I became contributor for Fooocus because of AMD GPU! Contribute to stable diffusion community

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foreign [Music] welcome to my channel today I want to share the experience that how I make the contributions to one of the stable diffusion UI Focus which I introduced last time so if you remember it or if you don't please take a look at it I think it's like really a powerful stable diffusion UI so last time when I introduced it it didn't work for AMD GPU so after I uploaded the video I took a second thought and I figured out that it's quite simple to add AMD support to it so I made some edits to the Focus code base and did a pull request quickly I think it got approved so I become one of the contributors so yeah so this is me right here and if you look at the uh commit here and scroll down so you can find them like my contribution right here so I will I will show you like quickly what I did [Music] it was a actually quite simple because the the thing I found is that what didn't work for AMD GPU was because of the library called exformers so if you look at the uh the code here originally it installed the exformers package regardless amdr and media GPU however exformers doesn't support AMD GPU so I added the code right here to detect what type of GPU the user operating system has so for example if it detects the Nvidia GPU it will install the exformers if like AMD was detected it will skip this part so this way the entire project can work for AMD GPU so so I think that's basically it so if you look at here it's a data the detection part and then on the logical part is right here so if it's on a media GPU which will install the exformers otherwise it will skip this part so it's quite simple as that and then I did another uh edit on the readme that yet I think it is quite simple um yeah feel free to test your md GPU I think right now it should work for your md GPU and I will do a demo shortly before that I just want to mention that quite fun to to contribute to open source project and I as I have shown you that you can see sometimes it's it's really simple so yeah please I think if you found anything that can help the open source projects do not hesitate to make your contributions to to do the poor request can be really useful to the community thank you very much goodbye
Channel: Tech-Practice
Views: 6,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, gpu, amd, hardwares, stable diffusion, fooocus, github, open source
Id: fEcjPpO4azQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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