Dive Emergency while River Treasure Hunting in Rapids!

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while I'm over there on the edge of death you guys like oh cool he found another phone hi mister lies ik and thus warning Kara I think we're gonna educate our audience where are you going teach them today I'm gonna teach them the five elements to making a good video and here's something that many of you may not know about me I have traveled the world and shopmen shows on home and garden television DIY Network National Geographic and trend other YouTube channels with millions of subscribers and there's a common theme with each one of them and getting a good show Kirra any guesses as to what our first element may be finding a good location our location today we found a bridge as well as some Rapids the setting that we're also sick instead the setting that we're also setting here is that we also know that this area is a popular swimming hole because my show is about which we get in the plot right now the plot is finding River treasure as well as garbage so location and then the plot so does that count as two or three things what Kansas 2 location is setting is one item the plot of ward is we're going to do is the second thing and it's also by a footbridge so it's not just people floating and dropping things it's criminals and people trying to hide items they no longer want such as cell phones computers bicycles every show needs a main character in walks in mr. LASIK and for the supporting role behind the camera I've got miss Kiera there who's never seen on camera other than her hand with a thumbs up a wave thumbs down once in a while and any time you can pull additional characters into your show like my beautiful wife Kristin for pastor Byers you'll see that I opted to pull other people in the show she also hangs out with Kiera as her bodyguard while I'm under the water good bodyguard work honey okay Kiera so with character location and setting and our plot as our first three element any guess as to what element number four is the excitement or the danger the danger the chaos the danger the comedic really and this stuff seems to usually always write itself like the time I got stuck in the fishing hook or the time that I couldn't get the o-ring out that was cracked and was leaking in my tank and Keira saved the date on that one or how about the time I accidentally stepped on my dry suit glove and busted the o-ring over here so if there's drama always happening what are you gonna do today well drama usually writes itself that stuff is not made up but what I do have control over is a little committee cruelly for you sometimes I can tell you a dad joke other times I can show you this new dance move that I learned some fortnight thing it goes like this something something like that for blessing that look good am i doing it right and maybe just maybe you'll see me flossing in an upcoming episode which now brings us to element number 5 every show must have a resolution the resolution of this particulars show is that we always find treasure or trash what do you think you'll find today I'm going to say since we are at an out-of-the-way footbridge there's got to be a bicycle over there all right go I'm a little bit parched no no I need just a little bit of water does that call into the chaos and drama when I get sick or does that fall into the comedic relief all of the above I guess oh where I go I need to give a quick shout out the shout-out is for Diane come on something came out about that shout out this morning is for Diana company I know that shout out this morning is for Diana and her son that shout out this morning is for son Diana her son Diana no it's not her son Diana is poor Diana and her 11 year old son Isaiah huge supporters of the show I appreciate the two of you and I appreciate all of you who have subscribed and are here watching right now if you've not yet subscribed go do it boom boom right now on that note Kara let's hope the weekend that resolution somebody forgot to put a regulator in their mouth I could at that ladies and gentlemen where the chaos comes into play all right let's go try that one again so a something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing boy story where you can't make this stuff up stuff just happens at times are you out of air now 100% out of air my tank is completely bone dry and the story goes a little something like this to wall them under the water and I'm finding things like glass bottles a lot of glass like so if any of you are locals here do not swim in this water I have never seen so much glass in one river before then with this river here at first Street rapid not him it this is not a heavy this is a rescue response gear I just about needed this morning it's the emergency response bag actually wouldn't do me any good if I needed an emergency I couldn't ended up it unless I had at night which reminds me I had another question can't remember who it came from but they asked me mr. lies explains the front of your knife flack to which I responded that way I don't accidentally stab myself or my dry suit possibly lead into that is that really why it's flat that's really what okay and you can use it as a screwdriver but I know what's on your mind now Kiera what's inside have a rescue response here back inside that beautiful bag is a rescue response gear of course to which I really have no idea how this would have helped me underwater today but back to our story as through the actual emergency that took place I was underwater I found this stuck to a rock so I pounded it off with another Rock I then found a second one identical to it as I'm carrying those along I run into a third one the third one has this fishing pole next and near to it so I take the fishing pole I put into my bag I close up a little bag I turn around and I know I went to go grab the other locks dude there seems full wet and dock dams over here so now it's pulling on my hose so what I did very coldly I took my regulator out of my mouth that way I could take it around the fishing pole and put it back of my mouth well you just pull the fishing pole down well it was underwater you have the current everything it's going so like final expedition this is nursing law stop pulling on my red okay yeah so that's why I took a deep breath very calmly took my regulator out and suddenly went the full motion blur blur bulb bubbles it was a what do we call this a flow lock out a full flow I don't know the exact term for it so now I have all this air when I put it back in my mouth normally you put in your mouth you breathe and it stops the free flow from happening that didn't happen this time instead I put it in my mouth and it was just hit me I can breathe but now I know that with the free flow I've only got so much air left in my tank so I better get this figured out now you've seen me underwater before I mean you've seen me unlike above water we're all just hit it and they'll stop right yeah that's why we thought was happening so I take it out of my mouth and I'm hitting on rocks I'm hitting on the metal tins and I'm trying to get it to stop but of course I can only hold my breath for so long my emergency is not gonna do me any good because they're both feeding from the same tank so the main objective is to get this one to stop free-flowing so again the air she's like so now a blown up that's what you guys saw me so now that I'm above water you're seeing up all the bubbles coming up he's still not stopping so the lesson of today don't go ten years without checking your regulator that's pretty much it Sarah is gonna like this story they're just gonna love it we have to go over there right now and get this pick it out and I drained my tank and anytime that you drain your tape you actually have to have a visual inspection done on it as well we just thought you were telling us yeah sounded like I found a phone I found the phone while I'm over there on the edge of death you guys like oh cool he found another phone so you didn't find the phone then I figured would I say no I didn't find fun that wraps up another amazing episode of adventures of purpose if you've not already done so make sure to subscribe turn down that little bell notifications that way you'll get an instant notice any time we upload another crazy chaotic comedic video like this one we'll see on the next one later later bye bye
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 83,955
Rating: 4.9177256 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, river treasure hunting, treasure hunting, scuba, scuba diving, emergency, dive emergency
Id: j9uj99O8EgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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