On The River Metal Detecting : I Found A Car!

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that's probably from the 1700s man i'm really excited about that other signal now it might be a little silver coin in real or something so we're on a little metal detecting adventure today and i actually went to a spot earlier and it was terrible i didn't even start a video um but i wanted to check another spot on the way home so i just kind of you know pulled in and pulled into the boat ramp and i came down here wearing the little chick yak today she's sitting right up there i think this is a forwarding area this is my very first signal i don't know if that's going to be like an artillery shell or a piece of pig iron um what do you think how much water look for me a very far signal either one i'm happy with i like my iron so well as you can see it's a pretty little piece of pig iron and this is a um this is how they would uh they'd melt lead out of rocks the iron ore and make it into these little bars called pig iron that they would ship off the foundries and the foundries would make guns and plows and knives and forks out of the iron uh this is like the first step of the process probably this was cast in the 1700s well that pig iron would have been like probably in transport here that's how it was lost this could either be a fording area where it fell off a wagon or it could have uh fallen off of a boat you know boat could have sunk small one because that small ones went up and down the river that hole right there is where i found the pig iron and i was double checking it i got a great big old signal over here but it's like a streamer of a 75 i'm just dropping down to this i have no idea what it is i started to dig it just to make sure it wasn't a can right on the surface but i have a feeling that's going to be right about in here somewhere we should be able to expand that away and see it together just kind of a curious signal i mean i would almost think it'd be another piece of pig pig iron what's that thanks i guess it is it's reading really high though that might be uh just because because of what it is you know i don't know you see that an artillery shell kind of looks like an artillery shell there dude but you know what it's gonna be some more pig iron this is probably no ford probably a wagon fell over yeah that looks like an artillery shell doesn't it uh very cylindrical you know the other thing here it's kind of like a little bit flat on the edges and the side and stuff this is like pretty rounded on the top so we'll put you under as soon as it clears the fact that it was right next to the other pig iron makes me feel like it's probably bigger right now yeah that's probably pig iron yep another chunk and the thing is um you know people wouldn't just throw this stuff away that's valuable i mean that was money back in the day right there let's throw this over in a bank cause i'm gonna bring my boat down soon and get it i can't see the other one i threw right over there you know weird well there's another one there's two there's another one you can probably see it but i can't see it all right i'll look around a little bit more i'm not gonna dig too much pig iron because i probably can't haul that much probably through 400 pounds on my boat and you know i've got a long way to go to get back to the boat ramp so i'm about maybe 100 feet from where i was finding that pig iron i got another good uh signal here and so i dug it and it's it's more pig iron it's a smaller piece but that's uh that's telling me that they lost a bunch here so this must have been a ford and it must have been one that was bad enough that the wagons would tip over that's awesome never found quite that small that like i found like i found them up to like 100 pounds but that one's that one's only a couple pounds right there man they sound good though it must be the carbon in them you know the high carbon low carbon whichever one i don't know what it is but they sound good i've done quite a few pieces of this pig iron and you know for some reason just sounds really good i'm not gonna i don't think i'm gonna stay here too much longer and this part with some good signals in here i'm not hearing any like bullet coin sounds and everything i'm digging is down about eight inches or so in that those cobbles which is really hard to dig in um so i got some ideas from another oh yeah yeah i was through here a couple years ago and down river i found a looked like a wagon a big wagon wheel it was up in the bank underwater but it was it was winter time so i couldn't really get in the water i don't know if i ever went back there and looked around or not i think what we'll do is we're going to look around a little bit more we'll jump in the boat we're going to go see if we can find that wagon wheel this might even be out of water now but you can see how much the water's down river's down and uh see if we find anything around there you know just move to some place a little bit differently now i love pig iron but and if i wasn't so hard to get to it i wouldn't mind it so much but you know everything is deep here so deep in those cobbles my fingers are already tired from well from digging other days plus today so i went ahead and moved locations and it was down in this area somewhere that i saw like a big old wagon wheel i know it was on this side of the river and but it could be you know you know could be all the way down around the bend as far as i know but i think we'll be able to see it because it's pretty clear let's go ahead and fire up the uh little chig yak uh you can see how it's pretty eroded here too so we might spot something else too who knows let's go ahead and fire it up and we'll just kind of cruise down slowly uh to the next spot we'll look for that wheel as we go a little bit muddy that's where we are awake when we came in pretty hard a little too fast aren't we not quite as clear as i've seen it but oh there it is right there look at that i found it um let's tie off down here so we don't make the muddy now we'll just tie the boat off and grab the detector and just hunt our way back up to it you know there's probably no wagon it's a lot of the uh you know get washed around at the ford when they're trying to cross during the flood or something i don't know if there'll be any treasures down here but we'll look for a minute and then we're going to go down river to another spot i want to check out i guess it'll be just a chick yucking kind of day probably you see some giant fishies jumping down there though all right what do you say we'll look around too so you can find some arrowheads heads just kind of detecting along as we're going up to it a little bit of iron but really not much which not my junk either lots of clicks of iron there let's go ahead and look at the wheel first though since we definitely want to come back and check this area because i'm hitting a lot of little pieces of iron of course it could be a few squeakies what's that thing oh there it is all right so let's look at what we got here well this is kind of cool we've got a big old wagon spoke you see that's the iron rim the wooden uh spokes coming out of the center it looks like it's actually part of the wagon here up in the bank which i think is pretty darn cool really so this bank look there's another wheel there so this bank has actually been deposited after this was lost so you figure this it could be civil war error 160 years ago it could be a hundred years before that but but that's why we lost in the fort up there pushed down the river in a flood and all this mud was deposited on it since then and now it's being uncovered isn't that cool that's a big old heavy one too that could be to like a conestoga wagon people going out uh going out west it could be civil war wagon i mean there's just no way to know for sure a lot of it's up in the bank uh okay we'll go ahead and look around just a little bit see if we can find a few things i doubt it was full of like muskets or cannonballs but maybe it was full of gold coins you know it seems like we did this once before i wonder if i've already been here doing this i've been so many places i just kind of forget i mean i get like 1500 videos now so i just kind of lose track of where i go um but yeah let's look around at least it's not too cloudy and certainly ooh feathers certainly isn't cold well i got tired of that pretty quick i dug a couple cans not a lot else so let's go ahead and go down i don't want to run out of time i won't at least get down to that next forward we'll check that out for a little bit and we'll look as we go down to see if there's anything else of interest that we might be able to get into like we might just look against the bank and just say like mini balls everywhere uh you just never know well that could have been the wagon that lost all those um pieces of pig iron in the ford because the ford's not too far up the river that could have been related to that or not i mean it's hard to say really all right let's get going what we'll do is we'll hug the bank we'll slow down again i haven't made it down to where i wanted to go yet and i don't know if we will because actually i just looked at the map and it's quite a ways um but i popped out here because it looked kind of interesting the bank did you know the bottom and i started doing a little detecting just along through here and i'm coming up with a few things i mean nothing that really really makes me super excited but i just just this is my last target a great big homemade sinker or a fishing weight hard to say how old that is i just dug this as well it almost reminds me of something electrical but i'm not sure about that and i dug a spoon it's a cracker you know it's a plated spoon and uh rifle casing i think it's really heavy it must be really super packed full of something and some sinkers i'm going to uh just leave the boat here and we're just going to walk down along the bank i'm just kind of weaving in and out a little bit and see if we can find anything in this spot and then we'll head on down the river the place i want to go is like 10 miles which i mean we can do it but it'll just make we won't have much time there because we'll have to come back before it gets dark so we'll just try here a little bit longer but we will go a little bit further down too a lot of flat rock in here and i was thinking i mean almost looks like it could be a forwarding area there's no name forwards here that i know of though um just found this giant piece of lead that's been flattened into a fishing weight and that's a gnarly piece right there in it ooh think it's easy digging here because the uh you know it's pretty much on bedrock so not like the last part where it's all cobbles another squeaker right next to it's probably another one yeah there it is it's another cut that's like a cut piece of lead right there that's pretty interesting that's pretty isn't it i mean that could be really old you know it could be uh 200 years old who knows [Music] that's a nice fixer-upper what do you think pretty rough in it there's any coins in the seats i don't think we're gonna find out all right we're gonna find some good stuff here before this day is out oh i moved from that spot but we might go back there on our way back i just wanted to come down river a little bit i was finding the big sinkers and the spoon and stuff actually looked really good but i just i just wanted to move for a minute let's get out here and look around a little bit i was just digging uh another sinker right there another fishing weight and i looked over you see an animal trap right here that's a leg hold animal traps already sprung it's been in the river a long time yep what it is well i think i finally got silver a coin lucky not george washington's silver dollar but that's a silver quarter of george washington on it i don't know that's pretty good isn't it actually looks like 1947 so awesome ma'am got silver i'm happy with that we got a silver coin that's pretty good i'll put in the boat so then go all scratched up so zipping up the river zipping off the river i'm just getting tired of those zipping up the river i noticed over here an old boat i think this is an old ferry uh it's not a big one but a small ferry boat that must have gone across the river right here over to that side so i'm gonna have to take a look at it and i noticed there were some bottles and stuff and as i'm looking i can see what looks to be like a military canteen usually they have writing on the bottom full of mud it's very simple too um let's just look real quick i think there's some writing on it but they usually say us and they might have the date and the manufacturer so i'm thinking that's going to be like a you know an old uh army canteen or military canteen we're gonna clean it up throat in the boat and um we'll take a look at that stamp on the bottom let's just look around here for a few minutes i don't know if i'll get the metal detector out or not but we might there's a little sick fish look at this not sure what that thing was but it looked like his head was rotting off oh all right let me get the boat we're finally canteen back there and you see there's a lot of bottles too i've looked at some of them they're all fairly modern though and uh there's a big rock there with a rope tied around it so it's probably somebody's fishing anchor an anchor for boat lots of trash so just somebody was dumping them in from the banker at one point there's a coke bottle let's see what that looks like that might be something oh yeah so i see a lot of a lot of stuff nothing really interesting though oh it's cannonball nothing we're gonna collect um so i'm headed back to the truck now so um hopefully we'll find one or two more things before we get there so i did run my middle detector through here so i've been finding mostly just sinkers and stuff i'm seeing um a few other objects i thought we'd look at together i don't know if this is a pie tin or a land mine oh it's big um it's a pale i guess that's probably messing i wonder what that is a hello teapot short and stout that's pretty cool now more people caught my in the beginning was this thing here i don't know what that is either little car i think so i'm gonna jump back in the boat and hopefully we can hit one or two more spots before we get back to the ramp i do have a really interesting signal here it's a nice beautiful squeak and the rocks are so packed tight that i can't get to it with just my fingers so i have to go back and get my pick which i left in the boat i'm going to show that to you i've been working on it for a while and i just cannot get to it almost to it but that's a beautiful squeak right there i'm really looking i'm really excited about that one i think it's gonna be something old i also had well if i can see that one so i had to squeak there too but i couldn't find it but some kind of coin it's a modern jefferson nickel i wasn't very deep in the gravel though that one is really deep i mean it's just really hard i've been working on for about 15 minutes okay well we'll pocket that and work our way back up to the boat which is just right over there we'll get the pick and come back and get that but we're going to kind of dig our way water looks really clear but when you get out in the middle it's very green what do you say i do declare it looks like a half cent or something it's got a silvery color you know i bet that's a button it's got silvery color to it and cut that hole in the back so that's probably a big old colonial pewter button yeah that's what that is of course it is that's what the shank is missing right there man this thing's heavy too the green must be where it was plated probably plated copper over pewter i guess so that's probably from the 1700s man awesome well we might have to stick here a little bit longer i'm really excited about that other signal now it might be a little silver coin in real or something let's work our way back to the boat it's up there but we're going to take our time doing it well well well if it isn't our old friend another piece of big iron we're finding a bunch of this in the beginning now we're not in the same place um we're at a nearby ford so maybe they use this one too that's kind of a cool piece right there that's definitely 100 pig iron awesome this could be a good spot too you know what we're going to find out well apparently this is going to be loaded with pig iron too there's another piece right next to it so they were dropping a lot of pig iron for some reason crossing these rivers this is money man that's how they made their money i mean they went to a lot of work to make this thing and not getting it to a place where they could sell it is uh not a good thing man it's awesome so you already dig that squeaker together one got the boat and the pick that's more pig iron too um it's about the same area so this must have been a crossing right through here it's a nice one and it's right in those hard packed rocks so i'm suspecting it's gonna be an oldie i don't see it what i'm going to do though is i'm going to turn turn your camera off baby and um i'm going to use my pick and try to get some of those rocks out of there and i'll get you back out before i pull it out i promise oh you know what i mean all right um it's hard to use the picker i can't really like wail on it because i don't want to hurt whatever it is it's not very big but let's go under and see if you can see it i can't see it up here i know i can't tell what it is from up here maybe you guys can see it i don't know but i'm going to work on it with a pick just kind of prying some of those rocks i think it's going to be an oldie whatever it is well i think i see it i think it might be a coin i hope so so well that's not a coin that is actually something better i think that's a little colonial era buckle right you can see where those two little things come down in the middle that's where it would have been a fascinating thing going across there but yeah that's solid early colonial right there oh man it's awesome i can't believe how hard it was to dig that thing how far down under that concrete like gravel that thing got you might warm me out man so i have another target and that hard hard stuff it's not quite as good as squeak but it's a good squeak but it's just taking me forever to dig it out um i'm definitely going to come back to this bop i think we're going to be leaving here shortly because my fingers are already raw but let's go take a look see if you can see it all right i'm going to go ahead and work on this uh get it out of the hole and we're going to go ahead and move up river get closer to the truck because i'm gonna wanna be go go home pretty soon my hands are getting really sore too um but we're definitely coming back here maybe with a little bit of tanner right next time loosen these rocks up okay so we got it out of the hole i mean it looks almost like iron but that color right there tells me it's probably brass so it might might be some iron wood that but there's definitely some brass i don't know what that thing is really amazes me how these things can get packed down into that really hard stuff like that i guess it must have been a forward and just you know wagons running over over over year after year after year packing it down in there but ah man that's tough i wonder what the heck this thing is it's um like copper got that weird thing on the bottom very very heavy though it's almost like a solid but it looks hollow i thought it was like a 50 caliber bullet or something when i first saw it but there's no sign of rifling on it no rifling grooves cut into it so no idea what that thing is okay i'm going to call it a day um i found a bunch of stuff actually and a couple of really cool things and had a blast as always control drain let's just look really quick at what uh what we found today um these are some colonial few colonial items this piece here which i'm not even sure what it is and a nice pewter button and a nice little buckle the coin is a washington quarter it's 1947 and i got some other odds and ends a lot of like kind of modern sinkers a few homemade ones saw my spoon oh the canteen is uh i'll take a picture of it for you but it does say us uh maker's mark it's maker's market it says u.s and i think 1943 so it's a world war ii era and that's made out of aluminum by the way hope you enjoyed that hunt it was a blast i have to go on and get up to the boat ramp so i get home tonight before it gets dark um not sure we're gonna go tomorrow but we're going to go to yeah i know where we're going tomorrow that's right going to try to remember that it's going to be a good spot um hopefully we'll see you again you join us again for another adventure and the old chig yak nothing's a mess isn't it just the way i like them and i'll rock you until i go to sleep she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain in your locket mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be mother earth you are my lady my big round baby i'll rock you until i go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 106,889
Rating: 4.9494181 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, metal detector, metal detecting finds, metal detecting for beginners, found underwater car, metal detecting tips, treasure hunting in river, river treasure, river finds, fun videos to watch, family friendly videos
Id: YC0Dv1-t5m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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