MYSTERIOUSLY HE DIED IN HIS SLEEP - Mother Disappeared Leaving the Home and Everything Behind!

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welcome guys to another beautiful chateau I don't really know any history about this place yet but hopefully it will Amaze you this has been empty for a long long time I'm not sure of dates but just by looking around I'd say at least 15 maybe 20 years who knows is very old and it's absolutely beautiful hopefully guys you'll enjoy it let's get in and show you around welcome back explorers to travel in the beautiful countryside to our next destination a beautiful castle known as a chateau or a mansion this place reminded me of something out of The Secret Garden it was an absolutely beautiful so the family that lived here in the Heritage displace from his parents so Samson and his wife Eva lived in the castle with their son Louis sadly passed away at the age of eight-year-old his wife Eva found him in bed lunches and asleep forever after this day she was never the same again full place now sits in decay he did try so hard and he loved her of all his heart and helped her as much as he could to open this place for banquets pies she became very spiritual collecting art and all different bits from around the world and when her husband passed she broke finally locals say the only thing she left from this house with was his coat her wedding ring and a few small antonyms and she moved with family in Italy or within a year or so she passed now this place sits empty and abandoned forever if you like the video guys let me know is to go to the next location [Music] and now we have to watch over middle of nowhere location abandoned you sure is that cold it is a vandalizer [Applause] another beautiful day in France see just peering through there makes this beautiful little stream in a place listen to that guy's already incredible look at the little Street lamps wow guys girls just looks incredible already on the ground over there there's farmers and it's quite a live bit so some old cars we're no clear Peugeot I can smell the Decay just down there it's how incredible this is I just sitting here listening and looking around at nature in this beautiful chateau the door was already wide open so we haven't broken just walked straight in so the first room we're going to walk into as I've walked into it's a beautiful kitchen look how they've reused all the log beams don't like the sea in there I've got to say this bench or the peel whatever they call it absolutely beautiful how incredible this is Imagine sitting here listening and looking around at nature in this beautiful chateau the door was already wide open so we haven't broken just walked straight in so the first room we're going to walk into as I've walked into it's a beautiful kitchen look how they've reused all the log beams don't like the sea in there I've got her outside this bench or that peel whatever they call it absolutely beautiful and what the hell this is some kind of little instrument so maybe so it changes the tone if you know what this is please let me know [Music] but you can see a beautiful stone work in this place and the flooring is absolutely incredible I love all this stone flooring table here this is a very old style commode or toilet whatever they call them [Music] beautiful and here's probably a little silver as well no markings in there [Music] there we are so they was using this places maybe um like a party place or a smell you get through is like a really old sort of oily smell oh my gosh guys absolutely incredible because you know I love the Chateau the only thing I don't know guys about this place is the history I have no idea and we can't seem to find a great deal on it to every room you're walking there's still old antiques really old photos here yeah that's still sealed let's see the tobacco old tobacco pots this is absolutely gorgeous love to save some of these old chairs that isn't creepy She's suffering a bit long blister she needs a bath what the hell is that maybe put a little perfume in there or something to the last date I can't work that out has anyone seen The Moldy doll it was definitely useful business or something this one canvas is incredible and that is probably some of the original fireplace that they've tried saving somehow rock is amazing well maybe not I think some Chinese maybe coffee it's actually plastic piano wow he told me going is absolutely beautiful the fireplace sink this is absolutely cool as well I've seen these being restored as well these old little one yeah a little cupboardy things the color this door rope staircase I think that's probably going to go up to the main stairs anyway so we're chill at the main stairs first a little store room [Music] oh God I love this coat stand look at this [Music] lucky if you've seen the creepy doll in the corner it's in moldy dough though it's literally gone all funny that is beautiful lamps if you see it as well it's like wings on top of the each arm coming off the lamp the ceiling light look at the little bottles oh that is in there table and chairs still set up see this place it's complete Stood Still now even a little lamb look how they make things just on a block of wood the way it's leaning these really high doors that's incredible as you want to see but look at all the cracks everywhere [Music] you see someone's opened all the drawers in this place the old Motorola [Music] you see at the front doors it's just wide open you would have come in here coming out oh there's some strange like sculpture it's like the little office area everywhere it's just completely open in this place it's a shame really someone just don't come and seal her up which doesn't get damaged anymore [Music] so we're literally coming back to the kitchen I think this unit here is unbelievable look at the craftsmanship everything with the old keys [Music] or children's toys and there's a name on that one imagine it just sitting there rocking away watching his chair sitting on the rocking chair watching the TV [Music] there's some memories of people little dog collar dogs probably long passed away now [Music] what is that like a mannequin or something anyway let's head upstairs I mean this is absolutely beautiful look at this staircase otherwise everything's so solid stained glass beautiful windows a couple of little handmade stuff probably by the kids that lived here it's like stepping into the haunted house oh wow guys stepping into these beautiful rooms so someone's robbed the fireplace at this one such a shame [Music] there is just a home for nature see the birdsness I have paint near quite creative people that I've lived here these rugs and stuff literally rotten curtains all decaying away look just bits missing moths eating them beautiful room look at this gorgeous little Grundig old radio record player guaranteed his stuff yeah the clothing's still hanging up I mean there's a bra hanging there all of our clothes another bra that side [Music] I'm gonna come back to this room in a second now that is uh [Music] so I know rug or something being hung up I wouldn't have said anyone's lived here for a long long time [Music] I'm afraid guys it's a another another location it's completely it's stood in writing in time [Music] so looking around here as well it looks quite theatrical like they were maybe doing like Banquets here or something about parties so maybe you could rent a chateau coming right to and that's the staircase that I see in their coverage and then the corner ones [Music] that's what I'm starting to think this place that this place was used for like as I said Banquets so you could come back sit here and back in the time wearing all these kind of old um dress up costumes and sort of feel like he was living back in the time in these chateaus I mean look at this beautiful oh I've never seen nothing like this Corner sofa with a mirror nothing like your corner sofas today guys when you feel like you've seen it all you're not every time I head back to France there is another beautiful location so just looking back down this gorgeous staircase all right so the windows up there this looks like a big handmade crate or box should I say not crate oh it's so heavy the lid what a beautiful thing so much medication in this place the whole peels in looking at those maybe they're two cars so I've been going by The Cars I mean them cars even if it's a 2001 the Peugeot sorry 2099 it's still 21 years old cars so could put a date on somebody's place you could put a date on this place So Many Meds it's like our wash solution I believe that is it's incredible it looks at little units so rusty old red the color of these walls as well because I can always pull up bar there to work out Mr motivator oh Colgate shave cream oh I didn't know they did shave cream mint fresh beers my beard is minty fish it used to not be so you want to mint fresh oh look at this I want to go out there and all go far enough I'm at the farmer guys imagine standing here now in this beautiful balcony little kids are in there you can see like the old mat I think a lot of us as kids had the little car now yeah [Music] we had a little kid's bed all the clothing require some really funky clothing in there as well I mean look at that wow bro what'd you think of that oh I love that look at that I'd actually put that on if it's clean man you could wear that and I could wear that oh yeah my ball in there little curtains used to put on the mirrors on the back of the doors so yeah I kind of give it an outdoor look wallpaper with bricks I think it's just is it no it does go around do you know what this is for eign Bucky what you want that was for eign wow look at this staircase this was a staircase in that cupboard but look how cool it is it's like Rapunzel Rapunzel throw down your hair it's a beautiful staircase [Music] Castle it is if my hair was long enough I would throw it out for Andrew because he's outside up here when it's that little walk up here absolutely beautiful the Old Stone work okay is it bad yeah it's all bowling all right going over there where did you go here oh yeah [Music] right through here if we put the Rope back yeah oh wow this one [Music] guys this is this is like a little Chinese I don't know is it a Hindu Hindu look at the bear so guys we were actually we were so curious why this was called Chateau Hindu incredible mate I'd love to have this bear oh my God maybe it was like a spiritual room I used to come up here and I mean because even a light it's very Oriental and never ever in my life yeah that's more Oriental imagine it's like Teddy Bear's Picnic going on yeah the flooring is so bad this is cool man I'll tell you what about you Andrew you can see this Andrew's waiting outside I didn't see this We're not gonna show him now oh wow the flooring guys are so bad you think we're on the third floor or the second floor up Carnival all around it but I'm actually really scared it's more figurines and stuff quite in bad State just flooring but and if I fall through these guys I have to put this video I've already damaged my leg once it's like Oriental mask this is one of the craziest Shadows I've ever been in and you know I've done a lot of shutouts like that just everywhere hanging on the beams look how nature that every every window is just either wide open or broke oh imagine it though in a daytime when it was back in its day with a big Oriental dragons the lights and up here beaming up to this beautiful I mean look at the look at the craftsmanship on this ceiling it's unbelievable I'm going to start saying hashtag unbelievable hashtag crazy this is one of the most craziest attics I've ever got to see #crazy and the reason it is is because I've never ever experienced or any attic this is probably like one of the little spiritual rooms where they maybe come up and chilled out and it's beautiful I absolutely love it oh look at the beams on there it's like little foot ladders or putting candles on maybe so cool I'm gonna head back through the other bit now so these beautiful carts that little storage cars I don't really useful with these just decorations or were they actually or the actual use for these does anyone know what they were used for and it just all opens up it's compartments have just just bit some pieces and stuff in there and it's beautiful one here incredible with a little Loft [Music] shut the door guys there we find it as well no this this side's so uh just such stories that the wind is completely missing there what a shame I'm gonna head back down so guys who would have thought all that was in the Attic amazing so I do try and take you to these beautiful places and I'm gonna keep doing it I feel like there is a little bit more it's to see on this floor that rhymed I feel like look this is like a Japanese oh wow nearly missed this oh look at this everything's still here but I can't I wish I could read French right now and that little watch still sat there guys if you know what this any of this says please tell me at 1981. absolutely incredible and his four post beds so when I was a kid I always wanted one of these beds so this is obviously one of the little children's rooms a beautiful case there I love these trunks absolutely amazing and she's empty Little Panda there waiting for the child to come home to pick him up and get my cuddle really upsets me because I feel called the film Toy Story when kids just grow up and then the toys just get left what's crazy about this place and I'm gonna say crazy insane I know I get in trouble for saying all these words but if you come out of a room like that and then you walk in a room like this so it's like they just slept in a certain room and then the other rooms they've just filled it with just everything look at that now if it's Marble or granite do Tori so we're back from here again I thought I need to keep walking down through this bit so walking wardrobe the paint color in here I'm not sure I'm gonna write all these like funky orange and pinks and these doors it's like these are original doors as well solid and just I know you can sort of Sandy back but I think it looks a bit too much for my liking this room's pretty sound pretty cool what that is oh what is it made of our plastic the wall lamps just falling off the walls so beautiful out here though peaceful and relaxing look at that it's like in here it was like a little stage you know I used to rehearse and you know or something I don't know it's too small I know but it just feels like that somebody's Larry costumes as well yo saw the clothes the shoes so yeah it's like they're just sitting here with a fire bits of Old Paper still there in the fire in books [Music] it's locked there's no even no handle on that yeah I don't really look I don't have them right in these doors guys look at this oh welcome I've never actually ever heard of a sewing machine called the welcome I beautiful wow these bugs so many I see so many properties of literally just books being left and Records I mean these could be used to educate kids in school still there's probably a lot of history here and there's some of these books that American Republic as a wallpaper there's so many that is a bee's nest up there you're upset [Applause] obviously I love honey bees but it's a whole bathroom and look at the elements it's just literally every day battling Decay wins cold imagine how cold it is in this place there's not even no Heating in this one in this room oh yeah sorry there is I'm loving this corner unit look at the Old Bell and his hat put a lot on that but look at the heart or her hat is that some really funky bits in here look at the three bulbs that is really bizarre I've never seen nothing like that before no poster okay so this goes in back into this room here you're probably like I'm completely lost so heading down this beautiful place okay look at the green look at the green it says it all amazing absolutely beautiful I love being here I think we've seen it all at the moment but I'm gonna head outside anyway and um hopefully you've enjoyed this but we'll have a little look around and see what's outside anyway let's go let's go what a beautiful day and guess what I get to spend it in one of these beautiful places I thought it was amazing in there absolutely beautiful the old cars [Music] guys I love what I do [Music] so try and spitfire it's not okay it's a fear 850 I never heard of it I smell the old fuel oh look at this tiny little 850 it's a free Pawn all right it's a four pot timely I'm watching clean and not a machine so many cars what should I look fuel in it you should smell it right now you are interested in Saving these cars to come over and do this and you trust with every label let me know guys that is absolutely incredible this was his project and this was obviously his normally daily used car patch leg guys come on your own little workshop all the old little little uh Helia Heller never heard of this one a little cat on it this is absolutely incredible how beautiful is this though it's a cool little car [Music] 79 000 kilometers so maybe it could have gone round but I wouldn't have thought so just as we were gonna go before in the video look at this so a lot of chateaus had their own little churches a little chapel sorry not church and they're the stone glasses that old it's completely lost its color it might sit inside though this is absolutely beautiful wow guys look at the architecture that went into this the architecture [Music] I'll Flex their blessing Gotta Love a bit of flexi show us some Flex [Music] [Laughter] this is incredible I was gonna say I thought it was like a limestone but I believe I don't know you can see that it's just literally gonna start probably gonna end up falling down blessing there's a crossover there's amazing that's what I was looking for on that window [Music] look at that what a shame that the rest is completely gone [Music] some studio I don't really like [Music] I mean walking around here but you can see like some of it's still here it's absolutely beautiful so I'm missing this is like um it's nice like it like a lead feels like looks like it's got a little Crypt underneath it a little old staircase everything's a little old foreign light on I didn't think I need the phone I was literally just going and I put everything away in my bag it's incredible though and we're not there was locked behind here then what was locked in the Crypt or underneath underneath these doors please put the link below I'd like to know it didn't well okay how cool is it a little place like this I wonder if it's like there was a little business here that obviously comes signing well maybe we've had the art exhibition yeah guys that was incredible I don't know what you think but to me you know I love my chateaus and that was absolutely amazing hopefully you boys enjoyed it I love the car yeah you all loved it did you enjoy that though good guys hopefully you enjoyed that video love and respect to everyone who watch my videos links to my Facebook Instagram um my uh patreon we're going to start up will be is in description um also as a PayPal link if you wish to donate anything to the channel absolutely means the world to me and we will use it on all your trips all my trips but I love every one of you guys and thank you so so much for all your support so far without yous there wouldn't be a channel you know so you mean the absolute world to me and I mean that from the bottom of my heart guys we never break in any entrances we don't recommend anyone going exploring it is dangerous as you know last time I broke my knee and it's still killing me to this day um but yeah as I said guys stay safe see you soon [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] feltics [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 42,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VqTx087ieV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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