's me are you there can you are you there hello yeah what's linda yes linda it's me what's wrong what's going on you were ah ma'am i accidentally sent 29 000 to you from the refund team uh please take a look over there uh um you were just saying and i just i'm so sorry about that i'm so sorry about that ma'am oh my god i'm i'm i'm not i'm sure i'm not sure what what happened here because i i believe you just i just i instead of sending 298 we just accidentally sent twenty nine thousand dollars eight hundred oh you would see to you ma'am usd uh give me a moment a bigger distance i'm so sorry i'm i don't know what happened just give me a moment okay i need to i need to go ahead and speak to my supervisor regarding this man please give me a moment okay i'm so sorry yeah oh sweet uh ma'am please take your did you see your balance over here i believe yeah i believe it was it was not this much right no balance can you check it is this what the kids when they say you get ratioed plus spell put like dropped off is that is this what they mean yes yes instead of sending you 299 i accidentally uh put nine thousand eight hundred dollars over there so i need to go ahead and report this please wait ma'am okay please wait i'm so sorry god this is uh you know what hey i i'm here for you all right abel uh i'm i'm sorry ma'am i didn't i didn't wanted you to go no no no no no no no no no no please give me a moment because i i might lose my job i might lose my please wait i might i might lose my job all right thank you thank you i really appreciate that because we might have to send this back okay so please wait okay please wait yeah no problem wait okay did did kane bludgeon his what is he gonna ask me to do it's it's it's late at night gonna go go do a wire transfer right now if we become if we become a power couple that can call you a cable so your screen might be blank okay your screen might be blank yeah but please don't uh are you is it blank yeah it was it was it was for a minute there and now it says fatal program failure any desk crashed oh no is that good or bad uh you need to reopen it oh well wait never mind now it's can you reopen anything like again oh man honey i'm so sorry this happened it could be because of my internet too i know it's been on and off and off and on again uh just like the just like the guy at the with the bowling alley you know uh you have no idea linda i'm having a really i was having a great day now i'm like really having a bad day right now you have no idea well i'm here for you tell me about it i'm a doctor well you know tell me about it what are you feeling just let it all out what are you feeling raw i'm not don't think just speak what comes to your mind what do you feel talk to me sweetheart tell me see i would just i would just say like how would how would anyone would feel you know how would anyone would feel it's just that no how do you feel um i feel i feel really i don't know i'm having a mixed art i'm like i felt like i was having a great day you know i was speaking with someone new and i was really connecting it with you but all of us did this doesn't happen and i'm what just happened right now and i want you to know this what just happened right now doesn't define the last two hours of this conversation you know what i'm saying i understand that but but let me just like all of a sudden then this thing happened it's like it's like the world it's like world giving me you know a signal that no this should not happen you know like that like this definitely no the world definitely wouldn't tell you that things between you and i shouldn't happen that doesn't make any sense no no no no no no if anything if anything it's like uh think of it like a batch signal you know that the world's reaching out to you saying this is the one you know this your life could be more plentiful you know the one you know what don't think about don't think about you and i right now unless you want to think about okay let me talk about like what looks like you and i why i'm like i was like i thought like i was gonna call you tomorrow like from my you know personal extension so that that's that i know that you you it was a mistake you know right it was an accident you know what they say about accidents accidents grow on trees just like apples do and you know what you do when life gives you apples you make lemonade out of it with the lemons that you have in your refrigerator and uh okay i think that's i think that's what we need to do right now but why is that what made you it's like it's a saying you know when life gives you apples on the tree of life it's just like the bible have you ever read that book it's like one of the best sellers they have a they have a story in there perhaps one of the oldest stories that we have ever um we've ever shared that says something like there was an apple and there was a worm inside of the apple and when they plucked the worm out of the apple he said you should eat it you know and then when they ate it you know what happened no it rained for like 100 days and the whole earth flooded and you know what that means afterwards the only survivor let out a bird and there was a rainbow and that's just like life sometimes yeah the floods the flood is is happening right now let's be honest there's a flood right now you know what's crazy there's a guy named abel in that story i just i just realized that you literally sometimes i feel like my my parents are like they they read these stories too much or you know they have too much of faith that they name me like that no know sweetheart but i'm saying what i'm saying is uh you know stuff's gonna happen the flood of the flood you're you're experiencing a flood right now right so you just gotta send a raven out and see if you know if there's any if there's dead bodies wait no that's not it um you have to you have to put your faith and your trust in the ultimate idea right which is i think i think god this is a book uh this is a book i'm literally writing a book right now i think it might be that when you go to a party you take one slice of pizza but you're not you're not going there for pizza right you could have that at your home you have lots of money but that it's a metaphor it's sorry abel i'm sorry i tend to talk a lot i'm sorry if i bothered you it's okay you know i'm i i can see like these guys uh my supervisor is going ahead and initiating a refund of 28 000 something like that okay because this is like really this is like really really weird because i don't want i don't know i don't even make that i don't even make that much amount of money in a month so you know i am going ahead and making sure that this happened because 29 000 are sent to your account yeah so almost like a almost the size of a bitcoin is sent to you we don't want that to happen so please uh wait they're going ahead and uh uh you know uh putting up 28 000 back thank god thank god we'll see that's it that's the rainbow right there that was a flood and you might get a call you might get a call from bank of america regarding this 28 000 charge okay so please please go ahead and let them know that it's you who's doing it all right please don't uh uh you know say no because i i i expect that out of you please because if you will say no then this would be like okay not done and it would be directed from my gosh is he trying to had his own not apart from that if if this is not done they might go ahead and right and he's thinking bank of america is gonna call me hello do you think do you think they're gonna call like right now or or when no no they're gonna call you that this would be this would be showing up from your account in like in the next 24 hours so in the next 24 hours you're going to get a call from bank of america they will ask all right they will call you about uh about 28 000 a buyer that is done from your account all right so please go ahead and approve that because they are wiring it out of your either wired and now they're wiring it out give it a moment i'm trying to add his account so he can buy the money to me this guy's he's a smooth talker he's trying to make it happen he's trying to scam me that's for sure i hope i hope i uh you know because i feel like this is a ma this is my mistake you know i was talking to you and i i got so much you know i just uh you know got so involved in the conversation i i did a mistake and you know you had to wait i'm so sorry about that no no it's it's okay you know i mean mistakes happen and and and it's not that big a deal who would i be you know who would i who would i be if if i didn't if i didn't stand by your side and i i didn't you know try to help you through something like that i would be a three slicer this it's crazy that's how deep that analogy goes right i mean if i didn't help you through something like this it's like i took my three slices of pizza before you got anything oh that's so sweet that's so sweet the way the way that like the way you connected it together it goes yeah it's so dude i mean like wow the pizza i mean like you were saying you yeah the pizza the pizza is like pretty yeah that's true okay so uh just wow this is this is a pretty um weird day for me i mean it's not weird i like it i'm loving it though but the way i say it like it's wow it's refreshing after a long time yeah i kind of want to order a pizza right now low-key high key i might actually me i mean why not why not that you know it's uh yeah you should i mean make sure that i get a it's a thin crust that's right let's make sure it's like you you know you complete me right oh my god that's that's true that's uh that's uh don't you think that's too much for like one conversation like too much in one conversation no i mean like you don't even you don't even have to try you're you're finishing my sentences at this point you you're like no i don't think that's too much i mean when things got pretty serious with the nacho guy like i noticed i noticed one thing and it was when he when he gave me the same bowling shoes that i wore the week previously without washing them like i knew he can you know but one time i one time i said to him i said hey like you like hot dogs you know you like you like you want to get a bite to eat or something and he he tried to grab one of my nachos you know he thought i was inviting him to eat my nachos no no right but you understand do you want you want there's a give and take you know there's a given thing am i am i a safe guy you're saying can i be honest with you i think you're i was gonna say i think you're a bad boy but i didn't go ahead i had to stop myself no i i'm not saying hello i'm not saying that you're i'm not saying that you're safe like like i'm settling is that what you mean no no no no no no no like am i a safe guy like like if uh anybody would wanna you know go out with me that is because i'm like i'm safe i'm safe kind of a guy i mean it just seems like you're really in touch with with life you know and uh i think i think you're trying i think you're uh i think you're trying your best to to be your best and uh i like that i don't think that's safe at all just to be clear i i just want to be very clear i think that trying your best to uh trying your best every day to be a little bit better than who you were yesterday like like you said you're doing i think that's pretty dangerous i think that's that's a really big deal so anyway uh listen my computer's still blank i don't know if yes ma'am i'm go i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm giving you certain information we are wiring out 28 out of it so you have to fill it yourself can you do that for me uh yeah yeah what do you need okay please wait please wait please wait okay yeah i got a minute uh i got i got like two three minutes before i'm gonna have to get out of here because they gotta do cleaning they gotta clean the office you know yes ma'am just we are almost done uh just give me a moment i'm i'm going out uh and doing it please wait okay i'm not gonna waste much time of yours okay i know i i know you had a long day and please wait you know what and if it doesn't work out you can maybe maybe call maybe you call me in the morning or something you know because they shut the power off they shut the they literally turn the whole building off before they they scrub it down um i have to uh i know this has been fun but i have to raid g4 in a minute or two because we're going to premiere the animation so i might just try to i might just try to like wrap it up or tell them like call me tomorrow kind of thing i got a screenshot of them all right ma'am i'm just uh going ahead and almost done i'm filling out the details for you on the screen you just have to fill it yourself okay hold on okay yeah let's uh yeah let's do it as fast as we can uh yes please wait i'll take five minutes only okay it'll just take five minutes i'll tell you what i got i got two max and then i got a hard stop so all right all right i'll take two minutes only all right please wait i'm serious about that so is it better is it better oh there it is there it is it's there uh there you go uh do you see this address over here uh yes okay yeah do you want to just write do you want to just write all this in on the notepad and then i'll take care of it later [Music] oh uh dear just write it out write it out on the notepad i'll print it is this the is this how i have to send it back to you you know what honey i'm really sorry sweetheart i'm so sorry i see the guys they're coming to clean the office right now like i i i i can call you they're gonna turn off the they're gonna turn the power off like the phones the phone line's gonna disconnect so call me call me tomorrow okay call me tomorrow or monday or something like that uh we'll we'll figure it out good morning this is abel abel honey how are you it's it's dr linda uh hello linda uh i'm good linda i've been like trying to reach you for the last for last three days uh my all my work my office everyone is like after me regarding your case ma'am i've been trying to reach you out for like three days uh is this your office number ma'am or is this your personal name i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i was out of town for uh a couple days for a business thing uh there was a convention there was a book signing and uh you know a convention it's like a big it's a big thing you know the annual oh yeah yeah i remember i remember linda you told me yet your writer you told me that uh yeah i remember that i believe you remember the conversation we had this uh conference um a whole bunch of wow how was it how did it work whole bunch of us who hold theoretical degrees in physics and psychology we all get together and discuss pseudoscience and very complicated bad things so it was you know it was a lot of fun i got to see some old friends some old colleagues some old lovers and i gave a speech actually so it was oh wow wow yeah must must have been uh must have been uh you know you must have felt like so you must have felt so alive you know it whenever when you give that you know must have been like great great sense of achievement i did i did although i also uh i whipped up a a cat nip smoothie so that might have helped too i'm pot cat oh wow wow that that's so so great so great to hear uh you know such a great news uh you know i remember the last time we had a conversation you really needed that right i really did need it yeah all righty yeah appreciate it feeling alive one of the gentlemen that spoke his name was grandpa such and such that he was he wanted us all to call him grandpa he he has been talking about how he can cast spells to to do all kinds of stuff allegedly uh allegedly he just recently cast a spell to help somebody place gold one in league of legends because his girlfriend broke up with him and that oh it's a true story this event actually happened and he was he was sharing it all at the conference i i a friend of mine sent me this oh okay first of all must have been a bit awkward though and i've been messaging them about how my girlfriend would go with me because i couldn't place in league of legends i'll tell you later it wasn't that awkward no because a lot of people are you know a lot of people are looking for stuff like that and uh oh yeah well that's true that's true well these things kind of you know ease out ease out the awkwardness at times as well like this is uh this is a you know it it kind of gets your mood a bit light oh sorry it gets your mood a little bit like it's like what like it like it lightens your mood it you know the kind of uh topic kind of things right oh you're saying spell casting lightens the most yeah yeah kind of yeah exactly yeah there's nothing like nothing like a good conversation about making sacrifices to you know pagan gods and and and casting casting rich like blood magic to lighten the mood you're right yep ma'am so um i believe if you remember last time are you in front of your computer right now ma'am yes uh i i am all right i would i would really appreciate if you can turn on your computer i would like to finish off the work because i also don't want to extend this case okay because uh if i want to my i've been given time to resolve this case within the next 48 hours so i have to clear out this case in 48 hours by any chance ma'am okay or else i would you know they closed up the office friday uh thursday night i believe is when we spoke and then friday saturday sunday yeah i was at the i was at the conference i was literally on a plane you know like i don't know see 30 minutes 40 minutes after we talked i tried calling you and and you weren't answering so i felt yeah i just felt terrible yes yes i was i i tried i tried calling you on friday then i then i left you the voicemail then i had my week off right i had my week off i came back to work yeah yeah i came back to work yesterday then i was i tried calling you all day yesterday and i all got a warning you know i got a warning from my team for uh you know uh uh you know not completing the case for four days so that's the reason why you know i i was i was like what did they say what was the warning about what did they say uh mammoth if if you remember the transaction that was made on your account that amount is still on hold on your account okay so we had to clear that particular amount and you understand that it was companies money that's the reason why they told that they would fire me if i won't if i won't go ahead and get this done so i was like pretty pretty pretty scared ma'am to be honest with the valentine's day coming i didn't want to lose my job on valentine's week that would be unfortunate losing your job on valentine's day right without a without a valentine and without a without a no valentine no job oh man yeah i would i would be i i wouldn't want to spend anytime on my bed you know that that that would be pretty rough but but i i remember i remember talking to you i told them i told my voice as well like you know you can listen to the conversation that we had you know i tried right i told them that she's like right they were like okay let's let's hope let's hope that customers calls you back so uh finally you you know sent of curiosity and this is just you know they say curiosity uh kills kills the kent but i'm not a cat so out of curiosity what what happens if i what would have happened if i didn't call back you know like hypothetically speaking if i didn't call back you know what would uh what would happen i guess first thing would have been wonderful first thing would have been that i i would have been fired first and one okay they would have fired me up after that after that uh you know they would have gone ahead and contacted bank of america and then they would have you know taken out that money any which way oh that is a different thing oh man okay well we don't want yeah we definitely don't want that we don't want you to get we don't want you to get fired or contacting anyone oh you're special no i would i wouldn't after a long time i've found a job you know that's that's a bit comforting and near to my home so i would say i would want to stick to this job i would really appreciate linda if you can uh you know turn on your computer for me let me get that yeah let me take a look at that hold on um i had a pretty busy morning with patients well sorry i can't technically call them patients clients um let's see do you have plans for uh valentine's day no i am i'm like lately i've been yeah i had planned to call you like for the work apart from that i hadn't made much plans i was i was having a pretty you know rough weekend i was stressing over this you know whether you'll call or not of course i wouldn't call i mean it's that's a lot of money it's not my money why well um it's just that um you know i like you said you know that day we were having this conversation we know that there are good people out there but at times we try to lose faith in people so i was but download so i'm like i'm really happy would somewhere i'm really happy you know i had been patient and i was i wasn't losing my mind right yeah sometimes you can look out there look out at the world and you see you know people fighting and taking advantage of each other and you know well it's like the pizza it's the pizza story right i told you about the pizza it's a pizza story that's right thin crust pizza i remember yeah i remember the pinterest pizza uh one of the what are the greatest analogies for life i think and the way to traverse like when you're going up yeah when you go in a piece of party and you see how many slices everyone's taking out right and we and you we were discussing how you're a two slice maybe three slicer yeah no no i'm a one slice guy if i'm too hungry then i'll take two that's all right then i remember then i remember you telling me the story about where once you took the entire pizza to a different room and ate it remember yeah but that was the old me you know that was the old me i'm not i don't do that anymore all of a sudden now my my entire mood changed i was so stressed out i feel so you know happy and so relaxed i'm talking to you right now ma'am yeah well that happens when people talk to me uh you that is that really a super power like that that's that's more like a super power that's the best power in the world i would say yeah i would say that's the best superpower i mean like if you can the best the best you know what's the best thing you can do if i can like there's nothing else i would want to do if i can just go ahead and you know make someone relax you know calm someone down so that's that's a really good thing to do man yeah i mean you know one one thing you can do if you're looking to have people relax is you know you just you start talking about like a really light topic so you pick something everybody likes to talk about say uh ah a slice of your soul out of your body and giving it to the ragnarok so you can cast a spell to bring you know someone back to life kind of a thing like that's a light that's a life do you like the norse mythology yes have you read about it oh wow i've been like so so much fantasized about it like i i love that you know the ancient norse mythology i i really i was really you know the entire story about how odin uh you know his kids and everyone uh you know i i would i one day i was trying to um i was trying to study uh you know how like from where does it starts yeah like i believe it starts from zeus does it well odin okay a lot of people don't know this odin um so he eats his young and then he vomits the earth that's the creation myth okay so okay ordinate odin one day wakes up and he has a bunch of like other gods and he he's tired because they're all yapping and clamming about how boring it is so he eats them okay and then later uh later he he feels like a little bit of regurgitation in his belly and he vomits okay and then then the earth is created in the sky and all these different things and what's very interesting about that wow is that i think it's like i think when we wrote these stories down we were trying to play with the idea that uh it just happened you know like odin didn't decide to vomit up the earth although he did although he did create it of his stomach bile and and all that he didn't decide to do it it just sort of happened and then if you think about it you and i are both what are we you know when you look at it we're literally just vomit right we're just a bunch of random that's right right that's right and that's why in the bible the dog will return to his own vomit because the idea is that someday god will eat all of us and then just like it says there will be a new heaven and new earth and god will vomit and then all of us and then he's gonna you know vomit us out again in a different way in a different exactly this is how the world works it's it's cycles it's cycles and patterns and you just as soon as you figure that out you'll you kind of unlock the mystery of exactly exactly you know i've been i've been lately like thinking about it it's just like how a one step like uh you know um me trying to we're trying to get uh you know tea instead of coffee let's say i just i just had a random thought in my head like you know i'm not gonna have coffee today i'm gonna have tea and you know how uh how a basic step like that can uh you know roll out so many different changes you know so many uh you know different possibilities in my life you know maybe i started ordering tea and i get frustrated and i you know i couldn't get t uh you know and i started i just made a you know all of a sudden i just make a rational decision just because of my anger so i realized how one step can really change uh you know the outcome or the possibility of a regular person's life you know how i'm sorry can you hold on can you hold on one second i'm 14. this is deep i gotta write this down um i'm sure like the thing that i said the thing that i said yeah could you repeat that to me yeah i just said like you know let's say i'm a coffee person right but today i thought today i thought no i'm not gonna have coffee you know i'm gonna have tea so i started ordering uh you know started uh you know went on like try to offer the tea but you know i couldn't get uh i'm looking for you know it and it makes me you know it gets me angry you know true and all of a sudden you know it and in my life you know i was supposed to do something and how my anger of not be you know not letting me able to find some good tea makes me you know it changed my uh uh step making you know how uh how you know you really take stuff in my real life how it influences how it influences my decisions in my normal life so i realize how a small uh you know change of thought or a small uh you know uh step uh a normal small i actually am tracking what you're saying about getting really important decisions in my life how it can really altogether change uh you know how i look at my life how i you know live my life there's a story um there's a there's a this ancient egyptian story uh i think they call it crocodile dundee if i'm not mistaken crocodile dandy i think okay and okay what is it about excuse me sorry my allergies are really really bad this time of year okay so there's this idea that um you know if you've ever observed crocodiles before i don't know if you have observed observed crocodiles yeah i've seen i've seen i've seen a crocodile you have do you know what they do when they're when they're swimming along the river you know we originally scientists had this sorry this is gonna be i'll try to keep this as quick as i can but it's a very complicated idea so um originally scientists thought that crocodiles were lying in and waiting for their prey you know like they would spend all day waiting for for some something that they would eat but they found out that the crocodile completely randomly for no reason whatsoever opens its mouth and chomps at various times and if there happens to be food in it well then great and if there isn't food well then it probably dies crocodile tears now what ancient egyptians realized and why this is called crocodile dundee is that life is quite like that you didn't i mean if you wake up one morning and you decide uh maybe i'll have tea right uh-huh well you didn't decide that did you no it's it's my it's my it's it's not my uh it's you can say if you know about uh you know yeah exactly exactly and uh i don't know i i think life that's why in jurassic park you ever seen the movie jurassic park when they say life always finds a way yes sir yes yes yes that's one of the ways that's one of the ways you know what's meant to happen will will happen you know i feel like sometimes it feels like everything do you believe like everything is written um there's no new ideas is that what you're saying like like whenever they come up with a new video game or tv show or movie like that's already been done no no no no no no no no i'm not i'm not talking about the i'm not talking about i'm not talking about that way i'm talking about you know a timeline a timeline in in our life in your own life i feel like sometimes i feel like whatever whatever has you know whatever substantial has to happen in my life that really paves the way out for my future i feel like this is all written because sometimes uh sometimes it feels like you know some things are meant to happen in life you know some things we can't let's say you know like if i'm the same thing like if i'm supposed to have coffee today right no matter how hard i try to get tea but i won't get tea somewhere down the line at the end of the day today i'm meant to have coffee god is not gonna let me find tea anywhere and at the end of the day i have to get the coffee well into the glass of coffee that was made for me today you know it's the late great ariana grande says i want it i got it i want it i got it do you like my hair just bought it still alive she's still alive really yeah ariana grande is alive oh god she has like so many books written about her right god i'd love to meet her someday i just assume oh yeah she's pretty young she's pretty young she's yeah i mean you're pretty much describing uh boccum's razor but in reverse kind of intermingled with the theory of relative relativity and then you're kind of you're sprinkling this concept of uh nirvana or something in there and i think it's kind of crazy it's like you're coming up with a coming up with your own religion right now don't get me into religion you know i mean like i i if your religion is one topic if you start talking about then i believe we might uh you know we might not stop talking about it for like a month but i would but let's let's do it side by side i would really appreciate if you can turn on the camera oh yeah i gotta turn on my computer yes ma'am please because uh have you heard the story of gillette the best the man could get gillette yeah it's this oh does the bran gillette the razor i don't know what you're talking about no it's this old concept this old idea of what would be the ultimate ideal man or woman doesn't matter like the ultimate person the ultimate human and a great person is the code for it yeah oh i think that's why they named the brain that might be why they named the brain gillette i'm not sure yeah for the masculinity all that no i think you're trying to never mind so are you let me really really quick uh while i get the computer started are you essentially saying that you believe everything that i just said was in a sense pre-scripted and some deity or the universe decided that i would say the other nonsense that just came out of my mouth not uh well i i would tell you one thing ma'am doing this since yesterday like since the time film asked conversing with you and this conversation you haven't everything that you've said made sense to me okay so that makes fun of us apart from that apart from that i would say not everything but i feel like there are certain certain uh you know things uh i would say there are certain uh aspects of every person's life let's say uh the road you can call it let's say if life is a road okay if life is a road if life is just a highway then the road markers then the road markers are made by god are predefined by gods okay the markers on that road the signs on that road those all are made by god okay so if we have if i have to go through this road there's only one way for me to go through this road okay you're getting what i'm saying what if you're certain what if you just stopped your car i only yeah so the only thing that i have in my control is my free will it's my free will and uh you know wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i mean i'm genuinely interested in this part of the conversation so the highway you're in your car and you have free will and god made the roadside which made the road turn right so do you have the choice to turn the right are you saying no no i'm confused i'm saying like let's say i don't want to confuse you let's say this way let's say god has put me on a drive okay so god has put me on a journey there are five ways there are five routes to this journey okay and those five routes are predetermined okay you cannot make changes to those roots so those five uh roads those five roads are already written those are already made by the gods now the only way for me is to choose which one i take at the end of the day the the starting point of this journey is the same and the ending point you know the destination is going to be the same so you can see somewhere down the line the ro the routes are pre-written the destination is already pre-written the only thing that is in my hand is to control my speed right which route i have to take apart from that you know at the end of the day if even if i'm going to choose any which one i'm going to reach out the same bit you know destination you know okay well let me okay let me let me ask you this let me close this question and if life is a highway and we're going to ride it all night long then why do cause have reversed you can't i'm sorry what well why do why do cards have reversed then i don't understand then i mean checkmate liberals does that mean that in our life as well we can always stop and we can always uh you know uh refresh uh you know like uh i feel like you know life is like some people say you know i cannot go back from here i feel like you can always uh you know stop you can always take a break and you can always start afresh so that's how i feel you know life should be so the reverse is if any point of time you miss uh you miss a turn i don't want you to go through the same wrong route so that's that might be the reason why they gave you reverse you know if you miss a wrong turn if you miss a turn don't worry stop the car think about it recheck your map take a reverse and take the right uh you know path which who decides the right path well see this is a never-ending loop so it's somewhere down it's down a mutual understanding between you and god you know he has given you five different paths you know to reach out to your destination it's you who has to decide which one you gotta take so somewhere down the line uh still the the decision power is still yours it's still yours you know i don't wanna do it when you oh well uh today today i feel like i've kind of felt lost in the weekend though but today i feel like i'm going to write that i want the right question you're on the right path okay okay all right very interesting this is a very interesting stuff very interesting so question for you uh um sorry my computer's gonna keep forgetting i'm i promise i'm starting it right now it's just this conversation is so illuminating all right one one two one on the computer please open anything do you think that uh it is wrong to murder some okay do you think that it's wrong to murder someone uh and let me think about it ask this question is it wrong to steal from somebody and uh god maybe has illuminated us decide that it's wrong to steal from somebody therefore it is okay well ma'am i this uh you know when it comes to life and death i am i'm i'm not sure because i i've seen i've seen uh i've i feel like you know um i've seen victims around me you know i've seen victims yeah i've seen i've seen bullies i've seen people you know being bullied i've seen i feel like i've somewhere down the line i i don't feel like there's no way you can kill hate with hatred you know hatred never kills hatred somewhere down the line you have to kill hatred you have to you know show love i had been i had you know an eye for her i makes the entire world blind that truly makes sense because i've been there i've been i've been you know angry i had i had rage inside me yeah you know anyone who tried to you know just do me wrong i would i would uh you know try to do more wrong to someone but i realized this is a never ending loop you you bully someone that's how the other person becomes a bully himself so right so so i so i i try to change myself i try to i just i try to bring this change in my life where i have seen people doing wrong to me and i i kept on you know doing right to them and one day they you know they came across this guilt when they constantly saw me uh you know still you know supporting them and that's when i saw them changing you know i saw them changing like they would they would they would go ahead and you know mess with the entire world but they would always uh you know have my back right so that's how some of the some of the uh i would say some of the gangster people around me who were who were like the biggest bullies are are one of the best people to me now because they because i've been great to them i've been up uh you know i've never if anyone tried to you know do something wrong to me i i confronted it to the person i told them that this is you know that they did wrong but and at the same time i told them that i'm not going to do the same to you but you need to change and i kept doing this like 10 times i did with the guy and the 10th time that guy changed he never gave me the 11th uh you know but he didn't give me the 11th attempt to do the same to him because the 11th time he was right by you know by his word so i feel like you really want to bring you know if you really want to make a bad person turn good it would always be with love you can't do it with hatred you can't punish him uh you know you know to be better you just have to uh somewhere down the line bring it you have to show him you know you have to open up his eyes you know on how uh you know about how really you know uh it matters in because somewhere down the line when we all go back home when we are at our own uh you know on our bed we are about to sleep that's where we that's when we are real that's when we are having something i i don't i don't feel like being the other as a human as an individual when we are out among people i don't feel like we are we are very real we are what we we are when we among people we are not real we are the image of ours you know that we want to uh that we want uh you know to show to the world right so as an image that we want to be that's that's when we are you know in front of people but when we are at our home alone um you know with our thoughts without with our plans and all that that's when we are real so uh you know integrity is integrity is what you do when no one's watching so i feel you know something like that so that's what it is did and everyone clap i assume everyone clapped after afterwards as well so yeah that's you know i've been up in there you know even when you're you're all alone and you see like uh you know a thousand dollars on the table uh and uh they ain't yours and nobody is watching you know you can pick that money up but if if if that at that point time the person inside you say hey that's not my money even though i can take it but that's what's mine someone might be looking for that so if if you if you stop then then i mean i would say bro your integrity is amazing so so yeah this is what my uh dad once told me about this this is the statement like integrity is uh integrity is what you do when you know no one's watching this is what my dad told me once so yeah i realized because i i kind of picked up my dad's a hundred dollar you know once promise table and you know and he kept on telling me that i know it's you and i said no it's not me uh he it was in his office and you know he had seen me in the camera and i was like lying to him that uh no i didn't so he didn't uh he had already caught me he had the proof but he was still asking me you know that did you did it or not and i kept on denying he kept on denying i kept on denying for like a month or so and he he kept on believing me and then one day he told he showed me the footage and i was like i was like really really uh i i felt like i was uh you know you you understand how that feeling is when you're feeling like you're you're you're when i have two extra large bean burritos with the uh with the volcano sauce if you don't live up to that uh integrity that you know you're supposed to have because like you feel you know in your example you knew that what you were doing was wrong and you chose right like you knew that you you knew you weren't supposed to take 100 and you knew that you weren't being the best you could be and you knew that there was something deeply you know deep inside of you saying that you shouldn't do it and yet you did you like like you chose to do it anyway right so even though there was a even though there was a road sign that said hey go to the right buddy go to the right you just decided to turn to the left so now what hit what now what so it i realized that it was it was my vision wasn't that clear for me for me those hundred dollars meant a lot at that point of time but i realized later on that i could have gone ahead to my father and just asked you know for a hundred dollars that would have been way easier rather than uh you know stealing because at back then i didn't i didn't uh knew about the consequences i didn't i didn't knew i didn't knew this knowledge i wasn't enlightened with the term called integrity on how you know like it was it was maybe so that day it was my dad's what if it was some someone someone who wouldn't be that friendly like my dad yeah yeah it could be as someone else it could be a random angry person or you know who would have caught me on camera he would he would have sent me he would have just gone ahead and got me arrested right right so that's that's how that's how i realized that um you know while taking whenever you take a step always think about the consequences always you know not not not just the consequences at times you have to have a morality uh you know as your uh base ground you know actually there's certain steps that you should certain uh decision life that you have to you know take on the moral grounds apart from the you know personal ground right well it all goes back it all goes back to the pizza right yeah i really um it all goes back to that goes back to the pizza it's like do you decide to take do you decide to take the the extra slices because you're hungry or do you decide that you know what other people other people matter too interesting you know you were saying earlier maybe before that you've been thinking a lot about how uh deciding whether or not you should have tea or coffee has like an infinite number of consequences and i think that's vitally important to uh continue to think about particularly in what you just said because i mean you never really know what happens when you take that hundred dollars from your dad right what if what if what if he what if he needed that one hundred dollars to you know buy food or well maybe maybe that was one hundred dollars he could have kept him he could have kept him out of out of trouble or maybe maybe if you would have taken a hundred dollars from him then he takes maybe someone else maybe maybe it was for his medicines yeah maybe maybe it was for his medicines or what's infinitely more crazy i didn't know the value i i didn't know the real value of those hundred dollars for me those were just the hundred dollars i could you know spend and you know have a great day with or i have a couple of great days but in reality those hundred dollars meant a lot because if i really knew you know how difficult it is to make hundred dollars back then trust me i would you know really value it because i would have seen you know i would have been able to see how my dad really worked hard for those hundred dollars right so if i had the value because trust me my dad always said to me since i was kid that you will realize the value of a dollar when you start making one and and trust me i laughed at that at that statement of his for years i mean like i realized that it is very funny yeah yeah i was i realized like still since like till i was 16 i would always laugh at that statement i would i would always say to my dad you know i i won't be i won't i won't be worrying about it so really quick i will making thousands really quick it would be something like your dad would walk in the room and say abel you'll learn the value of the dollar once you make a dollar and you would just burst out laughing i mean that's so better you know that is so funny i still i still i you know i still when i meet my dad at times on thanksgiving i tell him dad you said you would value a dollar now i value every cent so now i really value every cent pam so that's the difference okay i would really appreciate if you can tell me if the computer is on yeah yeah the computer the computer is on right now so do you think that it's okay i really appreciate this question for you do you think that there is any um do you think that there's any instance where it would have been okay for you to take that 100 do you think it's a morally bankrupt situation to have taken the 100 it's not yours i'm sorry i'm asking do you think hypothetically speaking that there was any situation in which it would have been okay to take the 100 from your father or do you think that at all points in time because you have no idea what the consequences may or may not be that you under no circumstances should ever have taken 100 if i go back if i go if i had a time machine and if i can go back in all the possible realities trust me i was a spoiled kid i would have taken the hundred dollar bill in every possible reality so i know i know that yeah but yeah if i go back now with this uh with this uh perspective with this uh uh you know vision with this uh temperament of mine i would i would probably you know uh probably uh leave money from uh from my own pocket for my dad because i knew back then he really uh you know he was really uh working really hard with uh you know with funds and all that i i know that he had a hard time raising me but it sounds maybe like you're saying it sounds a little bit like maybe you're saying that you think that it it was important for me to uh somewhere down the line me stealing those hundred dollars is a very important lesson in my life i would say it's a very important lesson okay but yeah it's a very important lesson because listen the olympics are going on right now and if there was an event for mental gymnastics you you might be you might be up there you might be up there maybe even gold uh so i'll just ask the question one more time you know and just just because i'm curious so uh do you think hypothetically speaking let's say there's a hundred dollar bill on the table uh you could really you you it's not your money you know it's someone else's money do you think there is any situation in which uh it is acceptable for you to take that money or would you deposit that morally it would be in your best interest in the world like the the universe's best interest to for you to not take that money that's what i'm that's what i'm asking like what's the best choice what do you suppose what would you what do you think you're supposed to do see uh that's that's a very good question see morally morally morally the world would want me to be a better person right and for me in order for me to be a better person i shouldn't have taken that money but i feel like that when i took that money it led to certain uh uh you know events that followed after me stealing that money and my dad telling me all these things and then you know i i realized lot of reality about life so hadn't i stolen that money i wouldn't be as wise as i am today so ah somewhere down the line okay but didn't you say that you know what i'm saying weren't you saying that either way god would have taught you that with your road analogy i don't understand yeah maybe maybe uh well see that that's what i say it's a never-ending topic but i i would i would say uh there's a bet uh you know at times uh have you have you heard that story of uh of a fox you know trying to eat grapes and when he is not able to you know reach out to grapes he says that the grapes are uh sour right and he leaves them have you heard this story uh tell me please so there there's a fox there's a fox and the fox right what did sees a vine of grapes okay he sees grapes on on a wine he tries he tries all day you know try to eat you know try to reach out to those grapes all right and he's not able to reach out to a single uh grape so at the end of the day he says it to himself he says these are green these grapes are sour they're not sweet they are sour so when he says that to himself he does he he kind of you know kills his own urge to eat those grapes so he says he says to himself that these are not sweet graves these are sour grapes i don't want them and that's how he leaves that particular grape point so there's there's a one you know sometimes i feel like often things we say often things we do excuse me uh often yeah in order for us to you know do make our make our mind accept things that we are doing we often say things you know to ourselves which are not true or which you know we create a reality so it's kind of like that thing yes that is true there's actually a really interesting uh a really interesting study i forgot what it's called but they asked people to uh they asked people to watch a video a recording of a uh of a basketball game and they said hey okay would you count the number of times that the team you know passes the basketball and okay god if i remember correctly this is something that i studied as a psychologist obviously uh if i remember correctly about halfway through a large monkey i'm not making this up this is real uh a large a large a man in a gorilla suit walks into the middle of the frame and beats that chest and then walks off and they ask people who participated in this they say uh you know how many times did the team pass the ball and pretty much everybody gets the answer right and then they say did you see the gorilla and everybody goes what the heck are you talking about you know there's no okay yeah exactly exactly exactly it's because you know your job was to counter your job was to count the uh basketballs and you sort of you like you're saying you sort of set up your own reality a little bit yeah i myself exactly i figured this out one day because you know what i completely ignore every time i drive stop signs all road signs i just completely ignore because i don't know why that's right because i don't even know why i'll tell you why i'll tell you why because you're you're you're go you're on that same route for so long you feel like you're trying to know you're you know that route by heart right and so at this point i have i think selective attention might be the term for it i don't even see i don't see stop signs i don't see you know hospital signs forget it i don't see any of them okay i made that part up well i kind of i i gotta relate to that oh ma this is so stimulating yeah i know we're having a great conversation but uh i would really really appreciate if you can like uh tell me uh if you have uh you have a uh icon on you would have an application on your computer it would say any desk can you please turn that on can you please open anything let me see if i can find that it would be a red color application any desk all right so uh i'm just gonna you know for old times sake do you uh do you think it would be good or bad for you to like right now if later this evening there was a 100 bill you will get uh you'll be at your dad's house there was a 100 bill sitting there on the table do you do you think that uh do you think it would be a good idea for you to take it because you need the money or a bad idea to take it no no not night not anymore no ma'am i think i would i would if i see the money i would leave a another hundred dollar bill for my dad okay what if it wasn't your dad you know what if it was someone else's hundred dollars what if he did what if he didn't know who it was i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't pick i wouldn't pick on anyone's money these days and like yeah because now i'm living with this ideology i i would only do things to others what i would want others to do to me you know so i'm living this life like these days if i want yeah that's that's the best way to you know live by i don't want anyone to hate me so i don't hate anyone i don't want anyone to um you know mess with me so i don't mess with anyone so that's how it is and you know that's how i'm trying to reciprocate my life but in a good way it do you see a request coming up on the screen ma'am do you see any questions no um let me do that okay did you find any desk did you find any desk on the computer um you can search for it you can search for it like on your on your computer screen on the left bottom you will see it says type here to search you see type here to search yes click click on it and search any desk a-n-y-d-e-s-k okay hold on man foreshadowing is a powerful literary tool isn't it that's correct i suppose not even literary just in general um okay i did did you see any desk i think i have it in my downloads folder there's something called any desk yes ma'am you would have it on your downloads folder you have to open it yes you have to open it yeah once you see any desk let me know do you think your dad wants you to be the best person you can be like do you think that he he hopes that you like you think he he probably wants you to not take money from people too huh yeah one no that that's my mom my dad's my mom she hates when i she hates uh loans she hates um when i take money or you know when uh how can we unpack that ask people can we unpack that a little bit yeah sure so your dad is also your mom can you explain that to me because i no no no i'm saying like the one who the one who hates uh the one who hates uh when i uh the one who done don't want me to take money from anyone you don't take loans and all that that that is not my dad that is my mom my mom is the one who hates when i take money from people my dad is like my dad really doesn't uh influence my financial decisions he's like you're a man you will do whatever it takes you know it's a lot you will learn on your own so my dad is more like he he feels like things uh that i i meant to learn i will learn on my own nobody can tell me like but i like i can't tell you not to make a mistake before you make it so because he knows that i will only learn from my own mistakes i cannot learn from the mistakes my dad did right or anyone else did so if i learned from mistake that would be my own mistake but my mom is my mom is the one who don't want me would your dad be your mom or would your mom be your dad in that situation oh both of them both of them they would they would they would get mad at me if they if they get to know that i'm stealing i mean like my parents are pretty religious uh you know they are they believe that uh you know they live in car lots i believe in karma a bit too yeah so they are pretty pretty i think it's a very it's a very interesting um way to to wait a look at the way life presents itself right i mean sort of it's what you and i were just talking about right which part of karma do you believe in you said you believe in it a little bit so which part do you which part do you believe in just the the good part or the the bad part i believe in like mom see you have to believe in it you have to believe both the sides you have to believe that i didn't know because you said just a little bit so i'm wondering yeah no i believe i believe it i believe it like fully you know i believe like it's really hard to uh you know it's really hard to not do something uh thinking about like it's a bad thing to do like i know something is bad if i do if i do this to someone it's the bad thing to do right and to really really stop yourself from taking that decision it's really really difficult it gets really difficult at times when we are mad when we say things you know but in reality all the good decisions all the good decisions in life are difficult to take so that's what it is so you know that's that's how it is i feel so yeah i mean i i think it really is difficult to be good what you were saying about how it's really difficult to be a good person and it's really really really easy to be a bad person man i i feel so it's interesting you know the easiest thing to do is be a bad person and the hardest thing to do is to be a good person i feel so every aspect in life is to do that and so should you aspire to but but you would say that you should aspire to be good yes yes because if like like if you remember like we had a we had this uh we had this uh you know topic uh we talked about that day that around it's we become what we see and if uh if i will be uh seen as a bad person the person around me is the people around me will see bad and that's how they themselves would be influenced to be bad you know so i don't want me to be an influencer of this bad word we don't need influences it's 2022. yeah exactly 2022 that's correct uh do you do you open do you open any desk now because now my supervisor is saying that you've been on the call for an hour and you know we didn't have an opinion anywhere so uh jeez yes ma'am yes ma'am yeah um so let's just uh let's just uh get into the computer and like uh i will store all right i'm starting any desk okay uh i pulled up oh hello uh i got this and it has gone there and okay it does it says your address yeah it's got my address on there is it nine nine eight one three one um sorry say that one read that out one more time nine eight read that one more time sorry okay uh no that's not it um it is of the risk you have to check it and then accept it check i'm aware of the risk and then accept it yeah i will i will i will do that i will do that for you first you do this i will do that thank you now give me a moment click on request elevation over here can you re click on request elevation click on it okay all right please click on yes do you believe in credit karma credit karma uh is that a company i don't know i i read it i i saw a book on it okay all right uh would you please leave the mouse ma'am please leave the cursor please leave the cursor for a moment right thank you i need you to open this can you like minimize this page just minimize this minimize the screen minimize uh open open any desk open any desk open any desk this one at the bottom yes please give me a moment uh can you open the other window open the other window please open the other window of any desk uh the this one here uh yeah on the right side on the right top click on the four bars okay click on the buzz click on stat password click on set password okay click on set password click check on check this enable unattended access you have to check it over here okay oh and now it changes okay it's working all right um man i i feel like i can't believe i just talked for an hour that's crazy oh yes yeah my my supervisor just came and he's like come on you've been like you you had to close this case today and you're like you're on you're on the call for an hour and i was like i'm sorry she's like i'm having a great conversation with her yeah you can blame it on me okay you know saying she talks a lot no no no no no no i don't i don't have to i don't have to please please wait this way uh i'm just saying i'm just gonna install this shut up or something yeah that's fine if you get if you get a request coming up on the screen click yes on it okay okay all right thank you please give me a moment all right this is the account right um yes all right please wait i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and try to he my supervisor asking me to go ahead and try to run a demo chart see if this is working um what does that mean sorry what does that mean yeah what is a dummy charge are you talking about this yeah that is just to act does it that is just to activate the account if you remember that we were going ahead and getting this sorted out for you so i'm just going ahead and activating your account for it your privacy mode is enabled please give me a moment i'm gonna connect i'm gonna go ahead and connect to my supervisor right now and you can go ahead and get this done all right please wait i need to check one thing uh if this is checked from here if you get it can you click on request elevation that other that other one that's me so i can view it when he locks the screen click on request elevation yes i'm just connected to myself with another's thinking and he does okay please wait okay i'm doing it please don't move the mouse for a moment please don't move the mouse okay okay all right i'm gonna go ahead and connect uh this to my supervisor so that he can go ahead and do this okay all right and uh i believe you will be able to see a blank screen right now uh yes i don't see anything right now that's all right all right they are connected just hold on i have to add a recipient i know this i'm so sorry about this this is always my mistake and you have to do this that's okay uh you know stuff happens stuff happens sometimes right what are you gonna do that's right that's right but i'm up i'm really really enlightened with uh you know the kind of conversation that we had in the last i really didn't had such a nice conversation in real life with anyone to be honest you know it's so easy to talk to people when you really don't know them why why is it like that you know people who are in my life at times i don't see like i'm just watching yeah i'm just writing this but he's typing in his so easy to communicate with a random person you don't know uh you know that much about because i believe we can talk with someone when we know that you know the other person is not judging you right so i feel like that's what it is sometimes i feel like it's has something to do with my childhood do you think so i mean well i mean i am a doctor so well technically never mind i mean that's why i asked you the other day how things are going with your mother like when's the last time you made your father proud remember i asked you those questions remember that guy remember yeah and you didn't want to answer those um it's it's because i was i was trying to get the root i was trying to get to the root of of all that you know like are you are you living life in a way that uh that you should at least is as far as you know anyway yeah i understand but i i really want to i i really want to know like uh well why did you really ask me that but i mean the reason why is because that well because i think it i think it really helps it helps you figure out a person it's a really good question to ask somebody when they're trying to to find out uh more about their lives you know like how they how they how they answer that question is theoretically you could get to the bottom of of something if you if you were to do that you know angie baba huh what okay give me uh all right give me a moment over here linda i'm getting a notification from my supervisor would you give me just one minute it will be you will be back on this okay just give me one minute that's fine oh thank you how about all right um so he tried to add a zell account okay but with my fake bank i can't tell what he's saying yeah so they couldn't add the zell account as soon as he tried to add it it like it just the the page will be unable to add recipient and so he's talking to his it's crazy how he like he almost seems genuine um he seems so genuine when he talks about some of the life stuff and then he's just like actively trying to steal money from me okay it's crazy yeah i um yeah was that your dad was that your dad sorry hello can you hear me oh yeah i was think i was saying was that your dad oh that's okay that's fine that's fine um is your dad okay is everything all right oh okay oh congratulations congratulations to your uh i'm not much of a uh you know i i hardly go to family functions you know so yeah he he he likes it he he he has stopped uh you know pushing me to attend them anymore so that's what it is oh why does he not want you to attend the family functions that's kind of i i i don't like family uh functions and relatives because i i really i'm not much fond of my relatives to be honest uh he um you know i feel like they try to um you know make really difficult you know make life really difficult for my father and me you know they kind of make my father and me fight you know that's kind of related i don't know man it's like it's it's it's relatable because uh you know um life is like that uh i would say uh it's uh it's a bit it's a bit weird um all right so um if can you look on the screen right now can you now it's uh it's blank i will open it up for you do you see that do you see it now yes please click on add recipient click on add recipient over here can you click on add recipients you know i've tried to do this delay before and it's been difficult yes it is uh can yeah i need you to add name click on add a name okay okay all right okay okay shouldn't i be should should i type in um should i be typing in uh linda bottom that's it no okay no no no this is the recipient so we are sending it from your account back okay yep yep okay uh h yup okay yep all right maybe i can just copy okay so it says error adding this recipient please contact customer service do you have do you have another phone with you do you have another phone with you no yes uh i'll tell you please wait please wait please wait before you go ahead and call the bank please leave the mouse please leave the mouse i will tell you what you have to say okay because try to understand uh the bank and online banking has some security features okay so um i'm just telling you how to make it easy yeah i mean we could call it together just call the bank tell them that i am trying to send money to a friend by a delay and i am unable to add him as a recipient that's all okay and please uh please do not well i mean i know one thing that i can do because i what was it like 28 thousand dollars um no no no no i know one thing that i can do because i didn't i've done it from my um i've done it before like for business purposes you can just do like a wire so like i've had i've had wire i had the wire money before for business where i can just tell them like an account number and routing number maybe maybe we could just do it that way you know you have a bank where do you bank what do you guys have a bank at like what like chase or wells fargo or something you have like a hello abel hello are we everything okay the phone the phone doesn't seem to be working for some reason um okay i don't know what happened but he says he's typing calling you back looks like he must have had some tech related issues announcements [Music] hello hello it's dr linda hello hello this is linda hello and hi ma'am i'm so sorry we got cut off okay so um that's real weird all right i'm i'm giving you the i'm giving you the direct number of bank of america where you can call and just tell them about it okay hold on okay uh i don't i don't want you to i don't want you to run through uh you know telling uh marketing helpline number pressing one are you able to hear me able yes i'm maybe yes i can hear you can you hear me able yes yes yes i can hear you can you hear me yes can you okay all right uh please wait uh contact the bank of america zla support please wait you think that's it zelepay.com no no no uh do you see over here this uh bank of america jelly support um yeah i mean i guess i could try call it oh please wait please wait please wait please wait please wait where do you see okay here what's going on just give me a moment ma'am i'm i i believe i got disconnected i'm trying to connect back okay okay uh all right i i believe your office internet is pretty fluctuating i remember it was yeah okay i'm back hold on there it is uh no way wait wait wait a customer cares any customer care bank of america i have to put away yeah i normally type usa at the end of my search queries as well bank of america oh here it is here it is current movement what if uh so what i was saying when the call got disconnected is i i think what would probably be easiest for me and you especially because it's such a large amount of money the 28 000 um i i probably would just do a wire like a direct transfer from my account because a wire yeah i've done that with business transactions yeah the bank and then i just say hey i need to do a wire too over there and but it'd be it'd be a lot easier for me to do it that way yes yeah yes yes yes that's what i have that's what i have to do just last but not your phone's breaking up okay okay uh just give me a can you hear me yes yes are you able to hear me i wonder if he's having some network problems because he disconnected from him into the go-to um hello get out of the kitchen i'm gonna get out of the kitchen announcement [Music] hello this is dr linda i'm so sorry we are having a weird connection today it keeps cutting me out i'm so sorry can you hear me yeah yeah i can hear you i'm sorry about that okay so so ma'am we're gonna do a wire only we're gonna do wire only it is that we are trying to see if it has a limitation i just uh do you have the bank of medical phone number i mean i could get it off yeah my debit card probably yeah or something but why i mean so yeah i guess i'm trying to just make it easy i like talking i like talking to you but i don't like talking to the bank so i'm kind of thinking i'll pull them up or say i i owe i owe money yeah yeah see let's do it this way i just want you to do one thing we are gonna do a wire also okay we're gonna do a wire also but first we just want to make sure that you know we have to put some money back so that we can make sure that this process is working okay because you understand why it takes 24 hours right to uh you know finish right so we have to right now i am just gonna i'm just gonna go ahead and it takes like an hour i need to look like an hour finish why are you uh the wire okay just hold on just wait i'm gonna speak can you stay with me on the line i'm speaking with my supervisor directly yeah i'm here i'm here with you go ahead yeah because i just think it'd be a little bit faster as well if you um if we do that if we do the wire that's what i'm that's what i'm thinking okay i i don't know if it's why they're going to sell route um maybe they think it's less of a less of a risk or it's faster and easier i'm not really sure i don't know if he's newer either i get the impression that he's not particularly thank you so much for staying online linda are you there i'm i'm still here yeah i'm here all right all right so i just spoke provide the wires with me okay on the line all right going ahead and putting the details on your screen you have to fill it yourself okay um all right like uh uh when you have to fill in the details you have to fill it yourself on your bank of america form okay and it's an international international wire all right not a u.s it's an international one as we are a global company okay please bear with me all right i'm just going ahead and doing it yeah no problem i got some work on i'm doing anyway so i know i know i do i don't want to take all your day because i know you're well i like uh i don't want to don't get me wrong i like blocking you um i just yeah i got this uh that i'm trying to trying to do this speaking event there's a high school actually a high school that they're not gonna pay me but they i did i'm gonna speak at a school um what do they call the get-togethers what do they call it when they get a bunch of kids together and they put them in a like a dimly lit room and somebody gets up on a union is it a is it a reunion kind of thing it's been a while since i well whatever it is i'm gonna i'm gonna a a a recess assembly i'm gonna go to the i'm gonna go and i'm gonna speak in front of the whole assembly about uh life and relationships and and all that so wow you know you know our generation really needs it believe me or not we really need it we need someone we need someone out here you know who can tell us about you know who wants people to you know who people really want to listen to someone you know who has a better understanding and you seem like uh you seem like the perfect person for it so that's a pretty cool i don't know i do know a few things about you send out good knowledge to the kids i know a few things about being in high school because i was in high school we've once been there don't you miss it well not everybody my my mother's father so my grandfather he didn't go to high school so okay so yeah not everybody but well not everybody i know not everybody but at times you know i love i love uh you know i love my high school i loved it it was so so so it was so uh you know raw and it was so um you know what was the term for it i mean like when we were back then we didn't knew life would have been like this you know life was so much different right right yeah okay so i have these i have these details over here ma'am you have to put these details on the bank of america wire page all right yeah just is this a swiss bank i'm gonna that is correct ma'am that's a first all right please you've never had a swiss bank i have never i it's actually pretty cool because i've i've always seen that in movies you know like i've seen that in movies before where they're like all right oh yeah we got our offshore bank accounts figure in the swiss the swiss banks uh i feel like i'm i don't know i feel like i'm part of the one percent i am once again asking you to support me in sending money to this you know what i mean okay so i i need you to fill this info yourself man can you go ahead and fill these in for yourself over here please um yeah hold on hold on a second um i think that i i don't think i'm gonna be able to do it online if i remember correctly i had to like talk to the bank uh because you have to walk to the bank let me see let me i'll try it i'll try it really quick which country is it located in uh switz switzerland right yep um okay is it price is it price or business right a business account my what account is it's someone else's account all right what's the name of the business okay person oh i got it okay now why don't you tell me about um while i'm doing this because this is probably gonna take me a few minutes what do you uh what are some of your goals like what are you hoping to what are you hoping to do in the next couple years uh i'm um i'm into music you know i have told you or not that i'm into music yes ma'am i believe i told you so i'm into music and i want to start my own uh music school oh wow can i do you do you write your own music like do you play instruments or do you dj or anything i mean yes i play i play keyboard sure some days for ma'am definitely definitely but yeah i love playing a keyboard can i hear it right now yeah that's i'm at work oh okay okay oh please wait please please wait please wait uh i believe there's one thing uh that needs to be made email address and i don't know what that is so yeah yeah i will put it there just wait yep um let's see so i'm not showing you because i have some postal code info on email i have some stuff on my computer but basically he gave me a swiss yeah i love playing piano i never had a screen recorder i um so i'm kind of just stalling and trying to get the bank account invo okay no email account nickname i'll just do mcafee how do you spell my yeah did this don't talk anymore i was thinking i would put mcafee repay or something look at the repay that's no no don't ma'am don't don't do that don't do that because these are like you understand that buyer transfers are big transactions and we don't want uh you know your bank your bank to be involved with it because there are so many scams going on around the world okay so we don't want this to be as uh you know a transaction i'm saying there are so many there's so many online scams going on so we don't want a software or anything kind of a purchase over there all right just go to the bank section choose iban choose iban yup i you can put it there understand what you're talking about but that's okay let me type the information yeah no i understand i understand that part i'm just trying to um no no no not that one not that one hello hello oh oh no don't do that part do the this one this one this one this one this this one okay i got it uh actually let me copy paste just so i don't why all right it says in order to protect your identity you may receive a call from the fraud department prior to this account being approved yes right yes ma'am yes ma'am yes you will receive a call and now it will receive a call from you you are not able to add this account online please contact customer service or visit your local branch oh you know it might be because it's international i know i've i know i've done domestic accounts before like lo i've done accounts here in the united states i'll tell you why i'll tell you i'll tell you why i believe you have a security do you have a security on your account because go ahead no no linda i believe you have us you have a security set on your account because we were trying to we were trying to add yeah we were trying to add uh you know like uh a relay as well and not getting breaking up so i think that if i remember correctly i'm not able to do international transfers like that seems like you have a you have a security set up on your bank of america where you need to contact your bank you're back before adding you know i can hear you again just so you know yeah i'm just i'm just trying to uh you know make sure because this is important okay i don't wanna i don't wanna make a mistake so so just call bank of america and tell the representative okay that i am unable to add a recipient to my bank of america account out there for me thank you yes wow so these guys you just have to say this your representative will go ahead and enable this and then i will call you back ma'am because it seems like they have put a security that whenever you have to add a recipient you have to contact them so you just have to call them and just tell them that i'm trying to go ahead and send money to someone and please and and if they ask you yeah well you know what would be easier is uh what if what if i just what if i just call them up and you can talk to them you know no no no no no yeah if you just say like hey i'm able i work with mcafee we've got a little bit of a problem uh we're trying to figure out the best way to on the recorded line on your behalf can you can you stop typing like a typewriter please can we just can you just oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i thought i thought i thought you were not able to hear me yeah yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just saying i'm just saying i'm just saying that ma'am this is your account this is your money okay try to bank has rules bank does not bank will not share your account information with anyone okay so that is the reason why you have to call them just tell them i'm trying to send money to a friend i tried sending money through relay i tried sending through wire i'm not able to add him as a recipient okay so basically i tried i tried everything i could but uh for some reason yes i tried so hard i got so far but in the end it doesn't even it doesn't even matter well i'm a lincoln park fan myself okay i love lincoln's lincoln park uh that's the ba that's the band whose song it is like uh in the end it doesn't even like the the i tried so hard on too far in the end it doesn't even matter so these are the little that's what i just said that's what i just said before yes that's all linkin park is the band who yes ma'am it's a song it's a song by linkin park it's a band i'll send you the song later okay yeah i've never heard that okay so can you sing it for me what is it i'll make you listen oh ma'am please we are on a recorded line though uh i wish i could sing it but i will share the share that uh you know what happened nothing will happen ma'am but i really i really want uh you know nothing will happen believe believe that no it's like okay i'll sing it for you as as you request it so it's like uh it comes with like uh yeah i i forgot you know the lyrics i tried so hard and gone so far in the end it doesn't even matter so it's like that oh so it's like that well that's nice i've never heard that before yes i've never been to lincoln park sounds nice oh it's a great band it's a great band it's a great band though they are not working anymore though but they broke up i believe so ma'am let's do it this way i really request you can you please call bank of america okay and please speak with a representative tell the representative that i am unable to add a recipient right my bank of america account neither in wire neither in zla all right they will go ahead and enable that for you as soon as this is enabled we are good to go man okay kindly if they ask you to whom you're sending the money just say you're sending to an associate that's it okay please do not please do not say mcafee and software refund and all that because banks really take this pretty seriously okay so i do not want them to think like you know you're sharing your account details with us or anything like that okay because though it's a recorded line but i don't want you to share that info with the bank all right okay okay so call them up tell them what i'm trying to write it down for you on the screen yes i have written it down for you yes that's why i've written it down for you tell the representative that i'm unable to add a recipient to my bank of america account neither on relay neither on wire all right i'll just go ahead and enable and i'll wait yes i'm waiting for your call back ma'am i'm waiting for your call back okay all right thank you so much thank you so much linda bye thank you okay um let me pause here for a moment uh so yeah this guy is something else i know that i know that nothing like too crazy has happened for the past few minutes here but we got two two accounts which is nice i'll be able to report those and hopefully i can get some other information from him as well and i'm i have a couple i have some ideas of where we might be able to take this call i i'm curious to see what happens because he like last i think it was last week or sometime recently i was talking about how um like sometimes the scammers are little fish or whatever but this he's very he he what's the word like he's lovable that might not be the right word but he he's patient he talks to you he like he just went on for like 20 minutes about all those random yeah relatable charming maybe is the word he personable yeah like i could see some i could see someone falling for this guy and thinking he's tr i can trust him and he's nice and he wouldn't want to do anything to hurt me way more than someone that just barely can read a piece of paper and doesn't listen to a word you're saying you know what i mean like he's even though he's not like screaming or or whatever uh he's he yeah i could see he's a big fish in the sense that uh he's great at smooth talking and and being relatable and all that so i would i would like to see where this goes for a little bit and keep him distracted but we'll also try to usually my my typical plan is i try to increase a little bit of you know a little bit of something along the way because i don't necessarily want to just talk to him about philosophy for 24 hours straight although maybe he's pretty good at rambling so so right now he wants me to call my bank and say that i need to do zell and so i think i'll probably just tell him like meh they actually aren't letting me do zell um they're not letting me do zell unless i go in personally and like verify a bunch of stuff or something like that but i'm just stalling right now i don't think he wants to be on the bank call i saw a couple people say get milton to be the bank i i have fun doing that but i don't i think he's smart enough to know that uh he shouldn't be on that call but in the end it hasn't even man i gotta look up the i'm sure he's watching me right now so how to set up valet i'm just googling on my bank or my virtual machine if you report the bank will they be arrested someone said no um that's quite unlikely you unfortunately it's way more complicated than that and most of the time the bank accounts that they are sending me are stolen accounts or people that don't even realize that they're complicit in some of these scams at one point i was told uh at least with a particular bank i was i was talking to one bank in particular and they had said that somewhere around 90 to 95 percent of the accounts that i had reported at that bank um which like a bank here in the in the united states they were all um uh compromised like people had been scammed think of it like if like if a grandma got scammed and they they stole her account they got her username and password and now they were using her bank to continue to like launder money essentially they they could they'd have other people send money to her bank or her or his bank or whatever it ends up being and then sometimes that grandma might even i don't i say grandma sometimes that person might even think oh they might say ma'am sorry that you lost twenty thousand dollars it was a mistake we're actually sending you twenty thousand dollars today can you help us with that and then they think when the twenty thousand dollars comes in they like send it right back out it's pretty sketch sad sketchy stuff but yeah so a lot of the times it's uh they basically just stole or compromised these accounts they're not um can you report a swiss account from the usa people are saying you can't well i mean i i don't know i am not a swiss bank expert i've never had a scammer give me a bank in switzerland but i know people who work in bank fraud and i can just say hey help me out and they'll know what to do i don't i assume that you could call the fraud people at the bank is my assumption but but i don't know that's not my forte i don't want to pretend like it is uh i don't want to give off the impression like i know everything about all of this stuff my my typical play here is i just collect things and send it to the the experts the people whose like job it is to to deal with this stuff so um i think it's probably i probably could call him back now i think it's been enough time look up directions for lincoln park how to get to lincoln park my cousins from switzerland i can help yo thank you thanks all right let me call him back um the other thing i was thinking of depend potentially is telling him like uh telling them like hey uh if you want me to go to the bank like you're gonna have to take a call you're going to have to help some of my um you're going to have to help with some of my clients and then have nevaeh call in and be like so my boyfriend and i have been in like a really rough spot lately and i'm just looking for some advice and and see what he does yo what's up hey hi guys uh good to see you were we just secured some bank accounts from uh some scammers pretending to be mcafee and i'm playing a character named uh dr linda and i'm gonna call him back right now i hope you guys are doing absolutely fantastic today whatever it is you're you're up to so stick around if you have a couple minutes if not i hope you have a great day um there we go [Music] calling you're speaking with abel hello yeah uh abel hi hey how are you hi ma'am hi i'm good beautiful it's dr linda how are you yes ma'am i'm good did you spoke with the bank person yes so it took a while and they told me basically that i'd have to to get it set up right now uh i'd have to go into a local branch and speak with like a manager and bring my photo id and go through this whole thing this whole song and dance to like get zele set up so oh my god yeah yeah i think it's because apparently i had it set up at one point and then i ended up you know moving it or whatever and so this is a part of like a security fraud type thing they they want you to go back in there and and all that so i think it would probably just be easiest you know i'm just thinking out thinking out loud here if you have if you have an account that's just here in the united states they said that i i should be able to wire the money ma'am yeah one of those i tried that even for that you have to do that ma'am they you have to like go there with the id and everything because they i believe they have uh even to do even to do a wire on a domestic or even to see zele is domestic right zele you cannot send zele outside united states so zele is a domestic thingy right so even for that you need to go ahead and do that so even for wire as well so is there a way you can do that today ma'am because i am kinda right now on a hot wire over here it's really really possible can you do that because did you just say you're wrong i mean like my supervisor is like really after me because it's been like uh you know i have to close this case in the next 20 people you know 48 hours even if i go ahead and send a request today it will be get completed tomorrow so i would really really really really appreciate if you can go ahead and complete these formalities with the bank because uh we are talking on a recorded line on a recorded monetary you know section on the computer so uh like when this refund would be made it would be made on the computer screen so that we have a record of it right so i would really appreciate it is it is it possible for you to do that by visiting the branch today oh god i mean i i guess it's possible there's just a couple things that i was planning on there's a couple things that i was planning on doing i'm so i'm so sorry i'm so sorry to mess up with your schedule ma'am i understand you have a busy schedule you know you've been going out you have you know speeches to give and all that and well it's not just that i i was planning on um it's not just that i hit a cup i have a client that's going to be calling me soon like i do pain i think i told you this i i have a theory called the green philosophy and you know that psychology yes yes yes and so i have a client who's going to be calling in a little while a new uh a new customer and uh they're kind of you know kind of hard to come by these days after the legal proceedings so i understand and then i also i'm also supposed to be taking a little test a little test so uh that's it's coming right up actually no i'm so sorry i'm so sorry you know to do this to you but this is something that i would really appreciate if you can put this as your um priority because um something needs to be uh you know closed on an immediate basis man i would really really appreciate if you can you know finish this up today because it will it will help us uh you know resolve this case on uh because i don't i'd see i would i love to talk to you to be honest that this is right i would love to you know if you want to talk uh you can definitely talk to me any time already said with you my number but we need to go ahead and make sure this work is finished now okay no matter how much i love talking to you but this needs to be finished on today as a proper uh priority so uh how far is the bank from your place may i know i know where you are right now probably well it depends you know we're driving we're walking like i think i think probably probably 30. happy anniversary by the way um oh probably 30 30 40 minutes of course you know depends on if i'm speed walking if you're driving yeah or driving no no okay do you have a car do you have a car can you drive there you have a car um you know it's funny you should say that i actually am not waiting for an email uh to take my driving test so oh okay all right yeah all right all right uh is there a way you can like i have that i want you today for today actually uh oh oh my god you have so much to do today okay i'm just saying like i don't want to walk i don't want you to walk like 30 minutes because that would be too much i don't want you to walk that far is there a way you can like get a gap more it's not that big a deal i know i i know but i i really i don't want you to but is there a way you can do that because uh i am getting a notification i'm getting like a heads up from my supervisor that we need to go ahead and make sure this is done because you have to follow that uh you know procedure you know around your phone you can do that i'm so sorry i'm just saying i'm just saying is there way for you to reach to your bank and complete this teacher today go ahead and give you a follow-up and like i can call you back in an hour uh you know just to confirm that yeah i mean i'm pretty busy there i tell you what i'll tell you what um can you help me with my can you help me with a couple things we'll we'll work with each other on this yeah sure sure sure sure uh let me see if i got let me check my email um hold on hold on one second take your time i can help you if you want there you go uh you want me to get your email no no no no no it's fine um okay do you have any i mean okay so i'm gonna throw something out there too like if i gotta go to the store oh god because i gotta stop by the store and get something but that's that's later i can do that later uh i'm just trying to schedule my day because it's two o'clock oh oh i understand i understand i understand i don't expect that let's see i have an appointment i might be able to move it um i have three people i'm supposed to meet with you know normally they call in and they say you know they just they just talk to me and they say hey i have this problem i i usually say how does that make you feel i offer this some some advice and i collect money you know and they pay they pay wow um i wonder if okay maybe you could help me out with that i don't know let me think about it give me give me just a minute i gotta get my okay okay could you ask your boss if maybe we could do this in a couple weeks or i mean when do we need to do this uh ma'am this needs to be done like finished within like 48 hours i really sorry but this needs to be like really really finished today i need to go ahead and get this done today i'm so sorry okay i'm so sorry but i'm like i'm like kind of requesting you because it's kind of very uh you know it's with yes ma'am because it's kind of um you know matter of my work so i would really really you know i would i'm i'm uh you know you would owe me one i mean like please i would really really really really you would owe me one you mean i think is what you're saying i would owe you one i'm sorry yeah i would owe you one i'm i'm i'm sure i'm sure because this see i know i know uh this might sound a bit uh complicated but it's it's not actually it's just that you you have uh removed that feature from your uh online banking that's why you have to do this okay so there's no there's no other person who can get this uh what about this what if you can can you can you share a little bit of your music with me and uh then i'll you know i'll help you out with this i will since you owe me one and everything what kind of music uh could you share a little bit of oh i would uh like i i don't have my own uh like out there but i will definitely share yeah i'm like like i said i i love i love making music but i don't record it much okay but i would uh i would like to share some very good music do you have a soundcloud yes yes yes yes yes i i did i do uh i would um i wanna make listen i'm sorry hold on wait i wanted you to listen to this hey hold on oh you're gonna uh i don't know if it's not your own music i don't know if i can listen to it at work all right you know because of dmca and all that you know some illegalities i'm still working on my music thingy i'm trying to set up a recording studio at my home like kind of a home studio with myself right so i'm gonna get back onto it i'm i'm pretty sure you know in a week or probably in a month or so when this is finished i'll probably send you some of my own for sure okay no problem okay all right all right so uh all right well listen how about this how about this because i i have to i have to take a call here in in just a few minutes um okay i got my driver's test coming up in 10 minutes i think anyway what are you saying call you back thursday or something ma'am like i said uh i'll tell you you is there a way you can just just go to the bank and complete the verification like just send your uh you know just put your id and or do that because i'm telling you it you you only have to go to the bank one time after that you don't have to do anything much the rest of the things would be automated it's just that one thing that you have to do is just go to the bank with your id and submit it over there that's it you have to do ma'am apart from that you don't have to go anywhere you don't have to do much of a work okay well i know what i hear it's gonna take me you know it takes 30 30 minutes or so to get there and then i gotta i actually i'm saying i know it would be an hour it's just a matter i want you to spare just one hour but that's going i'm saying an hour just just travel time you know what i'm saying oh yeah i understand that man and what am i gonna do about my driver's test and the appointments that i have yeah unless you okay so two of the calls i have to take today with brand new customers who have never met me before i mean theoretically theoretically you could be my assistant or something and you could just talk to them and say like hey yeah let me ask you a couple questions and then dr linda will call you back you know that's one possibility or or um i'm just trying to think or you or you wait a couple but i was you know i can wait i can wait like i'm i'm going to wait any which way like i'm going to wait like an hour a couple of hours any which way okay but i want no ma'am like i said this this needs to be finished by tomorrow i've been waiting for like uh four days ma'am try to understand i i really i really had see i had such great conversation with you and i really trust you uh you know i know that you're an honest person all right i can i can i can go ahead and vouch for you in front of my supervisor that this person is gentlemen but trust me i know i have to i have to buy anything make sure that yeah i'm being honest i'm being honest i mean you gave the call today yourself regarding in this case so that that totally explains ma'am right but i but but you understand this is a big company we you know there are certain protocols they want me to go ahead and you know resolve this in 48 hours in order for me to resolve it in 48 hours so because i had to take this uh i just got my the link to the driver's test and i'm not okay technically uh technically i'm not supposed to um technically i'm not supposed to drive until i pass this part of it it's like a cove it's a new cover okay uh maybe you can help me actually this is okay okay it says dear linda this is the link to your oh it's like an online one okay it says please close all other all right okay if a driver begins feeling drowsy they should turn up the radio turn the radio up roll down the window for some fresh air drive at a medium speed like find a place to stop and take a nap um i think the last one well if you if you do roll the window down or i mean that could wake you up though right uh yes ma'am but you can't like turn the radio up right sure okay i guess the best i guess you're supposed to fight the best last one yes ma'am you may pass a vehicle when your car is bigger than that car you are on a curve you are on a road with a broken line next to your lane they are going the speed limit i'm going to go with probably probably a i because i see a lot of trucks placing no no no no no oh god i hate driving this is my first my first license so i got the preliminary license i took and and they they gave me like the um the green the green light no pun intended to they gave me the green light to um to do some practice driving if i passed this oh the broken line that's the dashed line yeah that's probably it yes ma'am no learner's license shall be granted to drive transport vehicle unless the applicant has helped oh god i don't know i don't know the instant that much i'm i'm gonna say uh wait wait wait wait wait wait can you give me give me a moment give me a moment give me a moment uh in traffic signal light in traffic signal light the red light glowing means wait behind the stop line go if the way is clear take extra care go on only if the amber appears after you have crossed my first one the first one if the traffic signal is red you have to wait if it's glowing like does that mean it's flashing or illuminated no no no no no ma'am red light means wait right and all the other ones no red red means stop it doesn't mean white yes so i think this is a trick question because i mean red means stop green means go right so if it's glowing go on only if the amber appears is amber yellow no i might say you have to wait behind the stop line right you have to wait there just wait at the top you would know better than i would i i'm not i'm not much of a driver what do you need to do at a stop sign in california well good thing i'm not in california slow down and continue slowly after ensuring no incoming traffic come to a complete stop before accelerating keep driving if there's i think it's i think in california it's a or c but i'm i think the correct answer is b when driving at night on a dimly lit street you should use your cell phone light back do you like the street in front of you yeah that's no no no no i didn't really see it use no no turn on your high beam man i'll call the city and tell them to turn up the street lights isn't bad either no no no no no no no i'm turn on your high beam second one but can't that blind people especially in a dimly lit street you don't want to blind anybody are you sure mom you don't want to hit people rather than like but you can't use your cell phone right you can't use your cell phone in a car so please take the second one turn on your high beam god how do you know the answer to this did you study for this it's like you it's like a pedestrian an equestrian a car and an amphibious vehicle all right and a four-way stop at the same time what is the correct hierarchy right of way oh okay it's just like man the c c to the third one really i would have said a because equestrian pedestrian probably see the vehicles go first definitely see how do you know all this yes god you're very smart it's kind of attractive i'll probably say all of the above you can't turn off the ignition uh if entering the traffic circle and the following good lord okay this is um um i have no idea what i'm looking at okay i'm gonna go with the expert on this one if you come to an intersection and your view to the side is block blocked you should slow down and look both ways maintain your speed and close your eyes no stop and inch forward a few inches until you are through that's what i would do because i mean how else are you supposed to do it right you got an inch you put your snout out right like put the card styled out a little bit i'm the third one yeah i think so when approaching a stopped school bus you should wave as you drive by do a barrel roll stop and help the children with their hallmark depends on heart i think that was a trick question because no no ma'am like approaching a stop you need to like depends on the current can i can i call you right back because your phone keeps breaking up oh okay all right i'm right here if we get disconnected don't worry i'll call you back okay okay what road sign does this represent helicopter pad yes hospital yes boss bond yes hotel i mean it's all of them it's a hotel helicopter this is it no this is one of those trick questions i've read about those they try to get you mixed up because okay i think it's a helicopter pad for well think about it this way oh okay think about this way there would be a helicopter pad at a hospital and there could be a helicopter pad at a hotel so i think the helicopter pet is sort of the meta or maybe it's the opposite maybe you would say there could be a hotel at a hospital and a helicopter bed at a hospital so therefore it's the hospital are you looking it up i don't think i'm allowed to cheat oh well that's that's okay uh that is not a helicopter hotel sign i i guess that's a hotel hold on yeah hold on because i've seen those before when i've been on the road how many traffic cones can you run over in a month before you get a traffic citation oh i grew up at long island it doesn't matter um although how many sides does a stop sign have oh god don't ask me this geometry stuff uh it just okay let me count oh there's one right here one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. okay clearly 16 is wrong um it's at least four like i said i'll say that again sir sorry how many how many sides stops i have one two three four five six seven eight that's correct uh above what is i'll go up of this well the previous one is uh there's a hospital changed from hotel to hospital uh you think it is hospital hello yes i'm sure there's a school just like that okay now go ahead now you can there uh i don't think it's hospital but if you think so it is it is 100 it is 100 the third one stop here for pancakes well that's that'd be fun for the pedestrian pedestrian but that doesn't make sense because that's isn't the pedestrian on the side it is it is it is it is it is it is it is it is the third one because the pedestrian isn't about it isn't the pedestrian the one stopping like like what if they put this up if they put this up like for what are they calling like a road a road party or like everyone on the block no ma'am you know like no don't play wait wait wait that's i think it's tough it's this one there's a pedestrian on the sign so why would it say stop here for the pedestrian yes exactly so it's stopped here for the pedestrian like for the pedestrians to stop and wait over there it is not it is for the pedestrian linda trust me it's that it's the third one please do the third please trust me yeah and now click submit oh god if the driver begins to feel drowsy all right whatever hopefully it'll work this is like my third time taking this test so you can only take it once every every 14 days and i've been you know having some troubles let's say click on submit all right it says your response has been required i helped you all right and i'm pretty sure you'll pass this time i hope okay so uh mam see um it's i would really appreciate if you can um you know go ahead and get to the bank and just finish this because i would really really yeah yeah i think so um yeah let me just let me just see something really quick also i think the sign instead if it's really stopped for pedestrians they should have the the person this kind of looks more like a baby but whatever linda i assure you the previous test if you just gave you stop stop full and then the arrow like that stop stop for pedestrian like stop there's a baby in the road that's what that's what the sign should look like yeah thank you for completing and submitting your intermediate drivers test we will contact you shortly with the results okay good good um all right so um i would really appreciate ma'am if you can be on your way to the um you know bank and just finish those formalities you can you can close this you can close your bank and close this can you um hold on a second i'm getting a phone call one second hello linda thank you for placing an order with amazon you have been charged 399 on your card for amazon card which will be dispatched in the next 24 hours if you have not made any such purchases or transactions then kindly press one to speak amazon customer service i don't know just just leave this okay hold on a second let me deal with this hold on no it's not a genuine question hello who told you it is not a gentleman just hang up this call no no just hang up this call man i'm telling you hang up oh let me take it off conference give me one second table he's a stupid guy he's a stupid girl how dare you speak about him i'll just call your bank linda call your bank and ask them and then simply tell them this kind of thing yeah i have to call the bank anyways can you get this eye off the call yeah i thought for a second because it said it said there was an amazon charger i was thinking to myself like no no no no no no no right now right now don't worry about it okay um i tell you what i got a call to take here's the pr here's the biggest problem that i have um i have a call that i have to take in in like 15 minutes with a new client she's having some relationship problems she's looking for some advice uh i booked uh an hour-long session with her so and then i have another i have another session after that so the problem is if i were to leave if i were to leave and and and go to the bank i will miss the like i can't take the call in the car you know what i'm saying especially if i left my car keys and i haven't i've i have like i have an idea for you see once once you're done the only idea there's really not much oh go ahead can you like delay this can you like just delay the meeting for an hour because once you're done with the bank after that i won't be like actually already done that about you five times i keep delaying it i keep telling your stuff like oh oops uh you know i have a real bad you know i i got uh bowel problems whoops i understand i i'm trying to be your friend over here see i'm just wanting you if if you can just do it once if just delete once after an hour uh-huh what if um go ahead okay hear me out i know this sounds crazy but abel you and i talked for an hour about philosophy and comma and and all that stuff what if i what if i just tell her that you know she's gonna meet for a little bit a preliminary meeting with my assistant or something and i have a question oh my god um can you just be my assistant just talk just say all you got to do listen uh uh let me give you a little let me give you a little secret okay this this whole this whole field philosophy and psychology it's very easy let me let me show you if you just literally google motivational quote you want me to talk to her you want me to talk to her i mean otherwise i i can't go until like six o'clock and i think the bank will be closed okay i'll so yes that's that's what i'm afraid of as well ma'am so um i can i can talk i can talk like for like if that like i have to ask my supervisor first okay okay just give me a moment otherwise maybe we do it tomorrow uh tomorrow afternoon or something but really one of the most what i do sometimes is i literally just look up motivational quotes and i'll just say you know what just before sunrise there is a dark night and then i usually say that it was i usually quote someone famous like al gore or you know whoever and so sometimes i do that or i just ask them questions you know i ask questions like oh you will be okay you will be on the line with me right oh god at the same time no because i i'll be driving and i'm not supposed to use my cell phone okay all right no problem so um give me a moment i'll see i can what i can do here okay i mean maybe it's crazy it's just i don't want to lose this customer you know what i mean it's so it's up to you maybe maybe we just maybe we don't do it and and tomorrow i could go to the bank how about that uh linda i i'm telling you if we would really have to uh finish this today and you know you going to the bank because tomorrow tomorrow mcafee they will contact your bank and you know they might take some action because try to understand this amount of money sent to you and it needs to be back to the uh you know i'm it's a it's a matter for my job as well okay i would i don't mind uh you know speaking with someone i i really don't mind speaking with someone but i don't want to uh see i i know it's like the person who would be calling you would be really in a bad place right that's why that person made you maybe she's having relationships i can talk i can talk that's totally fine i can talk to that person that's totally fine i just spoke with my supervisor he's saying any which way you have to send you have to tell her to go to the bank and finish this today that's what they're telling me so okay i don't mind ma'am all right they they want me to go ahead and do this done today because it's really really important for me it's really important for the work i know it's important for you too so yeah i don't mind speaking if they want to talk to someone i can talk to them that's totally fine well what about okay uh how do you think it would work i guess do i hate them call do i have them call you i guess i'll just say call my assistant and then [Music] um yeah the most important part is you have to make them feel hyped and you just you just talk you know just talk a lot and offer advice and ask questions just say how does that make you feel um you know what what do you what do you think about this what do you think about that um and honestly i don't have a problem with this i don't have a problem with this because only because i know that you can you know i i never would do that i i don't want you to think that i'm not a professional it's just this is a very important question i don't know i totally understand i totally understand that ma'am and i want to help you out you know i i feel like i'm i'm between yeah you know what uh you know what um kierkegaard said i'm between a rock and a hard place and i want to choose love so oh wow that that's so beautiful see i can i'll i'll give you a better advice see i i i would say always uh it's not bad to keep the other person in touch just just tell your clients if they can hold up for an hour they can if not if they really want to talk to someone you share my number i'll talk they're definitely not able to i already already messaged them mabel i already said hey can we can we postpone this till tomorrow i said sorry i fell and broke my foot but then i felt bad because i was lying and you're not supposed to lie so i said oops wrong person do you think that we could potentially postpone it and she said no i really need to talk so can you tell her if she can like postpone it for an hour just an hour because i i'm telling you linda once you go ahead and get this verified i'm telling you i will not take much of your time then you can you know finish your calls and all that i will not disturb you i really really really really request you to you know get this done if she can like postpone it for an hour after an hour you can take your calls i will be connected with you on the remote session if i need you i'll call you i won't disturb you please i really request you to do this hold on i'm texting her in the meantime hold on in the meantime if she really wants to speak with someone yes i can can you ask your manager if you have an account the united states just in case they won't let me do the international transfer i mean it's mcathy right you guys got stuff all over the country uh yes yes yes yes yes yes you don't have to why don't you do that yes ma'am even even if you're just asking man even for that i'm telling you yeah you you are mixing two thing even to add any account domestic or international you have to do that you have to go to the bank because the wire that we are trying to add buyer is also a domestic one right so even that is not happening yeah wireless domestic that's why sorry the delay i was doing is domestic that's why i was doing relay so that's why it was not working so even for uh zla as well you have to you have to put your id over there ma'am and please you just have to go to the bank just tell them to enable your zla and wire that's it they will enable it you don't have to tell them about yeah so they are just enabling your zlatan that's it you know they'll take them it'll take them not more than 10 minutes you just have to go there show them the id they'll put in the system it would be activated ma'am hello all right hello yes ma'am oh sorry i thought we got mom yes sorry i'm trying to call her sorry i'm doing like 17 things at once i'm calling one second she's on the other line let me just i'm gonna hold on a second i'm gonna merge so wait really quick what am i okay hold on okay what should i say your name just able right my assistant yeah that's fine okay come on let me see if i can get this to like yeah yeah okay are we are you there hello hello are you there dr linda hello are you hey okay how are you sweetheart i thought that dad i thought that was going to be around like three o'clock yeah okay so here's the thing here's the thing sweetheart i um with all of my first time uh you know clients we normally normally what i do is i introduce you to my assistant oh okay i i i actually have abel on the phone right now are you are you there abel yeah very good morning hey uh hi so yeah able able is very able to help you with all this stuff uh i'm sure i'm sure he is it's just i've been going through a lot yeah lately and i i feel like right i just maybe okay need to talk to use like very specifically you know what i mean uh well i can talk to you at a follow-up session but the first session would need to be with with abel is what i'm saying oh okay it's just it's just a procedure it's just a procedure uh you know we uh we want you to be you know open up all right so we understand uh see it's totally fine the first one is always free as well oh oh okay all right so this is okay so this is just this is just where you open up right so um don't worry all right i'm i'm all here okay anything and i guess that's fine all right anything that's fine that's that's okay um yeah yeah okay okay perfect perfect well listen we'll call you we'll have you uh we'll call it in just a few minutes um all right so i will be going ahead and giving you a call back in like five to ten minutes will that be fine i yeah yeah sure that's fine okay sweetheart all right thank you okay thank you all right oh god i'm so i feel so bad for doing that she's such a sweetie she's from she wrote she's not she's like my granddaughter she said oh lord i feel real bad you gave her for free you gave her for free you gave her a free session i don't know is this the right thing to do like maybe see i i i feel even i feel like this you know we shouldn't be doing is there a way like you can tell her that you can like join her in a session in like an hour or so that i said it's okay okay i can i can speak with her yeah i can speak with her if you want i can't just speak with you that's totally fine take notes if you don't mind try to take some notes and just listen to her ask questions and try to try to you know when in doubt when in doubt just google motivational quotes and you know i'm full of motivation man let me hear them let me hear you say okay let's do a little role play really quick do you like role play all right okay ready i just i'm sorry it's hard for me to do this i'm just calling like i'm calling because i'm so sad because i lost my job and i don't know what to do what would you say to what would you say um i totally understand you know how you might be feeling today but try to think of it that way the job is just a part of your life your job is not your entire life it's just a part of all right and there are so many i totally understand like you might be feeling my job is my life right now you gotta you gotta feel the compassion in your toes like your whole body needs to be compassion right now when you talk to them you need to say something like you need to say something like well your job was your life but tomorrow there's a new day and every job is just and there's a day away and like your job you like a job you're you're a bird and honestly when in doubt i just start i just keep talking you know because i think smart people just they just keep talking um so you know just like a bird who always finds food every morning uh like if they wake up early and they're they that's why they say the early bird gets the worm einstein said that you know that's pretty much that's how what's what i would do so so i would i would say i would say let's say you know how like lost her net nest right so every day that that bird goes around she starts looking for another nest right and she doesn't stop till she finds you go ahead and make another one so i can do it like that is that okay god you're pretty good at this actually um okay listen i can make it take my client all right don't take my client okay i'm only doing this for you ma'am i i i don't do this okay i'm only doing this for you okay because i understand you're also going to the bank because of him all right if you can share me what's her number yeah let me type it on my computer for you and um and then i'll go to the bank yeah you can put it yeah you can put it on the notepad over here i'll just bring it up all right there you go what's a name let's see um hold on a second all right i'm just looking i'm just looking it up i'm sorry about that um i'm not very i'm not a very organized person so okay here it is that's totally fine this should be uh that should be it uh she also uses something called what's what's up i don't know what's up okay i don't know she said that she would use whatsapp if that's something that i was open to do you have whatsapp or no um i can make like a normal call okay that's fine all right uh what's up what's the name uh kim or kimberly that's her kimberly yeah kim and kimberly okay all right don't worry about how i may i know how long do i have to talk to her i mean she's paying for well i guess she's not i told her to be free maybe half an hour you know uh-huh something like that okay maybe an hour okay and don't worry i'll make i'll make sure like he'll be fine right i mean it's gonna be worth it because i wanted to come back for a second you know session it she will she will she will i assure you that i'm i'm good at this don't worry about it you talk to me all day right that's true that's true i i i literally just for god only knows why i maybe maybe there's some sort of you know connection there but uh yeah but just don't cure her or you know what i mean i mean i want you to help her but yeah i'll do that i'll i'll do that don't worry i'll do that okay all right all right okay so all right so uh remember like uh when you speak to the bank please do not uh disclose this uh um you know the conversation that we had with uh with uh with you like regarding mcafee and all that please don't disclose this all right just tell your bank that you're going there because you're trying to send money to a friend and you're not able to do it that's all ma'am all right please don't mention mcafee or something like that because this is a pretty typical number this is something that does not happen very often all right uh okay hello all right so when you go there they ask you're gonna send money to just say you're sending money to your associate that's it all right please don't mention mcafee or a computer refund or something like that yeah there's a lot of scams going on ma'am okay okay all right all right sweetheart all righty don't worry i'm i'm going ahead and calling all right i'm calling your client right now all right please go to the bank and get this done thank you okay yeah i think the voices are pretty similar but i didn't think about that ahead of time but because i layered both of them talking at the same time i think he believes it i hope that he believes it is the uh is the better answer i guess uh he's he seems to be going for it so in fact i think he's gonna call her this is her announcement right now [Music] announcement hold on decline the first one i'm pretty sure that was okay no i need you to call me again or call her again all right i just typed by i'm heading to the bank because he's typing on my computer she isn't answering uh he's hold on i'm i'm trying to set this up i said she called me i told her to answer your call so hopefully hopefully it'll work out what am i what's my what am i gonna do what's my problem i haven't thought any of this through like i don't know what so my boyfriend and i have been pretty uh we've been playing this game called league of legends i don't i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna say i have to um i'm pregnant no that's too serious i don't want to do that why isn't he calling me um i'll just have i'll just call him because she missed the call right i can do that uh i could have all kinds of problems a problem isn't the right word i could have all kinds of like things that i'm going through too so like there's just so much i need to talk about kind of stuff but yeah the the breakup could be the main thing that we we start with oh i kind of like the idea potentially of talking about being scammed oh that would be oh it might be too much but it is interesting to but it would have to be like the problem is that to be like so serious and i'm not sure if i can uh i wouldn't want to like joke around with that right uh i think i got everything correct let me try calling him now good morning kimberly yeah hi is this um dr linda's office this is abel this is abel hi uh i'm sorry i'm assisting i didn't recognize your number so sorry about that oh it's okay i will i believe i believe miss miss fairborne gave you the number right yes doctor uh all right all righty all righty so um i don't know if you have done this before all right is it your first time like uh speaking out with someone the first time you're doing this uh yeah yeah i mean i guess there's a first time for everything though right oh that's that's true that's true you know the first time for everything and you know life is all about having those first times because uh the first times our word change our perspective about anything that we do right so uh i so this is just uh i'm just trying to prep you up this is just a prep so that you know when you go ahead and have a proper session with miss firebottom you are out there you know you really you really talk what you really want to talk about you know which when we because at times when we when we want to talk i'll tell you how it works with me you know when i really want to talk with someone first i have a uh you know first i rehearse it with myself alone you know on my head but when i'm really out there to talk uh you know with the person with whom i really want to have a conversation you know you it's really gets really really difficult to bring those uh you know to bring those words uh on up to my you know up to my tongue you know it really gets difficult so this is this is just a prep where i'm just trying to uh we're just you know trying to prep you up so that when you really go ahead and have that uh you know conversation with miss fairborne you you out there and speak really what you really want to speak this isn't like a test or anything is it like this isn't like a passion no this is not a test no no no no this is no no no no no no there's more tests all right there's no test no i need you to be don't don't you don't you're saying like this is pretty all right pretty normal like most of her clients pretty normal yeah this is pretty normal all right you're not you're not getting charged for this this is pretty free all right you're not getting charged for this this is all free all right that you won't be you won't be charged for this session all right it's just that we really want you to open up all right because we totally understand yeah you know when you out there you know sharing sharing something which is very important when it is close to you it's very difficult you know it's something very precious it's very precious and people don't really want to open up that much to people right so we really want you to feel very calm feel very relaxed all right i know if if you're at your home wherever you are have a glass of water for yourself all right have a coffee you want you all right so and i really need you to sit down be relaxed i'm here for you all right we'll talk anything that you have in your head anything that you have you know down there at the heart something you feel heavy don't mind sharing with me i'm right here to listen to anything all right yeah i guess i mean so i just don't know like i don't really know where to start though like i i don't even know exactly why i understand i'm calling you know what i mean i just feel like i've been trying to get in touch with her for so long dr linda too that like got it it might even be like a month a month now that she's been like rescheduling me and okay all right so i'll tell you how it starts kimberly alright so i need you to be an open book and in that case first i need to have a little bit of introduction about you i need to know about you you know about your life how would you do just give me a little bit of brush up after that okay yeah right i want to know where you live my name is kimberly is what my dad calls me uh okay i i don't know i i would say i'm like you're i'm like pretty cool like i'm pretty i was really popular in school uh okay and got a good job i have like really good hair like okay yeah a lot of people like i actually don't have very many instagram followers because a lot of my friends unfollow me because of how pretty i am or at least that's what i you know that that's uh that's that's that's that's so much you trust me that's and i feel like you know let's let's not go to instagram right now okay that is a that is like a totally uh you know a different session because i'll tell you one thing instagram and all that you know like i feel like people you know instagram does not bring us that much happiness as much as it brings up anxiety you know to all of us uh and you know if i face that you know i don't think that you know everyone but i think it's just because like everything i post on there like looks really good uh-huh but it looks amazing oh you're all right so you you work with good maybe you you're you're good with the aesthetics and everything right yeah okay okay um okay i don't know like a little bit more about me i i kind of just like have really big goals um tell me about it tell me about it i'm a really big deal but i don't know if my current relationship is living up to the hype like i don't feel like he thinks i'm a big deal um so what before before i go ahead i guess before i'm so sorry before i before i go ahead and you know give a proper insight of it um i just want to know how your relationship is like you know like what uh first of all how how do you feel in this relationship um a little gassy i guess if i'm honest okay i need you to i need you to you know i need you to a bit brief it to me like in what does it brings you happiness uh oh oh my god sorry excuse me i thought you were talking about okay uh i mean he yeah he brings me happiness but not like i don't have a boat you know i don't have a i don't have a ring i don't have like there's a couple there's a couple pairs of shoes that i keep i keep leaving up browser tabs open on his laptop with like all this all of the stuff that i want and like i don't know i don't have any of it so okay he just looks at me like the other day he was like hey like hey babe um can you get the directions to my like can you get the directions to this he had to go with his haircut or something he was trying a new place and so uh i was like yeah yeah let me let me look that up really quick and i handed him my phone and instead there was a directions there were directions to the mall and like he didn't get the hint you know but he does he doesn't understand don't mind me asking how long have you been dating two of you um probably like a i don't know like a decently long amount of time like a pretty i think we're pretty committed if you know what it is no i just want to know like um how long i totally i totally get you like how how long has it been more than a year no oh um it's pretty close a little over a year i would say right all right all right so um give or take like three months that's that's like that's pretty less than a year well i mean it might be over here i mean is that important or no that that doesn't make sense that that doesn't make a difference i don't know a person i'm not a doctor i don't think time matters when stuff no it's not all right it does not loves me it does not because he exactly you know see a person a person can make you feel uh you know in a month what a person you know can't uh you know do that in years so that is that is uh that is totally true right if you're saying i trust you when you say that you're pretty committed right when you say that you we are pretty committed to each other i totally trust you but like the thing yeah in my instagram profile i put his instagram username with a heart next to it and the date that we first started like dating that's pretty serious like i feel like that's true you know don't don't you don't you at least when we all fall in love you know when it's the initial phase of every relationship we all get those butterflies you know uh you know on our tongues you know how how it really uh you know how that's everything that is exactly what i'm talking yeah that is exactly why why doesn't he buy me butterfly earrings or butterfly a butterfly dress or a butterfly painting or literally anything like that i don't have i don't have anything i understand but see uh kimberly somewhere down the line when i hear you talking about this i can sense that there is a lot of what that you expect him to do am i right as you are so much you know committed to him you know him yeah i can see i know i you wish all great you know i wish i know that you wish him great in his life uh if he have any kind of a hurdle coming up in his life i know that you will be the first person who would be supporting him you know obviously yeah right yeah okay but somewhere down the line i want to ask you one thing see when we ex life makes us sad at times when we get when we expect more than we love okay i feel that this way i'm telling you from my own uh you know personal experiences you know i ha i even valentine's day is coming up and uh you know it gets really hard for me as well being a therapist myself but what i've learned in my life i don't know if i understand what you're saying okay i'm i'm i'm i'm so sorry i'm so sorry yeah all i'm just trying to say is like i'm saying that if the valentine's day coming at times i uh you know get deep down in my own thoughts myself all right that at times love uh can you explain this like i'm five like i just don't understand sure sure i'm trying to say that at times we expect too much and we love a bit less okay we expect too much and love a bit less but that's not that's not bad that's not bad at any which way you can only expect something let me ask you this doctor if you and i were dating what would you buy me on the first date i would uh what would i buy you on a first day right like was it i would uh like what's a normal first of all i would buy you uh i would buy you some drinks and then it depends if you're going out you tell me that you like to you like earrings or you like jewelry i would buy you a jewelry see what see and now brad so brad and i have been dating for like two years and he always is buying me stuff it's kyle kyle's the one he like won't buy me buy me anything and i'm trying to figure out like why can't kyle be more like brad right so is there a brat too um yeah so there's brad and there's kyle but the main issue is i'm trying i want i want kyle to be a little bit more like brad if that makes sense that makes sense that totally totally makes sense but but i want to know like see i'm i'm just trying to be i'm just trying to get to the root of this story where i see you yeah i see you loving brad i see you loving kyle i can see that the re i'm maybe i'm wrong but the reason why you chose kyle after brad is because kyle was different right no no no no just to be clear like i want to be like really clear so i've i've been through a lot um relationship wise and i feel like each of my relationships have like taught me you know a little bit um about myself and a little bit about you know a little bit about life and so like i'm not i'm not trying to bring this up it's not that's not exactly what it's about you know you know what i mean like i had yeah i would say what if my boyfriend's taught me love one taught me patience um you know what i'm saying but now it's like thank you i understand i understand we learn from our partners all the time and you know it's always good it's always good to have so grateful for me you know what i mean like i'm really grateful for that wow that's hey kim i'll tell you this is one of the most it's it's the most beautiful thing i've heard you know in a while you know the thing you said that you are really thankful to your exes wow who says that these days i mean that that's so ariana grande i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that's my dog just give me a moment that's my dog give me again i'm sorry yeah so like like you said like you're so thankful to your exes i mean this is the most beautiful thing i've ever heard in a while so everyone everyone i go ahead and speak with these days and the moment we bring a topic of you know their excess these days they all uh you know say a lot of kind of things you know some are badmouthing their exes some are saying this about them that this is what i didn't used to like yes but i'm sorry i'm telling you that i'm pretty perfect you know it tells it tells so much about you as a person that you are so confident about who you are okay i can see that you are pretty confident about who you are you're pretty confident about your beliefs of your life you know how you have to live your life i can tell you're a good doctor because i am pretty and i am confident and the fact that you can figure that over the phone is like that's well i i won't say i'm a good doctor i'm not that good of a doctor but yeah i'm trying to be a you know better person you know that's how life always happens but i'll tell you one thing see i'm not judging you i'm not judging you but i'm just saying uh somewhere down the line i feel like the entire route of this um i would say this dilemma that you're on or you know how you first of all you have put yourself in this situation kimberly your life is great i can i can see that it's good it could be better you know what i mean like so i've been dating brad for the past two years and probably about a year ago let's just say a year ago i met um kyle and i like kyle okay kyle's a little bit more spunky you know like he's a little bit more um i don't know he brings the excitement in your life he brings an excitement with him yeah it's a little bit more exciting right but he like i he doesn't buy me like brad guy i swear brad's literally brad okay here's a real example and this is this happened i honestly didn't think that i was going to say this on the first session but a month ago it was probably when i reached out to dr linda because i was at my woodson because back to back i i went on vacation with brad and then with kyle back like week after week you know they don't know about each other okay so so oh okay yeah so all right brad got us um first class seats and you know he would buy me he would buy me drinks he bought me even bought me an extra pack of pretzels and then um kyle and i are like in economy on this thinking what do you call it the thing where you have to open the door the emergency door and kyle kyle ends up upgrading his seat to the little bit of extra leg room [Music] and i'm alone you know so it's like brad it's just like they're two different people and i don't like that you understand what i mean like why can't they be the same well that is a dilemma but don't you think so that you are expecting something out of someone who's not don't you think so like like like kyle cannot be brad when it comes to uh you know spending money on you or um with his lifestyle is there anything where you feel like brad cannot be kyle do you feel like that um no that's a really complicated question i don't want to complicate i'm just asking you it's just a point of view that i'm giving you no it's just are you eating right now by the way no that's my dog i'm so sorry that was my i'm just feeding my dog oh is it a therapy dog oh my god yes um see i i kind of you know i give this therapy sessions to people and this dog is the one who gives it to me so he's my therapist so it's like that you can speak to animals you can go to school to learn how to talk to dogs no not not like not like in oh my god in a vocal way i feel like you've just literally changed you just you just blew my mind like i thought my life was good i thought i had the perfect life but now you're telling me that i can learn you can talk god yeah you can yeah people can do that you can like but i'll tell you do you have a dog i mean i've heard of dog whispers and i remember the movie dr doolittle but wow see i'll say like having a dog is like when you'll have a dog you will you would be able to talk to your dog in a way that that you can you can't talk to anyone like that i would say like not even a therapist you know you can you will be able to say that like in a way are you saying that you have um what is it called espn you can talk to your dog with espn um not not like that like me and my dog we have a way of communicating with each other right so he uh he if if let's see we are watching tv and he does not like the things that we are watching on so he has his ways of telling me to change the channel so he's like that so uh he likes to uh watch cartoons or you know the discovery channel he likes to watch other animals on tv he goes if he sees a lion he would just jump from the bed and keep shouting on him on the tv so he's like that oh no but let's not but let's not divert from the team i think i should get a dog i tried to get a dog a while ago and i found the perfect one his name was miller he was like super cute but he was on back order and like i tried to order i tried to order two copies but the website said that that i was on a waiting list see uh i would i would love to um you know suggest you to get a dog but that totally depends you know keep it having a dog is like having a baby you know for the first six months oh wow i'm pretty sure you you won't be able to go out anywhere they need constant care [Music] brad doesn't think that he wants kids and kyle kyle wants like 500. and i'm trying to make 500. i'm hoping they can add somewhere in the middle you know so brad is the one who don't want kids and kyle is the one who can't stop talking about you know having one right is that it right but brad is the one who buys me things and kyle does it so you're saying so you're saying brad is the one with whom you really want to have kids is that let's let's commit to the ground let's be real let's be real like let's yeah i think we should i think we should get to the brass tacks um okay all right see i i would want to tell you i believe the only thing that is lacking between you and kyle is a communication your communication seems to be not up to the mark come on like if i would have been kyle and i can see that i have a beautiful girlfriend right and she want me to she expects me something else no problem i can i can hear it from your voice you must be pretty beautiful so i would say if if i put myself on kyle's shoes all right if i have a girl who's beautiful who loves me who's willing to dedicate her time her day her thoughts to me i would want to go ahead and make it up to her but i really want to know how would you and how would you do that dr abel how would you make it up to me i'll um see i would i would uh whenever i come back from work the first thing i would you know do is go ahead and you know kiss your girlfriend and then ask her about her day i want to ask my girlfriend how she spent her day you know waiting for me while i was out there you know uh i would i would go ahead buy her gifts how much money did you want how much money would you spend like can i be honest with you yeah can i be honest with you yeah see whenever i'm in love with a girl and most of the times i spend all the money on her you know because uh i had i had yeah i had a girlfriend how much is that budget-wise i wouldn't want to disclose that yeah but yeah i would see i would tell you see if you're in if i'm in love with someone i don't mind spending i i might go down on to the last pennies on my account on that girl i don't mind doing that because money is something that you know you can you can make any day but uh you know well what do you think that i should tell like i want to give kyle a hint like what do you think is a fair is like 5 000 a week like that's pretty so i'll tell you how see valentine's day week is coming right so we have to go ahead and make this effort you have to communicate in a right way that kyle understands that you want him to buy yourself something really really good that you want okay oh so like a test like a test not like attack i like that actually let me write that down it's a really good suggestion so basically you're saying i i give them both a budget of say like if you think 5 000 is too much i could do like i guess i could go as low as like three thousand are you gonna do are you gonna give the budget to brad too yeah yeah i give both of them the budget and i say like you know it's valentine's is coming up um i expect a gift let's do let's do it this way and then do it this way you choose whoever gives me the best gift for you no see i'll i'll i'll tell you from my personal experiences for tim men are really men stuck when it comes to choosing gifts yeah i only want one thing and it's gross well that's true and well yeah i mean i don't let's just be honest i don't think brad or kyle are going to be able to like i don't think that neither one of them are going to be able to get half-life 3 so that's that i'm just telling you let's not let's not give don't leave the scope of choosing a gift to them don't give them any scope don't don't uh you know don't let them uh you know uh go ahead and introspect and you know don't let them use their minds we have to right now right you have to check who is whose will is strong enough to provide you what you need okay so you decide you pick a gift you pick a gift okay something that you like you go ahead and you so like you tell that person like a diamond you can have a purse with like diamonds like all around it yes it could be anything it could be anything it could be that it could be a trip it could be anything whatever you want okay okay it could be anything it could be a ferrari if you know brad has lots of money you tell him that i need a ferrari i need a ferrari because i'll tell you i don't really wanna like i really want a puppy so like so are you suggesting that i basically like lay it all out on the table and say brad listen like maybe i get them both maybe i'll get them both in the sun i put them both together and i said listen i like both of you but whoever gets me a ferrari that doesn't work in real life to be honest man these were these these are work of fiction like i hope this this idea is not based out of a movie are you i mean you can't do that you can't do that why can you do that can you like put both of them in a room and like tell them to do that are you in a are you in a position to choose one i think that i'm worth it so have you ever seen the bachelorette yes yes yes that's the best thing that you said you're definitely worth it you're definitely worth it okay so see if you have what would you buy okay what would you do doctor what would you buy me for three thousand dollars for how much for three thousand dollars what would you buy me well that's that's a pretty good question though for three thousand dollars um i could have that uh you know the purse with the diamond on can't we you wanted it right i did how did you know that you just told me a moment ago you want him to get you that i'm not a mind reader but see i'll tell you able there are million people um go ahead go ahead see it's a session you can be honest what's ever in your head no i was just thinking like is there a rule about how many boyfriends you can do at the same time but that's no it's fine there's no rule i mean like see if i i feel if you feel like even three boyfriends can't satisfy you at one time there's something wrong in those three i'm telling you i'm telling you an honest thing like i've dated multiple women at times but there was there was something that was lacking in each one of them that i really really craved that was the reason why i kept on going to the other person but as soon as i was it that you what was it that you craved oh i i had mommy issues [Laughter] no i'm just saying like i really wanted i really wanted someone i really wanted someone to listen to me the way i wanted uh you know the way i listen to someone like i go ahead like i i go ahead and listen to you right you go ahead and tell me everything about you i'll listen to you because deep down did you call did you call them mommy or no no no not like that not like that not like i would say i had like abandonment issues i had like abandonment issues back then so uh that was like sorry doctor oh yeah so like yeah it's all right it's all right i'm i'm pretty confident about all those things anymore because see these everyone has these these days it's like these things they all exist in our head everyone faces thank you for saying that because i had this i thought the other day doctor like i'm gonna look i'm gonna be really open with you like the other day i had this spot it popped into my head that was like maybe i'm the problem like what if i'm the problem and then but you what you just said like these things that it's like no like no it couldn't possibly be me no no i'm not the problem oh jeez thank you for that that's neat yeah i understand but it's not you maybe maybe brad would be having these thoughts maybe maybe uh the other guy kyle might might be he might be confused what he really wants to what uh you know what he should really get you maybe he's scared you know what uh what what he might get you you know you might not like i'm telling you so and so the best way is like see men we are we we kind of think uh we can think about it in our head way before it happens trust me all men are like that all right so maybe he wants to buy you something so badly not not exactly role play but you know in like normal things about lives you know maybe he wanted to buy maybe carl wants to buy you something really badly but he's scared oh okay sorry sorry yeah i'm thinking like all men think of think in such a way that might be well you this is turning out to be a pretty good session so see do you want all men to think about you i mean i don't see a negative to that that's that that's that's the answer i was looking for see i i would want all women to think about me i would i wouldn't say no to that and i'm really happy that you know you said in the way you're answering the way you're answering this question it shows how much honest you are so that's pretty good i'm just writing down i want you um so first the first thing you know we have we had this conversation first thing that we you need to take out from this session today is that you have to work on your communication with kyle okay you want him to buy you something good you have to tell him that you have to tell him all right so tell him just tell him i want happiness is the price this is what i want no not exactly like that see it it is something if you won't say this to him you will keep on you know you'll have this inside you and it's gonna eat you up i'm telling you if you if the words are not if the words don't come out your uh tongue i'm telling you keeping things inside you it really eats you up it's so much better if you just you know convey this message to him and let him decide what he feels because you're not wrong this is what you want and you just told your partner you just told you you just told partner what you really want that is not a bad thing and hey i mean come on if i wanna if if i i would love to be proven wrong in front of my partner rather than anyone else because to be very honest i'm living with that person who else would you be real too apart from that person right so the only person you know uh i would expect myself in my entire life to be real be real with me would be my partner i don't expect reality out of anyone but but except my partners right like what if kyle what if kyle's like no why would he say that why do you think he would say that what makes you think that he would say no i don't know like i have mommy issues let's not just expect out of him see he loves you if he loves you he will do anything for you come on he'll get me that that's how yeah yeah yeah it should be realistic though okay don't tell him to buy you a ferrari yeah yeah what is realistic right like what is realistic i mean mr mystery gives away an island like why i don't have my own island like why can't he has his he has his own island no mr beast i don't know if you've seen him like so i'm see i'm saying like if he has a seven figure uh seven figure bank account go ahead and ask him for a ferrari he hasn't shown me his bank he's actually like super private about his finances but super private about okay so when you go out together who pays who pays for the dinner who pays like does he takes you out on dinner dates and all that either my dad's credit card or him yeah either your dad's credit card or him so so he does buy he does buy you dinner right when was the last day when was the last time he bought to dinner who brad or kyle or stephen kyle i'm pretty sure whenever there actually is someone that i matched with recently on tinder named steven or stefan and he did buy me he didn't buy even as well well he did he did buy me like we went out for her ice cream just like a quick little bite like nothing serious you know and i wore i wore a wedding a wedding ring you know just to like you know because because that's peeping out yeah like so it was it was very obvious you didn't wanted anything serious that's why you wore the ring right because uh and i'm pretty sure he saw that ring so it really didn't matter so that was pretty casual right right yeah um so let's let's put let's put steven out of the equation let's focus on see all of a sudden before you made the call today so before you made this call today you were pretty i believe whatever was going in your head you were on a pretty bad state when you thought of your life with kyle am i right okay here's the here's what i here's the ultimate i think this is what my like dream is i want i want kyle's kyle's adventure and spunky-ness and carefreed at a carefree attitude inside of or with access to or inside of brad's bank account and uh body with stefan's uh hair and like style of dress can i say something off the record how do i make that happen like just just can i say something can i say something like off the record over here uh sure you ex uh like you expect too much out of one person see i'll tell you one thing i'll tell you one thing see and you can't you can't save all of them right you can't you understand you can't get off the record because that's offensive like i mean like this is this is what would you what would you say on the record doctor because frankly i'm about to i think we should be i don't i don't know i at first i thought like at first i thought you and i were working well together but now you're saying like maybe i what was that oh i don't know i didn't maybe yeah maybe i just perspective too much is that what you how could you possibly even believe that from from like when you say you want dad's body brad's money but you want the same kind of spontaneity in kyle's attitude right you want kyle with all those features those are features of three different people what what is possible let me let us go to the possibility over here okay what are the possibilities no doctor linda told me dr linda at our first like consultation said i should expect more she said and i quote i wrote this down i literally got this i got this printed reach for the moon because even if you miss you'll still be in the stars that's what she said yes that is she which is weird because i saw that like out of you none of that all over when i googled it she said that albert einstein let me finish i don't know let me finish him she wants you to expect more out of you more out of you and expect yes because i'll tell you why see let's let's not divert from the topic first thing that we want is we want you to communicate better with kyle because sometimes i feel like you don't know kyle much i mean i can see that you you must know brad way more than you know kyle is that true you know you know brad like way more than you know kyle don't you think so yeah yeah who is more ex who's more accessible is kyle more accessible or brad more i mean if i if i text or call either one of them they'll they'll answer like come on so like like like who is more accessible do you think who would who would who would go to a limit you know to reach you out oh like if i come on about it i think that i think that kyle would be able to climb mount everest i'm not sure if brad could just because is that do you think like if you really if you really wish to change someone it would be way easier for you to change kyle okay so you're thinking i should try to basically basically tell kyle spend spend more money on me you need to tell kyle to you know up his game yes i mean come on you're worth it first of all you're worth it okay you're totally worth it come on the brad the brad is the other guy he is good looking i mean he has the money he has a great night if that guy is all over heels for you then why can't kyle be right and apart from that you really you you've gone i'm trying to call dr linda right you've gone so confident about yourself you do good the text now subscriber you were trying to reach is not person but if you will keep on having these kind of bad you know these things that are bringing you down it won't let you be a better you know better person right support to be for you to be a better person you have to be a happy person you have to be a happy person because the route to be a better person is to be happy all right you have to choose the person who makes you happy if the person is not making you happy or happy you have to have the option for you know to make the other person better right so you have to take that but if he is not willing to change if he keeps on making you sad then i'm telling you kyle has to making me go he's just not buying me happiness hey do you think that i'm not do you think that i should just go ahead and go ahead do you think that dr linda or honestly i'd be fine with just meeting with you like i don't have to meet with dr linda next it doesn't matter to me um do you think that i should just like bring kyle and bring brad like like a couple session or something like together yeah like you're gonna come once with kyle with brad right but not both of them together you can just like you can tell them hey do you think that i'm kim's worth it like like you could ask him all the questions and kind of guide him through that way i don't have to be why do i have to why ma'am i'm sorry kim why do i have to don't they know they must know that they are in a relationship with you they must be they must be striving for your uh you know attention anything that you know that would make you sad i mean they should be out there killing out all the sadness for you i mean you're kidding me that's what you should that's what you should expect come on come on you have to be like that you are a strong confident woman i i am a strong confident woman but i it's just i think that it would come across better coming from a doctor right because like if i if if i say like give it to me i'm worth it you know give me give me i'm worth it maybe i'm worth it like i feel like it'll come across the wrong way um but if you if you were like you know stop playing right stop playing do you want to give her like okay you want to give it to her you're right i feel like you know at times we at times uh at times men feel offended um you know when it comes to uh and other i'm just telling you a normal perspective okay it might be true might be wrong but at times i feel like when like i want you to basically doctor i want you to say it's all on you so what you gonna do if you don't have a if you don't have a clue then you're gone right uh-huh but if i say that don't you think i would say that don't you think if i say that they would i don't know no no see a relationship is among two people whatever i'll tell you one thing the things that uh you know you share among each other you would never be able to share it with a third person i'm telling you it's it's it's a fact any anything any any conversation any emotion anything that two people share you cannot share it with a third person never you will be able to do it so what whatever you and brad have that special whatever you and kyle have that special as well and i'm pretty sure that would be different and you know you can't have the same thing with anyone else so everything is every everyone is different it's about on what you have to invest you invest your time on a relationship you invest your money you invest your peace you invest your happiness you invest a lot of things on every relationship so the the best thing about any relationship if you want to keep it you know for a long time you have to communicate well you have to communicate well communication is the key for every relationship so what i want you to do today is you have to go ahead and make a gesture to kyle that like i have to pay tribute like i should pay tribute or what do you mean you don't have to pray no like that you have to go ahead and bring into your attention that you're really looking for a good gift on this valentine's day he has to he must know that because it because when the communication is right then the only thing is you know left is what we expect out of him is he able to um you know a farewell as expected out of him if not then it's time for you to decide correct make sense um hold on let me take notes really quick can i you know what i would like feel way better i would feel like um i would feel a lot better if you could just can you just like hold on one second i just want you to like say that um okay one quick second one quick second sorry i'm just trying to do um i'll be um i believe i'm getting a call from um right now uh yes i'm right here i'm i might be getting a call from linda just give me i'm here i'm here with you i'm here with you okay oh do you need the all right yeah i'll just put your call on a brief hold please bear with me okay okay sure is it okay if i call you back in two minutes will that be okay calling me yeah yeah okay thank you hi hi can you hear me okay hold on this is actually um this is actually good because i had the audio routed wrong anyway so let me fix it i was just gonna basically oh you can't hear me okay hold on let me let me reroute the audio quick like five hours but he so i'm pretending to be like this pseudo psychologist and he's trying to keep my client happy while i'm going to buy while i'm doing a wire transfer and so i was just gonna basically force my boyfriend kyle into the call and have him say like kyle why don't basically i've been complaining about how you don't buy me good gifts and i keep i keep like hinting that i want gifts so have you have you have you told him what my job is yet no not perfect all right hold on don't be on the call right away okay hello yeah hello hi hi hi how are you say that again oh yeah yeah i'm i'm how is that going how is that how is that going oh it's it's going pretty pretty good i never expected she was she really she really liked talking to me i know what oh good yeah i just got to the bank um i'm i'm actually waiting uh i'm waiting for the manager to approve everything right no problem don't worry i yeah i got you covered don't worry i'm still talking with her thank you thank you so much all right i believe she had i believe she had a good session and she wants to bring she wants to bring her boyfriend uh like to a personal session with oh that's great should i allow that shall i tell her that i'm all about that she can go ahead yeah all right okay sorry the manager is coming i gotta go the manager's coming right just keep talking all right you know thank you okay okay i messed up so you saved it man i oh my god i messed up he thinks that that character is at the bank so i think what i'll do if he calls i'm gonna just call him back as uh you know like the kim and i'll i'll probably say like okay hold on just one second and then i'll say like hello and you can answer as uh thanks bro of course man um okay let me change my i almost ruined that you saved it man you saved it geez this is milton by the way milton t pike one wonderful wonderful friend and entertainer i actually own both milton c pike and milton t bike one but we don't talk about that we don't talk about that one we don't talk about bruno okay let me see if i can get him back on the phone while i haven't seen the movie i understand that to be an encounter reference ah yes because i'm both hip and relatable perfect oh no well yeah the timing let it just the text now stop one more time it might have just been the time because i had been calling him as the other character for like 10 minutes and he just didn't notice he just he just happened to notice when i said hold on one second and message to you so let me i'll try one more time if not yeah give him we'll do it again but thank you yeah i'll thanks for dropping away man dropping everything in the hey when it comes to the opportunity to f word over a scammer oh no well no we'll try again another time feels better yeah hey man i was ready to go into this whole thing i was like yeah kim what is it listen listen kim okay i'm busy driving my ice cream truck right now what is it oh like you're working really hard yeah and as soon as you start talking about you'll give me enough kids well kim you know driving an ice cream truck in february you know down a little bit actually no one buys them if we get in touch with them again uh just send me a dm man yeah awesome hey thanks for the call and uh everybody subscribe to kip boga with twitch pro oh for pizza okay i hope that i didn't ruin it too much i think i need to call back as dr linda now um oh i did i did a little goof a little bit of a goof there i answered as the wrong person but uh let me see i think i'm just gonna play that i'm in my car or wait i'm not in my car i had to walk right yeah if you haven't already uh milton t pike one yeah streams on twitch he's done a bunch of different last second collabs and planned collabs with me it is always a wonderful improv partner or addition to the show so check him out sometime if you get a chance he does a ton of role play and improv stuff um let me just play some background music because he's not calling back he probably just doesn't want to keep talking to what's your name either because it was like an hour oh i'm in an uber yeah i guess i could say something like hey they're not letting me do the they're not letting me do the international uh transfer but they said that they can you know like set my account up to do that in a few days or something i don't know i'll just make some random excuse um okay change my phone number to be dr linda yes yes the text now you are trying to reach is not available oh no oh no i don't he seemed to end the call very uh happily though right he said he was like okay i'll tell her to he was trying to please dr linda he said like um okay i i she wants to bring back her her boyfriend for another session he didn't seem i mean unless he really thought about it yeah i i hung up on him it's also possible that he's just taking a quick break because it's been so long but that's also possible i want to see maybe he's in the bathroom maybe i can't really text him i probably shouldn't be back home either right that would be because i said i'm waiting for the manager i'll just leave a message for him um no i turned the computer off hello hello uh yeah hello hello yes ma'am yeah hey hey hey i'm trying to reach her back i'm not able to reach her i'm calling god yeah she texted me and said that everything ended very abruptly uh yeah i was like i was like the the time i called you like i called you right like i called you yeah so that time i told her to wait so i was i was i was calling her back i'm not able to like reach her out so if you can tell her that i'm trying to reach her please answer just text her okay yeah i can try i can try so listen i'm outside the i'm outside the bank right now um i'm outside the bank and then they're trying to figure out he said that the manager you know was going to be free in a couple of minutes so the i guess they're trying to all right no problem the the issue mainly was with the international transfer that they're giving me trouble about it you know they're saying that they're saying that i could do they transfer um the sorry they were trying to enable the zelly but because of some restrictions on my account i'd have to you know bypass some of those there's a whole thing did you got delayed did you got delay cleared didn't activate it no you know why you know what they want they want my driver's license and i don't have a driver's license okay you know so then then can't they do it with some other id proof well apparently with zelly no but with a wire yes so i can do wire transfers with my with my passport which i brought um but i can't do the internet my account's not set up for um international buyer transfers so i said well let me speak to the manager let me speak to the manager and they said the manager might be able to uh set things up but it's possible that it might be you know might take 24 48 hours to for my account to switch over if i'm going to do it online if i'm going to do it online okay okay okay is there a way for them to uh you know like uh get this done on if if possible try to get your relay activated as well i can't without like trying to get the wire done it's a stupid rule it's a stupid rule but hopefully i'll have my driver's license in like a week because i passed the test they i saw the email come through thank you by the way so you you passed it right so i help you pass your driver's license yeah okay all right all right all right all right cool cool yeah if it weren't for you i probably would have i probably would have seen the age sign and thing oh look at that there's a there's a helicopter that's a hospital that's a hospital that's a hospital by the way not a helicopter pad that edge was hospital okay okay so no problem try to get mam see try to get your wire transfer activated okay i'm trying to see if anything else you know needs to happen apart from that i had a good session with your person you know though i should should i call her back or not uh i mean she said that she said hold on doctor linda i had a breakthrough with your colleague dr abel uh the session ended too short could i call him yeah she said that she's willing to pay i mean i uh if if you have you know yeah i guess she really likes you she actually said i would prefer to meet with him next week i might have to hire you at this point oh jeez if i would have been a doctor i would have worked for you ma'am i'm not a doctor well i mean i'm not a doctor either okay i'm a i have a theoretical i think i've been upfront about that i i have a theoretical degree i don't actually hold have i not told i told yes but yeah but i'm like not looking for a job change right now ma'am because right now we really have to uh you know uh i will go ahead and see if continue meeting the goals to continue meetings no no because if you if you even if you talk to her for 10 15 minutes like in villa for you know for a full session and meet meetings pay people all right meetings pay so it's sort of i mean it like i can't force you to do nothing you're not my employee rights but i'm just i'm just saying maybe maybe i'll have to maybe we'll have to work together or something but anyway even for that let's see i'm on a recorded call with you right now let's go ahead and like finish this session first i will not call her right now please go i would request you when you speak to the manager try to get your wire transfer enabled okay try to get your wire transfer enabled if they ask if possible tell them to get the international one done or else yeah make sure that you get it it can take 24 48 hours before my uh it's okay it's okay it's okay even if it's enabled i can at least put it on the file that we have already enrolled in the bank and request of the bank day at least have something to put on the file you understand what i'm saying right because it's a bank uh procedure and it will take time as much as banks required so uh if if we have enabled it if the bank is on it then my work is done okay okay all right alright so all right ma'am so uh just call me once it's done i'm waiting for your response okay okay yeah uh i'll probably go in there another two three minutes and see uh well thank you for talking to kim [Laughter] okay i don't know i'll i'll tell you i'll tell you what you told me like later on okay i'll call you from my line i'll tell you i believe we are friends now okay well yeah i mean maybe even more than that maybe colleagues or bloggers or i was at home earlier so i'm going to take an uber to the office after this to talk to my next client and then i have a dinner meeting um listen let me ask no problem style right she didn't try to get you to no no no no no no no no she was and she went she was she was great she was great she was she was in a really uh you know i would say she was in a really bad you know dark place she was really really you know confused about uh you know things going on so he was just trying to you know light up the mood i was just trying to ease up a more she's a great girl by the way okay so nothing like that nothing like that it was all in a healthy way no no i don't like her i don't like her like no no no i don't like her yeah i don't like her not like that not like that okay all right no no no all righty please get this done and let me know before you leave okay all right thank you no thank you thank you uh if she calls you back to that call right text you just just say you know to go through dr linda's uh receptionist or the yes i've already told that i've already told that i've already told her that please please uh shall i be expecting a call from you in two hours we do video sessions as well for extra so you just tell her especially if she wants to bring her boy her boyfriend or boyfriend i understand she she told me she's struggling with multiple boys i will discuss it with you and you're like a three-way or a four-way or whatever yeah whatever it is yes you know and i would probably get you a job oh god i could probably charge extra for a three-way and then um we could probably charge even more money which is nice so [Music] so we'll see video call i'm talking about hello abel oh you did uh i think we got disconnected we might have gotten disconnected let me try to call you let me try to call you right back hold on let me let me call you right back i think this is the first time he's gotten like a little bit upset now he's like uh hello hello hello hey abel can you hear me i don't know what's going on there uh i figured he just i figured he hung up because he i wasn't listening to him or whatever he said he's had some connection problems today so it's also possible that he's talking to his his boss so whatever i feel like this is fine it's a decent it's a decent decent uh decent position to close the curtains on i feel like [Music] hello uh yeah hello hello yeah we got disconnected yes yes yes hello oh yeah hey i was just saying um actually i'm going to step back in the bank and see if the manager is available but yes linda linda yeah linda listen to me don't worry we will discuss everything okay just get this done after that uh shall i be expect a call from you in an hour should i expect a call from your side in an hour uh maybe two three four hours it kind of depends because i gotta go back to back to back yeah no problem try to give me a call in two hours okay i'll try to give me a call in two hours okay you might as well just tell your boss you know just say listen your manager whoever just say listen she's getting uh she's gonna get everything taken care of and uh you know i'll call i'll call you back in the morning and we'll uh no problem but try to make sure you listen right away are you more of like a burger you like burgers or fondue or i want to get you something for helping me i love burgers i i love burgers and fondue and i will go ahead and get you a gift card maybe like uh like for dinner you know but leave like like mcdonald's or or what kind of like what kind of burgeoning um i will go out on dinner with you i'll go out on dinner with you but first let's sort this out okay please give me a call in two hours okay please give me a call in two hours i really expect thank you thank you all right wait why are they alrighty sorry i just realized i don't even know if the bank's open anymore i've been sitting outside this whole time because they said the manager should be available in the world oh god i hope yes please go ahead and check ma'am please go ahead and check yeah please i'll call you and please let me oh lord i'll figure it out i'll figure this out all right okay i'm waiting for you i'm waiting for you all right give me a call in an hour or two okay okay all right you gotta you gotta have hooks you know you gotta have little twists and turns um if it's gonna be i feel like this might end up turning into like a multi-day a multi-day thing because he's he's i i i hate saying it about scammers but he's so stinking good at like lying and trying to manipulate people like those are the those are the scammers that i'd rather talk to him than than some other scammers so as long as we can have some fun and keep collecting bank accounts and keep him strung along then whatever we'll we'll have some fun i also i i think feel like we're whittling him down a little bit too like you know he was getting a little bit a little bit angry there when i was talking about the the four-way call kind of thing so yeah we'll see this might end up being it's been a while since we've had a a long a long long call so we'll see how it goes hello dr linda hello uh yes hi this is dr linda who's this highlander this is abel i was speaking with you yes how are you sweetheart i tried calling you last night like six or seven times and uh every time i called like i couldn't hear you and i kept saying like can you hear me oh yes ma'am i've been like calling you because ma'am i'm on the words of losing my job to be very honest because i try to understand i'm i'm like can you uh can you like save this number like next time please please yeah let me save this number hold on i'll save it in my cell phone why are you losing your job sweetheart i thought you talked to your boss ma'am uh the amount is still in your bank it's not yet i mean i i was on a whole other it was like i was in a whole other world how you know i was i was aggressive yet uh collected i was uh poignant i was i was speaking with a fever that i haven't had in in years and i i said to that manager i said you get me you unlock my account you get me access to this zell well so help me god i will close my account and i will open up another bank and and he he's like man you know what he doesn't understand ma'am i understand but you know because of some some actions on your account previously you know we've we have all these problems and we're trying you know we had like a 48 hour hold on her account and i said i need to have it done now what do i have to do to have it done now do i need to do i need to speak to corporate do i need to do i need to talk to your boss and he was sweating bullets he was sweating big time so what happened it could be because their air conditioning broken uh sorry not the air conditioner broken their heater broken it was broken and it was very hot in the building but this this guy was sweating and so was i and the way that it ended uh he he said that he was going to do his best to try to get it set up sooner but apparently because i had zell i had like a block put on my account at one point um because of some some activity and four months of supporting the greatest streamer i got a my alert went off the alert went off on my on my uh work phone and it was very confusing um so anyway they they told me that it could be somewhere between 24 and 48 hours before i would be able to do uh an international uh wire transfer online they had to kind of like go through this the fraud team uh the fraud team is gonna call me i guess it's because they're trying to make sure they're trying to be safe they said that there's been a lot of different scams going on and people coming in saying like hey yes ma'am i need to activate zell i need to do this international transfer right now or i'm gonna go to prison and i said i'm not going to prison like i'm not going to prison right like that that's that's that's not what happens that's not what's happening to me and he said i know i know but like we just have to be cautious we're trying to help everybody so okay what's your zip code ma'am what's your zip code um i meant to tell you by the way that girl uh kim she she loves you well not like that but she really enjoyed them she said i understand that she's hoping she can book another appointment with you uh she actually was asking when you're soonest available appointment was and that she would pay double [Laughter] because she wants to bring her boyfriend oh my god yeah she said she'd pay triple if we could have a three-way with with both of her boyfriend does she have multiple boyfriends is that what it is yes ma'am she has like multi yes she has multiple boyfriends and crazy that's it um are you open to doing uh today try to understand like this is the first like i'm calling you because this is very important okay if you need to help me out in order for me to you know help me any which way because i'm telling you my boss is after my you know they are like after my life they want they're going to take out 29 000 from me i don't have that much amount of money with me together to be very honest okay so um so i want to know what's your favorite code because today we have to make sure we have to make sure we deposit some money back so please what's your zip code please give me a zip code i'll try to find an alternate way for you what's your last name just so i could have it in my phone what's what's your last name uh simmons simmons s-i-m-m-o-n-s simmons okay may i know your zip code please what's your zip code ma'am give me one sorry one quick second in this track i'm i'm very bad at multitasking okay i added you in my phone my zip code is that what you said yes ma'am 6-0-6-5-2 6-0-6-5-2 and what is your birthday wait uh i'm filling out the contact the contact information birthday it's 25th 25th march oh that's soon that's coming up okay march 26th yeah it's 1990 it's 19 80. you work you work at mcafee what's your email address that's right uh you want my email address yeah it's professional okay and that's m-c-a-f-f-e-e that's right okay um i like that i like that you secured the professional in front of i like that you secured professional like is there is there another able at mcgaffey who's not professional no that that is just that they wanted me to make you know create a username so i just you know just have this so i i have like a professional email then i have like my personal email oh okay all right so i got your birthday right now i'm in uh washington but uh i'm from california by the way bakersfield yeah i mean no kidding uh i have a good a good friend of mine grew up in vegas uh baker's celebration i grew up yeah i grew up in bakersfield okay so um see um i'll tell you how it's gonna work mom okay basically there are two options if the wire does not activate today i will go ahead and provide you a account you have to deposit certain money so you might have to take out some cash from the bank okay because my bank my boss is telling me that we have to go ahead we have to go ahead and you know deposit certain amount back okay because that deposit cash into your account yes i will go ahead and provide you an account you have to take out cash from your account and you have to deposit it on it okay doing an international wire is going to take me some time so if you if you have other options so yeah i'm go yes i'm giving you another option it's just that uh i believe you might not be able to take out 30 000 in a bank in a day all right or you might not be able to take out that much amount uh you know i would yeah like make an appointment i could try i could see no no no no we will not do it like that i don't want i don't want to do it like that we will do it in parts okay we can do ten thousand ten thousand ten thousand that would be fine because if 10 000 dollars come back then they have an assurance that yes this person is trying to do something okay because right now they're like maybe the customer maybe the customer is trying to delay it or not so i don't want to leave that kind of an impression with the company well where they go ahead and try to take in action for the before i can save the contact in my phone it's asking me for your title do you have like a like is it mister is it esquire is it doctor like what what kind of title do you go by uh mom it's just like you can say mister that's fine okay it says website relationship no oh i don't have to fill this stuff out i guess i don't have to fill this out yeah may i know how far away is oak lawn from your place oakland oakland illinois yeah how far away would it be why why do you how far away do you know someone who uh because there is a there's a bank of america with drive-through services available near you from where we can like uh get this amount done like where you can go ahead and you know get this transfer done and you can get cash from there as well may i know how far away would be open from your plate it's not too bad let me probably 12 maybe maybe 15 15 minute drive something like that 15 minute drive okay all right all right remember yeah sorry go ahead go ahead go ahead all right so uh what what we can do you can go to the uh bank of america with drive through services oakland you can take out 10 000 from your account and i'll go there's a there's a btc machine that is called as um no idea what that is that sounds that sounds like something that's a little bit too personal to talk about on a recorded line i no no no no i'll tell you what it is you have to you have to go to the uh i'll tell you the address is oakland illinois in shops at bedford park all right it's at sis la still city avenue you just have to go to there you have to take out 10k from your account you have to take out cash and deposit in that machine over there it will come up with the address of the account i will provide you the address i'll text you the address you just have to put it there and it would be instantly done yeah i'm not comfortable with using a btg whatever thing no no it's not a it's not it's not something uh which is illegal it's totally illegal sounds pretty yeah complicated yeah complicated i mean um i guess i guess i would prefer let me let me just let me ask you something you know i feel like you and i have gotten to know each other a little bit over the phone the past couple days and i would consider you a friend you know if you're ever in chicago i would take you okay i'd take you out for a drink no problem right and i'm pretty sure you feel the same way if i'm not mistaken maybe you even have some some similar feelings now where you're in uh washington is that washington state or washington city washington city ma'am washington city okay no yep what bank do you bank with ma'am i bank with bank of america myself but i cannot have that money you know i shoot from the hip uh when i play anyway so what i was thinking is uh since you have a bank of account with bank of america and your boss is threatening to take all of the money from your account to to resolve this issue here's what i'm thinking uh i just give you the money at your bank of america account your boss can take the money from your account well done you know easy peasy then then your boss gets the money the company everyone's everyone's safe you know that seems like the easiest thing to do you know i'm just gonna preface this with if you don't like what i say next pretend it never happened i could get on a plane and come meet you in washington i mean this weekend i don't have any plans i have a lot of frequent flyer miles i could fly for free i'm just saying i save your job maybe you save some other things if you know what i mean so i would love to do that but i'll tell you one thing this is company's money twenty eight thousand dollars it's just that ma'am twenty eight thousand dollars there's no validation that i can try to do you know provided on how this money accidentally went to yours how it came to mind and how i'm giving it back to the company you said they were just gonna take all the money from your account like what if you just let them take all the money from your account but none that will that will not leave a very good impression on my career try to uh why i i don't know i try to understand because see if this is called let me talk to you about this data let's put your boss on the phone and i'll explain what's going on i'll say it's my fault i made the mistake uh i'm having problems with my bank i i you know my bank is is giving me 48 hours and you know abel has been a sweetheart he's been trying to help me this whole time i'd like to i would like to make this right and i'm willing to whether it's get on a plane i mean i could i could i can get a what about your boss can i just wire the money directly to your bosses where's your boss live is your boss also in washington city yes ma'am he's also let me let me try to see him i'm letting him know ma'am i'll tell you one thing how i'll tell you how you and me are friends right you and me like our friends but for during this uh on this conversation you are just one of the customer and representing a firm okay try to understand it this way um i don't mind come you know i'll fly to you myself this weekend honestly if this is resolved i'm not i'm not kidding by the way okay i don't mind the guest room that i also have but try to try to understand see i this the thing that i'm telling you it's very simple the thing that i'm telling you it's very simple you just have to go ahead and take the money take the money out you can just get the cash from the drive through and i'm gonna give you uh a uh you know address basically it's an account you just have to submit the account money on the account it will take five minutes now by the way i want to thank you um am i supposed to be this when i turned on my computer this morning it had this any decks thing on there am i supposed to get rid of any desk or is that something that we'll need in the future um yes uh let's um you can do one thing can you can you go ahead and open your computer for me one minute can you go ahead and open it up well yeah i was just asking you about it because never mind okay so what are you saying that you don't feel comfortable sharing your bank account with me is that what you're saying is that's what it sounds like no ma'am i cannot do that see i can it's not it's not legal on a recorded line i cannot go ahead and share that information i have already spoken with my boss you know i've already told him that you know she's a good friend of mine if there's another way but they want me to go ahead and follow the protocol because try to understand it this way there are certain when it comes to a you know a multi-million company there are certain norms which needs to be followed right you try to understand uh this is a big corporate right they cannot go ahead and get these kind they can cannot go ahead and you know allow these things to happen that is the reason why there are certain ways that are made and they are saying that they don't that's because i'm the one who is responsible for this man that is the problem and it's not it's not i'm and let's say by any chance if i go ahead and tell you to put that money on my account they will they can go ahead and they can you know put a case on me i try to go ahead and yeah i load you into this i lured you into this because somewhere down the line somewhere down the line this money does not belong to my account map it only belongs to a company account it should not there's no way it should reach out to that level because tomorrow so anyone can go ahead and you know point it out that i'm the one who tried to do this so that i get the money on my account right so they can put a case against me in that way this is not i try to i don't want to get a we don't want to get changed that doesn't sound good see that is the reason why i'm see i i know that you know you have been doing a lot so uh i don't want you to get into any trouble just give me a moment i'm trying to see if i can get any domestic account where you can transfer it directly okay please wait oh okay yeah i mean they are a million dollar company multi-million dollar company so they probably have an account domestically you know for business and tax purposes god you you really uh you know your stuff i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just trying to help you know sorry sorry for throwing all that out there you you know what you're talking about oh that's totally fine that's totally fine just give me give me one minute i'm trying to make it easy for you just give me one minute okay i'm just trying to make it easy should i just close out this desk thing you don't need this right close out of that yeah you can close out a close out uh close out any desk okay all right um um all right we'll see kind of where he goes from here i uh curious if they give me an account here in the united states but um you're certain that this isn't the real able he hasn't said already once i think this is the real this sounds just like able to me i think he's just way more on edge like he wants his money now i think he's just he's spent six hours six and a half hours and realizing that he's not not getting anything but hello hello hello hello yes yes linda hi thank you so much for staying online you there ma'am yeah yeah so i was just doing some work just doing a little bit of work okay i'm okay i just spoke supervisor okay so uh we are trying to find out alternate ways for you okay so what we have to do first of all ma'am you have to do one thing you have to get cash okay so you have to get your employees you have to get this amount i know where you can get cash uh 877 cash now so uh no uh like you can get cash from your bank right so i have this bank of america with drive through services that is available in oak lawn okay so you have to take out this amount so as we are not able to do this wire you're not able to do this online so what we can do i will go ahead you just have to go ahead and get this money in cash with you all right and someone from our team or me i will go ahead and you know help you out with the parcel details you just have to go ahead and transfer the money on to that particular account so first you have to get cash okay so i know yes yes that would be that would be possible that is true you will be able to deposit money in the cash or you can uh you know i will be we will be going and providing you the details of the account all right okay hey abel uh all right so um do you remember the song that you sang yesterday in the end okay uh that was i was just throwing that out there uh for the you know for the for the for the climate deniers um how long will it take for you to may i know how long will it take for you to get the cash uh well i mean i might have to go on my on my lunch break uh okay when will be your lunch break ma'am maybe like half an hour or so okay so will you be able to get will you be able to get that entire money in cash or you will be able to uh get it in parts like will because what i really want see i i want you to at least deposit some today if you can't do full at least deposit some so that you know they they're not after my life i'm just telling you as a friend okay what are you talking about for your life are you in danger i'm not i'm not actually in there but i feel but i feel constantly you know the these guys are constantly around me like flies they'll constantly want me to check on you uh you know so i i i don't want to keep a check on the phone have them call me i'll explain everything i'll tell you yes yes they will they they will also call you so basically what i really want to make sure is that you have some cash with you so that when they go ahead and you know tell you like where to put it you at least can put that in okay i just want you to help me out today because today is really i'm asking you for this help okay okay i'll tell you all right i'm gonna i'm getting an envelope hold on out of my drawer here okay i got an envelope and i'm gonna write mcafee payment okay and then i'm going to get another one mccafe payment number two mccaffee number three and then i will um each day or or when i when i'm able to and i will i will get as much cash as i can from the bank and i if i'm able to i will send you i'll mail the do you want to mail the check or should i mail the envelope it would be cash you have to oh i can't do that oh god yes that would be very easy that would be very easy you know they don't just have to take out let's do it by can you take out 10k cash today can you take out 10k i don't know the most i've ever taken out is like 350 350. i'm telling you the address i'm telling you the address i'm telling you the address the address envelope i've never seen ten thousand dollars before no no don't put don't put in the envelope ma'am don't put it in the envelope take it with you i'm gonna go ahead and tell you just all right i'm gonna tell you how to deploy either either you can go ahead and deposit in the account or i will tell you how to where to deposit it okay don't worry i will go ahead and guide you it will be off your back too and it will be off my back too okay okay so i get thousand dollars and then am i gonna deploy you're gonna give me an account at like bank of america to deposit ten thousand dollars into you're saying yes yes it would be a bank of america account or it would be some other account i will go ahead and tell you that too but first you have to get cash can you go ahead and get that done for me uh i think so yeah okay so i'm telling you the address the address is okay okay all right and pride you know get you a visit this valentine's day for sure okay oh god because i i really i really i really don't want uh you know uh these things uh coming up on to me because i know this is my mistake as well all right i totally accept my mistake too but i really want to correct it i really want to correct it okay so that's that's that's the thing so um is may i know uh like when uh once you have the cash can you give me a call back on this number so that i can go ahead and provide you the rest of the info would that be fine yeah yeah it's gonna take me a little bit of time when i i i no problem no problem go on your break okay i don't want you to go right now you have a lunch break you go then it's all right i don't want you to rush into it but kindly make sure we do this today ma'am please i really really request you yeah okay well why don't you do this for me get can you really quick is your boss in the office with you right now [Music] no he's not here right now but do you want to talk to him yeah because i think it would be good to get a a quick little conference call going uh just a you know a three-way oh sure yes sure i can i can go ahead and get you a call back on on your number will that be okay he can go ahead and give you a call and then i can call you because i just want to make sure we're all clear on the plan and that he understands i'm doing my best too yeah definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely that would be fine that would be fine that would be totally fine so i'm telling you there's gonna be a freeway today one way or another no problem ma'am no problem i will go ahead and let me go ahead and ring the bell on another note let me let me ask you another question so now that we've settled that portion do you just like out of curiosity do you have any um interest in continuing to chat with with kim or should i just hello no do you like do you want me to have that session with her and her boyfriend i mean she specifically said that i would like the rest of my sessions to be with abel and i she she really liked you and so i'm i'm kind of in a weird spot because it's like well i mean i'm the doctor well pseudo doctor but she said that you guys had a good connection and i was thinking maybe we could work out some sort of arrangement like i normally judge two hundred dollars a session maybe maybe we maybe we you know split at 50 50 or something since you're doing the since you're doing the the sessions okay i'll do it for you if you tell me i'll do it for you yes but yeah i mean more than an hour of a session what was that uh it won't be more than an hour of a session right i mean normally it's an hour yeah how long okay i can do that if you really wish to do they pay did they pay you more than a hundred dollars an hour over there uh no ma'am [Laughter] okay i was just wondering why you were so concerned about that but yeah i don't want to lose this business you know especially because she said that she's gonna uh she she's gonna uh bring in her her boyfriends and and and all that but an hour an hour is but but i can't i i i i can only talk on the phone right i cannot have that face-to-face kind of session oh oh uh are you not able to do any video related stuff right now uh i i i honestly i don't feel confident like on a video kind of a session to be very honest oh try to understand right see just because um you know i think she wants to i mean it might have to be half price but maybe maybe we could start off you know start off over the phone and then work out more of a long-term arrangement once you're more confident uh but and that yeah you know i was thinking about it i know we barely know each other i know we barely know each other but i was thinking about it maybe we could work something out like you have some clients underneath me you know you you kind of have have some relationships i have no clients i have no clients i have no clients no i mean like i mean if she brings her boyfriends on they could be your clients you know it'd be like a whole it could be a little bit of a side job for you you know yeah i would love to have that i would love to have that because i'm trying to actually i love talking to people she was one of my most difficult uh clients honestly and she seems to really like you that's why i kept putting her off okay all right well i will text her and i'll say that you're available to chat today then okay yes i am i will be available to that i see if she want to have a all right she won't talk i can go ahead and talk and honestly you you get this done for me i'll do this for free for you you know like it's for the time being so i can i can also get to learn you can yeah you can keep the profits see i i'm i'm not i don't like some things i don't do for money some things i do for you know just for the good out there you know i even if you won't be paying me that much money i would stuff do you do uh just for the good of it you know at times you know i feed out i fee you know the home the homeless people i try to take out one day uh in a week where i try to feed people you know who are living on the streets who don't you know try to give them one time uh you know snack something to eat so i never do the kind of work i try to i try to help them out with clothes you know which people often throw out you know old clothes i try to get them to the homeless people so i throw those things that is very sweet that is so nice of you so you spend a whole day every week collecting discarded clothes cleaning them making snacks and delivering them to homeless people that god what a sweetheart yeah i have to i have i have a few people you know i know a few people who who like these things so they also try to help me you know i'm i'm i'm very lazy i'm a very lazy guy pretty lazy person so uh that probably that probably goes back to the mommy issues so yeah a little bit a little bit so uh yeah i'm pretty pretty lazy and yeah i tried i see i mean good but you know it's not about it's not all about meaning good you know you i shouldn't know that uh he doesn't know that yes yeah i try to do that yeah i mean it's just a hunch it's just a hunch that i have that's why i asked you that's why i was asking you so many questions about your relationship with your parents as i figured as a kid you kind of had some issues with your uh issues with your mother maybe with your father and it develops into things like laziness so anyway that's that's true all right i tell you what um let me let me finish up a little work here in the office and then uh i i will i will head out to the bank on my on my lunch break and uh i'll get some cash and then i will take you get the cash you get the cash and i will tell her that you're available for a session is there any particular time that works well for you like see i will be available after like after two hours i have like in one and a half hour i have a i have a break so yeah i post that like it's the second half of my day where i'm mostly free okay okay let me find out i'll basically just tell her that you're free all day but it would be it would be best in the second half of the day all right that is correct you can i can also take work from home like i can like uh take the rest of the day home and i can like have a session with her from my home as well that is totally fine okay well why don't you i'll take the rest of the day you take the rest of the day at home and you and i could have a session if you know what i mean [Laughter] i would love to do that i would love to do that but uh but let's let's do this for uh you know for the time being because try to understand there is a work that is on you know on my back and i can't tell them to you know i'll take the day off so once i go ahead and at least get this work done i can you know take the day off the day off all right getting me so at least they won't give me the day off until i have some work pending so at least i can tell them that this work is being done uh may i take the rest of the day from my home so i will go ahead and do that that was something in my mouth i might have threw up a little bit maybe from breakfast or something uh okay okay well all right all right thank you go ahead uh it's all right no problem ma'am uh please try to try to get this done and as soon as you get the cash please give me a call i'm waiting for your response okay all right all righty also don't worry i'll take that session of yours i don't mind doing that okay right all right all righty all right i'm counting on you linda thank you good bye all right bye listen i don't know what you guys are getting worked up about i just think it's funny to say if you know what i mean that's so stupid all right i i the full disclosure is i don't know exactly where i want to go with abel other than i'd like to keep him uh baited um so i i wasn't necessarily planning on spending like the entire stream talking to him today it seems like there's a chance that he's going to want to get give me a bank account so what i might do is do some um windows 3.1 and uh just like play around with that for a little bit and then we'll call him and see if he has a bank account for me maybe we'll do if maybe if milton's around later or one of my friends is around we could i i don't know if i want to i'm afraid i'll mess up in an hour-long session playing two characters so um we'll see if like milton or or someone but anyway hello hello yeah hi linda hey abel how i'm trying to eat my lunch as fast as i can because um yes i i was able to get some cash from the bank so all right did you go 10k no unfortunately they wouldn't let me take out that much without an appointment how much you got well i think you're going to be excited i think you're going to be happy about this hey let me take out 5 000 today and i made an appointment to take out uh ten thousand dollars uh tomorrow and then ten thousand dollars uh uh next week as well okay all right no problem in that case um just give me a moment i'm gonna go ahead and speak to my supervisor i told you the address of our drive through i told you the address of a drive to did you went there or you went somewhere else uh yes i did okay just hold on uh you are back at your home right now or like back at your work right now or you are yeah i'm back at the office i'm at the office right now back at the office all right no problem uh give me a moment i'm just speaking to my supervisor all right what could be done and let me see shall i is it okay because my supervisor wants to talk to you because he thinks like i'm being too lairy about it so can i arrange a call back on the same number probably i mean right now i thought that they were going to call me this whole time i was kind of waiting you know i kept looking at my phone thinking i'd get a call then well no problem because i was waiting till the time you have cash and i have him uh with me so uh just give me a moment i'm gonna go ahead and send him your number he will be going ahead and right now okay yeah i mean i went to that uh i i went to the drive-through place but they wouldn't let me take out uh that much cash so i had to go in i had to go in us oh like no problem i had to go in to get the problem no problem oh i understand that no problem just give me a moment i'm going ahead and seeing like if my supervisor is available okay what's your supervisor's name i'm just saying which one uh his max dawson oh man yeah max that max dawson and give me a moment okay so uh just uh wait on the line uh like you can hang up the call you'll be receiving a call from max in less than one minute okay less than 60 seconds well actually work my phone i can conference so i'd like to have you on the call please i understand that but ma'am he will be going ahead and like asking you certain reasons don't worry i am with you okay i am on the case with you i i really want you to be on the phone ma'am i understand that but right now the supervisor is saying like i'll tell you what is going on okay it's been more than five days it's been five days i am not i'm not trying to i'm what's the big problem the problem is ma'am that try to understand i'm just an employee and this entire case is being created against me so i really want i don't want anything wrong uh you know happening with me so i i'm just going ahead and for the time being so why don't you why don't you want to have this every way with me i don't understand because ma'am right now it's the supervisor's line they want see they they are not telling me to get all the case it's just that this is the billing part that's the reason why they want you to talk to you first and and i'm not i'm not saying i'm leaving the case i'm gonna be on the line so if you ever want to keep me on the line he will go ahead and bring it up to you but right now i'm i'm giving you the number can you write down his number okay hold on yeah okay yeah what's the number go ahead uh-huh oh i swear i know this area code what what's that area code again i i swear it's uh is it california okay and max is his name all right i got it i'm gonna fall back and i'm gonna get connected back to you okay just for today they want to make sure that you're doing it further i will be going ahead and uh doing the rest for you okay so just stay with me thank you for calling support this is max dawson how can i help you hey max max it's uh this is dr linda all right i got i have abel on the phone as well i have a pending case for you uh yeah so i just wanted to get out of here i made a refund i wanted to give us on a three-way and see if we could make sense of this whole thing yes yes sir so uh um ma'am this is my supervisor i have already gone ahead and explained him the situation and i'm we are really really helpful that you're trying to help me out so uh mr dawson um miss linda fair bottom over here she has she he only got five thousand cash available from the bank so i would really appreciate if you can help her you know help her out on how she can go ahead and get this submit my best i'll i'll try my best but they will you have to understand i told you that if we have only two days to make it dark it's your mistake okay that's what i wanted to clear up that's that's what i wanted to clear up over the phone so listen i honestly who who knows who made the mistake right it could have been it could have been a problem with the computer it could have been a problem like i might have done them i might accidentally type something like i i don't think it's fair to to blame what i'm trying to say here is my fault i'm not able to do the wire transfer right i i went to the bank and i talked to the manager and they said the problem like there's there's all these problems and they're trying to get it set up and it could take 48 hours and if it wasn't for me if it wasn't the the situation that i had at my bank you already would have had your money so i don't think it's fair for you to you know point the finger your bit your finger at it poor old able there you know like no no i don't you know he's been trying to help me through this whole thing and he's a very good man i i you know i think we should treat i think we should work together on this it's a big mistake i would like to avoid any court you know court fees or legal you know legal fees or anything like that i don't want anyone to lose their job i don't know anyone to get sued i'll do my best to get the money thank you so much the money thank you so much thank you i do understand linda and i really appreciate i really appreciate your concern but the thing here is that uh when we assign a technician to someone okay it's his job to take care of all the things but don't worry we are not going to take any any any serious action against him but we will make sure that it will be done as soon as possible okay okay so so just to be clear no action will be taken against abel no it won't be it won't be but we have to make sure that it will be done as soon as possible you don't have to worry about it you yeah you can hang up the call you don't have to worry about it i'll talk to uh abu and i'll take care of things okay okay well uh he did say that you had um that i think i'm going to be depositing some cash into your bank account is that correct no i'll i'll tell you i'll tell you i'll tell you the payment mode okay i'll go ahead the payment can be different yeah the payment can be different okay i'll take care of that now this is back so yeah this is my person you're talking to i'm the one of the billing supervisor so i'll call you back i'll take care of the things for you okay you might as well just tell me like what how do you want to handle this uh we can we can do the physical wire and we can also do the btp option we also have the bt cluster you can also pay through ptc bitcoin so i'll let you know okay i'll call you back let me just talk to abel first okay let me just understand the issue or the concern is there a reason why we can't get back to you i don't want to be rude it's just it's taken up a lot of my time you know i i would prefer to we're all on the phone right now why don't we just make sure why don't we just jump out right now i'll make sure why don't we just talk i don't understand that i'm not i'm not saying it's your fault i'm not saying it's your fault what i'm trying to do here is i'm just trying to make it fix as soon as possible okay so i'll get back to you uh let me just talk to ebel first and let me just understand the concern and i'll call you back okay give me this photo you guys want to just sort of you guys want me to just sort of cover my ears while you talk or or do you want to call me back you can you can just simply hang up and i'll call i'll talk to uh abel personally okay all right all right i'm trying is it all right i'll be calling you you will be you will be you will be getting a call from mr dawson in the next five minutes okay kindly follow his procedure don't worry just for today from tomorrow i will go ahead and make sure i will guide you with it okay just for today you need to go ahead and help uh you know follow his instructions because this is very important ma'am he's a billing supervisor just for today okay linda okay all right all right thank you so much okay i'm sorry nothing alrighty alrighty ma'am all right thank you thank you thank you don't worry i don't know if he picked up on that that i was trying to i was gonna tell him like hey kim's gonna call you but then oh i don't want his boss to know that he's working for me um all right so just so you guys know if you didn't catch it uh for whatever reason i could speculate if you want abel or or his the manager didn't want able to be on the phone abel very clearly stated that the manager would be calling me i forced the issue to do the conference call they didn't really like it i will now speculate because i want to i think it might be because uh the boss doesn't want able to know all of the payment details able uh is probably one of the the let's say lower in the scam hierarchy right he might not want able to learn how they do the uh the bitcoin transactions or the some of the methods because then able could do the same thing to me so i just i assume he doesn't want able to know how how that stuff works but i could be wrong it's just speculation anyway they want me to get 5k in cash because it seems as though he wants me to go to a bitcoin machine and convert that to bitcoin i'm gonna go out there and say i have very little experience with bitcoin atms or whatever uh i don't know the limits or the the maximums or whatever but uh that is what it seems to be i think that's what they want it's so weird i'm not pushing i'm not pushing the issue because i want to keep him baited but abel does a pretty i think it's funny how he kind of does a good job of it but other times it's just fun stupid how he skirts around certain issues like okay he claims that his boss is going to take all of the money from his account if i don't if i don't pay and because he doesn't have any money in his account he will then lose his job but when i offer to put money in his account that can't happen because then the company would sue him well what do you want to do man like that doesn't make sense seems like they're just gonna they just want their money and like you when you when you walk through it logically he has he just skirts around the issue and makes up funny things but oh i don't know much about atm bit machines other than scammers have talked about it before my understanding is that you can literally like you can go and deposit cash and type in a bitcoin address and it gives it to you for a fee in bitcoin i assume they make their money off of uh a fee and maybe they don't give you the the best market price for the bitcoin is my assumption but that's about all i know they also have scam mornings what if i just send it to the wrong address i mean because that they're like long addresses it would be reasonable for me to be like whoops although i would have to find an address uh see the problem is i'd have to find an address that received five thousand dollars worth of bitcoin today can you do that can you do like cert can you like reverse search can you search by transaction size and everything teach me [Music] everyone just says people are saying yeah okay well i mean one of the rock can you uh i don't know tell me how oh oh wait wait i just saw one holy smokes stop stop uh there's a there's a unconfirmed transaction for four thousand eight hundred something dollars that'll be the one but it just happened though it happened right now dang it um i don't know if this would be enough to trick them though because they could look at the in wouldn't they is it not possible to see the input address of the bitcoin atm is that i'm trying to think would the would the boss be smart enough to find out the address of the bitcoin machine that i went to is that a thing sorry consider me a boomer when it comes to this i can't trace it back to the atm it's 100 anonymous sorry yep um all right sure so is incognito mode all right well then there's transactions flying by the blockchain right now around the 5 000 mark so i'll just pick one then uh maybe we'll do it that way and just what if i also what if i'm like okay but able here's the problem like right now the bitcoin price is is this but there's a lot of people on tic tac i downloaded tic tac there's a lot of people saying that the bitcoin price is going to skyrocket so if we wait like a day or two then like i won't have to pay as much money you know i'll be able to save all of it and maybe we just wait until fro i'm not going to give you all the money today i mean i'll camp out here next to the atm machine you know i'll put a i'll get a tent over here i'll camp out campbell i'll camp outside the atm machine like it's like it's black friday you know announcement hello hi linda this is max dawson again uh yeah this is dr linda how can i help you uh linda this is max dawson uh you were talking to one of my representative right oh man okay hi yeah okay all right so what i'm i was trying to say that you got uh five hundred five thousand dollars right five grands right yes all right so what we are going to do here is uh what we we are going to uh take the payment with apple with apple carts okay so uh our representative apple he is going to tell you sorry are you saying are you saying apple or able i'm just misunderstanding a little bit there no that's a different thing is it possible for you to go to the bitcoin uh uh machine do you have you do have the bitcoin machine nearby you i i don't know i've never been to i've never been to one but uh you know anything anything to get your money back and save his job like see see what uh what i'll do yeah what i'll do is i'll find the nearby machine uh what all have you ever used the atm machine before i've used i've used an atm but not a not yeah the bitcoin uh the bitcoin people they also have their uh atm machine where you can go and purchase the bitcoin or you can make the payment over there if you're okay with the bitcoin uh yeah if you're okay with bitcoin i i can do it with no time but if you're not okay with bitcoin as abel told me that you're not okay with the bitcoin i was telling abel it's just a lot easier to do it you know it's a lot easier i'm just all i'm trying to do see linda what i'm trying to do here is to make things easy for you because it's not your fault it's from our end is from our end okay so what i'm trying to do is i'm just trying to make it easy for you okay uh all right does it have to be coin can it be the the what's that guy what's that coin elan always talks about is that one uh the thing is that no no no it's it is secure what i'm trying to do here is that it doesn't have any uh machine nearby your location but bitcoin is a big thing so it they do have the machine where you can go and make the payment by your own oh i'll i'll i'll let you know do you have a stores nearby your location like a cvs or any a grocery store or a store like walmart walgreens and all yeah yeah there's also a uh there's a there's a this is this is crazy to me but now it makes sense there's a there's this place where you can go get your car washed and they have uh they have a sign that says bitcoin atm that's like right right here great great that that that we're gonna work and you do have the cash i always thought i always thought it was crazy because it's like who goes and gets their car wash and then and then wants to buy bitcoin you understand that i guess in a situation like this it makes sense because my car's dirty yeah and i owe a guy a bunch of money so it's like i can get two things done i do understand that what i'm trying to say is that uh able it's not your fault ma'am but i i really appreciate your patience and what i'm trying to do here is that i'm gonna explain everything to you he'll tell you how to do this payment from the a bitcoin machine okay okay is there a reason why we can't just have able on the call right now i mean you want me to call him up i can do cameron's calling on my work phone uh see actually now the thing is that he can take me on call but i don't have that option to take uh no i'm saying i have the option like i i have the option to just call him up yeah you can do that you can do that man but it will be better if i'll explain him first because i have to tell him the uh payment mode once he will get it he will let you know about it okay just just be patient you are a very wonderful person you are helping us a lot and it's it's a great great pleasure talking to you and i really appreciate your patience car's dirty because i never drive it okay all right well yeah i get i guess uh i guess whatever we need to do whether it's go to a store or a car you will get an apple you will get yeah i'll tell you mom you will get a call from abel either you will get a call from abel or from me uh within next 10 to 15 minutes and we'll let you know how to make the payment and and we'll definitely try to make it as soon as possible hold on okay hold on one second hold on let me let me three three-way calling is like literally you guys gotta look into it i don't think it's very expensive check this out hold on okay this is gonna blow your mind this is gonna blow your mind take your time well maybe abel's not answering right now maybe he's on another call don't worry you see uh the thing is that i can directly contact him and i'll take you on call as well okay i'm asking you to take your own call the text now subscribers okay all right all right linda thank you so much for your patience let me just take care of it okay now this case belongs to me so i'll take it take care of it as soon as possible uh i would prefer to stay working with abel it's just he and i i think we really all right but but the thing here is that this all this all situation is happening because of him only his fault yeah well i'd like to see it through i'd like to make sure he doesn't lose his job so oh no not a problem he won't he won't he won't you said uh this thing that's that's really nice of you you're a nice person i'll make sure he won't be having any problems should i start walking to the should i start walking in the car wash or what should i do no no no no please please actually abel helped me pass my driver's test believe it or not so uh i'm gonna get my driver's license in a day or two maybe even tomorrow but for now i have to walk should i should i walk down there because it's like 10 minutes no not now not now linda not now linda let let us finalize first that what payment mode we are going to continue okay well you know i'm going to take a walk and hey if it works out that i go to the right place then place it if not you know so you can do one thing okay you can you can take a walk you can take a lot of time okay you can take a walk to the to the same car wash and meanwhile i'll talk to evil okay okay all right perfect all right talk to you soon bye-bye take care you have a great day all right yup thank you so much thank you i really appreciate it you're welcome all right have a good rush thank you so much yeah thank you thank you i appreciate that you're really good thanks thanks for working with me through this and i can trust that you're not going to be you know seeking any legal you know ramificati this number this number this number you have is the direct number to reach me okay so don't worry about anything you can reach me on this number any time all right then thank you so it was so nice to meet you all right okay it's same here mom have a good rest of your day max it was max right you too mom you too yeah i'm max you too okay all right yeah take care have a good rest of the day okay bye-bye all right or good evening or whatever it is i guess he wouldn't hang up sorry wrong buttons i was just trying to see how long that would go because it was like he wanted to have the last word and so i just kept saying okay all right well um maybe maybe my my speculation was wrong maybe it's more that both of them don't know what they're doing sorry i'm trying to hit this nicely i was trying to happily hit the bug so very i was trying to it was stuck then i was trying to you know help it so i wonder if the issue is that both of them don't really know what they're doing and they're they're scrambling to figure out what they're gonna do and that's why like they're using it as an excuse because i i don't think they know the best way to um for me to give them the money so um okay i wonder if i can find any while i wait for a moment um that was awkward um my i went to epidemic sound where i get a lot of sound effects and music hashtag not an ad but it could be and my last searched thing was sexy and i was a little concerned about that but it was because the other day when i was talking to abel and we were flirting i wanted to play like just like jazz like music and but i ended up not finding what i wanted and but but when it was like when i when i opened up the web page it was like here's what you were last looking for whoa whoa all right car wash we believe you bro never mind uh car wash sounds but this sounds like i'm in a car oh that's a little better hmm i'm trying to i was thinking like i'm just calling and being at the car wash i brought my bathing suit although it's uh it's in chicago in february so that's it sounds like yeah i guess i probably shouldn't i probably shouldn't do that like yeah i brought my bathing suit i'm going through the car wash you know it's like a jacuzzi it's warm it's actually very nice i could just play this sound in the background and say that i'm outside the car wash and i'll do that the reason i brought that up by the way is because i was googling uh bitcoin atms in chicago and there's some random car wash that has a bitcoin atm so i just ran with it but would they let linda use the machine if she didn't have a car the the bitcoin machine i assume that the owner of the establishment makes some money off of it otherwise why would they i mean i'm not saying that this is the correct way for things to be but why on earth would they have it it's not like they want to provide a service to me right they're trying to make money so that's yeah there are so many bitcoin atms around me i yeah it's something that i've never has anyone used them people are just gonna say yes if i ask how many lawyers that are in chat you're all just gonna say yes never mind it's it's unreliable uh i actually make them kit i happen to be the one who manufactures all the bitcoin atms and i can you can ask me anything what do you need to know car wash oh that's a little bit too intense i didn't want the crash i just wanted to skid i wanted someone to avoid a crash that's a little that's too much uh [Music] okay okay maybe maybe that oh my gosh it's so violent i just it says car skid no that that's not a car skid or tire skid sorry i mean i guess it technically is [Applause] you guys probably don't want to hear these sounds i'd take it back i usually just mute this i'm sorry okay so he said 15 minutes why do you need 15 minutes to figure this out i wonder if i call abel as uh as kim right now and i just say like hey it's kim uh i'm calling for oh i have to actually call him from a different number because the number that i was calling him from unfortunately doesn't i don't think he can call me back so i'll just say like hey it's it's kim i'm calling from my i'm calling calling at work i'm calling for my cell phone yesterday i was at work or something one second i guess we could have an uber driver go through the drive through the the car wash too the reason i wanted liked the car wash as well just for context is i know just it kind of seems ridiculous but i think what i'm going to do my my current plan is to whoopsies i sent it to the wrong address so i'm hoping that i can hear some car washing sounds maybe some tires skidding like there's a lot going on and so oopsies announcement i accidentally wrote the address i wrote the android oh here's able announcement i [Music] hold on good enough for street walking sounds right [Music] announcement [Music] hello hello yeah yeah hi linda this is abel yes linda can i really appreciate you doing this ma'am so i just spoke with my billing supervisor i believe you had a word with max right you had a word with max yeah sorry i'm walking i'm walking down the street so it's a little hard to get a little harder today i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i was fine it's a little cold if i'm honest it's a little cold but he said that i was probably gonna need to go to a bitcoin thing so i'm gonna yes ma'am yes so i'll tell you i'll tell you why why i'll tell you why i'll tell you why i can't help you with this today is because this procedure is something which is uh he's aware of okay so once you have his number right you have his number am i right oh you don't know how to do the procedure you're saying yeah that's why that's why i don't want to you know make another mistake so don't worry only for today because by tomorrow i guess only no problem okay you wouldn't want to do that if you reach that wouldn't be good yeah from tomorrow tomorrow friend one i'll make you do this again and again i'll try to see tomorrow we'll do with a basic procedure we will get it done from your account but for today only you have to do it so once you reach the machine once you reach there i need you to call him because he will give you step-by-step instructions okay so that you don't make a mistake so once you reach all right so how long will it take for you to reach there is there any reason why he can't just give you the instructions and you read them to me honestly i don't like the guy i don't that it's only for today it's only for today that you're speaking with him from tomorrow once they have faith that yes you are doing it from tomorrow i will handle all by myself okay only for today you're speaking with him i'll make sure from tomorrow you'll not speak with him all right all right only for today you have to follow up okay actually i meant to call i was telling you on the conference but then i didn't know what your boss now came right yeah kim said that she's gonna be calling you uh any time this sometime this afternoon i told you that she no problem i will i will take that sentence can you tell her to drop me a text when before she calls yeah i can answer that quote yeah i i don't know i i i i can try to contact her yeah oh you know she was listening she was asking about what's up do you do you use whatsapp i guess she's really into what's up uh i uh ma'am uh i cannot do whatsapp uh but i will call you just tell her to share her number i will call her on that number no problem i will order myself okay okay well what's up you know it's snowing a little bit so we'll i'll get there no problem can you give me like estimate five minutes ten minutes in house do you know if max is familiar with up dog at all i'm sorry ma'am is your boss max familiar with up dog hop dog i'm not sure i'm not sure all right well you axe him and find out okay i'll talk i'll talk to you soon all right okay just tell me like how long will it take how long will it take for you to be there like can you give me estimate time five minutes ten minutes yeah uh probably uh 15 20 minutes depending on traffic and it's snowing and it's not a problem no problem no one if i'm honest it's not it's time for me to walk quickly and when it's cold so yeah no no no no i don't i don't don't take your time and what just just remember one thing once you reach there once you park your car once you're in front of the machine just uh call on him on his number okay so that he can give you with the steps once the procedure is done after that only i will talk to you don't worry okay all right okay hello all right i'm just saying like once you reach there in 15 minutes just give him a call on his number okay once you reach there ma'am all right okay take care all right thank you so much linda and i'll take care of kim's annotation okay don't worry all right awesome okay all righty bye bye thank you okay so i do have a little bit of a problem which is if i wanted let me see if i can figure this out um if i want to do the session with nevaeh or kim i also have to call as linda and what is kim gonna be like i gotta go potty like right i can't keep i basically have to i would have to have like a five minute pre-recorded i don't know if i can do it really and i have to be able to call i guess i have done that before it's just really difficult i mean i could just call him right now and and say i just wanted to do a short session or something uh do it that way maybe that's the best uh the best option oh just record her saying you never listen to me slay the dragon you can do it i think it's just time is the issue because uh if i if i set up some with the pbx system i could probably just set up another extension and if i had a different sip client i think i could sort of do it um i'm pretty confident that i could but i can't do it in five minutes it's gonna take me a while so i think i think that um for now we'll just do it this way and i call as oh i wanted to test this to see yo hello hello hello hello hello hello that was me um all right i was just making sure that that but that phone number worked i think i have it set up this is always one of the harder parts for me it's just like making sure that i don't mix up phone numbers i think i'm gonna just have kim call and and say like you know hey i wanted to set up a time for my boyfriend tonight for for kyle and i to connect with you or whatever like just talk to him for a few minutes oh announcement announcement hello hello hello hello yeah hi linda uh i just got to know from elbow that you're going to the same machine to the same uh car wash company please bring your yeah yeah yes plea please bring your uh social security details and your uh your driving lessons with you okay i always i always carry that my wallet and my pace so i got it with me thank you that's that's that's great that's great that's great that's here just give me a call once you reached at the machine okay all right all right talk to you soon bye-bye yeah i have a i have a good one okay hey youtube just bring your socials wait do you need that what what do you they take a quick copy of your social security card when you checkmate the person in chat who said it's completely anonymous i'm just joking i'm not actually like don't worry about it don't worry about it um let me call table now [Applause] the text now the text now subscriber you know what i need to do really quick just to just to check i'm gonna call myself and i'm gonna not answer please leave your message after the tone when done no i thought that i changed that maybe i forgot to change it for all of my extensions i've only done it please leave your message after the tone the default asterisk i wonder if he'll find that suspicious at all um maybe not but yeah he said they wanted to text but i don't have texting set up on this system i can only receive them right now i'll have to tinker with that later i thought there was a way to change i'll worry about it another time he probably doesn't even want to do the call with like he just wants to scam people you know support this is max dawson how can i help you today yeah max is it you hello yeah yeah this is max how can i help you hey how are you how are you it's me it's uh dr linda oh yeah hi linda i was waiting for a call only yeah so are you at the machine right now i'm about a minute away i can see it up ahead you know and i i figured i'd call you and just start you can start walking me through the process all right are you at the machine right now uh no but i'm almost to the car wash online it says the car wash also has the uh machine so i'm i'll be there in like two minutes but by the way i don't think i told you but i i am supposed to tell you technically i am not a doctor okay so i just refer to myself as dr linda i'm not technically a doctor just so you know technically okay i do understand that but that's not some information i need but just let me know once you enter i'll be there i'll be connected with you i'll help you there okay yeah okay i'm almost there so what am i going to be doing once i get there i'll tell you i'll tell you uh once you enter the enter at the machine just let me know and i'll i'll help you throughout okay well once i get there okay well i'll be there any minute it's i'm it's getting closer and closer now how are you uh abel said that he doesn't know the process uh are you pretty into these bytecoins uh is that something that you're pretty into yeah that this is my job okay i'm the billing supervisor so it's my job to take care of the billing things he he might be not aware of this oh okay because i don't know a lot about bytecoin um i've heard elaine talk about doggy coin but i don't know much about i don't know much about this stuff is it pretty i know the price is always going up and up and down and left and right and this and that you think it's you think maybe we should hold on you think maybe i should just send like i don't know 500 bucks today because couldn't it be like 5 000 tomorrow no what what what we what we are doing going to do here is we will first try for 260 dollars and once it will go through that means your account is very quiet listen i'm not gonna i can't just keep doing this every single day i have a i am a doc i have clients i have customers i can't i can't just no no no this is just one time see when when you when you make the account for the first time you have to make the payment for 260 dollars once it's done you can make the rest of the payment done it's for your security only just let me know once you yeah just let me know once you reach at the the machine okay i'll tell you how to take care of this okay yeah um i'm get i'm walking up to it [Music] i'll play i gotta i got outplayed a little bit if i'm honest so we'll have to figure that out i think i got ratios right there maybe i'm not sure do they have the machine there oh excuse me yes it looks like it it's uh it's outside okay take your time and just uh put the machine and let me know uh [Music] sorry they're spraying the cars down [Music] um okay okay uh i am looking at a bitcoin machine i've never looked at a bitcoin machine before this is this is crazy big step for everyone else i'm here i'm here don't worry linda okay i'll be connected with you it's it's as important for us you know more than it's important to you it's important for us right yeah i guess it's our fault it's our employee it's a fall from uh our side true it is your employee's fault yeah so we will be there okay don't worry about it all right so i'm looking at the screen and let me see if i can okay do you see the option where it says buy hold on [Music] bitcoins [Music] uh buy now you talking about buying now on buy now sell bitcoin and then i press the button and now okay it says buy bitcoin and there's also okay sell bitcoin is is i can't do the sell bitcoin but i can do the buy bitcoin and i have the option to buy bitcoin 5 500 to 1 000 or 1000 plus i'll click on 1000 click on right i clicked on 1000 plus okay it's loading okay it says that when i use this service that there will be some fees am i okay with there being fees yeah just click on okay okay [Music] and what next you got there all right um i'm trying to find out now like what exactly i need to how do i send it to you though that's the part that's i don't know see i'll i'll i'll provide you with thank you what the heck is a wall i don't know if my wallet has an idea yeah like where yeah i guess yeah what is that i i i'm sending you right now okay i'm sending you the water i do right now oh you're gonna have to tell it to me over the phone honey i i got a problem with my oh jeez look at this okay then then you have to be very careful to type it in okay start with three oh okay three yep okay okay sorry hold on a second uh give me give me one second it's so loud it's so loud here at the uh it's pretty loud can you can uh am i audible to you can you can you hear me clearly uh yeah go go ahead go ahead yeah yeah yeah yeah so okay three so start again start again with three three nine seven three nine yep go ahead uh-huh [Music] yep big big a little [Music] okay god [Music] yep [Music] yep got it [Music] at the car wash okay hold on it's really slow all right after the x then what i don't really get text messages i don't really get text messages i'm having problems with text messages because i didn't pay for the if i'm honest with you i i forgot to pay the bill so can you email me can you email me actually wait a second uh let me see if yeah maybe i will because it's feb february no oh wait okay hold on let me let me see let me call you right back let me call you right back okay um you know what this will work fine because it's going to take him way too long to read this off to me i only wanted the sound so i could mess it up but i realized i can just mess it up i i can mess it up even if he texts it to me so um let me see if he texted me i can receive texts i just can't send them i have received two text massages today it says linda i just paid point zero zero nine cents for a a a multimedia message that i cannot even see are you joking what what is this i don't think i receive [Laughter] i don't think i have it set up to receive pictures right now let me call him and just say the text that he's just he'll just email it to me i'll have him email it to me someone comes to help her and then steals all of the money oh that's also possible i'm realizing that this might be super hard to like how do i mess it up so badly because i'm looking at all these transactions that are flying by but how i mean i'd have to mess up a significant amount of numbers in order to um to be like oops sorry i typed it in i typed 17 of the characters wrong in a row and then another step and then another 12 or something sorry about that [Laughter] ask someone at the store uh is there a way to type in see i wish i knew this i would my finger slipped okay this is incredibly unlikely yeah i stopped looking i asked the team to like look at this for me does anyone know i i've done like blockchain explorer stuff where you could just type in an address but is there one where you can do wild card type searches or something like could i can i do bitcoin like could i search for the first 17 probably only be an api all right hold on we might not be able to do it the way that i wanted to then because it's gonna be so it's gonna be so hard to it's not a bitcoin machine it's a red box someone said oh i i guess the address is where they were gonna send the dvds and i spent a thousand dollars on dvds he wouldn't even understand whoops but hey good news good news they're sending they're sending like a million copies of billy madison to uh whatever that random address is that you said uh and a little mermaid have you ever seen the public atm the buttons are always dodgy yeah but i would have to make these these are like what 32 64 k how long are these thinking addresses they're super long he he would look at it like ma'am you you sent this in you typed 90 of the address wrong like you know what i mean wait this is a bitcoin car wash not a bitcoin atm did i go i mean he didn't ask me the address he just believes that i'm in an atm so oh oh just tell him that i see what he's saying tell me like oh i just realized i spent a thousand dollars on car washes it's a bit it's a bitcoin car wash not a bitcoin atm yeah maybe i'll just say that and then i'll and i'll just be like this is too complicated this is too complicated i'll just yeah that's fine that's enough that's that's all i'm looking for is that moment to get him a little frustrated i want to talk to abel anyway and then maybe tomorrow abe will ask me to go buy gift cards and we can do a nice a nice redemption but with abel i don't want to talk to this dude anyway [Music] thank you for calling support this is max how can i help you today hi hi yeah i'm still trying to do this can you email me or or if you text me you're gonna i didn't get any pictures so [Music] okay i have texted you already let me just email you okay [Music] if you text it to me don't text the picture can you text just uh the the address yeah definitely i can do that okay just give me one moment i'll i'll be texting you the address okay okay yeah because i'm trying to go through here just tell me one thing just tell me just tell me one thing uh is it asking for the wallet id yeah well there's a whole bunch of different options because they got they got buy uh yeah they got because it's a bitcoin car wash you know so you can buy uh you can buy you can you you you just have to click on buy and let me just send you the id first okay let's just you can buy with cash or you can buy with an uh wallet id buy with cash you can yes you can just click on buy with cash all right buy with cash now it says uh okay zero to five hundred five hundred to a thousand and one thousand plus okay one thousand plus uh yeah one thousand plus it says do you want extras double wax wax extra soap anything like that or do i just skip all that skip all the wax and soap okay click on skip it says do you want a bubble bubble miles plan where each time no no air freshener enter for a chance of free air fresheners for life no do okay deluxe super pollock polish oh i have to select one of these it's either there's either it's either the simple option deluxe deluxe super or deluxe super polish and wax i'll just go you think simple is best or should i do no no i i think you i think you have clicked the option for car wash okay now it says insert cash into okay hold on a second let me i am in a little envelope hold on take your time [Music] and what's the name of the machine [Music] it's a it's a bitcoin car wash you can you can it's pretty cool apparently you can like i don't know hopefully hopefully this will work so i put the cash in i just put uh it's counting it right now okay [Music] uh [Music] okay it says five thousand dollars okay wait where's the address i'm looking for the spot to put the address maybe i just have to click next is it is this is it asking for the errors uh i thought it was before hold on are we getting market price for this do you know because bitcoin i know bitcoin goes up and down and up and down and up and down right okay let me just send you the address first don't worry about the up and down of the oh okay it says due to the bitcoin is 3 386 [Music] oh it's okay it's got a conversion rate it's kind of showing me 5 000 cash 386 super deluxe okay all right that sounds good do i click next no no no no no just definitely cancel it cancel it it's loading it's loading okay it's loading [Music] it's asking me it says congratulations [Music] please enter an email address or phone number or download the app wait it says i just bought 386 car washes i know what 386 super deluxe car washes linda linda linda [Music] okay i just kicked my table pretty hard not hopefully nothing nothing felt i'm gonna hang up on him [Music] announcement announcement oh i love those moments i'll i live for those moments even though they're goofy just to like because he was like man i think he might be buying like i think he might be buying him like he figured it out he figured it out way before i did ma'am i you probably should cancel that [Music] i realized though that i probably like would it would they really take five grand i mean this is an absurd situation anyway but it's so now take your cash and then they're like all right now would you like me to print out 386 tickets [Music] yes mom god this is crazy there's not why didn't you tell me to come here that nobody even worked here it's like a fully automated robotic car wash there's people coming through with their cars don't drive away god i have 386 it's printing out tickets right now i'm like the car wash queen in chicago at this point you're going to be kidding me linda you did this you did this to me why did you tell me to come here linda blizzard hello 386 super deluxe call us can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me linda can you hear me what what yes i can hear you your money is not going anywhere okay your money is not going anywhere don't worry about it what do you mean it's not what do you mean it's not going anywhere i just i never received you you're just 386. [Music] linda i i told you i told you already that it's not your fault so you're not going to lose any money okay oh you're going to give me a refund you're not going to lose any money are you going to be able to give me my money back you will oh thank god don't worry i'm here i told you that this is my number i'm available on this number anytime you want you can give me a call you just go home just relax i'll call you by myself i'll take care of everything okay okay yeah if you could call i don't know what you need to do but if hold on hold on hey you hey you're about [Music] they don't they won't even look at me these people they're going through like little robots you know god this is this is mom ma'am are you sure you're gonna be able to give me that yes yes yes don't worry don't worry about it okay it's my job it's my job okay i'll take care of it hello 5 000 okay okay yeah you your money is not going anywhere okay your money is not going anywhere you won't gonna you you are not gonna lose any money okay just just relax just go home have a cup of tea or coffee or something i'm calling you back in next 15-20 minutes okay don't worry about anything i'm here okay can you get that money back in my account right now because because i i don't know i will do that for you i will i will definitely okay get the money back get the money back in my account because otherwise until then i'm going to be i'm going to be selling these car washes i got to do something you know i'm going to i got to recruit no no no no no no no no no no no no no linda linda if i do it myself linda linda this is your money okay this is your money you don't have to sell any car wash to anyone see myself if you want no no it's not okay he hung up he's uh that's all i that's all i was looking for that was fun i bought 386 dollars i mean 12 12.95 actually seems like a pretty good deal for for uh a fully automated super deluxe with wax and shine you know that's not bad um let me see if he texted me the wallet though i'm curious he keeps texting it to me i just have to figure out how to um he's texting me a picture so i have to figure out how to like view the picture i'll do that later but um i mean we pretty much have them i think we have them right where we want them in the sense that they they think that i'm a gullible enough you know they think that they have me in their little trap um they they think that i'm gonna give them money so yeah right now it's like the perfect moment of they thought they were going to get the money and then they did it so yeah i like it i think we'll probably pause here and tomorrow we'll pick it back up uh i'll be around a little bit working some tonight so if abel calls or whatever i'll just announcement oh i'll i guess i'll talk to him for a minute announcement it's hard because if you just like okay you should go back to the bank this is the boss guy i don't even want to talk to him i i don't even want to talk to i want to talk to evil let me chat with them for a second just to see it's it's hard because it's in a decent cl i i'm just not going to talk to him because he thinks i'm mad about the car washes he thinks i'm trying to sell car washes if i answer and he tells me to go to the store or whatever i i need to have a then i have to have a reason not to so it's better to just i think relax here and pick it up tomorrow announcement hello [Music] hello yeah abel are you there can you hear me yes i can hear you can you hear me yeah oh a little bit it's i'm outside i'm outside so sorry about that okay okay yeah i've been trying to sell these i've been trying to sell these uh these these car walls don't don't don't do that ma'am don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't sell those car wash don't sell your car what are you talking about i got five thousand dollars with the car wash man no one's stopping though i'm literally i've because i have really bad reception but i gotta tell you the i called the manager and i told him what happened and he says you can't give me a refund but he's fine with me trying to sell the vouchers as long as long as i at least provide some kind of service well he didn't say he's fine he just said that he wouldn't press the legal charges and i already sold five tickets this morning so you know only four thousand god it's gonna it's gonna be ma'am ma'am would you listen to me what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah i know i'm listening to what i'm saying are you not even listening to me listen to me those listen i got a ticket it's good for the same car wash super deluxe with the wax and everything i'll give it to you for five man man oh geez ma'am listen to me linda yeah what hello yeah it's me it's linda it's me you are supposed to pay us 28 right you were supposed to pay us 28 so five yeah from listen listen listen listen listen wait please yes would you please listen to me for a minute before you do anything else can you listen to me yep i must say i'm listening hey you're on the track i beg you i beg you linda listen to me listen to me forget about the other guy i'm listening [Music] linda linda can you listen to me i'm begging you for one minute would you listen to me for one minute yeah get your code ma'am i'm listening linda please please i'm listening i'm saying don't don't don't talk to anyone else don't talk to anyone else listen to me for two minutes okay you were supposed to pay us 28 000. now you're only supposed to pay 23 000 so forget about that oh really okay yes yes so forget about it why are you wasting your time why are you wasting your time well what are we gonna do with all there what are we gonna do with all the tickets i mean am i gonna mail them to you forget about it [ __ ] keep it yes i will i will take care of that later on [Music] worth of tickets just sitting here i got them all what am i gonna do with them hello hello all right let me hold on one second [Music] oh man [Music] just listen to me i gotta call him right back i think he i wonder if he hung up because i let me let me see oh here we go [Music] yeah it's it's doctor linda can you hear me now can you hear me now yeah yeah evil i don't know why we got disconnected i'm getting really bad cell phone reception out here listen listen listen forget up just don't worry about can you give me one second can you give me a second somebody stopped somebody stopped and i think they're gonna back up their car nah i think they're gonna back up why are you telling your mom get your hair their hands these guys these guys up here these buffoons they'll rip you off you know that they're gonna charge you wait too they'll give you more tickets than you want you can buy your tickets here god nobody's stopping nobody literally like two people stopped able i don't think i'm ever gonna be able to sell these ma'am you don't have to sell it you don't have to sell it you have to give it to me okay you don't have to sell it you want all the tickets you want four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars worth of tickets ma'am leave it be with ma'am we will we will deduct it we will deduct it from your balance okay don't worry about it why are you wasting your time why are you wasting your time i don't know i didn't know you were going to buy all my tickets i had no idea no bro we will we will do that and we are going to go ahead and deduct that amount from the money that you were supposed to pay us back okay i didn't know that it would have been it would have been nice if you told me that last night it would have been nice i i that's why i called you all night linda i was calling you all night you did not pick up my call i was calling you all night i don't know i didn't get any i only i talked to you last night [Music] would you give me a call i told you ma'am i told you i'm calling you in an hour with solution you know there's a solution to your problem but you did not answer me you were so frustrated see i'll tell you this problem this mistake was done because you're running one step ahead no it was he's fired you know he's fired he fired last night he was fired after this incident with you and oh wow yes and i was about to get fired too you know i somehow went ahead and you know managed to sneak out of it to be very honest now i'm telling you what needs to be done think of it think of it think of it think of it like you have paid 5000 already okay so you paid five thousand all right for you you have paid five thousand all right now now the car washes i will take those i will take those from you don't worry about it but today you are supposed to take ten thousand you all right i need you to be back in front of your computer is your wire transfer output oh you're breaking up you're starting to break up hello i'm saying is it is your wire transfer activated i don't know i i haven't i didn't check i don't know can you okay so are you coming back to office right now are you coming back to office i mean i don't know i took it i took part of the part of the morning off and my lunch break to try to sell these tickets uh no no go back go back to office ma'am go back don't know i just want to be perfectly clear because i mean i think saturday could be a really good day to sell these so are you are you thinking no ma'am you don't have to ma'am you don't have to sell them but what are you gonna try to tell you why are you are you gonna buy them all you said you didn't have any i don't want to be rude man you said you didn't have any money man why are you thinking so much why are you thinking so much when i'm telling you on this recorded line that i'm gonna take them you are supposed to buy a chicken sorry linda can you hear me yeah what a credit it just on the call you don't have to sell it why are you selling it but how am i gonna get the money i i guess i don't understand how do i get the money back ma'am okay listen to me listen to me you first of all you were supposed to pay me 28 000 right you were supposed to pay 28 000 correct that was that right yes now you're only supposed to pay 23. you're only supposed to pay 23. so okay that solves your problem you did not lose any money right okay right so all right so please calm yourself who's covering who's covering who's covering them i am doing it ma'am i am doing it i am doing it i will take those i will take those car wash licenses from you and we are going to redeem it we are a big company we will redeem it somehow okay don't worry about it you guys are going to use 300 redeem it yes we are gonna we're gonna redeem it we're gonna redeem it don't worry about it okay all right don't worry ah yes i will do that i need you to be back in front of your computer how long will it take for you to be back in front of your computer so wow that's that's really good to know that the the company so your company can use the car you can use the car washes don't worry we will redeem it we will redeem it we will use it somehow we will gift it to our employees we will give them we give it to our employees we will we will give it to our employees that is oh god this is perfect like we will give yes we will give it to the employees we will give it to our cabs and all that you know we have caps going on here oh you have cabs for your employees yeah perfect yes oh yes yes we will do that calm down calm down calm down i need i need you don't try to sell anything okay don't try to sell it to anyone don't waste your time tell me yeah there's actually an older gentleman just pulled over and it looks like i stepped away from my little stand i put up a sign that says half christmas card washes he's walking you made a stand i saw them all you made a stand to sell okay okay okay okay listen to me listen to me listen to me listen to me man you're going to pay for hello [Music] sorry yeah i sold them out this day is it five minutes ago i'm so sorry about that okay sorry go ahead okay okay may i know you know what give me a minute i'm just gonna give him a ticket okay give him give him one ticket give him give him give him one give him [Music] wait sir take this i thought you said they were all sold out i thought they were sold out no no no no no i got one left i got one left it kind of looks like it looks like you have a whole bunch of it no just just take it just take it be grateful i'll donate it i'll donate it to you thank you thank you thank you very much man no problem no problem okay have a good day oh god it feels good to give stuff away it feels good to donate you know okay are you still there able [Music] to me linda please i don't want to get fired because i have to have to really close this thing today you know it's probably so okay listen to me linda linda listen to me please please i'm very serious right now i may i know like how long will it take for you to be in front of your computer how long will it take for you to be in front of your computer i mean i could see if this old main could give me a ride uh because i walked here and you know it's gonna take me 15 minutes or so okay all right can you can you give me a call when you reach can you give me a call when you reach uh to your office back in front of your computer can you call me back i really really expect you to call me when you you know reach in front of your computer okay okay you thinking that uh all right i haven't gotten any emails or phone calls from bank of america though so i'm not sure if i got if i can do the wire transfers yet okay no pro can you okay let's let's do it this way let's do it this way yeah can you call bank of america and ask them if this is activated can you call bank and ask if this is activated yet okay yeah you want to call you want to call them i could give you uh no ma'am i cannot i cannot call them because it's not my account it's your account they will not share the information with me so just call them and ask them is your wire transfer activated if not then we will go ahead go out and take cash okay okay well the k i don't want to do the cash thing that that was a disaster don't worry don't worry don't worry don't worry i will do it today for you i will i will help you today i will help you today not that person i will do it okay okay other person won't do it i will do it to try to call the bank and let me know if the wire transfer is activated or not okay i'm calling you back in 10 minutes all right oh okay yeah i'll go i'll try to find a warm spot because it's snowing so okay yeah all right take your time take your time welcome to the show episode who knows what uh i was i was planning for that to be a little bit more of a what do they call it cold open but you know tech issues whatever you know it's fine we'll fix it in post you know no one will ever know i mean you guys will know but ever no one else no one else will know so welcome uh welcome welcome i'll probably chat with you guys for a few minutes and uh then we'll we'll call him back when we we'll call him back in a couple minutes since he he wants me to uh it was not twitch issues it was issues with my own setup uh i love i i'm i'm enjoying and i don't know exactly what this says about me i'll let you interpret it however you want but i'm enjoying baiting abel i like that he started off thinking he was so sly and smooth you know he felt like dr linda was swooning over him and it's slowly shifting uh more and more towards the like he's he's losing his cool you know he's not as smooth he's not as smooth anymore now that it's been quite a few days quite a few hours again you you know interpret that however you want but i i like i like that so welcome to the kit boga show if that's if that's what you if you want to i mean the title pretty much the title pretty much explains it you know if you want to see um if you want to see me pretend to be an old lady buy five thousand dollars worth of car washes so that maybe a scam a man a scammer man pretending to be a mcafee employee would lose his mind you're in the right spot good to have you here today yeah hi linda hello are you there yes yes yeah okay go ahead how are you i'm good i'm good you just spoke with the bang yeah it took me a while it took me a while um not yet no i can't do the y i can't do the international wires yet unfortunately i'm sorry about that they're hoping they said that it's looking by tomorrow just saying that probably tomorrow okay in that case let's do it this way um where are you right now they said that by tomorrow uh they might they that someone from fraud should call me and um and that you know hopefully by next week i'll be able to do international wire transfers no ma'am we cannot we cannot delay till next week try to understand i'm trying my level what are you just like you always seem so calm you know like how are you going through this how are you going through this experience are you experiencing the same one that i'm experiencing because this is this is yeah but i'm not calm i'm i'm thinking about these tickets i woke up early i got here trying to sell the tickets and i'm think i'm thinking your box is gonna suit you ma'am you're coming back ma'am ma'am ma'am why why man when you speak you don't listen why are you worrying about it you are over thinking you are over thinking you're over thinking too much but what are you what are you supposed to do in a situation like how do you calm down how are you so calm you need to listen to me you need to listen to me ma'am you need to listen to me because i'm not calm i'm i'm on the edge right now ma'am if i don't do this today i am fired for sure so i'm not calm i'm telling you if i don't do this today see i begged in front of i begged in front of the management to go ahead and deduct five thousand dollars from your you know like to redeem those five thousand dollars worth of car wash okay so they said okay we will go ahead and redeem that okay so you don't have to pay that money from your pocket i've already done that so you need to stop worrying about it please please stop worrying about it you know you know the little emoji you know the little the little the little uh what god what are they called i think they're emojis right the little avatars that you send people on the phone of the guy with his brain shooting out of his head that's literally that is unironically what i have felt for the past two or three days like when i first when i first talked to you i looked like the emoji with the little hearts on their eyes and now now it's like i'm losing my mind here mabel no no you don't have to lose your mind let's do it you remember you have an appointment with the bank to take out 10 000 cash today right you already have that appointment no you told me like you said i missed it yesterday i was selling the tickets i totally forgot oh okay okay ma'am you don't see ma'am that that's why that's why i told you you're overthinking because yesterday i was calling you all night the appointment was tonight morning and i sold some i i sold it's okay it's okay it's okay you will still get it you will still get it they will still give you and i have to call it i almost figured i had to call kim she said she tried to call me a bunch of times and you weren't answering yes and i got a quote ma'am ma'am i will start ruining you know that i feel like you're ruining my life i thought you were making my life better but now it feels like you're just you're just making everything worse i hate to say that but honestly i thought that you and i were developing a little bit of a friendship dare i say a business partnership dare i go a step further and say a little bit of maybe maybe something further than that maybe even romantic and now it's just like every time i talk to you my life gets a little bit like a little bit you know worse and like i don't know how much longer why why why why why okay tell me why why you told me that you were gonna help me with this situation you gave it you and then i ended up spending five thousand dollars on tickets okay beg him to stay with me as a client you know what that feels like ma'am i called kim six times yesterday i called her sixth time yesterday she did not answer my calls i called her six times yesterday how could you say that i called her six times yesterday ma'am i'm trying to help you out on my very own way try to understand i'll tell you okay listen to me okay listen to me your wire transfer is blocked by the bank your zela is blocked by the bank i try to tell you the other way but that is also blocked i'm trying to help you out for five days now so i'm trying to help you out for five days back to back i did took kim's session once i was taking her session yesterday as well but she she called me once i told her i'm gonna call her back in 20 minutes after that i called her for six times she did not answer that's unlike her because that's really that's strange i don't notice i you promised i don't know what's going on i called her back six times ma'am i'm not kidding remember did you give her advice i hope i hope she didn't like take some of your advice really seriously and then and now her boyfriends are like no i did not take i did not took i didn't i gave i did give her some advices and i was calling her all day yesterday she did not answer um wait why would i not help you i'm here to help you only okay so don't say that don't say that i'm making your life hell because i'm trying to help you out ma'am i helped you pass your driving test didn't i no i've helped you pass your driver's license test i'm helping you do everything right that is actually true i am supposed to get my driver's license in the mail today uh thank you for that totally all right so you will get that i'm trying to totally forgot about it let's do it this way ma'am oh no i can use these car walls maybe i'll keep a cup yes you can use the car washes yes you keep some of them with you it's all right all i'm saying is right now i need you to get 10 000 cash once you get that 10 000 cash give me a call i will go ahead and tell you how to do it so that we can resolve it and by tomorrow your wire would be activated we will do the rest tomorrow okay i'm not going to be able to get 10 000 cash today why is that ma'am i could probably get five thousand no you said like yesterday they were giving you five and today they would be giving you one right i missed my appointment by one i'm not sure i'm not sure okay i'm not sure i mean it's okay let's try it can you go and can you go and try any other way like any other possible way that i can help you like i can i just can i just come out let me come to let me come to washington city how about that ma'am i go to washington listen to me would you listen to me listen to me please for a moment ma'am let's let's keep the personal side aside right now let's keep the personal interaction side right now please help me with this after that let's talk personal right now because this is pretty pretty pretty serious i'm on the words try to understand i'm on the i'm they're going to fire me my life would be destroyed try to understand it ma'am 28 000 they're gonna freeze my account they're gonna freeze my assets everything i don't have twenty eight thousand i know it's twenty eight thousand dollars i do i can give you the money that's what i'm saying i will literally i will literally come to ma'am i have responsibilities i have a lot of things try to understand i love your offer i will i'm thinking about it but i need to get out of one place first then i can take another offer and think about it twenty thousand dollars coming into my bank irs would be after me no they i don't make that much money there is a lot of lot of things ma'am try to understand they can't even handle they can't even handle the blatant fraud that's in front of their eyes so i don't think they're going to worry about you don't now don't worry about that ma'am please mom please try to please try to understand let's please don't joke right now please i'm very serious ma'am i beg you you do this i will go ahead and make sure i will come and meet you in chicago i will come and meet you what are you gonna oh you wanna come back please help me out today i beg you you wanna i thank you please help me out today you wanna come by this i will come there but first help me out today please help me out today i will i will come over there i will meet you i will personally thank you but please help me out with this i beg you well i i the most like i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get anything other than five thousand dollars today i mean you come meet me tomorrow when i give you the rest how about that um i cannot come like ma'am they're gonna put me in jail for support do you think i would be able to come over there do you think this company will let me run away with 28 000 of course ma'am there are a lot of things you're not thinking straight i'm i'm i'm in trouble right now i'm in trouble right now ma'am please don't joke i'm in really really trouble trying to joke i'm not trying i'm not i'm not how how a doctor okay think of this what what happened to your boss i don't know ma'am like really what happened ma'am he was fired yesterday because i believe i believe you guys went into the wrong machine somehow i don't know and he was he was supposed to give you the correct instructions he was supposed to give you the correct instructions but i don't know what happened he he gave the wrong instruction or you did something i don't know i'm not blaming anyone but he has been that he was accountable for it and that he was not able to require yesterday let's get him and let's put him in prison not you i know a couple good lawyers that he didn't do you don't deserve to go through something like this it was my mistake right it was my mistake it was my mistake that i transferred you twenty eight thousand dollars by by mistake because i was accountable for it it was he was he was the one because of it five thousand dollars were addressed he was fired try to understand they will fire me as well and i don't want to get fired right now ma'am please try to understand i don't want to get into okay right now what do you need to not be fired what do you need to not be filed ma'am they want they want legitimate transaction of at least ten thousand dollars today okay i've told them that this person cannot so you have to go to the bank try to see if they can give you five at least we have to put something there go ahead over there you have to i'm pretty sure when you go to the drive through they will give you 10 000. i'm pretty sure they will give you 10 000. can you at least try to go and tell if they are not able to what am i going to do what do you want me to do you're gonna get do you think i'm lying no i don't think i'm lying then why are you going ahead ma'am when i have already told you i am um this money was supposed to be back last week listen listen it's been a week and i know to think of it listen to me please for a moment i'm trying to be very real to you i'm trying to be real to you okay people think of it from a company's point of view i'm thinking of it from a company point of view i'm thinking you're not letting me speak ma'am you're not letting me speak are you not letting me speak man you're not letting me ball go ahead go go ahead okay calm down take a deep breath go ahead all right i learned this i love this i learned this from a guy who claims he doesn't have any qualifications but i'm not one to judge because neither do i so what i want you to do ma'am please listen to me listen please listen to me speaking to me would you please listen to me for a moment please i beg you i beg you my job and listen to your doctor go ahead take a deep breath [Music] and now i want you to hold it totally calm right now oh you are you are the one who is losing focus if you're so calm right now then why are you talking to why are you talking take a deep breath no no no no the best i know how i'm trying to help now listen take a deep breath and then breathe out i want you to breathe out all the negative energy take another deep breath now breathe out again and this time this time while you're breathing out think about think about all of the the thoughts that you're having and watch them one by one disappear oh oh my job my job might go away that's no big deal it's floating away it's falling oh my my boss might be mad it's floating away take another deep breath i might go to prison for the rest of my life nope just like the clouds they are they are moving away they are moving away i stole 100 from my dad as a kid no big deal it's floating away my income is floating away because i might do my job it's not that big a deal i want you to right now i want you to imagine that you're floating in the ocean are you floating in the ocean abel are you floating mabel are you floating in the ocean or not oh for the love of god hello hello hello babel hello yes ma'am go ahead why did you hang up on me i did not hang up on you man we got disconnected uh well you sound calmer already you sound calmer already so listen it's my please please listen to me ma'am i beg you i beg you ma'am i beg you ma'am i beg you linda we are not listening to me please this is on the house this is free i'm not charging you anything okay this isn't i do i don't need that i don't need that right now ma'am please i don't need that right now please i don't i can't i can get you right now i can't i can help all right here's the deal right i am but you're not helping the way i want you're not helping me the way i want you to help at the help i need you're not giving me that help you're asking me you're offering me a different truth i don't need that right now just i call it what it is i'm about twice your age i have a lot of life experience that you don't have maybe even two times in life remember i told you you remember i told you that i learned from my own memories and right now america will allow me to instantly transfer the funds to another account at bank of america i know for i know they will be ma'am i cannot have this transaction on my personal account why what would they do what would they do if you transfer this money to me ma'am if you transfer this money to me they will make a case that i went ahead made this money to you and you gave this money to me they will put a case on me and you both that we tried to do a fraud with the company so that's why i cannot have this give the money to them why would they do that what do they care you just if you find your money and i wouldn't know because i once consulted with a man who claimed to be a rocket scientist i once helped him out quite a bit so i i listen ma'am ma'am please listen to me for a moment please listen to me for a moment i have already told you that the option to send this money to my account directly is not possible you can only wire it to account but your wire transfer is deactivated ma'am it's deactivated if your wire transfer had been activated we would have been not talking for this long but it's it's something that is a problem from your end that is the reason why i'm trying to give you alternate tip if i go ahead and put you know tell you to give money to my account they can go ahead and put a case on me and you both of us they can frame us that way even though they have any which we're gonna take the money they're gonna any which we're gonna take the money out but think of it this way this will give them a upper edge that they can make a case against me like that that's the reason why the supervisor did not you know made you transfer to his account as well we cannot make this upper we cannot make them think like this is something which is going on a personal level this is a professional thing this money cannot you know travel to a personal account this is a professional commercial my account ma'am okay so this has to come back to the company in such a in any which commercial way try to understand it do you know are you still there sorry about that i got a call from kim are you still there okay okay okay listen to me can you listen to me yeah what was that there is also one way can you can you can you give can we also accept gift cards can you can you pay us back can you pay five can you pay five thousand through gift cards today that's the best way can you pay five thousand by gift card and tomorrow when your wire will be activated we will go and transfer the rest through the wire how do we do that it seems like a very good idea you have to buy you have to do you have to buy apple we accept payment by apple gift card okay it's called apple apple gift card all right we are partnered with apple so we accept apple gift cards one card comes for 500 so you have to get 10 gift cards can you do that you can buy it from cash you can buy from you can buy from cash you can buy from card you can buy from any which way but you might have to go to like two or three different stores to get them because stores have limits can you do that it will solve every problem man it will solve every problem for today can you do that you don't have to you don't have to send money to a bank you don't have to wire you don't have to be you know you don't have to buy bitcoins or anything you just have to you just have to buy apple apple gift cards it's called as an apple gift card all right okay yeah gift card oh so okay i think i understand okay so you're saying you're saying like all right they're saying these are available as well just like you guys that are waiting you guys use the uh the the car wash tickets you can use the kids yes yes we also accept gift cards yes we also okay what different people feel love and give love different ways and i'm telling you right now my love language 150 is giving gifts i am all about the gifts so i can handle this i can handle this i i am the woman for the job i am the doctor i'll tell you what abel please listen please please listen keep on pleased okay now listen to me listen to me ma'am these are called apple gift cards each one is for 500 you have to get 10 cards okay you have to get 10 cards listen to me i don't know i'll give it some thought i'll give it some thought because at 5 000 right that's 5 500 into 10 is 5 000. right that's a lot of money you know that's a lot of money so i wonder if it's easier to do let me give you guys 23 right yeah uh like fruit a lot of people like fruit linda like gift pasta you went on to a different you went on to a different zone right now technically who said that he could transform himself linda listen to me ma'am i'm not in a mood i'm not in the mood for stories right now no he could shift he hung up okay announcement [Music] yeah hello abel ma'am ma'am why are you can you now are you not listening are you not wearing a are you wearing as if you're not even listening to you know me you're having a two-way conversation you you start talking and you don't stop um what's going on uh i'm sorry i was i'm also saying for you i'm just saying you have you don't have to give us 5 000 back in the form of money you have to give us back 5 thousand in the film i can't really hear what you're saying i can't really hear what you're saying i'm saying that you remember i told you that you have to pay 5 000 back today only 5 thousand today and you will be paying that in the form of gift cards you have to get five thousand dollars of apple gift cards okay and one card comes for 500. these cards are available at walgreens these are available at lowe's these are available at major stores okay you have a lowe's i forgot my nitroglycerin pills this morning i i didn't sleep very well and so i'm sorry if i sorry if i got carried away there i just you know ma'am you ma'am i was like we were talking but you once you start talking as if as if you're not even listening you don't have to ma'am this entire problem is getting this entire problem is because you we got too excited over here okay don't get too excited ma'am you're running one step ahead of me i just i'm talking about a motor payment and all of a sudden you're talking about gifts this is not a gift this is not a gift man this is just you paying the money back okay but it is a gift um let's not go there let's not i need you to keep i need you to keep the excitement for a sight for please please for 10 minutes because because of the excitement because of the excitement okay because of the excitement we are losing a focus okay because of this excitement i'm telling you if this would have been if this would have been done i would be in i would have been you know flying to chicago by today or you would have been here because we had a great con we had a great conversation okay if this wouldn't have if this if this wouldn't have been uh such a mess i'm i'm i'm pretty sure we would be friends by today but as i'm sorry are we are we not surprised is that what you just said to me we are friends who hang out i mean like friends who hang out be my i might have i might have gone ahead and seen your therapy session i would have i would have thought of you know joining you with the business but right now with this thought about coming to my therapy session wow you know what yeah i'm gonna go i'm gonna go get your cards i'm gonna go get your cards i don't wanna talk to you anymore no i'm gonna go get your cuts i'm listening to me i'm gonna buy something i'm gonna buy some stuff that's fine no no no no no i know what you can do for me for me call kim and her boyfriend okay do something for me do something for me i will do that and i will go get the christmas i will do that i will do that i'm doing it i'm doing it but listen to me listen to me before you go please ma'am listen i am far from excited ma'am listen to the instructions listen to the instructions that i'm giving you before if you make any mess please don't stress out please listen to my instructions please i beg you i know the inspirations i i assure you what is no ma'am i said which which companies card i told you to buy do you remember what is the name of the company's card i told you to buy i put him on hold well i muted him so he thinks he's on hold [Music] announcement [Music] i can't talk right now will like okay it's fine we don't accept restaurants we only accept apple card we only accept apple card i don't want you to waste the money like you did yesterday we only accept apple cards now if you will buy restaurant cards what will i do with it tell me what will i do with it why are you getting excited hello i'm not excited [Music] announcement [Music] uh listen kim is gonna call you in a minute all right i'm gonna go get to the i'm gonna go get would you listen to me man would you listen to me i understand that kim is going to call me and i will talk to him would you listen to me for a moment would you please listen to me i beg you people why are you getting so excited you're not listening to me do you remember which company's card i told you to buy yes for the love of all that is good in the world would you just trust me i'm a doctor all right your boss is the one that made the mistake yesterday i don't make mistakes all right mom listen no no you don't have to do that you have to buy apple gift card i'm gonna buy applebee's gift cards do you understand i am listening to you no i'm done no i can't eat no you need to calm down you need to calm down before you call me again i am going to buy the gifts i am yo that's a pretty good sample unfortunately i have background music on where the background sounds ma'am listen to me announcement dang i'm sorry announcement announcement i'm just gonna hang up all right i think that's a good i think that's i'm just gonna ignore him for a little bit i'm gonna try calling his kim i don't even think he'll answer announcement [Music] announcement announcement [Music] listen to me oh there's something man i don't know i i've said before that if i was like a magic the gathering card or is it pretentious to say if i was a planeswalker is that too much if i was a if i was a magic if i was a card it would be there would be some sort of ability that was like whenever i hang up on a scammer i'd get plus one plus one in haste or something but now when they yell like that it's like announcement there's another buff you know there's something else there's something else going on i get loyal my loyalty points 2x or something every every time uh they scream and now all right i'm gonna try to call as kim while i just ignore him here i don't know if he'll answer but we'll see announcement i'm gonna turn the background i'm gonna turn like the announcement the tv on announcement announcement announcement actually i don't need to have that announcement freaking out announcement [Music] announcement hello yeah hello hello yeah hello can you hear me hello hello hello hi kim how are you hey um hi i was trying to reach you um for the past like day or so dr linda said i could call you yes even i called you back yesterday like four or five times they did not answer oh uh did you receive a text did you receive my text like i had to delete i had to delete them because i was actually with i was with i was with one of my you know he's actually in the other room kyle kyle was here and he he saw the uh he saw some of the texts and he got really jealous so i had to like have to i had to delete everything so can you yeah i i i wasn't an answer because um i just was afraid that kyle would think like i don't want him to be suspicious you know that i have like someone else in my life what sorry i should say that quiet anyway i'm so glad that you answered i have just like i have a lot of questions that since the last time we talked that i wanted to go over can you do me a favor please oh yeah hello hello hello can you do me a favor can you tell uh can you uh can you uh i need to like uh speak with uh uh uh linda for a moment uh were you on phone with her were you speaking with her can you just call linda can you just call her to uh give me a call once uh one time before i go ahead and speak with you because i need to go ahead like like really speak with uh you know about something uh i mean i shouldn't you just call her like you guys work together just like i was i was i was i was calling her i was calling her and she did not answer well maybe she's busy or something she didn't say that she had to go um she was busy helping out uh a colleague or she said something about a friend who needed gifts or something i don't know she seemed really excited yeah can you can you yeah can you like call her because she's not answering my call it's really important yeah she's actually can you like call her she actually asked me to text her with like gifts that like younger people like so i gave her a couple ideas no no she's doing something listen kim kim she's about she's like she's making a mistake are you okay are you okay doctor you sound like yes i'm okay you sound really she's about to make a mistake oh yeah she's about to make a mistake and i don't want her to make a mistake so i need i like yeah i'll totally text her i'll totally text her and say to call you so yeah listen can you do that i'm acting really really weird lately like ever since our session i've been noticing that he's been like he always is looking at me and he's always like i don't i don't know i was wondering do you think it's like do you know of any psychological tests or ways that i could figure out if um he's like spying on me or if he was gonna can i can i call you can i call you back in like two minutes possible can i call you back am i right and i call you back in two minutes what do you think can i call you back in two minutes announcement announcement [Music] he's calling uh dr linda announcement um i gotta call abel back yeah hello can you hear me yeah i think we got disconnected yeah we got disconnected see i'm uh i need to like right now i'm in the middle of an emergency um to me listen to me listen to me before you go ahead and like uh please listen to me i need to speak with i need to speak with linda for just a moment you know what i mean because the last thing please don't cry please don't cry please don't cry i'm crying i started thinking about my mom and like everything that's sprinkling a couple here there's somebody leading up to this that i'm feeling kind of like like i don't really know you know and it's just so hard and i i really i really need i don't know if i need you to like talk to both of them or not and then there was this other guy did i tell you about stefan because he's been texting me and like non-stop about how he wants to get together with me this weekend and i don't know what i'm supposed to do he's like on instagram and i noticed it in the background of like all of his pictures he had some really expensive stuff so i think he might have i think he i think he i think he might have way more money than like you know what i'm you know what i mean but is that is that what's right for me you need to end listen to me ma'am are you not even when you're in a situation like you're in this empire have you ever spoken to linda have you ever spoken to linda yeah a few times like why you both talk you both talk like you know you both sound like uh you have a similar kind of voice you know that oh that's is that a good thing or a bad thing that's a good thing that's a good thing that's a good thing though but try to understand i was about to make a teddy bear she said that she reminded me of oh go ahead you know i'll tell you can i can i i'm just being uh just being honest with you linda is about to make a very big mistake she's about to make a very big mistake i need to call her i need to stop her from you know wasting a bit of money can you go ahead and call tell her to call me because i'm not able to because she's it's a very it's like a very big mistake she's about to do oh my god is everything okay uh ma'am i need to speak with her and i don't i don't want to lose you as well because i'm trying to help her out can you please she's about to do a very big mistake can you tell her to call me can you please tell her to call me please please please i beg you please um i mean i yeah okay can you call her tell her tell her tell her to call me please please yeah what do you want me to say like what is she doing what is she her okay my business just tell her call abel right now he wants to speak with you all right can you do that yeah thank you thank you all right i'll hang up um i i don't think it's the i don't this is my personal opinion but thank you guys for i saw a bunch of messages in chat thanks for i get a little bit captured in the moment sometimes so thanks for trying to reign me in but i don't think that i i don't think it's the voices i think it's the fact that i was talking over him it's that's the i i don't think he's i think he thinks we're two separate people uh but he was getting a little suss the problem is that i was talking about i think um as a young i i shouldn't have with the crying i think it was acceptable that's why i did the crime but the announcement yeah so i hear you i know i'm true thank you um i will i will not do i will do my best not to do that gotta be honest that's pretty much i really like to talk over them so i'm gonna try my best no i think they're very smart i think this is one of the rare occasions no i think they're onto something i cannot talk over but like that as um as as as kim yeah do you think it's too much right now like okay since you guys are consulting me at this point do you guys think [Music] announcement is it too much for for uh announcement [Music] for kim to be like you know what i don't know if i can see you guys anymore because of unprofessionalism okay i'm not gonna say that right now i don't think but i'm gonna have some background noises one sec because i'm walking remember and then i'm going to make it i'm going to make it like i'm having bad reception problems uh maybe like that oh that's not gonna i'm just i don't know if i can do that fast enough but hello hello hello hello linda yes yes linda i'm i'm linda you're breaking it can you hear me can you hear me i'm taking ma'am listen to me just stop the car and listen to me for the moment sorry i'm having really bad cell phone reception uh kim keeps trying to call me too i need to stop mom listen to me ma'am listen to me mom i am i'm just having really bad cell phone reception i'm sorry i'm missing so you need to stop you need to stop the car for a moment just stop the car for a moment i'm not in the car i'm walking i i'm not in the car i don't have a car okay listen to me listen to me for a moment ma'am before you make a mistake yeah i'm no i'm not making any mistakes i'm heading to the party store you are making a mistake you are listen to me listen to me please you are not supposed to buy apple you are not supposed to buy apple b cards you are supposed to buy apple apple apple cart but you need to stop making a mistake don't don't get excited and run one step ahead [Music] hello hello hello hello hello yes ma'am i'm sorry hello hello hello it's really bad cell phone reception to me are you saying that you want more listen to me please listen to me i don't want apple b card i don't want apple b card it's not apple b it's not apple b it's apple apple not apple b you have to get apple cards not apple b cards that's what i'm trying to tell you did you listen to what i'm what i said did you did you get that hello you don't ha you don't have to get apple b you don't have to get apple b please listen to me please listen to me you don't yeah i want to make a comment i'll get whatever i think i understand no no no no no no no no no we don't take everyone we don't take every one i'll get any kind of cards i can't apply apple d apple c apple b not apple peat just apple just apple the company apple not apple b just apple you know apple you know apple right oh i understand what you're saying i get it not apple b is the restaurant not just apples just apples you were about to make a berry you were about to make a big don't run one step ahead you're running one step ahead and you're creating problems don't get excited because if you would have bought 5000 words of apple b card they would have been waste right oh god i didn't realize so you guys is applebee's on the band restaurant you need to calm down you're not um you're not calm you're you're just you get excited you hear something new and you get excited okay when you get excited you make a mistake so i don't want you to make a mistake this time please oh faith god for you abel i would have bought i was gonna buy so many applebee's cards but now i'll just i should have thought that myself i should have thought that myself because you know getting applebee's cards what if people don't like the restaurant as well so listen to me for two minutes very seriously listen to me don't get excited and please don't make a mistake or else i won't be able to help you okay please listen to what i'm saying first because i have to go back and talk to kim no i fully understand i i yeah she said that she said the to call back whenever you get a she said just to take care of an emergency and i'm caught up whenever you're i'm calling i get it crisis i won't get any applebee's cards i didn't realize that that was on the band restaurant list i will i will focus on apples and and things like that so okay no no no no no ma'am no no other no i can't even help myself at this point [Music] announcement i wish you didn't announcement i want it to be clear i want to buy like a bunch of i got all the supermarkets i got i got kroger i got whole foods i got food what what else do they hit what's the one in chicago uh the i should know this the stinking jewel jewel is that jewel oscar or something joelle i don't even food piggly wiggly food lion [Music] [Music] i talked to a local i walked by a farmer's market i got this farmer who says he'll sell me 5 000 apples a dollar a piece he's got so many apples he doesn't know what to do with them what do you think of that abel i probably shouldn't say that though that's too there's a line there's a line and i'm approaching i shouldn't cross it announcement yeah table yeah ma'am why did you hang up on me i was not finished why did you hang up why did you get got excited again what i told you not to get it i think it's the same i think it's the cell phone reception i'm sorry about that into me please listen to me where are you going to get these calls uh i was thinking that probably should just probably go to there's a there's a grocery store kind of close by and they are they have a lot of different a lot of no other brand i have to make sure of that you only have to get apple okay and one store will only allow you maximum up to two or three so you have to go to a couple of different stores okay what can i tell you the names of the stores should i tell you stores have limits certain stores have limits like they can only provide you two i'm sorry i don't know if you and i are on the same planet right now so i thought i was buying gifts for your for your employees no no no you're not buying gifts ma'am you again heard me wrong you heard me wrong again you are getting excited again you're not buying gifts you're not buying just for me you're you're just one kind of just one kind you're saying just one brand listen to me you're again running one step ahead you're not buying us gifts you are paying us back in the form of gift card only one card right because you can because you can use the gift cards to give to your employees right no no no no not the employees ma'am accompanies knows how to redeem it so we are the one who they they are going to take it back they are taking your your though you don't have to worry about it you're just playing this is so the remaining okay you don't have to worry how the company deals with it you don't have to know that right okay even i don't know that this is this is making me crazy but i think i understand you you're saying only one brand of apple gift card right yes are you talking about like granny smith versus mac and mack and whatever no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you have to like no no no you can buy apple cart you can buy apple car from anywhere you can buy it from walgreens you can buy it from lowe's you can buy it from any other store you can buy it from anywhere but it has to be a apple card only okay okay apple gift card they all have to be the same you're saying like do they all have to be the same i didn't i didn't mean i didn't got you so you mean like they should all be for the same apple store that's what you mean no no no no no no you you can have it from multiple stores you can have it from multiple stores all right that's good that's what i'm trying to tell you what and are all your employees in california or do you guys have like what kind of grocery stores do you guys have over there when we have we have 711 we have uh we have lowe's we have walmart right all right so you you you you have which store which stores are near you which stores are near to you i i think i have all those but i could probably get those gift cards as well but apples for apple stores no no you have you you will find these gift cards at these stores you will find this is the irony yep i get it so you are not listening you need to listen to me or else you will get confused i don't want you to get confused okay you can buy these apple carts from grocery stores inside and said is everything okay able to have that message oh god what's going on with kim ma'am okay i'm i'm gonna call her but are you gonna do what i'm saying you to do are you gonna do it i'm called i'm gonna call you kim yeah i understand but if you i understand that but you wanna use your butt to understand one thing if i ma'am if you make a mistake ma'am if you make a mistake i will not be able to help kim if you make a mistake i won't be able to help him okay i'm doing this for free i don't want you to pay me money for kim i don't want that money okay i have to make sure i'm doing it for free for you i didn't tell you this but her father will make sure kim is happy her father is her father her dad is if i will talk to you about this how will i talk to him if i'll talk to you about this how will i talk to uh you know with kim so i need you to listen to me so that i can talk to kim okay listen to me for two minutes so that i can talk to kim all right you have to get 10 apple cards each one for 500 you have to get it from any of the grocery stores nearby you okay okay some store stores have limits so they might they might not allow you 10 at one time okay so you have to go to multiple stores you have to get two okay just to make sure the phone reception is really bad so just to make sure i need to get apple card for for any of the grocery stores nearby like 7-eleven loans yes walmart anything like that yeah yeah okay yeah correct basically just yeah for the apple okay no ma'am not grocery cards you have to get apple cards i know that's what i'm saying no i get it i get it i get i think you and i are just misunderstanding each other so i get it yeah yes ma'am yes ma'am yeah yeah i think you and i we're on the same page no i get it we're on the same page okay okay listen yeah because you said you know any other grocery stores near me i'm picking up what you're putting down i i'm i got it crisis is okay now you have to every store will allow you to every story will allow you to eat only okay okay each store hello two from each store two will allow four yes so you have to go to five stores store five stores i said to like make things eat fair for everybody okay what about no matter the instead of the 500 dollars what if we do smaller amounts that way no ma'am smaller amounts don't work no no no that's right [Music] small amount they won't work small amount they won't work ma'am that's what i'm saying about small amount they won't work okay okay that's what i'm saying 500 you have to get everything i don't know if i'm able to go to five different stores i just want to make sure i understand you're saying five different you want okay let me let me just make sure i understand what means those have limits certain stores ma'am certain stores have limits certain allow you to i understand now i no i get it if there's only certain stores will allow you to get the 500 000 type cards you need it to be five different stores i get it i get it it might be a possibility it might be possibility if you have lows around you lows will uh lows will allow you uh you know four lows allows you four you have a lows yeah but you can't get apple i don't think you can get apple at lows you ma'am low sells apple cards low speed has apple gift card steps yes they have apple gift cards so if you go to lowe's lowes will have apple gift card lows will allow you for they might allow you five as well if you pay from a debit okay they might allow you five okay so go to lowe's first go to lowe's get four from there okay and the rest from the remaining store and if they ask you why you need it just say for gifting purpose they or else they will charge you tax on it okay isn't that literally what it's for to give no gift employees god this is that's right that's right i got a no you're making me you're making my head hurt right now abel you understand that you're making my head ma'am first i thought it was i don't i don't want it i thought yeah i get it all right you want to give your employ your you figured out you know you made an arrangement with your corporate office or whatever to be able to use the you know you want to be able to give your employees these they want you know the apple five different stores they are just putting this money on there so just get cards that they can buy apple with i i get it all right thank you no no only crap i want him to i want him to miss it but it'd also be really clear i'm trying so hard to like make sure that he understands i am buying like i i don't know it's right on that line of like i could make a mistake if i want to but i have to we'll have to play with that later we'll have to think about what we want to do there um i i have a plan so we'll see where it goes all right i think i i just took notes so i don't forget my plan we'll see if it see if it works out um okay i'm gonna call one more time is dr linda and say oh sorry i was trying to call kevin or something [Applause] hello yeah hello hello yes ma'am oh sorry i was trying to call back kim ah never mind uh i'm i'm i'm speaking with kim i'm speaking with kim okay uh you're already talking to her hello yeah she i was talking to her oh okay all right i won't call her then i won't call all right tell her everything's okay okay all right okay i'll tell her everything is okay and please uh call me once you get any card okay okay any card or apple card all right like like no apple when you get any any one of those apple cars okay as soon as you get one of it let me know and make sure that you had the right one now kim's calling me okay please this is so confusing you didn't catch it that time [Music] hello hello yeah hi kim who is this can you hear me this is abel oh my god abel is everything okay i just saw that i just missed her yeah i was saying doctor then she i could barely hear her on the phone is everything all right okay yeah everything is fine okay well good i'm glad i'm glad i know we're gonna help or whatever um oh that that's totally fine that's totally fine that's totally fine um yeah i would like to uh we should go ahead and you know continue with our session i'm so sorry about that no i mean whatever like sometimes life life throws things at you and i don't know my uh my grandpa used to say something like when life gives you lemonade you're like i don't know about when that gives you lemonade you make a lemonade stand or something like i forgot but um what were we i'm we were talking about were we talking about brad or kyle oh we're talking about like uh you were uh bro kyle saw one of those texts that he saw you know i sent i believe and you said you are jealous yeah i just told i just yeah what about it yeah i just told him that like it was just a friend from work which then he was like you don't have a job and i was i got one so now i'm trying to figure i like out like i have my own drop like i'm i'm my own boss you know what i mean and like but yeah i got caught in a lie a little bit so i've been freaking out i've anyway okay [Music] what do you do what do you what do we where do we begin i guess where do we what are we i'm trying to figure out what do you do it's defined because how i think he might have a lot of like a lot more money and i'm considered this crossroads so i'm trying to decide is it is it money is it gifts is it the potential of gifts is it is it body is it hair like what is it you know ma'am uh okay have you put me on speaker phone right now am i talking to you on speaker uh no do you need to be on speaker yeah just put me on speaker why it's just that i believe when you uh when you start saying something uh i'm i like when if i try to say something it's not reaching out to you are you able to hear me correctly yeah okay all right it's just that when uh if i if let's say i need to stop you at a certain point of time you know i need you to you know focus on something uh you were like speaking you know is that why you don't stop is that why you're snapping is that why i heard the snapping snapping yeah i was i was i was lighting my cigarette i was lighting my cigarette oh my god you smoke uh yes i'm so sorry yeah i know it's it's not a good thing to do but yeah i do well i mean no no i'm i'm not judging i'm just i didn't think doctors did that at all uh like no i i know a lot of doctors who smoke i mean like really uh this yeah this is yeah i mean like it's uh do you smoke no why do you took so long to say no i am not at liberty to say doctor well that's such a good thing it's not a good thing to do all right but i would say what about um so um i guess how do we start our next um how do we start our next session i guess like i'm ready for i'm ready to get some i don't know like life advice i'm ready to get going you know okay all right so in order for me to go ahead and start this session i need to ask you first i need to know like what do you do lind uh kim i mean like what do you do for what kind of work you do oh i have my own um it's like have you heard of well it's technically multi-level marketing but i just call it marketing so hello marketing like what kind of marketing are we talking about digital marketing like real life marketing like basically i i sell life products and like cosmetics and different different things and i i get my friends like from facebook to help me network marketing you know like i have some friends on facebook who sell products under me and um okay that's good that's that's uh so how good how good is it like is it is it a booming industry um yeah i mean it's pretty good i guess i i do it just because i do it because i i really like i really this is gonna sound whatever but i really like hearing like when i when i give the presentations uh i really like when people like gasp and they're like oh my god you know what so like i feel like this rush when i know that i've like hooked them you know where it's like i think i can make the sale you know you know that feeling yeah i i know what you mean like sales is amazing it's pretty good it's like it is it is kind of a rush everyone uh says so you know but also the money keeps on coming so it's it's a good thing but not every not every time it's a sale right so you know what what i mean what no i don't understand that part like like uh like the rush it takes you know you know how you know how difficult is to really uh you know pitch an idea onto someone and someone buying it right so you know how how uh difficult it is that's why when it you know when it really happens that's why only you know the value of that particular rush right oh yeah yeah yeah i understand okay right so um for today's session like uh from the last session i told you like uh did you spoke with kyle did you made sure like the the education um that was lacking that was clear i felt like i just wasn't comfortable like sitting them both down and making that a decision you know yes yes you can't fit them like together you told you were about to uh stay with them together well i just i guess i'm kind of afraid that if i if i let them both meet and i tell them you know that i'm dating both of them and considering considering dating a third that they might want to break up with me so that's true you can't do that you can't do that so do you think it's better to just date the three guys and never tell them no no no i don't think that's but you have to you have to decide on you have to focus on one guy that's what uh that's what we were deciding on right you have to either stick with brad or either stick with kyle or either move to a different one do i have but like i thought you were last time you said that it was about me and what i want that seems ridiculous yeah if i'm honest [Laughter] you know what i mean well you didn't paid you didn't paid for it either i guess right i mean like didn't pay for that i'm paying right now aren't i she said it's 200 a session that's correct that's correct so i'm just i'm just telling you one thing right now you need to focus on what i'm trying to tell you right now last time if i hear you if i remember correctly you said you wanted you wanted kyle to be a bit more like brad in some ways right yes yes i remember correctly and i told you yes you are right if you expect him to change that's what i was saying like if you if you want if you want to continue living with kyle then there are certain ways in which kyle needs to change you worth it that's what i said and i'm still sticking to it but i never said that you have to continue dating all three men i mean see it's it's something which is an advice i would give apart from that like it's it's totally up to you if you really want to do that because when you're dating three different men you're you're basing you're basically dating three different personalities besides you know sites of a personality right there's something good about brad that you like there's certain good about kyle that you like there's certain good about this guy stefan that you like yeah that's right and there's gonna be more people coming in in your life they're gonna be more do we need to like talk about that or or no with whom well i don't know if i want to talk about it is what i'm saying the third person never mind just keep going are you talking about no i'm saying are you talking about the third person stefan you gonna talk about him no he he does no no no i i think i just misunderstood what you were saying go ahead you you said something about there being like different attributes or different things that i like right yeah so if i if i if i remember our last conversation correctly you told me like you like how brad uh you know uh gets to buy you things without you even saying how it takes you out on holidays right but there are certain certain things something that is spontaneous about kyle that you love too right he's like he's raw he is pretty uh you and uh if i remember correctly he's he's pretty spontaneous right he's in he's the adventurous one if i'm if i'm not wrong correct so so you need to understand that you're gonna meet a lot of people in your life right like that is there i wanna i wanna really i wanna really know are you saying that they're not special like are you saying that i should probably like i should just go get more boyfriends or no no all i'm trying to say is like oh my god are you saying that they're not the ones who who like any of them you think that you haven't found a soulmate is that what you're saying yes you will find a soul mate man maybe you have it maybe you have him i'm sorry are you saying that i'm sorry i didn't get you are you saying that they're not my soul mates no i'm saying ma'am you already have like you might already have a soul mate and you're who do you believe in soul mates do you believe in soul mates yes yes soul mates like plural yes like what yeah like more than one yeah soul mates okay okay and may i know like who do you think right now who who do you think is your soul mate who do you feel like more of a phone mate do you feel like that's the million dollar question literally because i'm pretty sure stefan is a millionaire if i ask though i i don't know i mean like i really want you to take a guess i guess how do you make a guess like that like how i mean like what's your basic what does your basic instinct says i think that i think that somewhere out there someone with at least like 500k followers on instagram i think at some point will make the connection like i or two it like but like right now i don't know if i'm if i'm honest i think that's why that i think that's why when i originally was talking to you and i reached out to dr linda i was trying to meld all of them into like like i want you to be i don't want you to be doctor like i want you to be dr frankenstein you know what i mean i want you to i want you to transform all three of them into one person you know with like a verified account you know what i'm saying okay but don't you think like uh you just want to date a celebrity is that it maybe i mean that's not that's not the table do you i mean no i mean don't you think like what if these guys don't want to be the person you're trying to make them and there's something wrong with them no i mean like maybe they are happy the way they are they don't want to change no do you really think so are you saying that i'm not good enough oh i'm not saying that i'm not saying that but though i'm i'm asking you the same thing the otherwise way like don't you think like these guys let's say you want to bring it you want him to change it sorry i'm sorry for interrupting you i just okay i can cut you off right there okay i really i really i really i really i really really want to hear that because you need to understand that you have to accept this that they are not good enough in order for you to go ahead and stick with this thought because this is what i really wanted to hear from your side that they are not good enough because to be very honest that is this is what you have to accept and you have to be very strong and firm about uh you know on this particular step that then that's only when they will change that's the only way you will be able to convince okay so you have to you have to always stick to this particular point that yes whatever whatever i want is not what i'm getting so yes that's not good enough so you have to keep on staying on this fact okay i don't want you to uh you know question yourself that am i not good enough no you don't have to ever question yourself that right you always have to question the other side okay yes that is yes correct that is good advice that is the money right there okay thank you doctor well i wanted to hear that okay okay all right so that's what i was saying nothing wrong with me yeah that's right that's right but but at the same point of time and when when you are going with this particular uh you know a mentality you also need to be very humble okay so always stay humble would you know that you're good enough well that's that's the way of living you know if you want to lead if you want to lead a big life if you want to you that is very difficult though that is very difficult though i know it's it is not easy to be humble always at times we all lose uh patience but i'm telling you the biggest thing in life that you will i would say the biggest thing that you will ever learn in your life is you know to be patient at times we all think that we are very highly patient we will we won't lose temper but eventually we all know we all get to know in our life as it progresses that no this actually i'm not at the level where i should be even you yeah you seem really patient even anyway yes yes there's no there's no limit to learn to be patient now because there's no you never know what kind of circumstance what kind of situation could come any time in life yeah that's really right right you might never know if you if we all you know go go to sleep today and tomorrow there's an alien invasion because i'm watching too many hollywood movies so that's the true fact it was it was just a joke to light up the mood you know it's a true true fact that aliens are gonna invade tomorrow no i'm saying i'm saying that if you watch too many holidays i don't know if i can talk if i said if i said if if you watch too many hollywood movies then these kind of thoughts do come up to your head too oh oh okay so that's what i'm saying so i'm saying like there are a lot of things there is poverty there is there are countries who are constantly at brink of war there how do you maintain your privacy then doctor can you talk about a time i have to maintain recently when you've been like dealing with a lot but you maintained your privacy yes i have to i have to because uh i need to um don't i don't go public about my personal relationships oh yeah i okay i yeah so if i'm like i'll tell you how i maintain my privacy if i'm in a relationship with someone um only that person and me are uh you know are really aware about that relationship we really don't uh i really don't go out and you know be public about it like yeah because that's somewhere down the line it's no one's business right it's my business uh that's not that person's business no sorry yeah that's that's that's very yeah that that's how i try to maintain i also i'm not uh i don't go out and flex if the world is the flex or you know try to show off whatever i have for i i like to keep myself as a mystery i like to keep myself as a mystery because i realize as soon as you're an open book a lot of people lose interest you know if you really want to keep someone interested in anything you have to uh you know save the uh uh you know what's the term for it uh space you have to i'm not i'm not getting that are you talking about um uh like when you get ratioed you kind of have to save face no no no i'm saying like i'm saying like if i'm let's say i'm i'm i'm winning i'm winning at anything in my life like right let's say i it could be anything it could be it could be a relationship it could be a job it could be just some some competition you know somewhere or maybe maybe uh it's it's a it's a baseball match all right i i do i don't i i would celebrate but i won't flex it you're getting was the difference between celebration and flexing or you know i think i think i understand um you're saying like any time that you're winning in life you just kind of like yeah you don't you don't make a big deal be humble about it be humble about it yes be humble about it and thank god one time you know you just thank the girl yeah thank you so much for this and celebrate or you know celebrate with few close ones not just go out there and you know offering free drinks to people you know we all we've all done that you know i got a job you're at the bar and you're like next drinks on me you know like that no i don't do that anymore i i go out with few limited friends i celebrate uh you know and if i am winning in life yeah i am if i'm struggling in life these guys take me out so that's the kind of uh you know bond i want in life from people i don't want you know so this is this is what i this is the kind of life you know i feel is worth living where where i don't want i don't want to be you know so available to everyone i want to be available to only those who in my life to whom i want to be available where you know i feel like i should be available too or you know i i want you know that person to be available uh you know to me so i am very restricted in life when it comes to you know my personal side but i am i'm uh i'm a people's person i i have lots i mean lots of people every day i mean i can tell every day i meet you're like really i mean like go ahead yeah i'm like i'm out there i'm out there i i have friends from every age group right i have i i i go out i play with young kids too from you know in my area all right so i i i know i talk to them that's how i i get to uh you know i think you know i get i get to get an idea of how can you get you know these days go ahead so you have like younger patients that comes to you is that what you mean no no not i'm not talking about patients right now i'm talking about normal kids in my in my society you know like in the area like you know so i i talk to them i talk to them on week you know weekends i play with them so i why i just want to know you know what they think how they what the thought process is you know it just it just gives me an idea you know how okay the brain of a child is working these days you know i get to know i i get to see the difference you know you know when i was a kid how i used to think this is how it gets slower i feel like right rambling about it helps me get to know the society so also the kids love me you know what the heck is he saying so those kind of things you know they are having issues with their girlfriends so i help them out yeah hello yes not just kids i have i have friends who are who are like pretty you know who are married who have kids you know who uh who have uh issues in their lives i i i try to i try to con you know uh support them uh we yeah because your groups as well because you're so patient yeah that's i think i see where you're going oh so i'm not i'm i i still feel i lack a lot of patience i know i'm highly impatient right now because i want yeah i think linda who is this sorry i don't know she just sent me a bunch of gift card pictures okay keep going okay all right so um i need to uh what were you saying you said something about i don't understand why she has a bunch of clothes can you it's like can you can you tell her can you can you can you tell her to forward them to me can you tell them to forward them to me can you tell them to forward it to my number let me see what were you sorry what were you saying about a page patience can you tell linda to forward those can you tell her to forward those to me yeah yeah i'll see what i can yeah um okay what do you think about patience though i'm uh yeah when i'm talking about patient i'm saying like i'm highly impatient i'm so so impatient that i can't even tell you how many how many cigarettes are that's the thing by the way oh this is this is this is my second one i mean like it's been 30 minutes i'm just i'm having a good time i don't know if i feel good i i i don't know if i feel comfortable with our session i'm sorry you don't you're not comfortable with the session ma'am yeah you want me to go you want me to go ahead and dump this one out i'm saying what you want me to go ahead and dump my cigarette i already did that well it's just i'm not paying i'm not paying money for for you to have a good time no i'm not i i thought i thought you were going ahead and uh you know enjoying the session because you you're asking me questions constantly and i'm answering them questions i felt like right now i felt like you were asking me questions so i was about to change the flow hour i thought you were going to ask me i would question i was like yes i'm i am but you are asking me uh you know questions about patience and questions about um you know how i would wanna you know how how i you know why do i talk to kids because i've been talking i feel like i'm you're taking my session right now because you've been asking me so many questions i want to ask you questions myself but you're not allowing me all right so can you would you allow me to ask you some questions right now because i really want to i really want to resolve i really want to resolve this issue that you are facing right now okay so first of all i want to know like what exactly what exactly do you really think uh you know how this is gonna go when it comes to brad and kyle and this third person out there where do you want really this going this entire scenario sorry sorry i think i'm just trying i think i heard i think i heard brad i think i heard his car he might be coming he might be coming home right now no okay all right what did you ask sorry go ahead all right so i was asking you with this entire thing with brad kyle and this other guy stefan where do you see this all going i mean i've played this scenario in my head a few different times sometimes i think it'd be like my own private season of the bachelorette and they would like spend like like we'd get an island like a private island and they would spend the week trying to impress me and then i would pick like two of them at the end uh and then other times i mean i don't know like do we have to settle down do we have to get married i mean my my dad keeps asking about that but like i have this like dream what do you want to get settled i don't know i just have this recurring dream where like do you believe like the dreams are like what do you think about dreams doctor dreams yeah dreams actually like what do you think about them well i think they dreams are a blessing yeah they are do you think that if you have the same dream pretty consistently like what does that mean is that what i feel is that if you're having the same dream again and again and again again it's it's your you understand that dreams are uh you know creation of our subconscious mind which is uh active when we are when our conscious mind is not active that's when we are sleeping right so okay that is on the back of the medulla when there are certain things in life which um we tend to forget you know there are certain things in life that we tend to forget tend to run away from the back of the world so medulla medulla is although i did one time i did one time dreams i had snakes i was like a bunch of snakes on a plane or something but so here's my dream i am walking down the aisle uh they're playing i'm playing music it's beautiful there's like an organ like this gold plated organ is there there's like tons of people everyone is so excited to see me the door is open the organ you know stops playing and you see what you think is the wedding party there's like five guys on both sides but they're actually all waiting to marry me it's not it's not the wedding party it's the wedding and it's actually catered by five guys which is like a whole other thing i think it's just like a weird wordplay thing that my brain is doing but then i trip down the aisle at the end like i trip right before we're about to get married and then i get frustrated because and i wake up and i keep thinking like no i want this and so i i like try to fall back asleep and sometimes if i do fall back asleep the dream sequence picks up where they're all fighting over each other to decide who gets to marry me and i like that because usually they take their shirts off but um what do you think that means all right that's it um i don't know maybe maybe somewhere down the line you you want to get married you and you have do you watch bachelorette a lot yes you love bachelorette right i yes i think that i would be the ultimate bachelorette basically um [Music] yeah okay i thought you said you stopped smoking doctor i'm just playing with it i'm just with it just playing with it that's all i'm gonna keep it aside again i'm gonna keep it aside again all right all right so you see i somewhere down the line i i feel like you need to understand like uh the bachelorette chooses one girl every year okay or for a season and i don't know you understand that's a reality show that's not uh that's not a reality right but i want it to be my reality yes you can you can but i heard somebody say once you're gonna be certain ways don't let your dreams be me and i that's been my life like my life mantra okay all right well that's uh that's uh that's good to hear i mean that that shows confidence that shows confidence in you and and i'm um i'm no i'm i i'm no one to say that you know that's not possible because that really that happens one girl one lady every year so you might you might be uh one of those who gets to live that life but you understand you'd it's you might there's a difference between you might and you will and you have to there might be a different story out there there might be a story of you know three guys you know fighting over you yeah but it doesn't have to be you know it doesn't have to be 20 guys you're getting what i'm saying you're getting what i'm saying i think you get i think right yes exactly your expectation needs to be real because try to understand the more you will expect it from the other person they will also start expecting so how realistic your expectation is going to be with the other person the other person expectation will be realistic too and trust me if the other person's expectation isn't real okay so that it might not be i didn't tell you the end someone by the name of mr one million followers walks in and he has a kid he has a cape and he does like bare knuckle mma stuff like takes out all the other guys and then we get married because is that realistic i just don't know if i like that part that's that's why i didn't tell you about it i think i like the one million part you know but i don't like the i don't like the only one part okay tell me one thing how many instagram followers do you have if you don't mind me asking uh and sixty seven thousand one hundred sixty seven thousand one sixty seven k no i just wanted to see what you said no i ever i keep it private i keep it private okay i'll tell you i have 22 000 followers oh my god that's what i have 22 000 followers i'm not very i'm not verified yet but um it will take me like um a month or so because my press release is waiting so i will uh you know get verified i i wish i wish i could tell you what i need to be very private about it okay oh but i'm um i'm being honest with you i'm being honest with you i'm just uh i'm just because uh you know i there's there's certain reason behind it and i will definitely explain it to you someday oh uh-huh okay no i was just thinking like i is it like a doctor thing i'm just doing like doctor stuff on instagram or like what do you what do you do on instagram no uh it's it's uh it's something i i own a company oh the company companies money i have a production sorry wait really wait wait wait wait you you said what is it that you own okay yeah yeah yeah okay that's so awesome that is so cool like what kind of stuff do you like what kind of stuff i love that i love that oh my god okay what's the like how many okay okay like what's the what's the name of it like is it streams last year so last year our neighbor had 10 million streams on spa wow hello oh my god you spend wow big that's big money yeah okay oh my god that's really it's a certain amount of money is paid to facebook that is really cool i had no idea so this is like a side like you're kind of like sorry gig like when you're not doing the doctor's stuff that's so that is dope no this is this is i'm i'm doing this i'm doing this because yeah what's the what's the name of it uh you know talk about because i don't because try to understand uh right now if i'll tell you i'm a if i have that all of a sudden there's a new image of mine that would be created in your head all right okay and all right and we will lose focus we will lose focus trust me we will lose focus you would uh the things that i really want to hear from you things i would really want you to tell me somewhere online i won't be able to know them okay okay so i really don't don't want that i really i really want to and trust me and um see i would love to uh i would love to tell you what i uh you know do because that's my passion you know i really work hard i really work hard so that people get to know me i worked hard for seven years you have no idea i had like i i remember days when i used to make music and there were not even 100 people listening to it so i have seen that so you've like you've been listening to me yeah i was like i was like yeah i was like i to this i mean you're listening to all the kind of things okay listen our session is over you're no longer my doctor can i hear it no or like uh okay you can do it live sing it for you that's but i'm not gonna make you listen to the master right now like i have songs out there but i would really if you want to listen to live i can go ahead and like like you're just gonna like you can rap or something like like freestyle yeah you know yeah i can rap yeah i'm i'm i'm pretty good like you can you rap about can you rap about um kim kim getting married to like like her dream you have to give me like yeah i can like i can do a little bit of that okay not not not for too long not not not too much of a freestyler i am i'm more of a poetic rapper you know i like i i like i like to i like to uh you know keep it poetic like uh kim is being mad and she's mad at brad you know something like that oh my god so you know it has to be like yeah you know that's such a small world because i actually i can actually rap a little bit with myself i'm i'm 100 serious yeah really yes yeah yeah i was i was hoping it would be like like it would be like kim is being mad and she's mad at brad she thought it was special that they had and uh i don't know uh finish me up come on if you're a rapper you have to you know okay okay how about that complete the rhyme all right all right so so the rhymes game is like talking to doc i think that he's gonna help me cross the table it's life i'm trying to deal with all this strife i got five guys on my mind five guys burgers and fries i gotta pick one he says i'm like no way not gonna do that what do you think that was that was amazing that was amazing even thank you i can't you know i can't uh even right now i'm like still i feel like uh you know i'm able right now who's a doctor so even right now i'm not getting my rhymes correctly but that was that was really really good yeah i listened to it like on the radio and everything so i'm always like yo you're in the radio oh yeah yeah what you walk you work for a radio no no no i thought you dropped i listen to the radio yeah my dad actually knows a guy who owns a like a couple stations but that's another story so oh all right well hey um that is so cool does i i really that's so cool well thank you helpful um i hope you're in a better i hope i hope you're not like you're you're in a you're in a you're in a you're you're in a cheerful uh your mind is like you seem a bit cheerful to me i hope you're you'll feel happier okay and i hope you feel confident about yourself i know you you seem you seem like so full of life to me i'll tell you you seem like so full of life to me i would say i i don't want to give you any kind of an advice i feel like whatever you were doing whatever step you uh take in your life but i know that we all make mistakes we have to accept our mistakes and then we have to move forward and make sure we don't you know make the same mistake again that's what life is and i can see that you you know you are and i'll tell you the only person the only person who is whoever gets a thought of you know being sad is the one who is thinking so if ever you feel sad you question yourself don't question yourself because you're thinking and if you're thinking you're doing it right you do things after thinking about it so i'm pretty sure whatever you do in life you would you would be doing fine and you seem like a person who can go ahead and handle all the situation you seem like with your voice i can say you i hope you are you are never doubt yourself never doubt yourself one thing i would say never doubt yourself even at see everyone makes mistakes and there is no one in the world who hasn't made a mistake so always remember that so there's no one there's no one out there in the world right now nobody is able to nobody is able to you know be smarter than that person so but there could be a possibility someday you know someone might be who is who who is even smarter than that particular person gets to uh you know find out that hey even einstein was wrong about what it could be he can go ahead and give it to you tell me you think the earth is dr abel i just no no no no no no art is very earth is very round art is very um you know you never know the thing is life is so unpredictable that you never know and there are there are like i don't know 7 billion people on the earth they say but none of their life uh uh you know is same everyone is having a different life everyone has their own struggles everyone wants to have one million followers on instagram trust yeah well you and me boys i'm telling you you can buy them you can buy them you can buy them you really want to tell you yeah honestly i mean how much for like i i i i i'll tell you i i have i have like uh the control of my digital marketing with me so i'll just check it for you right now so i'm giving you honest facts okay wait like instantly you just like instantly get you instantly got yeah yeah man wait is it real one yeah real followers real followers one dollar four thousand followers oh my god yeah and if you want like these ones so i'm telling you it's whether it's be youtube or it's instagram or facebook you know they say those rappers say they have like one million views they bought them they're all bought like robots or they paid for the views they put ad they paid youtube that much money oh you're talking about ads okay yeah yeah so you sing like yes are you saying that like ariana grande pays to get people to listen to her music yes she also pays for it wait so like nobody actually likes her music i thought she was pretty good like i love her no no no no no i'll tell you like initially let's say it's like any any any social networking it is let's say you you have thousand followers on instagram so only those thousand followers would be able to see what you post but the rest of instagram won't be able to see it if you want the rest of the instagram to see your post you have to add on to your post that's what do you want to do yeah i understand all right all right so if you want to if you need one more follower you know where to find her okay oh yeah i know i know i know her number as well i know her number as well thank you so i i hope i hope you you had a good session and trust me uh if we like keep on having these sessions uh i'm pretty sure i see i right now i feel really good talking to you i'm happy that you are in a good place i'm making progress all right how many more sessions do you think that i have to have because 200 is like i mean my dad's paying for them but is that like a lot or is that a good price i'll tell you one thing see i'm i'm i'm just telling you being a honest person i don't think you need therapy but i say that to everyone okay you don't need these sessions but i say that to everyone you know why okay thanks doctor somewhere down the line if i won't tell you if i wanted if i won't tell you this you you you need to be encouraged if i'll encourage you if i'll that's the only way i can go ahead and uh you know make your progress you want to progress start believing in yourself oh my god thank you also at the time okay i believe also but side by side side by side i need you to be very humble i need you to accept your mistakes whenever you feel like you made a mistake but don't let anyone else tell you that you made a mistake when you feel like you made a mistake yourself that's only when you apologize don't let anyone else uh tell you uh you know that you made a mistake all right so also remember that i love that i love that true all right but always stay humble stay in your lane stay home always make sure you help out other people stay humble don't listen if someone says he did something i really appreciate it i actually i actually have to um i have to go do my hair so uh because i think brian will be home in a little bit so hoping he got me i hope you guys will see i i kind of laid it on him i was like hey it's been a couple years man go big or go home you know so all right all right i hope you had a good time kim hey how do i pay i hope you put a good word uh please speak with uh please speak with linda on that okay all right or should i just say that since i don't need counseling it's free or what do you think uh no they say this was paid as uh as linda would have told you and she's the one who will be she's the one who handles finances i don't do that okay all right okay thank you all right okay so you can speak with linda if you ever want to talk to me okay all right thank you bye all right this guy's so weird uh i feel like he like genuine he was just talking for a while too um all right so uh look at that that's perfect i bought him some gift cards [Laughter] i feel like i'm trying to decide the problem is i can't like i can't text him uh with my phone with this phone number so i have to decide i'm not 100 sure if this is the route i want to go or not but but yeah thanks jrs it looks awesome all right yeah i guess i'll just be at the store or something and i'll answer his call [Music] announcement [Music] announcement hello hello yeah hi linda this is abel i took your session i finished you sorry hey yeah can you hear me did you got the cards yeah i can hear you did you got the cards okay i've been having weird reception with reception uh i did yeah i'm actually i just walked in i just walked in to uh another store but uh yeah i got they let me buy how many are you going let me buy a thousand dollars wife uh they let me buy a thousand dollars wait for the year okay i walked i walked in man okay so once you once you get the once you get these thousand you call me back okay call me back once you get these thousands okay i already got a thousand dollars worth i said okay okay so can you give me those thousand first before you take these thousand can you give me those i mean yeah i mean i just walked in the i just walked in the target to see you know what kind of group just do one thing basically i bought okay i ended up buying they only had 100 but i got um kroger food lion baldy whole food each one of those you can buy apples at so they're five different grocery stores yes yes i got five different grocery stores gift you said five different grocery stores no ma'am you have to buy apple cart ma'am you had to get apple cards ma'am you had to get apple carts but i feel like you can't hear me i feel like you're not understanding what i'm saying so you you said to buy five different grocery stores cards what like five different grocery stores where you can get airport now you can get apples no you i didn't get apples you want people to buy grocery stores where you can buy apples you said i had to go what are you talking about ma'am you had to ma'am ma'am you had to buy apple cars from those grocery stores you had to buy apple carts from those grocery stores what you wanted to be specifically apple car my god they all sell apple carts ma'am they all sell apple carts i told you that's wait how many how what is how much you got how much you got right now how much you got how much you got that's a thousand see i took your session for an hour i took your session for an hour i took your attention for an hour you're not even listening to me you're not even listening to me you're running one step ahead of me don't step one run one step ahead of me listen i did exactly let's just get one thing clear here every single day okay linda listen linda listen to me linda listen to me okay don't make any further mistakes what the what am i supposed to do with this card it's a thousand dollars i will do that i will take care of it i will take care of it i will take care of it i will take care of it i will take care of it but don't make further mistakes so you can please don't make further mistakes i will be dead you can use these or not yes i will use them i will use them i will use them but in but now but only these are wrong these are wrong i'm gonna correct one more mistake of yours i'm gonna correct one more mistake of yours please don't make further mistakes to put me to correct okay please collect your own apple card you have to you have to buy apple cart from these stores whatever store you go you only have to buy apple card only no other grocery store you can go to kroger and buy apple cart from kroger that's what i told you to do not to bike no you said you very specifically said please check my messages okay wait wait wait okay which which grocery store card you have right now aldi kroga whole foods food lion piggly wiggly hundred dollars how much is the value how much is the value how much is the value of each card a hundred bucks my box okay i need you uh right now you have a hundred thousand dollars card only right a hundred thousand what are you talking about no a thousand dollars you have thousand dollars card with you right well i mean it's 10 different cards but you said this is a mistake so do i go you want me to buy it when you say apple you mean like the brand you mean like the brand the apple like the the phone yes yes yes yes that's what i'm trying to tell you that's what i tried yes yes yes why did you just say that before why did you say to buy five different groceries where you can buy apples no ma'am ma'am linda listen linda listen to me i have your way to tell somebody five grocery store gift cards where you can purchase apples i thought they were going to buy their own listen to me for one minute listen to me for a minute i don't know i told you you need this linda listen to me linda listen to me for one minute for one minute please just listen to me for one minute i beg you i told you to buy apple cart from five grocery stores because each store will only give you two that's what i said and please ma'am please i beg you i have myself on the recorded line telling you the same thing that you need to buy apple gift cards and one store will only give you two so you have to go to five sorry no there's a guy party there was a guy over there nevermind please he's getting okay he's listening to me for a moment he's looking at the anniversary he's listening to me man please listen to me ma'am ma'am forget about that guy listen to me ma'am please listen to me ma'am please listen to me yeah i am right now on the verge of crying i'll cry i'll cry right now i'll cry right now ma'am wow i'll cry right now congratulations please yeah hey hap happy yeah happy anniversary to you both 10 years old yeah [ __ ] yeah hey you want a gift card for you want to give scott ma'am i got i got no use for these no no no no no no no no no no no don't don't don't don't hello hello hello hello hello hello hello linda hello hello linda linda listen to me hello i got caught linda tickets linda seriously happy anniversary that worked out better than i anticipated announcement that's because of you chad i want to put this on the record whether or not you know this gets accidentally edited out or purposely edited i want to let you know that's because you guys said happy anniversary in chat because it was 10 hours if if you didn't have done that none of that would have happened you see this is what i'm this is what i'm talking about when i say it's fun to do this with you is because you know we're we're doing this together so thank thank you guys otherwise i wouldn't just know that would have happened announcement check checks man excuse me are you there why are you giving the card to that i gotta tell you you just you just made that guy's day he's like an elderly old man 10-year anniversary apparently he was like at one point he was so happy listen hello hello ma'am why did you give him the card why did you give him the card i gave him three paint a couple of the tickets why why why i mean you said that you were gonna take care of it i assumed i was gonna get a refund is it no you have to give it to me first you have to give it to me sir oh god i don't know where i i didn't know where we went i have no clue are you mad i am so cute i don't know where he is are you crazy why did you give it to him did i told you to give it to him you're supposed to give it to my company why did you give it to him hello hello he's a fast old man i have no clue where he is you said you were gonna take care of you are you [ __ ] listen to me linda listen to me you said that you were gonna take care of it you said that you were gonna take care of it so i thought that you didn't need it one thing tell me one thing tell me one thing okay oh god there's someone else that's some oh my god never okay listen to me listen to me would you listen to me for a moment ma'am this is the last time i'm this is the last time i'm correcting your mistake steve this is the last time i'm collecting your mistake okay now would you listen to what i say for a moment and before you mess this even more before you mess this even more before you really mess this even more would you listen to oh my god i think i see him i think i see him hold on hold on linda listen to me forget about it forget about it oh i have an idea i have to do this quick he's gonna call me back i have an idea oh my god come on come on come on he's gonna call me back i have an idea ah i wish i could do this faster announcement announcement that doesn't sound real enough announcement that doesn't sound real enough that's not it that's not the alarm i know is that it that's it i set off the security alarm because i ran out the store there we go that's that's the sound we found it god it's loud though i hate it oh he's mad he's spicy oh here we go announcement here we go here we go announcement hello i i got a the security alarms going off and they got the security guys coming over i gotta deal with this i'm so uh i gotta deal with this okay okay okay okay deal with this okay wait i'm calling you in 10 minutes okay it's crazy this this is what am i supposed to tell them it's okay it's okay go forget about it take care of it i'll take care of it linda i'll take care of it forget about those three those cards okay forget about those guys because they're gonna press charges they're gonna i don't wanna get in trouble with pretty english what do i what do i what do i do no no they will not put charges they will not put charges are you sure are you did you took something out did you took something with you did you took something with you i did you took something with you out of the store i was hungry yeah i picked up some peanut butter and mayonnaise just go ahead and pay for it just go ahead and pay for it just go ahead and pay for it just tell her that i accidentally did that i was running for it just go and pay for it just go for that peanut butter that i was trying i had two tubs of family sized mayonnaise in my jacket and you're i'm supposed to just tell them it was an accident i don't know if they're gonna believe that yeah yeah i'm sorry just tell them i'm absolutely did that just pay for it okay just pay for it that's it just pay for it okay just do that calm down calm down calm down go there and pay for it i'm with you on the phone go and pay for it i'm with you on the phone all right i'll call you back in time all right and now please you will not take a step without us you will not take a step without asking he's gonna see so mad oh geez ah it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing imagine this this man uh 10 out 10 hours in uh 10 hours in and he's starting to feel like maybe things maybe things aren't going the way that he thought they were it's almost as if he feels he deserves he he deserves the 28 thousand dollars that he was trying to steal you know did you hear that like i did the i did the session for you i i'm doing everything for you i deserve this i've done everything you've wanted for me like i'm i'm just here to help you and now why haven't i gotten why haven't i gotten the 28 thousand dollars why haven't i gotten your 28 thousand dollars yet ah yeah this will definitely make the most angry list i don't know if he's i still don't know like score wise i don't know if he's beating that other guy the what the what the truck guy but he's approaching it definitely approaching uh levels i mean if let's just be hon i don't want to call i don't want to call uh what do what do we say i don't want to call it ahead of time but this guy's approaching steve levels you know he's he's upset so we'll see we're running out of titles so let's keep i don't know if he really is the angry like right the problem is steve was angry the entire time you know what i mean steve was angry like steve was angry right out the get-go this guy has been i mean work you know it's ten hours like what he's in session he's in session with dr linda the thing is she's she's not trying to calm him down and make his life better she's she's trying to make his life the exact opposite of you see where i'm you see where i'm going so i don't know if yeah when it comes down to it this guy hasn't been paying me i mean it's 10 hours 200 an hour is what dr linda charges let's be honest it's starting to add up you know i mean how uh how long am i supposed to just do this for free at some point i mean he'll he i'm gonna end he's gonna end up owing me more oh that's actually kind of funny at some point we can be like listen it's we've been on the phone for a long time all right you're gonna have to stop taking off you're gonna have to start knocking down that price a little bit you understand um all right i gotta think through i know we got him right where we want him and uh i want to stay a little bit but i get i get i don't know the word for i don't i i don't i just become dr linda you know and like i yell and i have to be really careful about that [Music] announcement actually let me take a sip of tea first i hope you guys are having fun today by the way i'm i don't want to hopefully doesn't come across the wrong way you know but if you're not having fun i'm sorry because this is announcement [Music] announcement announcement oh announcement i keep getting nervous that he's gonna call kim and i'm gonna answer and ruin the whole thing but i'm i have it kind of mapped out so i don't do that but but here's the thing up until today like up until recently and now he's still i don't think he has said like he's been he hasn't even swore at me yet i don't think he's trying to be professional [Music] he's trying he's doing a lot he's really working hard uh which is i know he almost did he almost he almost did i think we all heard it um and those are the types of he it's the reality is like i'm glad that we're able to do this because i think that he would be more successful than some of the other scammers that we run into like because he he he's good at he's good at lying and manipulating and all that now right now he's he's losing his cool and i don't know i don't know how many people will just stay on the phone with someone while they're screaming like that but yeah he said he started to say something could have been fudge could that's true you know what uh am i saying rowini right i know you've been around here for a while sorry i think you could boil it all down to he listens to what i say he listens to the words that i say and he processes it with his his brain tubes and then and then says something afterwards i feel like a lot of scammers i talk to just read a piece of paper and they barely listen to a word that i say there there were a few times actually where i've done i've there's one call in particular on on uh youtube i don't know what it's titled excuse me where i the scammer was reading through the social security scam and i just said he would be like so man is this your car that we found on the south border of texas and i would say like announcement lettuce i would just say random words and he'd be like okay so because we found your car you just keep going announcement look i could literally say anything and he just keep i don't remember what that was like three years ago but okay i should call him back now it's been a few minutes probably long enough for me to explain the situation to security announcement announcement hello hello hello ma'am please listen to me yeah you i am yes ma'am every time every time you're not talking to me there's something wrong happening so please talk to me please talk to me i am i'm on the world of crying can you hear me okay okay okay yes are you did you paid for it did you paid for it are you now okay yeah okay they made me give back the merchandise and they asked me to leave the store so you know that's fine okay all right okay now please listen to me are you where are you right now where are you right now i'm just standing outside the store where are you right here okay is there a is there is there a bench or a table to sit something like that over there where you can sit for a moment can we talk i need you to calm down for a moment somewhere you can you want me to put something on a table you want me to no no i want you to sit i need you to sit somewhere is there somewhere you can sit down for a moment abel what is wrong what is going through your what is going through your mind right now that you're telling me to go sit on you i i am starting to get very frustrated with you i feel like for the past three or four days i have been doing everything that i possibly can to help them and you you it's like you can't possibly go you can't even meet me halfway you know what i mean i'm crying right now ma'am i'm crying right now please listen to me you ask me something and then you don't even listen to me you ask me a question and then you keep on speaking yourself i'm really really crying right now what because i now i'm right now because you're not even listening to me you asked me a question and you don't let me answer you don't even let me answer the question that you're asking me you mad you're not i'm not mad ma'am i'm i'm really crying because i don't want you to make another mistake i don't want you to make another mistake and for that you need to listen to me try to stop getting excited i have been i have been listening to you every single day you tell you tell me doctor doctor i need you to do this i need you to go to the bank i need you to get money out of the bank i need to go to the driver i need you to go to a bitcoin car wash and deposit cash into it i took care of your five thousand dollars i took care of that i took care of the 300 tattoos you know wasted right now i took care of your station as well i took care of everything i took care of cam i took care of five thousand dollars that you you know you put in car wash i took care of it i took care of the dude i'm taking care of the thousand as well but you have to listen to me please let's not talk about anything else let's just focus on what we have to do please please you know what i beg you abel i don't even know what i think i'm gonna start walking towards the bitcoin car wash because maybe i could just buy more tickets or something no no no no no no no no no no that is done that is done don't do it you guys can use that because if you guys can use the tickets like honestly that wasn't that hard it was confusing but it wasn't that hard no no no no no it's done damn it's done listen to me please listen to me please don't do anything that i'm not asking you to do please don't do anything that i'm not asking you to do please only do what i'm you know asking you to do right now you have seven cards with you right you have seven cards with you oh my god you have seven cards with you remember you told me you have seven cards with you right man please calm down please calm down i ran out the store after that guy and i oh please i can't catch your memory are you kidding me i can't even control you're getting right now are you kidding me are you kidding with me are you kidding me what do you mean am i kidding with you because right right now it feels like it feels like you're trying to understand from five days you're trying to send me money and you cannot you cannot i wish i was kidding tell me which store you have near to you tell me which store you have near to you tell me let's let's let's together let's do this together one time without a problem i will be on the phone with you which store you have next to you which store do you see nobody table but why don't you just come you said you'd come to my house you said you'd come to my house tomorrow come to chicago today try to understand you are not losing you know see i took care of your session as well i took care of kim as well as promised to you i did that right i talked to her for an hour she would be paying you the money right no i'll pay you i'll give you that hey you earned that money i don't want that ma'am i don't want that money i don't want that money i want you to just do i just wanted to just fix this mistake i want you to buy an apple cart that's right i made a mistake i'll admit i i'll admit that i i made a mistake i made one mistake i want like that i cannot i will not meet you i will not meet you like this i don't want to meet you like this i don't want to meet you like this i'm also i'm a guy with respect i'm a guy with respect i'm a guy with respect i have a respect in the society these guys over here think that i'm a scammer they think i'm trying to scam them they're at their time they're putting everything that they're going ma'am yes they are thinking like you and i together i try to make a fool of them because they are saying how could anyone not do this he said just tell her to buy 10 apple gift cards you went out and buy bought those and gave and lost them just saying you lost them how can i prove i i i can go back i can go back to the store i'll try to go back to the store and get the cards okay yes yes and buy and can you buy two apple gift cards from there buy two apple gift cards or 500 each apple gift card only okay can you buy two apple gift cards of thousand dollars from there 500 500 as well and get your cards as well i don't know i mean the security guy took a picture of me and he said i'm not welcome in this store i don't know if i can go back tell the security guy tell the security guys i i left my stuff inside well how am i gonna prove it i don't know i can i'll see okay okay ma'am okay let's linda linda i'm gonna go ahead and put this thousand dollars from my pocket forget about these thousand dollars what's the other store what's the other store near you tell me the other store near you what's the other one uh maybe they got the best i think they have target or a best buy or something i don't know i'm in the middle of nowhere uh they have a target they have a target i think they have best buy you have they have a target okay do you see target there sweetie target can i god is there not a way that i can just have you have the cash we have to put ma'am we don't ma'am linda i'm see i'm again telling you the only way that is possible is you have to pay through a apple gift card no but have you heard of that do you know what a cashier's check is you know what it is that is not gonna ma'am this is not a normal run this is not you paying me money this is a different kind of transaction right this is a different i would make i would write the check if i write the check to the gaffer then you can't it doesn't work like that we don't accept checks we only accept payment through wire transfer or crypto or apple gift cards that is why ma'am and try close to understand probably five minutes away from the uh from the bitcoin car wash should i just buy more crypto tickets ma'am you don't have cash with you for bitcoin machine you need to have cash with i think i don't want three hundred dollars i need you to send four thousand there are remaining four thousand that you have to send ma'am so you have to buy the apple gift cards of four thousand remember you have to buy it try to understand please i'm telling you the store how far away is the lows from you i'm i'm gonna tell you the store go just follow my instruction it would be very easy tell me how far away is lows from your place how far away is loan or a cvs i don't i don't know i mean probably 10 15 minutes i've been walking around all day able you understand okay tell me tell me which store are you at right now okay i didn't even go into work today you understand that i didn't even have i didn't have a glass of water that i thank you from deep down my heart but i didn't had a glass of water either i did not had you know lunch either i did not had breakfast either i if you remember there has been like six hours i'm at work and for the last four hours either i'm talking to you i took one hour session of game and i'm still talking to you i didn't even went for a break ma'am even i understand that you are doing your bit i'm also doing my bit and i really respect that i just want you to tell me what is your current ad location because i can tell you the nearby store so that you don't have to run far away just tell me your exact location right now what exactly exactly you want to do i was just walking around i'm sitting on a i'm sitting on a bench they didn't have any tables and huh honestly you're sitting on a bench right now i'm sitting on the bench i'm tired okay keep on sitting i need you to take okay okay now just have a breather take the cards out of the uh you don't have the cards with you as well right you don't have the cards with you as well right now no okay tell me what is your current location right now let me look through my perspective which street are you at street maybe i have something in my purse weird things in there maybe i could find like a uh something what are you looking for i don't know what are you looking for something else that you guys can give away is a gift for your employees like no no i don't want gifts ma'am you're not giving me gift you this is a mode of payment this is not a gift that you're giving there's a mode of payment actually so i want to know if do you do you see any walgreens yeah i got do you see any cds where are those originals in here but i don't have lipstick ma'am please listen hey linda please listen to me whatever i have a gift card here but it's yeah it's just fifteen dollars yeah no i don't want that ma'am let's ma'am you're not you're you're not you understand right that you're not donating this money to me uh you're not giving me donation right this is the money that people oh yeah you guys were gonna give it away to your employees try to understand try to please try to please try to please understand that right now i'm not i'm not talking to you uh you know as uh able your friend i'm talking to you on a behalf of an organization and see the more i see you know the more i see the more i get friendlier with you the office guys over here they feel like i'm not doing my job right now they want me to take this money out of you any which how but i'm still being me i'm i'm just being me i'm just trying to help you as well i know because you're giving me back but at the same time i cannot be bad with these guys so i'm just asking you a serious question how far away is the walgreens kroger or any major store from you my phone just made that little sound do you see any do you see any department store any pharmacy store i got like i got like two percent i got like two percent phone do you know do you know whether where you can charge a cell phone in downtown chicago like you know um no ma'am i don't know that ma'am and if your phone goes off then i'm i'm i'm like i i'm telling you ma'am tomorrow you might not you might you might not hear from me because i will probably be i'll probably be fired today i'll probably be i'm fired today ma'am maybe maybe if i go to 7-eleven if i go to 7-eleven i might be able to get like a uh like a cell phone charge or something and then yes and 7-eleven also sells 7-eleven also has apple cards so you can buy apple car from 7-eleven too oh okay i'll yeah let me listen i'm going to turn it off i'm going to turn it off i'm going to go to 7-eleven and then i'm going to call it i'm going to listen to me listen please listen to me before you do that listen to me please listen to me listen to me no right now i'll call you when i get there because i don't want to run out okay please listen to me but listen to me but listen to me first you have to buy apple cars okay please i beg you yeah just have to buy apple gift card right apple gift cards apple apple ma'am brand only apple okay no kroger or anyone you have to buy only one percent it's one percent one percent only apple gift all right uh i need to see something here one moment all right for now anytime he calls that number it should just immediately hang up so hopefully uh i don't know if that's good or bad should i go right to the or should i go right to voicemail actually i guess i may okay let me think about i feel like we're on a we're on a a difficult uh juncture a difficult moment where um like he has he has to get he has to feel like he's getting closer to what he wants or else i could you know i might not [Laughter] i yeah i want th the redeem would be would be the thing but the tricky part about that the tricky part is uh that might have to be it that's honestly the way i was leaning but um i have to think about it because um sometimes lately the redeems like push them over the edge and they think oh this person is just messing with me you know so it's tricky it's it's a tricky thought it's something to consider so announce hello hello ma'am hi this is abel abel hey oh god sweetheart i got uh i literally just got back to my office and plugged in the phone i got like one percent if it hangs up i'm sorry i i'm god it's been such a you know it's been such a stressful week did i that i completely forgot can you turn on okay i'm i'm supposed to do it can you turn on your computer yeah can you turn on your computer please turn on your computer yeah let's have a breather let's talk okay and let's do this and just you know make sure that we you know we have a good thing okay okay let's talk it out no yeah i i i'm glad because i'm on the computer i'm glad you said breather because honestly i like i have been so busy with you this past week that i almost completely forgot i'm supposed to be speaking at a conference remember i told you i'm going to a club i'm going to a conference this weekend i'm supposed to fly out i completely forgot i got a package i sweat profusely literally like not literally like non-stop sweat when i'm on planes it's okay let me calm down but i haven't even prepared my i haven't prepared anything for the conference ma'am it's okay plus please turn on the computer yeah i have i got i do have some good news for you uh i got a i got a message about they they're gonna on the manager from bank of america that i spoke with left the voicemail for me and said that uh 100 uh tomorrow i morning i would be receiving a call uh and that thing should get straight that's good i understand there's nothing you can do there's nothing you can do there's nothing i can do i'm not even worried about it anymore because i know i'm you know with the kind of you know the things have been happening i know probably i'll be fired and i'm i'm really i'm really not worried about it anymore because i i really don't know what's going on over here no i'm so i'm just i just want you to i just wanted to turn on the computer and open your google chrome yep yeah open the google chrome let me know once it's open okay uh i'm trying i'm turning it on here he chose his fate it has been decided you know we just hit the i have to give a talk about going with the flow and if i'm completely honest with you i don't i understand i'm so sorry i don't know if i should cut out the part about the river rapids trip i took once where i fell out of where i fell out of the way i understand it i understand linda but i'm in a very i'm such a guy yeah i'm such in a sad mood right now i'm so sad and you know i'm such a sad mood right now that i cannot i cannot really you know i know you want to talk i know you want to talk talk out about you know your lecture and all that but i'm so sorry you know i'm so sorry right now i'm i really don't want to be rude to you i'm i'm not i don't want to be rude to you you know i don't want to say something that you know that would upset you i [Music] what do i do with that any desk thing it always pops up every time i turn it off no just just just forget about it forget about it what uh just hold on just wait wait wait give me a moment give me a moment just give me a moment i'm trying to see what if i can do all right or if i can do something hold on please wait okay your any desk is still open right uh yes yeah it is can you open it um yeah i just want to make sure everything is smooth sailing you know uh everything we do everything you know i will listen to one of your voicemails i got one of your voicemails you said you you don't want me to make any more mistakes i i know you already you already covered for two of my mistakes and it's it's three strikes you're out i don't know honestly i don't i don't have i you know i i went ahead and i i i went ahead and almost you know like literally begged in of the vice president over here today and i told him that from like from right now i will make sure that there is not no other mistake you know that is being made so right now i'm i'm i'm kind of doing i'm kind of you know running with a lot of things if you see any if you see any requests coming up from the computer just say yeah hold on uh i'm aware and accepted yep yeah one second i forgot to tell i i completely forgot to tell you but i got one of the i got one of the cards hold on one second you have to check on i'm aware of the risk and then click accept okay yeah um i forgot that hey do you guys do you know if you're a corporate office speaking of speaking of the vice president do you know if they accept something called a group a google play or not when i was at seven when i was at 7 11 i you know i asked them if they had the the apple they only had uh they only had a hundred dollar apple they had a they had one where you could load up to 500 on the on the google and so i i went with my gut and i i was like well yeah i asked the guy at the register can you can you do tech companies that's a good one companies use that did i make a mistake or did i do you have it with you no no no that's good that is good oh i just saw something pop up on my screen yeah yeah no i got it right here yeah yeah i got it right here i actually i already uh can you can you scratch it can you scratch it yeah what was it i saw something pop up on my computer no no okay you have a google play with you do you have a google play with you 501 yeah yeah i'm trying to try to figure it out take it out take it out of take it out of it take it out of the envelope and on the back of it there is a scratch pad or a peel off you have to scratch it very gently okay you have to scratch it very gently please don't make a mistake don't don't like you know wear it off yeah don't wear it off by any chance okay just scratch it very gently sorry my phone says two percent again it doesn't i can't it doesn't charge fast enough so if my phone cuts out it's i haven't plugged in no problem no problem because i typed on the computer i typed on the computer i said how to get the cash off the card i want to make sure we don't make anything please listen to me one thing at a time one thing at a time you told me about the google play card so you have that google play with you right now do you have it with you i don't know if you can hear i don't know if you can hear me i'm typing it on the computer for you if you can get on there i cannot see it on the computer i cannot see it on the computer i got to get them on the computer i didn't click accept because i was trying to set the stage for it uh i should have clicked it i mean whatever it's a gosh just invite come on bro just try to get on my computer again i'm like sitting i'm sitting right here i wasn't ready for it at the time oh there we go okay announcement okay so he's on there he sees it uh six how many characters is that okay let me let me go oh yeah sorry i had to turn the phone on again i i switched outlets to hopefully this will uh hopefully this will work better ma'am listen to me please listen okay so i i don't know if you see it but i think on the back of the card it was just saying that you can you can get cash out of it on the google store i don't know if you're saying let me try to call you back hello hello okay i got you now i got you take a breath i gotta hey abel i have to uh i don't know if you heard me before i have one of the codes the uh i got i got this is a 500 code okay so i'm gonna wait now i think i can get [Music] [Music] why did you redeem it why did you redeem it why did you do it man why did you do this hello have hello redeem this you did not have to redeem this ma'am you did not have to redeem this why did you do it i think the phone did you do it no no you did not have to redeem this why did you do this why did you do this this is added to you now you see what you did wait wait what you said what's going on see do you see do you see what you did do you see what you did do you see what you did 500. i told you not to do it isn't that what you're supposed to do no you had to read it to me you had to read it to me you also gave it to me i thought i was giving it i thought this is what you you put it on your own account you will give money to yourself you need to this yeah i just told you to read it to me i told you to read it i can get more i i can get another one i have to go to the store anyway because i got a trip i have to get on a plane you listen to me you listen to me you just spend i gotta go to the store anyway and put it back to your account you just spent 500 and you put it back to your account well how do i know what you did how do i give it to you there's got to be a way i can you just have to read that to me you listen listen i'm telling you you just had to read that quote to me you just have to give that code to me verbally on the phone you don't have to put it on the computer you just do you see what it says 500 have been added to your balance should i should i go to the should i go to the store okay i gotta i'm gonna call him right back but i have to keep up that my phone is that my that my phone is cutting in and out how about that announcement mabel sorry my phone i keep are you able i'm gonna i can go to the store for you i can get calm down ma'am i have five hundred dollars there has to be a way i can give this to you there has to be a way listen to me listen to me i'm listening listen i beg you i thank you i beg you you did something good you did something good for the first time first time you did something good and see what you did in excitement see what you did in excitement just look in front of your eyes look in front of your eyes this is what you did in excitement this is what you did anyway so this is i did a good with all right this is good this is good you just added no this is bad this card was good but you were not supposed to redeem it well how do i send it to you okay how can i send it to you though because i added it to my balance is it like paypal is it is it like paypal can i just oh can i send it to you listen to me you have to just read out the code to me you just have to read out the code on the back of the card to me on the phone you just have to give me the code you just redeemed your code to yourself you just redeemed it for yourself how would i read you for me to redeem it you have to give it to me i i thought i would i think this is what now i just read the back of the card no this is your google i'm so sorry you just redeemed it yourself why are you running one step ahead why are you running one step ahead why are you being smart why are you trying to run one step ahead why why are you doing this i'm stretched out i've been doing this for a week i haven't trip that i haven't prepared for i have to give a lecture i have to give a lecture in front of thousands of people about living in the future can you do one thing for me please listen i can't hear you i can help you i this is the last mistake this is the last mistake i cannot go ahead and spend money from my pocket for your mistakes every time i know i cannot i cannot i've already taken care of thousand dollars now i have to take care of fifteen hundred dollars i don't want to pay twenty eight thousand dollars from my pocket i'll get you more i can get you because i don't want to pay 28. i still paid 1500 i don't want your money i don't want your money i just want you to give the money to the company that's right that's what i'm saying i'll get you more i'll get you more cards i'll pay i promise i'll pay you back listen to me listen to me please no i want i want you to get this google play cards you can get these cards get these google play cards i need you to give me today i have to listen my plane leaves in a couple hours so i have to get back i have to pack and i have to go and i have no you have the cards you have to give me these cards you have to give me you have to give me five why did you do this why did you do this why did you just did this you were trying to tease me are you trying to tease me you're trying to tease me you just added five hundred dollars to your account how do i do that to your account can you make a google account you have to read it can you make a google account you have to say the code you just had to say the code you just have to say it on the phone you don't have to put it on your computer you just have to say it on the phone goddamn phone you have to just say the number to me can you make it google okay listen take a breath take a breath take a breath ma'am no i cannot no what if you make a googler you don't have to listen to him free it doesn't cost you any money and then i can send it to you i can send it to you no no i don't i will not share my personal email with you i will not share any info with you okay i can get caught i i i i can listen i'll pack and i'll i'll get you more cards but it's i i don't know if i cannot okay okay listen listen can you give me five of these cards let me see let me see okay i'm hanging up again because of battery problems but oh he really wants some gift cards his voice he might he might not have a voice tomorrow holy smokes holy moly oh [Applause] hey abel abel are you there it's dr linda hello [Applause] hello yes ma'am oh sorry the phone it keeps going please mom listen to me for a while ma'am please listen to me before you make another mistake i was so happy that you just got a card and i'm you know i was i shouted on this call i believe you i believe you are not even listening you don't care to what i say because i shouted i was shouting ma'am don't click on ok keeps calling me can i tell her to call you no no no ma'am please listen to me for a moment forget about came right now i don't care about him right now i have already taken her session she will pay you money you take that money i don't care about it i don't care about it right now i i really want you to buy five of these gift cards you need to get the same card you don't have to put it on your computer you don't have to put it on your computer okay you have to just read no i know i know i know i know get the cards and get them on the computer i i just i'm i got a pack you know you don't have to put them on the computer you have to get the cards and just read the code to me you just have to tell me the code on the phone you just have to leave okay well i'm probably gonna hit i'm probably gonna have to i'll probably have to do that because i gotta get i have to go to the airport in like an hour because oh now okay whoa hey hold on hold on what honey this is it no no no no no i love my life i love my life ma'am i love it sweetie calm down don't please don't make a mistake please don't make a mistake i don't understand you don't i beg you why would you why would you no you said it down you said it three times already how should i what is wrong sweetie you're asking me what is wrong ma'am you're asking me what is wrong you just said dude i am gonna send you cards you need to calm down you need to breathe you can get a new job no okay you can get new jobs please ma'am please listen to me i'm calm down you have to get five cards google play or apple no other no other card okay please listen to this one thing very seriously no other card it either has to be a google play card or either it has to be an apple card that's it okay okay can i can i do i trust you that you will not make you will not improvise don't improv i'm not gonna improvise i i i gotta i okay so you want me to go just just get five cards and you'll take care of the rest is that is that it five off and how much how much should it be you have to make sure you pay for 2500 okay five card for 500 each 2500 all right make sure you have 2500 dollars of card please i beg you i beg you okay okay okay sweetie man please ma'am you need to listen i know i don't listen to me i know that you i know you take a breath you need to talk i can give you ma'am you said you will help me ma'am you said you will help me i want to help you i'm offering to give you a free session right now if you want i can take five five minutes i don't want sessions i don't want session i don't want that i don't want that i want you whatever i wanted you're not giving me you're not giving me i told you to give me this card i told you to read it to me you put them and you put the money to yourself you were supposed to give it to me oh my god you just went ahead and added the value to yourself how am i supposed to take it now i i i thought that i could you're getting what i'm saying you get accepted you get excited and you do something and you just spoil everything you just spoil everything you said that i didn't i don't even remember that you said i did something you didn't realize the right thing when you got the car you did the right thing when you got the card but when you when you went ahead and redeemed i told you not to do it i told you not to put that on the computer told you not to put it on the computer i told you not to put it on the computer because you don't listen i i no no ma'am you don't know it things right they try to understand you are smart you are an intelligent person but try to understand it's sometimes good to listen to others it's some time in life it's good to listen to others i know you're an intelligent person i know you're a smart person but i am back but no you have to listen to me very carefully you are not gonna do anything until or unless i tell you to do so okay okay just three days can you promise me that can you promise me that please promise me promise me you will not do anything that i will not tell you to do because i am the one who is facing consequences so can you give me a second please i'm trying to figure out how many parents get underwear you gotta give me a second i can't do math while you're talking like that three days okay i think i think you should be going you should be you should be going out to get the cards first can you hear me at the airport i think that they have a uh i think they have a place i think they have a little like i think oh announcement one moment announcement i guess i i'm just trying to think let me uh let me pause that for a minute that was pretty that was pretty wild i was there pog i think he's mad i i don't know if that that might beat out like i will have to do a statistic you know i i will do this live and we will vote on it but at some point when this story ends whenever it does or however it ends i mean i suppose all things come to an end we will have to vote and do a statistical analysis because just because he's not announcement just because he's not uh saying you know i'm gonna murder your family doesn't mean he hasn't reached the same levels of of of sheer hopelessness and frustration uh that was steve so uh there yeah he definitely didn't get a win um [Music] it's it's so cr i hate it's so weird to say this because there's a lot this happened with steve afterwards like when i listened to steve again there's a there's a part of me where it's like well like you i you there's a there's a part where i'm like i almost want to like i almost want to feel bad but then you remember oh right you're trying to steal 28 dollars for me and you've been manipulating me all week and like he like he's so the way that he's screaming and yelling about that is because he feels like he has done everything to deserve my 28 thousand dollars like he's mad because he's he's desperate and he's thinks that he deserves mo like some old ladies 28 000 and he didn't get it and and he spent all this time and he put all his effort in and this whole week yeah he's like his voice he's basically throwing a a temper tantrum and yeah there's a point where you're like holy moly like this guy's this guy's lost this guy's lost it and now yeah that's a whole that's a whole dr k session right there and now it looks like he convinced himself yeah announcement okay i gotta wrap this up for today sorry announcement hello table sorry are you there you're there hello linda why did you why did you hang up me why did you hang up the phone i didn't i didn't hang it up it's the better it's i'm packing i get you in the comments do you want do you want me to talk to you do you want me do you want me to talk to you like like the other guys want me to talk to you you want me to go ahead and talk to you what are you talking about linda linda i need i need five cards right now i don't if you can you you might have to cancel your flight today i i'm so sorry okay i need five cards then i will believe you because right now i cannot believe you you're making mistakes you're making mistakes i thought that i was doing everything right okay i'm packing no do you think i'm stupid do you think i'm stupid if i'm telling you to do something if i'm telling you to do something you think i'm stupid i i have spent how could i trust what is that i'm trying you're not trying this 500 is also sent to your account this 500 is sent back to your account so you did not do anything so i need you to go out right now i will i'm almost done i'm almost and i have to run to the airport okay they will not give you five cards ma'am one store will not give you five cards one stop jeez all right i think at some point i have to at some point i have to pause it so yeah that son of a gun i think he's mad i don't know we'd have to check we'll we'll have to replay the we'll have to check the tapes play what the playback i feel like so i i ended up muting it uh because i i was feeling like he might go in this direction but yeah he's now he's just trying to appeal to the like either his bosses are gonna like kill him or or like like he's just really leaning into like i appealing to any ounce of what would you say human in me you know like he's trying to manipulate the uh me as much as he can to be like no you have to save me like you can't go yeah empathy whatever it is like i emotional blackmail sure of like no you can't go to you can't go to your on your flight you can't do any of these things like which is which is which is nuts logically when you think about it and i've explained this to him multiple times it's crazy because like mcafee the what he said earlier like the multi-million dollar company first of all first of all has all kinds of legal things in place and in like company insurance policies to deal with stuff like this there's like this whole thing is completely illogical multiple times i've mentioned to him that i would fly to his house and give him money like this whole thing is absurd he's he's like made up this i mean because that's how the scam works though i i guess we have to sort of keep going back to that though he this is the way the scam works they manipulate someone and and they they try to grip them into giving them as much money as they can get i suppose we did the opposite we've manipulated him into wasting as much of his time and getting as upset as he can so he's not spending it with someone else but yeah it's crazy um well you guys were here for what will certainly be a pretty iconic pretty crazy call this year thank you guys for all of the uh support thanks for all the ideas today uh i think i need to i need to relax for a little bit i i can't keep talking to him right now anyway so yeah i don't know i i don't really i have much of an exit speech other than i appreciate you guys i had some fun i i loved the um the happy anniversary thing that was fun um well i imagine that you had a chance to laugh you had a chance to learn about how crazy these situations are uh you know again he thinks that this is some 70 year old woman you know this is his reality so it's just it's crazy it's absolutely crazy but at the end of the day uh he didn't win so uh scammer didn't win and we'll see about um we'll see about talking to him again after i hung up the phone abel called me all night and the last words that i ever heard from him is this voicemail that i don't even think he meant to leave [Music] he talks to his friend about how he couldn't get the card for me because the computer was completely locked his friend seems to console him and say that he might be able to get the cards another way but abel is completely defeated and i never heard from him again all their phone lines were disconnected and now all i have left is the memory of abel shrieking in pain realizing that he wasn't going to get anything and i hope he realizes that that is what he did or would have done to any victims that he scanned i hope that he quit and that he and his friend realized it's just not worth it but i don't know so please share this video with your friends and family i think it's really important to learn about these skins if you didn't catch it somewhere around the 36 minute mark is a bone chilling shriek i really think this is one of the best scam beats that i've ever been a part of the twitch community was a huge help during this it was all streamed live and actually i wouldn't even have redeemed the gift cards if some of my moderators hadn't encouraged me to i was worried that if i pulled out the google play card he might hang up on me anyway i hope you enjoyed this and had a chance to laugh at abel's misfortune as always know that you are valuable and you matter i'll see in the next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: More Kitboga
Views: 619,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, full kitboga call, kitboga archive, kitboga unedited, scams, scammer, tricking scammers, prank calls, pranking scammers, kitboga abel, kitboga record call, world record scambait, live scambaiting, long form improv, long form improv shows, improv comedy, live scambait, full scambait calls, improv theater, improv, kitboga
Id: 0fICIJo3JWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 719min 3sec (43143 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.