Meteor | 2009 | Full Movie | Part 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this can't be right yes yes yes [Music] now professor [Music] gajju Lehman these numbers they can't be right I will show you work no look the mass assumption I was gonna say too small and in the trajectory that means it's heading right for us and she is pardon the melodrama planet-killer but that's impossible I mean I just checked the near-earth object database and nobody has lodged anything remotely tell us something hit once something big enough to knock her out of her orbit here I'm pretty sure it's Cassandra no way I'm afraid so that's 61 miles about three times the size of out Everest we're talking extinction events like the dinosaurs huh what's so funny Greek mythology the Sun god Apollo cursed to center with a power to predict death and destruction so what do we do on the asymmetrical trajectory algorithm fine curve Sounders approach vectors send the coordinates to JPL and pray this enough firepower to blast us from the sky [Music] [Music] hey it's me yeah I'm heading back to school I grandpa says hi I love you call me when you come there Jenny I know this tension between you and your dad you've had words but believe me they are just words he loves you very much Wow you know if he ever finds the time he can tell me that himself [Music] I love you perfect timing get her girl yeah you uh conserving electricity yeah a cop's salary you bet you so so you're called me I thought we talked about going in in the morning you want to go now why not you tell Mary yeah I told her what'd she say get it up might as well pull the trigger yourself buddy boy what'd you think was gonna happen jack I turned myself in you've become a big hero bringing in the dirty cop ex-partner to boot yeah I can't help I can't help you I can thanks but I think well dr. Chetwynd its Imogen O'Neill damage sweetheart we have an emergency and dr. Lehman you mean another emergency Daniel no no it's not a goose chase okay I'm not with you on speakerphone asteroid 114 Cassandra it's coming right at us Cassandra is a main belt asteroid Daniel it's a minor planet for God's sake it's closest to us he's four hundred thousand miles outside of Earth's orbit she was knocked off horse after an impact for the comet if I'm able to steer with a near-earth radar by morning but by then it'll be too late get to JPL oh I'll look into it when I get to the office well coming right to you we have the numbers to show you right now every minute counts the harbingers gonna be knocked loose by the Silesian over here we have maybe 24 hours before I know what harbingers are dr. Lehmann they belong to you doctor they're the reason you're alive now you took my family for me job now I'm gonna return the favor I'm gonna pay a little visit to Jenny up there that fancy College of hearse Oh your dad was up that way too doesn't he good [Music] mom dad what am i oh you guys just this out okay okay oh wow that's cool for us come here quick have a look come on that's amazing right yeah [Music] it's kind of when you get there I want you to call me that's gonna be - hey it's Russ have schoo there's a fire in his place he said a meteor crashed in his field what I get the fire department up there we'll be right behind him yes sir - runs deep really just a meteor yeah boys got an imagination medicine I want you to drive the speed limit give me a hug [Music] thanks for coming [Music] [Music] you're not a huge fan of dr. Chatwin but don't you think he's gonna figure this all out if when he gets to JPL looks at the radar readouts I mean what why are we why are we going we were the only ones spotters for any initial impact so they'll eat our data in a clot in intercept trajectory plus none of their systems allow for enough variables look dr. Lehman sees this is the wrong way but come on out with it why are we going he didn't believe you trust me he'll believe us when we get there why because by then lots more rocks will have follow lots more people will be dead [Music] ladies and gentlemen you were walking from your [ __ ] and flown here in the dead of the night because somewhere in your past you either volunteered for or were volunteered by your agency for a seat on the near-earth object emergency response task force now for those of you who don't know me I'm general Grasser on the army space program and I have been appointed by the President to leave this task force and solving the crisis we face today but simply an interplanetary dust storm seems to be headed our way hi Mitch Edwin JPL ah rocket scientists welcome in the last six hours we've had multiple meteor impacts on the west coast of the United States we're still compiling data from the Navy and various satellites but we can estimate that there have been at least 12 other impacts in the Pacific Ocean now dr. Chetan I assume you have a team tracking this well I've only recently been briefed on all this the the informations been trickling in and but yes we we got word a few hours ago from one of our observatories in the meteor tracking network and now that the the data is still being verified by them there is the possibility that a comet has struck an asteroid and if that's true then the increased meteor activity we're experiencing is the debris from that initial collision how be can these runs get anything from a pebble to the size of a truck and the bad news the comet collision may have altered the parent asteroids trajectory enough that it may be on its way to us to size mass velocity just calculating that as we speak more stationary we may be looking at 114 Cassandra a main-belt asteroid it's large enough to be considered a small planet she's 60 miles in diameter and her impact with earth would be enough to end life as we know it want the worst case scenario time till impact still calculating but my best guesstimate is 24 to 48 hours unfortunately if it is Cassandra you're gonna have to destroy her long before that because if if we hit her when she's too low in our atmosphere the the debris fallout from the explosion would be catastrophic okay people we got a handful let's get moving I need a full workup on the asteroid with deal wood and a trajectory for an ideal interception point and I need it in 30 minutes or less [Music] surely can tell me how early it is need you at your best in ten minutes and get me doctor lumen now [Music] trust me start it's not gonna get far Jack I'm gonna do everything I can Jesus kept that's not enough it's Calvin you know him look this is Jenny we're talking about I know man but do you see what's going on out there Tommy I used to bounce her on your knee please let me he's not getting far all right what was that was that about Jenny it's the mayor you call me if you hear anything will do I'll get some rest would you [Music] we're following the breaking story PHP is reporting a large feed or impact in town California with additional impacts in other areas along the west coast and the Pacific Ocean NASA officials have scaled a press conference one half-hour from now now we expect some answers regarding what seems to be the largest state our planet recorded history long hairs collide with the earth all the time [Music] it's beautiful I bet it's even better up in the mountains come on Hey thank you're my rock best roommate ever come on we got a roll [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is awful we got out right you want me to stay home no no you could go on something's got to pay the bills you shouldn't have to deal with all this person be someone's enjoying this he's still here yeah we missed the bus and all the excitement I'll take them in no no I'll do it I'll give us some good mother sometime hey kid let's go time for school limos leaving shouldn't I stay and help nice dry come on get in the car try to get up early alright hey Russell firemen tell me it's safe now I'm gonna come take a look how bad is it see for yourself you get a chance to watch the news this morning powers still out apparently few of these things hit sometime last night some kind of freak me too your shower most of them landed in the Pacific except for this one [Music] [Music] you drive hello Imogen it's Nate Chatwin its Daniel with you all right here Dan I'm sorry I was wrong about Cassandra breaking up call us back we're standing by for missing lunch no no don't loss you don't have a secretary right hello he doesn't have the original impact coordinates use it now for real if I gave up years ago they're gonna miss get it back he said sorry what he apologized I think he actually apologized [Music] [Music] no ma'am I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job but you need to get the President to address the country right away or we will have widespread panic Thank You Man sir just heard from NASA near Earth satellite radar confirms that it's 114 us and come back how long until missile launch twenty-one minutes sir perfect let's get a live feed in five yes sir and I still need that doctor check one how about those coordinates got so I'm just double-checking them we need them now okay got it perfect you reach dr. Weiman dr. Damon imaging it's Nate we're about to launch and I need to confirm the Cassandra trajectory with you there's something wrong with the numbers [Music] [Music] [Music] rustle bascomb medium & SIMON long time yeah Oh JA hey what's going on here I thought my house was the only one that got hit some FEMA guy told people to stock up so Wow WoW is right hey that's my water you got your name on it I'm over here getting milk before they run out of that - sorry sir said that's my water it's for my family hey Lex why don't you just get your ass out of my town and crawl back to where you came from come again let's let go let go more water you have yourself a nice day sir Claire what he said to me yeah I was born here some mouth yeah their mouths won't get his ass cancer did the right thing it's dead sorry don't panic keep my heads wave someone down I always stop for a girl look [Music] I'll get the phone [Music] [Music] dr. Lehman [Music] Jenny listen to me it's your dad listen very carefully you are in real danger Stark my ex-partner Calvin's dark you remember him but he's done something terrible baby you are in danger okay as soon as you get this message you need to call the you need to run to the police station in town and have them call me or a captain Finnegan at LAPD precinct nine immediately all right this is for real baby all right I love you just go go now due to the unpredictable nature of the current meteor shower crisis all motorists are strong filter new shortcut yeah it sure beats the parking light on the fire maybe we should go back your mind why I mean things are falling out of the sky they're telling people to stay off the road they don't react I just think but but I'm serious me too there's also a fully stocked bar 40 acres of pristine forests babe you're so full of it real tell you what you're a good boy the rest of the way I might like [Music] you stopped a fight over water I'm telling you our house gets hit but it's everyone else around here freaking out okay yeah I'm fine just fixing up the windows before Michael gets home dr. havesome we need you set all right you've heard that babe I love you I gotta go [Music] they've been all over the radio the TV what was it being said it was his big message stay off the roads some freaking have a travel advisory that you text almost work right there I've been all over town people starting to hoard food supplies next saying everyone's gonna be holed up in their houses and that's when the low-lives are gonna be coming out of the woodwork having a slow day at the garage hello chief right you boys planning a hunting trip well you know duck seasons around around the corner well today might be a good day to stay indoors yeah but what if you have some real trouble you're gonna need some god-fearing boys at your side what I need is for people to stay nice and calm not running around weapons I don't recall martial law being declared we have the right to assemble right you are beginning to annoy me that would not be in your best interest are you threatening me I'm not threatening you I'm just telling you how it is now I suggest you take care of your families rather than your guns [Music] so we're in Los Angeles you need to vote GPL Jet Propulsion laboratories to start a 210 thanks for picking me up you remind me of my daughter and I never let her walk alone [Music] as of yet we have heard no official word on what's going on the leaders right increase what started out as an especially beautiful sunrise turn out to be the first warning signs of attack [Music] maybe they'll cancel school tomorrow Oh Mikey's got a girlfriend hey if you ever want a real man here alone Oh what he gonna home Dukas can't protect his woman nope quit it duper's gonna cry [Applause] coordinates confirmed yeah your confidence is overwhelmed launch codes hot and ready sir we're go for love's calling car on my mark ten nine [Music] [Music] talk to me people we lost them strong speak up wait on satellite comlink with the launch site that's right I think the satellite got hit the harbingers did the debris from the initial common intention quickly yes yes confirmed yes Roger that please stand by services are intact we just lost the satellite beats recommendation launch based on the trajectory model sir no no without satellite guidance III advise against that the trajectory computation a it's not foolproof I need more time right but I'm sorry I don't think we should be hurling nuclear weapons blindly pardon me dr. Chen but what the hell have you been doing all this time the best I can we've never dealt with this big an asteroid mask and not at this proximity and that the algorithm I'm using is important for some reason I can't reach the man that created it for pete's sake where is he on his way in from Mexico Mexico will be doing in Mexico will be so integral to this whole thing I fired him went crazy help dr. Chaplin find his man get the White House involved on the dog bone marine we need that trajectory on his feet right away mouth I'm sorry but it's not my fault but they overheated okay the car is a piece of crap oh that's nice nice jackass sorry ma'am LAPD I'm gonna have to commandeer your vehicle police emergency you gave me a heart attack step away from the car please hey what's happening out there I gotta get home well I'm gonna have to insist officer please I live all the way in palm Vista my kids are waiting I'll never make it on foot come this you live out near the car yeah my lucky day you mind if I bother you for right a little pop in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the little one starts food today I'm sorry oh no it's okay it's okay it's okay if I get you to border [Music] no look I really I originally I just need to get to my Familia you know I of course wait is that a police station see great well you maybe make it radio the embassy or cold JP El Torito very good idea yes yes another are you sure you're going to be okay see yeah you go home with your family wanna sweat good luck to you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] two big rock [Music] [Music] let's go hey what about the rest of these kids full up you got to take this group to have you in this nation we better go to co central you've only got one ambulance got accidents all over it's insane [Applause] I want you to get over to Dylan's car dealership as soon as possible I've got every available man in every truck and van over here just as soon as you can [Music] you just take it easy son you're gonna be fine we'll get you to the hospital and I'll make sure your mom and dad to there to meet you okay [Music] everyone's losing satellite coverage NSA Pentagon commercial networks a beacon these dust don't get I think of it as dust sure our satellite and every satellite worldwide is getting shredded to pieces it's not losing people we won the second world war without the satellites I'm gonna give it up now drawn wire all communication what if he can't solve it well at some point he will be visible on ground radar there's another reason that I think we should say my biggest missiles for them we also may be under estimating the amount of firepower we're gonna need here Colonel Quebec is targeted with five lead admissions in his career I'm not talking about a surgical strike on Baghdad you're trying to pulverize a giant rock it's four times the size of Manhattan into tiny little pieces small enough so the fallout if we're lucky enough to hit it doesn't kill us anyway you got one chance at this thing I think we all better get it right [Music] we'll take that under advisement would you get your numbers straight hello what where where I'm coming [Music] I'm fine thanks for checking in and thanks for the wheels I owe ya gonna be put my kids through college after they fire my ass you won't get fired I'll get Finnegan to vouch for you all right I just handsome the woman of my dreams Trish gotta go [Music] hello Ola hello hola [Music] hello hola [Music] oh sorry I didn't see you know lovey ah Matakana see yes I have to get to Jet Propulsion laboratories in Los Angeles there's information on this computer that's very important the government needs I'm a scientist and I'm working on the meteors that are coming down it's very very important that's very community say importante urgent huh si yes why don't you just call them and let the left or no yes right Oh knows what cross vecina we have to have phones how you say long distance thank you office she's alone I mean like this meteor thing I mean sure I'm worried I mean it wouldn't be but I'm exciting you know I mean I'm no crazy but I like a little adventure every now and then so are you married yes happily I guess I can tell you that yeah but then I'd have to kill you that was good casualty report only 41 so far nationwide which is a minor miracle injuries in the hundreds last pass was the second bus full of kids it's getting ugly general here you go you need to get people on the ground how we come up with that we're Cova shelters in every conceivable location underground parking lots balls all bomb shelters any tunnel that's not jammed with traffic even if you're working mine shafts and I've got word from the Pentagon so we'll open civilian access to subterranean facilities mostly old missile storage in Arkansas Idaho Iowa and Kansas is working on more so general we've got an image on ground radar on screen please oh my god they're getting larger [Music] which one of these is Cassandra we can't see Cassandra yet all right things are about to get a whole lot worse we need to get people on the ground and we need to get the National Guard out to God in there more importantly Colonel back missile deployment nearly complete we've got every major population center covered with stingers and Patriot batteries in the rural areas Roger that good work okay people let's move sir fun the Mexican police found dr. Lehman sir they found him dead sir I suspected hit-and-run what about image in his assistant they didn't find anyone else sir sorry what the hell what's the problem officer you have to turn back and exit that detour sign you just ignored that'll lead you to a pickup point I'll take you to a shelter from there I'm sorry but that's unacceptable right we gotta do as he says [Music] [Music] we have a mass casualty accident it's really one of them have a general how many scented children what school bus great uh how far away they're here here they forgot to call ahead well the phones are screwed up the radios are messy Chelsea what what bus it's from Michael [Music] babies - aye neighbor sixty-six pulse is tachy internal injuries two units of plasma IV push and prep for surgery [Music] 118 over 90 RESPA shilova pulses a possible concussion he's been out there doctor Chelsea what do we do my baby dr. Haskell uh ten units of saline IV push x-ray and cat scan Oh [Music] idiot you hadn't well no I mean everything was just so crazy and I just just wanted to get home you passed to it you gasp dishes I know it's kind of funny I mean Here I am [Music] help me a bag these things please Nikolas I'm going as fast as we can sir you're not going fast enough I got to get home to my kids hush excuse am I sure you didn't pay for that sir freeze please put those things down and get out I got kids stop please we gonna do shooting over two gallons of water we ain't gonna put up with any of this Avery we're not gonna tolerate any lawlessness that's right right absolutely right that's why you need to go home just trying to lend a helping hand here cheater you've helped enough time to go home now and if I see either you boys with your pea shooters out again I will confiscate them and I will melt them down for scrap I get into the hospital when he's up to it that suggestive press charges things are starting to fall apart here you know I mean no disrespect but you're not getting any younger and this place was being robbed and you came in waylaid please just go okay nobody's talking to you I get him home he needs to cool off get him some ice no need for that you know he's got a point we're spending a lot of time tearing each other apart we needed to lend each other a hand now I want you all to go home I want you to pick up your kids food some blankets whatever medicine you need and then head over to the fallout shelters the high school the same service do everything we can to make you comfortable man remember we're all in this together we need to look out for each other so tell your friends and tell your neighbors help each other that's duty said you can pay me later for something boys just go home everybody okay and what experts are calling a one-in-a-million tragedy a meteor has struck down a passenger plane killing all 212 passengers and crew the real tragedy that the aircraft was struck while trying to land minutes after the FAA suspended all air traffic in Northern America because of the meteor storm that has turned this into one of the most tragic days in modern history sir incoming right over downtown LA and it's a big one patch it through to the ground commander [Music] they nailed it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for glass-half-empty kind of garage you don't have enough missiles to knock them all down the United States Arsenal has a lot of assets you better save most of them for Cassandra we're all dead no matter what [Music] how goes the trajectory working on glass that assumed me the future emergency broadcast service standby for official instructions from state and federal authorities all roads and highways including the Eisenhower interstate highway system are closed to all traffic until further notice with the exception of public safety emergency medical and military [Music] [Applause] over here this way okay hurry up we're gonna lose him [Music] check on Michael vitals are say well cat scan was negative look do you want no I'm gonna finish up here Michaels stable is luckier than this poor kid [Music] [Music] now the shirt please if I don't get to JPL we're all gonna die the gummi set that this shirt okay okay okay okay please please don't we have to get to shelter now the rest do you wanna die if I died today I was that one smile in my face screw it I'll do it myself on your knees now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe that maybe leave my bed what the hell up about your damn car already sorry folks just got word from the shelter that's all the room we've got way overcrowded and there's plenty of room at the shelter just over it Carville listen you need to get back on the truck you can let her in I'm sure we can squeeze her in the shelter's dangerously overcrowded as it is please folks as soon you get moving the sooner you'll get there [Music] you get on the truck and give you our place how do you know we can walk 50 miles you can well let's go what letter on the truck my boyfriend and I are leaving there's three of them it's a baby you're being ridiculous come on it's not our fault that we got here first [Music] please someone this lady has kids Jenny [Music] you're making a scene [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] do you think we'll make it to Carville by nightfall not with the freeways shut down we should find some place to crash I know somewhere oh yeah they've got a hot tub okay he's fine he just has a minor concussion I got a thick head was good for something funny dad sorry mr. Hobson what's wrong that's a flight wreck it didn't come one no answer in the company what is it today of all days we were supposed to be restocked on half our meds let the truck never showed I guess given everything we're out of really basic stuff like penicillin disinfectant I already shouldn't be performing half the procedures I'm doing what about the pharmacy what do you mean Rangers their daughters my class what they have some of the stuff you need yeah yeah I don't know why I didn't think of that oh you've been busy honey do you think they're open I know Dan Grainger he'll definitely help out regardless just to make a list your father is a genius I love you get the wrong people you make a list I'll go call ahead to the pharmacy and get some rest okay you take care of your mom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your hurry I'm an American citizen and I know police officer Merc no wait step out of the car please you don't understand No my name is Imogen amel and I'm working on this meteor task force so there's a gun in the car what is not my gun would you turn around and face the vehicle please turn around face the vehicle please face the vehicle put your hands out spread your legs please I have to get to a phone I have coordinates that dr. gently the government needs to shoot down the asteroid oh she's clean may I see your passport please my jacket I left my jacket back at the police station why are you driving a Mexican police car because I was I was attacked but he's through made and they killed these two officers back at the police station [Music] you're gonna have to come with me please no you're not listening to me here okay we don't have time then we better get this sorted out quickly [Music] [Music] we're gonna Clint frequency if the rocks coming through the atmosphere is increasing when they're getting bigger hits you're measuring on the Richter scale I'm starting to miss casual become what's over thousand sir we got two monsters heading for Huntsville in New York and no Patriot missiles in regulation 17,000 I grew up a couple sounds from there well I've got a sub off the coast to any sadness or vaporizers oh wait wait once again we can't afford to waste the big missiles we got to save everything we got for Cassandra herself so what were just supposed to let 17,000 people die I don't know Oh what good is saving 70,000 you lose the whole planet in the morning so aren't most people who shelters by now some it's taking time sorry I have two more heading for towns in North Dakota and Minnesota same scenario out of Patriot range all right general you cannot the next thing I want to hear from you are the coordinates for where to hit the asteroid I'm sorry but I will not sacrifice all these people [Music] take whatever you need knock down anything you can you heard the man all sobs all sigh low spin about paddy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] keep moving take the stairway to the right there's food and water down there you'll be safe I got these from Myrna at the motel good work get him down there we're filling out fast guy we're waiting for a screener chief he's got a gun you think you can sucker punch me and get away with an old man no sir do not disrespect me son it may seem to you like you have the drop on me but I can assure you it only seems that way don't forget I do this for a living so I can guarantee you this first I will disarm you and then I will shoot you dead you don't want that now do you [Music] do you you want respect play you got to earn it there's your chance that sound that's our challenge that's the good Lord throwing down his gauntlet asking us who we are and what we're made of he wants to know what we're capable of doing in the face of adversity whether we'll stay together or whether we just fall apart and what all of us could be dead here in this for a second but before we go the each of us have to answer the call but your answer Dwight [Music] now can I help [Music] you made the right choice lots of people downstairs need help getting set up [Music] [Music] called your father myself still no answer try to get some rest okay the two of you my mom is a really good doctor she's gonna fix him up let's see mom [Music] your crow I didn't mean to scare him where's Jenny uh she went to the cabin for the weekend would chat I just gave the address to your partner Calvin was here already how long ago half an hour ago are you told him where she was yeah I'm sorry he said you had your hands full and you asked him to get her home what with the meteors and all doesn't he work with you yeah yeah it's okay you have the address here right thanks shouldn't you be at a shelter we're gonna move on [Music] [Music] officially out of it [Music] thanks for the help pal I really mean it there's good of you to have a brother out you're a good man [Music] [Music] [Music] quite a temper we're all gonna die unless you talk to me I've been doing this job 35 years first time I ever heard that I am a scientist I am working just hold on ma'am they say one of the meteors hit some computer routing thing in Nevada so we got no internet at all I can't check your identity until we're up and running do you know what happens when a class-one asteroid hits a class-one comet no well it gets knocked off-course its trajectory becomes unknowable unless you know exactly how to look and when it hits the earth [Music] we all go home to the good lord [Music] you're a man of faith look me in the eye and tell me I'm lying now you're playing this wait wait lock me up put me in a Cell keep me here forever I don't care just call Jet Propulsion laboratories tell them that you have Daniel Lehman's computer you have the asymmetrical trajectory algorithm I will write this down for you please we're running out of time I'll tell you what I'll get your phone thank you you're really scared I'm terrified [Music] come on just take around that way are you going no second boards at state no I have to get my son damage was not confined actual calculated the most likely course for Cassandra blind shots better than their shadow we have about an 11 minute window 13 tops I think she's about to enter atmosphere tell you what'll happen if we hit her too low first thing we're launching there's an image under Neil online through for you wait excuse me mr. president what it's women's assistance you might have an update immature I'm running the asymmetrical algorithm on Cassandra Street jek tree no I know I've been running them all day the 3d analytics don't hold up the numbers are going off the charge dr. Lehmann was trying to tell you he revised the algorithm I've been trying to get this you can plug it into your mainframe Imogen but we're gonna have to rely on the laptop I've used a much smaller sampling ratio no no we're waiting to launch will you just give me five minutes I need the ejector e now it's been hours since dr. Lehman last ran the numbers am i holding the laws Imogen now now we're going to minutes okay I got it I got the victory agenda putting on speakerphone convinced referees now go from five 1746 descending to zero to 2006 I repeat got it so that's why we programmed the launch how sure are you of these numbers teamwork sure than of anything else we've got Dan Lehmann was a genius who fired because he was crazy sir we program in the new numbers hit it hard the killer thank you miss I think we're quite clear on that by now mr. president we're launching go new coordinates reset the clocks ten nine eight seven six we let her get too little I've hit the Patriots minute there's gonna be debris in a lot of us three one watch [Music] birds are away so radar blind how do we know if we hit it the fallout heads for now get miss one nail to the bunker at Edwards Air Force Base I need her on a secured hardline don't fly her it's gonna be a ton of debris around all the flights military - let's do it ground all flights get miss O'Neil dead words use any means necessary what's wrong you know I'm not sure hi I was extrapolating dr. Lehman's formula and and the assumptions are right one minute to intercept Murphy sir yes sir she's right here of course Thanks that was the vice-president what the vice president of the United States they need you Edwards Air Force Base ASAP okay hey Mike can you do that the car yeah yeah well let's go I want to take you there myself it's not every day you get a call like that [Music] we have contact steps stand by [Music] [Applause] target reduced [Applause] keep the Patriot missiles on standby you came through missiles on standby why [Music] [Music] [Music] throw is way too easy buddy boy you're not much of a cop let her go let her go Kelly oh you're funny man did you gun down put it down or I'll splatter all over it damn bro put it down thattaboy nice and easy kick it over to me now under knees now get down on your knees just take me and let her go oh that's just touchy but you're missing the point what you feel what I feel my pain cow god help me I feel it you know from my dream but you will now that's some fireworks beautiful so those things are gonna land we gotta find cover now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] back stairs [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look at the bright side you did it you saved us no I didn't miss a lot sooner what's wrong the asteroid should be reaching this a lot later and somewhere in Europe everything is off from the mass estimate sorry I'm not following right there wrong assumption right from the start dr. Lehmann miscalculated the asteroids mass the original comet hit Cassandra all right but it didn't just send it to the earth okay original impact splitter into so it's not over the second half of Cassandra is still coming [Music] she's bigger we're the only ones who know we have to call them now [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Movie Central
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Keywords: download, funny, horror, Hollywood movies, Movies, movie, Turner, latest, 80s, goldmines, 70s, movies, free, full, Free movies on Youtube, hollywood, drama, b-grade, CMC, bigtime, worst, Classic, watch, popcornflix, 60s, retro, free full movies, classic, online, Classic Movies Channel, CMC YouTube, sci-fi, ever, comedy, films, TCM, youtube, disaster movies, Jason Alexander, hallmark movies, Christopher Lloyd, Meteor, Action Disaster
Id: lH-Gxn_s1wU
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Length: 94min 19sec (5659 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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