Force Of Impact (Deadly Skies) | Full Action Movie

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[Music] mad I know my daddy thinks cardiac now [Music] [Music] [Music] rejected you're both free meteors traced back to Britain back 10:31 that asteroid is the size of Texas any chance it will impact earth - no no it will miss us thank God but not by much according to this Rick about 10:30 want to breeze by a planet Saturday night was as close as the moon Jesus this close to a global threat and we find out about it one day in advance if all the debris out in space it's amazing earth isn't hit more often you sure the meteors that hit California so it's been in Africa are part of Rick about 10:31 oh no doubt precursors smaller bits that travel with the mother lode but they get drawn in by us gravity it's a good thing Rickenbacker so big otherwise it would be pulled by Earth's gravity yeah I know size matters the one thing I can't explain though is when I replay the surveillance I get this kinetic energy spike well that can't be possible have you double-checked it yeah yeah I've run the data five times what the hell is it doing wobbler an emission this size can't be kinetic energy it's been hit by something hit by something like what run the projection backward what would cause it to do that being hit from behind by a rogue asteroid yeah that would explain the four boost and Rickon box velocity - okay we run the projection forward present plus one day all right add a half day pressing plus one day 12 hours [Music] no add another hour one day 13 hours tomorrow night 1053 are you confident about this data I told you I ran this five times this is right okay I I need copies of everything and I need the projections on DVDs where you go project safe skies won't even give you the time of day we're considered an annoyance remember well maybe the threat of Earth's destruction will outweigh their insecurities well don't count on it I won't [Music] [Music] [Music] dr. Covington Madison what are you doing here We Need to Talk look if it's about Rick about 10 31 you rest assured we're tracking it there's no danger but did you see the wobble there was an impact there was a kinetic energy reading that spiked right off the scale look I don't have time right now you're gonna have to make an appointment no just give me five minutes I just want to show you how to lead you I can't now please just five minute wait for a meeting you've given report to my secretary I'll deal with it in the morning my data shows a catastrophic impact tomorrow night's God's sake Madison if that were true we'd know about it what just how do people check it out my dear why don't you go back to meats tell you ready to relax huh the sky isn't falling let's get out of here [Music] [Music] cancel my meeting [Music] this is general Dutton he's co-chairman project safe skies thank you for agreeing to see me let's cut to the chase okay I think that you are a publicity-seeking alarmist and you have about two minutes to convince me otherwise well you've seen the file and the data shows that the asteroid is going to hit Earth that 2253 Eastern Time tomorrow night I love all the scientists in the whole world do what you do every day how is it that you and only you believe that this rickenrock 10:31 that is targeting the Europe I don't we don't think it's Rickenbacker 10:31 it's the rogue asteroid hidden behind it that's why no one else has detected it we admit that we're not perfect small objects like the ones that surprised us in California and Africa and Switzerland are fairly common there they're too small for us to predict in advance but we're in agreement we believe these are fragments of Rickenbacher maybe they were maybe they why we get hit by small objects all the time most and then burn up in the atmosphere before they hit the ground or they they fall into the ocean we never know about it but but large-scale asteroid it's like Rick and Buck 10:31 they've been on our radar for years you know doctor we think that your discoveries of nature well like reruns of the honeymooners well with all due respect sir we feel that we've stumbled upon an uncharted asteroid that's on a course that could destroy the planet Madison I've already got my team looking into it as you know needs technology is lightyears ahead of anything you have a project safe skies and we can see things that your people can't oh excuse me what about ghosts do you channel ghosts too what am i right I mean isn't this what projects safe skies is all about I mean I think you should be preparing to fire your big gun oh the big gun yeah the mythic big gun well I ordered one for Christmas ten years ago and dr. Santa Claus is yet to show up if we appreciate you sharing these concerns with us but until he gets them corroborating data I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your concerns quiet yeah it's just a little matter of national security so you want me to keep this to myself yes then may God forgive you covey you know next it'll be flying saucers on the Dark Side of the Moon Miss America there is dangerous I wanna have a fall I'll ever date a fairly checked out you never know well I know there's a president shouldn't know about this he's got too much of this plate in the Middle East well why not why not keep these fears alive and justify all the money you've been spending on projects this guy's caveat agree with you if it worked but what we've got now is a very expensive laser that can't open a can of tuna and I don't want people nosing in looking around until we have the kinks worked on this so you're saying if dr. Taylor is right we don't have a chance not a chance in hell yeah that hey luck with the bigwigs damn you're a Craddock mentality say nothing do nothing and your job is safe this is gonna let this asteroid hit us not if I can help it I need you to find somebody his name is Richard Donovan he's in the Washington area he's a former Air Force Major he used to work on project safes guys yeah I think I remember him wasn't he involved in that laser defense weapon Yeah right when everyone pretended didn't exist nothing recent meds keep looking [Music] no phone bill no electrical bill no cable TV are you sure this guy's still alive yes bingo discharged okay but it doesn't say whether he was kicked out or he quit twice decorated valor under fire so he's a hero type good that's good all right what does it say about projects he's got just that he was transferred to special duty and a project safes guys the rest is classified classified yeah right like none of us in the space community here that what you Donovan was developing that laser weapon you know how the military is everything's got to be shrouded in secrecy Yeah right like area 51 you know about that I'm sorry now you'll have to be killed okay would you find out whether or not his address is a state secret apparently not 45 minute drive from here tops perfect alright I'm gonna need stuff [Music] major Donovan we got the wrong guy lady no I consulted in the initial phase of project safes guys at a conference four years ago dr. Taylor right yes can I talk to you please major it's not major anymore the Air Force and I decided was a national interest for us to part company wow you're an outcast we have something in common I really need to speak to you now unless you have some farming tips it's a matter of life and death thank you your calculations are right I rigged the ball was hit by something there's nothing pretty huge rear-ended which is why it can't be seen this is Covington and doesn't can't see something tangible they don't believe it's there exactly and because I work at nied's it's like talking to a brick wall project safes guys intimidated by the near-earth asteroid tracking society go figure well I can understand whether MDS with all the budget cuts project safe skies has fallen behind the programs are hardware everything is obsolete compared to what we've developed over at nied's you trust your data 100% 99.9% yes so you're not positive well the probability is overwhelming and I just think it's too great to ignore so why you'd come to me how far did you get in testing the laser what laser come on everybody knows you were working on a laser for project safes guys this conversation is over why I'm sworn to secrecy in all matters of national security should know better then let's talk off the record is there laser technology strong enough to deflect an asteroid dr. Taylor I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave are you serious yeah I'm dead serious if there's a laser that can save us you must help us seriously just tell me who to contact and who to see and nobody will know that I was here they already know you here Thank You Taylor leave this one alone there's nothing you can do about it's too late and you're getting mixed up with something far bigger than you know what are you afraid of please take your things and go this is serious [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no Covey guttin sorry to wake you oh I'm still up general going over dr. Taylor's data we received an interesting development what's going on I was informed that dr. Taylor met with Richard Donovan as evening it's a little surprise over which we can lose a little sleep well say the least we were caught off guard but we're working on it picked up a conversation at the door Donovan of course he sent her away so if you hear anything different let me know of course I cover you remember it always looks better when the Sun comes up ah well that's it it's over Oh what happened well it turns out richard donovan is not the hero type after all he doesn't wanna get involved and i was followed all the way there and back as if I'm the threat Mads calm down you certain let your imagination go wild really the van parked out front is a figment of my imagination pull up the security cam pull it up what van pan to the left see see conspicuous isn't it they're just trying to intimidate well it's not working so what you think it's general Dunn's goons who else who's that I don't know he's carrying something yeah it looks like it Tito box did you order pizza Oh is anybody else still in the building not that I know of he must have the wrong address well he knew which office to buzz yeah yeah she didn't water dance I'm doctor Taylor I'm gonna buzz you in something weird is going on and I want to know what it is Bijlee really took longer than 45 minutes of the pizzas free but I didn't order this really behind schedule but wait what about your tip that was very strange don't open that there could be explosive in there or something no it's probably just some lame way to get a listening device into the building hello are we speaking loud enough they're listening meet me right away at root for 15 miles turn right on County Road 15 two months gone left they'll be followed believe you I think I should stay here then you take my card I can't do this they will just get that hi did your head that what do you see them are they following us what were you followed no I thought I told you to come alone this is hochstätter anything to do with computers he's our guide you can trust him yes we can use someone like yourself if you're willing to take all the risks involved can count Oh Misha thank you already met mark oh yeah the pizza guy lieutenant mark Lewis at your service he's my right hand charge of tactical maneuvers he's the only one of us with clearance to get inside for Kirk Station their active duty for Kirk isn't that where the laser on a second please have a seat dr. Taylor you can call me Madison all right Madison I want to get something straight straight right from the start from now on each of us will be committing treason now this is a crime punishable by death if you have a problem with this this is it time to back out all right full disclosure in a nutshell for project safe skies I was in charge of developing a laser a weapon of mass destruction for the purpose of deflecting incoming space debris it was supposed to be top secret but everyone including yourself in the space community knew about it there's something you guys did not know about just as the development of the weapon was being completed I was ordered to adapt a portable version small enough to be mounted on an aircraft or deployed from a satellite now this weapon could easily take out a city without any residual radiation it will be the ultimate tactical weapon we will build the first one someone will build the next and the arms race will start all over again not to mention what might happen if terrorists got their hands on one yeah but I can't imagine project safe skies developing a weapon aimed at people you forget in the obvious medicine project safe skies was overseen by the Air Force general Dutton billions of tax dollars sunk into my invention all under the pretense of saving the world from space rocks when in fact it was all about killing people now these recent meteor impacts are good news for general Dutton the exploit sphere to get the funding he needs funding that he will never be able to get if the newsreel motors the project says guys nothing can make it look like all that money was being used for the peaceful protection of the planet I think Covington was ok with this I don't think he knew at first but isn't so deep you can't get out but you did damn right I did you know all the stories about the Manhattan Project Oppenheimer the first atomic bomb yes of course you ever considered how he felt I mean the thrill of pursuing research ends in nuclear holocaust yeah but science can't be held accountable Madison that's just a rationalization it's kind of hard to sleep at night with that on your conscience so I stalled all critical tests all mysteriously ended in failure I sabotage the whole project with defective computer codes they never figure out what went wrong are you sure you can get it to fire I know I can't but there's a conundrum once we fire this laser there's no way to put that genie back in a bottle mankind will have been changed forever someone doesn't fire that laser then won't be much of a man kind of worry about it listen I don't think you guys understand the enormity of the flipside of all this if your calculations are wrong then I will have unleashed this weapon over nothing once done knows about it there's no way of going back are you prepared to deal with this kind of responsibility but we can't be concerned about our place in history we have to take the chance we have to stop the asteroid tonight saving millions of lives we have no other choice I know that's why I've made my decision to go ahead with this I just hope it's gonna be worth it in the end let's get to it morning general Dutton the president wants to know what this news brief is all about WOD News Bridge is that soon that would be this news brief stating that the European Space Agency has spotted an anomaly with a near-earth asteroid Rickenbacher 3 1 / well sir does it pose a threat sir our scientists are still evaluating the situation and we expect to report on that later in the day later in the day oh well that's fine and in the meantime the European Space Agency is making us look like idiots now you will have a full report on the President's desk within the hour is that understood oh yes mr. SEC pulling on his toes [Music] that's part [ __ ] I thought it'd be more impressive exactly most folks around here think it's appalling it was just the tip of the iceberg whose stuff is hidden underneath what can we get any closer we want to track too much attention let's go [Music] how many people are there but 200 people work there Monday through Friday but we're in luck the weekends are only twenty two in any given time where's the laser it's embedded in that mountain behind the building like a missile silo it's a man-made volcano beautiful - hydraulically sounds like something out of yelling Live Twice yeah like James Bond kind of lasers for fusion lasers you know much about cascading fusion reaction within a magnetic containment chamber creates energy that can shoot a focus for tonic particle beam is certainly than the Misses physics classes huh now fall power this laser could slice the moaning - now the flexing an asteroid is easy the hard part is hitting a moving target with the stationary laser because the earth is moving as well as rotating in its orbit we have a very short firing window and we won't have a clear shot of the rogue until it emerges from behind recombine when's that exactly just before 10 o'clock tonight I never impact hope the calculations are right [Music] coming jr. you got anything oh yeah well I got something on here full of it from the president's press European space cadets they've announced an asteroid anomaly no I had to crack a funk and Wagnalls to find out what could not break amok 10:31 yeah same one the guy you and dr. Chicken Little flipped out but did the European agency say anything about a second asteroid hidden behind Reichenbach no not a word so relax all we gotta do is release a statement from project safe sky look done I mean testing dr. Taylor's rogue theory and I got to tell you I think there's an outside chance she might have something here Garlington enough if the president gets spooked by this he's gonna want to know why after all the billions of dollars we don't have a weapon to deal with this yeah yeah and they're gonna cut the funding I know it'll trigger congressional needs york investigation and Donovan oh you're well-versed father you know what and the press they will twist us slowly slowly ever so slowly in the wind until we're dead killers right we're all dead well it ain't over till it's over so just keep your big mouth shut those lip-synch careers okay that lesson goodbye [Music] perimeters clear not a soul out there got everything yeah no guns the guards have guns we need these weapons for self-defense he's right there's no time to argue hey it's not a game the guards will shoot to kill that's what they're trained to do we need to level the playing field if we want a fighting chance no no Lambie tranquilizer guns these will knock out a human target in seconds not fast enough to stop return fire which is why I recommend plan a but it's your choice what's it gonna be the tranquilizer gun Plan B ox deader tranquilizer gun Plan B fine mark and I will carry these two real bullets just in case all right then it's settled okay so when do we storm the base captain that's what Donovan I have to strategize are you an ox Ted I should check up on Rick embarking a tailgater any progress unchanged everything's on course where's Matt up there see she needed a break may I yeah sure come up how you doing I'm wrestling with my emotions which side is winning I don't know I can't figure you out what do you mean well you're intelligent and sensitive and then you go all Rambo and you drag a couple of neophytes like hockey and me and you pull us right into battle so you're the one who came to me beg for my help nobody said was gonna be easy I know I know I just I just didn't think I was gonna turn into this huge big military operation listen Madison I spent 12 years out of my adult life in the Air Force it's what I know I fought Wars is what Mark knows is what everybody on that base knows there are no other ways I know I just thought maybe we could do a less invasive approach like what would words proper channels you already tried that it didn't get you anyway I know but what about your pacifist ideals yeah I mean isn't that why you quit the military I wrestle with that decision every single day may sound contradictory but nothing is ever black and white yeah but I know what's right and what's wrong we were raised to believe that enemies were evil forces outside of our nation yet I came to realize that I was working for an enemy inside my own government general Dutton yeah he was raised on fear in a cold war era when enemies were obvious and power was decided by who had the biggest military forces for general Dutton this laser weapon represents the Holy Grail the answer to everything he's been programmed to achieve but come on he is a power-hungry money-grubbing monster yeah that's one way of looking at it but you can't accuse him of being selfish he has asked world away a fortune for himself in some Swiss bank account every penny of project safe skies has gone directly into the development of this weapon he simply wants its use redirected to make sure that the United States will remain the most powerful nation in the world but he's broken the laws of the very nation he claims to serve to break some laws along the way but it was all done in a name of patriotism there's a lot of Americans in this country that believe in that philosophy trust me I respect the guy so much more now thank you for enlightening me it's a medicine no I'm trying to tell you and this war that we're about to wage the difference between the good guys and the bad guys is one big gray area I mean we're breaking the laws of this nation too in case you're in denial but just like Dutton we're not doing this for ourselves we believe that what we're doing is the right thing where does that leave us yeah there is no easy answers to me it's just about winning by any means necessary yeah you arm yourself and hope you can pull the trigger faster than the other guy spoken like a true war veteran there's also the other side of me that just wants dozens head on a platter ah pure bloodthirsty vengeance a lot more satisfying don't you think now you're talking seriously though if we're able to fire this weapon tonight this is gonna force Dunn to start answering some very difficult questions he'll weasel out of it he always does maybe maybe not what is there something you're not telling me well when I made my decision to leave I knew I needed a contingency plan just in case Dunn figured out how to use the laser without me so I copied some incriminating files set up a computer program that requires me to log in every week or else those files go directly to Congress Wow I'm impressed and if this rate tonight lends me in jail or dead the data stored in my computer will automatically go to Congress and Duns days will be over well you thought of everything I was trained by the same military to Train done now it's getting pretty late better than going [Music] what is it I'm on my way to the Pentagon the press Secretary's meeting is there no guess what else I'm afraid to ask Donovan and Taylor are both missing at 20 hundred hours there are two crew buses 20 personnel on each one goes in one goes out now for security one bus can't leave until the other one arrives I'll ensure the relief bus doesn't arrive and I okay the crew on the base to go home we're both crews in transit there should only be two guards inside the compound once I'm inside the rest is a piece of cake Madison you're coming with me okay ox dinner here with me well you got credentials how do I get it just wear your lab coat and we get to let me do all the talking okay it sounds too simple yeah less is more fewer things just grew up all right it's 1945 time to move out [Music] [Music] so what am I to tell the president are we in danger or aren't we mr. secretary we've heard all the reports from Europe however all our experts say there's nothing to worry about and we certainly don't want to cause a panic no of course not the president agrees but if the threat were to be real one of the options what's the status of that laser weapon at Fort Kirk that's a complicated question sir general is the weapon capable of protecting us from this potential threat yes or no if necessary we could make it work you better hope you're right what the hell you say the laser worked for we can lost your mind I don't want them looking under seige guys in the laser if they do what da that my hands are clean I never know what the hell that was I can't help you out on this your signature is on the budget on payments and if this whole thing goes down you and I go down with it double seater [Music] it's coming [Music] sitting duck be careful bullseye nice work [Music] [Music] any sign of a bus number - not yet look you can't go to the other crew gets here tell that to these guys it's Saturday night and they're ready for some serious R&R I'm sorry I can take you go got our orders finally relief is on the way that's not the bus I don't disguise dennah Louis I know you're on duty today sergeant Phillips computer crashed you asked me to meet him here with my tech support guy thank you oh yeah nice nice evening civilians need clearance sir sergeant Phillips arrange the approval you didn't get it he has a ratchet sir relief bus is running late that's odd well then I guess we'll just have to wait here we can't plug the into the sir well what would you have us do then corporal I'll open the gates and wait over by the gardens thank you they think it's a normal power yeah Stephens relief bus got a flat tire ha well that explains it no people get comfortable we're gonna be here awhile it's wait here and be cool corporal what is the holdup sir uh the relief bus has a flat sir why are you holding this bus then standard operating procedure sir one bus arrives before the other one leaves I don't see any immediate security threat do you no sir these men have worked hard all week don't you think they deserve their Saturday night yes sir then let the bus go I'll take full responsibility sir all right you guys get out of here that's fun any coffee in there what's taking so long I don't know but hockey mark better hurry up the bums got that tire changed I hear something it's coming we just wait here a second till the bus Clues perimeter patrol what okay you two lovebirds can you come up for air sorry man we'll be out of here shortly Donovan recognized you first evening ma'am this place is off-limits you should know better this is sorry about the kissing was okay was okay was unexpected it was nice it's not the time you know we have to save the world I know but but if anything should happen I feel the same way Vox deader you want some coffee don't you I do I mean yeah I do thanks Stevens which hit over the commissary arrests up a fresh pot of coffee I'll cover you here oh and uh bring back some extra cups and milk and sugar - and you better let me borrow this one no that's cool well have you got four hands how you gonna carry everything relax that's too small I'll take care of it ID insecurity class on his keycard here box dad are you coming with us how you doing so far so good [Music] who's that major Donovan yeah that's been here in a while hey he got kicked out are you here about the lawsuit no yeah the judge ruled he had to let him back in oh really hey Cole Michael nice and get the laptops okay roxtor marks gonna need your help just wait for him okay come on [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this way this way [Music] flex your muscles Hawks better hostage goes with us [Music] [Music] there's a control room I can't believe I made it this far oh no what as a cope and changed try to get in try to get ready to do nothing over there by the railing mark what's up the key card is no work all right I'll send Hawks dinner with mine what happened the key Carville in the door to the control room go I'll take care of this box centers on his way okay you said any over ox dinner here try this way nothing it's not work right wait this will engage the laser coil heating up [Music] is my base I'll be controlling away from here you guys come down here computers from here rocks there see if you can track the asteroid from here to okay you're firing windows approximately 55 minutes away that's cutting it close too close it takes time to charge the lace [Music] [Music] hello hello anybody home dynaroo these buses outside the gate your problem not yes we need an hour I'll make sure you have it the boss uh-huh don't worry they can't get in okay guys come on you guys [Music] well still not change yes then alert okay keep me informed wrong there's been some kind of a security breach afford Kirk Dottie yeah it's gotta be him he's teamed up with his lunatic Tina but why lasers useless that's like Fox he's known all along not a fire that did filling up bring my limousine up front no [Music] we may not be charged up to full power by 10 o'clock it's gotta be Donovan do something to speed it up at least 55% power to fire and it needs to hit this exact spot for 15 seconds that should move the estimates horbet about three degrees the hell's going on who's in charge here I am sir General Sir gates locked down no one visible inside how many many of you God 20 Donnie trouble what's up nothin's at the gate of course he is got a little I can hunt Eddie's and general Dutton there is new him in a danger and no terrorist threat but I want that gate open within 5 minutes by whatever means necessary understood go work hey you guys stay back I just want to get fried he's got the men from the bus trying to pry open the game as far as some shots in that direction just a scare about direct hits will do don't have any danger huh all these shut up let's load them up they're good keep them distracted 35 percent power I'll have phone line of sight in five four three two where Zeus measures 475 miles across you write me I wish I was wrong there's only a 29th second firing window we need to hit 17 minutes before the Earth's rotation takes a sweet spot out of range right traveling myself with the hell are you doing I'm gonna drive this bus to the damn gate [Music] 45% but not Connie fast enough come on mark Dutton's on the bus I think he's gonna crash it into the gate [Music] [Music] talk to me [Music] what [Music] [Music] I just tranquilized yay where you been corporal cuz hostage sir I just escaped snipers been tranquilized in Tucson well Carmichael don't just stand there open the gate yes sir all right man follow me Jesus Stevens you too I'll get me ahead let's get him out of here [Music] hey what happened you got tranquilized is it gonna be okay yeah now get back to work [Music] he needs to compensate for the angle in the Earth's rotation already calculated that chief we only get one maybe two shots we're ready we're ready just get the power up okay Laser locked on the target area opening silo [Music] eight [Music] seven fine turn the power off now for two Donovan what happened where's the power I don't know what happened the shut all the power down I can't do anything I can hear them in Rothsay the door it won't work with the power half then turn the power back on listen to me there's no power you have nothing we're done they're coming in right now I can't get to anything nothing [Music] [Applause] use the key covey opener right right it's not a moment to lose [Music] [Music] [Music] the asteroid is real yes mr. president I'm afraid it's true sir we are tracking the same asteroid president wants to know if the asteroid can be stopped no we've missed the firing window this is it no mr. president that firing window was to move the asteroid right yes what we've missed it so what if we want to destroy the asteroid Donovan said I could split the moon into me can't we still fire and target at a different location yeah let's see what we could blow it up we could destroy it what about the billion smaller rocks it comes down with us not as the leader Bryce is powerful enough most of the debris we just burn up in the atmosphere I'm gonna power everything back up let's go we don't have a choice we have to fire one minute 56 seconds it can't be done it must be done sitting up faster and then it cooled down much when the power went off we have one minute firing window starting now not enough power we're locked on target no church asteroids so come dawn and then it's still coming hold on you're it's gonna work just what's gonna Barn window closes in ten seconds nine eight seven six we're almost at maximum power too [Music] [Music] [Music] we did it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] moments ago the Air Force fired an experimental laser at an approaching asteroid blasting it out of harm's way most of the remaining debris is expected to burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere and no casualties are expected for reasons of national security much of what has just transpired will remain classified but the president expresses his sincere gratitude to a few very courageous scientists who took tremendous initiative and saved our planet from certain disaster [Music] [Music] hey please don't tell me this guy's falling well not that I'm aware of yeah I thought I would bring you a token of my appreciation to say thank you for believing in me that's thank you and I thought that if we kissed again that it would be nice to do it without being in a panic and having to save the world yeah action oh yeah [Music] let me go inside so we can pop this cork [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: Yh5XObVBIig
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Length: 86min 18sec (5178 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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