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all right everyone welcome back for another video here with taco stacks today is going to be a little bit different we're heading back to uh uh yesterday's community yard sale and we're going to try to do some trash picking and see if anyone threw anything out so i did go out to another yard sale or a community yard sale today but i didn't really find much i just didn't make a video on that uh but today is a little bit different at least tonight hopefully uh hopefully find some treasure some free piles committee yard sale leftovers let's do it all right well this house isn't even the community yard sale house it's a uh it's actually someone i used to know um i hope that's a telephone line and not a power line because old taco stacks here is going to be taco fried stacks here in a second we have a bunch of different stuff so yeah i used to know this person at least who i thought lived here actually some pretty cool stuff um nice vintage chair it's a terrible road to pull off on also so now it is gotta get rid of this glove are these typewriters let's see i think these it says rr control cars i might say this is probably a typewriter things locked two blocks jump rope broken stuff don't need that don't need this this is probably i'm going to go ahead so these are all bowling balls that's a bowling ball uh they're bowling balls so i don't need bowling balls i don't know i'm taking that one i'm sorry i don't think i've ever sold a bowling ball this is kind of cool i don't know if it's kind of cool all right last thing i had to grab is whatever this is oh my god some more fireplace tools and uh yeah whatever this was it's kind of cool i know that was made in a country far far away all right now we're in the tower yard sale leftovers these look uh brand new so i'm gonna grab these like some like probably use them i don't really see anything else maybe now that thing's broken about this little stool too many oceans almost closed next hey that guy has scrap metal in his truck all right and then this rolling cart looks like two things i mean these things gotta be expensive you know i kind of want to just take that one thing but if somebody comes along or wants like the whole setup there's like a little like a fake rock in there somebody wants like that whole setup you know this town's uh this town's trash isn't for like four days five days so there's enough time where someone who might want that might drive by well in honor of things being free old taco stax is going to be a generous guy today i grab all these prints and actually close these books so i want to get their reading on there's nothing really too great in here i don't know i don't know but i'll end up donating these because somebody might like that for a cabin um these are very very very clean don't my lunk annoy my luck my hip one bump and gone forever will be these prints and their frames and their glass but uh i might hit up the thrift store this week or next week so put a nice pile of donations together i wonder what this sign says great you can tell it's been out here since yesterday it poured last night i don't want to say it poured but it rained i don't want to stop by i guess this glove's got to go trying to even remember where we found all those good hats there were a couple decent ones in there like i looked up the enron ones i mean they're like 30 40 there's one that was online for 120 so got some cool hats there at 10 10 a piece should i grab them all probably but i grabbed probably 13 maybe 12 or 13 that i knew probably wouldn't sell hard still almost till one oh here it is and it was around here somewhere ain't they got anything left they just he just said i give up and just left it all out there up guys pushing stuff back big yards grab that stuff on the other side maybe he'll see me out here and be like you want any of this stuff maybe he won't be eye contact that was about all we did he'd probably like just give it away but i mean you know you have a two-day yard sale what's really left after the second day you know nice speaking of all the hats i still see them all there not a whole lot of stuff that i want hey how's it going all right do you have any like jeff gordon t-shirts up there or anything is there any like men's t-shirts like nascar stuff or about all right yeah that's fine i just seen the jeff gorn stuff i figured i'd ask years ago yeah i hear you alrighty thanks again yep it's always weird you know you go around say trash pick or whatever after a community yard sale like what time do people really stop selling you know like those signs they always say like eight to one eight to two do people really stop at two do people really stop at one you never know mostly it seems like they end a lot earlier than what they say because they realize once 11 o'clock 12 o'clock rolls around you start ending with the people who really aren't buying they're just driving back and forth or driving around or whatever it might be usually you make your most sales at least from my experience within the first hour two hours um from what i've been from what i've been able to see so yeah i said eight to two i don't know what this person this person is walking back in there or over there maybe in there i don't know but yeah what time do like people stop doing a yardstill things who knows oh what do we got here we got some mystery boxes tennis balls i don't know why i decide to open this door what the heck even is this collector's edition titanic oh looks like kid stuff but i ain't gonna make a mess of everything three not the table take this and i'll take this can decorate my whole house with just free stuff oh scary yeah the homeowner just shut their door all right so that's gonna wrap it up here for this fun adventure that we took out uh going out to the community yard sale leftover town wherever you won't even call it got some boxes this i don't obviously it's got to be something for batteries it's almost like a display i think it's exactly what it is it's a storage store display for batteries here we have probably the best thing out of all these box slots and i didn't really go through this stuff what do we got here we got some rubber made oh these are just the lids for dollar if you need something oh these are there you go you got the combo pack those are not very clean surprisingly [Music] this was two dollars dude wow that does not smell good at all why does that smell terrible i would say this though sometimes these older um tennis ball tins are valuable it's almost like there's a collector for everything i was at an auction and my late friend dale ended up buying two box slots for like 25 dollars of maybe 30 or 40 of these per box and i believe they still have the tennis balls in it because someone else is like hey you know i have a dog would you want to sell some of them he's like the tennis balls i don't even want the test balls i just want the tins um why would this be two dollars for just one ball i don't know maybe the other ball was in there and they took it out or maybe they i think that's the thing i just do not know this looks like it's probably going to be all glassware stuff ends up it's going to be what's a dollar tree glassware oh no it's not dollar tree the last words uh well this was 50 cents it's good ol uh press glass not etched what's the other one pressed etched there's one other one that's not etched it's a cut cut glass um it's not either one it's not cut glass it's not edge glass a bunch of books we have ourselves i believe this is a waffle maker actually i don't know what that is what would that make what would that even make i don't even put bread in there i'm not sure it's not it's not like a panini press or anything who knows uh we got a bunch of stuff over there this is probably my favorite thing is probably this titanic collector's edition now is this dvds or is this vhs it's vhs [Music] wow this was also a dollar at one time 1998 1998 it was then we got some got a couple things up here this was from a different whole different pile this person is actually moving away they're selling the house i think because uh i don't know why they're selling it but i think i looked it up and it's about around half a million i think they're asking for maybe four hundred thousand it's up there uh i did want to open up one of these things though so how are we gonna do this i don't know why i grabbed that bowling ball [Music] this one will probably open because it's just one of these it's making a lot of noise um is this an old erector set maybe that's odd it's all the rector set and i believe this is a typewriter case the other one didn't have that noise so who knows these are just really nice i thought this was a nice bowling ball it doesn't fit closed zoom probably should have never done that anyway it's a fun day all around hopefully you guys enjoyed in our fun episode if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button and subscribe down below more trash pick adventures will be happening in the future catch you guys next time next adventure who knows what we'll get into until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 35,421
Rating: 4.9151449 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Picking Millionaire homes, trash picking million dollar homes, trash day, garbage day, recycle metal, scrap metal, community yard sale, community garage sale, free stuff, free trash, free leftovers, free pile, abandoned, estate clean out, abandoned hospital, treasure hunting, treasure hunt, salvage, dumpster dive, dumpster diving, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop
Id: DvT0kEpsNks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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