Complete control of AI Art - no more random results - Stable Diffusion

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so like I told you we're going to use stable diffusion it's pretty much one of the standards around the industry um we're going to use a program called fucus it's an image generator that's absolutely free and you can get it off of GitHub I'm going to leave some links to it and I'll leave some links to some videos that show you how to use it um we're not going to talk about that so much but it runs on your your own system it's not a cloud version and you can create thousands of images for free unlike when you go to softwares like uh you know Leonardo or Firefly things like that where you work off of credits and you know you burn your credits up especially on the free accounts and you're done this uh this way this sets up is you put it on your own PC and there's literally no limit to the amount of images you can run I guess until you fill up your hard drive if you want so when we do a a good prompt we're going to get good images on the but the thing is is that they're random we're looking for specific poses we want something exactly what the way we want it um so what we're going to do here is to get these poses we want we're going to jump over onto the to the internet here and we're just going to look for the pose that we had in mind I I just want kind of a shoulder shot mid photo you know um so we want something with a solid background that's going to make it a lot easier it's not necessary but it does make it a lot easier and I find this guy down here uh good solid background crisp picture and this guy is going to look nothing like our finished product but it gives us the pose we're looking for so we're going to take him over into Photoshop and uh we're going to uh take this image and we're going to bring it to 1344 by 704 and I only chose that because it's matches one of the presets on my stable diffusion and it just makes for an easier job in the long run now when we put this guy in here we're going to need to make him fill the entire frame so we may need to stretch the background a little bit but you want to make sure you get his proportions the way you want them so once we get the background straightened out we're going to save it and save it whatever you want just in a place where you can find it and we're going to uh drag this over into our uh fucus our stable diffusion generator so we're going to use it as an image prompt and we're going to set the settings low I put mine on just subtle and the quality is on high speed all we're doing here is trying to clear this picture up a little bit to give us something solid to work with now once we've got that we're going to bring him back into Photoshop and you can see now that our image is it's a little cartoony but it's nice and crisp and clean so since I'm going to want my character to be from Star Wars we're going to work on a Jedi here uh I want him to have a white robe so we're going to paint a you know very rudimentary white robe on this character and you know give it a little v-neck and uh we're going to add just a little bit of shading to it you don't have to do that but any shading you start with will actually make the the process go just a little bit faster we also want this character to have a hood so we're going to put a a very basic hood on this character I mean this is something that you don't have to have any artistic skills to do we'll throw a couple little shading spots in on the hood here just to to give the AI something to work with as a reference point and then we're going to throw this picture back in now is our image prompt and we're going to run that again like I said on the low quality and you can already see on the first run here that the the AI kind of knows what we want it's already starting to make it look a little bit like a robe so here's where the process uh starts to get fun we're going to drag that picture that we just created ated and make that our new image prompt and we're going to run it again and we're going to keep repeating this process until we get to a point where it's starting to look like something that that we're looking for and then we will be able to take that back over into Photoshop and start working on some of the details this is the basic prompt that we've started with um we will probably be adding to that later as we add details along the way so now we're back back in Photoshop and we're going to add our lightsaber the nice thing here is we can pick you know exactly the color that we want the angle that we want um so I'm going to go with a green lightsaber on this one and just make a real basic you know lightsaber with a light glow and then the white stripe down the middle and it's that's all that the AI would need now we're going to add a little reflection onto his uh robe here I add another layer when I do that so that I can uh blur it out a little bit and then go back and clean up the edge but it doesn't have to be perfect but what this will do is tell the AI that the uh the lightsaber is glowing off of his his cloak so we'll bring that back into uh our generator here and we're going to run the prompt again as we have been and uh we'll probably run it two or three times here and we're going to each time pull the finished image down from the top and we're going to drop it back down as our image prompt so when we run at the G now you can see that the lightsaber is starting to look better the glow on his cloak is starting to actually look like you know a light reflection light spilling onto it so we're getting closer to what we want and the skin and the details are starting to get there too so after we run this through a couple of more times um and the you know the the light reflection and the lightsaber start to look really good we're going to stop there for the moment and we're going to go back over to photoshop now when we take a look at it we can see in Photoshop here that the the glow on the cloak looks really good um so what we're going to do now is we might want to add some accessories like I think I want him to have a necklace with maybe like a a kyber crystal mounted in the The Necklace so we just come in here and we make like I said most of our art is on this is it's very rudimentary and we're going to make a a little pendant that is just hangs on a s a simple necklace and we're going to add a generic little crystal shape to the middle of it here um and remember this isn't super important how detailed this is um pick your color you know I'm going to go with a blue crystal but the one thing to here that does help a little bit is adding some Reflections now they can be very basic but just gives the AI something to work with to know that this is a reflective object now once we have that we're going to save that and we're going to go back one more time over to our our generator and we're going to drop this image in and we're going to run the process again we are going to add now into our promp a gold necklace with a blue crystal so as you can see being that the picture is already fairly detailed the AI took this one really quick and brought it into a pretty good detail so after we run that a couple of times this necklace is going to look really good and it's going to have um a lot of detail to it now we can add as many accessories as we want this way but we're going to stop here just for the video sake um what we're going to do now is work on our final picture we're going to switch our quality to the highest quality and upscale times two and uh we'll run this once maybe you know have to run it the second time if it's not exactly what we want but this image looks pretty good and I think we're going to stick with it so this uh you know is a way to to make things the way you want them to look and maybe you're looking like for a profile picture for your Star Wars game or you know any other number of things that you'd want to use these types of images for for me it's just the having the control to be able to make images just how I want and from the examples I'm showing now you can see this doesn't just apply to Star Wars I mean you can do this to anything uh popular things like dullum from Lord of the Rings um you know I mean any project you're working on I even use this same uh setup to go and make designs for sets like you're seeing here of the White House oldal Office very little creatures um but me personally I really enjoy making the Star Wars characters and you know there's nothing here that can limit your imagination this this uh way of doing things gives you the ability to create characters that you want even if they're wild and crazy characters you have the ability to do any of this so I hope this helped you out if it did maybe leave me a like or subscribe cribe and if you didn't like this or there's things you think I can do better drop me a comment and let me know thanks for joining us
Channel: Stable Diffusion Tips - With Fooocus
Views: 7,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ai art, stable diffussion, fooocus, star wars, jedi, sith, art, ai art hack, leonardo, firefly, DALL·E 2, DALLE2, tutorial
Id: 9UW719eveWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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