DEATH BECOMES HER MANSION - ABANDONED after she died - Secret dark room found! HIDDEN IN THE WOODS

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hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video if you are new to the Channel please hit that like And subscribe and become an awe family so in this explore we're deep in the mountains in the middle of nowhere exploring a mansion hidden by trees this Mansion was purchased by a lovely Italian lady that believed family was the most important thing which I totally agree every Christmas New Year they had parties here where all the family got together sadly in 2006 she passed away leaving this Mansion completely untouched and forgotten the last we heard the family have never returned since but exploring this place had a very creepy Vibe a locked door upstairs with a little table hidden away from everyone who was they keeping in there also we found a secret room in this mansion guys and girls enjoy the video love you loads and please please [Music] stay safe there's a fan of secret door I found the key I wasn't keeping no one in there surely guys so now we're heading to but if it's like a villa or a getaway but we discussed a bit of the history when we get inside but guys check this out the views are really are incredible it's literally just no one around it's like a barn bit there yeah so it's actually up this way the road behind me but we're gonna go back and we're gonna head up through the woodlands because we think it'd be a safer option we'd either upset many one we're either getting places gear down and get out but I'll tell you what my hands are literally numb it's actually two degrees today so yeah let's get on with a video record this place just after we literally walked up part of the driveway the rest we hiked through the woods to this place this is right up here Steve this is in the mountains dude wild boars everywhere we saw something we did but yeah guys check this place out home of sadness that's what it feels like by listening to the story as we're going to take around the driveway actually I'll tell you what let's head in that we're gonna we're gonna head in the house and then we'll do the outside afterwards let's get on what's Happening guys so today we are exploring a beautiful mansion Villa stroke Gateway Log Cabin whatever you want to call this place The Story Goes the families around is as a family member who built a lot of wealth on and she loved her family that much she wanted to keep everyone together for Christmas and spending time together so she bought this place back in the 90s I believe it was or the 80s or 90s and they shared parties here for many many years and um apparently releasing out for Summers for other people as well but apparently when the auntie died they shut this place completely up never stood before in here ever since and even made a room when they sorry when she died when the aunt died they had one more last Christmas here but they built a room that was hidden away I don't understand it but yeah let's get on with the explore the kind of way of thank you so much to everyone who supports awe love you loads just for watching me loving his lock with like his old concrete looking steps but this is like right up in the mountains and what a beautiful place but I can understand where the family is saying but I feel like that was the thing I'd kind of want to live the moments bring the family back here and share the moments we all had I think there's a little bit more of a Sinister story I think that the family want to sell and then there's some that don't so now they're all I don't know this is what I'm kind of getting which I find a lot in a lot of these foreign homes foreign so we'll have a proper look outside anyway but you can see your main driveway would have come up here and you kind of go under some beautiful Archway and there's a swimming pool at the back this place is literally incredible and as a family coming away here you can imagine the amazing times they would have shared here a little trophy sat there 1996. Premio Hospitality hospitality I'm guessing so maybe they used this place as well as a holiday home for people to come away as well they were letting other people come here I'll kind of get that from here as well we see a random cat in here but it's got through here it looks like partly looks like maybe part of the door frame there has come away but we don't know where the cat went hopefully it went back outside seated dust that longest place has been left abandoned look at the light just tied up around the beam and look at that scene it's incredible as you can see the seating area you just stare at the gardens you can feel the air is really fresh around here as well where you're right up in the mountains around the trees look at the Rocks it's a bottle of wine sitting up there as well pictures laying on the walls you can see that no one's been here for a long time the dust that's built up all around the sofas he would have had that nice glossy looking shine to it so looking back over this bit here and as we come up the staircase here look at the snooker table guys makes you wonder about the last game there's a blueprint the drawings here maybe for the original plan to this place all the future plans for Studio Technic there's no date on here though loving his table oh wow look at the pockets I've never ever seen a place like that I don't know they're still alive in there as well aren't they I've never seen Pockets like that on a snooker table loving the older your little ashtray there as part of the norm smoking years ago everyone smoked everywhere you didn't know how bad it was no one knew how bad it was [Applause] I really thought these were doors going out to the outside how beautiful that is hidden away in a Cupboard another all the drawers there made out of just bits of wood and beams wow that rig is so cool foreign seat all the way around as well sitting above the radiators can you imagine how warm it would be look at the driveway it runs all the way around this property loving the lights up there as well just feels like there was maybe fun times in here as well it wasn't all it was good times the family here loving this unit here all this cues probably spare like snooker balls brushes to clean the table that's so beautiful now the Fun's finished just like a ghost house maybe we're the last ones to walk in here trying to visualize the music trying to hear the music playing in it visualizing the family sat around I think the driveway is so cool as well you can drive around this whole entire building anything that I find really weird in there it's literally you feel like you're in a big Fishbowl I was so open at the moment and the other thing that really worried us as we was coming up through the woods to this place there was wild balls literally boars running through and like you don't want to get one of them or go into their territory coming out straight out the snooker area into this look at this Lounge stroke Diner it's got a very light Pub feel about this place look at this huge fireplace guys imagine sitting on the ledge there drinking your hot cup of cocoa but I'm guessing Italian it would be more like a cup of coffee or something that sat there poking a fire hearing that crackling noise from the fire the memory is just family obviously shared here you can imagine a little music playing up there just everyone have a good time telling this place has been abandoned the woods just literally cracking apart the tables candles there's still alcohol sitting on the side it was just set player but there's a little bit of a tarot with this place as you heard in the beginning there's a room that completely kept I don't know how true it is but when the arm died I spent another year here and they had always wood paneling put in look at this but would you believe it's a secret door look at this guys I really like me Steve and Braddock are the only ones that have ever stood foot in since the family left oh again like a chilled feel that maybe I shouldn't be in this room what is going on in this place why did they just leave oh these are so cool look at this it's like an ivory oh that's where the old pistols would hang on I guess and why would they hide it away I don't get it look at this a whole cupboard full of taxidermy so you're beautiful I don't really like all this stuff I think they should just be left and foreign so weird show back out it's all shut back out that's a bit strange see some steps going into the basement as well so we're just going to check that out do you think you come here hang your coats up why would you want to know to the family I'm gonna head down into the basement whoa whoa the size of that Beast I'll say it all the time in my videos so many times I just think I'm going to open the door and someone's going to be there just a damp set in this place you can smell it and taste it in the back of my throat it's horrible dust there feeding at least I'm not gonna worry about falling through any floors guys and Woody in the basement on the lowest point let's get hit by spider webs in the mail there's another living area our own kitchen last time the old cuckoo was used nothing nothing debris and bits over to use this place being abandoned but they literally have taken everything by the looks of things except the birds they're in the cupboard upstairs quite shocked really of all this space underneath this place if my parents own a place like this I'd be quite happy to live in the basement it's huge down here into another bathroom definitely well equipped this place of stuff down here I've done the little old bold mirrors I can't imagine like Hollywood the little mirrors when's the last time these shutters were open ly egg sacs spider webs attached everywhere guys don't feel like I like this place I don't know why I'm just getting a bit of a bad Vibe I don't know why that isn't a good sign either look maybe the land started sliding as well now I just get a weird vibe about this place that it's not it's just not a nice place I've got something I don't know let's try and think of the good times here and there hardly enjoyed that time let's head back up into a bit of reality so as you see these amazing looking steps you can see the huge Timber running through the middle there sad in it when you think that it's quite it could technically be the story of this place you know to return brought a success very close Italian family and she just wanted to spend their time here you see no one's when's the last time anyone has walked into this room just for the cobwebs even hanging over to bed there literally untouched cobwebs I've literally just walked into one as well do you think this place has been abandoned since sort of the mid mid maybe 2000s I think it was completely untouched ever since foreign guys I feel gonna be going in there oh so bad cobwebs in your disgust really bad oh what is that what what the hell guys well they're literally keeping someone in here it's a tiny bit of night here guys what the oh no freaking way as part of the story that someone said that they were keeping someone in here there's no way no way surely I didn't believe it but now I'm starting to think did they no it's just really weird a little room I just didn't get what it was about and covered in cobwebs everywhere maybe there was a bit more of a Sinister story as we said you can look down back down in the dining room I'm trying to remember happy times not that someone could have been shot into the Norby cupboard really oh it's so Grim in here guys smell the Crusty floorball the floors stink the way that cat went these scenes are so beautiful this place needs to be back brought back to life put back on the map it was quite a lot of wasted space in this place you think you know if you want a little bit higher maybe we'll just seeing uh cobwebs all over me foreign did they really lock anyone in the rooms reminds me just very Sinister that cupboard while there's a table in there hmm I really don't know seems really really weird is there any more hidden rooms than you want to go in here it's clearly his cobwebs a bit look at my hands oh there's nothing behind that oh it's all about my face dead spiders and everything yeah I really like it up here it's got weird weird I think that's everything up here foreign what this was just feels really weird it's spiders and everything up here foreign place is freaky bro all right I feel pretty good yeah but it's a bar from upstairs it's got a weird tiny little door yeah with a little so I'm walking upstairs honestly it's like cobweb Central there's a bathroom yeah not kidding it's a tiny little door and it's got a little bit you open up the top and there's a window that you can look through to someone in there and there's a table in there in this tiny little lock you can lock it all and lock it well it's like a little prison no is it I don't know if he was like keeping someone in there yeah it's gonna be weird bro that does sound maybe there's a bit of a Sinister story to this place more maybe so check it out to newly miss the kitchen I think of all the Italian food cooked in here the spider smell got some sort of sauce there olive oil we couldn't be in Italy and surely not have olive oil stuffed in the cupboards near 2006. so yeah it is pretty much what we were saying we're just dragging cobwebs with the cupboards as we open so many abandoned places so many homeless people now why can't these be done up and used for families to live in 2008 . [Applause] there's just water in there I don't even want to smell it with a walk away so come up to the steps here I've just shut these Gates 20 years show them look at all the old horseshoes so this gate has been put together and made out of older horseshoes I don't know if this is part of an old tool that was used as well I'm not sure that's really cool I really like that look at the views trees but we're up in the mountain believe it or not [Applause] yeah you've got your double garages but this has actually been turned into the guest rooms that you see downstairs I believe this place has got a swimming pool yeah have you got your Speedos let's go hang in there only fans guys only fans you want to see more check out the link down below fans check out the only found yeah it's only five dollars per month just five bucks and you get to see all the speedo shots you want oh yeah it's Speedo shots finally back outside as I promised God we'll walk around and we'll check this place out can't miss Steve Ryan getting naked in the pole jump started to rain there as well it was that sleet honestly it's so cold up here this place is literally huge and you can see the slide up there as well I really like the idea that you can drive your car around this whole property really really is cool I do love this Villa are we just loving all the archway come straight up your drive onto your property that's a nice one I'll check the views out guys so looking back at the swimming pool there pizza oven so cold foreign Workshop there guys some being really quiet because the neighbor there's actually one more house up here and it's actually right next door it's even a well here guys you can see later on it's been converted with a pump and a tap on top thank you so what's happening explorers and we've got our live back through the woods so cold probably look an absolute mess on this yeah I just want to say a massive honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart to all you support me watch me enjoy my videos um yeah it means and the absolute world to me so love you loads guys stay safe and thanks to everyone who supports on channel memberships and uh patreons and everything else aside from me guys I have from Steve from Braddock lovely lows take care
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 79,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explorered, abandoned world explorer, abandoned house tour, abandoned hidden in the woods, abandoned house renovation, Abandoned House frozen in time, abandoned places frozen in time, Frozen in time, Exploring, exploring abandoned
Id: tSw56X7C3k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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