We Shouldn’t of Entered This ABANDONED love Mansion - Crazy with Everything Inside

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so what's happening explorers welcome back to a brand new video So today we're exploring a love hotel in Japan this love Hotel shut down around about eight nine years ago everything is left behind this place is absolutely crazy and every room has an amazing theme so you've got to stay tuned and check out every room with me because you will be probably how I feel by walking in but yeah so the room behind me I'd want to show you too much here but it is a rocket room you can literally take your love onto the moon or whatever you want to take them but yeah just want to say thank you to everyone who supported me from day dog watched all my videos and if you're new to the channel hit that like And subscribe and don't forget to check me out on all social media's Skillman video the Japanese billionaire who turned his mansion into a love grow this place contained all sorts of rooms from taking your wife to the Moon to having a boxing match to a gymnasium everything he created from the 80s right up to around seven years ago this place closed where he was found dead in the property some say he had hidden devices in a room you can still smell the scent of perfume and cigarettes in the hallways has such a weird vibe we just arrived at the place here it's about to go me and Steve and that already freaked me out there there's two like mannequin heads that I asked we're gonna find in here so we just arrived at love Hotel so as you see the numbers on the garage could be your designated garage driving park your car in secretly no one and even though you're here faces and maybe a security to keep things at peace and stuff can see is very 90s in here especially with the old VHS facing you not much down here at all very very private these rooms said so now if I was a guest walking in here you trip over that and you end up suing them so yeah if me and Steve was a love couple now and we come in this place sorry Steve after usual as an example so you've got a price which I believe is like maybe a half day or a few hours or something yeah full night I still feel like daytime hours or four look at this 8 800 for the whole night which is what less than forty dollars that's a pretty good price especially though if you want to take some stress out there you can get a boxing room we can go in the carousel room or if you want to take her to the Moon bro so you've got all these selection here even another like kind of spaceship so yeah what you do is come in by the looks of this translating you'd select the room you want and then obviously I'm guessing you would have paid somehow I don't know or I don't know I don't know if it works actually I think when you get inside the room all right ah maybe okay so I'm guessing these like a vending machine when they're taken maybe the light's not on yeah it's just so creepy there's probably over 100 rooms or 200 rooms here let's see the numbers starting from two zero one especially walking along these corridors so after you chose your love sweet obviously you take the elevator up to selected four so this area is more for the um I'm guessing the owners or something because a lot of these doors that I've walked past all the way it's in all the garage areas because when you come in you can put your car inside a garage you'd walk through the door someone said um this place as I said is 100 privacy you'd put up with your loved one or your one night stand without being horrible by saying that but it's happening all the time or just a bit of fun let off some steam at the end of the week if you come here you drive your car you park it in them on the lock garages come through here you select your room you go up and then I believe you pay for the room once you're in the room but it's definitely been empty around about 1990 and obviously it's took its fair share of probably people coming in trying to maybe steal some copper I've just worked out what the garages are for if you were coming here with a loved one you don't want no one to see your car you park your car in discreetly you get your own garage Bay yeah exactly straight in into your room car's not in the car park you know they should have more of these stuff we have nothing like this at all no we don't let off some steam hotels maybe Kobe's ruined a lot of stuff as well because you think the germs in these places I mean no disrespect every hotel room we stay in it's going to be at some point people making love Yeah but this place has been closed down for a long long time yeah and you know love hotels are actually dying here in Japan yeah I don't know why but then you did say about a population structure so yeah the population is dropping and also yeah because you know none of Japanese people are making love right damn yeah so these businesses just they don't make enough money yeah so how this place sorry it's pitch black and how this place works so we'd normally take the lift but it's abandonment but this broke so we're gonna head up to which would be the second floor so this is part two this is classed as and as you can see it is a little bit trashed but I've got some good news a lot of the rooms look pretty much still intact so we're gonna go in room 203 yeah wow guys look at this you've got a sleigh bed this is crazy you can imagine it all lit up in here as well all the lights around the edge see your lights like the sort of 70s 80s smoke Disco and it is all like padded I really want to touch nothing really so yeah the the couple that come in these rooms are fully in charge of everything you've got your control panel there obviously you can set your light moves you can set your your music I didn't know it was on the way in there was a lot of TVs outside so at one point looks like I may have cleared it out look at it though and without being rude it's all wipe friendly in this room anyway oh nice sort of corner bath I think it's really cool as I said we don't have nothing like this in the UK the love hotels just come a lot of loads of steam one where you can come in a sleigh next week you can go on a carousel next week you can I mean there's a picture of airports there so maybe it's like meant to be in I was going to say some kind of cockpit so we're going to check out room 204 . [Music] there's a lot of stuff in this one these seedings so funky and then obviously you've got the speakers there you've got your sand oh this one's got a TV in it so here you'd have like here you'd have like a coin container because we obviously if you haven't seen the other I love hotel or this one could be first there will be another one if this is the second one and obviously you need to check out the first one depends what order I'm going to make the videos but that's actually really beautiful without that stained glass bit there with that this is a bit oh feels like a giant air bed very like I don't know it's got that very sort of retro feel 100 of all the coloring and as I said to this the ceilings all the way around like and it's got like a bit of an art deco kind of look reminds me the old sort of green tiled fireplaces we used to have in the houses yeah another thing I want to mention about these not that I've been to them and I wouldn't say I wouldn't go to them they're here you've got like a service hatch so I think if you order any wine or stuff you can have it bought to the room again no one knocks the door it's just all done through confidential if you want I think it's different kind of music or things brought to the room you'd do it whole year you'd have a bit of paper you'd write down you put it in the shoe send it up and then the reception guy or a woman whoever's down there in the back room would obviously get the message and meet your request sort of electric blankets in there must have been pretty cold in this place foreign look at that guys a proper shell bath then you've got to admit that is absolutely amazing imagine sitting in that home chilling out after a Long Day's Work oh I could just fill it now my back is killing me guys another room [Music] you need to stay tuned in this video these rooms get crazier and crazier now this room is probably my favorite look at this guys an actual spaceship bed damn no way you know I see the picture downstairs but I didn't expect it to be like this you can imagine the ceiling all lit up with all the colored lights all the mirror lights in here it must be amazing at night in this place and literally you can see her or him all angles while you're doing your your business wow oh wow it's on like a electric thing so something would drive this [Music] so you can literally having a yeah you know I want to buy it you can literally do your thing while the whole bed's making probably rocket noises and driving all the way along the floor moving back forward so and all the sound effects the floor lit up like a takeoff strip you'll be definitely taken her from to the Moon yeah this room's absolutely so cool just loving it look at the old just all the walls in there are so cool like And subscribe it's in everything the little love heart cup containers some still cigarette butts still in there as well I wonder if there's like a date on this magazine nope the adult mags as well this is 2015. this was quite dated when it's closed down Steve you need to come and check this one out dude so I'm going to leave and let Steve fly himself to the Moon yo what is this bro you need to check this out dude it's all mirrored it is all mirrored what the heck you can take her to the Moon dude wow someone's Moon that's what I said guys every room is completely unique so this room here I'm not sure it's a little bit basic or a bit more basic compared to the rocket room probably the more cheaper option I don't know but again you've got your sort of funky ceiling lights now every room is really well thought of as well so apparently open its doors around about in the 80s this place and it without being rude it just looked like it was never updated so again you've got all your usual stuff here you've got a selection here which are quite I'm quite not sure what that is super fashion Hotel let's have a look here and what is this the girl's night job is 215 as well it's the same day I've seen under every magazine so far okay so if you can see that on my phone all right but basically you can choose the TV um something TVs oh it's okay it's just different TV channels by looks of it and there's also an adult section our super Valcom so by the sounds of every room would have been fitted with some kind of Nintendo system or entertainment system that you can play on this is it's just a a wall probably to put them in different positions okay okay this is like the sports room look you can climb the wall he's got your um literally can't get my tongue on it what is called again you can flip around do what you want you've got the Olympic rings on the seat in there that have all been lit up look at the old the bed as well and again just above the bed looks like it's all different colored lights as well just there different bulbs and stuff yeah this is a pretty funky room napori Sports room it's gonna hang a room 208 it's very dark this room okay again an old sort of 70s definitely 80s feeling here not really getting the theme in this room but again it's pretty cool what's it called oh Saint Laurent or something wrong again you've got your menus and stuff I think these are all like I'm going to show them on camera too much but okay so these are like escort services and stuff see I suppose yeah you could just come here single guy or a single woman order an escort foreign now this is a pretty cool room literally we're in the Playboy Bunny mansion a Playboy got the roulette wheel roulette wheel above you this is pretty cool really nice room actually lighting what does that say couldn't even see that actually what it says you work that anywhere oh Las Vegas Napoleon obviously the hotel name you see the mirrors are so cold in here as well look at it all off everywhere look at the ceiling as well here that all the wording along here you think that would have all been lit up as well so all the flashing lights near the Playboy Bunny sign would have been lit up a little wardrobe here I think it's a wardrobe again this room's got a huge bathroom lots of love makings been made in this place I'll tell you that you see that little wallpaper on the ceiling just pulling down this life is still literally stuffed still in the store rooms you can see this as well as packs and packs of jorax obviously left in the rooms keep it safe wrap it up so all the electrics have been cut out of this place because this is and I love my old Gaming and stuff as well but I've never seen this before it looks like a very old just a real video game it's got 100 yen there so obviously you'd pay to play it oh wow oh it's got like a jungle room it's artificial trees in here you've got a castle in the background if you can let a bit of rock light into this room it's all been now chat okay so this is like Disney Castle rooms this is meant to be like a fairy tale room obviously all the trees you know the fairy lights all around and uh just this side here you've got Mickey Minnie and Pluto there so I wonder if it plays like the Disney tune do you all remember when there's kids growing up watching the VHS and then you've got the Disney castle with a little star oh brings about so many memories love Disney another cool room not quite sure that is excited just cemented up an old path it's got a tab still there don't really get what that's about let's carry on so we've seen a Disney room so far there's no real number on the top of this door it's been smashed off so again this sort of looks like a maybe someone just wants like a traditional type house Japanese house maybe it's got that sort of Grandma's living room light above it she's table and chairs nothing exciting in this room apart from the pink pillars there you can see how long them coat hangers would have been hanging on the wall for that is still there and again I'm going to show you there's obviously a magazine now of escorts what are these little funky little thing so guys we're going to head up to the third floor I believe it is yeah he'll retro carve it on the floor Orange there we go two two three anything up here good Steve I think there's a really unique room here and very unique is it unexpected yeah okay yeah you'll be surprised when you see it we've done this in I always start from there have you done this side yeah I'm turning around now okay let's just hit the first room 305 wow look at this room this is proper disco room man her real 70s 80s Club Disco hop is that hops oh sorry disco and obviously a name in the hotel again look at the size of these but a really soft and they spin as well I can imagine them both giggling away on their music going and he got a bed I don't know if this is rotate as well no it doesn't rotate I love the little colors in here though that red gold perfectly blue just the mirrors everywhere as well it was just absolutely like really really cool so if it wasn't for someone coming in to probably Nick a bit of copper or wire or something these would be pretty mint still you can imagine it all lit up I would imagine that would be sort of pink or red country route I'm sure they wasn't playing that in here but yeah that is really really good I like that it's probably one of my little I don't know it's kind of my favorite room actually I don't know actually quite like the uh a lot of spaceship actually it's going three and four if we'll just find this cup Corner rooms are quite unique well maybe not just not that exciting this one it's very sort of Japanese style again someone who wants home from home maybe the lights on the wall they're just hats but they're actually your wall lights that's really good I like that I've got some Japanese flowers in there and again you've got obviously a control panel just above your bed so you can change the mood a lot and you can change the sound how loud you want the room it's quite a lone bar for you that was a big inflated Lilo in here just gonna head in number 303 foreign so I'm guessing this one is if you want that sort of that luxury feel with a lever around the bed when you've got a flower on the ceiling I'm trying to think with this symbol reminds me of a fashion sort of symbol but I can't think what it is and you've got like the the Posh chairs in this room this is probably more of the if you're on that upper class field with the China Tea Cups and they really make her feel probably really special with you or him special I love the little cat there I don't want to touch some tissues in that basket not sure all the inflatable Lilo is before so into 302 oh Steve's infrared is that the wrong room you chose bro oh kinky man let's go that's the thing when you're filming you try not to cross everyone but it's just me and Steve today but now this is a pretty cool room quite like this room looks like the Scottish flag there's all the boats Coastal I guess it's meant to make you maybe feel like you're gonna tropical island don't get this beer I've seen this thing only while they cemented up these tubs exactly and obviously you've got the light across the ceiling as well as I said see the stains all over the bed it's definitely had some action so as I said to you guys and girls definitely sort of unique kind of rooms aha I can see what this room is already wow guys check this one out you can literally have a boxing match with your partner bringing her in her or him in and smash the hell out of them literally you know as it is the action love tonight's story is a couple that I rented out action love had around five he lost so she had to take control radi PG no I'm sure it won't be right PG oh this is crazy this is so funny and again you've got that mirror on the ceiling for that extra look so I suppose if you have that fetish where you want to make love or yeah in a boxing ring there you go you've got it all in this room so guys and girls um just translate a few things on the wall like here um as I'll show you in a minute as a computer here basically gives you the rate of the room of how long you've been in it and how much you need to pay so I also found out about that how to use the air shoot a bit which also is to put money in and you send the money up so again you don't have to see anyone but there is a bit on here where you can do a wake-up call and if you do need the front desk for anything there is someone on at the call but other than that you don't need to see face to face with anyone I think I'm ready for a boxing match now who wants to come and stay with me in the boxing room come on so you can imagine this room the speakers it'll probably be round one ding ding and then there'll be like maybe a whole timer so you can probably different positions for that that round one and then round two would be something else and once you get right worked up you carry on the bed I guess oh all right let's carry on this place is just getting cooler and cooler let's have a look at the bathroom looks like it's completely off this one okay just again a pretty pretty big room looks like there's some kind of hooks hanging from the ceiling as well so you might be able to have like some kind of swing in it possibly it's a love photo whoa guys and I look at this room now I bet we've got some kinky ones watching this video and be like I know I could do that everything is the full bondage room so literally you can do it over a horse you can on the chair I wonder what that seats for there if someone's laying there I wonder what you want to be sat there for I don't know things like that and look at this is the proper bungee bondage room even the ceilings made out of that stuff they put in cement to strengthen your driveway before they concrete it but yeah you can't ever notice this who wants to strapped me to the wall before it actually spin don't spin a bit disappointed about that probably whipped everything in that shocked it don't spin as far as you can get up to all sorts on that lock them to the wall handcuffs uh and again there's straps down on the floor here in this bed as well monitor of the old fireplaces again back in the day well I used to have a a fake brick fireplace yeah this is a this is quite unique what is this one here take notice one's four a little bit about a bar up here I don't know that's about that if you've got any ideas put in the comments below let me know but yeah this is definitely something else in this room hope these walls of padded because you imagine the action going on in these rooms but then I suppose people probably enjoy listening to someone else not even going to sit on that horse nah so where else can we find we found a boxing room again up this floor we found a complete Bond oh and funky wow look at this one the camera's been around guys look at this a little bit of picture now full spaceship room you can imagine here Eric Starman out and even they made the control panel like a yeah I think this yeah so this would so this bed as well would spin round I'm guessing flashing lights all the obviously planets are light up in the background of the headrest and up here look at all this I actually love to see all the lights on to be honest all lit up in here that's so cool though is it oh loving the thing on the wall as well look UFO very it's gone without silver paneling everywhere and look at the UFOs on the windows that's quite a nice bath isn't it a bit different so that's what the room should have had really so the moral brick things look at that oh yeah I could smell it really strong huh was this like an Egyptian Room or something oh it's the yellow house it's really weird we just smelled really strong perfume in the hallway and cigarette actually oh it's really strong it's not really sure what the yellow house theme was apart from the yellow house unless I'm missing something and I don't know what yellow house is just loving these I do like all these ceilings in there I'd love to I love to actually have one of his hotels oh I'd like I don't know I'd probably make a Mario room and everything know me I'm not sure any Mario Kart themed more of a fun Hotel so let's have a little look around this side I can't really like I thought I was just finding the crazy room was so cool so I'll do 302 no oh wow guys look at this whole literally Carousel there's a bed wouldn't it be fun though it's like oh wait there you can actually oh the bed must rotate no the whole bed turns around this is like the circus room look at it all so you can imagine it all lit up in here so yeah like you'd have the controls that have all the bed here this is pretty cool though oh dear can you just imagine two people now or three or four hour and many are whatever goes on in here doing their thing on the bed the whole bed's going around circus themes playing lights flashing everywhere or even having action on the horse while it's going around in the bed it's crazy isn't it so come on ladies and gents what's your favorite room I wanted to see in the comments below if you're a husband or your wife or anyone do you love her whatever someone you're just having fun with took it to this hotel what room so far would you choose one is I want to see the comments below I won't have a laugh have some fun with these guys I missed a room I don't think we did this room didn't we yeah guys on girls I want to see the comments open up to me come on when do the season bikes still a lot Steve I wonder what's down here steps are so steep so every person paid a hotel and the tubes would come down here that's all the money everything and there's all the room numbers as I said it was purely confidential it's a hotel so all the bits if you wonder if they were filming anything as well it's our CCTV system here foreign look at this oh guys there's a proper little car bed that's like a shape of a Rolls Royce I believe it's even got the wheels on it that is so cool it is a Rolls-Royce it's a Rolls-Royce room damn I gotta admit this is pretty cool actually there's a little headlights on beeping the hole for the engine revving wow just as we think we're leaving again we see another room look at the size of this one so this would probably have had cartwheels on it and someone's probably nipped the wheels this is probably like a sleigh bed look at that ceiling though in here I know it's this as well I'm gonna have to have a look at this because I love my old game and stuff so this is when I believe so this I believe is when Nintendo released a TV yeah so you can put your cartridge in there and then you've got the whole unit very very collectible now these are you'd have to obviously keep the whole TV and one that's so cool I'll actually keep that myself okay it's this one minute a lot of the old appliances we're just coming out the hotel I see some bikes up here it just shows you now like how big this place is obviously we normally do the outside before but we didn't want to upset anyone this is Hotel see there's still push bikes still there locked up the front of this place is so cool [Applause] there you go I'm just walking around the back of this place in the bushes so Steve this is the uh jumble sale I'm doing today if you buy a washing machine I'll throw in a TV you see them lovely chairs over there you can take them as well laughs [Applause] that's a pretty cool like all them old TVs oh and this brings back a lot of memories to me especially then does anyone recognize their childhood here the older gens Ley surely probably would have had one of those TVs at some point so what's happening explorers we got out um I'm not gonna lie to you we kept hearing like noises and voices as if people were outside so we headed out uh we're just hiding in the bushes at the moment gonna do our drones um yeah hope you enjoyed that let me know in the comments below what your favorite room was if you was to go to a love hotel which one that you would stay in I think for me I don't know I do like cars so it might be the Rolls Royce is that what a room is I thought it's a horse riding room but a lot to teach at a Horse Ride yeah yeah okay well Steve's up for the horse riding um maybe a boxing round I don't know if anyone wants to take me and Steve in one of them rooms let me know what room [Laughter] um but yeah it's sad for me guys aside from Steve give my man a shot and don't forget guys to head over and follow me on all social medias links are all in description and I just want to say a massive thank you to all the patrons as usual and all the support you've gave me all over the years and if you are new to the Channel please hit that like And subscribe it doesn't mean it doesn't cost nothing but means the world to me but love you love stay safe and I'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 36,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LKn63GmlpuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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