All Hate Aside: Deceased Man's Girlfriend & Mother Settle Feud (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is the case of<i> Phillips v. Williamson.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Phillips. You claim that you are certain the defendant's deceased son, Phillip Daniels, is the father of your three-month-old daughter A'Miracle Phenomenal Daniels. You say it wasn't until after his tragic passing that Ms. Williamson began to deny her grandchild. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: You believe today's results will prove what you already know, that A'Miracle is her grandchild. Is that correct? Correct. Yes. Ms. Williamson, you claim that the plaintiff is both a liar and a cheat. You say your doubts began the moment your son told you himself that he was not the father, and you're here today to defend his honor. Is that correct? Yes, I am. 'Cause she knows she's a liar and a cheater. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) All she do is lie. She lie about everything. What don't you lie about, Larissa. When did he ever tell you that he wasn't the father? JUDGE LAKE: All right. Hold on. Before I get into the case, Ms. Williamson, I do want to acknowledge that I'm allowing you to wear sunglasses in the courtroom today, because you are dealing with an issue, a medical issue with your eyes, and that is okay. I just want you to know. Thank you. All right. I wanna start with you, Ms. Phillips. Why are today's results so important to you? Tell the court. Because my daughter needs the death benefits of her father. And she needs the help. What death benefits? There's no death benefits. He didn't have a job. So what you're saying is, Ms. Phillips, that your child is in need of support? PHILLIPS: Yes. Even... I could support her myself. I have a job. I could support her myself. But you believe if there would be death benefits, it would be owed to her? It will be death benefits. There's no death benefits. He's not the father, Your Honor. (SCOFFS) All right. So let's get to the paternity question. You say he's not the father. Why don't you believe Ms. Phillips' daughter is your son's biological child? WILLIAMSON: Because he said he caught her... She brought another guy to my house. PHILLIPS: When? He answered the phone plenty of times where there was another young man on the phone talking to him. When? He was doing the cheating. There was no commitment. He was the one going back and forth from... All right. So what did he tell you about the relationship? I mean, she was at my house a couple of times. She was there or whatever, but he dipped and he dabbed. Okay, but... Listen, wait. Let's be clear. Him dippin' and dabbin' wouldn't land us in paternity court regarding this child. PHILLIPS: Thank you. JUDGE LAKE: So, while we understand that maybe he was cheating as well, I do wanna understand further, Ms. Williamson, why you believe Ms. Phillips may have been "dippin' and dabbin'?" Because, I was there the time she'd brought a young man to my house, and he got very upset, and also I was there when a young man called to her phone, and he answered the phone. And they have... They were bickering over the phone, stuff like that, so he hung up. And he was asking her like, "So, who was this guy?" And she was like, "Ain't no guy call my phone. "That wasn't no guy." So he went back to the number. She was like, "Well, I talk to him every now and then." That man was about 40 some years old. What am I gonna do with him? WILLIAMSON: Another lie. Forty years old? You can still make a baby at 40 years old! Not with him. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Not with him, I wasn't. Not at all, Your Honor. This man was like this tall. What am I gonna do with... Short men make babies too. What am I gonna do with the man this tall? Nothing. JUDGE LAKE: You can still make a child, let me tell you that, but listen. Ms. Williamson, what I wanna understand is, you say your son saw Ms. Phillips with somebody else. WILLIAMSON: Yes. Tell the court what happened. WILLIAMSON: My son came outside and just asked her, "Why would you bring another man into my house?" She was like, "I just came over here, do-do-do-do, boo." (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Do-do-do-do, boo? What is that? It was just like a little conversation. She was sayin' what she had to say to him, and he was sayin' what he had to say to her, so. Yeah. Oh. Okay. So, that's conversation. WILLIAMSON: Yeah. When your son found out Ms. Phillips was pregnant, what was his reaction? Did he tell you? Was he happy? Did he immediately say, "I'm happy I'm having a baby! This is my baby, Mom?" No. He was just saying that she's claiming that she's pregnant by him. It's never good when they say "claim". When I took the pregnancy test at her house, when she was asleep, in her bathroom. And you showed me... That's how I found out 'cause you showed me the pregnancy test. And I took it outside to him and showed him that I was pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: And what was his reaction? He was happy. Did the test tell him, or I told him that she was pregnant? He was happy. You're so hilarious. You are too. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Williamson, you say his response was "She's claiming she's pregnant by me." Right. 'Cause he didn't believe that she was pregnant. JUDGE LAKE: That's a whole... Hold on! Oh, first he didn't believe she was pregnant? No. What does he say to you? He told me that he don't believe it's his child. JUDGE LAKE: And why did he tell you that? When? 'Cause she'd been dippin' and dabbin'. When? Did he ever find out for certain if she was with another man or not? No. 'Cause I was with him every day. I'm asking the question to Ms. Williamson! Ms. Williamson, did he ever find out that she had slept with somebody else? Yeah. 'Cause she told him. How can I sleep with somebody else if I'm with him every day? Well, you can, trust me. In this courtroom... This is the thing though. Did you ever say he wasn't the daddy? I never said it! I never said he wasn't the father. So you never said he wasn't the dad? I never said it. You never put this up, that he wasn't the dad? What is that, Ms. Williamson? Now let me tell you about this. Let me tell you. Ms. Williamson! What is that? A fake page that they made when I was first pregnant. Oh, you're saying I made this page? JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, hand me that paper. I made this page for real? Please. You believe with your heart that I made this page? One of y'all made it. JUDGE LAKE: So wait. This is a post from Rissa Phillip. (JUDGE LAKE READING) (CHUCKLES) Let me point something out to you, Your Honor. You see how "Phillips" is spelled? Why would I go make a fake page and spell my last name wrong? Please, tell my that. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Please tell me why would I, though? That's not good. She put on her status that she don't want me to be his baby's mom. Well, guess what? It's too late. I don't! And the baby is already here. I don't! It's too late. What's gonna happen? And I'm not gonna deal with you. You don't have to. I'm not gonna deal with that baby because of you. Okay. That's fine. That is very fine. And you did that. Remember that. And let me tell you, Your Honor. (GAVEL KNOCKING) If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. This is ridiculous. I don't like her. JUDGE LAKE: We can tell that. I don't like her. And we can tell that too. But guess what? The baby, A'Miracle, that's who I'm here for. And that's exactly what she is. Because you all can go on and on and on and on about you don't like her, and you don't like her. That's obvious to everybody in the room. But what we're trying to find out is are you A'Miracle's grandmother? And that's why she'll never be her grandmother. JUDGE LAKE: Well, no, Ms. Phillips. I hate to tell you but... I got six other grandchildren. And that's great. JUDGE LAKE: Hold on! You talkin' about, "I don't like her," and her talkin' about, "I don't like her either." That's petty and that's silly 'cause that has nothing to do with A'Miracle. Nothing! Because she's already here. She's already a living, breathing person. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) It has nothing to do with it. And we're already at a point where we have a tragedy. This young man lost his life. Your son has lost his life. If this baby is his, if it is... So now you don't care? She never did. Never did. Say it again. One more time. She never did. And that is the truth. Oh, is this my grandbaby? You just said I wasn't the grandmama. Now you don't care. What? No, hold on! Too many people talking. I wanna go back to the fact that, Ms. Williamson, are you saying to me, honestly... You know a lot of the reason why I let you all go back and forth for a moment is because I couldn't imagine, as a mother, being in your position. And I feel for you. I really do. And I know a lot of the hurt and the anger that you feel is because you have endured a tragedy that no mother, no mother, would ever want to have to endure. I don't care what she say about you, you don't wish that on your worst enemy. Losing a child. It's all right. Sometimes you just got to take a moment and let the tears fall. Ms. Phillips, take me to the day you gave birth. I didn't even wanna give birth to her. JUDGE LAKE: Why do you say that? Because he wasn't there. JUDGE LAKE: 'Cause he wasn't there. I tried to hold her in there, inside me. I was waiting for him to walk in through the doors. I loved that man. I always loved him. He knew that. If she didn't know it, she know it now. I just want her to know this is her grandchild. JUDGE LAKE: You say the day you were in the hospital you were trying to wait. You didn't want the baby to be born 'cause you really wanted him to be there. PHILLIPS: Even though I know he was gone, I was waiting. Because you just had not processed the grief of him being gone. I still haven't. Oh, I can tell. Did any of the family members come up? Did any of his family members, his mother... PHILLIPS:<i> His brother came after I had her.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> In the hospital to see A'Miracle?</i> Yes. He held A'Miracle and looked at A'Miracle. Just staring at her like, "This is my brother's baby!" WILLIAMSON:<i> You can play with your man. That baby don't even look like my son.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, you're saying that his brother looked at A'Miracle and...</i> PHILLIPS:<i> He was just holding her.</i> Him holding her, just sitting there and holding her. Didn't wanna lift his head up. JUDGE LAKE: All right. That's telling you this is my brother. When she first came out she looked like him and his brother. All right. Well, I'd like to hear from Mr. Daniel's brother. Jerome, will you please escort Daniel Randall into the courtroom? That's what that baby look like. Could be somebody in the audience's baby. Is this your baby? JEROME: Let's bring you up to the witness stand. JUDGE LAKE: Let's not start clowning again, ladies. WILLIAMSON: (WHISPERS) Could be your baby. RANDALL: Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning, Mr. Randall. Thank you for joining us. I'd like to say first that I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you. We're here talking about the paternity as it relates to baby A'Miracle. And she says you looked at the baby and you said, "This is my brother's child." Is that, in fact, true? Um, no, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) I don't know if that's my brother's baby. But that's why we're here now to get the answers. 'Cause looks is deceiving. So at that time, you didn't make a decision as to this is my brother's child or not? No, because my brother had his own doubts in his head, because of the things he told me and the things that were sent to him, Your Honor. What was sent to him? What did your brother say? The words that came out of his mouth is, he don't know if that's his child or not. Because he had a picture of Larissa, naked, that she's supposed to have sent to somebody else. Hey, Your Honor. I could tell you about that. He took that picture 'cause he was laying in my bed that day. But wait. His testimony was that you sent that picture to somebody else. How can I send it to somebody else if he took it? Well, I mean, you could. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) No, I'm saying. He took the picture, though, in his phone. 'Cause you was in his phone plenty of times. You ain't never went through his phone? I went through his phone. But I'm saying did you send the picture to somebody else? Never. Why would I send myself a naked picture of myself to somebody else? But, Mr. Randall, so your brother did have doubts that he expressed to you explicitly that he didn't know if this child was his biological child. Yes, ma'am. But, you know, we all have our doubts, so that's why we're here now, so we can get to the bottom of this. JUDGE LAKE: So the stakes are very high for this baby. If your son is her biological father, she'll never know him. MR. RANDALL: Correct. Correct. What are your hopes? Are you hoping that A'Miracle is your brother's child? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) MR. RANDALL: If it is his baby, you know, I'm gonna be in that baby's life, for sure, you know, if Larissa gives me the opportunity to. All right. What are your hopes, Ms. Phillips? It ain't a hope, I know. I know it's his baby. It's no hope. I was with this man every day. You can look that he spit her out. (STUTTERING) What? He spit her out. Like... Look. PHILLIPS: The nose, the eyes... WILLIAMSON: But you can see that. This little girl... When I say this little girl looks just like this man, she used to look just like him. When I say her attitude... JUDGE LAKE: And, Ms. Williamson, before I go to the results Ms. Williamson, I want you to have a chance to respond. What are your sincere hopes for today? What are you feeling in this moment? Nothing. I'm not dealing with Larissa. I'm not gonna deal with her. I'm not gonna deal with her. If I... So let me ask you this. WILLIAMSON: If I got to be in that baby's life, I'll figure out some other kind of way, but she don't understand, it's called grandparent's right. So she cannot stop me from being in that baby's life, if I want to be in that baby's life. I most definitely can. Grandparent rights. I don't care what it's called. JUDGE LAKE: All right, listen! See what I mean? Guess what? PHILLIPS: I don't care. JUDGE LAKE: Listen, let's not go there. Let's not go there. After listening to the testimony, I do understand that you all have a contentious relationship. It's not about the baby. It's about this relationship, and that's what paternity issues do. Jerome, I'm ready for the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics, and they read as follows. WILLIAMSON: Dear Lord. JUDGE LAKE: Because there wasn't a blood card available to test the DNA of the deceased, Phillip Daniels, we performed a DNA test with his surviving mother, Toya Williamson. With that being said, the results determine if there is a viable relationship between the child, A'Miracle Phenomenal Daniels, and Toya Williamson. In the case of<i> Phillips v. Williamson,</i> when it comes to three-month-old A'Miracle Phenomenal Daniels, it has been determined by this court the percentage of relatedness between A'Miracle Phenomenal Daniels and Toya Williamson is 99.8%. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I told you, I know who my baby daddy is. I don't care. I've never been in that baby's life. I don't wanna be in that... I'm not gonna be in that baby's life. You don't have to. JUDGE LAKE: Listen. Hey, hey! We're not going dark when we just got to the light. It is your grandbaby. What do you want me to do? JUDGE LAKE: Listen! I just want you to understand. Take all the drama aside. I don't want you to miss the miracle in the moment, I don't. And I know this is hard. I truly hope in time you will reconsider and be a part of A'Miracle's life. She's going to need her village. And she's gonna need her grandmother. Mr. Randall, I wanna give you the opportunity to step into her life as you said you were going to. I know it's emotional for you. I know, honey. I know. (SNIFFLES) Losing your brother and losing your son is... That's enough to take anybody over the edge. Everybody in here is hurting on a level. There are no words to describe. And to be honest with you, Mr. Randall, I am so proud of you 'cause you're gonna be the closest thing she'll have to her daddy, and you know that, right? So, I ain't got no choice but to make sure his kid is straight. 'Cause if he was here, and I was in his place, he'd do the same. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Phillips, you okay, honey? Look at me. Are you all right? I just miss him. (SOBS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. I hope that you will give Ms. Williamson some space in this moment and also some grace. I wanna help you do that by sending you off to Dr. Jeff now, so that you can begin to talk through this. Honor your pain, honor your hurt, and most importantly, figure out how to move forward in a more positive way for A'Miracle. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: yVxCQx3SfEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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