How to Upscale in Fooocus

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learn how to use the upscale function and focus to go from this blurry image to this crisp image so right here I created an image just using the image prompt inside of focus so let's open up input image and inside of here we can just pull this image down into the upscale of variations stab and this basically works very similarly to Mid Journey so here's an example of how mid Journey uses this the upper portion is taking the initial image so this is U1 U2 u3 u4 same for the v's and the U is taking the exact image and if you press on the V it basically gives you a variation of it and you can also regenerate it with this button here one thing to make sure is that when you go into advance and you want to upscale something be sure to remove the random checkbox here and put the seat to zero otherwise it'll always try putting in new variations however if you currently want to try to get some variations like the subtle and the strong one let's put in the random seed let's try very subtle and let's see what kind of results we get all right we have the results in and as you can see it basically changed a bit of the facial structure and some really subtle things in the background for example in here it input a flag which wasn't there on the original picture as you can see so let's try again this very strong option and let's give it a different Pro for example smaller Castle in background one thing to take note of is if you have something written inside of your prompt that doesn't contain you know your main character in here then it might give you out something very different so instead of trying to input this smaller Castle on the background we just remove this prompt and again try very strong as you can see the output is actually quite different different now it however took the general bases of the image for example the mouse ears and the brown hair and this yellow/blue part and basically created different variations out of it but as you can also see the background is quite different so use this at your own discretion if for example you're not exactly happy with your initial image and go from there now when it comes to upscaling one thing to note is that you should always remove the random seed and put the seed to zero otherwise it's going to try to give you different variations while upscaling as well so instead I actually want to stay on my initial picture that I had here and I'm going to go for upscale 1.5 and click generate one more thing to also note when looking at the results is that it doesn't make sense to have multiple images generate while upscaling because they are basically the same result just with a higher pixel amount so let's bring this down to one and either of those Works obviously to the human eye it's very diff ult to see difference between a 1.5x upscale and a 2X upscale but you will see it when you zoom in and I'll show you that in a moment once we've gone through both of these since this was a one image upscale relatively straightforward done and you can download it and we can now also try the 2x fast upscale and see how quickly that was in comparison and here we go this was actually substantially faster I'd say about 10 to 20 seconds so this was our base image we zoom in it is quite quite High Fidelity but let's see how this compares to the next one you can already really see a difference in detail in the 1.5x upscale now let's go for the 2X and here you can see the results between our initial image on the right and now our 2x upscaled version here on the left
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Id: 23WUJYbfpiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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