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alright guys this is it holy cow this is the field guys this is we're gonna have the massive garage sale if you guys are new to this channel I am weights ventures and we buy a crap ton of storage units and if you don't have a bleep flea market or an auction house or anywhere for you to sell your goods guess what you gotta find an area you got to make your own thrift store you're gonna make your own flea market you got to make your own area to sell the stuff so this is what this is this is where it's gonna happen this is where a bunch of stuff is gonna be sold that has been bought and storage units set aren't necessarily gonna go on eBay or Amazon it's gonna go right here we're gonna have a massive sale right here huge sale right here and so this is where it's gonna this is where it's going to go guys I want to show you before and after right now we're mowing the lawn I'm gonna weed whack a little bit with this guy and we're gonna get the grass down as best as we can and then we're gonna have the sale right here and yes this is it a little tip little tip I own a warehouse the owner of the warehouse owns this land so in this case it wouldn't work but what you guys could do if you need an area to sell a lot of stuff just drive like on the Main Street find like an open land area like this and see if you can negotiate with the owner like a split maybe you give them 15 percent or 10 percent of your cells and they can use they use the lands to sell your items for a weekend or two weekends many ways just an idea if you see bare lands or plots a lot of times these guys want to help too so like in this case I'm not paying him anything all he said was mow the grass and the land is yours that's what's happening so anyways guys I'm gonna give you a before-and-after and yeah this is gonna be freaking perfect and there's a there's a I can fill a whole Walmart with how much stuff I have guys literally I can fill a whole Walmart so this whole area is gonna be full right here whole area is gonna be full and then people will roll their cars off the park in here when the grass is down and that's kind of where it's gonna that's that's how it's gonna be guys so anyways it's gonna take four or five hours I'll keep you guys updated we'll show you before and after this is the way it's Venters video the the storage auction extraordinaire out of Oregon stay tuned so I'm gonna take you guys on a little trip over here to show you how tall this grass is yeah it's freakin tall it's like really tall grass actually you ready so this is actually it's not even the tallest look at this place creating my own flea market that's pretty hardcore I may say myself be careful those places makes it so I mean this isn't the tallest there's some really tall stuff over there so I'm gonna give you an idea I'm not even that's all I'm like 510 but this comes up to my shoulder guys so this grass comes up to my shoulder so I'm not really tall like I said I'm 510 but dang if this is not some tall grass here holy so this is probably we're going to have a lot of our stuff like right over here well yeah just figured out commercial break show you what we working with here show you what we working with all right hmm part one of creating your own flea market stay tuned and we have a guest who you guys think the guest is over here at the new flea markets yes where's the layout I'm gonna be between those two trees collecting money that's my spot okay oh gosh 16 plus what 18 tables or more and Landon his brother's gonna be here to help build them yes so we're gonna have him on video [Laughter] see everybody can drive we have parking they don't have to park on the street what's just like rare it's very rare for a yard sale and this is an anchor yard sale and mom's be putting it online and my cameras come in today so while weights doing all the work I'm gonna film all the stuff for you guys I'm gonna show you close-up everything we're gonna have to search grandma ventures on YouTube and subscribe that might take a little while but just show get it up you'll get it up this is this is it guys so we're at we we started mowing obviously here it's a slow process we got to take it day by day time minute by minute it's thick grass it really is and I will be camping out here guys oh and don't worry I will get it on video all right until the next time and so let me show you the equipment we're using guys so these are my personal equipment I used the house they don't look like they've been used but I promise you I have been using them so yes and then this is not mine this is landscapers but he's off on lunch so this big old boy here this is what's doing most of the damage out there and then this is theirs as well it's just another weed whacker so guys I'm strong enough I used to weed whackers in both hands I'm really happy she lookin but this is another weed whacker and basically what we're doing is we're gonna put a bunch of tents up so between these two trees will be a tent then we're gonna put three more tents here I'll pipe it like a yellow like gate dingy right here so that way people don't go this way with their vehicles and then this will be kind of all the stuff that we put over here so tomorrow I'm going through my warehouse finding stuff that needs to be put out here and then we're gonna put that out here and that's it this whole area probably won't be that big but I mean probably that little line there the pipe is whole area that has all the stuff in it so that people can get we got to make sure we put the records under the you know under the tent looking things so they cannot be directly in the Sun we may actually put them in between here but it's a cool place and then the main road is right over there all right I'm gonna get back to work I shall see you soon all right guys this is the aftermath we got the kiddos out here this is the aftermath so it is six o'clock at night been here since 8:00 and there's no more grass hey what are you doing huh hey hey hey really so this is uh looking nice out here ready for our flea markets ready for a flea market let me show you this little guy how are you feeling you went to the doctor's today didn't you uh-huh you feeling better you feeling better are you feeling better okay really okay so anyways guys this is it it is a lot nicer out here and anyways I'll keep you guys updated stay tuned until tomorrow which is a Wednesday we are gonna be setting up some tables alright guys see ya that a cat it is a Wednesday it's day two officially being here on the property guys so we are setting up right now but you know we put this bad boy up today it is what 1 o'clock in the afternoon so I've been here for about four hours moving stuff mom adventures to see your grandma ventures but I'll leave this thing so it's big we're gonna put another tents up guys we're gonna use the box truck as well we want to try to shield some of this heat from the Sun so this thing is up looking pretty nice yeah so this is it and the grass is cut looking real real good over here then we're basically going to close it off we're gonna put caution tape from there over to here to funnel people in this area which is gonna have all the stuff including this tomorrow Landon is going to come my brother and we're gonna put up some more tables and I'll show you guys some other tables over here alright so we have a load of stuff already over here we tarped up we have Grandma ventures over here hanging out and what do you sitting on we're only gonna need about 50 more yes we're gonna build some weight brother yes he's gonna be here tomorrow so yeah we got a bunch of tables guys this is just one little mountain of stuff here we got another 50 of these suckers but yeah guys this is gonna work out great remember if you don't have a thrift store make your own find a bare land I'm barely in and see if you can rent it for the weekend but uh and then you got the box truck over there so yeah this is gonna be good we'll try to get this all set up tomorrow so we're up and running for Friday I'll keep you guys updated right now I'm gonna take the box truck back home we're gonna fill it up and we'll be back guys see you soon because you are the ray of sunshine on a what is today Thursday Thursday so we got grandma adventures working hard all right so let's give an update but before we give it updates can we tell them how you kept anybody from stealing our stuff last night please okay so let's show them by the way the tables were not here we just put those up like five minutes ago okay so grandma ventures thought we were like oh we'll sleep off here we'll sleep out here and then we realized we don't want to have to sleep out here I like to comfort my bed and bed jack guys if you're not looked up a bed Kjetil change your life yeah blows cold air and hot air whatever you want under your sheets but yeah so she used her hope and this and we had it here because the tables weren't here and she had a sleeve sticking out of it so it looked like somebody was sleeping there yeah I mean the truck was locked up so nobody really can get in there because these bolts are like rated 8 and there's two of me so it took him an hour just get the bolts undone but we did have a pile there stuff for the garage sale so that was what we were kind of worried about but anyways it's a Thursday it's a Thursday man I can't believe it sir I've been three days we don't even put anything out yet it's crazy oh my gosh yeah all right so we put this massive tent up guys I've got another tent I had to put up this morning put up all these tables we're building another 40 tables so how many this one two three four five six seven eight so there's like you know anywhere from 16 to 17 tables here so this is gonna be where all electronics go we're gonna put candles stuff like that that can't be under the Sun we've got like a thousand records you know vinyl records that can't be in the Sun so that kind of stuff that's gonna be in here and it's gonna be cool it's a pretty big area and then we're actually gonna use the box truck once it's empty I'm gonna open up both sides of the box truck and we're gonna put glass and breakables in here so people can kind of just walk up and grab it because you can use that as a big table I've got another 40 or 50 tables we're gonna do two more tents as well not as big as this but two more tents so today's game plan is literally this was out of the garage and this was out of the garage so we have one more freaking load from the house and we ground Ventris us we up to so we have this one we need to unload this is full let's show you right now you wanna hold the camera man I'm at to take the bolts off of this are the the I'm gonna to take the lock off this one see these are rated eight guys you can get some that are rated you know based on like the strength and these are rated eight so they're not the best but they're really hard to to get into and there's two of them anyways we'll show you that in a second we'll do an update but yeah we're waiting for our help and we're gonna put a bunch of stuff over here this thing that's gonna be you know a bunch of cool stuff over here yes and I couldn't start the day without this thing alright stay tunes stay tuned what up guys oh that's landed over there the bro taking the truck and he's gonna go your plywood so this is the this is the mess look at this oh my gosh Wow give all that sorry for the noise look at all this so we're starting to set up in here guys we have a lot of electronic stuff like that already oh yeah so we have another another six loads in the box truck guys another six loads then we have all of this it doesn't look like a lot because this field is so massive but then we have all this you can see they're cutting down trees right over there look a little dinosaur chillin Hey look at this holy moly it's crazy and then of course we have this over here right over here just want to give you guys an update how much stuff we have holy cow of course I'm using the eBay team tape to keep it all together but its massive guys I'll keep you updated we have six more six to seven more loads in the box truck so I mean it's going to fill a lot of this area and we're getting another 40 to 50 tables right now that's where he wins go get the plywood for the tables so I'll keep you guys updated stay tunes all rights progress time well times a3 the 3:15 I don't know so we put up this tent that's gonna be the cash tent guys a lot of people are asking how are you gonna keep people from stealing so I putting up these posts right of course this isn't foolproof but it kind of funnels people in so the idea is they park out here and when they pay they'll pay here and they'll go out to their car mom will have a desk here and throughout the length of this 6 6 6 6 6 caution all the way through of course I left a little opening just get the box truck out since we have to take another five loads but yeah this is gonna keep people hopefully from going into here I'll put one more caution and I'll funnel people through this area when they go through here that's kind of the idea I've got Ashley over there my brother's over there mother-in-law's over there and these are the signs that we're making so actually custom making them pretty easy but these are nice signs so doing a right guys and keeping the cost of this whole thing down he'll is gonna parka me watch all right so that's kind of the idea and yeah he's a lover he's all over you guys seen this though I land in wifey over there and yeah we're making happen guys keep you updated running out time but we will keep pushing bye guys see you next update update time first of all I hammered that little area there so it's purple accidentally when I was doing some of those some of these guys because this ground is so hard man but so yeah okay update time so you guys seen that we put another one right here so there's that got the area here so they cannot basically it's the funnel people in so that way nobody steals and yeah it looks like a madhouse we have four more hours for light but I'm gonna go get a halogen light actually my brother is because he's gonna keep it so yeah that's good we got a bunch of so basically he's can actually he bought all these wood pieces he's going to use for his roofing company so it didn't cost me anything there didn't cost me for that because there's a fret family friend that had that this was free because I found this in the storage unit this was free thank you Lisa so pretty much everything here didn't cost anything which is nice because you want to keep your costs as low as possible especially garage cell we made these signs these are fold ups with really simple design here we're gonna make five of them and put them all in the main highways and yeah so we're gonna make science hopefully get those up for tomorrow morning and we're gonna put some more tables out here and it's kind of the idea guys we're getting there I know it looks like we're way behind and we are because I have a whole nother storage units that I had to get so I've got five more loads I have to get so we're gonna try to bus that out tonight and work through the night with the halogen light to put everything away so that's kind of the idea and we're also going to get there's two dollar boxes you can buy it at Home Depot so lift these up even though they would pretty much be fine but I've got about thousand pairs of shoes literally so I mean this thing's gonna be crazy but yeah that's kind of the idea not much else going on on the weights metrics camp here but got the signs got this bad boy up it's about six and the box truck is over there we're gonna unload it way over there and so yeah and we're continuously putting the electronics in here got a lot of goodies here Sony TV is actually nice so yeah oh by the way since we're spending the night the neighbor over there is letting us use their power so we can have we can have the radio going out here and the halogen light as well so alright guys I'll keep you updated these things are amazing like little windows so you can still keep shade in here but alright I shall talk to you later this madness lord help me seriously pray for me in the comments see you soon alright we've all gone crazy we're a bunch of zombies I don't think I'm gonna get any sleep at all way behind but I mean what can you do when you have like a Walmart size inventory so just pick this up drop this off oh my gosh this is crazy guys I'm just gonna give you a little tour so it's 7 o'clock right now landon is going to go get some halogen lights so we're going to do two of them so kind of write this place up so we can work at night but ding and don't blame me this was the land and we got bored so he was having a little fun anyways yeah this place is crazy so we have this now she's over there working hard we're creating a little Sporting Goods section over here I've laughing because like I'm hmm I have no energy but I gotta keep going we have two more box truck loads at that one storage unit and then one at the house and then we're finally done holy crap got a couch there we're gonna sit on if we have time some ladders here's our little we've got four of these suckers or five of these suckers right there so but Jesus we got to do okay this is actually a nice TV got that TV so it's our electronics section got to keep these out of the Sun and I'm kind of in one area too yeah so working hard they're working hard they're we're gonna get the signs done tonight got this over here and then we're doing more over here got a bunch of hits pitches if you guys want any like a ton of them yeah I got uh kurz we're gonna need a I'm gonna use the box truck for glass as well since we have so much of it we have cristal Pyrex all kinds of stuff so we have all that it's not supposed to rain tonight which is nice and then we have [Applause] we've all this oh my gosh holy this is nuts guys holy moly what'd I get myself into I don't think I'm gonna do this again just way too much work holy crap it's a lot of work it's gonna be fun when it's all set up but it's just a lot of work oh my gosh man okay my feet hurt I'm gonna give you a next update tonight guys when it's a little bit darker I'll give you an update hopefully you like this series subscribe I'm a storage unit buyer and creating my own flea markets for the weekend stay tuned land and taking a nap over here his knees hurt it's he's been working hard today look at this this is crazy okay guys so I think it's 11 o'clock at night Thursday the day before the sell and we are freaking not ready oh my gosh but we're getting a lot done so we've got all these hats here yeah way too much stuff I mean this is just crazy stuff here guys so I mean look at this like got a bunch of shoes here and we have some more shoes and then with some more shoes so yeah guys it's pretty nuts out here but we're gonna wake up her we're gonna wake up early and continue truck on that's all you can do just continue to move on and we still have a lot of space inside in fact I got a look through this stuff let's see what's in there but yeah so we're gonna continue to truck on guys bit more hats I could had this alright next time you see us it will be it will be it'll be the day of the sell all right I have an amazing night if you like this journey so far and pray for us because this is not actually a great part of town but we should be fine Landon was in the military we have bats everywhere alright see you guys and so it's it's the next morning 6 o'clock in morning 6 2000 no way from mom to get here so somebody to watch this place and then we're gonna go get one more load and yeah alright guys I'll keep you updated ok screens a little foggy let me unfought you anyway I'll be back we'll keep you updated stay tuned alright guys this is it what time is it right now it's like 4 p.m. on a Friday the first day that we decided to do the the crazy flea market ourselves which is a lot of work but here we go so I'm gonna count this show you guys in piles and I'll count this and show you guys in files the days not over we probably got another four hours but I figured we do a midday accountancy kind of where we're at not bad we need to put up more signs but let's count this up see what we got remember our goals 15,000 which is kind of a high goal so alright alright here we go guys so that's our total right now I just got a notification here on insta but that's our total guys 2000 two hundred and sixteen dollars yes so we've got another four hours to go I'm hoping we can make three thousand because if we don't make three thousand that's going to be kind of a really stretch to get fifteen thousand before you know the end of some day basically because if you do three six nine so forever it's three thousand a day that means we're gonna get nine thousand so I've got to step it up tomorrow we'll get more science out get more people but here's the thing so yeah I'm not I mean for a Friday not having everything out because we didn't have a lot of time 2,216 it's good and days not up yet also I did find these hidden away in a few of my items says sterling on these so it's kind of a nice find sterling also have these coins here some of these coins also have this guy here 1971 so we're stuck your coins there some AAA coins here as well so not bad guys not bad I'll keep you updated throughout the process let you know how much I made this is a first for me first area first time doing it here in Beaverton so yeah anyways have an amazing day and I'll keep you updated later tonight possibly see
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 25,614
Rating: 4.8733706 out of 5
Keywords: MADE MY OWN FLEA MARKET AND MANY THOUSANDS IN CASH MONEY, MADE MY OWN FLEA MARKET, FLEA MARKET, THOUSANDS IN CASH MONEY, CASH MONEY, flea market selling, flea market adventure, Cash, MONEY, MARKET, Flea, flea market tips and tricks, fleamarkets, storage wars, storage unit, junk, junker, flea market, flea market finds, flea market flip full episodes, thrifting, resell, reseller, thrift, selling, treasure hunting, reselling, how to, swap meet, garage sale
Id: czn-HyQapJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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