Found Letters from 1700s! - Majestic Abandoned Yellow Mansion in Portugal

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In a quaint Portuguese village, hidden away at its farthest corner, stands a grand yellow mansion frozen in time. The once-majestic structure, belonging to the noble couple, Mr. Jose and Mrs. Maria Adalante, had fallen into a state of disrepair over the years. Nature had woven its way into the once-bustling home, reclaiming it for its own. Long ago, the Adalante family had filled these halls with laughter and joy, raising their beloved daughter Sylvana within these walls. Mr. Jose was a man of extraordinary vision, especially in the realm of aircraft engineering, while Mrs. Maria's grace and charm made her the center of village admiration. Venturing inside, one could still find traces of their lives scattered about, from cherished mementos to fading old photographs. The Adalante's nobility is evident, and the air resonates with whispers of a glorious past. Despite the intrigue that surrounded the mansion, its allure was not enough to entice potential buyers. This once-cherished property remained unsold since its abandonment in 2001, gradually losing itself to the relentless passage of time. And so, the grand yellow mansion of the Adalante family continued to stand as a melancholic reminder of a forgotten era, where dreams of flight and nobility once intertwined, forever awaiting someone to breathe life into its weathered walls. [Music] "So, it's Day 3, man. Alright, we're about to enter another house, climb the wall, and then we are in the garden. So let's see. We're in the street right now, very very quiet here. Be sure to put on the GoPro. Let's go. Coca-Cola. Shoutout to Yusta! It looks pretty abandoned but it's actually not. There's just a car. Let's climb there where the pole is. Here. There are people. There is a fresh car. Really? Yeah, yeah. What the...? I think it’s sold. I'm not sure it is the same domain. I think it's not the same domain. I don't think so either. Let’s walk around. This is strange, right? It's almost like the garden is on the other side. Should we check the satellite view? Yeah. So, we just checked out the satellite view and we think we actually have to go through the fields of the farmer, which is on the backside. I think in this way, we can reach it from a quite conspicuous angle. Alright. So, as you can see, that's not abandoned. Yeah, I think it's actually their cars that are parked on the side. [Music] [Music] So, we can already see the house from here. I think that's definitely the best way to do it. Honestly, it's right over there. Maybe hop the tree line for a little bit. [Music] Wow. Okay. Check this out. It's beautiful. Wow, what a wonderful building. I really like its facade. The entrance is very easy. Just a walk in the door. Time to explore. Okay, so you saw last week's video. Apparently, there was still somebody that came to look there every now and then. But today, we're in a place that is totally, totally abandoned. Yep, this is definitely abandoned. We just saw from the footage of our GoPro that we just slightly walked in over here. This is the first one that we actually walked in. This was his office. Yep, his or her office. We don't know yet. We were a little bit sad when we entered because some items that we've seen in previous pictures from explorers are missing right now. But unfortunately, that's the deal when a place gets shared. And that's also why we are always very secret about this. You can't do anything about it. I mean, how long ago were the pictures that you've seen? Yeah, 2018. So, for that time, I'm still actually happy with the state the property is in. Of course, there is vandalism, but that has always been the case. It's still good. It's still good. Alright, anyways. The office room... just slowly panning to also show you the beautiful moldings in the center of the ceiling. Got some chairs on the side here. Beautifully upholstered. I think that the office room actually is one of the best rooms in this place. It has definitely the best antiques and the most details, of course. Then, we have the doll over there. It is actually surrounded by cobwebs everywhere. Yeah, so you can tell it's been sitting there for a long time already. Man, also look at this cabinet. Unbelievable, right? It is, it is. I especially like the spirals on the side. Well, and then we have... What's in there? I don't see anything. There is a lot of stuff. A Ballet Magazine from 1967. And what do we have over here? Yeah, that's why I said I don't see anything. It's just mainly some papers. It says lingerie. What’s in the drawer? Think it’s closed, man. Yeah, that's locked. Let's leave it, yeah. This is, uh, the desk. It was the desk. Look at the cobwebs over here. What is this? It's a price list of some items. I don't know. Yeah, it's a pricing. I don't know. Yeah, a lot of pens are here. Yeah, yeah. And also the ball pen. And there we have a name. Martinez, Brazil. Okay, and we have a letter. Let's see. It's from '87. Can I see it? Yeah, man. Here you go." "Look on top, '87. I'm just zooming in because I'm sure we have some Portuguese people watching who can probably translate this. Had to pan over it slowly. Yeah, I'm just wondering what it says. Look, have you ever seen a hat like that, bro? That hat is truly decayed. That's crazy. How do I look? You look crazy, man. You look like a bushman or something. [Music] Well, we also have this very vintage tin over here. What was actually in it? Manufactured in Rio de Janeiro, cigars. Of course, I mean, sitting in your office, smoking a cigar. Newspaper from 1970. It's some very vintage stuff in here. Small photo book. [Music] Think it’s nearby. There's a frame from Lisbon. What else is on the papers over here? I don't know. It's just some magazines. Some little statues. There was even... Bro, keep this in the light. Some X-rays. Yep, right here we go again. Yes, all at the other side. Yep, it's the pelvis. Maybe... Ah, that's the right way. It's the pelvis. It says about spinal cords. Yeah, you have to hold it the other way again. Yeah, aside from the pelvis. Alright, and then this one again. Yeah, see, doesn't want to focus. Maybe a little bit down. It's more in the lights. Yeah, that's better. Yeah, again a spinal cord. I think the person actually underwent a hip replacement. Could be. It's an operation many older people actually undergo. Yeah, yeah. So, look at the nice drapes and everything, and nature is just taking over. Yeah, this place is really left to the fate of nature. Wonderful. Massive office seat over here again. Wonderfully upholstered as well. Really unique. And then we have these small... How are the paintings? I wouldn't say so. These little frames. Frames, yeah. It's not painted. And then a fan. A fan, yeah. And the rest of the diploma, yeah. That's quite cool because we often find these Singer sewing machines, and this one is from the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Yeah, from the Sewing Machine Company from 1985, and it's for Maria. A woman. Yeah. Well, then we actually have these very neat doors with all the tiny windows. Some of them are actually colored green glass. And then, that one. There was a lot of stuff on the floor actually. It's very vandalized, but maybe we can still find something cool. 1734. Yep, what is it? Oh, it's a small letter. Damn, just imagine that somebody was writing this more than two... Can you show the date? 1734. Yes, 1734, man. Great, there is one even from 1728. Little envelopes, they were so tiny. Yeah, what is the oldest date we can find? 1743. Nah, 1728 is the oldest date. Damn. Check this out. Actually, there is quite some cool stuff over here. 1774. Actually, it looks like they were trying to sketch a coat of arms. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They were creating the coat of arms for the family because it says S.A.T.V. at the bottom. That means that it was a noble family. Damn, bro, 1774. Imagine that this paper, especially dating 200 years back, it's just simply finding it over here. Those are like... It looks like actually some accountancy. Two or more or even more, 1720. Damn, those are all envelopes, right? They wrote very tiny letters. 1713. They date back a long time. A very long time. Early 18th century, that's crazy. Well, now let's actually continue our way to a wonderful hallway over here. I just really love the staircase. The ceiling actually doesn't have any particular features. No. Look, a chest, and of course no gold, just clothes. You've seen that, yeah. A replica of the Mona Lisa. It's not the first time for us finding it. Wow, still an old rotary phone over here. Ashtray, tiny statue, some glasses. What's this book? This thing is a phone book. No, no. Bills, yeah, a lot of numbers and prices, I believe, with the dates from a company in Lisbon. There is not much more actually. Yeah, only the first few pages are actually filled. I'm trying to see a name. It actually says Jose. Yeah, and then we also have the other name that we've seen at the start. Small Bible. Well, this is just some space right underneath the stairwell. Yeah, you don't see the basements that often. No, not in Portugal a lot. No, and if they are, it’s most likely a barn, you know. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Let's go to the left side. Left side, yeah. Yeah. Oh, some proper decay, man. Whoa, my gosh. Yeah, nature is doing this. That's some serious decay. It's actually not going down, so like there is no basement. It's not that deep. No, no. Look at the television over here. Never seen that brand. Oh, this is cool. Airline passenger, yeah, it's from 1980. And I think it's just all the information about the airlines. Yeah, all the different cities and airports. Yep, and also the prices. I think so. Maybe he worked in aviation. That's something, because why else would you have a book like this? Yeah, KLM. Air Portugal, all the big airlines. You can tell the floor right above it is also very decayed, so it's probably leakage from the roof. Yeah, that actually causes this place to deteriorate. Well, bathroom. Typical to see such styles in a bathroom in Portugal. And what’s actually crazy is that there are still stuff in there. I can see two brushes. Dentofix. Another one. It's crazy. Yeah, some other toothbrushes. Unbelievable. Do you think it's wallpaper? No, it's not. Actually, you can feel the space in between. It's beautiful. It is actually real. I also thought it was wallpaper for a second. Wow, check out this bedroom. Yep, and then this must be the main bed, I think. Yeah, I think this was one of the master bedrooms, honestly, or maybe one of the other ones that are empty right now." The beautiful red dress immediately catches your eye. "Yeah, it was definitely an eye-catcher, always giving color to these places." "Is this a typical Portuguese bed?" "Yeah, they're pretty much just like you often see, ornate details on the headboard in the middle. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely a pretty Portuguese bed. The other one could also be in Spain, you know, let's say Southern European because I think beds are pretty much similar in Spain and Portugal." "Beautiful. I can't believe that all the clothes are almost still..." "Okay, that was scary! Here's the door slamming. Okay, it was a little bit scary, but I think we're fine. But anyways, the clothes are still hanging there. You wouldn't expect it for such a decayed place, right?" "No, no. We think that that would also have been trashed. And then look over here. These are some very old family pictures. Wow, let's roam through them. Can see a family over here, sitting with their children." "Just many, many children pictures actually." "It's not even a single one where I don't see... I believe those are actually the stairs of the place. Yeah, yeah, they have all been taken here. Maybe this is even inside this place one day. It's a long time ago, man." "This one is really old. Yeah, maybe there was a date. Oh, it's actually from a newspaper. Yeah, yeah, that's what I was already thinking." "A lot of buttons here. I think even some more old photos. Yeah, here..." "These are... Those are actually postal cards. Yep, from the family Belgique. Wait, yeah, this is written in French. It's saying, 'Have good travels, my little friends, and for your family too.'" "It's from Belgium, man. Belgique, it's crazy. Um, so they either had like friends in Belgium, or I don't know. Yeah, they could have." "Not a sewing machine, but equipment. Yeah, well, there's a dog barking outside, so let's leave this room ASAP." "Very happy." "It's literally the part where we first climbed. I wanted to climb. Imagine if we did that." "Yeah, there is a dog over there in that part." "I mean, like there was literally a dog inside of that Garden, so imagine if we climbed that wall. Yeah, it could have ended with a dog biting you. You're never... you always got to be cautious, so better to go to this side for a little bit for now. And I think this was actually the main living room one day." "Yep, this was the main living room, man. You see some beautiful seats that are actually covered in some sheets and have a look at the ceiling." "It's unique, the design. It is unique. Looks like an old Domino or an old chess game. You mean Checkers? Yeah, Checkers, yeah, sorry, Checkers. Whoa, check this out! I'm sure you will like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah." "It's looking so cool, man. Always these 3D, yeah." "This was like a main gate, I think so. Like also an entrance." "This was just a back garden door, yep." "Scythe, what is this? What is it actually for? Not too sure. Well, if you know it, leave it down in the comment section. Actually never seen that. No, I haven’t." "I think this is actually also because of decay that everything, the doors, have just fallen out. I think so, man. They look very old, like... I think this place just falling apart and falling apart. This was once a book, like this is completely deteriorating. Was once a book, man, for sure." "Sofa over here. Oh, actually some... some stones over here." "A pocket knife... Oh, razor. Yeah, a little razor blade. Yep, well, this is nice. What is it, quartz? Yeah, it's quartz, yeah." "It's just some rock stone, and it's nothing very special, very specific. Somebody that thought like, 'Hmm, these are some cool stones.' Just some simple crystal." "All right." "Well, some paperwork of course, but not going too much into details on all these papers. Wondering what was hanging up here. Never seen a frame with hooks like that." "Same goes over here. I mean screws have been... because they're all hooks you see. Yeah, that's strange. It is actually in the frame, you know. Yeah, yeah." "Well, specific design. Got another bedroom over here." "It is very decayed. You can tell that insects and moths and everything have been eating the mattress. The mattress actually used to be stuffed by hay. That's what you see in very, very old places, and this is definitely a very old place with a lot of history. Yeah, it is. It might not be like as untouched as places we normally show, but it's still an incredible place to show you. It's still... Because, how long do you think... I mean, the latest date we found was 1970, yeah, while they're over there, 1982, right now. Yeah, it's steeped in history. It's very old, man. I think this was actually a children's bedroom, honestly. They also see all the stickers over here. Yeah, yeah. They definitely had a child. And then over here was their suitcase. Oh, look on top of it, you can actually see some animal paws from a cat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "Look, clothes again. I see. We're trying. It's looked like this was actually packed, you know. Yeah, yeah, to go on a traveler or something. 2001, okay, yeah, I can't show that." "All right. What is... is it a box? Yeah, there's a chess." "Nothing specific, only some old clothes and again another chest." "Yeah, so some clothes. I don't get them. I want to... Oh! Oh, [__], salamander. It shocked me. It's crazy. Look at it." "It was literally crawling over my hands, bro. It's doing nothing, no harm. Yeah, I know, I know, I know. Hey, seem more scared of us than we are scared of him. But let's leave it. I was not expecting that. Okay, sorry." "Oh, check this out. That’s also unique." "A little corridor over here." "Toilets... That's definitely vandalism. Yeah, that's broken." "Whoa." There are a lot of books over here, but oh, I'm not going to walk here. As you can see, this was probably their archive. I'm actually wondering what's behind the curtains. Just some storage? Yeah, just some simple storage. All their cleaning equipment, nothing very specific. There's a kitchen over here, a beautiful one actually. It's beautifully designed at least. Also, this all goes to the chimney, it's huge. They even have a stone oven. Where? Oh, yeah there, in the corner. What is this? What are these frames on the floor? I have no clue. Check this out, let's make some pizza, guys. Wow, a very old stove. It's so rusty too. And also, I mean, right next to it, this furnace, man, with the oven full. Yeah, it's very rusty. The elements have certainly done their work. It's hard to walk over here. I really don't know what these are for. I think this is part of a window. Yeah, it's definitely part of a window, man. Look at this hair dryer. Whoa, that's a really old one. Yeah, I've almost never seen one like that. It looks like a gun. It's actually made of metal, right? Yeah, nowadays they're all plastic. True, so they would become very hot, I think. There’s champagne or wine, and a very old kitchen scale too. Is there something in the drawers? Nahh. Well, then we come back to the main hallway, and I think from this side, the doors are even more beautiful. Yeah, they are. [Music] Let's walk upstairs. Shoes, small children's shoes, very little ones. And another one from a woman. But look at all the cobwebs, like... Well, by the way, what is it actually, bro? All right, I’ve been doing that wrong my whole damn life, yeah. All right, this looks like an attic, surely it is. Be very careful. Oh yeah, but there is a chat with some wine caskets down there. Can we enter it or not from here but maybe from another side? Well, there was a door downstairs, maybe we can have a look afterwards. I think this was a toilet once upon a time. Again, I love the tiles, so cozy. Yeah, we can feel the wind on our backs. Look at the floor over here, it's all debris littering the floor from the ceiling right above. Oh, there's a teddy bear. "Let's just kiss my nose." Well, my friend, if you were not that dusty, I might consider it. But I think you've seen some better days. Yep, I think you've seen many faces. All right, I'm just gonna be very careful over here. It's only this vanity. I actually really like it. You could tilt the mirror. Oh my gosh, that's proper decay. I only gently touched that. People are aware now that this can also happen to this floor, and that's why Remon is waiting there. You don't see it properly on camera, but this floor is like... I wouldn't try that, it's crazy. This floor is like this, this shaped. [Music] I haven’t even noticed this. Look right above you, wow, that's amazing. So that was actually a frame that we saw in the kitchen. So it was coming from the ceiling window. It's incredible. So over here we have another bathroom, I think. Yeah, for sure, some old magazines, but this one is in a complete state of disarray. Magazines, stickers, it looks like we definitely had a fangirl over here. Silvana was her name, I believe. It looks like this was maybe the daughter of the family. Can you open this map? I think this was maybe from her school. Wait, let me see. It's actually holding some magazines. Oh yeah, she was definitely a fangirl. Yeah, I was hoping to find some school notes. No, only a collection of magazines. This is a collection of men now. Normally, a man only collects pieces of women, but Silvana... so we had Jose, we have Maria, and Silvana. I think it's really just men that you really find attractive. Yeah, for sure. Tom Cruise is also over here. David Hasselhoff, the classics, the classic men. They were definitely hot guys back in the days. I think this used to be in front of a window or something. No, no, no, no, no, no, look at this for um... uh... sewing, not sewing. Knitting, knitting, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Correct me if I'm wrong, by the way, if you're watching this right now. But I'm definitely not a lady that likes knitting. All right, men can also do it. But 1982 and 1984 are on the calendar. Yep, these are the oldest dates we found. Some old letters again on the floor. You've seen them? Yeah, I saw them. Actually, the name is Margarita, but I think it might have been a friend. Yeah, well, and then again, we have some rooms. Whoa, this one is a complete mess. It's so sad to see. This is definitely the work of vandals. We've seen properties that have been abandoned for probably two decades, and they were in a much better state than this one. This is proper vandalism. You can tell that people just rummaged through the place, taking what they could find. Thank you. Whoa, there's actually a really cool bedroom, but I'm not going to walk around too much here. Nah, I'll probably just pass through. Look at that, it's the painting of The Crying Boy. We've seen it before in a home in Portugal. There are stories that say this painting is cursed. "Do you believe it's cursed?" "I don't know. I've actually got quite a comfortable feeling in this place, like nothing's strange. But anyone is free to believe whatever they want." "Exactly, exactly. All opinions are valid. I'm just really curious about this place. This is a crazy perspective. It's going to make a great photo too." "I think so, yeah. So, I think we only have one thing left, right? That's to do a little tour around the outside, maybe see if we can get into the shed. The outside of this building is phenomenal." "Yeah, those beautiful detailed tiles and the paintwork are something." "Exactly, exactly. Well, let's head outside then." "Yeah, let's head down." "All right, bro. Let's head out to the outside. Whoa, the sun is shining so brightly right now. The weather here in Portugal is fantastic." "I was right next door, so we can't talk too loud. But just look at that area in the garden. I think it's better to be quiet. The good thing is there's a wall." "Yeah, true." "Look at this, it's already so beautiful. But you need to see it from the other perspective. Let's first see if the shed is there." "Yeah, yeah. But watch out, there are some serious holes." [Music] [Music] "Just gaskets and some bottles. That's it. We thought there might still be someone in." "Look on top over there, the roof is amazing. There's a little tower where the staircase is. Over here, bro, this side is my favorite. The outside is absolutely stunning. You've already seen it on the GoPro, but the camera isn't really doing it justice. Check that out. I wish I could zoom in even closer." "Do you know the balcony over there? It's the bedroom that was really decayed. As you can tell, I think this was the main entrance. Yeah, this was the principal doorway." "Oh, look! There's a dog. Mo." "Yeah, the other side is pretty much covered in vegetation. The gate is open. Do you see the dog over there? Look, it's a big animal." "The dog is sleeping. I was about to climb that wall. It's a huge dog, just sleeping over there, just chilling. It's crazy. Yeah, man. All right. I think pretty soon we've seen the entire outside. The other side is covered in vegetation." "Yeah, let's wrap it up here then. I think that was quite the exploration. It was a nice one, actually. Despite the fact that there wasn't much left and there was quite some vandalism, it's still a very cool place. I mean, it's been abandoned for a long time. It's unique to see a place so completely forgotten." "Yeah, as you can tell, it's just wide open. Nobody really cares about it. So, I really like it. How about you?" "I love it, bro. And luckily, I didn't hurt myself this time." "Sadly, that did happen." "Ah, okay. Maybe I didn't hurt myself?" "No, no, no. All good, man. All good. If you liked this as much as we did, then you know the drill. Like, subscribe, comment down below, and ring the bell notification button right up there. We'll see you on our next day in Portugal. Peace out." [Music]
Channel: Explomo
Views: 24,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned mansion, urbex, abandoned house, urban exploration, urban, exploration, yellow mansion, abandoned yellow mansion, portugal, abandoned portugal, in portugal, mansion, house, castle, abandoned castle, found letters, 1700, explomo, bros of decay, steve ronin, the proper people, exploring with josh, majestic, everything left behind, untouched, time capsule, abandoned mansion in portugal, found letters from 1700s, we discovered, we found, yellow, explore, exploring
Id: CL0M45F51cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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