Fooocus - Windows 10/11 - Install and Getting Started

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hello everyone my name is Jeremy welcome to the Mind renders Channel this is my first video not my first Venture with YouTube by any means but I have been really exploring and Diving really deep into image generation and uh you're listening to someone who is a chat GPT plus subscriber so I know my way around the kitchen when it comes to image generators I've delved and I've used different ones such as mid Journey I've used um a bunch of online ones that are free to use uh including Facebook's new one the Imagine um you name it I've most likely used them but all those free image generators that you can find online create people that look in my opinion pretty fake uh and when I say that I mean the skin looks airbrushed or like an oil painting so that sent me on a journey to find something that I can run on my local machine to create more realistic images of people so with that being said I'm going to show you what I've been using recently and I've been using this tool called Focus uh spelled with three O's f o o o c u s and I've been using this tool for oh I don't know maybe almost a month now and I've become very familiar with how this tool works it is very promising very awesome so I'm going to show you guys how to install this this is the first video in a series of the focus videos that I'll be creating to show you how I use this my workflows how to install it what models to use how to make people look more realistic and how to create cute images just like this on your own computer using your own GPU let's get started with Focus what you're looking at right here is the focus GitHub repository or project page this is an open-source project that was created by a person that basically wanted to take um Mid journey in stable diffusion and kind of combine them into one a simple UI that you can run on your own computer so with that being said uh to install this software you click on version two here under releases on the right side and then at the very top here for Windows 64-bit version we will click on the latest version that is here under releases now it is a 7z file which means seven zip it's just a tool that you can use to zip files you can also use WinRAR or I believe even Windows zip tool to unzip the file and it's almost a 2 gig file so it might take a while to download but for me it's just about done and there it is right there and these are the files you want to extract onto your desktop into a folder which I already did um called Focus or Focus Dasa and there is one small change that I'm going to make that could change the way you do things because without this you can only run it on the computer with the GPU now if you want to run Focus from your computer with the GPU on a different computer on your network you can do that now all you have to do is rightclick on the run.bat file like so click on edit and then add-- listen to that file and then go to file and click save and then close out and then double click on run.bat and the first time you do this it will pop up and it will download the Juggernaut model so it basically sees this as a fresh install when you first install it because it will be a fresh install and it will open up command prompt just like so and you will see everything that's going on with the application and when it's done it'll take a few minutes to download the 6.5 or 6.6 gigabyte um file for Juggernaut model and then when it's done it opens up in a browser just like so like you saw at the beginning of the video now if I untick Advanced this is how it will start out so I'll just refresh and this is how it looks notice how up here at the top I have my computer's IP address I can take this IP and port and punch it in upstairs my office is in the basement which is what focus is running on I can go upstairs in my recliner where my laptop is and I can punch this IP Import in and I can use it on my laptop upstairs and it generates all the images to this computer down here in my basement but I can still save them locally onto my laptop so it's a really good feature to add that --. listen so you can access Focus over your network on different computers now when you first see this browser open up you can see okay so here's a prompt and a generate button very basic okay now if I just type this in this prompt I'm going to delete the prompt text there now this is just a prompt I was using and messing around with the other day because my wife wanted to see some different um furry animal hoodies that uh my daughter could could wear that would look cute on her and this was a prompt that I came up with to kind of mimic that so if you just run this with the default settings let's see what let's see what happens here now you see it's taking 30 steps you can see that here on this side because by default Focus uses the speed setting now we'll go into more detail with that in a second on what that means basically it takes less time for your GPU to process the images now if you want better quality images you can tick that advanced um little box right here at the bottom and we can mess with that stuff here in a little bit but we can click this and we can click it again we can maximize this pretty good quality for the first image on speed setting if you ask me that's pretty awesome so by default it also has two images that we'll create at a time so right out of the box you can use this software without doing any advanced settings and this is just using the default Juggernaut model and this is what you can get from it now if you want different image sizes you want to use different models you want to use luras you want to get more detailed yep that's right you got to click this Advan box and all of this overwhelming boxes and Sliders and quality and styles and models and advanced stuff all that stuff comes in here and we'll get into all this stuff because I'm going to show you guys how you can even use turbo models in focus and it's not as hard as you think it is it's actually pretty easy to use but to start things off we can take a look at the model it's using Juggernaut and by default it does use this SD XL off offset Laura this is all default settings and the default size is 1152 X 896 which you can change to any of these here you can batch your images all the way up to 32 in a batch which I wouldn't recommend if you have a lower-end graphics card and that's one thing I should have told you guys right off the get-go I'm using a 2080 graphics card a lot of people think you need vram vram vram now you only need more vram if you're using a image size that's over 1024 by 1024 if you want to go into like 15 16,700 by 1700 then you're going to need more memory to process the size of those images but my my GPU has I believe I can run a quick DX diag here we'll go to display under here uh let's see it does say 11 so 11 gigs of vram which is good I got very lucky I've had this GPU for probably four or five years now well maybe not that long maybe 3 years you you can see how easy it was to install this is with the default settings when we talk about style Focus uses in the back end it uses stable diffusion but it simplifies the process so you can use this system or this software I should say on your own Hardware using your own GPU so it all boils down to What GPU you have on how fast your images are going to come out now that being said you can cut your time in half by using turbo models now we'll get into all that stuff in the next video I know this video's already been n or 10 minutes but I want to split this up just so that it's it's not so much to digest it in one video at a time take some time mess with focus with default settings use the Juggernaut model you can change it from 30 steps to 60 steps depending on which setting you use for quality for example if you use speed it takes 30 steps if you use quality it uses 60 steps extreme speed uses only eight steps we'll go ahead and run this really quick into six images in this particular batch now what you'll find is that using extreme speed you'll lose a lot of quality particularly in the mouth and eyes area and in strands of hair you just lose that fine detail that you would find in a more quality performance so there you go we'll take a look at using turbo models in the next video which I think you guys will find quite quite interesting because it's not as hard as it as it seems to to actually get those up and running there's only a few settings that we have to change I'll go over that with you guys hey not a bad first video If you guys liked what you saw today consider subscribing hit that thumbs up to help me out with the algorithm I appreciate you guys so much be sure to check out the focus subreddit on Reddit there's a lot of helpful information over there you can share your Creations your tutorials your tips and everything else over there as well check me out on mind some articles based on image generation and AI in general hope to see you guys in the next one I am just rambling on but I'm excited to share all this information with you guys I'll see you guys soon thank you so much
Channel: Mind Renders
Views: 9,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fooocus, image generator, stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial
Id: sAtsqyXsBqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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