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all right so we're back and we're doing trash speaking again early morning it's about 7:15 right now in the morning and yeah it's a beautiful day out we're going to do some trash pick and hopefully find some more treasure I just got back and unloaded all my scrap metal you guys can see from yesterday's pic there's some more over here but yeah we're going on we're going trash picking we're going to do this again I know a scrap yard isn't open today for some reason so because of that I'd rather just do trash picking in the morning oh right and head to the scrap yard beforehand so I empty out the whole van kind of problem doing this is you gotta have empty van but vans empty and we're going trash picking so let's get out there and see we find two trash day let's do it all right first stop of today got ourselves a pretty nice foosball no it's going to say nice foosball tale but you can see the veneer or whatever you cause is completely peeled off this side it's all stained it's warped lots of shame side boards are coming off oh man stinks - it smells like like a dead mouse let's add something in there made something there oh that's a shame the Mount hours I've spent on foosball as a kid have been tremendous all right I see some trash over here on the left but I don't know if there's any treasure he had one of these houses the house I went into a lady had like a bunch of boxes of stuff that you want to get rid of there's like gooseberry pie wreck stuff like that we got over here that's not that work that's not gonna work well that was disappointing it's down there nope it's like house reservations all right here's a big pile of college so college kid stuff most likely Oh buddy was that sign I don't know if it's a class of something or if it's up College sign it's all boards that's pointless a whole bunch of pots and pans we always find these somehow not going to take the plates I they like one of those things you donate and then they're like why are you donating this because we have a million of them box wine never used do you think this is still good like is this something you can like so it's like literally for all feels like garbage I don't know I don't even drink wine this is all the residence of the college kids seem like a small trash guy see there's a kid walking up the street right now seen there's people weren't best and what happens is they made all the kids throw away their garbage but not on the road and they used to pile him up against the house cuz they all left yesterday and yesterday wasn't actually trash day today is trash day so because of that they went ahead and made or they're coming around and taking all the garbage from the side house and playing out front for the garbageman early early are you serious patty coherent like what what the Patagonia it's really patent it's it's an excel though shocked well would you spired meet to paste I'm still kind of shocked about that oh look at that grab the Bud Light sign she might salt the flea market those plates see what's going on up here before I Drive up here and make a fool of myself got a fan not a fan of channel ro more up here you know that's like all trash I'll run that Patagonia through the the washer there's just stuff thrown everywhere Christmas trees I mean what are we doing for our lives not taking that mirror I haven't had any luck with mirrors there's still some stuff away all right that guy's metal I grabbed him schoolwork don't want to be reminded schoolwork [Music] some people throw away shoes these aren't that clean but I've thought into one of those recycling things cuz they clean them I think whose I think they do [Music] almost missed this guy hiding in the bushes I don't even know what I do with this wine don't know why even grabbed it that is forgot the navel that it's got the or on the side it hasn't named there's a name for that exact style of Patagonia and now as I think of it I don't know why I didn't grab the other clothes to donate but I can't do it all kind of noodle this morning um I haven't seen anything [Music] it's all mixed do see some stuff on the other side oh no this was a football house I seen some football stuff P stuff and I see that box of football stuff or this thing size 12 angle artwork I can sell these I know know who buys them EJ buys them at the flea market he sells a lot of shoes they look like turfs like baseball Terps because you hit the home plate but the bottom has these like ridges that's probably what the art of Pride Turks turf sneakers just sheets usually wouldn't open up bags some of these I am opening and that's only because it's not like someone's actual stuff like this is all just game trashed it's not like somebody's daily weekly garbage plastic all right yeah not for me there's just garbage everywhere and how many light cans gonna be drink these people don't even drink them apparently get yourself pierogies this is not why don't know what that is shoes nope empty issues empty nothing over there just realize this is a floating thing more shoes empty as well you can donate that piece just garbage everywhere bunch of pillows sink that guy just off the pan you really no rhyme or reason why I'm grabbing half this stuff [Music] broken print display show when I moved out of college I don't remember having this much like just random garbage it's like they don't even they don't put their garbage out every week like I don't know we had two trash cans that was it if you could have put anything outside the trash can alright so one of these piles yesterday I saw a toaster and a microwave I don't know if there was this one I wonder if it's been taken already probably has I can't imagine not one scrap I came by last night is O'Brien is this guy I don't know well don't eat him I'm being very like weird about donating stuff today I don't know why probably clear donated half my van load or a half my van of just clothes and linens oh my god we'll just take this and donate this guy still need to do an animal shelter run don't know when that would be but ps4 box nothing inside see I didn't grab that toaster yesterday because it was really really awkward there's like I don't know a couple out there and they were hugging crying and it was like literally right next to him I was like I didn't want interrupt it then ever I really started crying here Cosmetics if you don't believe the scrappers around in full force check out this guy here I'll try try get to it quickly yep scrapper with a trailer wonder if he's gonna take a left down that road no it's going straight scrapper over trailer so they're out already as well everyone knows the deal around here it's at 8:30 in the morning so these college kids already gone for the most part you know but the rest of town I actually didn't find much last year right here I found a water cooler whole box of pots of paint I found a bunch of study nothing over there today we ran this year so what Brian cruise back over to town number two in town number three finished town number one here found some treasure kind of happy I came out but let's move on board with the day this is throwing me for a loop right that says five dollars for old box but this is free on it don't need puzzles especially water damage puzzles and that's a blast my past take those guys I really like this guy but I'm not gonna make it mess out here over this it's alright yard sale leftovers thanks love jewelry oh it does let's go up front these are like beads for crafting but I talk about this a lot my flea markets not a crafting flea market so stuff like this just doesn't sell these are all picture frames this cookie jars shipped do like this guy but I'm not gonna make a mess of the person stuff take the sculptures all right this is the house that threw away that wishing well a long time ago and had a nice leather leather top desk they had some rocking chairs out here but we have a heater out here what you know is a good possibility this guy works cuz if you're putting a heater on that this time Dan weather-worn be putting a turn on the heater all right they would might have a decent piece right here looks like a military pack it is holy cow it's even marked us Wow I don't know what's in there but that should definitely not be in the trash I'm pretty sure it's probably there Vietnam or World War two thinking more towards World War two never know what you find out here alright so wow what a shocking day today was lots of fines didn't really packed the van essentially but I mean we got like random things today we got some scrap metal we got a sign that Patagonia fleece like I wear why don't you just donate that or why don't you sell that you know that thing was expensive buying it new never really know these college kids throw out the thing is that's a private school so I went to State College and there wasn't these huge piles when I left and the reason why is because a lot of people lived in state so they would just you know take their stuff and go home but we rot where this house is where this College is it's a private school so there's not a lot of in-state students which are them are out-of-state so whatever fits in a car that's it or whatever fits in their bag to go home that's it but we got this military bag here I don't know feels like there's just garbage in here yeah we got garbage garbage like legit garbage there might be aluminum nods vinyl all right well that guy's gotta be take that stuff out no we'll sell the bag hopefully that would dry up I don't know if they'll try out that's like looks like oil got me lots of other fines as well some pots and pans boxed wine funny thing that's actually a box for box wine that's what I found yesterday that was with the vision where took the vision where how this is not where it is and then obviously the one good fine I would say is this guy it's like a whole jewelry case of stuff this looks completely full I don't know if I hey this is stainless or not stainless is silver might be some of this might be silver empty empty and deep oh no something in there got some jewelry there then we got these guys which might be silver that one doesn't look like it this one might be no I don't think it is but yeah a good day of treasure hunting lots of lots and fun hopefully you guys have enjoyed this treasure hunt it's been a blast and uh you know I know I love you I can say if I'm going to keep on doing this knowing that you know scrap prices are going down gas prices are kinda staying steady right now there are only two ninety-five here but gas scrap prices have been going down so yeah you know like today if I didn't find maybe this jewelry case or a peg leg fleas it might not have been a value i used worth it but it's always fun it's a great hobby and you guys the supports really helped me out you know I know I haven't done merchandise plug in a while but you guys want pickup a taco stack merchandise still have a ton of t-shirts in stock first link in the description below all the proceeds from no sale help make these videos possible so you guys want to pick up a shirt pick up a hat something like that first link in description below guys have already watching more videos definitely subscribe in a catch you guys next time hopefully guys have enjoyed it smack like fun if you did until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 288,756
Rating: 4.8520927 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Dumpster diving, found in trash, found in dumpster, garbage truck, bulk pick up, family friendly, trash day, garbage day, recycle metal, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, junk metal, salvage, taco stacks trash, dumpster diving haul, speedy diver, junk man, collecting metal, collect metal, recycle aluminum cans, salvage yard, found on street, street cleaning, street clean up, save the earth, going green, recycling center, landfill
Id: D5QnHl-McMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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