Gold-Digging My Son: Woman Takes Advantage of Man 27-Years Older? (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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JUDGE LAKE: You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Hooks v. Payne.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Hooks, you say for three long years, the defendant, Ms. Payne, has been falsely accusing you of fathering her three-year-old daughter, Nevaeh. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You believe today's results will finally free you from her allegations. Ms. Hooks, you say your son is being taken advantage of by a gold digger who is 27 years his junior. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Payne, you say Mr. Hooks is Nevaeh's father, and today, you intend to prove it to him and his mommy. That's... (LAUGHS) Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Hooks, why do you believe your son is being taken advantage of? Explain to the court. She is a gold digger. I don't believe that he is the father of her child 'cause she lies, she cannot be trusted. So, you believe she's after your son for his money? A gold digger. LYDIA HOOKS: Yes. And what money do you have, Mr. Hooks? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Just askin'. I'm struggling, Your Honor. I don't have no money. I don't have no money. (LAUGHING) But you're saying you thought she probably thought since you're an older man and more established, you would be somebody that could take care of her. Yes. 'Cause you ain't a gold digger if he ain't got no gold. (ALL LAUGHING) So, Ms. Payne, I see that this is really bothering you. What are you feeling in this moment? I can see it in your eyes. Speak up. You had all that to say to me. Don't get quiet. Come on. What is it? LYDIA: Yes, talk your piece. You accused my son of being the father of your child, and I know he's not the father of your child. Your child don't look nothing like my son. Nothing like my son. My son has five children and they all look like him, and they got some of me, in my five grandchildren. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Payne, look at me. Look at me. I do this every day. Day in and day out, this is what I do. When a young woman stands before me and shuts down like this, that says to me that you have doubt. Do you have doubt? If you do, this is where you just be honest. No. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) I don't believe you. I don't believe you, honey. But I will move on. We're just taking the long way to the truth, but you better believe it, baby, we're gonna get there. We can take the long way if you want. And I'll just be on this journey with you. How'd you meet, Mr. Hooks? Well, Your Honor, I met her in Philadelphia in June in 2014. I was driving and I was going to a deli store, and I happened to see her on a corner, like, sippin' on a margarita. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) So I started to talk to her. I was like, "Why you out here by yourself sippin' on that?" And she was like, she was with her boyfriend. I said, "He's okay seeing you talking to me?" She told me that she just got into a fight, an argument with her boyfriend, another man, so... I said, "Well, you wanna come take a ride with me?" (AUDIENCE MEMBER EXCLAIMS) (CHUCKLES) So... Right in front of her boyfriend? ALFONSO HOOKS: Yes. You said, "You wanna take a ride with me"? ALFONSO: Yeah. And then what happened? She got in the car and we just took off. We went to my house. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) So you get to your house and what happens? She was still a little tipsy. So, you know, I was talking to her, and one thing led to another. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait, you were at the store... Yes. ...met Ms. Payne, said, "You wanna take a ride with me?" You all went to your house and you had sex? Uh, yes. JUDGE LAKE: That day? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Protected sex? Unprotected. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) What are y'all up here doing? (LAUGHING) Unprotected sex with a girl from the store. ALFONSO: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Payne, is this true? Is this how you and Mr. Hooks met? Yes, Your Honor. So, did this turn into a relationship after this? You have this one day... Was it a one-night stand or did you see each other again? No, he let me move in with him the next day. So, we was together. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE LAKE: Ooh, Lord. So, you meet him at the store, you have sex with him at his house, and then he says you can move in with him? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Was that because, what, y'all thought y'all was so in love after the sex? That's what she thought, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) Well, you let her move in. So, what's the point? I let her stay with me. I mean, it wasn't actually just move in. JUDGE LAKE: You told her she could stay with you. No, he took me to my boyfriend's house to go pick up all my belongings, and he took me back to his house. So you said to yourself, "If he's letting me move in and stay here, "he must really want a relationship with me." Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So you went and you lived with him? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: For how long? ANISHA PAYNE: From like June to the beginning of September. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, so that's, what, June, July, August... About four months. You lived with him. During that time, were you all functioning like you were in a relationship? Yes, Your Honor. That's not... That's not true, Your Honor. That's not true. It was only like two months and a half. I done left her. I broke up with her. I broke up with her, then went back with my ex. So you brought her in to only throw her out two and a half months later. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) No... No, no, not really. It's just, I... JUDGE LAKE: So, how'd you find out she was pregnant? I ran into her like maybe a month later, and she tells me... Her friend and her was walking, and I seen them, and she tells me that she was pregnant, like three months pregnant. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. So when you told him, what was his reaction? He was happy. ALFONSO: I was not. JUDGE LAKE: What was his reaction? What did he say? I was not, Your Honor. PAYNE: "Oh, well, that's my baby." 'Cause we... I didn't. (LAUGHS) I did not, Your Honor. No, I did not. I said I wanted to take a DNA test. And, um, we went to take the DNA test... Oh, not the DNA, the pregnancy test. And they said it was... How do you say that? Negative. Yeah, negative. It was negative. PAYNE: That was before we broke up. Wait a minute. You said the test was negative? Yes. Yes... JUDGE LAKE: So you took a pregnancy test before the break-up, and it was negative. Yes. And then like... Then, after the break-up, she sees you on the streets and says, "I'm pregnant, "and it's yours." ALFONSO: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So, immediately, you have doubt. Yes. You say, "We took a pregnancy test before we broke up." And she went back with another man, the same man that I'd seen, she said she was with, that she had an argument with before, you know, before me. JUDGE LAKE: Then you went back to your other boyfriend, Ms. Payne? Yes, but I was already pregnant. Did you tell the other boyfriend you were pregnant by him? Yes, Your Honor. There you go. So how am I the father then, Your Honor? Did he believe he was the father? PAYNE: No. ALFONSO: Yes, he did 'cause you told me. JUDGE LAKE: Who was with you when Nevaeh was born? PAYNE: My ex. And he signed her birth certificate. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) JUDGE LAKE: And he signed her birth certificate. So how am I the father, Your Honor? Yes, that's what I'd like to know. So, you submitted Nevaeh's birth certificate to the court, and under her name, there is a father's name. We've blurred it out. But that's your ex's name. Yes, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So that tells you I'm not the father. JUDGE LAKE: No, that don't tell me nothin'. (LAUGHS) You know what that tells me? Yes. Tells me you ain't got no business going out with a young girl that's not even mature enough to come in this courtroom... (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) ...and testify, not for her three-week-old child, her three-year-old child. ALFONSO: (SIGHS) Mmm. JUDGE LAKE: Can't put two sentences together. LYDIA: Can't be trusted. And I'm not gonna let you off the hook. You know why? 'Cause you're a mother. And mothers, we... We don't ever get let off the hook. (AUDIENCE MURMURING IN AGREEMENT) And every mother in here better say "Amen." WOMEN: Amen! Who did you tell her her daddy is? Alfonso. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: You tell her that Mr. Hooks is her father? Yes. 'Cause she's old enough now where she'd wanna know because other kids know their dad, "So, who's my dad? Where's Daddy?" And you say it's Mr. Hooks. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Hooks, do you have a relationship with Nevaeh? Yes. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You do? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: So, you formed a relationship with her even though you didn't believe she was yours? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And why is that? It's because, um... He's that type of man. He's that type of man. He will look out for a child and love a child. He's just that type of person. AUDIENCE: Aw. And he has a relationship with her. So, Ms. Payne, what kind of relationship does your ex have with Nevaeh? He don't have a relationship. He hasn't seen her since she was a baby. ALFONSO: That's not true, Your Honor. He had a relationship at the beginning. Like, maybe two years, 'cause she was still seeing him. She was seeing me too. She was like off and on. She gets mad at him, she comes, like, talk to make up with me. That's not true. So, you all actually got back together, where you said, "We're gonna work this out and raise Nevaeh together"? Yeah, on and off, when we were on good terms. What kind of mess is this? Messy. Very. Just about raggedy. You know, I can't stand some raggedy stuff. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) It's just raggedy. And you know what, Ms. Payne, how many children you have? Just Nevaeh? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Right. Okay. So you are a young mother who don't know what she doing. AUDIENCE: Mmm-hmm. You're not the first, you won't be the last, but sometimes, you just gotta be honest. 'Cause this is all over the place. AUDIENCE: Mmm-hmm. When you're ready to tell the truth, I'm ready to hear it. LYDIA: Honor, she don't know herself... 'Cause the plaintiffs lie, sometimes the defendants lie, but the DNA never lies. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And I can see, plain as day, you're lying. AUDIENCE: Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: You're not testifying to the whole truth. LYDIA: Yes, but we will find out today if my son is the father of her child. We will know today. 'Cause I do wanna know... What are you hoping for? You wanna know, but what are you hoping for? Have you come to love this baby? I mean, she's gorgeous. LYDIA: I'm hoping that my son is the father. JUDGE LAKE: You are? LYDIA: I'm hoping, yes. Because he has a bond with that little girl. He really does. So I'm hoping that he is the father. Mr. Hooks, what are you hoping for? I like her. I like... I like Nevaeh, but sometimes I don't want her to be my daughter. I don't want it because of the mother. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) Well, since everybody's talking about what they're hoping for, I'm gonna talk about what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping, Mr. Hooks, that after this situation is resolved, that you'll stop sniffing up behind young girls. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And this is the problem about meeting somebody at the store for five minutes, and inviting them into your car, taking them back to your house, and having unprotected sex with them. It leads to this. It leads to the point you could potentially have a child by a young woman who's just five years away from being a child. Mmm. You have other things you could be doing. With your time and with your life. ALFONSO: Yes. And with your anatomy. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: I'm being serious. Yeah. 'Cause a lot of this frustration, you brought this on yourself. Yes. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Because you knew, she told you from the get go, she had just had an argument with the boyfriend who was there. So you knew she was vulnerable in that moment, and I knew once you said "You wanna go for a ride," I said, "Here we go." Yes. JUDGE LAKE: We're on a ride, all right. Yeah. And drove yourselves straight to<i> Paternity Court.</i> (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) ALFONSO: Yeah. So we don't feel badly for you. Ms. Payne, and I'm hoping for you that Nevaeh will help you grow up and really get yourself together. AUDIENCE: Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: I'm concerned about you. I'm tough on young women like yourself because I can see right now, you don't have anybody in your life that challenges you, empowers you, and makes you be accountable for the things that you do. You're just all over the place. And what I hope is, at some point, you decide that honesty is a better policy. Jerome, I'm ready for the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Hooks v. Payne,</i> when it comes to three-year-old Nevaeh, it has been determined by this Court... Mr. Hooks. You... Are the father. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING AND APPLAUDING) I see your relief. You can smile. You can smile and you can also say it now... If you'd like... If you'd like to be honest, you can just say, "I didn't know. "I'm glad you are the father, but I didn't know." And it's okay to be honest. Okay. I didn't know. I'm glad he's the father, Your Honor. I am. I'm glad 'cause he got a good relationship with her. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Payne, look at me. Look at me and say it again. I didn't know. JUDGE LAKE: That's the truth. I knew you didn't know the whole case. And quite frankly, once Ms. Hooks said she really wanted Nevaeh to be her grandchild, and they hoped they knew, honestly, when I look at a young girl like you, just out here, flailing in the wind, I was in my mind, hoping, "Lord, let Ms. Hooks be this baby's grandmother because she needs somebody." You know what I want you to do? With Dr. Jeff? I want you to go back there and talk to him about how to begin to co-parent with Mr. Hooks, but I also want you to talk to him about your dreams for your life. Right? Yes, Your Honor. Because the best way you can give Nevaeh the thought that she can be anything she wants to be is if you do the same. AUDIENCE: Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: We clear? Yes, Your Honor. All right. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 62,747
Rating: 4.8851066 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: xuuzyQBy_-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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