Discover the Essential A1111 Extensions for Stable Diffusion: Your Must-Have Toolkit!

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what's up YouTube let's check out some  must-have extensions and stable diffusion   for utility and how to improve your quality of  life this video is a bit longer than expected   but I'm giving a brief intro of the tool then  showing you what it does and then showing you   how to install it as always all the links  you need will be in the video description   and feel free to use the chapters to jump  around let's get started with our first tool the first one is image browser and this one is  a definitely must have have you ever wanted a   personal Library like mid-journey or playground  AI or even Leonardo AI well that's basically   what this does and it does even more than that  every time I use this extension I keep thinking   to myself how convenient is this and I wish that  automatic 1111 just had this by default once you   install it you'll have a tab called image browser  you go in here and you can search all the images   that you've made text image image to image text  to image grids so let's look at image to image   these are some textures and images I made in  my Advanced photopia tutorial if you watched   it you might recognize These Wings that I took  off a duck to put on my model and when you get   in here you met with this interface you can see  your text image your image to image your extras   as well as some pictures that you can actually  add to your favorites which is pretty cool and   then you could also go to text to image that you  could type in a keyword like Rusty for example   and then you can click on one of the pictures then  you can see all the information about that picture   and here you can see the prompt that was used the  steps the CFG scale the D noise strength even the   model that I use all the way down to to the seed  for this pitcher and the file name where it exists   so something really cool I can do is actually send  this to text to image image to image or outpaint   in paint control net you can send this everywhere  and you could also open the folder that exists   in right here so check this out you can actually  click on text to image and now you'll see that the   exact prompt that I use is now here so if I click  on this it's going to make me that same image so   I'm going to click on it right now and there  you go it created the same exact image that's   pretty neat I really like this extension because  it's convenient and it's something that stable   diffusion should have had by default it really  sucks to go into the folder structures and try   to look for something it takes forever I love that  you could just type something like desert here in   the prompt in image to image Tab and then you get  all the pictures that use desert in the prompt and   then you can just click on it you'll see what you  did to generate it and it's pretty awesome so this   is definitely a must install to install this is  pretty simple you go to the extensions tab right   here then you click on available then you click  on load from now I have the installed filter on   check mark because I already have it so I want  to show it to you guys but you should have this   check mark so I'm going to type in image browser  or image brow and you can see it pops up right   away I'm not sure what this infinite image browser  is but this is the one right here that says image   browser provides an interface to browse created  images in the web browser and then all you have   to do is click on the installed button I already  have mine installed so I can't click on it but you   would just click install right here and it should  take about five seconds to install and as always   you have to go to the installed sub tab up here  then click on check for updates and then click   on apply and restart and just for good practice  I would always reboot your table to Fusion web UI oh no the next one is system info and this  one is a must-have for me and it's an amazing   quality of life add-on because I do larger jobs  and I want to know the status of things also if   you're running this remotely via a server you'll  still have the ability to see what's going on so   this is very important cool so now I'm going  to go back up here and just click generate and   while that's generating let's take a look at  System Info here as you can see it's showing   the stats about like what step it's in what job  it's in and uh see here it says 7 out of 10 and   it has a bunch of system info as well as your  memory usage cool almost done there 10 of 10   so now I can come back you can always read this  in your command prompt but unless you're from   The Matrix I mean have fun with that great  outfit how much to close cost in The Matrix to install this extension it's super easy just go  ahead and go to the extensions Tab and click on   the available sub tab now click on load from now  just type in System Info right here in Search and   for me it's the only one that pops up I'm going to  go ahead and click on install all right so now it   says it's installed but you always have to go to  the installed sub tab then check for updates and   always apply and restart then after the refresh  you'll have a tab here that says system info just   a heads up you're going to want to close your web  UI user command prompt and restart it as I had a   lot of problems so uh to avoid all those problems  just go ahead and close this and reopen it [Music]   the next tool is an impainting tool called SD  web UI in paint anything and it pretty much   works like segment anything and if you don't know  about the segment anything model it's basically   called Sam it's from meta AI but the cool thing  about this what makes it special is that it has   the ability to detect objects so you can just  click on them and then it's able to recognize   what that object is and you could actually do  things with it you could either change like   this wood you could change it to Marble or you  can change these fruits into something else like   I don't know like you could make these bananas  into quarters but that's essentially what this   tool does all right so let's test out a picture  real quick so I'm going to draw up a picture in   here I'm going to use this picture right here um  there might be a little too much going on so this   is going to be a rough test here but let's try it  out so just make sure you upload that input image   here then you can click on edit to change the  canvas size then click on run segment anything   and keep in mind you want a smaller image to  work on you don't want something like 3000 by   2000 are going to be here for five minutes for  each generation go ahead and look at this here   it basically created a segmentation map but we  now have the ability to one click on something   and just kind of create a mask on it so let  me create a bigger mask so you can see it so   I'm just going to just put a dot right there  I swear her hair is and then I could create   the mask then I could just type something  here in the prompt I could put like fiery I'll put fiery red hair on fire and then I'm  gonna click on run in painting and see what it   gives us as you can see the tips here are kind  of not selected that's something you would be   able to get with picks to picks which is another  extension that does something similar but you'll   be creating the mask instead of it being able  to detect separate items in your drawing so   that looks pretty nice actually so but when  you download it and zoom in you're gonna see   here that on the tips it didn't get it very well  but I think actually that's acceptable but pretty   amazing there's so much more functionality to this  and there's a lot more to say about it but this is   just a preview showing you that this tool exists  that you can go get this extension right now so   let me show you how to do that the first thing  you need to do is go to my video description   and you'll find a GitHub link for umunosachi and  it's going to be SD web UI in paint anything and   this is pretty much the Sam model doesn't have  all the functionality it can actually determine   the property of the items it detects but it can  detect items and it can actually change those   items so you can change a jar of pickles into a  jar of plums or something like that so this isn't   on the stable diffusion extend engine repository  just yet so you're gonna have to go to this site   and then click on the code button right here so  the green button up top when that opens up you'll   have the link here that you can copy we're going  to need this URL for the installation now head   on over to stable diffusion in the extensions  tab the sub tab install from URL then paste   the extension in the URL for extensions git  repository so I'm going to press Ctrl V and   paste that in there and then click on install  since I already have this installed there's an   assertion error here but yours will say installed  and I'll tell you what directory installed it to   after you get the confirmation that it's installed  click on the sub tab installed then click on check   for updates then click on apply and restart and  it's always a good idea to restart your web UI foreign all right the next great extension is  canvas zoom and I use this one a lot it's one   of those extensions that you don't even know you  need it until you start using it and you're like   I use this a lot so this extension is a must  for me because I do some out painting with my   in painting I'm going to show you why it's so  important so I'm going to take this image right   here from my image browser and then I'm going to  send it to image to image I'm just going to render   it so I can get some black bars on the edges so  I can do some out painting with my in painting   I did a whole video on this and if you want to  check it out it's in the video description now   I create an image with black bars around the side  and by default you only have the color black but   canvas Zoom actually gives you the ability to  use other colors as well as other things like a   transparency mask and things like that I've never  actually used that one but I need the color green   here so you can actually hold Ctrl and scroll  up to make it bigger and you could press X to   zoom into your picture then you can hold shift to  zoom all the way in and this one's pretty blurry   let me paint out on the side here and show you  what I'm talking about when I say out painting   within painting so the ability to have colors is  pretty neat because otherwise you would just have   black and you wouldn't see what you were doing so  now I can actually just go ahead ahead and press   s again to minimize the picture now I'm going to  raise the denoising strength all the way up to 7   and generate all right so the inpany came out  pretty nice but it left us an extra foot which   is a little weird but let me show you how close  you can actually zoom up into this so press s   and it'll bring out the picture then you can hold  shift you can zoom all the way in now I'm going   to hold Ctrl and scroll up and make it about the  size of the shoe and there we go we're so zoomed   in we can actually out paint this really tiny  rock all right so press s again a couple times   until you get back to the normal in painting and  then just go ahead and click generate and there's   our final product and it's a little bit blurry but  her legs are longer now and got rid of that foot   definitely got to fix her hands and the blurriness  on her face but that's beyond the scope of what   this is which is showing you the extension  one cool thing you can do is you can go to   extensions and you can click on installed then you  can just click on this link URL here adjacent to   Canvas zoom and it'll bring you directly to the  site where they'll have a video that will show   you all the features of this tool okay so let's  take a look at the install and it's just a normal   standard install go to your extensions tab click  on available click on load from then type canvas   zoom in the search bar I already have it installed  so I'm going to uncheck installed here so you can   actually see it and here you see canvas Zoom so  you would just click install here then click on   the installed sub Tab and check for updates and  then apply and restart and to avoid any issues   just go ahead and close your web UI user command  prompt and just open it up again start fresh   you next up on the list is aspect ratio Helper and  aspect ratio selector they're so easy to install   so why not get both of them once you install  them you'll have access to them and text the   image and image the image it's gonna make your  life a lot more easier when choosing something   like a portrait versus a landscape it's going to  automatically do it for you first let's take a   look at aspect ratio selector after you install  it when you scroll down here you'll have these   buttons right here so you can actually select  different ratios three by two one by one four   by three sixteen by nine now this is based on  the current resolution that you have up here so   if I put this right here and then click 16x9  it's going to give me 1138 by 640 which is a   16x9 of what you currently see here that's not  the actual resolution of this image and if you   want you could do the auto detect size from image  to image now I'm not sure where I got this button   but I'm pretty sure it was from control net but  I'm having trouble trying to figure out where   everything is but if I click this it's going  to automatically select my actual resolution   that's a totally different extension so don't get  confused there there so this button right here   does the same exact things if you click on this  button here it'll give you the current resolution   of what your image actually is so I'm going to  click on that now you see it's a 3840 by the 2176   then once you got what you want just click apply  now aspect ratio helper is a little different and   it's actually the one that I prefer first of all  it's at the top here so you can actually see your   image when you're working on this all you have to  do to use this is click on this little button here   right next to your resolution and then you can  lock the aspect ratio to whatever you want here   so if I wanted 16x9 and I move this it's going  to auto adjust to a 16x9 resolution as you can   see here it went from 1200 to 672 no matter which  way I move it it's going to try to give me a 16x9   same thing if you put a three by two it's going to  do the same thing this one has less functionality   but it's more minimal and I like it so installing  this is pretty easy and it's just like the ones we   installed earlier there's a theme Here you click  on available you click on load from then you go in   the search box down here and you type in aspect  now I have to uncheck this you guys won't be   doing this this is only because I already have it  installed and there it is aspect ratio Helper and   aspect ratio selector just click on install all to  install them but of course once you're done with   that go into the installed sub tab then click on  check for updates and then apply and restart UI the next one is going to improve your prompting  game big time and this is borutag auto completion   prompting and it's going to actually give you  suggestions for a problem and it's gonna also   rate things and give you which one is the coolest  thing to actually pick so let's take a look at   this now when you start typing something here  into the prompt you're going to see a list of   things that you can actually choose from that  are sorted and rated by popularity so if I type   in cyberpunk machine parts they'll actually  just put that tag in there for me now let's   type in cinematic and see what it gives us  Marvel Cinematic Universe maybe that one's a   good one to you so it's going to give you a bunch  of suggestions that are popular that you can type   in stuff like Master you can see Masterpiece which  is a very popular quality tag for stable diffusion   everybody uses this normally you would actually  put this at the front of the prompt and then you   would add this is this then paste that and then  add more columns and this gives it more strength   another way you can do this is actually put 1.5  to make it a little bit stronger and delete the   delete the columns The Columns actually  represent 10 percent so every time you add   a closed column it's 10 it's 10 extra of 100 so  one column will be 110 and then 120 130 and so on   right now at colon 1.5 it's actually going  to be 150 so that's actually quicker just   keep in mind that deep boros and Anime site so  it's going to be more anime based so I put in   fantasy and it gave me Final Fantasy was like the  number one topic here but it doesn't hurt to have   some suggestions right I don't know about that  suggestion one girls one girl that's like the   number one four million 4.1 million what does  that mean let me let me try that okay not bad   wow not bad that's from two words to install  this tool it's really easy just like the ones   before it you go to the extensions tab the  available sub tab you click load from then   you just click on install right here and as  always go to the installed sub tab click on   check for updates and then click apply and restart  and that's it you installed yet another extension foreign next we have SD Dynamic prompts this  is also known as wild cards and this is pretty   much like mid Journey's variation feature but on  steroids and the coolest thing about it is you can   actually Define the variation so you can give it  a list of all the different types of variations   that you wanted to do and it's super easy just to  print out a hundred different pictures with 100   different variations all based on the parameters  that you gave it I know it sounds complicated but   I'm going to show you the easy way to do it  there was actually someone who did a thousand   prompts he pretty much just gave it a wild card  and increased the batch size and then walked away   this is a pretty powerful tool and you should  check out the SD Dynamic prompt site I'll leave   it in my video description and you can see all  the different features that it has alright so   real quickly I'm going to teach you how to install  custom wildcards and so the first one is this mad   JB site so there's just he has a collection here  a repository so you can just triple click at the   link here at the bottom of this site it'll be in  my video description so you can go check that out   and there's two more other repositories here if  you want to just do the same exact process we're   doing now so go ahead and copy this right here  then go to this folder right here stable diffusion   in web UI extensions SD Dynamic prompts so I'm in  stable diffusion going into extensions then here's   my SD Dynamic prompts and then this is where I  would actually go into the address bar up here   and type in CMD and press enter CMD press enter  and Now command prompt will pop up and then you'll   just paste what you copied in there keep in mind  that git clone is already here so you don't have   to type it in and if you do you're going to get  error and it's also important to mention on the   site it has a link to git if you don't have it  but you should have git if you installed stable   diffusion go into SD wildcards go into the wild  cards folder and just copy everything in there   and then go back up two folders back to the SD  Dynamic prompts folder then click on the wild   cards folder and then just create a folder for  Matt JB and paste everything inside as you can   see I have a folder that says created by me and  this is where I put my own custom notepad now   everything you downloaded from that JB is going  to be in here so each one of these represents a   list you go in here and I click an actress you  can see there's a bunch of different actresses   in here now going back into stable the fusion  you'll see wild cards manager then you choose   the matte JB and you'll see all the different  options from the list that you downloaded from   him you'll see fantasy creature flower all this  stuff and then the one we were looking at earlier   was actress which is up here when you click on  that it's going to throw all that in here then   all you have to do is triple click in here and  right click and copy it and then just go ahead   and put it in your prompt as you normally would  right there now I'm going to create my own list   and what I did was I went into chat GPT and I  typed in give me the top 25 fantasy artists and   it gave me a list here but you can't put it  in with the numbers so just ask chat gbt to   remove the numbering and then you can just copy  and paste this stuff and then put it into your   custom notepad so in the SD Dynamic prompts wild  cards folder in your stable diffusion extensions   I have this created by me folder and then I put  this artist fantasy notepad in here it just has   to be a notepad there's nothing special about  it and you just paste everything in here so it   just has to be in this format which is just word  afterward and it could be phrase after phrase then   just save it in there I would recommend putting  category underscore a subcategory or you can just   go and name it so I put artist underscore fantasy  so let's take a look at my custom Wild Card which   is right here created by me and there's only one  in there so this is it right here so I could just   copy this then we're gonna head on over to text  to image and you could just drop that right here   after whatever you typed and it's going to choose  from those artists one thing you want to do is   increase the batch size so you can see multiple  different styles of the artist so you can compare   let's check this one out so it used different  artists for each of these castles and it came   out with different results which is pretty cool  now let's try generating something again see what   it gives us all right let me add NSFW for some  reason there was a nude girl in um something   that said cinematic shot of Castle so one of  the artists must have been the one for Conan for the next one I'm going to use the aspect ratio  helper that we installed and I'm going to do a   16x9 which is pretty much a landscape shot and  then I'm going to click on generate this is like   mid Journey's variation button but on steroids  because you can actually put as many artists as   you want in there then you can increase the batch  count as well as the batch size let me try 10 and   I'm going to click generate so that should give  me 80 pictures of castles under the style of all   the different artists that we put on that wild  card which is pretty amazing so this is a good   time to look at system info and you can see here  it's on Job 3 out of 10 and it shows the batches   as well as well as a bunch of other information  over here about my memory and things that are   going on with my computer by the way that matte JB  the one that you downloaded actually has a lot of   different you know body shape civilization there's  just a complete list of all this different stuff   because even this stuff whoa whoa whoa what's  up there buddy but yeah there's multiple lists   um that I'm gonna put in my video description that  you can grab from but I suggest you just go and   chat GPT and start creating a bunch of these list  perhaps put like art mediums painting Styles like   oil paintings and all that stuff and you can get  just a bunch of different styles with one click   there we go 80 different pictures of castles and  they all look pretty great and if you want to look   at these in more depth then you can actually go  into your image browser see we're using all of   these extensions already I find out that I always  have to click on refresh to get it to show but   here you can see all the images that were just  generated and you can go through all 80 pictures   by going to next page next page and this is pretty  amazing so let me click on this one I mean that   looks pretty nice then you can go back here let  me click on this one and this one's pretty nice   it's a little blurry but we can definitely clean  that up take a look at this one this one looks   pretty nice it's like a castle in the middle of  the ocean but yeah image browser is a great tool   as well to look at this stuff I mean right here  I can see all my pictures I would hate to have to   go into my folders and try to look at these one  by one and here's the original pictures that I   created alrighty to install this tool it's pretty  much the same story you go to the extensions tab   with stable diffusion you go to the available  sub Tab and click on the Big Orange load from   button and for my settings you're going to notice  again that install does not check mark for you it   needs to be check mark then type in dynamic in the  search prompt then look for dynamic prompts and   then click on the install button over here at the  right but once this is finished installing just   go ahead and click on the installed sub tab click  on check for updates up here and then click on the   Big Orange apply and restart UI I would recommend  that you restart your web UI for this one because   it has a function to it so definitely restart  just a fun fact you can actually right click on   the generate button and click on generate forever  so you can make more than 80 pictures you'll just   keep making pictures until you actually stop this  thing and click on cancel generate forever so just   keep going and going and going just be careful if  you use this you're going to have memory issues   let's put it that way and also don't try to do  a send interrupt it's not really going to do the   job it's going to stop one job but it's going to  keep going so if you do generate forever make sure   you cancel generate forever to stop it now one  thing I want to mention is that you don't want   all the these extensions running at the same time  you're just going to have like 20 30 tabs up here   there might be conflicts between extensions  which I'm only assuming I don't know if there   is any conflict all you have to do to temporarily  put them away is just uncheck them right here and   then that's it just click on apply and restart and  then you don't have to see them in here until you   want to use them but definitely check for updates  regularly and apply and restart and then if you   want to completely delete the extension go ahead  and close your web UI by pressing the X here and   then go into your stable diffusion folder inside  extensions and just find the extension that you   don't want anymore and just right click on it  and delete it just make sure you're not deleting   anything you want to keep but there shouldn't  be anything in here that you want to keep all   their outputs go to the output folder here in  stable diffusions right here but yeah that's all   I had and those are some great extensions that  you should install and these are utilities now   I'm going to make another video soon for five more  extensions but these are going to be more focused   on tools that have a lot of capabilities and  they're almost like their own application within   stable diffusion these were utility based and  they're very easy to install and there's no reason   not to download these these are just improvements  to quality of life and working in stable diffusion   to make it easier for you the in-paint app the  wild card generator image browser all of those   are pretty amazing canvas Zoom all great tools  anyways if you like this video or if you like this   type of content go ahead and give it a thumbs  up I'd really appreciate it and it definitely   helps me out so keep an eye out for that new  extensions video or you can just subscribe   and you'll see it when it pops up want to say  thanks for watching and take it easy [Music] thank you [Music]   thanks for stopping by
Channel: Artificially Intelligent
Views: 76,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stable Diffusion Extensions, top a1111 extensions, automatic 1111 extensions, ai art tool kit, Best extensions for a1111, top stable diffusion extensions, stable diffusion tutorials, stable diffusion secrets, canvas zoom, SAM segment Anything model, sam extension for stable diffusion, stable diffusion image manager, stable diffusion system info, aspect ratio helper, aspect ratio selector, booru autotag suggestions, wildcards, image browser, sd dynamic prompts, a1111 variations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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