Found Someone Living In Hi5 Studios During Quarantine...

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this goes right into here dude I don't know no I'm no no no no welcome to yet another day yet another dollar at high five Studios the place that never ceases to surprise me even when I get on my hands and knees and beg it not to what has happened gang what's good what's up I am excited for today why you ask well I'll tell you I'm excited because today is the first day where I'm actually gonna get into the office for an extended period of time for the goal of setting high five Studios up to get you know ready for people to come back in I'm thinking though I want to have like a little party we'll set up for that later on in the week or something like that but for now I'm gonna be picking up CJ and we're gonna get back into the studio and see how well the office fared in the last video or so I went to the office for like a quick bit but like I literally just made a beeline to my office to get some stuff for this vlog so I really haven't seen the office or the state of the office or if it's like crazy dusty or things have gone bad or if there's been leaks and I'm a little worried cuz yeah we just weren't allowed to get in there but now we're legally allowed to be back so we're gonna have some safety parameters that we're gonna set up and I got CJ coming to help me and we're just gonna take a look at the office to see what the heck happened while we were away what I did I was going man you're late I have a kid - he doesn't distract me as much as the other one the other one as I was as I was like leaving my house she's like he'd had a come here and I was like yeah all right anyone can she literally climbed on my back and she's like I'm not letting go you could say Luna's clean but really can't blame her she gets it from her mother sorry saying that's what you want us to do I need attention yeah just climb on my back yeah you know what we're doing today we're going back to the studio bro this will be the first time you even seen the studio in months huh yeah picked up stuff like two weeks in to stay at home just okay yeah applies but I haven't been back since you've been back sanika and the worst you know rats I even think about animals yeah what have been animals inside I mean something died in the walls ah so ages ago in my parents house a rat died in the ventilation it was a nightmare right stench throughout the house and we didn't know what it was thought it was my brother wasn't my brother but we ended up having to move but that was because of my brother gotten a spat with a neighbor isn't it wasn't pretty okay we are here at the studio yeah I hope my keys still work I know they do work I just I didn't even bring my not in red bass red bass I haven't checked yet I literally did a beeline through blue base a couple days ago I really haven't seen the entire studio so though let's make it happen dude we're gonna go through red bass first thing we have to honestly do though we have to set up a station Sierra threw some materials out there so maybe she set it up fully but the the biggest thing we have to do is actually like check in and do the whole process to make sure that we can actually be in close quarters together you know I'm saying yeah well show you guys what that's like two years okay dude feels good to be back bro did the floors look dope yeah the floors look dope the floor oh yeah the fluid did all the floor it's like some guys came in and did that like second week of quarantine or something like that that is dope okay cool it smells a little weird in here I'm not gonna lie you hear that the neighbors hear I mean like in their zone in their other units there's some other cars out front I think so I literally don't know it's just legit the neighbors like that wall is a shared wall got it so blue base let's head to blue base then to check in yeah yeah let's do the whole check-in thing oh geez that has not been open for a while okay so we have a little sign in sheet Sierra came in dropped off this we have temperature stuff we have sterile pads we have masks so we threw it all in here okay CJ what's up named CJ date and time three license to do this I am NOT have you ever seen a license it's like a piece of paper I don't need a piece of paper telling me what I can and cannot do I can tell myself what I can and cannot do and I do it often no and yes that year got it okay ready are you dead oh I have to press it 98.7 that's a perfect temperature my dude thanks man I'm gonna do yours nope we have to finish this whole thing and then you do me okay fever chills are sweating actually I should stand a little farther away before I get that answer ha ha I walked over here there's a little sweat under the brim of my hat that's about what I mean like did you come in like no okay difficulty breathing nah we're good new or worsening cough no it's pretty static okay sore throat no whole body aches my heart heart ache like how is that on there no that's that's more emotional what causes me the most heart ache wasting food leftovers getting moldy in your fridge and you throw them away and could have eaten them for lunch and smells weird so you just just throw it away and new loss of a taste or smell no are you sure you couldn't sense that was behind you that's new okay you're good my turn you know the first project that we have to do when we're back CJ is to get a better understanding of just like the yeah the system that we that we currently have so this is the camera room now I want you to take inventory of this and I want you to just take note of the the current organization system that we have because I want us to to be able to replicate it as best as possible when we're shooting our stuff right okay so paper by the pen really what we have here is just like sections of the room this is all the stuff that I've like tested and all the stuff on the ground is stuff that I just don't know how how it got on the ground and so if you could keep it organized in that and my neat person on paper I'm a neat person I guess I guess it depends who you ask like if you ask a homeless person you probably say yeah okay yeah ya know when did you want this done by I don't want it done I want you to memorize how how it looks so this is the spot don't yeah don't don't move or that I mean yeah that's easy I'll just take pictures yeah just Kevin here no one else was supposed to come in hello can you go first hey hello I'll just do this I mean I pay you you know I thought I could pay people to be brave but it turns out it's more money to find people like that it's much cheaper to find cowards so naturally that's I'm not cheap alright I mean that's I mean that'll work do we have anything better than that guns yeah nerf guns that's not about it yeah hello hello hello Ashley got there it had to be Kevin I mean the doors locked like you can't get you can't get in unless you have a key hello hello hello dude that scared me bro that scared me I thought someone was like hiding out in here bro okay okay okay yo what you know that had to be the front okay I don't see anyone there how many drawers are in this place dude it's this door one on the back or whatever you would have heard the clasping sound bro it's probably just the sensor tripping it's probably just the sensor tripping like straight up you heard me you heard me slam that door yeah it's probably just the sensor tripping this is why I wanted to come back to the studio because things just go bad for no reason you know it's there's a law that dictates this it's called the law of entropy and I have been advocating for the repealing of that law and no one seems to take me seriously it like legitimately wouldn't hurt to maybe arm ourselves also I like nerf guns so it's just I feel more safe there you go I will definitely feel more safe if someone is here something is here like this will scare them this is remnants of B you know dude this is not me dude what is this you see this this is not me bro but these nails I think this works to test start to arm ourselves that made some quick I'm sorry Matt are those razor blades rusty ones who in the studio has access to all this stuff who doesn't have access to nails and razor blades this is creepy dude that area oh shoot let's get some shots of this and this feels like CJ's last hurrah in battle universe now dude this is safe easy dude but I do want to try it yo I always been concerned where this came from I think it was you I'm not buying it I'm just not buying dude I I don't know that looks like it looks like a weapon from Rex days maybe that's like the haunting ghost of gunner give me the spooks how's he doing anyways so let's take a peek I mean blue base looks pretty good yes from the apocalyptic weapon collection I'd say all right all right red base red base red base bed red with the same red base many times faster just yeah or do a run-through of the entire place or sure everything's awesome guy stuff let's just make sure everything's like running you know thing really did did did I just kick this everywhere I don't did we go out this door we did I where did it where did this come from it's a little hot rod no no it's a studio man we got toys you know we had toys and uh like that was what I'm saying was that like chilling right there and I just didn't see it like like over in the corner and we just passed by it the first time we walked through yeah or did or did this or did this appear since we've last been here I'm just I just gonna keep this one alright so what we're looking for is we're looking for any we're looking for anything that is really out of place we're looking for anything that's broken we're looking for leaks we're looking for like there's probably got that we're doing like yeah yeah well if we need that like whether the light switches works we're looking for whether or not things have stopped working let's say for instance like stuff like this like our power outage is happening where as a CEO doing maintenance checks because I'm the only one that won't sue me if we don't have you know all the parameters set up did you know I looked that up you can actually see yourself no joke google it it turns out there's actually high probability that you'd lose if you sued yourself if that's the case there's literally no hope to having an argument with yourself I mean what if no shut up that one doesn't work what is wrong with that bulb is it a black light why do we have a black light for a reading light what are you guys reading in here codes secret codes everything looks fine to me this is just chaos this is just how this is live actually do do is just like does stuff here a little fresco in here like what what is that smell holy oh dude dude oh my gosh whoa look at all the pizza boxes bro oh this is legit bad food I found the smell dude someone took a straight look at this someone took a straight bite out of the side of a sausage holy cow this is probably a little it looks like the world was ending yeah and everyone threw everything dude him everyone destroyed dick if the world was ending and you only could grab one thing from the studio what would you grab um your car keys probably Tesla runs forever I think it's like solar-powered or something so yeah this is where you guys were shooting right yeah please use other door honor why would you when you guys are shooting oh this is these doors have not been opened for in forever oh man so many different smells when you when you enter these places oh no dude what that's what that sound was look it's smoking that's fresh dude oh he's got to be like left over those pranks or something like that oh yeah yeah yeah I forgot I forgot she those pranks you know I'd really love to get in the mind of a prankster I just like I want to understand people that like to take pleasure in other people's pain I'll never understand rose oh man you got me nervous for a second bro wait why is there only the way through Matt oh I didn't this is Abbi you said we didn't get to shoot this video so can your break man that just hurts my feelings so I'm just gonna we got it how does it it's okay to be masculine all right it's absolutely okay to like being a man and to like mainly things the problem is when feminine when FEM feminine femininity why they they like to stuff things down your I forgot what I was saying okay ah oh my gosh that scared the living daylights out of me my ears bro holy cow look what is this look at this look at this these are poppers this is a okay okay I'm this pencil must have been some sort of blockage which had waited through it through explosives at me this is more impressive than I think I could have come up with I mean this has to be rose right what's that bait I guess it's bait or something like a reward for living past the trap okay ha ha very funny I was saying okay to you oh well that was out of place yeah so I guess there's another mess here and you don't have a you know the clipboard or you know like keeping it just mental logging it all google docs in your head yeah why do I hate computers you know I don't know there's not nothing happened it's not like something happened that caused me to hate them if it's not like a eternal battle or anything it's like I don't know mortal enemy I would say he was not even shooting anymore so we don't really have to worry about this passage reminding me okay that was weird though that was weird well planned I wonder how long that chops been waiting to oh my gosh Oh what the heck I think that's just easy for an animal oh okay yeah and this this looks like intentional work because I was like it looks like an animal burrowing in here Rose where are you ah just a chair you know what what we could probably look on the nest cams hmm because I'm sure Rose has come by to like set up for a vlog shoot a vlog yeah that's probably thought that remember yeah okay cool that's a good idea that is a good idea let's do it uh-oh it's just let's just do it from my office oh yeah that door doesn't thanks for letting me know beforehand okay okay you got a little bit of cleanup to do in here huh no no this is that's organized we're doing again what I'm waiting for my computer startup it's just beach ball on me so ah here we go nope just black maybe that's the security footage yeah we just yeah it just opens up to my security footage CJ is never been good with computers you'd use a notepad over a computer any day wouldn't you yeah I would and that is why I don't have respect for you reorganize your notepad since you can do that ten bullet points and you want to reorganize them what do you do I scissors paper cut them out reorganize them on another piece of tape it uses an eraser spill glass water on your keyboard what are you gonna do find new keyboard didn't take a genius to figure that I forgot you're rich yeah you did all right so I'm in here just so what do we got the booby traps yeah yeah I'm gonna be honest with you our cameras can only go so far back so when things happen we have to like clip it you know I mean so I'm just gonna go as far back as I can what yeah okay camera 27 let's try this one well no this is blue base it's not the warehouse going through camera after camera after camera must have been there for like 30 45 minutes we found something so like what are we looking for specifically I'm so tired of this bro wait go back like literally like maybe three seconds can you zoom in you can zoom in hold up hold up is this again spice know what time was that wait look look that could have been one of us this is this is today that doesn't look like you or me I'm wearing striped you're wearing a hat I am there's someone else in his office right now this has to be a prank bro this has to be like rose or like Michael I rechecked all the other cameras I didn't see anything the only place that we legit don't have cameras is we don't have cameras in the new base okay and since we don't utilize upstairs red base we don't have cameras up there maybe we call Kevin maybe we just get another eye on their hands or okay okay just I'll just call Kevin ours get-get-get keV is my human encyclopedia force to do facts and encyclopedia is like Wikipedia but it's like in book form and never mind just get a quick question quick question quick question I am wondering you told me that no one else has access to the studio during quarantine is that accurate because I know a lot of people wanted to come in grab things set things up right yeah no one has access because I'm I'm not the only one here no I'm telling you I'm not the only one here I'm know this isn't like the ghost thing okay fine you're just you're telling me no one else is supposed to have access though are we clear on that okay then that's all I need to know that's all I need to know okay thank you no yeah I'm not no I'm not I'm not falling I'm not following a rabbit hole come down this is a rabbit hole can I have this stuff why don't watch out watch out watch out for that oh that moved no dude that that thing move dude there's no that thing smell there's two bites out of it now there are two bites out of it now good it's the nastiest thing I've ever seen like someone is starving so we've confirmed a host of facts here first one being there's someone definitely in the studio at this point second one being this person does not have good taste third one being this person is sadly hungry and the frustrating thing is this doesn't really narrow down anyone I know what was that that was another party popper thing dude wow that was legit another trap I think that was gonna explode I don't know but I'm taking notes what is that is that legitimate no miss you what we've also confirmed that someone has been living in a studio upstairs red base so likely through the entire extent of the quarantine and what's worse is that I really don't check upstairs red base so it could have been a lot longer than that there's got to be a set where's this the trap had to be look naw dude what is this what is this place dude what the heck is that that's jumper nope man what the heck is that dude this is weird what on earth is this the pizza boxes from what does it say seize him wait the bear someone's alone Lee I'm thinking why is he got me like right where my eyes crossed out also confirmed that this person hates me and that doesn't narrow down anyone still okay so someone is living in HiFi studios so that's fun and clearly it's an elf check out this rake that's just a rake what what do you know about detective work very little I'm I guess do detectives know of detective work isn't that it's not the work of a detective is to find out to work I don't I don't really understand the question oh what a Kevin seven Kevin said no one else has access to maybe the construction people like the flooring people like the flooring people or you think are living no like I'm saying maybe they left a door open and like a squatter got in or something yeah a squatter that knows me ice water that knows me yeah all that stuff is just laying around where else did Kevin say there were cameras so there's also no cameras upstairs in the new unit but I'm like this would be you ghillie suit was that dude now I'm like this is not your work you're gonna follow the string you're gonna follow the string do you think it's another trap what's the worst that can happen it's like whoever's been doing this it's literally just fire like fake fireworks I don't know man every movie where you're supposed to follow the same studio you think I'm just gonna be like oh yo what's up everyone yeah I know no one's yeah all right let's follow the timing there are some fake firework trap Matt thinks we should follow the string let's let's follow the string Matt come down come down don't pull too hard don't pull too hard you could set it off just let go like how do you know what it is I assume it's another trap so we have to touch it to follow it no I guess you're right ya don't have to touch it - all right yeah there we go wow it's hot up here it smells like farts why do you have to say what you have to say that one when you're following me like like that to me well it's not it's just already smells like that this is some scooby-doo stuff man this goes right into here dude no no I'm no no no no no you know that no no no no no no no no no not down now this has to be a set now we've confirmed that they're you know I'm just gonna say it absolutely insane and I don't want to know more at this point why I told you we don't follow the string bro what you wanted to follow the string well this I happened this is my studio I have to go are you happy look at the string look at that what is this why does this have to happen here like first the keys and now this what is this this is this is a prank rose it has to be a prank this is very elaborate and we fell for it look wait that's not even plugged in up there that's not even plugged in that's not even on last seen 318 this is Tanner the sienna Sarah what what this is gobbledygook that's not even anything real what are we looking at here their criticism isolates are dissolved via acts of surrealist uselessness self sovereignty is only possible via clearing way of the utilitarian political what on earth is this this is weird I do not like this last spotted who's that is that Sam's I'm his and that's CJ and that's woods wise woods I don't know okay I guess someone's pretty passive about Kevin there's Sam there's trait there's a traitor I mean that's kind of accurate yeah traitor no III don't use that word flippantly Pat has been a part of every single channel on this network that has failed even team edge gaining little did most people know he edited that channel and poof it's gone Rose is on this board maybe she just blew this money is not King I never said that we don't do things here for money we have to have money so I can employ people but not I don't do it for money clearly though clearly clearly this person needs help this this is concerning hi I'm woods hi I'm woods hi I'm woods welcome to universe hi I'm woods welcome to universe battle rekt my vlog welcome to welcome hello what's up subscribe you don't forget to you don't forget to what is this alright can it go this is we have this all on camera Kevin keeps accusing me of following rabbit holes this is straight up the the creepiest thing and this was this this was just clearly all just a prank probably honestly I think it was it has to be no I'm gonna I'm gonna call Kevin I don't want to stay here by myself and suddenly it all made sense just get out just get out I didn't plan this just happen and I went with it what's good it's woods almost forgot how to vlog guys I'm at i-5 Studios and nobody's here look I'm just here because the a/c is out my house and well it seems like there's just an unlimited amount of energy here what is going on YouTube just oh another day 27th day in fact at high five studios in quarantine all by myself I'm doing the best I can this one is DIY you get a DIY dope don't go nuts because so uh because solitude because I'm so lonely right now and you know that's my boss I cannot get him out of my mind what's going on YouTube day 45 this is my buddy Hannah you guys know Hannah from about a universe and this is Samantha you want me to be the CEO for a for a vlog right just for just to play it up so we can put it on YouTube what real life Matt are you sure me too
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 1,700,288
Rating: 4.8916144 out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, family friendly, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, paul, dope or nope, battle universe, get good gaming, vlog, vlogger, funny, comedy, quarantine, 2020, mystery, hi 5 studios, hidden
Id: 3-z_d0DUg2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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