Found BUGS & BIG TREASURE in the locker we bought for $4,300 at the abandoned storage auction!

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there's a bunch of cameras here's something good now we're getting some antiquities oh what's this oh oh mike we got a dinosaur too i don't know because that would be very valuable wouldn't it i think so is it carved or is that really a a fossil because it's with the tooth in there that's a fossil what's this spider crawl down there in that corner roaches yeah oh no yeah because she put food in here huh yeah how do we gonna do this box i see one right here yeah i mean that's a black widow right there oh this is this is actually pretty cool i've never seen one of these yeah she'll make this look at this mate that's nice if you find us at 800 items you think that it is [Music] what's up locker nuts all right we are at a storage locker facility as you see in the background it's not a green screen that's where i'm at we're about to get into that awesome unit that i bought with mike the storage auction pirate you'll see him in a second actually the unit's already open let me show you all right picking up where we left off last time we got all the flea market stuff out there's mike the pirate filming me filming him i'm not saying nothing he's processing in there we're gonna do some dual unboxing to speed this thing up we have a lot to get through do you see in here that's a mountain of boxes a little bit of furniture hopefully lots of good stuff you're gonna find out starting right now all right guys let's get to it i got the gopro on you're seeing it as i see it let's discover some treasure that's the ring you just found yeah annoying unbeknownst to her and you said i do is it 14k we definitely do all right what do we got here oh brand new brush oh wow look at that very very nice i think we used to have one like that oh we got up here broom and dustpan we might need that later okay we've got a ryobi 12 volt that's decent good little flea market item what's this this is all right look like a computer it's just a bill a bill sorter there's a bunch of cameras here's something good oh let me go show mike right away i know this is it looks good stamps beetle stamps grated weird that's kind of good right is it stuck together sticky i don't know bvg they're graded they're awesome that's not as good right but that's it's not bad it's not bad it's better than not created eight and a half yeah you found beetle stuff before is that old it says 1964 because that's what the beauty of these is it has to be all like okay that's good it's older than me oh yeah that's all done you got anything to say about that no that's definitely oh all right yes that's what we like that's what gold rings collectible graded items that was in here with the stamps and okay all right i'm a little bit fired up now it gets me in a good mood oh there's a snake in here oh it's a dinosaur well you know what's great though jack what's that because this is just getting started it is i'm just trying to be really careful right now i'm not missing any of these boxes because they're otherwise not all that impressive all right what do we got here okay oh that's too bad a nice little kitchenaid knife broken tip my stick stickle looks like it's from a cd or something ribbon a little rosary gotta be careful with these miscellaneous boxes like this because it's easy to overlook stuff chicago bull's hat all right nothing here all right next box but you do i just want to point out we do see a little bit of mouse poop here and that's on top of the box now inside the box i went through that hoarder unit recently there was a wrap stuff inside the boxes but none on top so they didn't get in in the unit they had gotten into them previously but here we do have some signs of mice here in the facility it's pretty common candles i think those are candles there too i see the party light boxes there so party light candles those are decent oh look at this little kodak camera 12 megapixel it's not bad good good good i got a little keeper box right here started put that stuff aside party light candles okay this is used that'll go to the market brand new party light candles on the other hand maybe would go into our live auction i'm not really sure if there's a market i don't think we've tried that before southern sweet barbecue sauce this is not what we are hoping to find probably expired flea market oh that's not even a thing all their party light camels are depleted there's a good scale huh look at this buried below the junk mail we've got a bunch of perfumes that might be something let's get into there and see what we got this is this is a weird unit all right so we've got opium there's a little bit left in there yves saint laurent jean-marc cenon ceno estee lauder aromatics this is some decent stuff chantilly that's good i think all this stuff sells tuscany givenchy convention i don't know i pronounce it but you guys know what it is um yeah all right this is enough decent stuff here to cod roshas and we'll be putting these in our live auctions live auctions every monday night 5 p.m be there if you want to buy any of this great stuff that you see coming out and i will clean those up a little bit before we put them up for sale but look in here this is a this right here has to be interested so much garbage okay that's a sealed out point we like altoids sometimes we find some goodies in there she kept all her junk mail yeah she collected that all right let's see let's see right here right now is this something good okay maybe not right now let's find a better one i don't see any markings these are silver this could be decent unity i have a loop in my truck but no i don't have one in this fan i keep forgetting to put one in i don't think that's silver though but if it is this is some good money we do find silver sets very very infrequently but when we find them that's some big money that's some real weight in silver oh neeta no that's not it's not that's not i kind of i kind of passed over these pieces but then i remember what kind of quality that this lady did have i think it deserves a closer look this one i'm not too impressed with but this i unwrapped it now it says 50 right there it probably means 50 cents doesn't mean it's not worth more this is 22 karat gold right there it's got a gold plating on it a gold paint and look at this one looks like it's in pretty good condition a little bit of wear right there but look at this bavaria e honey some markings here i can't read but i don't know guys you tell me is this something good could that be valuable my experience usually not like overwhelming majority of the time not but every now and then we find something good so i'll put it aside just in case that is i'll try not to break it i'll do my best this is not very good but is how the pros do it right here what this is pro professional moving company right here on camera not when it started but i'm whoo i see the capture right now i saved that these boxes are bad we'll leave those for uncle mike though do peanuts he loves picking them off the ground oh yeah that's my face it makes him happy this is good right yeah it goes on ice it's good people love then they work really well and then you have to huh yeah flea market i mean this flea market that's this good auction lot right there yeah all right this one says fragile and you can hear how they treated it you can hear the pieces clickety clacking around broken stuff broken stuff all right well it doesn't look like anything too important got broken but it was definitely not packed very well definitely not there's some more broken plates down there well there'll be a few salvageable ones it'll all go to the flea market okay little fish oh what's this oh oh mike we got a dinosaur too that's real sure feels real it's petrified part of my french that's good right i don't know because that would be very valuable wouldn't it i think so looks like a little tourist box or something right here i wouldn't think it was but i don't know this is from morocco my friend matthew found a dinosaur uh his friends found a tyrannosaurus top foreign yeah that's better than the two two side would probably be more common but still we can dream we can dream [Music] now we're getting some antiquities a little chippy chippy his face chipped off right there necklace with the big piece of gold like this like this one yeah but a little bigger this is good well find some rocks now we do well with that in our auctions we have a lot of viewers that love to collect rocks that's not so good what the heck what is going on here that is that's really sad whatever that is okay uh-oh okay what is this oh wait what what is this something carved out of a rock i think that's a spine i know a couple people who need one of those a spice that's fine yeah are they youtubers can't um getting too specific yeah well yeah like actually like what town are they live from yeah what's their channel name why does it look like ice it does right i think is it carved or is that really a fossil because it's with the tooth in there that's a fossil i've had one of these recently with this yeah it wasn't as nice as that mine was really that's like the whole celephapoid or whatever you call those things wow okay that's i think that's good imagine waking up with that on your bumps right here it's better than in your shorts and then we have a eiffel tower contains chip and a chip from paris made in france imagine that a little souvenir stuff this is fun we got here a little cannon what's this [Laughter] spider this is why i wasn't letting you back out of this unit no well i can't go in that box yeah is there roaches oh those are huge what what else they just crawled down there in that corner roaches yeah oh no yeah because she put food in here huh yeah how do we gonna do this box um yeah you see him i see one right here yeah i mean they got me yeah the roaches are the one thing that really give me heebie-jeebies yeah this is exactly why i didn't want to go really walk away i didn't want to be alone uh oh man i hate it when there's roaches that wasn't just a roach that was like a couple of them making love in this box uh that was weird you don't ever see him like that well we could drop a roach bomb in your trailer after we're done worried about it not how many places for them to hide in there oh well so this will just probably just drag out here and then uh i'll come back with my pickup truck and i can just load a contaminated garbage dump i'll go straight to the dump you know that one got me like you know i they get me too they're there's something about roach's ear just creepy yeah i don't know what it is well you know what i don't like is when i don't see them you like when you open a box and then there they are yeah they could have been eaten like what are they protecting they could have been eating beauty products too you got my back right let me see if there's any on your back no i'm just is that a rat and a rope there's another rotator oh my god that one just jumped did you see that and those are those annoying ones too it's funny because a lot of people ask comments what do you do when you find bugs in the unit i mean usually they're only in a couple of boxes i can't say they're like i don't mean all the boxes at least not in what i found so let's hope now we're going to be a little bit more careful just i'd say just leave that there maybe a bird will come down and eat them that might be a little wishful thinking [Music] yeah these are neat i saw a bird feather in there and give me the freaking heebie-jeebies now i gotta be on guard that sucks slows us down too here's a little bit more souvenir stuff we got six bucks for that a little what is that supposed to be the washington monument it is thermometer empire state building and a little dolphin oh this looks a little better listen is that locked is that a lock push through thing it's a little piece of metal it's a key what are we gonna do with that there's something in there it really is a key isn't it okay maybe the keys in here let's see what it's got it's in here with the dinosaur so let's see if we can find the key and then there's a dragon that's kind of funny dragon layer oh maybe this is something hand painted it's numbered okay there's a little liberty bell it's correct pencil sharpener liberty bell pencil sharpener the monkey oh look at this maybe this has the key maybe it's got some gold let's see oh okay some little crystals or something what the heck are these i'm gonna spill them all out yeah the crystals are heavy well that's a little different i love finding different stuff want me to buy you out onyx that's nice huh you want me to buy you out i'll buy you out you just walk away walk away it go back up to auction i would much rather find spiders any day give me some black widows i don't care i don't want to find roaches are they in there i don't know you gonna stab them what are these oh they're little i don't know what you call them earns vases vials egyptian stuff that's that's kind of neat too i'm digging this locker you guys i'm digging it despite the roaches but this we gotta get open it'd be a real shame to bust that lock off that's kind of nice all right next box we'll have to find something to open that little treasure box if you can't maybe we'll have to crack it up into it keep looking i gotta be careful this is mike said this next to the the cockroach box um yep this towel look you look at what i just found another table i have to unbox cockroach boxes in the back of my truck now there we go okay oh that was a black widow where the heck did he go right here i just pushed him right off i didn't see him there's a black wood on that table i'm just saying black widows that's a black widow right there no i was going to flip them i was going to try flip them over that's definitely black we don't know huh probably oh i'm gonna pull that thing in a sec there's his web there's his nest right there or her nest uh no i was trying to get the shot of them hourglass maybe i don't want to go through this stuff but i feel like i have to cat salt and pepper stickers why did they keep this pancake syrup actually they're broken or is there some something inside of it let's see nope it's broken that's enough for me i got this one on the side but i do see some perfumes already spilling out that's good glass axe studio that may just be a bottle but that's poison christian dior i think it might be empty i'm not sure yeah you know that makes me think of my makes me think of that posting on facebook in our facebook group by that one joker saying why do youtubers always unbox at the unit there's a reason no thanks or to my locker either you know or my van this facility never gets many people here yeah they cost themselves for sure some indifference to uh the fact they have contaminated lockers here what does this look like looks like a money bag right it looks like coins that's weird skateboards in a lighter okay the skateboards are different i was hoping money in here but i think it's photos what is this very old magazine all right we're gonna find the altoids nothing better than roaches okay we got some got some cds all right that's good nice little cd book definitely easy listening there oh there right there look at that boston brand new seal it's good billy ray cyrus donnie osmond chris daltrey another boston brand new seal cool this is a vintage shirt let's see new york knicks actually that does look a little bit older this nba tag but we got some they wore it to paint paint got paint all over it so still might be something to put in the vintage market pile or our live auction but still hopeful that vintage market starts back up this year all right that's kind of neat i think there's another piece to it though maybe not that's a little popcorn maker nostalgia that's a good flea market seller right there there is a fax machine guys oh he's getting happy over here hopefully he's finding good oh i see jewelry all right well i mean in his hands not in this box but we do have a little bit more perfume huh that one's empty empty dang it that one's not if empty want to see what he's pulling out you got to go watch his channel all right see that right there that is a cockroach egg um you guys got to go check out his uh video because he just found he found a whole bunch of jewelry and it's not like costume stuff it is gold and silver it's pretty that was a good find that's our best find yet out of this locker and we found some interesting stuff but that's the best find so far yeah i think so for sure look at this they wrapped it in paper they wrapped it in bubble wrap and then they wrapped it in tape that's that's a lot of wrapping probably more wrapping than necessary let's see unless something really really extraordinary it's not it's kind of cool there's a bunch of little glass tiles put together [Music] yeah that stuff is so old it's just disintegrating this is what marilyn monroe right here yeah is that worth something it's all mixed up look at this she's got marks all over arms and legs and rolling around in the fireplace it looks like okay oops it's getting a little windy here i really don't want to look up her skirt but this gotta have a mark on here somewhere i was excited when i just found this a little bit of stuff in the beginning and that was just that was the appetizer okay i don't know about this this might be something no way something this stuff's handling here this is nice look at that looks cute is that a uh no no okay not good for auction not good enough we have high standards come to our auctions and you'll know what i'm talking about only the best there's some nice little coasters but if you look they're kind of like shaped like this you call that concave or convex i'm not really sure but you put a glass there it's gonna be on not a flat surface i'm not sure if that's a good you know i'm not sure if that's a practical coaster what is this brass this is marble or something it actually is it's a candle holder oh this is what the merrell monroe sits on right here okay so made in china got kind of a dent right there i'm not sure really if there's going to be any value in that but i'll put it aside looks pretty huh it's crystal i don't see any markings on it but it is nice next box is important papers and mom's things i don't think we really care about the important papers important to them is not important to us but mom's things well maybe mom likes some jewelry let's find out let's find out okay as you can see it's mostly paperwork i'm going to go through that i don't want to show names as much as possible we'll see if there's anything better there's a box here i don't know we'll find out all right out of that entire box here is what we kept in hopes there was something in there there's not what is this what is this i think uh oh a digital photo album okay all right we'll put that in electronics a lot these are heavy right here i don't think these are really anything but they are a little bit heavy oh i think they're just decorative okay what do we got here is this anything special joan rivers huh scarf jordan river scarf okay that might be something looks like we've got two of them might be something hello via proven by dermatologists okay all right well hi wind's picking up it looks brand new okay i don't know maybe it's a like a hair remover or something i'll put that aside sometimes those have some value um we had a little pipe stem let me put that in a miscellaneous box here's a matchbook for all those people that comment saying don't throw away matchbox covers well here you go we'll add that to the lot that didn't sell last night memories of san francisco's backstage um some spots on here some conditions not great but that's an old photo look at they're all dressed up fancy she got her fur on fancy hats that's neat 1943 world war ii era right at the end of world war ii and here's another one terence bowl from oakland okay that's all local to us one san francisco bay area new shanghai terrace bowl uh that i don't think that's there anymore and look at this again maybe he just came home from the war taking this lady out i don't know 1944 wow july how cool is that you guys i love that old stuff that history okay and then look at this duty and burke got a little coin purse let's see if there's anything in it nope just the keychain that is attached and a piece of plastic that's a good good little person all right well all that for just that kitchen anna's house let's hope they wash their dishes because believe any scraps then roaches like the scraps hmm crock pot perfect figures all right we have to go through the kitchen boxes do we have to go through kitchen boxes i don't all right let's just take it to the flea market and see if we get any surprises there all right next box fragile bedroom hutch oh that's a shark shark mouth oh and there's a cockroach egg right there looks like it's already hatched another egg it's just the crispy outer shell though let's hope what so jenna would not be happy if i bring home cockroaches all right nice russ is this something russ i think those rusts are collectible i don't know is 11 and 89 on sale it doesn't look like anything special to me but here it is numbered 185 out of 12 500 knights miniature dog collection 2001 20 year olds 20 years old and all these little dolls maybe a lot those up in auction and then we have a lot of doll collectors 45th barbie anniversary 2004 this is a hallmark ornament oh there's a little madame alexander it's a plastic one hansel a madame alexander this is definitely a later model one scarlet like we've had some madame alexander's in our auctions lately those are the older 80s when i think this is newer but um price tag on that's 59.99 white horse toys not for food okay i think i could figure that one out wait a minute that's nice heavy adg hand-painted design cannot believe that's not broken because so many things were broken in this locker but that one is perfect there's another madame alexander international dolls those usually sell well okay let's find another 60 dollar right here 50 50 reminder angers angels by richard simmons that is funny i've never seen that before a couple more dolls okay look at that this is something special a collection of the masters by richard simmons this is a richard simmons doll i've never even heard of such a thing it's very realistic looking actually one of the nicest watches i've found in a while provided it is real is it rolex is it cartier wow these are funny betty boop okay another doll i don't think this one's quite as good it's like really light plastic seems cheaper okay little bow peep georgetown collection it's pretty nice what do we got here i think it's empty yep it's kind of neat though okay next box living room it says and it is pretty heavy let's see what we got let's see what they kept in their living room boy they packed really oddly it's just paper bubble wrap groceries for bags and that's just a family funnel there's a little piece here this is a decorative piece it's not terribly heavy i think it's resin okay what do we got here okay blue hats of bravery it's a numbered piece this number five 62 bucks okay landmark that is neat that's a nice looking piece right there look at that there's a little angel he's a very cheap 999 a cherub cherub they're made out of random what's this this might be something better this looks like lennox come on b linux yep linux illuminations florentine and pearl it's a candle it doesn't smell like much other than wax but that's a nice little piece the lenox is good okay what's this marilyn monroe porcelain portrait doll love maryland this is part of something else let's see oh what is this this might be something actually nice hand painted 1962 hang on made in japan boy and this one was like one of the most poorly packed items in here that was definitely something cool try to wrap that up a little better than they had it and we'll be putting that piece aside here's the merrill monroe that sits on that little bench oh that's nice look at this very very realistic looking porcelain portrait doll love maryland and it's numbered 2000 copyrighted the state of maryland monroe that's pretty nice that's a nice piece that's cool look at this whoa the imperial jeweled egg chess set from the house of faberge look at this thing this looks really nice oh look at these little chest pieces oh this is this is actually pretty cool i've never seen one of these yeah she'll make this look at this mate that's nice of you to find us at 800 items you think that it is faberge right i hope all those pieces are interesting okay yeah yeah that's what it said chess it oh the frankly man okay still worth money though right yeah that's not bad problem it feels they do nice up to a thousand bucks carol had one imperial egg chest set by the house of faberge 829 that's the seats sold prices okay we're going to do our closing video we'll get mike's butt crack and his screaming like a girl in the video there's cat food that's a good chance of roaches if you want to see what comes out of that box maybe crawls out of that box you got to go to his channel the storage auction pirate or his page on facebook channel on youtube and uh yeah for more great stuff coming out of this very locker right here including a ton of jewelry and look at this vintage video games it's just a little spoiler that's it for my episode thanks so much for watching we found some great stuff right we really did we found too many good things to remember even but the dinosaur tooth or whatever that is uh that's a highlight in that world of faberge egg maybe is also or was it world of faber's a that was pretty cool lots of other great stuff and i'm sure there'll be more great stuff coming out so you'll see that in the next episode but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on i got him trained well yeah oh my goodness is it heavy there's something in there oh boy
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 32,483
Rating: 4.9216199 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, fossils, dinosaur claw, dinosaur tooth, cockroaches, spiders, infested, bugs
Id: qpoBldj2R58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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