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what's happening in explorers and thank you so much for clicking on a brand new video i am so sorry for a little camera shaking this video and a little bit fast moving it was very hard to film this place it was so tired to walk around so we found out a little bit of history this guy lived here completely on his own and he was a massive book collector but he also did sell a lot of his books overseas and in the uk but yeah what an incredible place hopefully you enjoyed the video guys please please give it a thumbs up love you loads and if you're new to the channel like and subscribe bro who thought it'd be in wowz again this quick yeah wait yeah let's look at the sheep no they're ramsey that's where you are right can everyone just watch where you're walking and [ __ ] dave's kicking it around like it's a football i feel like you know jurassic park that's one huge pile of yeah i feel like we've been on this is a wild goose talk who said there's a hair stand it's getting dark now no drone stuff i won't be able to do anything on this one but do you know what that could be a good thing i don't know he's we just met the strangest guy literally not because he's camping on his own he just seemed really weird i don't know he just looked like he wanted to did i put my wellies on i'll give him credit that he's actually camping on his own yeah it's getting dark this better be saying good down here otherwise i'm going to be very upset nearly broke my ankle twice look at this this is a public footpath this is a health hazard [Applause] oh don't no don't [Applause] yeah guys and to let you know what mark's talking about don't say we could have parked down here [Applause] bypass the phone i can't believe how light is bro what's down here it's scary when you see i'm not going to point it but my diesel ends wait do you realize we probably thought the hurricane was the nicest guy ever but he's probably robbing the car right now i don't serious yeah paul you taking us on a wild goose tour there's a house actually down here i'm winding you up right well i'm not liking what a person guys if anything happens to us blame paul okay so what do we know about this house nothing literally nothing we could be walking straight into texas chainsaw mascara's house right now ready to be served up i don't really want to eat paul and i'm not going to be the one that dies first can't believe i've got new 80-pound boots from amazon and they're already getting wet in the front you don't watch where you're walking today but they're going to be waterproof actually just a lot of walkthrough floods i've just gone for a little puddle [Applause] i don't know this is here oh yeah it's the house there holy smoly that was their post box i'm not gonna lie i really do sometimes overthink stuff when we're exploring plus it's getting dark but we're literally we could be walking straight into a potential serial killer's house i'm going to twist the ankle or jump my back well you can go for a bro mean you can't we can't run that far well i can't i don't know you might better run further to me but this is my point i look i learned this at chris evans ass perception cycle loads i run i'll i'll can only last for so long so i'm gonna have no well we're not talking about running a ground we're talking about running we're not on about your uh that's what i mean right i'd love to stand my ground yeah i'll definitely i can't i wouldn't run i'd no i'm not i'd just be like you know well it's a huge it looks like a big house but we did get told that someone locally or something comes down and like checks on it now and again so yeah so paul just felt like running [Applause] all right i'm gonna cut this we're gonna get further down otherwise you're just gonna get the wall straight down to it i'm not gonna lie i'm literally a bit nervous about this one i know people don't want to hear that the great explorers are nervous but yeah i'm a little bit nervous about this one oh yeah don't oh no no no i feel like this is walking straight in the sun that horror movie right now because it looks so much smaller this bit here just in the picture that's five pictures at angles man that's how you do it yeah and they twist it and like pulls it look at this so hopefully you can see me this is gonna be i think there's a way there bro i think we're gonna maybe do a revisit it's so dark yeah i didn't really see it it's probably a river running down there [Applause] but the back of his property it looks so cool it's a weird house i can't get over like how strange is so weird i thought the whole layout of the buildings could smell the old diesel in these engines there's a barn over there we're gonna try and get in this place shame it's dark but you know what it just gives it that horrible weird weird feeling i'm not gonna lie she's got a bit of a weird one about this one gee whiz this is like a hoarder's nightmare i bet you didn't think paul four or five days ago you'd be coming out exploring guys i'm not gonna lie this is tough hey what how many books isn't this one room here i mean create a set of cars 1945 to 1970 it's a great title for me give me some book names david steele another one let's go let's go george thomas and so to bath wow learn everything's polar themed up as well no the corridor eve town battlefield earth i mean that is that's so cool do you remember recently i bet there's some rare books in here some bits do you remember e17's logo i'll throw it in the e17 e17 staying everyday full console zodiac here's your car books bro anyway i'll put yours that one flex gt cars so we got the older set the search of england porsches nice there's even the books conditional inside that man it's just literally everywhere paul is that room at wow what dude paul i'm looking here man she doesn't care she's already out there the big book of gardening ready i'll tell you what i want but i really really want i bet i was collectible probably is catherine cookson my nana grande loves the tv show i have a lot of car what the hell is that opal record well have you ever heard of an opel record right he's serious that's how much we should be out of the uh sorry let's have a look at the picture of that let's see what's above it that's some runoff 16. i know all the others but i don't know what that one is oh it looks a bit like chavez it just looks reminds me a bit of the old senator yeah i do reckon i've never heard of a record a record record so i i wonder whether then they they used to sell second-hand books if not they definitely have a collection look at the old little ones as well everything's so wrapped up let's go fishing fashion there must be a reason that they're all covered up dudes when you imagine the guy who lived here it's like really dark look at that just a bit of light enough here and there's put your little tube lights don't tell me there's power in this place no don't try it though your broke light this one's just on the pool like i can imagine how dark it was dude just in a staircase and more books guys i've never seen so many books in one house smells quite fresh it's just every room like even you come in the kitchen there's more bags of books dave that's just not the kitchen there's another one next door is that a better one definitely uh definitely strange this one i can't work nothing out what's it like there cara there's just books everywhere well the whole house is booked be careful which show there because it shows what area room turn it over i have turned it i'm just saying be careful mate i can't get over this house he was it's like he's a massive hoarder and he's literally just getting that next room isn't that bad yeah what books no well i don't know just there sorry don't squeeze through it guys i've never ever experienced anything like this in my life just empty boxes you know it's collected more boxes to put more boots in to put more i love that bass it's liquished in there yeah that's nice it's not making anything like quality i swear when i see this place before i the older looks like an old like military bag or something yeah it does yeah we've got camping magazines another kitchen stress confusion created when one's mind owners the body's basic desire to choke the living she did uh some good hull who desperately needs it i think this guy mate is already choked us man if he catches it anyway mate this is unbelievable you can see yeah look at all that stacks of books in here again those are cars no buses oh damn kinda get over to him cassettes so this looks like one of the original type farm room if you notice the ceiling in here is quite like you know that house we went through though trying to climb over [Music] if you step onto that straight floors here look at this please bring back so many memories well what car is that again okay [Music] look at all these old cars shame because this is something that i'd like to keep holding [Music] and the old bass it's tin again we're in another room literally packed of books and stuff any other cars you recognize again look so many again the human books building muse building news despite who loved me i just want to show you as well look at the ceiling in here oh that's probably so cool take it oh a miniature one xj220 joke so yeah the cars we've hidden here so that's what we're seeing in that video clearly we said in that video yeah so we've hit them to save them that's so cool so yeah this would have been maybe the living room at some stage but it's just look at it guys this place is so old so decayed i'm literally going to say like about 15 20 years like seriously funny it's that bad like the curtains are falling down yeah it's a crazy house trying to use the inside of the jump bro we see we should have come last week the house was very clean last week yeah we missed it so just give you a little pan background in the jackets everything's hanging out there they're dangerous yes yeah look what you mean why did we just take the roughest stairs here bro yeah yeah why did you because you jumped i have to jump so you put me in danger dave you see that didn't you the score in hastening do you remember dude oh yeah and the stairs were literally on see look at some of these books oh wow bro open that up i remember this book i swear to god i remember hit the book spots birthday party yeah let's play hide and seek one story actually spot's birthday party it's spot's birthday let's play hide and seek one two three where's spot gone ready or not and remember here comes spa yes it's a lift up pot you must have been where is he not yet it's a crocodile is it a crocky yeah all right let's see what we've got there spotters fans of you're on the curtain i remember this book so bad man that was quick you must have the same problem dude i feel like this guy's robbed the library there's someone in the cupboard no i don't mean overlooking the cover i don't know what was in there oh can i open it yeah go on this reminds me when i was a little kid oh yes this is nice sammy snake oh you know you want to laugh she wants something come on come on i can see you go on move the bar shower isn't this fun yeah look we could tell what it was anyway i'll just get on with it somebody giggled under the coat it's not the owl it's uh how often is it now she tickled me that's a silly way to hide what we like we're just literally doing the whole spot book guys you know after these people are logged off now paul's like what am i with how did you find me here because i opened the door let's see well it's not on your door peeking on people where's spotlight look we might as well finish it off now we're spot well how many more animals we've got to do there's only a few pages so we might have to finish all right okay who's on who's that under the table shh don't tell spot you see him no he's shh what's gone calm down spot i think he's making a mess all over the place ah spa puppies for you in it i'm lost courses is turtle isn't it happy birthday spot thank you yeah yeah yeah guys tune in next week for story time next week we have toy story guys on a serious note i've never ever ever seen so many books in one house this is some serious like seriously holding do you realize there's probably a lot of money in it it's probably a really odd book in here look our old days dennis diminished 1968. mr i'm literally going to hide this book got garfield we've not stolen it either i'm going to hide it whistles let's put it somewhere ready it is literally just books everywhere this is in 2010 what's that we're changing wow like literally where does this guy live where did he live where did he sleep this must be the light off do you know what's still the saddest thing about this house is i'm breathing in a load of crap we've got a master bag there there is that as well but what is where all these books gonna end dude there's a thing that says sussex cars hide it whatever the last page is i suppose he's full that's not you yeah so this is his desk literally like his computer his office is here he's literally buried himself with books i literally can't stress it feels like so claustrophobic in this like place what makes god laugh answer listening to people's plans for the future yeah i suppose that makes sense oh it's moving these fighters yes i'm saying that eastbourne that's like airway okay sorry eastbourne oh dave i found your favorite one barbie facts of files that's a bit of a random one i like this place i really wish i'd knew like could find out the history of this place like what's going on why so many books glasgow basic dive bsac diving aisles to win the nestor sparrow holly butch schuner against the law and the humor english humor so we just chucked one out there oh that's actually quite long i thought it's gonna be quite short of course it won't be never i thought they were just gonna be like little little phrases or something so many honestly so many books it's unbelievable crazy there's gotta be easily a few thousand don't they a few thousand guys i've never seen a house so packed there's way more than a few ready yeah please read it guys occasionally i enjoy listening to an expert i'll let you read it there's quite some like humid signs around in here yeah yeah bro can you get over this place have you ever seen so many books in a house not in the house and somebody doesn't mean it's a bed next door underneath all the books is there a bed in there there's a bed there so i was wondering where this guy's actually sleeping man they were definitely actively living here and uh there's a lot of kids i think they're selling books oh transformers yeah all the disney ones all the thomas tank engines alice in wonderland not the old disney's the read it yourself book the free bears that lions party with the cassette look how old some of these 2a tiptoes the mischievous kitten i mean guys you're talking probably 50s a lot of these these books i remember used to collect through uh tokens i think i'm literally shocked bro the six bad boys o'clock that's absolutely crazy bro so it's like the um the old scales there as well is there anything on that dave what's that bro yeah look no oh it's a marginal map i don't want to put it down and break it i let his computer and everything still there everything's literally like massively packed of stuff that's unbelievable here bro no way guys look at this oh look at this whole finished map wow and then there's bags of like rubbish slightly collected everything yeah honestly guys i'm literally shocked i can't get over this place it is crazy crazy crazy i mean i feel like because maybe the littlest receipt rolls and stuff maybe he was maybe he was selling his books or collecting he was a very like a big collector i didn't know guildford really what beautiful oh listen to that you're right yeah oh you won't be worried good cooking so it's lovely as well going back up look at that the old vintage map [Applause] so if you had a nice space just drop it down wouldn't you do that all back up as well let's have a squeeze around here bro look at the old crt tv i was actually playing at my nanogramas years ago um tanks something on the old atari on one of these tvs it's got to be like what is your explanation put in the comments below what you think why why is this guy like what's this about why is he collecting so many books christmas last posting dates western europe just wondering these are like ebay things i wonder if he was maybe selling the books it's a shame i just wish they could save some of the kids ones who remembers these because i totally do i can't get over it bro well we found a connector how what i don't think we could say on camera no i can't really say unfortunately but we have we have managed to uh so what is it you sound cannot say nothing or show anything but we have found a hm revenue letter and it is basically he went under a book name um so he was actually trading books this was his job and he had a farm as well but he literally don't you think he just buried himself in his own home with his business dude have you have you seen dude have you seen a room in this house where you could literally just chill out no there's no there's not that's what he's running a farm and he's running his own business from home you think if he's a writer and things like that i suppose yeah they like their own seclusion didn't they too but his surname we're not going to give it away we're not going to give it away but his surname is literally very like if i'd said it yeah it's kind of like is he the maker of something there's 2004 here say like his name is very like it's a well-known name but it's a maker of something but i'm not going to give it away any more than that but you see what i mean guys like where was this guy actually where was he sleeping where was he living like how how do you survive like this i know he did he obviously did but i'm saying there's probably a lot of money of books in here there's probably some rare books that are worth probably we could probably retire if we were like that we could and we knew what he was looking at we could probably retire on one of these books in here we know he's a big dealer but you never know maybe one day bro we'll win the lottery yeah all right let's carry on bro oh yeah we're coming we've got to go along this is what i'm talking about guys and girls look every bit you walk through corridors watch the floor bro it's just crazy they're pretty cool they're little wine either now dude where does this guy live where did you sleep in a place like this i just feel like don't you feel like crosstalk a little bit and i don't suffer across the photo but you really feel so enclosed in this place i know some of them ate those well that the fact that he's putting in these bags is going to save a lot of these books so if something's damaged but they look like they were first common sense yeah some of them were getting dumped in there but some of them look okay though look where's this bedroom you said about the bedroom what's up i think it's like next door along what are these yeah no left left hand side ulcers never heard of that game i see what we mean though i'm literally gobsmacked i really am [Music] i have no idea one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12. there's 20 just there so if you said 20 40 68 there's 100 just there like if you went roughly so if you went 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 68 100 20 46 120 40 60 800 there's about 300 books brought just there just that i forgot what they call that it's something to do with the um i don't know if it's like a oh i don't know why show you a couple again but rain charm for dutchy clarkson oh there's literally just books upon books so don't be wrong i love books but i just feel like even it's too what i just don't know what to say whoa douglas o'brien it's like the never-ending books you know what i'm worried about though i'm sad to say so we are getting a little bit soaked getting back to it you know i'm worried about as well standing on this floor with the weight of all these books i feel all right poetry okay so we won't go around there so paul's just found his favorite section the adult content though he's got a sofa bed to go with the adults no way so this is this is pretty much his living area so this is pretty much your living area come get it come and get it is that was cool can we get it come and get it yeah so guys we ain't even got to explain what book that is but paul found it it's called come and get it yeah so we just come to like a weird bit of a conclusion so this guy was a book dealer but it's also a very like publicly walk path that's not literally far from here and we've already passed two trout like people backpacking to sleep sorry one person and yeah it's like maybe it was what paul said that people came here to like borrow a book or read a book who knows of the year 2000 what was going on it's 3 a.m heart fob 21 years ago mate where was that old gringo literally i'm just i'm just in shock he had good taste in aftershave really yeah martin's we could just keep going it's just quite um the incredibles but what worries me is like as i said to you what what will happen to all these you know what will it you know with their wind up and ski landfill now what's going to happen to them because there's just so many here incredibles tarzan is terrible the science of self i like terry logan i mean some of these look really old just the pictures on this premiere book of girls look dean's premier book for girls that's a bit sexist isn't it a book for girls it's all about boys but it kind of was probably like that years ago don't it was like a score for hungary there you go guinness book of records 1987. wow really hates we come back out so i'm going to go back and head to the other one oh look at that [Music] for cold contained rinsed with cold water it's like an old-fashioned flask i think this got a bad black molding and it's in that ceiling look yeah i think we should move at that yes i would pull it on my phone because yeah guys i want to see i'm in i'm actually in shock i just can't get my head around this place i get that he's a book dealer but i just feel like he buried himself in his own house like with this size land and this size house i agree i would have probably had a massive container outside and or you know some built something that can keep all the books this is inside you know it's crazy yeah but the walls look at them yeah but dude i've not i've just not seen anywhere where this guy can actually sit down and chill out it's raining hard oh it is a shame you know these are actually brand new books no no and that's why i said what is going to happen to them they're going to landfill some of these they're brand new [Applause] that the paper pound 1797 to 1821 boolean report you know there's so much history here like just literally going to waste we go through the back door now what he found somewhere what [Applause] look at the old radio this is mad yeah huh i'd like to have that in the shed love her look at the old radio pool oh whoa rob see next week i know the guy was talking about earlier no oh no we're all family there you go guys and girls pinky and the perky pinky and perky surely he didn't know what every book was in this place i bet he did hey ah do you think he's like harry potter you know the guy with a wand when you could come in here and say have you got a book and such and such and he knew exactly where to go and get it what was it where is it trunk of war i'm not being funny he probably does know wherever your foot was he definitely was into something i thought there was sticky bombs yeah i bet he knew everywhere everything was in this place literally go straight to it and be like yeah here we go honestly that's what i said there's so many brand new books brand new oh so i mean this is this is a book lovers dream house maybe not the house but i know so many people love books literally sitting here now watching this and like wow i wish i could save him we should go in there and just grab some novels i just don't know how this guy got around in this place oh i don't even know where we came in at the minute no where's the door you know the fedora fan come on yeah so they're just coming back out of here moving around you can see like how far the hallways i'm literally shocked of how big this house is man so yeah there's another room we're gonna head out here stay to this side oh i could feel the stairs look how he's tried repairing some of the steps with some old chipboard oh it's all ruined so we've got all the videos paul yeah if you're coming up instead of staying the other side stay this side no the other side yeah i've had a bedroom and i'm shocked because this is obviously something different than books this is obviously where he came to sleep look at the little tv it's not even much exciting everything's so mouldy in it how what's this flooring up here no it's even worse than this she's shocked this little bedroom this is it it just comes locked obviously herself maybe like used to let people come and look round to buy the books that's why he's locked his bedroom yeah that's what i think don't walk too far backwards wow this one yeah this floor feels fine to be honest it's just uh oh my god you don't realize that father's going backstage this place isn't really so i'm literally shocked bro it's like the tardis isn't it i thought when we came in when we came in i thought was you know a handful of books or a few shells just empty i'm shocked there's not books in there yeah i was expecting something you're going to this is just mad oh be careful in there man yeah but look around this way it just keeps going as it started to crack and go through i would probably be already out of the room yeah sizes tv i don't know how far i want to walk down there though but look it is just chocolate right to the end look books after books after books should try oh my god pull in be careful mate yeah i'm gonna let you two pieces really let this go see how far the roof goes downstairs is the same looks there's a video in there he was watching anita whatever that is though come on we should be up here too look oh look these are proper tony things i love the way these are those bookshelves and you turn it and it changes the shelf oh she can move it along yeah dave i don't want to be up here too long because you think if this flooring goes with all these crooks we're all going through oh dude look at the book press paul can you see that right there oh wow that's that's that's nice though dude do you want to estimate how many spiders are in this place down inside of it there and you can see where it's sinking into the floor do look at this place years literally this would kill us as long as oh yeah we won't survive here the weight of these racks it feels like we want to be in those though look at even though just makeshift windows please i'm serious if we do whoa now bro it's holds it it's all going oh my god guys i'm not going to go any further your master it goes around an honor no not even that straight down we've literally done so much exploring in the past but i've never ever came across the house like this just i've never seen one right the 50 000 mark i think i think we're gonna go over the fifty thousand hundred it can't be that much surely like you're talking yeah there's there's got to be there's there's 11 books in just a bag there so even if you said there's 30. on top of the shelves it's just continuation which you see downstairs just this is meant of course it's amazing it's hard to say like different words it's crazy up here i've been saying crazy huh well do you see the old book press around here no oh right look around this corner is it there you know the old uh fashion book look at the old newspaper there 1982 the original visitors friends of lancaster and the box is still there i think yeah it's a shame man that you know one day all this is probably just going to collapse and bear itself in it's the same as the poet mansion uh the poet mansion is literally first edition books in there literally falling through ah yeah lungs that's not been open for how long the magic shop oh wow bro [Music] there's so many like feels like fire hazards just everything here huh i know definitely just kept everything do you think he was a total holder as well like why would you keep i'm not very like funny but why would you keep so many of this old empty boxes of cat food and captains your flooring now you can see the flooring's gone around here rackings just fell over well i'm literally in shock i really am yeah 28 straight away so just then four piles just to come back here and count them all just then four lot says nearly 100 bucks mark do you know oh no sorry just that rat is 100 say roughly so if you said 100 200 300 400 there's nearly 500 books out here yeah so if we get 10 000 likes mark will come back on his own and count the books what is that paul gold's toys oh it's like yeah it's the old um sealed building blocks i think go for it oh hey it's scary man coming out cover it up the left power is i'm not switching in plugs up dude i seriously do think i don't know holding can be an illness as well for people but i really do think this guy has literally buried himself in his own home pro they think his business just got on top of him and it's just yeah he's definitely um but he's literally why would you keep all the tins you know i think i'm gonna get out of here now hey that's absolutely hammering it down out there where a car is oh i ain't got a clue i don't even know where we are in the ass no more you got it i'm not being funny i don't think this house felt as big looked as big as it is from hey i am shocked it's like you go around a corner and there's another room [Applause] you can see how many thousands of stuff in cabinets guys it's like honestly getting lost in a house of books i'm gonna have a nightmare tonight over books and i do love a book but i just feel like it's just too much for me in here it's literally like you feel so claustrophobic honestly well we're going to let you oh you looking sod i was asking where you were not i was actually worried and i was like where is she outside you've been outside no i've just been chilling in the dark for like an hour waiting for you to come to there's more i need to get out of here i had different looks now it's like the haunted house don't you feel it feels bigger inside than it does when you're outside it's absolutely massive guys as you can see it's raining um i've never seen nothing like that before that is the one-off i was behind that door as well bro it's it's a place that i don't think that i'll ever come back um it's just so dusty now the wrong mask on uh i feel like i've lost 10 years of my life maybe 15. um yeah my mouth well i just can't get my head around it like i get the guy it's like me being a car mechanic huh how's it look yeah so it's like me as a car mechanic but then kind of having thousands of cars around me and kind of sleeping in a garage next to a car yeah there's nothing hi guys i'm gonna put the camera anyway but uh thank you so so much for clicking on the video what's that a be careful it might be poisonous oh yeah really don't put him in the lake though no casey's poisonous he's not it's raining anyway it's not poisonous in our country all right dude come on you're off you go hey guys thank you so so much for clicking on the video uh love to our patreons uh love to uh obviously our followers love to the people behind our scenes this is one of our moderators but also looked after our channel and a really good friend of ours anyway but um he's actually out exploring uh who knows it could be used next time you never know but yeah all the links guys in description facebook instagram you name it we're on it but yeah i'm going to put the camera away it's raining but if you've got an explanation that has you got off the path drop it in the link below let me know what you think your views on that place but it's out for me it's that from paul markey love you all guys stay safe and i'll see you soon you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 51,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gGOQ5eb1PVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 59sec (3299 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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