Stable Diffusion - Download, Extract, Run That's It! - Easiest to use

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In this video, I'm going to show you how to set  up Fooocus, which is a user-friendly AI image   generation software, on Windows. Unlike  many other Stable Diffusion interfaces,   this one is much easier to use. There are advanced  options, but you don't have to use them. Now,   the biggest thing that you're going to have to  pay attention to is the system requirements.   Basically, if you have an Nvidia card, 20 series  or better, with 4 GB of video RAM or more,   you shouldn't really have many issues. Anything  other than that, you'd have to look at this chart   and determine what will work or what won't. Worst  case, just give it a try and find out. Obviously,   what you have for a video card and everything will  determine how quickly the images are generated. If   you don't have 7zip installed, you will need  it to extract the Fooocus download file. So,   you can go to the 7zip site if you don't  have it. If you have it, you can skip to   the next step. Once you're on the website, you can  probably click on the first link for the 64-bit   Windows. Once that's finished downloading,  we'll just click on the file to open it,   and then we'll just click on yes, and then  we just need to click on install to install   it to its default location and close it,  and we're all set to download Fooocus. Once you have 7zip installed, you can  go to the GitHub page for Fooocus,   and I'll include that link in the description.  Once on that page, you're just going to scroll   down a little ways until you find the section that  says 'Installing Fooocus.' We'll click on that;   it will bring you to the download for Windows,  and you want to make sure you know where you're   downloading it to. This should download the  .7z file. I'm going to choose the desktop for   this installation; that way, I'll just have  it right on the desktop, and I'll save it. Now, once it's finished downloading, you're just  going to want to go to where you saved the file,   right-click on it. Now, if you're on Windows  11, you may need to go down to the 'show more   options' in the context menu, and you're going  to be looking for the 7zip option and go into   the submenu from there. I'm just going to  extract it to a folder here on the desktop. Do keep in mind that once this is all set up,  everything will reside in that folder; it doesn't   actually install anything onto the computer.  Basically, everything runs inside that folder;   you can move it around, none of that matters at  that point. Think of it as more of a portable   installation. And once you've done extracting  the file, you can delete the original .7z file as   well. I'm going to switch over to my other primary  system to show you the rest of this. Now, once   that's all extracted, we'll go into the folder,  and I recommend you'll have three starting files   you can use to initially get everything up and  running. I suggest running run.bat first. That'll   open the command prompt, and at that point, it  will start downloading the models and everything   else that you need if you haven't already  installed them separately for some other reason.   This is the easiest way; let it go ahead, it'll  download what it needs automatically for you. One   thing I will recommend is whenever you're running  Fooocus, and if you ever run into any problems or   you're not sure what's happening, you can always  go to this command prompt window and see what's   happening in the background. Sometimes I've had  it gets stuck, and I've had to hit Control+C once   to kind of unstick it, but that doesn't happen  very often. Do keep in mind that these models   can be pretty good size, so it can take a while  to download depending on your internet connection.   And once that's done downloading the models and  everything, if you don't run into any errors,   it should automatically launch the browser  window, and you should see Fooocus right   in front of you with its basic setup, so at this  point, you're ready to start creating AI images. I'll give you a real quick walkthrough of  this, and in further videos, I'm going to   explore more advanced features. Now, once we  have Fooocus up and running, I'll give you a   real quick rundown of how this works. One thing I  will show you initially is where things are. So,   inside that folder that we extracted, you have  your three different files to run. So, when you   first run Fooocus, you have the option of running  it with these three presets: your most basic, or   standard Fooocus, would be the run.bat. If you're  trying to do more anime stuff, you want to use the   anime.bat, and if you're going for more realistic,  like photos, then you're better off usually with   the realistic.bat. What that does is load a  lot of the preset settings, the model specific   models. Once you run those, you can change  those settings and tweak everything as well. So now, as far as where all the images that you  create are stored, now if you go into your Fooocus   folder, inside that initial folder, you see,  find a whole bunch of other folders in here.   All your images will be output to the output  folder in here, and they will be coded by date;   each folder, each day, will have its  own folder, so you can go into here,   you'll see any images that you've created. There's  also the log file because Fooocus doesn't embed   any information into the images like certain  other ones do, but you will get that information   if you go into your log file here. If we click  on that, you'll see. It'll show on each image   that I've just created earlier; it shows all the  settings, and you can actually even copy those   to the clipboard and bring them in. I won't cover  that right now; I'll show that in a future video. So, this is the standard Fooocus when you first  launch it, and what you'd want to do at this   point, just to show you how it works simply, is  type something into the prompt of what I want for   an image. I will do 'a woman sitting on a rock  by the river', and then I'll hit generate. Now,   this is going to use all the standard settings.  I haven't turned on the advanced or anything   like that. You can use it this way, but pretty  quickly, you're going to want to start using   more of the advanced features, which I will cover  in a future video. So, once this starts rolling,   you'll see it; it explains what step it's on on  each image, and you can watch it as it generates   the images. Depending on what video card you have  and how much memory you have and everything else   will determine how fast this will happen on your  system. By default, it uses the speed setting,   and it also will generate two pictures at a time.  Now, at any point, if you see that you don't like   the image that's coming out, you can hit skip, or  you can hit the stop button to completely stop the   generation at that point. Sometimes it can take  a minute for it to actually stop everything. If you do want to check into some of the advanced  features, you'd click on the advanced option,   and you do have many options in here as well,  which I will cover in future videos. And that   pretty much covers the basic setup and  everything else. At this point, if I,   once I'm done, or as you can see here, I'll show  you in this folder here, we have now these two   additional images that we just created. Now,  you can also in here click on the images,   and if you wanted to save them, you could click  here and save them to wherever you want to save   them as well. I just go into the output folder  myself, and hopefully, that explains how to get   everything up and running with Fooocus. Hopefully,  you enjoyed the video, and like I said, I'll have   more videos coming up soon on how to use more of  the advanced features, including imp painting and   many other things. Thanks for watching, and  hopefully, I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kleebz Tech AI
Views: 16,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, install stable diffusion, midjourney alternative, fooocus tutorial, stable diffusion ai, fooocus installation, stable diffusion tutorial install, Install and Setting Up Fooocus, installing stable diffusion, fooocus stable diffusion, foocus, easy diffusion, install fooocus, getting started with stable diffusion, sdxl fooocus, how to install sdxl, focus ai, simple stable diffusion, easy install stable diffusion
Id: j1WuQndmgFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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