Saved by Grace

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[Music] [Music] babe i got you a little surprise i think you're gonna like it i saw luke uh playing ball down the street so i know that we are all alone right now just the two of us baby man that turkey smells fantastic isn't that sweet go ahead and pull it baby go out back right now honey you just stay right there sit down she's got nothing to do with this jenkins she's got everything to do with this my wife my kids my life you took them all from me what do you want what do i want how about cure for cancer i'm dying detective i'm gonna die colton alone and i want you to know what that feels like what are you a ninja keep moving towards me detective i'm begging you turn around right now and leave no harm no foul oh really no how about this for harmony [Music] [Music] there's something about this place like a warm embrace my heart [Music] but you're gone [Music] without you i can't stay [Music] but here need your grace [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] yeah coming cabin oh i'm good called your cell phone said it's disconnected right how you holding up partner living the dream any thanksgiving plans you're looking at it [Music] how's luke doing moss i appreciate you stopping by i'm good why don't you come by and check out the game later got a new 70 in screen tv it's gonna be great and you know irene cooks up a mean turkey yeah maybe hard to believe five years ago already game starts at one come on bye man happy thanksgiving kevin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ricky sweetheart are you there it's it's just me again i just really wish you'd pick up well anyway the turkey's gonna be ready round four and we'd really love to see you i know a certain someone who is missing you a lot blame us here we can eat we can eat so please just try to make it okay my first turkey not bad ricky honey [Music] okay bye-bye ain't nothing in those cans one man's trash another man's treasure oh no i'm good i have to leave so can you move important places to go i bet well i used to be in a hurry all the time always on the go never stopping to enjoy everything the good lord laid right under our noses how's that working out for you family plans i really can't do this not today it's thanksgiving day young man like you are to be with family looks like you've got a lot to be thankful for looks like you got a lot to be thankful for it's a beautiful day i'm alive and god is good is he sure oh i know what you're thinking well you're right you're right i i wasted a lot of the years god gave me but you you've got your whole life in front of you enough of the words of wisdom here go grab a bite or a new jacket i've got everything i need right inside suit yourself happy thanksgiving friend same to you you know god never lets us down ever it never gives us more than we can handle right that's right what happens if it is [Music] so [Music] list what you're thankful for that'd be a short list [Music] ugh wait sorry lady not today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hi excuse me oh i'm so sorry i'm just a mess it's thanksgiving i don't have a cell phone i could use a little help please sorry lady you picked the wrong guy on the wrong day that can't be true nothing happens on accident everything happens for a reason would you just spit it out tell me what you want oh right can i please borrow your phone sorry i don't have a cell phone really who doesn't have a cell phone these days apparently neither of us right oh even if you had a cell phone you're not gonna get a cab to come out here in the middle of nowhere and pick you up on thanksgiving so there's no chance you're gonna be driving into town anytime soon i'm sure if you just walk back out to the highway someone will come along and pick you up take you to town i guess that's a no isn't it okay i'm so sorry for disturbing you you have a nice thanksgiving and god bless [Music] uh [Music] i guess it's your lucky day really i better hurry up before i change my mind thank you thank you so much here i'll help you with this thank you thank you okay [Laughter] [Music] yeah where are we headed home please i'm gonna be with my family today and home is silly me like you know where i live right you know the lord is gonna bless you for this i promise of course he is to serve and protect wow god do what he was doing and he sent you my way huh what you thanks so you're a cop was you know i never got your name rick nice to meet you rick i'm graciela you're what i'm grace perfect what was that nothing ma'am [Music] so does it say this is clear on the other side of town i know i don't know what i was thinking trying to go all the way on foot i would have never made it you're a lifesaver it's it's funny how different things look sometimes you ever notice that gosh the streets are so empty i guess everyone's enjoying it with their families today you can almost smell all the turkeys in the oven [Music] oh that was so rude of me what's that falling asleep like that i've just been so worn down lately no worries i can't wait to be with my family i'm sure you're gonna be with your family too but i'm really thankful and grateful that i'm riding in this car with you and that i'm not dragging that old suitcase around i would have never made it are you a man of faith what's that man you know faith god i don't really think about it much ma'am ah that's too bad i don't know how anyone can get through it all without a little faith i have this feeling you have to hang on to that hope that there's something bigger than we are but there's a purpose to it all we're gonna have to work on that mister sorry man your faith or lack of faith i suppose and and please call me grace whatever you say grace is there a turkey waiting for you at home funny hard to focus on the road grace with all the questions right i'm so sorry you wouldn't believe this but like the last person you would ever accuse of being a motor moth let alone being nosy just for some reason i just can't shut up sorry let's just get you home actually if you make a right up here right here hey stop stop stop stop grace where's she going hey grace [Music] what the grace grace hey wait up will ya [Music] [Music] grace grace grace come here what are you doing here hey come on can we go come on grace grace hey we shouldn't be in here oh come on you never slept until high school before no i was too busy sneaking out of school i have so many memories we used to lay up there in those bleachers sun shining radio blasting you went to school here yeah regional we used to stop you guys from football oh yeah we used to stop you right back in this pool yeah it's not really the same thing oh really no oh you already back that up no i'm not a big fan oh someone's being a chicken no someone wants to get out of here before we get caught i remember the final meet like it was yesterday senior year this place was packed we'd won most of our races well my team had i wasn't really that good but i didn't care i was happy to cheer my team on grace but for some reason i don't know why i looked up and there he was he was sitting right here next to my mom my dad had actually made it to a meet you don't understand in four years my dad had never made it to a meet he was always traveling always too busy he was there clapping and cheering me on like it was the olympics or something at first i didn't know what to do i was a little embarrassed i mean sitting in the bench passing out towels and he didn't care he was so proud of me you wouldn't believe what happened next what the whole team's calling my name grace grace grayson i'm like staring at my dad oblivious it's finally one of the girls grabs me and she pulls me and she's points at the coach and the coach is frantic calling me over and i'm like what did i do wrong now it was the final release of the day one of the girls got hurt or something and for some reason the coach was calling my name what'd you do i smell i swam like i've never sworn before and we won we actually won it was awesome [Music] and that raised qualified as regionals and the rest like they say it's history well at least i'm in these parts it's it's a big deal yeah there was my daddy just cheering me on what i didn't know was that he had already packed all his things in his car that was the last day i saw him that's rough yeah you just don't know how much you need your father until he's gone i'm sorry i don't even know why i'm sharing this with you come on [Music] thank you oh here let me i got it i get that no no it's okay i got it no it's fine i just promise it's in good hands well it's okay all right oh this is heavy what do you have in here a toaster no no no maybe i should go i'm sorry i i didn't mean to do that look i didn't mean to upset you no it's just this i i just have some personal things in here that's all let me let me just take you home here you keep that safe for me sure [Music] [Music] [Music] another surprise ahead you never know let's skip the breaking and entering next time okay what breaking i just jiggle the door and it opened hi officer ah so you can't smile i knew it i smile that was torn around i mean you should smile more often looks good on you you know people would barely notice how bad you dress if you smile a little more hey you know what they say about a smile right what's that smell is like tight underwear it makes your cheeks go up that was really bad it was so bad are you okay i almost killed a man i know that guy hey are you okay bud are you okay i got a band of angels watching over me i'm all good what are you doing in the middle of the road i mean i could two seconds later we're all where we're supposed to be at any given time i can't say the scene for your carton hope that feels good what's what's that what's the last time you had a good laugh like that rick i couldn't even tell you how do you know my name oh i know who you are your wife jenna was a shining light to all of us at the shelter oh yeah yeah she used to love working down there we all miss her yeah i'm jeremiah pleasure rick of course you knew that everyone okay and who is the pretty lady hi i'm grace grace my perfect name jeremiah lifted up by god that's right smart lady you know i think the lord knew just what he was doing when he put this cart in your path i have something for you i was gonna give it to you this morning but you were in such a hurry that i didn't and then i well this belongs to your son luke where'd you get this jenna used to bring luke by the shelter from time to time i would play catch with him out back well one day he left it there and when we didn't hear but anyway i thought i would keep it secure thank you now you can give it to him yourself although i suppose you've bought him a new one a long time ago [Music] you okay i never liked working down at that shelter oh the riffraff maybe i was wrong she always saw the good in people i just saw the bad what happened to her there i go being nosy again i was a cop protecting serve it's my job to protect him rick pull over we've been working this big case for a long time we finally busted the guy a real stand-up citizen rotary club philanthropist kids in highway league schools works turns out he was also responsible for half the drug trafficking in the state i got a promotion he got 14 years instead of rotting in a cell somewhere he got cancer got it real bad too so they moved into a hospital i knew it wasn't gonna take him long to find a way out of there turns out i was the first person he couldn't wait to see i had scrimped and saved doing everything to hide it from jenna so while i'm sitting at a travel agency booking the parish trip she always dreamed of that dirt bag is coming for me babe i got you a little surprise i think you're gonna like it i saw luke uh playing ball down the street so i know that we are all alone right now just the two of us baby man that turkey smells fantastic oh isn't that sweet go ahead and pull it baby go out back right now honey you just stay right there sit down she got nothing to do with this jenkins she's got everything to do with us my wife my kids my life you took them all from me what do you want what do i want how about cure for cancer i'm dying detective i'm gonna die colton alone and i want you to know what that feels like are you a ninja keep moving towards me detective i'm begging you turn around right now and leave no harm no foul oh really no harm three shots ringing one went through my knee another one finished them off i fell to the ground and then i saw my wife laying there in the ground she was coughing hey what's going on what's going on what's going on it's okay it's gonna be fine take it easy luke knows how much come on hey stay with me okay maybe maybe maybe i failed as a cop as a husband as a father that was five years ago today i'm so sorry lived that day over and over and over it's never too late to keep your promise let's get you home [Music] can you stop the car what is it grace what's going on times are ticking do you think it's true that god has chosen that one special person for each of us that one person that's meant to be with us for the rest of our lives here we go again with the god stuff can we just grace what are you doing grace what not come on rick i can see a glimmer of hoping you you don't have to be the tough one all the time grace she did it again do you believe in love at first sight i used to work at this little coffee shop not too far from here this tall handsome marine walks in he sits at the counter i'm so nervous i could barely pour his coffee what are we doing here grace it was love at first sight for him he proposed on our first date i mean he didn't have a ring or anything but he knew i was the one and i knew he was the one too and then you came here and learned a dance and whatever one of your wedding right well i was so mean do you really have to say that you think you're dealing with special moments grace my wife and i came to this same studio this is where she taught me how to dance and yes we wowed everybody at our wedding and we vowed that we would never stop dancing and then your god in his infinite wisdom took her from me and we're never gonna dance together again how's that for a happy ending i'm so sorry sorry for what you'll have to be sorry you get to go have thanksgiving with your family and i can't can we just go to the car please was it love at first sight for you too does it matter maybe was it rick was it yes my heart was beating out of my chest the first moment i saw her then maybe it is true that god has that one special person for us and it doesn't matter how long we spend with them what matters is how we spend the time we had with them maybe that's why god put us together today to teach us how to appreciate every single moment we have no i i'm not much for dancer anymore i got that that bum leg remember come on no one's watching dance with me officer not now i know i got to review this case for the morning it's a case i'll still be there this moment it's a big case you doing i'm doing i got to work out of work dance right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and your friends and it all feels cold [Music] i'll follow you the way home i'll follow you the way [Music] in the context [Music] you can't talk straight there's no killing of if this heart is failing [Music] if your legs [Music] [Music] i'll follow you way your guide's not making this any easier on us it's dead this old piece of junk is dead you can always go walking walking no you know what i'm just going to go ahead and go walking it'll be fun it's a great day i'm going to grab my stuff you want to walk yeah i mean thank you okay let's walk [Music] okay so i think if we if we take a left here and we go around the bend we'll get straight through to your house isn't there another way we can go there well this will be the quickest way i mean it's a dead end anyway so we can just go somewhere else grace what's up my in-laws live up there oh maybe they can help us out with my car no they moved a long time ago can we just take another street please i understand you know i mean so you have some problems with your in-laws join the club i didn't say that they were wonderful so okay can you show me how the lights work [Music] hey you want to play hide and seek okay go hide don't go too far he's fine tommy was everything to them it was their one connection to their son while he was serving in afghanistan so your husband served overseas we would skype with him whenever we could tommy was so proud of his daddy daddy loved him to pieces here i come so how was your trip we still wanted to go oh it was wonderful you two have got to join us next time i know i can't find tommy what tommy well we can't have gone far tommy [Music] honey i couldn't breathe i couldn't move you're not the only one that thinks they fail to take care of the ones they love i've struggled with that for so many years blaming myself every day grace that wasn't your fault faith is believing the things we can't see i'm just trusting it's all part of a better plan and that there's a deeper meaning i gave up trying to figure out a long time ago oh you can't give up rick you can't you have to trust that god knows better than we do i've been dead inside for years grace there's no hope for me i was in that same exact dark hole that you're in there is hope believe me come on we should get going it's gonna get cold out soon yeah thank you rick for one for driving me for walking with me listening it's thanksgiving right [Music] luke honey it's time to eat be right there [Music] i hope you're hungry been smelling turkey all day grandma i'm starving good because we got some eating to do hey hey hey aren't you forgetting something young man dear lord we thank you for this special day and for all of our blessings and lord we just ask you to watch over those who can't be here with us today to share in them in your name amen luke amen so have you heard from your father today i left a message for him on his machine yeah grandma you should be here any sec but you never know it could happen grandma every holiday you set an extra seat and every year it stays that way well i i guess i just can't give up on him can we please just eat and not talk about it of course grandma do you mind if i eat my room you know it's just taken him time luke and it's taken more time than we would like but he'll come around you'll see does it even matter anymore really baby of course it matters your father loves you yeah well he's got a funny way of showing it can i okay you you have enough there yeah thanks grandma okay all right well be sure to save room for that cherry pie i made you i will i made whipped cream i think i just got a whiff of turkey coming out of the oven do you like turkey yeah i guess so i mean i actually i haven't sat down for a turkey dinner in a long time come to think of it i can't remember the last time i had turkey either yeah i'm sure your family will have a nice turkey dinner waiting for you you okay yeah i'm good you yeah sorry i ruined your day with this crazy little journey of mine trust me i had nothing better to do you know what let me go warm up inside there for a minute cute little church isn't it yeah if you say so what are you doing i'm just gonna see if it's open it's thanksgiving it's gonna be closed i'm gonna jiggle it and see it's been working for you oh that's so nice not really much warmer than outside is it oh i'm fine i just haven't sat on one of these pews in a while i miss it you i see i would i would take you for regular for uh this kind of thing i am in my heart i just haven't been able to come to service in a long time the whole new car thing that's silly but you're right a car would have been very helpful today so um did your wife go to church i'm sorry you don't have to talk about it no no it's fine yes yep she always came to church and i would come with her you know because she wanted me to my son seemed to like it so you know that made her happy you're a kind man rick any other guy would just sit in the couch and watch a game or whatever they do no it made her happy that's the only reason i haven't stepped foot inside a church in five years i understand sometimes it's hard trusting that his ways are higher than ours you know we should probably get a move on only because it's only gonna get colder as the night goes on do you mind if i pray before we go sure you can join me if you'd like no no i'm uh i'm good right here lord i was in a dark place this morning [Music] forgive me for not trusting you [Music] he sent me to the middle of nowhere and i met this kind man rick you made us meet at that very moment for a reason i pray that you soften his heart [Music] he's had a rough go of it i pray that you give him understanding and peace so we can continue our time together today amen [Music] do i hope you didn't mind me adding you to the prayer no no it's fine it's fine oh wait what i left my purse inside i'll get it for you oh [Music] god if you're up there please help me thank you [Music] we can cut through here okay hey where are we going shortcut shortcut are you sure i mean i have a choice grace grace where are we going now just trying to save some time get you home to your son i was thinking about that you know grace my son is it's just not the best i'm listening i know you're you say you're listening but you're not you're not really listening you're just walking you just keep walking grace hey sorry grace can you slow down a tad please sorry i don't know what's going into me i think it's still open space hey that's that's my own ball field i play little league there it was yes wow it's changed a lot but oh man back in the day we had dugouts on either side of the backstop and the bleachers were over in the corner my mom and pop they never missed the game really it's been a long time i would bring my son here before he was even old enough to play man he couldn't wait i'm sure you're in those bleachers watching every minute of your boy playing bob weren't you no i wasn't grace i was always too busy i'm sorry you would always beg me to play ball with him he would wear that that little glove and say daddy you play catch with me not today buddy daddy's got to go catch some bad guys at least he still got you around his mother jenna was killed it was just it was just a bad time i was uh he's been with my mom since it's been five years you still see him though of course i see him i see him every day he's not there he doesn't know you're there no i drive by i see him playing ball or hanging with his friends you can't do that a son needs his father it's not fair for you to stay away he's doing great he's a good kid he's better off without me you don't believe that i'm sure he misses you as much as you miss him i wouldn't know what to say just tell the truth tell me love him it's too late for that grace like you're still breathing it's never too late to tell your son that you love him i can't do that anymore you understand how much i long to hold my boy to tell him that i love him tell him that i'm gonna be there for him you still have time please special woman grace you're a special man right you're a father that needs a son now go out there and make it right so is ricky short for something like richard ricky yeah yeah it's short for ricky my um parents were born in cuba they loved watching um i love lucy really no not really gullible no it's short for richard in a long line of richards what about uh what about what about you huh what's your name short for gracie oh now you're just making fun of me no when my parents met there they were missionaries they wanted to remind me every day how to live my life and never forgetting god's grace that fits you thank you i'm going to take that as a compliment so is that who we're going to go see huh well you know today this whole journey i mean we're gonna go see your parents oh no my mom she died a couple of years ago and well my dad you know that story sorry i i really don't know how you do it grace what's that well you just you keep the faith i mean despite all these sad things that have happened to you right i mean next thing you're going to tell me you're dying some rare tropical disease or something [Music] what's what's the rush grace how did we get here come on we're almost there no no i i don't want to go this way grace grace we're here it's thanksgiving rick no better time than now i only need to do it grace your son needs you you need your son of course he can do it what if he hates me that's not possible huh i knew it [Music] i just knew it oh everything's given up yes it is oh my goodness where are my manners i'm anne grace well that's a lovely name thank you you told me you were bringing that guest i'm a mess my goodness you're cold as ice come in come in are you all hungry i'm sorry i've got so much food please come on i'll warm something up mom what is um is luke here well he's next door honey playing with his friends but you know he'll be back within the hour so please come eat oh my goodness so tell me how long have you two been seeing each other uh what was it um it was like like noon i think it was more like one was it one it was closer to one well you're crazy [Music] true [Music] oh there you go ladies first absolutely love amazing i i don't know if i can eat this but well do me a favor and try okay i can't remember the last time i had homemade pie it's so bad well there is plenty more where that came from hey son what are you doing here wow look at you you're growing up fast yeah you call five years fast we got you a little something i i don't i don't know if you remember this that's supposed to make everything better i think we can just hug it out pretend you're my dad again that would be nice it's not happening thanks for dropping by dad see you again in another five years luke honey why don't you just sit down have some pie with us luke just leave we're better off without you he hates me no no he just needs time like you did just don't give up so easy it's his turn now so proud of you uh [Music] [Music] going back to the stars luke [Music] [Music] luke look bud i just wanted to tell you that i'm sorry i know i messed up i know i know i wasn't a good father [Music] i'm not gonna ask for your forgiveness i know i don't deserve it i just i'm not gonna leave you again luke ever i'm gonna be here for you son okay maybe maybe sometime whenever you're ready we can we can just sit and talk i love you son [Music] hey so good we got to get you home can i borrow the karma of course let me just find the keys thank you for [Music] of watching thank you okay all right well grace i do not know where you came from but do not be a stranger because you are welcome here anytime thank you i'll be back soon okay mom all right all right love you love you bye-bye stop safely now [Music] just take a left right up here left what are we doing here i thought you said we were gonna go see your family today come i want you to meet my family i don't know what to say grace my husband never made it back for more he was killed not long after tommy drowned i'm so sorry i miss my babies happy thanksgiving tom this is rick if it wasn't for him i probably wouldn't be here today grace the date that your husband died that's the date yeah five years ago today that's a sign isn't it everything that happened today was supposed to happen all right grace just like you said nothing happens by accident that's god right i told you you had to work on your lack of faith you were right you were right grace oh my gosh i feel your heart beating through your check that's for you grace that's for you [Music] hey babe i miss you i met someone my name is grace we're just taking it day by day but i i got a good feeling about it i'm telling you this because i can't help but think you were watching out for me this whole time maybe this was this is all you're doing hey dad come on anyway i gotta go playing catch with our son we'll talk again soon i promise i love you [Music] [Music] like an angel on the wind like a whisper in the dark like a drought that finally ends suddenly there you are [Music] like winter turns to suddenly there you a are road that i can't wait to follow [Music] a place where i can see on my tomorrow's [Music] it's more than i'm worth it's more than i deserve but there you are [Music] i thought i'd never love again nothing left to me but scars you take a miracle but then suddenly there you are [Music] a place where i can see [Music] it's more than i'm worth it's more than i deserve but there you are my joyful day [Music] [Music] that i can't wait to follow [Music] it's more than i deserve [Music] but there you are there you are
Channel: SkipStone Studios
Views: 273,052
Rating: 4.7588534 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 42sec (5082 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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